9002 Yonge Richvale AV. 5-439l spams run: UP For Your Outboard Motor When You Need A Business Service GUARANTY TRUST @IBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thggsidray. May 10. 1952 Use "THE IIBERAI." BUSINESS DIRECTORY and CLASSIFIED ADS lIST YOUR SERVICE NOW SURF MARINE EXPERT REPAIRS FOR EVINRUDE & JOHNSON BOATS REPAIRED. REFINISHED 866 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 In This Proï¬table Classiï¬cation. Put Your Name in Print. Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read It Weekly. Get Your Share Of The Proï¬ts! For Fast Service Phone .Metro Toronto Offices mmw ï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬ COMPANY OF CANADA 0N TERM DEPOSITS 'I'II. 4-1105 - 6 AV. 5 - 3316 Qï¬Â§Â§Â§Â§%§ Home Paper of the District Since 1878 Nursing Homes Auto Parts Air Conditioning Dressmaking Driving Schools Plumbing & Heating Building & Supplies Carpentry Eavestroughing Electrical Work Lawn Mowers Monuments Movers & Storage Mattresses HERE ARE A FEW OF THE SERVICES OFFERED DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-6453 Use the handy reference guide offered weekly in The "Liberal" Classified Advertising Columns and the Business Directory Plastering Painting & Decorating Radio & TV Service Surveying Typewriters Washer Repairs Welding Upholstering Rental Service Rooï¬ng Septic Tank Service Heating Specialists Fuel Landscaping Decisions made at the meet- ing could mean one of the most signiï¬cant changes in Ontario municipal government since the formation of Metropolitan. Tor- onto in 1953, as it is possible that the ï¬ve municipalities will consider detaching themselves from York County. They con- tribute more than 50% of the population, assessment and ï¬n- ancial aid to the county and feel that their problems are vastly different from those of the nor- theln municipalities. They are already under the jurisdiction of the Metro planning area and‘ appear to be headed for rapid Joining in the May 24th meeting will be Murray V. Jones, Metropolitan Toronto Planning Commissioner; Grant Crawford. director of the In- stitute of local government at Queen's University, formerly provincial deputy minister of municipal affairs, and Prof. Ed~ ward C. Pleva, head of the geo- graphy department of the Univ- ersity of Western Ontario. Leave County? Richmond Hill Meet May 24 t Little Metro To Have lmportanti Bearing On Future Southern Area Reeve Norman Goodhead of North York has come;developineiit in the next fei\|1950's but was disbanded in out strongly in favour of the possible formation of allears' 1960 when Vaughan Township . . l ' ' 1 ', h ‘ .' ' ‘- .~ , - - ‘ , - “Little Metro†by the TOWDShIpS of Markham andt1:31:31‘gongigeflï¬enggl‘ï¬jg’;‘;_“gtgdgewlyvhadlorlglnglg ‘ï¬' Vaughan, the Town of Richmond Hill and the Villag‘eSflion of water and sewerage ser- c u e 0") aug‘a" 3†‘ at ' . . l . . . ham Townshi s and the Town of Markham and Woodbridge. Representatives ofiVICeSwncmeratorfaCIlities.i)01- p . _ of Richmond Hill. these municipalities Will meet with a special co-ordin-IIce mm’ “anspor‘am†and M‘""â€"â€" . . . . . . , i l . It 1d 1- ating committee at Richmond Hill High School on May $1;ng sssflgg‘oog‘iï¬nlï¬â€˜m‘i’gaq S t F 24th to commence What IS expected to be a year long assessment and the formation of: e o1 enquiry into consolidation. an administrative body to man-l 'T'hp nn-m-dinah'mr cnmmit’rpp nnnqiqtina nf Mmynviage the uniï¬ed Servmes- 5 The co-ordinating committee, consisting of Mayor‘ge “'9 James Haggart, Reeve Floyd Perkins and Clerk R. Lyn-l 1‘ is l ett of Richmond Hill, Reeve Albert Rutherford andl°£oï¬i$ Clerk Jim McDonald of Vaughan Township, Reeve R. Sprawl f Norn Garriock of the Village of Woodbridge, Mrs. A.,Reeve W M. Walker, Reeve of Markham Village, and Markham m“? T0“. Village Clerk Mr. H. Graham, and Mr. H. c. T. Crisp, 331:2“ Clerk of the Township of Markham, met for a break- atlng cc fast meeting today (Thursday, May 10th), at the La municipé Cantina Restaurant in Richmond Hill to make ï¬nal gammg plans for the conference. Reeve Wilfred R. Dean of (maï¬a 1; the Township of Markham and Clerk Bert Young of Second f Woodbridge, were unable to attend. A 7co- FOR FINE JOB PRINTING PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 Mayor James Haggart tooki exception to the fact that the police committee had not cal-l :led for public tenders in the“ tpurchase of these signs. Council- llor A1 White reported that the prices had only been handed lto the police committee by iChieI Robbins a few minutes lbefore the council meeting. The .quotations had never been dis- cussed in committee as is the‘ usual procedure. Councillor White stated three quotations} had been received and that the SCARBORO To accelerate the program over this whole district. and have it well underway before summer vacations commence â€" and children and parents be- gin water activities in earnestâ€" the Richmond Hill and District Branch of the Red Cross held ian organization meeting last night, Wednesday (May 9). It was attended by representatives} ‘from all local service clubs and Iforganizations in the areal iAppoint Disaster Services \ Chairman