x-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 8; Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plan) Phone TU. 4-1075 3! Appointment Plastering Painting NEW WORK & REPAIRS INTERIOR & EXTERIOR “SCOTTY†AV. 5-4448 H. D. Melsness, 0.0. Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET N. 5-4442 Thomhil]. Ont. Dahl & Son Construction COMPLETE ALTERATIONS ' CEMENI' & STONE WORK PLASTERING 8; CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged GENERAL CONTRACTORS landing Repairs 6.: Alteration- Draln and Concrete Work CHIROPRACTIC George S. Edwards CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8. Com. Bank of Nova Scotln Building Anton Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 Dr. J ."Perdicaris lindSTERING CONTRACTOI 5‘ KING ACCOUNTANTS Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Urner 4-1511 Richmond!!!“ *r. P. R. M acfarlane‘ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-5131 after 4 [1.111. 5453'/z YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna CENTRE “‘ AYVIEW PLAZA :._ VERIFY ACRES Building Trades MEDICALDENTAL “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it†Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4â€"1462 no PHONE TE. 3-52†Arthur G. Broad HARRISON? Custom Carpentry ‘ . moss IQFEICS TU. 4-3571 ILA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT EREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 Deciantis-Rice 31 Bedï¬rd Park Ave. Elchmond Hill N"rner 4-4251 DENTIST Gas Extractions IO Yonge St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Wm. Clubine DENTISTS 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 Z. E. Clark DENTAL THE LIBERAL, Richmond HillLOntario, Thursday, May 10, 1962 ‘3' Aopolntmen. TU. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY Sellwood Salon l'onnerly Bloor 8: louse Sta. ludlvldlul Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 1 80 Yonge St. South ‘ Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza, AL. “1'2590 TU. #1701 Richmond 3111 We personally handle all ule bills nu! advertising PHONE J ML?“ 5311 GORMLEY. ONT. Body a. Fender Benin Complete Reï¬nishing If you hlven't heard of our to- pntatlon. enquire from your friends All work (nnranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yongo St. Richvnie for appointment, oh. AV. 5-3631 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC {TV-APPLIANCES \ SALES REPAIRS ‘ PARTS 'I'Il.4-32“ Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons Richvale Auto Body HELEN SIMPSON LYNE'I'I' Helen Simpsdn Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association General Business Alvin S. Farmer Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience D. Albert ’Brown Coiï¬ures RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-1416 or 884-7003 Also Crescendo Colffures St. Clair Avenue West SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Coaches for all Occasions Langdon's Coach lines ltd. WIRING - RENTALS 40 LEVENDALE RD. SPECIALIZING m PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND v IMPLEMENTS ENGINEERING & ELECTRICAL FOR INFORMATION E. CHARITY 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL See Our Shop Leno’s Machine Shop GARAGES FLOWERS AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING Telephone TE. 3-5351 DEALER 17 Queen Street .6“ Suite 54.4 Toronto 1, Ontario 53191:; 5-2362. - King City, Ph. TE. 3-5451 Phone TE. 3-6684 Donald M. Findlay The Bunk of Nova Scotti Bullde AURORA, ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res; PA. 7-5048. Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N: Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-7191 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC ~ Gariepy and Mann ‘John S. Walkington Fire. Automobile, Plate Glas: Automobile Financing, :tc. Oflice 15 You" St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lune Richmond Hill 5m. 4-1219 Richmond mu TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Roy A. Phillips Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 For All, Your Insurance Needl 113 Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire, Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner #1551 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE H errington Insurance Agency Toronto VTROYEB NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Yonxo Street. Oak Ridges PR. 3-5071 Receiving Hours: 8 mm. - 6 p.111. or otherwise by Ippoinhnen. Ernie Brock & Son Humane Services PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by Improved S.P.C.A. Method Floyd E. Corner, 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Bank of Non Scotla Bum, Aux-on, Ontario Bumsters and Solicitors COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALplne 7-2621 Res. ALme 7-1224 Corner Agency Limited GENERAL INSURANCE INSURANCE 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill ' AVenue 5-1379 Kirby Brock Maple. Ont. Sinister, Solicitor, N 09:17 - NO CHARGE â€" Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Roy V. Bick A. Burnett General Insurance lEGAL ‘ CATS St. - TE. 3-5288 363-3959 City Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions ï¬tted 5: Remix: 31 YONGE ST‘ NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 ‘ EYES EXAMINED ‘ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED " CONTACT LENSES ‘ OPTICAL REPAIRS \ Hours 10 . 