Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1962, p. 21

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Any Government Deficiency Payment will apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patroniz- ing the organization that made this possible. Our Regiflered Warehouse No. l, Weston, Ontario W. G. BOWES R. R. N0. 2, MAPLE or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto 7. Ontario WOOL COMPANY training school, lucrative commissions, full renewals, company fringe benefits, and all sales literature supplied. ‘ CALL COLLECT OR WRITE DIVISIONAL MANAGER - A. G. F. MANAGEMENT L'I‘D., 1263 BAY ST., TORONTO 5 PHONE - 925-2175 SEALED TENDERS preperly marked as to contents, addressed to Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk, Municipal Offices, Richmond Hill, Ontario, will be received up until 4:00 PM. E.D.S.T. Tuesday, May 22nd, 1962, for the supply and application for the following dustlaying materials in 3 lo- cations in the Town of Richmond Hill: (9.) Approx. 6000 gals. D.H.0. Gravel Dust Layer 3 (b) Approx. 2500 gals. D.H.o. Asphalt l Base Prime (c) Approx. 75 tons sand for prime seal. A marked cheque equal to five percent (5%) of the tender price shall accompany the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. A multi-mlllion dollar mutual fund company expanding rapidly throughout Ontario. requires additional managers and sales personnel. If you have a desire to own your own business, be your own boss, work in your own community. hire and train your own sales team. this should appeal to you. SHIP COLLECT T0 Obtain sacks and twine without charge from 0. S. WHALEN, Commissioner of Works Sales Minded Men 8. Women TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO INQUIRIES AREHINV‘ITED FROM THIS AREA Tenders for the Supply and Application of Liquid Dust Laying Materials EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR Over 30 Several people at the meet- ing stated flatly that all the t'ouble with the drainage has been caused because two prop- erty owners tampered with a natural water course. Mr. Jos- eph Kefier. repesentlng the Thomas Keffer Estate stated. “i know that a natural water course has been tampered with. We would have no trouble at all if it had not been blocked at two points". Mr. Wilson stated how- ever, that he had examined the W Is Cruisetime 3M OWEN-SOUND |E $85.00 $22.00 AY TOUR $I76.00 ERVATIONS N 0“ VELSERVICE Steamship and Airlines RICHMOND HILL, ONT. .‘U. 4-7851 'the scheme. “Rut we dont like to be dictatorial about it," she state. “I have always felt we did things in a co-operative way here." Mr. Edward Hay of Southview Drive. thanked the council for the co-operation they had given the ratepayers but suggested that if possible council delay the [plan until they could diuruss the matter further with the rate- payers. in hopes that they could reach an amirable solution to the problem. Although obvious- ly discouraged that the rate- payers were not in agreement about the plan which council had gone to the trouble of pre- paring for them, Reeve Ruther- ford agreed to this and said the matter would be reviewed. In a statement to the press following the meet- ing, Mr. Bockus maintained through his solicitor, Mr. Alan C. Wilson, that he had not in fact interfered with a natural water course and that there were other poss- ible and cheaper solutions to the problem which would not involve improv- ed property. Mrs. Harry Cox, speaking for herself and husband stated that they were in agreement with Mr. Boekus in every detail. She stated that before they had put the fill in. she had written a letter to the reeve announcing their intention of doing so. She stated that to run the watercourse through their property now that the fill was in place, would create a ditch along the side of their property approximately eight feet deep. Mr. Cox is not low enough to been sold as building lots. The take the flow. The route we clerk of the Township, Mr. Mc- have chosen takes the shortestzDonald pointed out, however, possible length on private prop-;that the building of a house on erty." :a lot did not permit the block- "Could it not be drained to ing of a water course. the north?" asked Mr. Wilson.