Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1962, p. 20

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Tenders must he made on the grlnted forms supplied by the apartment and in accordance with thl conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications and forms of tender can be obtained at the office of the Chief of Purchasing and Stores. Room C-459. Sir Charles Tupper Building. Riv- crside Drive, Ottawa; Office Manager: at: 225 Jarvis St... Toronto; 457 Richmond St. London: Post Oifice Building, Fort William. Ont. SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary. Department of Public Works, Room 8-322. Sir Charles Tupper Building. River- side Drive. Ottawa. and endors- ed “TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF COAL. FUEL OIL AND PRO- PANE GAS FOR THE FEDER- AL BUILDINGS THROUGH-‘ OUT THE PROVINCE OF ON-‘ TARIO. 1962-63." ‘ will be received until 3.00 PM (E.D.S.T.). TUESDAY. JUNE 5 1962. WEE VICTORIAN ORDER 01“ 3,52; NURSES iance. RICHMOND HILL 1'“? ‘t BRANCH {5355th . IC ll E MISS E. Woodbyrne; °F§an Richmond Hill Municipal it‘ll??? Hall lvymbe MOM. TUES.. WED. MAY 21. 22. 23 SOUND AND THE FURY Yul Brynner Adult SUNDAY MIDNITE MAY 20th HOUSE OF USHER Vincent Price Adult CIRCUS OF HORRORS All Star Cast THURS. FRL. SAT MAY 17, 18, 19 TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY Dianne Baker LAST TIME I SAW ARCHIE Robert Mltchum DRAPES, CARPETS. RUGS, FURNITURE. ALL CARPET REPAIRS Immediate Pick up and Delivery Sale of DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. OTTAWA fun spot for all "r 30 years of experience fostering good will in business and community life. For information on Welcome'Wagon, nhono WELCOME WAGON NEW BROADLOOM SUPER CARPET CLEANING C0. PHONE TU. 4-4101 TENDERS SPY 0N WILHELMSTRAASE Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary V. O. N. TH EATRI TU. 4-2951 (Kw There is only one ROBERT FORTIER. Jack Hawkins l‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 17. 1962 Cartoon Cartoon Mrs. Stanley DeFoe attended the Sunday morning church ser- vice at Trinity United Church. INewmarket. where her brother, Rev. Fred Smith (a supply min- ister until the end of June) is [the preacher. Later she had lunch with Rev. and Mrs. Smith ,at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. J. P‘ Symons. Mr. and Mrs. Mor!ey Ryan and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter and family ‘at Greenbank. l Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and Hamily of King City. Mr and ‘Mrs. Robert Johnston and fam- ‘ily of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family had Sun- day evening dinner with Ml. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. Sunday Was Christian Family assisted with the scripture read- Sunday when the Sunday school ing, and church services were com- Mrs. Cummer Lee read a bined with the Sunday School prayer composed by St. Francis Superintendent Percy Bennett of Assisi and related the efiect conducting the service. of this prayer on the life of one Scripture lessons were read family in one day. by Victor Suzuki and Shirley Dr. A. F. Binnington briefly BOYMOD. outlined the life of St. Francis, Mrs. J. Oldham of Stoufi‘vlile explaining that this aristocratic. was guest soloist and sang two well educated man influenced numbers. very much enjoyedlby the message in Matthew 10: by all. Mrs. P. Bennett told the 7-14. renounced his material story, "Instruments". heritage and became a great and Dr. A. F. Binnington preacn- happy influence in the Christian ed the sermon. world. Rev. G. Fitzpatrick will be in Hymn Sing Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Emprlngham and girls. Mr. and Mrs Gunther Abra- hamson of Ottawa. lately of Ak- lavik. N.W.T.. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchanan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nich- ols. Ball practise will be held ev- ery Tuesday evening from now on in the Victoria Square Com- munity Centre Park. All boys who are interested in baseball come along on Tuesday even- ings to the park! Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Mead (Lillian Nichols) will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on May 20. Mr. ahd Mrs? John Empringâ€" ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys at Islrington. \ At the official board meeting ‘held in the Victoria Square Sun- day School room on Monday evening of last week. Mr. Heber McCague was elected as the re- cording steward for 1962. The missionary and mainten- ance objective recommended by the M & M committees was ac- cepted â€" Headford $400.00; Victoria Square $1,000.00; and Brown’s Corners $1,653.. total $3.053. Rev. G. Fitzpatrick will be in charge of the service on May 20 at 11:30 am. Base ball Dr. Evelyn Gee of Vancouver is visiting with her brct‘ner. Mr. Fraser Gee and other relatives and friends in the community. Birthday greetings to Patricia Ottaway who was seven years on May 12; Paul Tyndall, eight years, May 18; She“: Gee. e1- even years. May 21; Ronald Gee, May 