Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1962, p. 5

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Members of Victoria Chap- ter Royal Arch Masons attend- ed Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday 'morning. The pulpit was occupied by the minister Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Herbert Plewman, son of Mr. :0: :- it no: and MrS- Roy Plewman. VOHSO At the April 30th meeting of Street. left recently for Camp the Beverley Acres Y.W.C._\. Shilo. Manitoba. where he has Neighbours Group, the guest jOined the Signal Corps 0f the speaker was Mrs. F. Israel of Canadian Army. the Richmond Hill Public Librâ€" " * * * ary, who gave instructions on The A.Y.P.A. Of St. Gabriel's making various types of nup- Anglican Church Will be in pets, and interesting suggestion; charge of the evening service for children's books pertaining next Sunday. May 13th at 7:00 to their age. The A.Y.P.A. of St. Gabriel's Anglican Church will be in charge of the evening service next Sunday. May 13th at 7:00 They will be in complete charge in leading the service. preaching the sermon, acting as sidesmen and singing in the choir. Everyone is invited to attend. The rest of the Barker family, his wife and two children. will move to Windsor at the end of the present school term. Following the final curtain of the Curtain Club's very succes- sful production of “Ladies in Retirement” on Wednesday last, cast and stage crew held an in- formal party in the theatye. A presentation was made ,to Cicely Thomson, director, by Dennis Stainer (Albert Fea- thers). who. on behalf of the cast expressed thanks and ap- preciation for her constructive and untiring directiOn through- out rehearsal. Miss Madeleine George Reg. Nurse. youngest daughter of Mrs. Mabel Laughlln. 49 High- land Lane and sister of Mrs. H. K. Roberts, Arnold Crescent left by jet (Empress of Mont- real), April 28th for an extend- ed tour of New Zealand, Aus-‘ tralla, Tasmania Leprosariums. rbefore coming home again, in the fall. She arrived home last January from Kola Ndola Lep- rosarium, Shingang-a, Tanganyi- ka. East Africa. She is with the Africa Inland Mission, '74 Crescent Road, Rosedale, Tor- onto. The first manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank loc- ated in Allencourt Plaza was transferred to Windsor this week. John 0. Barker who was the bank's first manager when it opened in October 1959 left to take up his new position Wed- nesday. The new manager, J. F. Jackson is the former man- ager of the bank to which Mr. Barker has been assigned. Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC WOANED I ‘\ 4\ FREE Start Playing Today Yonge 8: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill The Pupils Of The See Richmond Hill Children In A Fascinating Exhibition of Dancing DENNIS MOORE TICKETS: TU. 4-2875, TU. 4-3584 AND EATON BOX OFFICE School Of Dancing PROUDLY PRESENT “Let's Dance '62" EATON AUDITORIUM COLLEGE S'l'. SATURDAY JUNE 2, 7:45 P. M. Editor Margot’ Crack v ;‘ The members met a' the home of Dr. J. Perdicaris and ;Mrs. Perdicaris, Kerrybrnok lDrive, for cocktails and then proceeded to the Summit for dinner. mittee Chairman will be guest speaker at the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society first flower show of the season Thursday evening. The show will be open at 8 pm. u.- UAIVIA “5.... Following the meeting. held in the library, members ad- journed to the home of Pat Smoke for tea and coffee. M155 Barbara Lentine. four- teen years old. and a pupil of Miss Ruth Garsog. participat-ed iHThé Sonatina Class, ages six- tenn years and under, at the Peel Music Festival last. ycek. She played the Clement! Num- her 1 Third Vivace Movemen‘, and, competing With seventeen other entrants turned in a fine performance with a 78 mark. Donn of D. Albert Bram: Comm-es will be flying next Wednesday to join members of the ‘Curtain Club in Winnipeg, prior to their performing "Don‘t Listen Ladies" in the Dominion Drama Festival on Saturday evening. During the Central Ontario Drama Festival at Hart House, adjudicator. Guy Beaulne ex- pressed delight at the varying and sophisticated hairstyles of the feminine members of the castâ€"which were all due to D. Albert Brown and Donn, who. throughout the entire run of the play, have not only given of their