| Councillor Mrs. Ruth McCon. “You would then be dealing key summe it up by stating. with land which is not affected, “Because two people will not which does not drain this way clear a ditch out, all of you will and we would have to purchase have to pay." She warned the land," stated Mr. Hopper. ratepayers that council did have Natural Water Course the authority to go ahead with Several people at the meet- the scheme. “Rut we don't like my, stated flatly that all the to be dictatorial about it," she tvouble with the drainage has state. "I have always fEIt we been caused because two prop- did things in a co-operative way prtv owners tampered with :1 here." (Continued from Page 1) original plan of the lot; that no lem," answered Mr. Hopper. water course was shown in the “The vacant land to the east of area and that the two lots had Mr. Cox is not low enough to been sold as building lots. The take the flow. The route we clerk of the Township, Mr. Mc- have chosen takes the shortestDonald pointed out, however, possible length on private prop-:that the building of a house on erty," A_ > _ I I _ _ I :o lot did not permit the block- ,ullk _-.._-- Elmwood Acres Citizens,’ Clerk-Treasurer R. LYN ETT, rates for careful drivers call us. Mr. Meyer was formerly As- sistant Manager of the Eglinton Avenue office in Toronto. Industrial Acceptance Corpor- ation Limited announces the ap- pointment of R. G. H. Meyer as Manager of their new Branch in Richmond Hid. [féiééif'fihfififi'f SOMETHING TO RENT "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED AD PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 I.A.C. Announces Appointment Res. Phone Gonnley 5369 Kenneth Shepherd Ofiice. TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Markham 724 dAUTOHOBILEIKSURANCECOI’W Canadian Head Ofiice, Toronto, Ont. R. G. H. MEYER Office, TU. 4-229]. 81 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill STATE FARM Lloyd Harvey SCARB‘ORO : Scarboro Council recently decided to advise the Metro Executive Committee that if any change in legislation is anticipated in tax rebates for vacant accommodation, that the change should be made wide ‘enough to cover all vacancies, \not just apartments. PICKERiNG : Township En- gineer, T. 0. Jefferson, has re- cently given in his resignation and will soon become engineer for the City of Woodstock. WANTED . Information lead- ing to the apprehension of van- dals who wrecked a garden - which had been planned and built by love. Reward $50. (By Mona A. Robertson) Twenty-two years ago-a man by the name of Gustav Pristuoa came to Canada from Czechos- lovakia and started up in bus- iness in Toronto, manufactur- ing ladies coats. At the same time he bought two acres of land on Oxford Street in Elgin Mills, and began to make for himself and family a home. surrounded by culture and beauty. Fox: his eldest son, Gustav â€" then two years old â€" he built a cement swimming pool â€" and For further Information, please fill out coupon and mail to your Southern Ontario representative. Robert Walsh, c/o Box 129 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Name . Address Town . Age . . . . . . Phone . . . . . . . THE TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE COMPANY now offers to the residents of Ontario 3 Physician and Surgeoa coverage that pays doctors’ bills . . "THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE PLAN offers protection against the cost of essential HOSPITAL care. IT DOES NOT cover medical or surgical fees.” This Announcement Appears Only Once DOCTOR BILLS HIGHLIGHTS Past health no longer means you must do without this vital health protection! Special plans are now Available which may COVER EVEN A RECURRENCE OF YOUR CONDITION Heart Attack â€" Diabetes â€" Arthritis A classic garden, complete with several pieces of marble statuary, and with many varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers, the result of over 20 years of care and planning, is pictured above, desecrated by vandals, in its owners’ absence Mr. AT HOME - IN HOSPITAL IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE Mr. Robert Walsh Will accept enrolment in this area until May 26, 1962 PAID FROM THE VERY FIRST CALL SPECIALISTS â€" ANAESTHETISTS OSTEOPATHS â€" SURGEONS including United States Gâ€"Benefits will never be reduced because of use lâ€"Individual coverage Zâ€"Famlly coverage 3â€"0ne Adult family coverage 4â€"No Medical Examination required 5â€"Coverage extends coasbtmcoast . Occupation . . . . . . MARRIED SINGLE WIDOWED As his children, Gustav, ero and Lida, grew, Mr. Pristupa built a summerhouse, in which they might play, and he began to add statuary to the beautiful scene. Then, three years ago. he re- tired from business, and six months of the year were spent in and on his garden â€" but during the remainder of the year he and his wife turned with I natural, winding, little creek running through his