Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1962, p. 10

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KEEP COOL with summer air conditioner. $69.95. Full year guarantee. Cash or terms. TU. 4- 7506. c1w46 McDOUGALL deep well pump. complete; coca-cola cooler, ce- ment laundry tubs with stand. AV. 5-1224. c1w46 ONE DEEP WEIJL pump, com- plete with tank and motor, in good condition. PR. 3-5134. GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. m3 mans. Sex-ta, Heely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 LARGE triEcle tor sale. AV. 5- 2592. p1w46 22' CYPRESS HE’LTOO. AV. 5-5762 c3w44 10,000 BALES straw. 200 tons hay. 200 tons feed oats. Will deliver. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. ‘ tfc19 SEED and table potatoes. C. Mashlnter. TU. 4-2549 tfc44 A-l BLACK’LoamTS'ya'rd load $15.00. Phone Unlonvllle 556 ACME rangette, suitable for cottage; also walnut fine bed and springs. AV. 5-4398. c1w46 14 FT. PLYWOOD boat, 18 Johnson motor. small trailer, TU. 4-2762. *1w46 ent conditldn, $35.00. TH 3672. *1 REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion. TU. 4-7197. clw46 QUENTIN of turnips. AT. 8- 0882. clw46 USED STOVE, large size. Best offer. Call AV. 5-3628. c1w46 COW MANURE and peat loam, finest quality. Small load $5.00. large load $15.00. Call collect TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 BEAUTXRES’L Marshall, Sim- DRY BASEMENT INSURANCE - there’s only one positive short term policy - a dehumidifier. Buy it or rent it from - HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TN. Appliances. Sales, Repairs. Parts, Rentals, 4:0 Levendale Rd. BICYCLE, boys' red racer, in top condition. $20. H0. 1-6644, EASY wringer washer. excell- WASH BASIN, pink porcelain edestal, all taps and traps. fit- lng‘s. etc. Complete $30. HO. 1-6644. c1w46 42" high, No. 13 gauge. $17. per 100 ft. roll, No. 11 gauge, 42" high $25. per 100 ft. roll. 6 ft. steel posts $1. each. '7 ft. steel posts $1.15 each. 5" cedar posts peeled 70 cents each, also full line of farm fence and gates in stock. Apply Norman Bone. Phone TU. 4-1443 tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. PINE CHES'I‘S of drawers, cor- ner cupboard, dry sink, wash stand, dough box, antique rock- ers, brass-ware, ruby hanging hall lamp, glassware, antique lamps. marble top table, walnut drop front desk. Italian marble standard lamp, fireside bench. brass fender. deacon's bench, as- sortment of good used furni- ture. Hirst at “Poker’s Para- dise." Queensville. GR. 8-4267. ' c3w46 Richmond Hill XXX §xx xxié CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH BATES. m Insertion 50 each word, min. charge 750 Second and subsequent Insertions If wording unchanged, 50 per word, min. charge , . r . . . 65° 1'01! BOX NUMBERS!!! extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: Bo per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0P THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MABRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified edvertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not inter than 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Send eds by mail Ind enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 end you will receive invoice. NEED A NEW STOVE 0R 'FRIDGE? CHAIN LINK FENCE BUY‘ EM vrm A Imuzosr. LIFE-INSURED ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 17, 1962 xxx ‘x‘xx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX / XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX “X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX TU. ixxx LOAN 4-3211 TU. 4-1745 tfc49 *1w46 clvw46 c1w46 c4w45 tfc39 Italian make, cost $300. will sell for $90. Perfect condition. Ap- ply Jane 8; Jimmie's Wee Hoose Tearoom, Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 5587. c1w46 ROTARY Power Mower. Ice re- frigerator. cap. 100 lbs. Washing machine, with good \vringer and 60 cycle motor, reasonable. TU. 4â€"1623. c1w46 PRESSURE TREATED Osmose lpoles. posts and lumber for pole barns and other structures re~ quirin-g lweather Protection). lRatclifl Bros. Ltd.. Lumber & Bldg. Supplies, phone Stouff- lvine 204m. c1w46‘ 'FULL SIZE piano accordian, PASTURE available for 20 head of cattle. TU. 4-3077. c2w45 LAWN MOWER, Maxweu‘i's'fl reel type, new condition. TU. 4-3469. c1w46 GARDEN TRACTOR, 21/2 h.p. ‘Simplloity". Excellent condition. BA. 1-3533. c1w46 TWO dump bodies, woods EambTWVRECKING one 1956 Plymouth 7'x11" cam and roller heavy du-IHardtop. AL. 7-8952 after 5.30 ty hoists. 