f I I I I I I ‘77‘:-_‘__!___‘_! (“‘,“! ‘II‘A“““‘ Thornhill came up with two llemmtng, I’EIEI‘ UUImelmr big wins in the Quaker Relays Paul Donkersley and Dave Rut] last: Saturday. The senior team Effort]- won the hurdles for the second Dale Crouter. George NCt Itralght year while the junior land. Allen Reach and Bria team made it three years in Clark are the junit I row for their event. Members squad stalwarts. Charl 'l‘hornhlll wvx 'va-vv‘ ’ TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO. 1 ‘ OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM . 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS in co-operation with the York County Health Unit Schedule: Henderson Ave. Public School May 29th, 1962 - 1.30 pm. to 3.30 pm. Pupils from Henderson Ave. district, Ger- man Mills district and Bayview Glen sub- division. Woodland Public School May 30th, 1962 - 1.30 pm. to 3.30 pm. Pupils from Woodland district and Lang- staff district -.Markham T0wnship. Sixteenth Ave. Public School June lst. 1962 - 1.30 pm. to 3.30 pm. Pupils from North Thornlea (Duncan Rd., 16th Ava, Bayview Ave. Briggs Ave.), Central Thornlea (No. 7 Highway and Bay- view Ave.) and South Thornlea (John St. and Greenlane). Children must be ï¬ve years of age on or before December 31, 1962. for Kindergarten-Primary. Please bring proof of age and immunization record BOARD OF TRUSTEES Notice is hereby given to all property owners and ocCupants that in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960. Ontario, Sections 3, 9, 10. 11 12, and 13, unless weeds growing on their lands within the Township of Markham are cut down by Friday. June lst, and throughout the season. the Weed Inspector of the Township of Markham may enter upon said lands and have the weeds cut, charging the cost against the lands, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all concerned is earnestly solicited. H. C. T. CRISP. NOTICE RE-WEEDS TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Tenders will be received by the undersigned until ' Monday, May 28, 1962, for certain shop equipment I required for Thornhill and Bayview Secondary I Schools. Speciï¬cations and other information may ‘ be secured by calling AV. 5-428]. ‘ The lowest or any tender accepted. KINDERGARTEN - PRIMARY REGISTRATION The Canadians are the 1961-2 champions of the bantam division of the Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Association. 'l‘hey provad their tremen- dous driving poweq‘, by sweeping the ï¬nals without a less. They were again sponsored by the well known local rose growing ï¬rm of H. J.Mills Ltd. The team members are back row (left to right) Douglas McDonald, Clerk DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. D. J. Ashworth. Business Administrator. York Central District High School Board, 25 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill, Ontario. T E N D E R S TECHNICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT “I. 4 - 4361 vvvvaVVVVVVVVVVVWV ‘6 WWW Weed Inspector, Telephone Gormley 5429 'Dale Crouter. George Nee land, Allen Reoch and Brian Clark are the juniOr squad stalwarts. Charlie of the senior tean1 are Terry Hamming, Peter Donkersley. Paul Donkersley and Dave Ruth- errord. will not necessarily be E. L. CLUBINE, Canadiens Are Bantam Hockey Champions For 1961-62 ’ [ Shotput: Bob Hoernigk. Andre HGuloL Neil Shepherd, I Discus: Bob Hoernigk. Dave . Grant. Ed Dennis. f , Mlle: Ron Mann, Mel Skret- v teberg, Ron Davidson. ; Javelin: Russ Jones 115 frec- , 0rd}, Dave Grant. John Driehuis. a Discus: Ron Dalley 114’4" : (record). Steve Plummer. Larry Guio. ? ; Intermediate Result! 1n".. n-.. ‘1-.." u... n. Pole Vault: Don Chabmaï¬, Jim Bradley (tied). Ron McMul- len. High Jump: Bruce Mortson 5‘ (record). Dave Amos. John Driehuis. 440 Yards:? Bob Hoernigk. Wayne Shewell. Wayne Havil- and. 120 Yard Low Hurdles: Bruce Mortson 18.4 (record‘. Wayne Haviland. 