pro- penty, he had plenty of water on his homeslte; so he put in a lily-pond and a Roman foun- tain. He then began planting an informal garden - which he ringed with trees of every varie- ty. from flowering mulberry, to blue spruce. Gustav Pristupa spent his week-ends every year adding more beauty to his garden â€" where he and his family, and their friends, could stroll in solitude and peace â€" or rest on sturdy, white benches which nestled among the trees, or near to his carefully worked grape arbor. In time he added trellises, and as the summer waxed and wained, flowering vines added to the wild, yet peaceful atmosphere of his garden. Vandals Destroy Classic Garden In Elgin Mills Councillor Ruth McConkey, chairman of the waterworks committee of Vaughan Township reported at the Vaughan Town- ship Council meeting Monday. that following the publishing of the notice in “The Liberal" about the construction of the watermains in the Elgin Mills Area, she had received no not- ice of opposition to the pro. posal. Township Clerk, James Ma-cDona-ld reported that he had had one or two calls on the matter but had received no written objection to the pro- posal. Kleinburg The waterworks committee had also received a request from a Mr. Silverbeng. owner of lands on Steeles Avenue im- mediately south of the pump- ing station on Campbell Avenue. for the supplying of water through a two inch plastic pipe to serve the buildings on his property. He had been advised, however, that the township had previously adopted the policy that any water going down to Steeles Avenue would have be through a six inch main, to be paid for by the property owners ‘benefitingfifrrom the installation.‘ But this year when they came home, and crossed the little bridge over their winding, sun- dappled creekhand climbed the violet-strewn path to the summit of the grassey hill â€"- where their garden of flowering trees and dancing daffodils and state- ly tulips beckoned them on â€" they found that evil had en- tered the garden in their ab- sence, and vandalism had been committed. The fountain was the first desecration they encountered. The little girl of, Carara It- It was also reported that Mr. Renwick who is developing the Renwick Subdivision on the outskirts of Kleinburg has been requested to meet with- the council this week with respect to the extension of the Klein- burg waterworks to this sub- division. The plan of subdivision was registered some time be- fore water was ever contemp- lated in the Kleinburg area and plans have not been made for extending it to the subdivision. Steeies Avenue But when May time rolled around again. Mr. and Mrs. Pristupa came, like homing birds, back to their secluded home and garden in Elgin Mills. They came with gladness and joy. for they knew their garden was calling for attention â€" and loving care. And they came. too. because their children, and their nine grandchildren, would ral- ly ‘round -â€"- the first Sunday they came back â€"- on Mother’s Day. their faces to the sun, travelling to Florida for the winter months. Expect Little Or No Opposition Proposed Elgin Mills Water Plan Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm’s low insurance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO- MOBILEINSURANCECOHPW. Canaan Mud 0,741: TORONTO James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 Gustav Pistupa of Oxford Street, Elgin Mills, found this heart- breaking sight on his return last week from a stay in Florida. A reward is offered for the apprehensiogof the culprits. A request for increased pum- ping facilities ln Maple to pro- vide water for a sprinkler sys- tem was also regretfully turn- ed down. It was explained that the Maple water system which was installed just two years ago was just notâ€"in a position to finance any additional maj- or outlay. The sprinkler system would require approximately 1,000 gallons per minute at 40 pounds pressure. The township does not approve of plastic pipe as it has been found to leak and would re- quire a meter where it leaves the main. Maple Then Gustav Pristupa felt heart sick indeed â€"â€" for. rush- ing from one part of the gar- den to the other, he saw the Roman goddess of marble -â€" which had overlooked the whole garden â€" was desecrated too. The sundial, which had rested on a tall marble pillar, had been mutilated and many of the bra- zen figures, which told the pas- sing hours, had been broken off and taken away A very heavy concrete table in the Roman garden had been broken and part rolled into the creek. allne Marble, who had smiled