285-5719. clw461p.m. c1w46 BEL-AIR sewing mac'h‘iii'éâ€"afid "5V3JOLDS Sedan 98. lnmreal _____::L:_._ EOYD Baby Carriage. Phone TU. 4-2273. wscnc MOT6RCYCLE 1957, N.S.U. 125 cc. AL. 7-8896. *1w46 FRESHCUT ASPARAGUS. TU. 4-2548. c1w46 cabinet, girl's b’icycle, German Hi-Fi. TU. 4-1629. clw46 GIRL’S bicycle, g5od condition; Call TU. 4-1252 after 5.30. RALEIGH Racer, 3 speed gears. Good condition. Phone TU. 4- 3772. clw46 16’ CEDAR STRIP boat and trailer, 10 h.p. Scott-Atbwater motor with tank. AV. 5-3709. 12 VOLT battery - electric fuel pump $5 each. Twin S.U. carbs, cheap. 234 Anzac Rd., Richmond Hill. c1w46 4-BURNER Mcé’lary ga's' stove, 22"x24”, glass window in oven, good condition. TU. 4-7450. THREE 6.00x16 tires, good tread, no patches. 231 Lucas St, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-5107. 14’ FLBREGLAS runabout, Evin- rude. 35, electric start, controls, battery, steering. etc., $750.00. TU. 4-5375 evenings. n-c1w46 1 BEDROOM suite, one 9’ x 6' carpet, oriental; one table ten- n-ls set: one hi-fi. 'I‘E. 3-6380. olw46 POTATOES for sale, table and seed. Apply to Forest Jones, R. R. 2 Maple or AL. 7â€"8915. c2w46 TWO rocking chairs; 1 hostess chair, kiddie car, tricycle, oak table. hand mower, Scout uni- form. 8-9 years. TU. 4-5658. *1w46 GRAVELY tractoriwith rotary plow, cultivator and traile} hitch, $150. Phone AV. 5-2429 FOUR 600x16 TIRES, $30; also chassis, excellent for hot rod, best offer, cheap. 46 Avenue Rd.. Richvale. clw46 after' 4.30 pm MOFFAT 4-burner ’Elect’rié range, automatic timer and warming closet. TU. 4-1834. HYDRO POLES, 35 ft. Osmosé pressure treated poles. 30 ft. poles, cedar fence posts. F. Powell. TU. 4-2518. *4w46 CHESTERFIELDS recovered and re-built. Your old suite like new. at a reasonable price. Easy terms. Free estimates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc39 1 CLOTHES line elevatorfl floor lamp. 1 table lamp. 3 pair dacron panels. AV. 5-3937. 1951 FORD tractor, only 1600! hours, with front angle blade' and rear landscape buckets with scarifier. Also Ferguson two- furrow plow and tandem disc. Phone 285-5719. c1w461 SEAMSTRESS electric sewing machine, console model. com- plete with all attachments, $20. Excellent condition. 285-1687. c1w461 1 SET Spalding ToplFIyte golf; clubs, like new, 4 woods, 10‘ piete wxm an atrapnmems, $20. MAN would like odd '0bs’ 1-. Excellent conditlon. 285-1687. dening. lawns or caeremergie_ _______V Clw‘Hllxaairs or what have you. 16 1 SET Spald‘ing Top-Flyte golql’onge St. South, Richmond clubs. like new, 4 woods, 10 Hill. Phone TU. 4-1856. Ernest irons. Expensive leather bag anleeynoldS. nC2W45 {owing cart- can Mr- DaViSEOFFICE transferred married 285-1128, 884'2864- Cl'\V46!man SPPkS nprmanpnf nneitinn ANNUALS and tomato plants. Hughes' Greenhouse, Ruggles Ave., Langstafl. second street east of Yonge. ofi‘ No. 7 High- way, also Friday afternoon and Saturday at Farmers' Market. Thornhill. c4w45 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own â€" the best for your gardening needs. 1 ONE-WAY DISC. 9-plate, Massey-Harris. One 7 ft. 3-point hitch power mower. Case; one 28 ft. bale or grain conveyor. Case; one grain or forage blow- er. Samuel Winger. AV. 5- 2451. *1w45 FOR SALE (Continued) AV. 5-1514 1.00 c1w46 Jwfi‘e; 1959 ZEPHYR sedan, automatic, 709. one owner, low mileage, excel- clw46 l_ep§4c_ondition. Reasonable._AV. c1w46 c1w46 c1w46 clw40 c1w46 )smoseiGERMAN SHEPHERD, pure- main floor 2 bedroom apart- )r polelbred, female, between 3 and 5 ment partly furnished, $95.00. 