Township council has aSKeu me all nursery schools in the mgr ici-pality be inspected. The 1: spection has sparked 2 a result of compla'n‘ts that sum , l\’lI‘. iViumoerson IS to be [chairman of the disaster serv- ices for the local branch of the Red Cross. The disaster com- ,mittee is the core of the Red iCross Society, and works both :in war and peacetime. ‘ The chairman also drew at- itention to the fact that no cam- paign for Red Cross funds would be instituted by the local branch at this time, stating, “The drive for funds for the new York Central Hospital ‘must take precedence, we may be able to start our campaign this fall." What Program Is 1 He then introduced Mr. Mac- Adam. director of instructor wmner W111 nave a two-ween holiday at a Red Cross super- vised camp â€" and may be pre- sented with his or her award by Marilyn Bell. In endorsing the safety cam- paign, William Hamilton, chair- man of the blood donor clinic for the local Red Cross said, “I’ll get behind this as much as I can. and give it all the time I can.†Mr. Mumberson applauded the forward step the branch is taking, stating, “This is a splendid way to cement public relations between the public and the Red Cross. With so many drownings each year, we are taking a very important step towards safety, tonight.†training. national division iA “HPAIIQDI IPII‘Iï¬CDQ1 Mr. Bailie received his ap- pointment as returning officer a scant two months prior to the issuance of the writ setting the election date. This left him very little time to carry out one of his most important duties. the revision of the polling subdiv- isions. A polling subdivision must be broken in two when- ever the number of voters reaches 350 and the tremendous: influx of people into the York North riding the past few years has made it almost impossible to keep the revisions up to date. 208 Polling Subdivisions York North now has 208 poll- ing subdivisions. the greater part of which are now classi- ï¬ed as urban subdivisions. Each of the urban subdivisions has two enumerators, while rural‘ In reply to questions regard- ing the hours of parking Police Chief R. P._ Robbins stated the only changes will be in the matter of morning and after- noon rush hours. Public Tenders Prior to calling on Malcolm MacAdam, guest speaker at the Thursday night meeting, Mr. Bultlin welcomed Deputy-Reeve Lawson Mum‘berson of Mark- ham Township to the executive board. ‘Mr. Mumberson is 10 be chairman of the disaster serv- ices for the local branch of the Red Cross. The disaster com- mittee is the core of the Red Cross Society, and works both in war and peacetime. Richmond Hill Town Council Monday approved a recommend- ation of the police committee (Deputy-reeve Broadhurst, and Councillors MacDiarmld and White) for the purchase of 141 traffic signs for the complete re-signing of Yonge Street from Markham Road to Leven- dale. They will purchase the signs from Kenny Signs of Tor- onto at a cost of $1,500. The town will seek a provincial sub- sidy of 75% towards their total cost. Mr. Passmore told those pres-: ent, the Red Cross Water Safe- ty program was introduced last year at Richildaca Day Camp, and that as a result of its suc- cess, and the number of young swimmers who received Red Cross swimming cards. the cam , run by Bill Babcock of Richmond Hill, will have a small artiï¬cial lake this sum- mer. The highly instructive water safety program will include swimming and boating lessons for children in this branch's area, which embraces Thorn- h‘ill, Aurora. Maple and Mark- ham. and all points in between. ApprovePurchase$1500 Yonge St. Traffic Signs Jack Passmore. Jefferson, a former president of National Division, volunteered ’his serv- ices for the campaign and was appointed Chairman of Water Safety. “We will shelve all other pro- jects. and get to work imme- diately on a Water Safety Pro- gram," Chairman Ed Butlin announced last Thursday at a committee meeting of the Rich- mond Hill and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. The Red Badge For Water Safety loncal‘Red Cross Launches Program hldn'en than am Will Instruct Youngigrold )WNSHIP nts that some Idling more i that .n- It is hoped that the pooling d of resources will help meet the n problem of continuing urban R sprawl from the Toronto area. A, Reeve Wilfred R. Dean of Mark- lm hom Township feels that Metro- ‘ politan Toronto should have a ’13! representative on the co-ordin- .k- ating committee as the ï¬ve La municipalities are. in fact. or- 1al ganizing on a larger scale in f order to co-operate with the Metro government. Trustee Ron Firman of the town public school board met with the police committee on May lst regarding the use of [school grounds for recreation |after regular hours. The school 'board has been considering the closing of the grounds after hours because of a rash of brok- en windows and other damage to school buildings. Solicitor J. ‘D. Lucas informed the commit- tee that the municipality has no legal authority to pass a by- law deï¬ning and restricting the type of activities that can be carried on on school property. There had been some thought that the tPWn's parks by-law might be made applicable to the school yards. It was suggested that the school board prepare a list of rules and l“Sgllléltions covering the use of 5919001 .WO‘ Water safety week will be held across Canada from June 3-9 ,inclusive. During May CFTO~TV will run a two-week Red Cross Water Safety pro- gram. It will be a Limerick Contest on the Professors’ Hide- away hour. Children entering from grades 4 to 8 will com- pete for awards, and the ï¬nal winner will have a two-week holiday at a Red Cross super- vised camp â€" and may be pre- sented with his or her award by Marilyn Bell. Perty g'fteri liréxir; and Submit the list no the police comm"' tea for study. “But the ï¬rst and most im- portant stepâ€, Mr. 