on them from the midst of the fountain each summer, had been smashed from her base, her head knocked off and thrown down the hill into the creek. The marble bunny rab- bit, which the Pristupa children â€"- and their children â€" loved, had been pummelled by heavy bricks, losing most of its long ears. Wanton vandalism had, in Gustav Pristupa's absence, wrecked the work of years. at great cost; for the goddess a- lone was worth several thou- WESTERN RE-MANUFAC'râ€"UREDAs Low As WESTERN RE-MANUFACTUREDAS Low AS TRANSMISSIONS 6 5 CRANKSHAFTS Guaranteed 4000 miles or 90 days Exchange Guaranteed 4000 miles or 90 days Exchange DRIVE NOW â€" PAY lATER USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS CHEVROLET Ex. Price 53-54 Most .. $164.004' 57-58 Most .. 16950" Engine completely dismantled, thoroughly cleaned. Engine Magnaflux pressure tested. Engine rebored, honed to factory finish. Crankshaft straightened, recentered, reground to 0.0001“ Superfinished for longer life. Crankshaft flange is resurfaced. Camshaft bearing line reamed. All main bearings "line«bored". Cylinder heads resurfaced. SAVE ON WESTERN ‘ 'NOTE: Price: shown do no! include shipping chargesâ€" innallation extra THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May COMPLETELY TESTED AND QUALITY TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. - ASSOCIATE STORE 9108 YONGE ST., RICHVALE - - AV. 5-1031 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8.30 P.M. ’estern (Photo by Légerquist) sand dollars he bought the lovely sta-tue twelve years ago, and cannot even 'buy an- other like it, now. Mr. Pristupa said, in a be- wildered, stricken voice, “We have never, in the 22 years we have lived here, had any trouble before. We never ex- pected anything like this would happen, here." To complete the damage the vandals, who are believed to be teenagers, broke down trellises and lopped branches off a small group of Catalpa trees Just then, we heard a dinner bell chiming on the air â€" for this was Mother‘s Day, 1962, and all the children and grand- children were waiting for Gus- tav Pristupa to come to the table.... But as we walked down thel flower-strewn slope, across the rustic bridge, and up the col- ourful slab sidewalk to the house, Mr. Pristupa said, “I hope we find out who did all ‘this”. And he added, “Then the \parents of those who did all lthis damage could tell their children this is not the proper way to behave... . if that came about, even this damage to my garden will be o.k." FORD Ex. Price 49-54 Most .. $155.00" 55-58 Most .. 205.00" Not merely overhauled, but completely, expertly remanufactured by one of Canada's leading, most experienced rebuilders. Latest precision assembly line techniques are used to assure you of superior quality. Every moving part, every wearing surface is renewed or replaced. Rigidly inspected at every stage of pro- duction. Actual running tests are carried out after final inspection to check for correct oil pressure, piston fit, valve tappet clearance, etc. Vacuum and compression readings are verified. Built in "new car" quality, backed by Western’s liberal guarantee. You save more and get more when you buy a Western re- manufactured engine. Generators, starters, fuel pumps, water pumps, cab buretors, ignition parts, etc. APPROVED BEFORE DELIVERY Connecting rod: and piston: balanced to 6 grams. New valves, guides, springs. New timing gear: or chains. New connecting rod bearings. New main bearings. / New camshaft bearings. New pistons and piston pins. New chrome piston rings for longer life. Oil pumps reconditioned and individually tested THIS WEEK ONLY: Present this ad and If you purchase any one of our used cars, we will install a safety belt completely RKHMONDHHL‘ TV 8. Appliances AV. 5 - 3756 TU. 4 - 7456 1956 Morris Oxford Station Wagon. Very clean car $675. 1956 Austin A50’s - 4 to choose from FREE. Television Rentals TELEVISION ANTENNAS FROM $29.95 SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS - TV - HI-FI . TAPE RECORDERS TELEVISION TOWERS FROM $49.95 1960 Austin A55 II " 1 owner, 20,000 miles $1225. 1961 Austin 850 Coach Blue $S 1959 Riley 1.5 Sports Sedan Loaded with worth- while extras $995. By Day - week - or Month MANY OTHER WARRANTED USED CARS See The Fabulous 1'. V. R. 7010 Yonge St. at Steeles AV. 5-4925â€"6-7 FLY-DODGE Ex. Price 41-54 Most 55-56 Most 57-58 Most Shelton-Manse“ MTRS. lTD. Installed GOOD USED CARS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 17, 1962 $75.00* 175.00* 175.00* $925.

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