22. This year's religious scene was a dramatization of “I Be- lieve" by the full cast and St. Paschal's Knights. Prior to the presentation of the first act Gilbert and Sulliâ€" van's comic opera. "The Mika- do". a young pianist. Frank Lac- ino; was featured. All the scenery was painted by the Holy Name Society un- der the direction of Joe Bulger, Roly Goodeve and Joe Altllia. The show commemorates the observance of the Parish Pat- x‘on St. Paschal Baylon. whose feast occUrs May 17. The lst Gormley Guide Com- pany and Brownie Pack me: at the home of Mrs. Wilkinson on Wednesday evening of last week. Plans were made for the an- nual mother and daughter ban- quet to be held in the Button- ville Hall June 15. Church News Refreshments were served at the close by the hostesses Mrs. Brands. Mrs. H. McCague and Mrs. Donnelly. Guides 8: Brownies Mrs. George Hooper. repre- sentative of the Beauty Coun- selor gave a beauty demonstra- tion using Mrs. Harold Hill as her model. The May meeting of the sen-{Cine mar ior women's imtitute was holdfible 5111 Tuesday evening at the home offlhildren Mrs. George Brandi. with Mrs.'The “"0” F. Donnelly as mnvenor. R011 the work call was answered by "Say Mrs. Something Nice About the poignant Person on Your Right." support I Gilbert and Sulliva Mikado". an annual ance. and a variety me. were the featun Paschal Baylon's fifl show held at Northvim Collegiate. Willowdale Featured in the programme were a number of junior mem- bers of the parish in musical numbers. and St. Paschal's 165th Guide Company, 17th Willowdale Scout Tr00p and St. Paschal's Knights in dance and march routines. Sr. Women's [Institute St. Paschal Baylon Features The Mikado FACT FOR THE WEEK: Victoria Square untary contributions col- lected during April by the Canadian Cancer Su- Canada comes from V0 Richmond Hill Unit CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Most of the Support Correspondent Mrs. W. Sandie Phone Gormley 5421 cancer TESS Sullivan's annual per .y program- ures of St. fifth annual 'iew Heights arm Dr. A. F. Binnington gave a short biography of Christopher Wordsworth who wrote the hymn, “O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea.“ Wordsworth be- lieved that a hymn should be simple. objective and instruc- tive. John Rumble contributed a solo on the French horn. Mrs. Douglas Calder and Mrs. Ben Terry were ushers. Socials Mrs. Lucy Boyle and Mrs. James McAvoy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton for a family gathering that served as a reunion and a hail and farewell. Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy just returned from Florida in time to greet a nephew. Wayne Royle from Cornwallis and speed him to his new navy as- The youthful choir under the direction of Mrs. Stewart Rum- ble sang four selections. The choice of hymns and the rendi- tion were particularly beautiful. Mrs. Cummer Lee read a prayer composed by St. Francis of Assisi and related the effect of this prayer op the life of one The June meeting wil! b9 held at the home of Mrs. H. Acker- man. Keswick. and the roll call word is Presence. |Family Day An evening service was held under the U.C.W. of Head‘ford in the form of a hymn-sing. Mrs. Harry Burton. president. conducted the service assisted by Mrs. William Wellman and Mrs. George Barker. 3 Sunday was a day of interest 1in the United Church. The mor- ining service was dedicated to ‘Family Day and the church was well filled with parents and ichildren. Adding to the signifi- 1cance of the day was the happy occasion of the christening of the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanTol. Jack Alexander accepted his name with dignity and over his mother's shoulder nodded approval of his many relatives who had come to hon- our him and witness his first official appearance. Baby Van- Tol was the fourth generation of the family attending the ser- vxce. The service continued with Sunday School Superintendent Stewart Rum'ble presiding. The Sunday school children made up the choir. Kathleen Burton, Rosemary Leek and Jean Clark assisted with the scripture read- mg. Mrs. Beacham had slides. poignant and heart breaking, to support her plea for continued help to this truly ‘dark contin- ent'. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. William Wellman and Mrs. G. Homer. Mrs. Mel- vin Wellman introduced the .guest speaker. Mrs. George ‘Beacham. missionary on fur- lough from Nigeria. South Af- rica. Mrs. Beacham held the complete attention of the wom- an as she opened windows to a world completely foreign. where life at best in the rural areas is a desperate struggle for exist- ence and where supersition and fear control the lives of the‘ people. ‘ ' Mrs. Beacham compared the 'religion of a people who wor- [shipped a dead prophet to the religion that lived, the only re- ligion that had an empty grave. With the Moslem religion. the Arabs have retained many pagan habits. They wear charms to cover all emergencies of life and are at the mercy of the medi- cine man who works unbeliev- able