time and artistry, but have shared the enthusiasm of the cast on their recent success. Welcome aboard Donn! in world wide organiz'ation wi h membership of one hundred and fifty thousand Traditional ceremonies werel observed. Elsie Hex-ridge pro-posed the toast to Mr. Ross, and1 Annabelle Black the incoming‘ president. read the message ,from the founder. Delta Lambda Chapter 011 Beta Sigma Phi celebrated the 3'lst anniversary of the sorori- ty's founding on~May lst with a dinner at 'the Summit View Restaurant. Beta Sigma Phi was founded by Walter W. Ross in Abilene, Kansas in 1931. From a humble beginning of twenty- nire members it has grown into The speaker for the evening was Mr. Stephen Ker Appleby, director of the Curtain Club's winning production of “Don‘t Listen Ladies". Mr. Appleby gave interest} ing facts about the play and the Curtain Club in general, and answered many questions following his address. Hazel ‘l-[orlock thanked the speaker for his interesting and infor- mative talk and presented him with a cheque from the chap- ter to help defray‘the club's expenses to Winnipeg. The evening cloéed with the Beta Sigma Phi Ritual. Til}; shbw will be open AT THE Summit for‘ A surprise party was held on Saturday last for Mr. Earl monies wereNMethe. coach of the Richmond lerridge pro- Hill “Sing Alongs" â€" the North Mr. Ross, and York Squirt Champs â€" at the the incoming home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Yonge. the message Taylor Mills Drive. South. ‘ Parents of team members col- f the evening lected for a wallet and cut Ker Appleby, glass, engraved with all the turtain Club's team's names (made by Mr. Dan m of “Don't Docherty) which was presented to Mr. Methe by Jim Gordon, gave interestâ€" captain, on behalf of all the the play and team. Pupils of Miss Theresa Bubik taking part in the recital of Classical Ballet School at the Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary School in Aurora on June 2an are; Alice Kormendy, Cathy Wilson. Christine Kormendy, Jane Tennant. Janet Dilworlh. June McFarlane, Monica Dora, Paulette De La Barre, Wendy McCormick. Annette Bynoe, Grace Monlk, Judy Thomas, Linn McFarlane. Patty Smart and Stephanie Blissette. The trip home with her brot- her, Mr. John Welti was made via Sacramento. California, Salt Lake City, Utah, on to Duluth, Minnesota, through the upper pminsula into Michigan, through The school is based on Euro- pean standards. Costumes, make-up and set designs for the recital will be done by pro- fessionals. Mrs. A. Chapman, Yonge St. South, returned this week afâ€" ter four months stay in Tucson, Arizona. the straits across the Mackinaw bridge. They visited two days in Rogers City, and another day was spent travelling to Tem- perance where her brother lives. In all. the trip covered some five thousand miles. It's a business and pleasure evening for Walter Scott Y.W.â€" C.A. Neighbours. on May 10th. The results of the recent nom- ination committee meeting will be of interest and the slate of new officers posted. WFbruan enjoyableHevening and a cup of coffee. local home- makers are cordially invited. Handicrafts of the members will be displayed and will it“.- clude driftwood pieces and mil- linery. These articles are the result of the instruction classes which were held this year. Not to be outdone, the physical ac- tivity group are doing some of the air force 10 BX exercises having a baseball game! Hockey films taken throughout the season were shown, follow- ed by a buffet lunch for the adults and hot dogs and pm for the boys, concluding a very pleasant informal gathering with parents and boys expres- sing their sincere appreciation to Mr. Methe for his untiring interest and hard work through- out the season. During their stay Mrs. Sav- age accompanied by her sister Mrs. E. Bullen of Bude. spent an enjoyable week-end in Paris, shopping and sightseeing. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Crack, son David and daughter Judith, from London, Ontario, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack. On Saturday evening they attended the final performance of the Curtain Club’s produc- tion of “Don’t Listen Ladies" at Hart House. prior to the club performing in Winnipeg on May 19th at the Dominion Drama Festival. * * * x: In a recent program of “Can- ada At War" on CBC television, showing the late Prime Minister Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King visiting the sports day at Al- dershot, England during World War 2, one of the officers of the lst Canadian Division Head: quarters shown was Major J.