'MacAdam said, “is to get the local serv- ice clubs, and those interested in a Wat-er Safety program for the children. working at once." “Water Safety", he said. “means the mastering of such techniques as swimming pro- perly, life-saving and the cir- cumvention of the growing hazards attached to boating.†Use Nearest Waterways Councillor Mrs. Margaret Southwell was also critical of the failure of the police com- mittee to call for public ten- ders. She said there are three local ï¬rms that could have ten- dered on these signs. In replv Chief Robbins maintained there are only three ï¬rms in the Toronto-Oshawa area who make these type of signs. The chief also contended that the calling of public tenders would- n’t have produced any better prices. And Mr. MacAdlam replied to this saying full instruction can be given despite this hvandica-p. “In some communities". he said. “the nearest stream or river is used for a water safety program.†And added, that quite frequently a Red Cross Branch has been instrumental in swinging public interest to- wards the development of a community pool. bid of the Kenny ï¬rm was the lowest. School Grounds “We must ï¬rst of all have qualiï¬ed swimmers from your area, who can be trained in Red Cross methods. They will be trained by us and return to in- struct in their own communi- ties. Possibly, some will even- tually be hired by service clubs or your municipality for this work.†the speaker said. Another beneï¬cial aspect of the program would be the knowledge parents would glean from their children's interest in the course on water safety. Chairman Burtlin pointed out that Richmond Hill does not have a public swimming pool. water safety, who outlined in full the value of a water safety program to save lives. Second Try A co-ordinating committee was ï¬rst formed in the late The York North Returning Office at the home of Federal Returning Officer Warren R. Bailie, Concord, is the scene of frenzied activity these days as Mr. Bailie together with elec- tion clerk. Mrs. Audrey Boron and Mrs. Elizabeth Bailie cope with the mass of detailed work required to set the wheels in motion for the coming election on June 18th. These kits have now been re- turned to the returning office and each one must be checked to see that everything is pres- ent and correct, all receipts in ‘order. badges returned. etc. In the meantime. the returningV of- ï¬cer is busy making arrange- ments with various printer ones have just one enumerator. By April 30th. all these enum- erators had received their kits sent out by the returning Offic- er and his staï¬. and had scatter- ed throughout the riding enum- erating the voters, and compil- ing the information from which the voters‘ lists will‘be printed. WarrenBaiIie,Returning OfficerIsVery Busy Man Big Day Is June 18 The men behind the scenes! Doug Bellis, stage manager, and Denny Featherstonhaugh, lighting dir- ector, of the Curtain Club’s festival winning produc- tion of “Don’t Listen Ladiesâ€, crating the scenery prior to its dispatch this week for Winnipeg. The play will be presented in the Dominion Drama Festival on May 19th at the Playhouse Theatre. (Photo by Cross) lents with various pr'm hroughout the area to print WARREN BAILIE Federal Returning Officer e a copy of the All Set For Winnipeg The returning officer also has the task of arranging advance polls where any voter who will be absent on June 18th may appear to make his affidavit to this effect and cast his vote. There will be approx- imately 10 such advance polls in York North. There are an estimated 53.600 voters in the riding, but when all the numer- ators reports are in, it is ex- pected that the ï¬nal number Nomination day has 'been set for June 4th and the nomina- tion meeting will be held in Newmarket. Immediately after ‘this is held, the returning officer must have the ballots printed having made the necessary ar- .rangements with several prin- ters earlier. Then the ballot boxes are ï¬lled with the neces- sary ballots and other infor- mation and sent out to the de- puty returning officers through- ‘out the riding. , In the meantime. arrange- ;ments must be completed for courts of revision before which any voter omitted from the list may appear and have his name added. Rural enumerators form their own courts of revision and rural voters are so advised. 