220 Yards: Duane Patï¬eld 24.5 (record). Roy Finlayson. Richard Lautamus. Shotuut: Ron Dalley 41'9" (record). Denny Richardson. Larry GuioA Javelin: Ron Dalley 125’ 4%" (record). Larry Guio, Steve Plummet. 440 Yards: Rob Roy McGreg- or 57.7 (record), Wayne Mot-‘- son. Mike Line. Mike Howard emerged as the junior champion while Bo-b Hoernigk and Doug Newburg shared the intermediate title. Duane Patï¬eld, Rob Roy Mc- Gregor and Ron Dalley ended up in a three-way split for the senior championship. 880 Yardsé Jerryr L'erï¬indâ€"eil; ker 2.19.1 (new record). Robbie Louden. B111 Capping. Brand Jump: Rob Roy Mc- Gregor 19’ 8" (record). Mike Line. Ken Tomcheski‘ Hop, Step and Jump: Rob Roy McGregor, 39‘ 5" (record), Roy Finlayson, Mike Line. 100 Yard: Duane Patï¬eld 10.9 (record). Horton Amos. Richard Lautamus. Results of the schon‘ track meet in the boys' division have been announced. Some 75 hope- fuls took part in the events. with individual champions be- ing declared in the junior. in- termediqte andA senior groups. Twenty-six new records Were set and two others tied as stan- dards continue to improve at the Bayview seat of learning. Results of events were: Mile: Robbie Louden. Jerry Leyendekker, Ed Budzianowski. High Jump: Duane Patï¬eld, Wayne Mortson, Jerry Leyen- dekker. Sandra Cross and Angie Mick- leborough shared the girls‘ sen- ior champwnship as Marcia Patterson topped the “termed- iates. Junior Honours were won by Wendy lellston. The colour team chamoion- ship was won by the red team w:th 339 points, orange second wvth 249 points. green third at the 209 mark and blue in the cmiar spot whh 195 ooznts on the board. All track activity at Thornhill Is now centered on the Eckhard‘t Meet held today and the Gerr- gian Bay Championships LO be held Saturday. It's a buy week in the world of the spiked shoe! Pole Vault: Barton Am05 10' 6“. School track and ï¬eld cham- pionships were held las‘ Thurs- day. Terry Hemming and Bob Howes are co-champions in the Senior group with Warren Jack- son'and John Rumble doing (he honours in the intermediate division. Dale (router won the junior chaonnship in handy fashion. Senior Events Bayvlew Seath ls jubilant with the thought that all but Neeland will be in the junior ranks ag- ain next year. 1. looks as though he's counting on the junim‘s to make it four in a raw, «md they've got a very good chance. 9002 Yonge Richvale AV.5-439| SPRING "I"! "P For Your Outboard Motor ‘, May 17, 1962 EXPERT REPAIRS FOR EVINRUDE & JOHNSON BOATS REPAIRED, REFINISHED Running Broad Jump: Elaine Jones 13‘ 833†(record). Judy Thompson. Sue Dennis. Standing Broad Jump: Carina Schmarowski, Judy Thompson. Sue Dennis. Baseball Throw: Judy Mc- Gregor. Janet Ruï¬. Sue Dennis. Shotput: Elaine Jones. Janet Ruï¬. 220 Yards: Judy McGregor 31.1 secs. (record). Elaine Jones. 100 Yards: Judy McGregor 13.2 secs. (recordb. Dale Nokes. Running Broad Jump: Elaine High Jump: Dinah Wilcox Pat Shelton. Illa Callln. Senior High Jump: Carma Schmara owski. Judy Thompson Senior: Red Team. Bayview Girls Results Junior Standing Broad Jump: Diane Hudson 7’ 5" (record). Barbara Lowens, Barbara Lentine. Running Broad Jump: Diane Hudson 13’ 6" (record), Vilda Callin, Vivian Last. i007 Yards: Pat Craine 13.3 secs. lrecord), Leonore Fleming, Sylvia Inglis. 60 Yard}: Pat Craine 841 secs. (record), Sylvia Inglis. Sandy Wilson. Shotput: Heather Castle 24‘ 5†(record), Carol Shelton. Viola Coleman. 100 Yards: Barbara Richard 13.9 secs. (record). Avis Burnett. Sue Pitt. Shotput: Pat Shelton, Cheryl Cochrane, Pat Gates. Baseball Throw: Pat Gates, Joan Miltenburg. Standing Braid Jump: Janice Farquerson 7' 8" (record). Leon- org Fleming, Cheryl Cochrane. Running 'Broad ' Jump: Pat Craine 13‘ 1" (record). Sylvia Inglis. Karlene Hedman. Pole Vault: Paul van Goozen Gary R-isebrough. High Jump: Mike Howard 5'1" (record). Pete Moseley. Bill Hud- son. John Puï¬â€™er (3-way tie). Relays Intermediates: Red Team Gold Team. Black Tea-m. Baseball Throw: Heather Cas- tle 160' 3" (record). Vivian Last, Barbara Richard. 