6 daily 1 Saturday 10 - 2 E Evenings By Appointment ROOM 205 LOWRIE BUILDING 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL A. W. Kirchen, 12.0. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 p.111. including 5“. EU. 8-8949 Evening: by appointment J. 0. Horvat,B.A., o.D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Stiver, Vale, “eppiatt, Errington BARRISTERS, soucn'ons, ‘ monnms K. M. R. Stlver. QC. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Penman, ILA. i William Errington. 3. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph. :TW. 5-4571, Newman-ht, '. Rabinowitch, BA.‘ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ ‘Toronm omce . 18 Toronto so. ‘ Phone EM. 8-5877 T. C. Newman, Q. C. BARRISTER 8: SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrlo Building 15 Yonzo St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Alta-noon TUrner 4-1551 Stuart Parker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL '1 Duflerin St. AV. 5-1477 James H. Timmins Banister, Solicitor & Natal-i Public 15 YONGE 51‘. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Oï¬ice TUmer 4-1780 F. L. Lowrie, R.0. Norman A. Todd, Marguerite Boyle 9.30 a 5.30 Weekdays Wednes' 3' Saturday Alta-mom†by :spéoln‘men. 0901! India Night; Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. Elocutlon. Public Spenklnx Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALLW Thomhill OPTOMETRY Residence “Inn 4-1863 By Appointment 65 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill on!“ 15 Yonze Street No AV. 5-5144 Thomhul Ofllco AV. 5-1197 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public MUSICAL .AVenue 5-3165 THORNHILL TU. 4-4641 LEGAL (Contlnued) TU. 4-1543 It was noted that a tea and sale will be held at the Ina Grafton Gage home, O'Connor Drive, Toronto, May 10, when York Presbyterial women will be hostesses. 120th Anhh’ersary At Brown's Corners It was‘ a joyful day for the small ch Ch on No. 7 Highway. just Wes of Don M-llls Road, May 6, :.heu Brown's Corners United Mrs. Jean Cook. Mrs. H. R. Paterson, Mrs. K. Srtots and Mrs. James McQuay were hostesses last Wednesday when Bmwn’s Corners United Church Women met at the church for their May meeting. Mrs. Stots and Mrs. Paterson conducted the devotional ser- vice, and Mm. Cook read a pa- per based on Luke. entitled “Sunrise and Sunset". Mrs. John Donaldson will en- Phillips of Schneider's for his tertain at a quilting on May 15, part in making the evening suc- when work will be done for the ceSSful and enjoyable. The ï¬lms bale. Bale packing will be held flown were one of the Schneider‘ at the church June 6, with lun- plant and a travelogue of Eur-‘ cheon to follow and an after- 0139- ‘ noon meeting of the U.C.W. Recall“? (301190“!!! Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mrs. G. MTS- Jean Bushell says a real cakes, Mrs, w. Brumweu and thank you was earned by thOse Mrs, F. K Leaf. Clothing for who received her and the cancer the {me will be for overseas society collectors when they relief this year, and clean wear- were Wt “meeting- able clothing of all types is re. Measles and chicken-pox are quested, with special emphasis the “d†°f the day. in some 0‘ on men's wear. (Shoes and hats the homes 1“ can-“ne- are excepted). “3133133355 :‘i‘iflffl- 583‘} \ Many former members and friends of Brown's Corners Un- ll‘ted Church were present for .the 120th anniversary services ilast Sun-day, as well as friends ‘from Headford and Victoria ‘Square congregatlons. Among them were Mrs. Walter Brooke lot Toronto; Miss Rhea Scott, ‘Mr. Wm. Spears and Miss Nan- cy Spears, all of Markham; Mr. ‘and Mrs. Robert Thompson and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerswlll of Unlonville; Miss Jean Mulr- ‘head: Mr. and Mrs. Lame Dim- m-a, Cedar Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson and sons, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boynton and Miss Ellen Boynt-on, Thomhill; Mr. and Mrs. scan Bartlett. Newmarket; Miss Isabel Hood, London; Rev. and Mrs. Roscoe Chapln. Uniomrille. 