The churchwardens of Emmanuel Anglican Church, Richvale and St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, surround their clergy on the oc- casion last Sunday night in Wrixon Hall of a parish reception to honour the Rev. F. C. Jackson and the Rev. E. Paul Morley after their Ordination at St. James’ Cathedral that day. Both of the newly ordained clergy received suitable gifts of ecclesiastical attire on behalf of their parishioners Editor Margot Craclc and Mrs. F. 13'. Jackson and Mrs. E. P. Morley Miss Jessie Henderson entertained at dinner by Mrs. Ned Hill at her home on Vaugh- an Road after graduation at Convocation Hall Michael's School of Nursing. from St. THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Honour New Clergy At Parish Reception - winning a r Dr. James G. McKinnon. oft Richmond Hill. enjoyed a week ted a Leader" presented by the:Mr. and Mrs. L. J. - visiting‘Friendship Circle of St. in London recently, friends and playing golf. is * It It Congratulations are brother John. on scholarship at . in or-‘at St. der for Miss Lois Perkins, At the close of the skit, “Wan- Gabri- T‘H’E 1.TBFRAT.. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. May 17, 1962 5 MC uerau. a. m... ‘ Roy, BahCi ‘Ave.. Richmond llil., is home on el‘s Church at the annual York‘leave from the Air Navigation lDeanery meeting on May Mary's Anglican Church, ' andssixteen little helpers iincluding their each‘the Reid and Trotman twinsi thc;really stole the limelight, as Festival of Music, Woodbridgc.‘they smiled and waved to the details of which will *itï¬ Last Sunday. at Mother’s Day services held in the Richmond Hill United Church, the follow- ing children were received in Frank Guy, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowden; Audrey Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Burns; Howard Hugh. son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Ian Kerr: Anne Louise and April Jane. . daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W P. Killam; Richard Edward. son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Medland; Barry Raymond. son of Mr. and ' .Mrs. Lorne R. Orser; Heather ',Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.;bings, Margaret Bergin. Ester Mark Stewart; David Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Teet- 3 zel; Brian William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce. 50n of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wilcock. 1" it! Ilr it! The annual spring dinner of the lst Richmond Hill Scout Mothers Auxiliary was held at the Summit Restaurant on May 9th. A short business meeting followed a delicious chicken dinner. Mr. Arthur Tweedle, guest speaker and an optometrist in Midland, Ontario, showed color- ed slides of his trip last year with the Rotarian Convention to Hong Kong and Tokyo, Japan. i An attentive group of ladies § were keenly interested in his account of the Rotarians’ trip to Asia and the Hawaiian ls- -e lands. Mrs. M. Spence thanked Mr. : Tweedie and presented him with a token of appreciation on be- half of the auxiliary. President Mrs. B. Wilder reminded mem- bers to please present their. recipes to Mrs. S. Thiel, 110? Harding Avenue, if they have not already done so; also of the articles for the bring and buy box for next October's meeting. Mrs. Vera Burke was welcom- ed to the group as a new mem- were presented with corsages. A highlight of the evening was the sermon preached by the Rev. Paul Morley to a full church and the blessing given by his father, the Rev. Edward Morley. Pictured (left to right) are: Mr. Lionel Bos- well, Rev. Fred Jackson, Mr. Warren Nobles, of Emmanuel; the Rev. E. Paul Morley, the Rev. J. F. O’Neil, Mr. H. C. Peacock, Mr. E. M. Ashkan- ase, and Mr H. Stanford of St. Mary’s. (Photo by Wainwright) Reeve FTOyd Perkins will he the official town delegate at the forthcoming convention of the Ontario Municipal Association, town and village section. The 1962 convention will he he'd on May 18 and 19 in Timmins. * 4r at: n- Deborah Goodier of Maple, a ï¬rst season singing student of Miss Ruth Garson, A.D.C.M., entered the 10 years and under class in the York Music Festi- val competition last Saturday. She gained high praise and line remarks from the adjudicator, standing fourth in the class with ‘81 marks, in which the highest was 86. Maple should indeed be proud of this nine year old cic- was this week, Hospital Fun to Teach". On Sunday evening next, after evening prayer, St. Gabriel An- glican Church, Richmond Hill East, will be holding their mon- thly study group. This group is being sponsored by the Chris- tian education committee in con- junction with the minister, the Rev. R. E. McLennan. In recent months the church great inroads into Christian ed- ucation by holding a very suc- cessful children