suffering upon innocent rhildren to exorcise evil spirits. The women do 85 per cent of Nigeria, formerly under French control, is at the edge of the Sahara Desert. Religion 1: Moslem and the people are an- tagonistic to Christianity to the point of depriving a convert of any opportunity to make a liv- ing and heaping abuse on the Church News ofl‘ender The May meeting of the Head- ford United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Deverell with 16 members pres- ent and one guest. HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. Loren Guild Gormle! Ph ON JUNE 18, Re-elect The Woodland Boys Team nosed out the boys from Hen- derson 8-7. The Woodhnd girls were smothered by the Hender- son girls to the tune of 354. These permits may be had by submitting in writing, the ap- plicant’s name and address, the place and time of setting ofl’. and the name of the adult per- son in charge. The maximum penalty for each offence is $300. (exclusive of costsi upon con- viction. School Baseball “Safe and Sane" fireworks display in this area is the pur- pose of Markham Township Council passing a by-law con- trolling the sale of fireworks. Contents of this by-law pro- vide that: (1) Fireworks may be sold only seven days prior to any statutory holiday which fea- tures them. namely Victoria Day and Dominion Day. (2) An adult person must be present at the setting off of fireworks for sup- ervising purposes. (3) Fireworks may be used only on Victoria Day holiday and on the Dom- inion Day holiday. (4) A permit must be obtained from the chief of police of the Township of Markham. After the honeymoon Doro-' thy Jackson. soon to be Mrs. Don Boynton will remember hero ,fellow junior institute members with mixed feelings. At a miscel- laneous shower for the young couple recently in Buttonville I they we re present- ed with one gift of a supply of canned foods. labels carefuilv removed. "However." Elisabeth Barker said. “We were consider- ate enough to give them the labels and they can arrange them to suit their taste." Several Headford women vis- ited the Toronto Garden Club Flower Show at‘Casa Loma. They extend their congratula- tions to Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier of Richmond Hill who won the highest award of the show. the Gold Cup.’ Fireworks Mrs. JV M. Barbour. 140 Hen- derson Avenue, is convalescing at the home of her mother, Mrs. F. Smith in Hamilton. following her discharge from the hospital on May 5th. Jean Clark and Kathleen Burton having completed two units in 4-H work received cer- tificates and sterling silver spoons at Achievement Day in Aurora on Saturday. May 12. Janet Craig gave a three min- ute comment on the project, Cottons Can Be Smart The pro- ject consisted of making a blouse. a pair of shorts and a skirt. all of cotton. The girls appreciate the ef- forts of their leaders. Miss Cora Brodie and Miss Elisabeth Bar- ker. who generously gave their time and experience to teaching them. Mrs. George Barker and Mrs. Freeman Barker were prize winners at the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Daffodil Show. Mrs. George Barker won the highest number of points in the decorative designs division with her buffet arrangement of daffodils and forsythia. Mrs. Freeman Barker's win featured; red tulips and quince blossoms. The Hi-C group of Headford United Church wished Elizabeth Barker bon voyage for her flight to Britain. Thursday and gave her a color film as I small part- ing gift. signmem with Torpedo Deteci tion. Wayne's brother Garry from Camp Borden. with sever- al friends. joined the gathering. DONCASTER Let’s Get (In With The Job Phone TU. 4-3040 Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 LET’S KEEP ON BUILDING CANADA ‘ Pictured above is the pro-inumber of years previous to posed new building for the 1906 the Brotherhood of St. Parish of Emmanuel. Richvale Andrew conducted open air to be erected on the present services at Hanlan's Point 'location of the portable build- under the direction of the Rev. mg on MacKay Drive. The con- H. C‘ Dixon the original minist- gregation is presently engaged er. A church was then erected in its campaign to complete and the Parish of Emmanuel. the raising of funds necessary Hanlan's Point came into being. for the erection of the building. From 1906 to 1956 a ‘long list The Parish of Emmanuel was of ministers served the people not always located in Richvale. of Hanlan’s Point. There is a long and colorful In 1956. due to the city of? history associated with the Toronto acquiring residences‘ name Emmanuel for this part- on the island for the purpose of icular name was associated turning the islands into a re- for some fifty years or more creational centre. the board of Church disappearing from the' scene. It was decided to ap- proach the then new parishes struggling to organize to see if they would perpetuate the name Emmanuel and its spiritual life. St Barnabas mission. locat- ed in Richvale was approached and by mutual consent it was decided to not only perpetuate the name Emmanuel but to provide a church home for many people whose lives were so much a part of Emmanuel, Hanlan's Point. The final service was held on June 21. 