1Mrs. Richard Trlbbling “The art of cake icing and decoration" will be an item of special interest on the prog- ‘ramme. Mrs. Miller of Rich- mond Hill will demonstrate. Co- hos'tesses will be Mrs. Donald‘ Reesor, Mrs. Clayton Jones and Mrs. A-lnley. Members are asked; to remember the roll call â€" “a: toy for the Sunday school nur- sery", (something washable, without paint or sharp edges). United Church Women Mrs. Ray Grant was soloist. and Mrs. S. J. English accom- panied her on the piano as she sang. Another bride-to-be, Darlene Kennedy of Un'ionville, was en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brumwell last Friday. Darlene will be the bride of Nell Brumwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brumwell. Guests at the miscellaneous shower were relatives and friends. ‘ W.I. women v-lslted Channel 9 last Tuesday when three pro- grammes of “To Tell The Tru¢h" were taped. Mrs. Charles Hoop- er. Mrs. James Rod-10k and Miss Mary Rodick each had a car full of passengers. This week a group will visi-t the “Take A Chance" programme. Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. Rus- sell Boyington, Mrs. Joe Robin- son, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. Curtis, Miss Mary Rodde and Mrs. F. H. Leaf were guests of the Markham unit of the York Central Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary last Wednesday at St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Markham. A ï¬lm on auxiliary work at Greenwich Hospital was shown and a talk on the history of auxiliaries was given by Mrs. J. C. MacMicking of 'the Mark- ham branch. Church Anniversary Donna Palmer was guest of honour at a miscellaneous show- er given by friends at Brown's Corners United Church last Monday. Donna and David Dur- ant of Markham will be married Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Palmer en- tertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter last Saturday. The newly formed Unit No. 1, Brown's Corners Church Wom- en, will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Richard Tribbling, Don Mills Road, at 17th Ave., Tuesday. ' Telephone 147 Yonu St. N. Office ' TU. 4-1432 Richmond um KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 240 KING ST. KING CITY Neighborhood Notes Ontario Land Surveyors 105 WIllowdale Ave., Willowdale Ont. BA. 5~3031 Res. George T. Yates. 0.L.S. 53 Bedlord Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON VETERINARY SURVEYORS Yates & Yates BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. n. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 "5' At boro Township's 1962 budget said, “These children are real- ' 1 3 shows that a total of $4,834,-1y pacing themselves to per- iul day for the 930 will be spent on capilal faction. I feel that competition ' 1 NO- 7 Highway.lexpenditures during the year. such as this is very good for all )on Mills Road, Approximater $2,171,310 of of us â€" for I learn so much Brown's Corners the total will be spent on sewers myself. It is not always the best ‘ation celebratedllt was laid. ~ dancer who M118. either. but In Plan School For Rural \Ministefs Al 0.7A. C. ISCARBORO TOWNSHIP : Scar- We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burner Senior, Camille Road West, many more wedding an- niversaries. we understand they had their 50th anniversary just recently. Mrs. Middleton thanked the ladies who helped in the house- cleaning of the church who Were able to come. The June meeting of the U.C.W. will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Bone. The date was ual strawberry is to be June 26‘ The Schneider Supper held Friday evening at Camille Un- ited Church was quite success- ful. Ernie Bone thanked Ron Phillips of Schneider's for his part_ln meklng the evenlngguc- A committee of rural minis- ters met this week to plan for the 13th annual school for rural clergymen which ls to be held at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege during the last week of ‘Juxy. Rev. Kenneth Bagneii, BA.†B.D., assistant editor of “The! United Church Observer", was‘ guest speaker in the morning. with Rev Dr. A. F. Binningtnn‘ conducting the service, and the Brown‘s Corners choir suppin ing music. Two anthems were sung: “O God Our Help in‘ Ages Past," with Mrs. Clayton Jones singing the soprano solo,‘ and “Send Out Thy Light". with Mrs. S. J. English direct- ing and Mrs. Donald Rees-or at the organ. Jack Gough and his‘ daughter, Mrs. Ray Gram, sang a duet. In the evening Rev.i Hugh MacDonald of Thornhili, and the choir from Thomhill United Church, under the dir- ection of H. Martin, were guests. Both services were well attend- ed, and many friends and for- mer members were present. Buttonville W1. will sponsor a hair styling demonstration at Buttonville W.I. Hall Wednes- day afternoon. Women of the neighbourhood are invited to attend. Carrvilie United Church Wo- men held a meeting on May 2, with 16 ladies present. It was especially pleasant to have