and youth wor- kers training program. theme of this program was “It‘s has made The This Sunday evening they are going one step further by com- mencing another series on “The The ninth annual meeting and conference of the Ontario As- sociation for Retarded Children was held at North Bay on May 11th and 12th and was attended by Mrs. J. Arnold Price. The religious and educational ses- sions were directed by Mrs. L. J. Stuart. C.A.R.C. chairman, assisted by Dr. Arlene Albright, department of education. Mar- quette University, Milwaukee. While there, Mrs. Price visit- ed the Ontario Hospital on the outskirts of North Bay, in which are housed 860 inmates and 15] in staff. The tour of the h05- pital included a visit to the kit- chen, where the chef has to prepare 1,000 meals â€" every izen! use: Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDIN GER MUSIC Yonge & Centre Sts. Richmond Hill ian Church on rament Williamson, all Hill. by the Sunday school. At Richmond Hill Presbyter- Mother’s Day three children received the Sac- of Baptism. Gordon George. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Flagler; Barbara Anne. Frasen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Allan and Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. of Richmond The children were also ‘rpresented with New Testaments Understanding of Children", with the showing of two ï¬lms. One called “Border Line" deals with a young girl who ends up in a home for juvenile delinâ€" quents and the other, “A Crim- iinal is Born" brings out the de- ï¬ant anti-social behaviour in children. A group discussion on ithese subjects will follow. The Christian education com- mealtime. ltl * ll! tk Shirley Dillon of 254 Brown- dale Crescent was given a sur- prise party on her seventh birth- day by the members of the club after their regular meeting. The party and meeting was held at the home of Patricia Smith, 245 Browndale Crescent. Shirley Dillon and Patricia Smith were mittee extends to one and all a given special prizes for 100% cordial invitation to join with attendance at club meetings to them in discussing these very'date. Cathy Rusk, Ginger Rusk, important subjects. James Reddy, Bernice Pozdrow- The Pupils Of The AT THE See Richmond Hill Children In A Fascinating Slop 24 Yonge SI. South incl-mend In I. DENNIS MOORE School Of Dancing PROUDLY PRESENT , “Let's Dance '62" EA'I'ON AUDITORIUM COLLEGE S'l'. SATURDAY JUNE 2, 7:45 PM. TICKETS: TU. 4-2875, TU. 4-3584 AND EATON BOX OFFICE BY: lOCAllY AND ,SAVE' MONEY! ski, Bob Reddy, Mary Johnson, Donna Johnson, Marilyn Chart- rand, Linda Chartrand, Andy Reddy, Susan Mulhall, Elaine Mulhall, Maureen Maloney, Ca- ‘thy Finn were present and en- joyed both the meeting and the party to a great extent. *i‘tl The second meeting of the. .newly formed W. A. of the Thornhaven School for Retard-; ,ed Children was held in the ;Christian Education Building of Richmond Hill United Church .on May lst. l The meeting was presided lover by the newly appointed ex-' ecutive: President ~ Mrs. Char- les Allen, Milliken; vice-presi- dent - Mrs. Jack Lumsdcn, Markham; secretary - Mrs. Au- lbrey Wilde. Richmond Hill; ,treasurer - Mrs. John Elliott, Markham. ; The following were appointed committee chaii‘ladies: social - Mrs. Jean Nugent; publicity - ‘Mrs. Donald Brown; member- ,ship - Mrs. Esther Jennings; lways and means - Mrs. J. K. Yeoman: project ï¬nding - Mrs. June Atkinson. The ladies of the W. A. have jannounced that a few good tick- ‘ets are still available for “Spring ;Thaw,†their theatre night at i‘the Crest Theatre on May 23rd. iAn announcement will be forth- coming about the bake sale the ladies are planning for Saturâ€" day, June 16th. Information in the Richmond Hill area may be secured from Mrs. Dodds. TU. ‘4-2753. The next meeting of the ,l‘hornhaven W.A. “Ill be held Exhibition of Dancing on May 22nd at 9.30 am. in the CE. Building of the Richmond Hill United Chur:h. her. The evening closed with a game of court whist, with prizes being raffled off to several members. Two ladies offered to serve refreshments at the Scout Hall. following a second bottle drive, scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd. it ill ill 1.! “The W.A. is a garden under the divine care of a great Gar- dener. We sow and cultivate the seed . . . He counts on us for this!