Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1962, p. 3

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The story goes that Packard first proposed some Improve- ments In the Winton vehicles to the already famous manufactur- er. Winton rejected them say- lng: "If you’re so smart why don’t you build a better ma- chine yourself?" Mild and easy going Packard was offended and replied: “Why. Mr. Winson. I guess I’ll do just that." Packard designed a roomy luxurious and prestige automo- bile whlch that famous car re- mained until its death. The decline of Packard washr due primarily to market changes}, and the unpredictable shifting‘rj of public preferences. Perhapsi most of all. Packard will be re-{ member-ed for one of the most» famous slogans ever coined in! the industry - “Ask The Man Who Owns One." 1 l i v T h e Studebaker - Packard Corporation is dropping the name of Packard from its cor- poration title and thus declar- The last Pack- ards were built in 1958 on a common ; body shell wilhi Studebaker. The first one was built In 1899 in Warren. Ohio. by J. W. Packard and his brother who assem- bled the parts bv “R. Bear hand in a small workshop. Like many of the fine auto- mobile makes established since then, the Packard was built as an improvement on some of the vehicles being manufactured at the time, particularly the Win- ton Horseless Carriage. UOI‘porauuu 13 uiupyuns Luc name of Packard from its cor-iMAY 18 & 19 â€" Rummage Sale poration title and thus declar-lin Oak Ridges Legion Hall, Fri- ing at an end the era of one of day night from 7 to 9 p.m., Sat- the fine cars of history. urday 10 am. Sponsored by the King City Girl Guide Locai Afs: a“. - I-..4 n-..l. THE END OF PACKARD RICHMOND HILL LIONS HALL You are invited to come and bring the whole family to to meet Canada's National Liberal Leader. ADDISON FARM, KINGCROFT, IN KING TOWNSHIP HON. L. B. PEARSON ON TUESDAY, MAY 22nd. AT JOHN ADDISON'S YORK NORTH LIBERAL Community Picnic From 6 pm. (Daylight Saving Time) EVERY FRIDA? NIGHT â€" MAY 24 â€" Euchre, Legion Hall. Carrville pm. The K Road West. 8.15 pm. tf639 ‘Ca‘n.adian Cg sociation [CAM SPECIAL MIXED, RICH BLACK SANDY ‘SOD ‘SEED ‘PEAT MOSS ‘Fl LOAM AV. 5 4514 LOAM and SOD Co. Ltd. WELL ROTTED MANURE TOP SOIL (Sponsored by York North Liberal Association) Ordinary COMING EVENTS ‘FILL c1w46 T â€" MAY 24 -â€" Thursday 2 to 5 rville pm. The King Branch of the tfc‘391Canadian Cancer Society will be holding their Trend Tea at the home of Mrs. E. Frankel, 7th SaleEConcession, King. c1w46 AT THE 'Jumping display by Canada’s lead- ing horsemen . . '. bands . . . fun for the kiddies . . . cold chicken and soft drinks. The Addison farm is located on Bathurst Street (2nd Concession, King), one half mile south of Tem- peranceville and King sideroad; one-half mile north of King-Vaughan Townline. About five miles from the centre of Richmond Hill. Acres of parking space . . . attendants on hand . . . route well marked . . . marquee in event of rain. MAY 24 â€" Thursday. 8 p.m.. at the Lions Community Hall Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Soc- iety Annual Tulip Show and Plant Sale. Speaker, Professor James Taylor, O.A.C.. Guelph, “Growing Iris". No admission charge. Everyone welcome. MAY 26 â€" Saturday, 10 am. to 1 pm. Rummage Sale, base- ment of the Church of St. Theodore of Canterbury, Moore Park and Cactus Ave.. Willow- dale. Stop 12B. c1w46 JUNE 27 â€" Wednesday. Carr- ville United Church Strawberry Festival. More details later. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Theme of R. R. 1 Thornton, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Ruth to Mr. Kenneth Harvey Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of R. R. 2 Maple. The marriage will take place on June 9th, 1962, at 2 o'clock at the Salvation Army Citadel, Barrie, Ontario. *1w46 c1w46 c1w46 At St. Mary Immaculate Church, Miss Mary Edith Hill, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ,vard C. Hill, and Mr. Thomas )Vilbert Oakley, son of Mr. and IIrs. Thomas D. Oakley, were 'nited in marriage: Rev. Basil Breen performed the wedding eremony, and the nuptial Mass MRS. THOMAS OAKLEY Pretty May Bride ‘ Jaycee Head 1 Given in marriage by her fat- her, the bride wore a waltz- length gown of white Chantilly lace, the fitted bodice featuring a round scoop neckline, with long lily-wpoint sleeves. The shir- red bouffant back added dram- atic interest to the full circular skirt. Her shoulder length veil of silk tulle illusion was held by a crown of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white car- nations and red roses. (Photo By Lagerquis-t) was celebrated by Rev. Jo McArd-le, S. J. Miss Jessie Henderson, maid of honour, gowned in dog-wood pink, and Miss Jeremy Hill, sister of the bride. in palest aqua, were the bride’s attend- ants and were gowned alike in silk organza over taffeta. fea- turing bell skirts with embroi- dered lace bodices. They wore matching headpieces and car- ried bouquets of pink and white carnations. Mr. Anthony Hill was best man, and Mr. Edward Mac- Brien acted as usher. After a wedding luncheon at the Four Winds, Mr. and Mrs. Oakley left for a trip to Quebec, and on their return will make their home in Richmond Hill. PETER PFENNING Who has been elected the new president of the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce. Active in Jaycee work fact the past four years, Mr. Pfenning served