1959. at Hanlan's The' Parish of Emmanuel was not always located in Richvale. There is a long and colorful history associated with the name Emmanuel for this part- icular name was associated for some fifty years or more with the people of H‘anlan’s Point on Toronto Island. For a Shown above is the architect’s conception of the new Emmanuel Anglican Church to be built on MacKay Drive, Richvale. Presently meeting in a portable on the site, the There is muscle in every Chevrolet frameâ€"â€" combining ruggedness and flexibility for on- and off-highway use. Then. there's more muscle In Chevrolet's rear axles . . . husky Single-Speed axles with capacities from 3.300 lbs. to 18,500 lbs. . . . 2-Speed rear axles with vacuum or electric shift and capacities from 13,000 lbs. to 18,500 lbs. and . . . mighty Tandem suspensions! W“ CHEVROLETTRUCKS 355 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL Since 1957, energetic Progressive Conservatives monetary and fiscal policies have pumped prosperity into Canada. Your government has turned the economy upward again. Canada is prosperous â€" despite what the gloomsters say. Employment is up, exports are up, and investment is up. We are neither lagging nor sagging. This is no "paper prosperity” which gives you more on one hand and steals it away in higher prices on the other. This is real prosperity. The inflationary binge has been stopped. Canada is growing soundly and well. The Progressive Conservatives are making sfeps, gionr steps, io help he homeowner, the small businessman, and the farmer to prosper in This good land of ours. Re-elecf Tiny Cofhers in York Norfh. Send a Progressive Conservative government back to Ottawa. WILSON- NILETT MOTORS lIMI'I'ED Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. New Emmanue' ArlOlican Church For Richvale Area ' ' 5-3-4 3 turning the islands into a re-l The final service was held on creational centre. the board of‘June 21, 1959. at Hanlan's Emmanuel Church was faceleoint at which time the hand- with the prospect of Emmanuel in-g over of the parish church, ye_a‘rs‘pre‘viou‘s ijChurchhdisappcqring f_ro_m the;lts_ spirigupl life. memorialstenough room for everything jn SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Chevrolet Truck hustle Includes the industry's most famous sixâ€"brawny elghts . . . ln fact. your choice of six power plants from 235 to 409 cubic inches. And to match this wide choice of power you have eleven transmissions available as standard or optional equipmentâ€"including 3-. 4-. or 5-speed Synchro-Mesh and two automatics plus 3- or 4-speed auxiliaries. scene. It was decided to ap- and furnishings to Emmanuellthe portable so some of the proach the then new parishes Church, Richvale took place. by furnishings were stored and struggling to organize to see if the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wells. An some loaned to other parishes. they would perpetuate the name annual anniversary service is From 1959 to 1962 the parish Emmanuel and its spiritual held for the people of Em- has grown under the direction life. St Barnabas mission. locat- manuel. Hanlan’s Point at thelof Rev. Edward Morley and at ed in Richvale was approached new location of Richvale. present under Rev. .Fred. C. and by mutual consent it was The transfer of name and Jackson, who at the age of 67. decided to not only perpetuate furnishings was not withouth to become a Priest in the the name Emmanuel but to problems. To move the churchtAnglican Church. when most CATHERS, 0. A. church will receive the interior fittings, as well as the name and traditions of the Emmanuel Church at Hanlan’s Point which was built in the early 1900’s and razed in 1959. The transfer of name andiJackson. who at the age of 67. furnishings was not without‘is to become a Priest in the problems. To move the church Anglican Church. when most from its location on Hanlan’s of his age and experience are was considered but was alooking forward to retirement. physical impossibility so thelNow there unfolds for us an- men of Richvale removed thelother of the wondrous words of furnishings, which were usedtour Lord. as the new building in the portable building sup- goes forward to completion we plied by the Anglican Church are reminded of the maning Extension Board. There was not 0‘ Emanuel â€" "God with us.‘ To experience man-size bustleâ€"drive a Chevrolet! Then you'll feel the sure touch of positive control that Chevrolet has built into its steering. Even when heavily loaded. a Chevrolet Truck is still easyto manoeuvre in tight spots . . . easy on the driver on any kind of road. But that's also due to the Chevrolet ride . . . suspension systems that give maximum comfortâ€"maximum protection to the load. AV. 5-4991 Whitewall tire: optional :1! zxna cos! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TU. 4-1194 CT-llllfl

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