‘ ‘0. Dawson, Parkhill, who was ‘Camp Commandant of the lst Canadian Division at that time. Major Dawson is the brother of Miss Mary Dawson of the “The Liberal” staff and Mrs. L. W. 'Zuefelt, a former resident of lRichmond Hill. i Mrs. Price was a gracious ihostess to the bowlers for after- noon tea, and was presented with spring flowers by Beth RiCE. * * * 4: St. Gabriel Friendship Circle held their meeting on Thursday last. Physical exercises were engaged in. and a portion from the book “Lift up your hearts” was read by Mrs. Georgie Reid. For their craft, the girls had a practice for their play “Want- ed a Leader", being presented at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Thursday, May 10th. The cast includes Mesdames Gladys Palmer, Jean Whitman, Valerie Hunter, Joan Hill. Mal-g Trot- man, Agnes Bregg. Georgie Reid, Jean Carter. Marilyn Van Wicklin, Betty Gilpin. Connie Snaith, Jeanne Reid. The direc- tor is Mrs. Dorothy Price. No meeting will be held on Thurs- Iday, May 10th. Mr. J. A. Monkman received the congratulations and best wishes of many relatives and friends Sunday April 29th. the occasion of his 90th birthday. ex. The series were won by teams captained by Doris Spaf- ford, Beth Rice and Mildred Dean. Point money was tied by teams captained by Ros Ander- son and Doris Spafford. Mr. Monkman a lifelong re- sident of the district, and a former Richmond Hill council member lives with his daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bourne. Bathurst Street. A beautiful spring bouquet on the altar at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sun- day was in memory of Mrs. Monkman who passed away in 1955. Mr. Monkman is senior elder of the Kirk Session. The Monday Afternoon Bow-1 lers of the ABC Bowling Alley held a Field Day and wind up for the season with prizes be- ing presented as follows: High Averages: Pauline Price 203. Beth Rice 198; Nancy Morley 184; Iva White 182; High Singâ€" les: Gertie Smith 315; Bridget Crampton 308; Bettv Lewis 3306‘ High Triple: Joy Madden 751; Myrtle Bennett and Jessie Yer- The organizational meetingrln of the central branch of Rich-'ex mond Hill, York Central Vol-'foz unteer Hospital Auxiliary was ha held at the home of Mrs. H. bi1 Sanderson. Centre Street East, “*1 on Apr117726,_196g. th Mrs. W. S. Pocknell. area world. w chairman for Richmond Hill film is ii group was the guest speaker. sub-titles The election of officers was The pr held and Mrs. H. Sanderson the mucl was elected chairman: Mrs. H.»Two Mei Holmberg «to-chairman; Mrs. R. which tu 0. Standfield secretary; Mrs._the sea W. J. Mason treasurer. ‘ITheir at New members are always wel- come and anyone interested is requested to phone Mrs. Sander- son, TU. 4-1404, Mrs. Standfield, TU. 4-1222. Mrs. D. Wallace, mother of Mrs. John Beresford Auden-Son. Centre Street, left on Thursday from Montreal aboard the Em- pnâ€"ss of Canada. for a five munth trip to England and Spain. Sandra Bry, Brian Toogood, Lesley Nicholls, Ruth Nokes and Cindy Manners all received fine marks and praise for their first competition in ballet, jazz. tap and demi-clpssical dancing Circle The morning group of Rich- mond Hill United Church Wo- men was addressed last Tues- day by Mrs. Laird Joynt of ‘Thornhill who spoke on behalf of the Canadian Peace Research Institute founded by Dr. Nor- man Z. Alcock. She was in- troduced by unit leader Mrs. ILewis Clement. Mrs. Lloyd Brown was guest speaker at a meeting of St. Gabriel Anglican Church WA. last Tuesday, and gave an in- formative talk on the back- ground and aims of the Can- adian Peace Research Institute, which is heade by former nuâ€" clear physicist Dr. Norman Z. Alcock. The final Films of Note pro- gramme of the year will be presented by the Library Club of Richmond Hill High School at the Richmond Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The feature film Porte Des Lilas (The gate of ‘the Lilacs) made in 1957 by the famous French director, is his most recent film. In it he tries to re-create the care- free atmosphere which he feels existed in the