'es re- years of age. Found in the area-separate baths and entrances. etion).|of Maple Sideroad and DufferinJAlso one bachelor on main ber & Beagle Hound, male, found'floor furnished $44.00 suit Stouff- Richmond Hill area. Please con- couple. AV. 5-1321 -- AV. 5- c1w46 tact Canine Control. AL. 7-1081. 3761. ‘1“'46 tic-15 1951 CHEVROLET motor, new tring‘s and valves, $45.00. Can be seen at 46 Avenue Rd., Rich- vale. Also 4-speed floor shift transmission 51-54 Chevrolet ‘transmission. 51 Riley 2 point, ]5 leader parts. c1w46 REFRIGERATOR. McClary, in PRIVATE sale, valuable dia- mond wrist watch, view at Bork’s Jewellers, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. clw46 LARGE garden tractor 3% H.P., 30" sickle bar, plough and cul- tivator, $50. TU. 4-7503. c1w46 Call for an OASIS Dehumidi- fier. Try one free. Call HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Appliances, Parts. Rentals. good condition. one owner. since new. TU. 4-2588 c1w46 dition. Best offer; Call TU. 4- 5262 after 5:30. *1W46 1956 DODGE, Regent V-8, auto- matic, 4 door sedan, good con- dition, private. Reasonable. 884- 4072. c1w46 good condition, $65. AV. 5-2130. c1w46 1955 BUICK, excedlenrt condi- tion. Must sell. 1958 Studebaker station wagon, 28,000 miles. Private. Apply Jim Cook, Aur- ora. PA. 7-4811. c1w46 ’53 PONTIAC, excellent condi- tion, new transmission, starter motor, signals, rocker panels. re-sprayed blue. Owner must sell. First reasonable offer. AV. 5-1245. c1w46 1951 MERCURY 2-ton truck, ex- cellent condition. Gormley 5247. c1w4§ 1952 HILLMAN convertible, radio, good running order. $100. TU. 4-4260. c1w46 1959 6 CYLINDER Vauxhall, radio, snow tires, etc. Excellent condition. TU. 4-3883. c1w46 1948 PLYMOUTH, running con- 5-1597 OFFICE manager’s private ’57 Dodge two~dvoor. Radio, perfect running. $28 monbhly. AV. 5- 5411. . c2w46 K2 PLYMOUTH, $75. TU. 4- 5847. c1w46 tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. tfc21 WOMAN would like home work TU. 4-2940. c1w46 GOOD HOME given to child. any age, by the? day. TU. 44 3313. c1w46 ENGLISH ex-nurse would like baby sitting or day care, any age. References. 884-2594. c1w46 DRESSMAKING and altera- RELIABLE and conscientious man, own car, wants morning work. Phone 285-1687. c1w45 WILL GIVE day care to child- ren, good home, fenced yard. TU. 4-5139. c1w46 MAN wants part-time work as YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 a gardener. V Phone evenings. TU. 4-5139. c1w46 RELIABLE high school girl will do light housework and baby sit. Live in or out. AV. 5-3709. c1w46 TWO GIRLS, 18 and 19 years of age wish full-time factory employment in the Richmond Hill or Willowdale area. Phone TU. 4-3744. c2w45 OFFICE transferred, married man seeks permanent position. Good training in costing, pric- in-g, purchasing. Reliable, hard working. Box 124 The Liberal. nc3w44 ROOM 8: BOA-RD available. TE. 3-5569. c3w45 BED-Sitting room and kitchen- ette. outside entrance, furnish- ed. Parking. TU. 4â€"1768. c1w45 ROOM AND BOARD for young man 17-21, good meals, single room. 8843977. c1w45 ROOM, board optional, quiet home, no children. 17$ block from Yonge St., TU. 4-5681 af- ter 6 pm. *1w46 ROOM and BOARD 1 NANNY GOAT. milking. AL. 7-8896. *1w46 MILDEW? DAMPNESS? EMPLOYMENT WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SACRIFICE (Continued) FOUND Sales, Repairs, 40 Levendale Rd. 4-3211 clw46 tfc46 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 257-2522. tfc34 1 FURNIsHfi’ bedroom in pri- vate home. 285-2248. tfc42 REPAIR garége and equipment to rent. AV. 5-5205. tfc41 SELFZCVONTAINED 3 - room apartment, near Yonge Street. Adults only. AV. 5-5233 tfc43 COUPLE to share bungalow with small family, reduced rent for babysitting. Child welcome. TU. 4-5505 clw46 FURNISHED £63m for rent, 3 minutes to Bayview bus stop, Richvale. AV. 5-5037. c2w45 LARGE housekeeping room, Arnold, near Yonge. Parking or garage to rent. References re- quired. TU. 4-1777. tfc43 FOR RENT or sale, 6 room bungalow with garage. for fur- ther information call TU. 4-2296 after 6.00 pm. c4w45 U‘NFURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and bath. Private entr- ance. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. TU. 4-3218. c1w46 LARGE FURNISHED room, sec- ond floor, kitchenette, parking, suit business person. Langstaff near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. c2w45 light housékeeping. suit couple. 884-2195. tfc46 ed and furnished: Equipped light housekeeping. Suit 2. 884- 2196. c3w43 AURORA, modern, spacious 4- roomed apartment, 2 private entrances, all conveniences, $95. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc46 TWO ROOM cabin, suitable for married couple. Hot and cold running water. Apply TU. 4- 1623. c1w46 THORNHILL, 4 rooms, swim- ming pool. country sun-round- in'gs. 7985 Bathurst St. 285-1284: 2 ROOMS. furnished, heatgd, FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen LARGE bed-sitting room, heat: Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 privileges, parking. telephone. TU. 4-3257. c1w45 WXURY apartment reasonable. AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. c1w46 SMALL COTTAGE and garden, furnished, elderly couple pre- ferred, near Yonge. abstainers. 20 Weldrick. TU. 4-2868. *1w46 2 BEDROOM bungalow apart- ment. Basement and garage. One block from Yonge Street on Wright. Adults only. TU. 4,- 1828 c3w44 FURNISHED bed-sitting room, with fu11y equipped kitchen. parking. Apply 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w46 FOR nature lovers only, two bedroom apartment on Don Mills Road. Phone 5244 Gorm- ley after 4.30 pm. c1w46 $65.00 MONTHLY, June to Nov- ember, 3 room furnished, self- contained fla-t. Private entrance. garage. Phone AL. 7-1109 Maple. c1w44 1 BEDROOM apartment, sep- arate entrance, broadloom, stove and fridge, suit business couple. References required. AV. 5- 1234. tfc45 FURNISHED 3 bedroom house for rent. TU. 4-2726. c2w46 SMALL self-contained furnish? ed apartment Bayview 8: Mark- ham. TU. 4-5309. c1w46 LARGE fully furnished log cab- in on south arm of the Muskoka River, near Bracebridge. Hydro and water. Reasonable summer rental. Gall TU. 4-1964. c1w46 ONE BEDROOM apartment, with kitchen, living room, bath- room, separate laundry room, 1 block from Yonge St. $65 month. Phone TU. 4-1650 after 5 pm. tfc45 LARGE front room for two, housekeeping or kitchen privi- leges, opposite Sayvette parking space. 6193 Yonge St., Apt. 8, phone evenings 222-4496. *1w46 2 BEDROOM, large modern apartment, soft water, electric- ally equipped kitchen. parking, excellent value. Phone TU. 4- 7518. 50 Benson Ave., Richmond COTTAGE. suitable for couple with child or bachelor. Town water, outside conveniences. Centre of town. Immediate oc- cupancy. TU. 4-1443. c1w46 TWO unfurnished rooms and kitchette equipped with sink, fridge and ran-gette. 1% blocks from Yonge St. Available June lst. TU. 4-5179. tfc46 Hill TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental 8.: Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $90 a month. A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc37 CARRVILLE Rd. 3 apartments, one upper bachelor $65.00, one main floor 2 bedroom apart- ment partly furnished, $95.00. separate baths and entrances. Also one bachelor on main PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tf028 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS TOOLS FOR RENT TOâ€" RENT c1w46 tfc45 JOHN’S washer and appliance repairs. TU. 4-2615. c4w45 PAINTING, paperhanging. Fre< estimates. Colbur sarfiplés. A. Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 MISCELLANEOUS PLOWING dohe,'1arg’er acre- ages, also discing. Samuel Win- ger. AV. 5-2451. c1w46 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced. Frank Genitz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfcho ROTOVATING Custom rotovating. aerating, lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc41 mg and se'eding, Ewns feftiliz- ed and rolled TU. 4-1538. tfc43 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone. loam and fill. E Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates, courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 PLOWIfiNG. diEcTn'g'. fina1 grad- CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcls RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Osterg‘aard, 148 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CAL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546 First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. tch PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc. - Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St. Richx‘zale. Av. 5-1591 MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving 8; Oartage. packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled. bedroom and bathroom vanities. stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own - the best for your gardening needs. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. E'affi”3if§£iméi"ffif 4â€"4813 resi- dence, business. AV. 5-5345. A._‘A YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Raising Chinchilla. Stonehbuse Chinchilla. 111 Had- dington Ave.. RU. 2-6806, To-r- VARIETY SHOP FOR SALE - Situated on Yonge St., in Rich- mond Hill in non competitive area. business is debt free and gross is increasing each month, owner must retire, Box No. 131, The Liberal. c1w46 ESTABLISHED small business in Richmond Hill, for sale. Suit retired lady or young woman with time to spare. Small in- vestment. Write Box 134, The ontb 12 Liberal. Call us for stem and PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PLANNING A DANCE? WALKER ‘& MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 fiiss ALTERATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AV. 5-1514 hi-fl tfc43 c1w46 tfc45 Lfc44 Lch tfc8 tfc3 tfc6 tfc41 CUSTOM Rototilling, PR. 3- 5796, after 5 pm. *4w44 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. tfc4 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 MISCELLANEOUS Gardens and lawns, free estim- ates. AV. 5-2850 tfc44 DECORATING Interior, Exterior, Experienced decorator. Lawrence Ouellette, TU. 4-5557 after 4 pm. c4w43 EXPERIENCED GARDENER Landscaping, garden maintenâ€" ance. lawns cut. seeded or sod- ded. H. Sorensen, 884-5838. Call evenings. tfc43 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast. clean modern service. Discing. rotovating and mowing. H. Redman_ TU. 4-3045. tfc42 CUSTOM RototiIAllng, lawns and gardens. H. Mathefison, Maple. AL. 7-1584. *8w44 Chesterfield sets recovered C. STUN DEN TU. 4-1245 Richn‘ PEAT LOAM, $1 per yard HO. 1-5940. tfc44 EVERGREENIS and all kinds of plants, garden tractor. TU. 4â€" 2349. 141 Crosby Ave. *2w46 LET US take care of your grass cutting and flower beds by the month. Reasonable rates. Rose Garden Supplies, AV. 5-4211. *5w43 First class Peat Loam and Cow Manure. Now is the time to order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- 5922. tfc42 HAMPTON GARDEN SUPPLIES Peat loam. manurre, sandy loam, sod, rotovating, sodding and grading, fencing. For free es- timates call PR. 3-5922. All toll charges accepted. tfc46 First class sod, Kentucky, Mer- ion Blue, also field sod. 'Laid and delivered. Free estimates. Call TU. 4-2538. tfc42 LOAM Rich, black, sandy loam. Also gravel, fill and sand. AVONDALE SAND AV. 5-3612 GARDEN SUPPLIES Cedars for hedging, $65 per hundred. White Birch, 8'-10’. $6-$8. Clumps $10-$12. Sugar Maple $6 each planted. Loam 2% yards $8 delivered. Manure, ‘3 yards, $10 delivered. Large Sugar Maples, good specimens planted and guaranteed. Order now. Complete grading and sod- ding job with Merion Blue Grass. 650 per square yard. Call C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089, Bay- vlew. tfc42 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own â€" the best for your gardening needs. 