1rural voters will ï¬nd their lists posted throughout their area, Getting these lists mailed out to the voters is in itself a formid- able task. Arrangements have been made with the ladies of Maple United Church to do the job and the ladies will congre- gate at the church on May 23rd to address and ï¬ll the envelopes’ It is expected that it will take between 30 and 40 ladies at least one day to get the job done. The ladies will turn the money they earn this way over to their church. Advance Polls in York North. There a estimated 53.600 voters i riding, but when all the n ators reports are in, it pected that the ï¬nal m will be in excess of this Nomination Day The official addition of the votes takes place the week after the election. After that, all the election materials â€"â€" enumer- ators‘ kits, ballot boxes. every- thing. must be parcelled up and sent back to Ottawa. Mr. Bailie reports that not only has he had the best coâ€" operation from his enumerators but the representatives of the three political parties have all been most co-operative and helpful to him in his work. So you see it is not only the candidates for office who work hard prior to an election. And if you see Mr. Bailie sporting a few grey hairs after June 18th. you will know why. It is to be hoped that a part of his duties after the election will be to have a good long rest! SCARBORO : An amendment to the assessment act brought to light at a township counml meeting recently could reduce certain land assessment to abou'; $110. The land affected would Pierre Berton, nationally fam- ous newspaper columnist and TV personality, is to address a District Rally of‘ Rotary Clubs in Newmarket on Wednesday. May 16th. He will be speaking in support of the Canadian Peace Research Institute. head- ed by Dr. Norman Z. Alcock. LIBERAL CLASSIFlEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 ST. PASCHAL BAYLON 5TH. ANNUAL SHOW Friday - Saturday - May", 12th., 8pm. NORTH VIEW HEIGHTS COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Bathurst and Finch TAKE NOTICE THAT 3. The area upon which such water rate is to be levied is as follows: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Vaughan intends to apply to The On- tario Municipal Board for approval of the con- struction of watermains hereinafter mention- ed, at an estimated cost of $77,300 which shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable over a term not exceeding twenty years, and intends to charge the cost thereof, including debenture charges, and cost of maintenance and management, upon the lands in a deï¬ned area known as Concession One (North) Water Area. PROCLAMATION Clean Up Paint Up Week W. J. HAGGART NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN T0 DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS The week of May 13-19 is hereby pro- claimed CLEAN UP - PAINT UP WEEK in the Town of Richmond Hill for 1962. tion of the Town of Richmond Hill TICKETS AT NORTHVIEW BOX OFFICE Adults $1.00 School Children 25c It is proposed to raise the annual payments by: (a) a special rate on all the rateable property in the deï¬ned area which shall be a speci- ï¬c sum sufficient to pay the said payment after taking into account receipts obtain- ed from clauses (b), (c) and (d) hereof or from any other source; (b) a special tax in each year of 4 mills in the dollar according to the assessed value of the land fronting or abutting upon any highway in, through or along which the watermains are laid; (c) a special rate of 20 cents per foot front- age upon the land fronting or abutting upon any highway in, through or along which the watermains are laid; ‘ (d) a. charge of water rates to consumers; The following is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having a frontage of 103 feet and assessed at $2,800.00 frontage tax -â€" (103 feet X 20c) $20.60 Special levy ($2,800 assessment CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS on: 1) YONGE STREET (Highway No. 11), from Elgin Mills Road to Oxford Street 2) ELGIN MILLS ROAD, from Yonge Street to Regent Street ' 3) OXFORD STREET, from Yonge Street to Lot 59, RP. 1099 4) REGENT STREET, from Elgin Mills Road “THE MIKADO" 5) IREDALE ROAD EXTENSION (Lot 75, RP. 1931) from Southerly limit Lot 75, RP. 1931 to Northerly limit Lot 75, RP. 1931 together with service connections and hyd- rants, and compound meter and chamber to be installed at the intersection of Oxford Street and Iredale Road. Application.will be made to The Ontario Mun- icipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors and for approval of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twen- ty-one days after the ï¬rst publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objec- tion to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate, and the grounds of such ob- jection. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pur- suant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered. DATED at the Township of Vaughan this 10th day of May, 1962 to Oxford Street X 4 mills) Water Consumption rate On behalf Mayor (IST ACT) AND VARIETY The Colourful Spectacular PUBLIC INVITED of the Council of the Corpora- J. M. McDonald, Clerk. ‘ Tow’nship of Vaughan. Municipal Offices. Maple, Ontario. Clerk-Treasurer R. LYNETT $71.80 11.20 40.00