as vice-president during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Pfenning and their three daugh- ters reside on Cartier Crescent. NEWMARKET : A number of stores in Newmarket Shopping Plaza were broken into recent- ly. A substantial amount of money was taken from one of the stores. The vandals. thought to be juveniles also entered a laundromat, which is open all night, and placed a number of fish-heads in a dryer. Satisfaction Priceless when taken by the BABY PICTURES LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Est. 1946 3 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2791 fact-ion Guaranteed (Photo by Lagerquist) W are Joseph 29 YONG! ST. S. SUNKIS'I' CALIFONIA STRAWBERRIES BURNS’ Beef Stew 11/2 lb. tin E. D. SMITH’S â€" Raspberry, Strawberry, Pure Jams Cake Mixes 2pouchpac MORLEY'S COFFEE " MONARCH â€"â€" ALL VARIETIES Fresh Boneless PORK LOIN PINT BOXES NEXT BINGO MONDAY MAY 28m. JACKPO‘I‘ wnu. 3:54.25 (Contiued from Page 1) operated dupiicators. The pur- not they felt the seminar to be chase of the "Copy-Rite" ma- a success and whether they chine from National Stationers would like to have future sem- at a price of $175.00 was ap- inars. proved. The business adminâ€" purchases istrator‘also advised that in com- Considerable discussion took 9*!“ Wlth an Offidal from L3" place around the question of mmated Structures he had ex- ithe deletion from the beard-s amined the laminated beams istatemen-t of policies the state- at Beverley Acres 501‘00} and ;ment that prices received from it was felt that the beams were glocal businessmen that are no worse than before 'md were [within 5% of the lowest “rice not dangerous. but that a close Considerable discussion took place around the question of the deletion from the board's statement of policies the state- ment that prices received from local businessmen that are within 5% of the lowest price on any item received by the board should be entitled to ad- ditional consideration. While all the trustees felt that the board's policy of patronizing local mer- chants wherever possible was a good one, it was felt that the retention of this directive in; the policies would jeopardize the board’s position in getting bids; that is. outside contractors would not bother putting in bids if they knew the contract would go to a local businesmian 1even if it were higher. It was accordingly moved and carried that this directive be removed from the board's statement of policies. Accept Lowest Tenders The building committee su'b~ mitted prices for the providing of windows and fixtures at Wal- ter Scott and Beverley Acres Schools and it was decided to award the contract to the low- est bidder, Sentinel Electric. for a total of $7,960.00. The work is to be done in July. The price quoted includes sales tax, which will be refundable. Three prices were also sub- mitted for the installation of fluorescent fixtures at Mac- Killop. McConaghy and Walter Scott Schools. The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Canadian General Electric at a figure of $2,445.28. This figure also includes a refundable sales tax. It was specified that this work should be done before July lst. The business administrator reported on the demmstraticn he had had of several hand School Board Requests EATING or JUICE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 17, 1962 89¢ jars 53C operated dupficamrs' The pm. The Question of allowing tea- chase of the "confine" ma- chers time off with pay for the chine from National Stationers purpose 0f writing examinations at a rice of 17500 -was discussed and it was de- prove: The limitless wifgmig elded that teachers be allowed istrator also advised that in com- twp half days 9“ per year for Deny with an official from La_ this purpose, With pay; but that minated Structures he had ex_ any additional absences for 'his amined the laminated beams purpose should be approved by at Beverley Acres School and the .Supermtende!“ and would it was felt that the beams were requ1re a deduction from sick no worse than before 'md were leave‘ not dangerous. but that a close It was deemed to how the watch would be kept on them next board meeting on May 3lst ‘ to permit the members of the speed‘ nempm board to attend the meeting ‘ supermtendent Melntyl'e re- being held on May 24th to dis- portfd {hat he_had had only two cuss the possible amalgamation applications for the post of speech therapist, neither of which he felt justified in sub- mitting to the board. Instead, he requested permission to ap- point a teacher already on the staff who has the necessary skills and will take a further summer course and take this position over in September. Toilet Tissue 2m" pkg. Margarine BALLET â€" White or Colored ROSE SWEET Mixed Pickles |6iar CHEFMASTER 0 Minor Repairs O Softset Finish‘ a Q 8-H0ur Service 0 No Extra Charge ONTARIO FRESH GREEN ONIONS or RADISHES FRESH CHICKEN FRESHLY GROUND" I lb. bag DEVON RINDLESS 3 bunches RICHMOND I-III.I. 198 YONGE ST. N., TU. 4-4411 I lb. package Cooked HAM a sum SERYJQE The teacher appointed would receive an extra $300 per an- num. plus transportation. The board agreed that this be done. “Guaranteed Lean" of essential services of the five municipalities of Markham and Vaughan. Richmond Hill. Wocd- bridge. and Markham Village. “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 . tin TRY A 45 LIMITED

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