5-10 ACRES of unusable hrllly land or gravel pit. By local pri- vate gun club to lease or buy. 884-5129. c1w46 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage, farms. businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience. HOUSES wanted for sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Wood‘brldge R0. 9-4901 Large and small, estates. com-‘ mercial and industrial property and holdings. For your com- plete and accurate estimated value, please call Mr. Pugh, BA. 5-8828, Residence TU. 4â€" 3624. JOHN TRACY LTD. REALTOR 5587 Yonge Street, Willowdale ‘ tfc42 ONE LADY'S watch, white gold, with diamond chips between Anâ€" glican Church and Woolworth’s N. Jardine, TU. 4-3818. nc1w46 BOY’S Timex watch, taken from park at Skopit and Neal Drive. Tuesday night. Will finder please phone TU. 4-7628. Re- ward. c1w46 MAN’S gold watich in Mall washroom at Richmond Heights Plaza. Reward. PR. 3-5039. SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! REAL ESTATE WANTED CUSTOM PLOUGHING YRGENTLY REQUIRED XOMES ’1‘. Murphy Real Estate BAYVIEW sonmNG LOAM & TOPSOIL GARDEN SUPPLIES ROTOTILLING (Continued) AV. 5-1514 SPECIAL LOST Richmond Hill tfc40 c8w44 tfc45 c1w46 tfc15 tfclO LABOURERS, steady emplEsT- ment, AV. 5-4939. c1w46 BOOKKEEPER. ekberiencea bookkeeping machine operator preferred. AV. 5-5401. c1w46 WOMAN to do housework, live in. To start June lst. Write Box‘ 130 The Liberal. c1_w46_ GIRLS wanted for light taEtory work in Thornhill. All languages spoken. AV. 5-5407. clw46 RELIABLE woman to look after home during the month of June in mother’s absence. TU. 4-2419. clw46 FEMALE, get extra part time income. Cleaning women want- ed. Apply Emerald Isle Motel. 8700 Yonge near N0. 7. c1w4-6 2 MEN to work in green-house. Concord Floral Company Ltd., Concord, Ontario, AV. 5-1136. c1w46 BOYS with bicycles for main: ing paper routes. TU. 4-7543. c3w46 Requires lady part time. TU. 4- 3671. c1w46 LICENSED body man? alsd spray painter part-time. Phone 285-5334. c1w46 WAITRESS wanted. Apply La Cantina Restaurant, 69 Yonge St. South. TU. 4-0083. c1w46 YOUNG LADY required for Thornhill banking office. Ex- perience helpful, but not essen- tial. Telephone 285-5486. c3w44 DRUG CLERK, female, exper- ienced only. Apply Richvale Pharmacy. 9014 Yonge Street. c1w46 DRIVER-Salesman for delivery on established bread route. Don Mills and No. 7 Highway, AX. 3-3241. c1w46 salesman. Apply Mr. Shields, TU. 4â€"3805. David McLean Ltd. on golf course. For information call Mr. McH-arry. AV.5-4333.i= c1w46,l MEN WANTED for night work‘ SKILLED MECHANIC for maintenance on ready mix fleet. Steady work, good wages for right man. Richmond Hill area. Phone AV. 5-5464. c1w46 OPENING for one real estate WAITRESSES for counter work, day and evening shifts. Apply Dad‘s Drive-in, 255 Yonge St. South. c1w46 LICENSED MECHANICS. Ap- ply in person. Wm. Neal. Chrys- ler, Plymouth dealer. 61 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. c2w45 RELIABLE woman, live in and perform house-wifer duties for retired gentleman and working ing daughter. Much free time can be arranged. 8844658. c1w46j RICHMOND HILL, B'ayvview Plaza, Superintendent required for general and maintenance work. Live in. EM. 4-1964. LADIES WORK OWN HOURS FULLY experienced bookkeep- er, typist for small firm. Must be willing to accept responsi- bility. Trial balance. payroll. etc. Apply Box 128 The Liberal, MAN for machine shop in Thornhill. Prefenably with some experience on screw machines or turret lathes. All languages spoken. AV. 5-5407. c1w46 Selling fashionable jewellery. No canvassing or delivering. high weekly commission. Car helpful. For interview call 633- 5839. c2w45 MOTHERS! HOUSIEWIV'ES! Work part time. Earn good in- come. Sell Avon Cosmetics. Op- enings Langstafl' & Richvale. Write District Manager, Miss Ziegler, Box 141 Guelph, giving phone. c1w46 APPLICATIONS now being ac- cepted for a young man to learn the retail business. Age 18-25, junior matric a must. Apply