Paris of his youth. Chiropractors in Richmond Hill and area joined with others all over Ontario last week in supporting Correct Posture Week, held from May 1 to 7. The purpose of Correct Posture Week was to draw to the at- tention of the public the im- portance and need of good pos- ture. To do this some areas en- courage posture queen contests in schools. Such a contest might be held next year in loc- al schools. Vfirthâ€"éiir’eélr Music Festival held ast week. All are pupils of Miss Sylvia Garson, Fernleigh At the annual ordination at St. James Cathedral next Sun- day, May 13th, the Bishop of Toronto will ordain the Rev. F. C. Jackson to the Priesthood and Mr. E. Paul Morley to the Order of Deacons. Both Mr. Jackson and Mr. Morley have been senior lay- readers at St. Mary’s Anglican Church and the parish will hon- our them by having them con- duct the evening service on that day and afterwards a parish reception will be held in Wrix- on Hall jointly with the parish of Emmanuel. Richvale, where Mr. Jackson is the Incumbent: All parishioners are invited to come and share in this im- portant occasion and to con- gratulate the newly-ordained élergymen In this Paris which no longer exists, a good-natured, good- for-nothing Parisian d‘runkard has his chance to fulfil his am- bition to do something useful when a wounded gangstelj EALDLB, a buy“ for-nothing Parisian d-runkard has his chance to fulfil his am- bition to do something useful when a wounded gangster thrusts into his uneventful world. with ironic results. The film is in French with English sub-titles. The programme also includes the much-discussed Polish film, Two Men and a Wardrobe, in which two men appear out of the sea carrying a wardrobe. Their attempts to reach their destination with their burden are frustrated in many bizarre and sometimes brutal adventur- e; and they return whence thev ramp svuu’AluLuL v“, well qualified for her subject, “Christian Family Life". As well as advising us as to our family responsibilities in a truly Christian home ‘she spoke of her work as a “family life director" in her own church. Her present- ation was most interesting and enjoyable and she covered such a varied programme that every lady present was made aware of the importance of individual- ity of personality and respect for one another in all age 'groups. Mrs. D. Hiscott present- ed a beautiful floral bouquet to Mrs. Hotson and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Bene- diction. The programme also includes‘ the much-discussed Polish film,‘ Two Men and a Wardrobe, in‘ which two men appear out of the sea carrying a wardrobe. Their attempts to reach their ‘destination with their burden are frustrated in many bizarre and sometimes brutal adventur- e; and they return whence thev In a gay spring mood, pretty eight year old Terry Hudson tries on a man’s fedora at last Saturday’s successful rummage sale sponsored by the Richmond Hill United Church. With Terry is her mother, Mrs. Albert Hudson of 86 Yonge Street North. Terry is a student at MacKillop Public School. (Photo by Lagerquist) “How Do | Look Mummie"? One of the most important features of any festivity such as a winter carnival, a summer carnival, or just a plain ordinâ€" ary carnival nowadays seems to be the choosing of a carnival queen. Well, the Richmond Saturday, May 19th Dairy Princess, Horseshoe Pitching Art Group Are All Fair Foatrrre; Hill Fair is no exception and when it’s held this year on Sat- urday, May 19, a princess Will be chosen. The only difference is that this princess will be a dairy princess. A relatively new innovation to the Richmond Hill Fair, which has been held annually for the past 113 years, the dairy prin- cess contest has been held for only the past two. There are usually five contest-l ants in a dairy princess contest, each of whom is a farm girl. The minimum age is 17 and a contestant should preferably be The father of James Hunter, Libby Blvd., is the new mayor of Wiarton. Mayor Rolph Hun- ter is a hardware merchant and has served on Wiarton Town Council for the past twenty years including two terms as mayor and one as reeve. He will serve out the twenty months of former Mayor Wynoch’s term. James Hunter is treasurer of the local tennis club. Reports at press time indi- cate little change in the condi- tion of