60 Yards: Avis Burnett 8.2 secs. (record). Sue Pitt. Janet Royston. High Jump: Diane Hudson Vildla Callin. Roxanne Louw. Intermediate Junior: Black Team. Gold Team, Green Team. Mile: Dave Smi Rumble. Stu Barnes Broad Jump: Jc John Puffer. Shotput: Tom Ludlow 40' 3" (recordv, Paul Craine, Warren Hurren. 220 Yards: Mike Howard 26.9 secs. (record), Jim Donoghue, Paul van Goozen. 440 Yards: Doug Nichl Jim_ Donoghue. John Sykes 880 Yaras: Dave Smitvh7212‘83 (record), Wayne Rumble. Jack Elms. Discus: Tom’Ludlow 8 7 (rec- ord), Paul Cra-ine. John Sykes. 100 Yards: Mike Howard 12 secs. (record), Ricky Newburg. Doug Buckley. Hop, Step and Jump: Ricky Newburg, Peter Moseley, ‘Bill Hudson. 120 Yard Low Hurdles: Ricky Newburg 20.5 (record), Clay Chapman; Gary RisebroughA Javelin: Wgrren Hurren 101' 10" (record), Paul Craine, Tom Ludlow. ' Broad Jump: Doug Newburg 18' 10%" (record), Jim Brad- ley, Neil Shephard. 880 Yards: Bernie Hawkes 2.29.9 (record), Ron Davidson. Ron McMullen. Hop, Step and Jump: Wayne Johnston-38' 10" (record), Jim Bradley. Nick Chapman. Junior ReSults David Edwards, Bob Coughlin, Tom Moffit, Coach Jim Wood, Douglas Dennis, Albert Windrum, Wayne Bowdery, Gordon Sale and Stuart Nichols. Front row (same order) Frank Ingles, Donald Wilkinson, Barry Pollard, Captain Richard Jones and the league’s most valuable player, Larry Davies, John Harrington and Leslie Buchan. ,(Photo by George Chaplin) 22?) Yard: Dong NMEnrzq Relay: Red Team, Black Team,‘ Track and ï¬eld champiOI Don Chapman, Wayne Jolmston.|Green Team. Gold Team. warp hold at Rinhmnnfl 1'00 Yérdszv Ddug New‘burg‘ 11.4 (record), Wayne Johnston Don Chapman. MORE SPORTS NEWS ON PAGE 15 Dave Smith, Wayne Doug Nicholls John Watson Relay: Red Team. Black Tan: Green Team. Gold Team. Colour Team Point Standings: Red 79 pts.. Black 59. Green 49 and Gold 48. Individual champions were: Junior, Diane Hudson; Inter- mediate, Pat Craine; Senior, Judy McGregor. Richmond Hill Take advantage of this attractive borrowing rate. National Trust now offers you FirSt Mortgage Loans at 6% on select residential property in Metro Toronto. Fast service guaranteed. Come in or phone. Usual commission to Realtors and Solicitors Mary Ann Donald set a new record for the senior standing broad jump covering a distance of eight feet. ï¬ve and one half (Continued on Page 15) Track and ï¬eld championships were held at Richmond Hill High Schoul last week, Thirteen new records Were set in a most successful event. on select residential property. IWRST lOANS 63/4% Designed with a growing family In mind. Fabricath fm‘ casy-do-it-yourself constrtmtlon. or if you prefer our skilled craflsmen wlll erect on your foundation I DOWI AND JUST s48._M0NTHv The 'BRIAR RIVER' Bungalow 40'x24' ‘1' Designed with a growlng family In mlnd. -- Fabricalod {or casy-do-lt-yourself constrUctlon. or if you prefer our skilled craftsmen will erect on your foundation. n catalogue Write for free illustrated COMPARE THESE FEATURES LOUGHLIN HOME SUPPLY PO. Box 150, Richvale, Ont. KI-l! Northfown Shopping Centre Phone IA 5-8809 Visit our Prefab Display Centre - see the exollln: new “custom bums" "Flral Prom: home with aluminum nidlntâ€. And It you are ihlnklng of : noun" or “nu. you’ll SAVE A LOT A'l‘ LOUGHLIN‘S. Display Centre â€"- 4 mlles north of 401 on Woodbine Ave. Architect designed and built to NHA speciï¬cations. Spacious living room, convenient kitchen. plus a comfortable bedrooms. Exclusive aluminum siding over insulated sheath- mg. Trussed roof, 210 lb. shingles, 24†overhang. Stufdding at 16" centres. Choice of cottage or gable mo . J1 1 ul- AX. 1-1971