F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. RICHMOND HILL RESPONSIBLE woman required to care for two children (one school age) four days per week in congenial, pleasant home lo- cated on Richmond Street. Only persons with a natural love and interest in children need apply, Kindly outline background, sal- lary expected along with refer- ences to Box 133 The Liberal. c1w46 PLANNING ASSISTANT To perform planning design and drafting dunties, assist in mak- ing planning surveys and re- ports, and carry out planning computations and research. Maximum salary $5,000 per an- num. Starting salary to $4,000 HELP WANTED l HELP WANTED per annum depending on qual- ifications and experience. Apply in Writing giving full de- tails including telephone num- ber to: Mr. F. H. Deeks, Plan- ning Director, Town Hall, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. c1w46 SENIOR STENOGRAPHER JACKSON, YPES 8: ASSOCIATES, Architects & Engineers BA. 5-1177 Experienced in General Office Work. Required immediately 5-day week. DAIRY QUEEN W'ILLOWDALE it] c1w45 c1w46 c1w46 c1w46 clw46 H 'ATTRACTIVE and personable young lady to train in banking. Minimum Grade 11 education. |Phone HU. 9-2143. c3w45 yPETS FOR SALE WOMAN 25-40 for grill and counter. Must have some rest- aurant experience. permanent position year round. Apply to Mrs. Couvrette at Dads Drive- In. 255 Yonge St. South. AMERICAN esitimo pups. putâ€"e white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 2 MILK GOATS and kids. Hom- ing pigeons, Fantails. Budg-ies and cages. Hamster and cage. Guinea pigs. 884-5548. c1w46 SIAMESE kittens, pedigreed. all colours. Also 2 miniature poodles. Reasonable. 17 Garden Avenue. Langstaff. AV. 5-3157. clw46 POODLES, small blacks, regis- tered, from champion blood lines. Terms can be arranged, $100.00 up. Phone Gormley 5339. tfc29 Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc32 BABY SITTING Richmond Hill Thornhlll Stoufi‘ville Maple Langstaff Oak Ridge: Unionville King Richvale Concord Gormley O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Montgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or erte - Ask for Mr. Clemens SIMPSON’SDRY GOODS Real Estate Loans arranged in Following Areas Richmond Hill Thornhlll Maple Langstaff Unionville King Concord Gormley 12 Yonge St. S. PI MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Sisman Scampers M. C. BEBER lTD. HIDDEN MGNEY Boys 1-5 Men’s Green Suede Loafers with elastic gore, foam crepe sole Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association Misses TO PAY YOUR BILLS (Continued) Men’s 30.3”) W” Men’s Black Leather Loafers with foam crepe sole 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 as $3.99 -5 $5.95 as $6.95 IN YOUR PROPERTY c1w46 YOU HAVE tf028 $6.95 $8.95 ESTATE FUNDS to purchase ‘lst and 2nd mortgages. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. tfc39 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-7191l tfc2 SOLICITOR has client's funds available for mortgages at rea~ sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 5-7321. tfc40 SET of lawn bowls, in good con- dition, TU. 4-3360 or TU. 4-4455. extension 57. c1w46 DESK SPACE wanted on Yonge St., Richmond Hill for three nights a week. Phone EM. 3â€" 6251. Toronto. tfc45 RELIABLE young couple want two bedroom house. bungalow or duplex, Thornhill, Richvale or Richmond Hill area. Call Myers. AV. 5-4957 9 to 5. RIDE WANTED Every other week. south from Richvale to arrive Steeles 5.00 am. or city at about 5.30 am. AV. 5-4718 after 6.00 pm. RIDE wanted from Pleasant- ville to Yonge and Bloor. arriv- ing 7.30 am. approximately, re- turning 5 pm. TU. 4-1930. Transportation Office Space To Rent 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call MORTGAGE§ Woiheh’s Griffin Contracting Co. Ltd. WANTED TO RENT WANTED $2.33 ME. 3 - 5661 Richmond Hill One Visit in the ) purchasé 5. Call Mr. David Mc- c1w46 c1w46 clw46

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