Mrs. J. Anderson at the meeting. She is one of the life members, and is sometimes unable to attend. Mrs. J. Barton read the scrip tugs, explanations and prayer. The only one of its kind in Canada, the school is undenom- inational and last year was atâ€" ‘tended by more than 100 repre- sentatives of eight denomina- tions. The purpose of the school, under the direction of Padre W. A. Young. College Chap- lain. is to provide for discussion ‘of the problems that modern farmers are facing. and to give rural ministers a greater know- ledge of the basic principles of agriculture in relation to hum- an welfare and the function of the church in the rural com- ‘munity. its 120th anniversary. Numbered amongst the old~ est in York County, this congre- gation began as a small Pres- byteria-n group before the days of the MacKenzie RebelllOn. Today, the enrollment is in excess of 200 members, and is grgwlng steadily. Following the evening service special guests and friends of the congregation were entertained in the Christian Education room. with members of the Brown's Corners choir as hosts. Hair Styling Display Rev. H. R. MacDonald was in charge of the service at Carr- vflle United Church, May 6. He announced he would be giving a talk on C.F.G.M. each Sunday ‘evening for some months to come. The name of the program “‘Falth at Work". He hoped that he may be heard by some of the Carrville congregation, es- pecially senior citizens who are unable to attend services. Mrs. Jean Bushell says a real thank you was earned by those who received her and the cancer society collectors when they were out collecting. 7 The school is a family affair. and the ministers are invited to bring their wives and fami- lies. Special programs are pre- pared for the wives and child- ren. The two main courses offerâ€" ed are rural sociology and agriculture. The program also includes a visit to the Stratford Festival, a family picnic, and tours of various departments on the campus including ï¬he Ont- ario Veterinary College. Hostesses will be Mrs. John Wilkins, Mrs. Jean Cook and Miss Mary Rodrick. Falls. Injures Foot Patricia Patterson suffered a painful injury last Saturday when she was thrown from her horse. Patricia is wearing a heavy cast on her foot this week, but whether a bone was broken or a ligament was torn wasn’t clear. CARRVIllE Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 ‘OWNSHIP : Scar- Summing it all up Mr. Moore lp's 1962 budget said, “These children are real- total of $4,884; 1y pacing themselves to per- spent on capital fection. I feel that competition during the year: such as this is very good for all set for 'thé an- supper which .A. C. ' ' minisJDenms Moore Pupils ' Dlan for ?“" Penny Parmenter, well-known l llrns1for her dancing in Richmond}““““‘-“““ ' éï¬eflmll. and now a senior pupil of‘ the Dennis Moore School, be-- Lcame a gold medalist for herll l.ealfjazz routine in “Walking with {loge my babyâ€. and received very I ncer good commentary for her dam-3' ,havlcing style from Miss Johnston»: l“‘\' on, Richmond Hill. “Smiling faces .. attractive costumes .. neat appearance .. precise and good character, In interpreting the dancesâ€, were some of the many comp- liments bestowed on the young stars from Mr. Moore‘s school, by Adjudica‘tor Joyce Johns/ton of Windsor. 3 The tiniest, and the brightest \star was. the Rose of Richmond Hill, Darlene Harcourt, who won two gold and one silver medal. Miss Johnston said of Darlene, “This child has a lovely per- sonality. a remarkable memory. taps very clear, and her time is ‘good.†Darlene's father, Ron Harcourt, accompanied her as usual at the piano, while she ldanced. Richmond Hill dancers. Diane Kosowan, Janice Goodman, John Turner, Sandra Harris, Czintra Stepalnovis, Brenda Armstrong, Patricia Cooney and Diana San- lon, each won a silver medal for their dance, “Steam Heat". Pupils of Dennis Moore's Rich- mond Hill and Lakeshore Dan- cing Schools, danced off with 41 medals, at the Peel Festiv- al held in Brampton on Friday and Saturday of last week, al- most doubling the honors over their nearest competitors. Se- cond place went to a dance school which won 29 medals, and a third school won 25. Costumes were designed by Mr. Moore, hair styling was by D. Albert Brown Coiffure Sal- The Housewives and Business Girl's' “Jazz Group", Betty Smith, Evelyn Turner, Penny Parmenter and Jane Fumerton, took a silver medal and were told they “stayed well together. Their bodies were very grace- ful and their arm movements were good." Their dance was the ï¬nale. 42 dancing schools from all over Ontario competed. There were 27 class competitions, and pupils from the Dennis Moore School of Dancing entered 17 of these, with a total of 67 entrants. many of whom were repeaters,. not only in competi- tion, but in winning