†. . . This was a quotation from the inspiring address giv- en by Mrs. H. J. Watts, president of Toronto Diocesan Board at the Forty-Third Annual Confer- ence, Woman’s Auxiliary of the Deanery of York. held in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Thurs- day, May 10th. Opening with Holy Commun- ion, the celebrant being the Rev. J. r. O'Neil, which was of Spring fIOWEFS " yen†followed b words of welcom tones: Set Off by scarlet roses from Mrs: M. D. McTaggarte "' Rmhmond Hill grown AddTesses' J. Mills. Ltd.. With apprecration to Mr. Nolan for his efforts in Eli/$303533 1133,23, (3:330? regularly changing these beau- bran-ch president. who spoke on the Christian Church in Africa, the ï¬rst Af_ this Grand Award should be rican Christian being baptized 80 years ago . . . Missionaries came at the right moment as they â€" the natives â€" were hun- gry and thirsty for a better way of life. Mid-day prayers were offered by Canon J. T. Rhodes. Rural Dean. A skit - “Wanted - A Leader†was presented by members of the Friendship Circle 0 the Church of St Gabriel - and was well received. A delicious luncheon was con- vened by Mrs W. S. Pocknell. Afternoon tea was provided by the ladies of the evening W.A. * lit a a Women’s Institute Thirtyheight members were present at the regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Women‘s Institute, Retiring President Mrs. H. S derSOn was in the chair, kindly ï¬lling in for the new president, Mrs. J. Dewsbury, who was at- tending the annual officers‘ conference, held May 9th and 10th at the Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. As this session was for pres- idents only, a substitute couli not be sent. However, the mem- bers in general felt it would be advantageous for Mrs Dews« bury to attend, as previous del- egates have always brought back enthusiastic reports of the knowledge gained there. Mrs. H. Sorcnson, after read- ing a poem in keeping with the. international theme, then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs.. G. Dahl, who showed interest- ing slides of her daughter, Miss Grethe Dahl and her activitiesmouise Mason, daughter of Dr. with the “Peace Corps" in Cey- ion. The ladies were pleased to welcome Miss A. Stong back, who, in expressing her thanks, also thanked Mrs. Dahl for her interesting presentation. With Mrs. G. Sayers as auc- tioneer, $30.00 was raised in connection with the bring and buy auction, which is always a popular feature. Members wish- ing to attend the picnic at Bran- tford on June 26th. please con- tact Mrs. J. Pollard 2c TU. 4- 2126 without delay â€" as it is a case of ï¬rst come â€" ï¬rst served. Refreshments were served un- der the direction of Mrs. K. Blanchard and her committee. baptism: Nancy Evelyn. daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Basham; William H. Wabb:,’\vere Mary and Lou Donnelly, . . held in the Ten Miller fourth library auditorium on May 10th. cuss playing “Spanish Lady" on 311- his accordion. ‘night. ’is associated with the Mund~ which brought a meeting, to a close. successful ,many friends in wishing them in the festival. .Bowling League held at be an- audience. nounced at the concert on Fl‘l-l 'day evening. This scene was called the} “Church of Tomorrowâ€. These .were the children of the busyl young mothers who studied, prepared and acted in this col- ourful skit, which was written: and directed by Mrs. Dorothy .Price. i :- iv a t Members of the Cast and pro-1 1duction crew of "Don‘t Listenl Ladiesâ€. along with club mem- ;bers left on Friday 'ast by train ‘for Winnipeg. where on Satur' iday night they will be compet- ing in the Dominion Drama ch-. tival. Travellers included, Muri- ,el Gillard. Cicely Thomson. Margaret Cross, Mary Monks, ,Ann and Denny Featherston- haugh, Gerry Crack. Alan Steb- Postlethwaite, David Coon. Suz- anne Grew and Bill Ferguson. Leaving by air on Wednesday Doug Bellis, Flavia Redelmeier, Joy Madden. and Steve Appleby., “The Liberal" joins with their‘ a good trip and every success.‘ It it! It! It: At the annual banquet of the Allencourt Ladies Afternoon the Aurora Highland Gaif Club, prizes won through the season were presented to the following: Ida Madiil - high average; Son- jin Gradeen - high triple; Lor- na McBrien - high triple handi- cap; Ellen Parrett - high single; Jean Nugent - high single handi- cap. Team Champions. “Two Pins†- Captain Hilda Ludlow; Pat Jordan. Molly Freeman. Sy- lvia Gossman, Lorraine Car- wardine. Genevieve Dennis. Consolation Team winners: Captain Connie Snaith, Myrtie Milley, Jche Cottrell, Adele Doriny. Edith MacPherson, Mary O’Rourke. The door prize was won by Eileen Jackson. The dinner, entertainment and dancing rounded out a very en- joyable evening. drill! “In recognition of creative work of outstanding beauty in the use and arrangement of cut plant material, with fresh flow1 ers predominating†â€"â€" reads the inscription of the Grand Award â€"â€" the Founder’s Gold Cup, won and presented to Mrs. Ernest Redehneier, at the three-day annual "Spring Flower Show" at the Casa Loma, by Miss Mar- garet Dove. president of the Garden Club of Toronto. This gold cup â€" engraved with Mrs. Redelmeier's name as the seventh annual winnerâ€" will be held for one year. to be competed for at that time. How- ever, a minature gold cup, wrought by craftsman Douglas Boyd, will permanently grace the mantel of Mrs. Redelmeier. The subject that captured this award, was a mass arrangement tiful roses. It is also ï¬tting that won in open competition by Mrs. Redelmeier, as in some measure to compensate for the amount of effort expended by Lier as chairman of two suc- '-essful annual Spring Flower Shows of the Toronto Garden Club. a a e o More music laurel: were ad- 'led by pupils of Mrs. H. Nic- ‘10115 of Weldrick Road, at the York Music Festival held at Woodbridge, May 7th~12th. Phil Collins, in the 15 year and under class, was placed second, gaining a silver medal â€"~ with a percentage of 84 .