Mrs. Fred Hoover of Richmond Hill, critically injur- ed in the tragic accident which caused the death of her hus- band. Mrs. Hoover is in the hospital at Fairfax, Virginia, and although she regained con- sciousness for a brief period her ‘condition still is regarded as ‘critical. The general meeting of the Richmond Hill United Church Women was enjoyed by a large number of ladies on May 7th, in the form of a delicious pot luck supper in the church hall. The meeting was presided over by president, Mrs. J. Pollard and minutes were read by secâ€" retary Gwen Sanderson. Mrs. Edith Clement thanked everyone for their help on a successful rummage sale and Mrs. Bob Miller crowned Mrs. Pollard with a hat designed by the ladies on behalf of her inâ€" terest in this project. The president read a mess- age from Mrs. Hutchison, Board of Women, and the devotional service was carried by Mrs. J. Dedlow, Mrs. Kay Cunningham and Mrs. M. Phipps. Wfiéports we‘re 'given by the treasurer, Mrs. Alma Osmond and social convenor Mrs. Doro- thy Martin. Mrs. Edith Clement, program- me convenor spoke briefly on Christian Family Week and in- troduced. the guest speaker. Mrs. Fred Hotson, family life superintendent, Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. Mrs. Hotson a graduate of the department of social science, University 'of Tor- onto, and mother of two. was well qualified for her squeet. a 4-H Club member, although this is not a necessity. The contestant first must as- semble the milking machine. which has been disassembled especially for this purpose. The animal must then be prepared for the third test which is put- ting on the milker, and timing during the milking process. The whole thing should take about 17. minutes and a contestant is penalized for any overtime that is needed. As invény princess or Miss So and So contest, appearance and personality of the contest- ant are considered. Anotheratest on which the judges base their decision is on the contestant's ability and knowledge in delive- ring a prepared speech. The road to fame is just be- ginning when a girl wins in a local dairy contest. The winner in the local affair then goes to ithe Canadian National Exhibi- tion where she competes with other dairy princesses from all over the province. Horseshoe Pitching Too Another relatively new at- traction in the 113 year-old fair is the horseshoe pitching con- test, which has been held an- nually since about 1948. There are usually about 40 to 50 con- testants who compete in four classes, junior, intermediate, senior and a special class for local contestants, for a total of $75 in prize money. The entry fee is only 50 cents. Prizes are given to the six top finishers, and the grand champion is giv- en a trophy, There will also be an art ex- hibition at this year's fair, which will mark the first time some- thing like this has been held in conjunction with the fair. The exhibition will include about 50 paintings. mostly landscapes. by about nine members of the Richmond Hill Art Group. All exhibitors are students of Otto Grebze, internationally-known artist, who has his studios on Bathurst Street in Vaughan Township. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, Bill Copping. pictured above, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Copping of 314 South Taylor Mills, Beverley Acres. ‘will leave Saturday night. May ‘12th, for a four day visit to Ottawa. to participate in the .12th annual project of th_e Ro- tary Club of Ottawa. Bill is 2 student at Bayview Hig} School. (Photo by Lagerquist‘ x¥§?§?§€1€7 .. . Rotary Club Ottawa Trip LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 10, 1962 Bill is a Mrs. Jack Drew of Elgin Mr. J. .1. Stevens, coach of the Mills let: Sunday by jet for a “Bruins” bantam hockey team, visit with her sis‘tr Mrs. Stan and his wife. hosted a dinner ‘xandler in New Mexico. While party for members of his team here. Mrs. Drew plans a visit at the Town Inn Restaurant lC'I'OSS the border into Mexico on Friday last. SHIELDS flit PORK LIVER lb. 2;; FRESH SLICED @wood eatinq g: . A'I' sAvmes! BEEF lb. 35c - 3 lbs. 95 BAYVIEW PLAZA EGGS Richmond Heights Centre South Block TU. 4-5341 FARM FRESH GRADE A SMALL HM: room @150? 77/! MAI/[V .fiNELS GAGE D01. 35: 2% D01. 85: TU. 4-769! LT D

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