medals. Freddy Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hill, who just recently moved from Richmond Hill to Creemore, also entered the com- petition. driving 91 miles from his new home with his parents to compete. Needless to say he was tired when he started dan- cing. but despite this won hon- orable mention for his dancing, which was just one point he- hind that of the bronze medal- ist in his class. Molly Pitman. Janice Elford, Heather Hughes, Donna For- sythe. Jean Tibando, Carol Russ, Valerie and Dorene Eccles, of the Lakeshore studio, each re- ceived a silver medal for their tap group; and in the same group, Johnny Turner and Ed- die Miller of Richmond Hill won bronze medals. Darlene received her ï¬rst gold medal for a demi-classlcal number, “The Indian Dance", her second gold, for a tap number, and the ballet number, “Babe’s in Toylrand", brought her a silver medal. Many [alentgdjerfformers Janice Elford from Lakeshore won ï¬ve medals, bronze and sil- ver, and was told she had a nice smile and was a very good charater dancer. Craig Shuttleworth of Rich- mond Hill, who won a silver medal, was told by the adjudic- ator he had “powerful feet and a terrgfjc personality". Czintra Stepanovis was award- ed the gold medal for ballet, and in the same "group Dorene Eccles won the silver medal. Win 4| Medals At Peel Jane Fumerton of Richmond‘: Hill. tied for the bronze medal“ with Gail Rurak of Lakeshore; because of one of those things. that can happen -â€" to frustrate} not only the dancer but the teacher. Her beehive hairdo had]‘ not been lacquered before she’ started dancing, and one strand ‘ ‘of hair fell over her face, caus- llng her to lose a mark. I Summing it all up Mr. Moore said. “These children are real-I 1v oacinz themselves to her- w WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars ‘SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic Young's B. A. Service___Station: Richmond Hill Silver Medal Winner CRAIG SHUT’I‘LEWORTH the one who has what the ad- judicator is looking for, appeals most." The newt milestone for his dancing group is their annual recital in June. It will be held at Eaton Auditorium. The First Jefferson Cubs are now preparing for the closing of another season of Scouting. To celebrate and more ï¬ttingly end the year's activities, the Cubs will attend the York Summit District Annual Cub Rally. The} “Rally†is to be held on June 9 at the Thornhill Park. The public, especially the parents, are invited to attend. ‘ Neighbourhood Notes i Church News Preacher next Sunday, May 13, at St. John’s Church, Jeff- erson, will be Captain Arthur Hillen of the Anglican Church Army. Captain Hillen is to be commissioned May 11, at St. James Cathedral in Toronto. The Most Reverend H. H. Clark, D.D., Primate of Canada, will be commissioning the Church Army graduates. Cubs Congratulations to Mrs. Ann and Mrs. Mary Bales, prize Win- ners at the draw held by the On- tarlo Poultrymen's Association at Woodbridge, Saturday, April 28. Mrs. H. G. Robertson and dial:- ghter Mabel Louise, of Brookï¬ side Drive, spent the week-end with Mrs. Robertson's sister-1m} law, Mrs. J. B. Eppes. at her home In Waterloo, near Kltâ€"‘ chener. While there Mabel vis- ited her Ranger Captain. Mrs. C.‘ Davidson and completed her preâ€"enrollment tests. Congratulations Best wishes to Mrs. L. Harn- den, organist and choir leader at St. John's Church. Jefferson, who recently produced a very successful musical concert at King High School. The concert, for the two King City Public School students was presented Saturday. May 5, under Mrs. Hamden's very capable direc- tion. The audience quite packed the King City High School audi- ‘torium. mapr Birthday The sympathy o! the com- munltv is extended to Mr. Dou- glas Snell, Elem Mills Side Road -â€" in the loss of his uncle Dr. Herbert Bowles of Orangeâ€" v111e, Ontario. The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Many 'happy- returns of the day to Miss Lynda Patton on May 18. B“ We MILLER Keele Street Maple, Ont. ELGIN MILLS 8. JEFFERSON NEWS GROWER â€"- FLORIST Correspondent Mabel Louise Robertson Brookslde Road TU. 4-1396 Yonge & Benson PHONE ALplne 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 QQQEEEEEEEEEEES Since 1880 TU. 4-0009 Save with State Farm's low In- surance rates {or careful drlvn us. See me. ’ The top element gives fast recovery when there is a. heavy demand for hot water. The lower element provides storage for fu- ture use. “ Low cost RentaI Plan $1.70 per month plus cost of power. Let Us Discuss Our Hot Water Service With You STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS RICHMOND HILL HYDRO TU. 4 - 35H James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Cunadlan Head Oflice, Toronto, Ont. 'AWOMIILIIIWMMMA‘ STATE FARW MUTUAL Richmond Hill