â€" just one mark separating him from ï¬rst place. Ken Nicholls (son) secured third place in 15 year class, Michael Turnpenny of Richmond Hill, was placed third in 12 year class, Wth A]- in 14 year Ken Rumble of Maple, was placed fourth, playing “Top Sergeant†on his accordion. Russell Chevis secured second place and silver medal together with Ken Nichoils in the duet .class, with a percentage of 83. Gary King a student from Toronto, secured second place 10th ‘School, RCAF. Winnipeg. it * it * Among those attending thcl ‘Star‘ panel on Mental Health held at Eaton's auditorium on May 10th, were Mr. and Mrs. F. Jankowiak, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O’Cailaghau and Mrs. W. John Large. This is part of the Americanl Psychiatric Conference on Men- tal Health held in Toronto for. the ï¬rst time since 1931. Mr. Charles Templeton was moder- ator, and Mr. Pierre Berton Mr. Nathan Cohen and Miss Lotta Dempsey other members of the panel. * u: up .This Week~cnd Miss Lois Per- kins of Church Street South Will leave by air for New York City, at which point she will. fly Via K.L.M. to London, Paris,’ Amsterdam and Frankfurt, Ger- many. Miss Perkins, an honour stud-l ent at the University of Toron- to, is one of some 500 Canadian university students who will re- main in Europe for four months, engaged in a labour program. of which details will be puh- l-ished when available. it! it it it On Wednesday, May 9th, the monthly meeting of the Cat- holic Women's League of Our Lady Queen of the World Par- ish was held, with Mrs. R. O’Toole presiding. After the business session, Mrs. Engiehutt introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. P. A. Townshend-Carter, a member of the Canadian Mental Health Association, her talk proving most informative and stressing the need for vol- unteers in this ï¬eld. Mrs. Townshendâ€"Carter was thanked by Mrs. Carter. Father Robinson briefly addressed the League members and the meet- ing adjourned. Coffee was ser- ved with a special touch by Mrs. Tucker, this year's social convenor. * a a .. “Mother's Day â€" Birthday" celebrations were combined on Sunday, May 13th, when Mrs. Lizzie Von Besser of Weldrick Road reached her 79th mile- stone. Guests at her home were her children, family members and friends. including Mr. Danny Von Besser and family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wicket. Mr. varied luncheon was between two and ï¬ve o'clock. from Newmarket, and from Orlando, Florida, together with innumerable cards, letters and gifts. Mrs. Von Besser, who re~ cently returned from her an- nual three months in Orlando. Florida. by car or train, makes it in just three hours". a it! a at! As a ï¬tting beginning to “family week". by the Church Explorer Girls, their plorer mother and daughter ban- as all but one member present. After the blessing was everyone did justice to the (le- licious banquet served by the morning group of the U.C.W. At the conclusion of the ban- quet Melody Lehntonen acted as toastmistress and called on Mary Jane Mason. Jean McIntyre and Sybil Beacock to propose the toasts to the Queen, the moth- ers, and the church respectively. Mrs. G. K. Martin responded to the toast to the mothers. and Mrs. Charles Higginson to the toast to the church. At the conclusion of the‘ toasts, Valerie Fenwick presentsl ed Mrs. Osmond, treasurer of the U.C.W.. with a cheque, as the girls’ contribution to home‘ missions this year. the Thomas Crosby mission boat on the‘ coast of British Columbia. The. “Explorer Annualâ€, a paper ed- ited by the girls and their chief counsellor. Mrs. Harold How-7 arth. was examined. The Explorers then presented a playlet, “The King’s Break- fast" for the enjoyment of all. The cast was as follows: King - Marlene Dennis; Queen - Anne Ellis; Dairyland - Dianne Has- seifeldt; cow’s head - Monica Hatch; cow's middle - Brenda Hunt; cow's tail - Susan Hall; and silver medal in the 11 year class. Janis Nicholls (daughter) was the winner of a scholar- ship, details to be announced at the “Concert of Stars", Wood-r bridge Public School, on Friday Their teacher, Mrs. H. Nicholls is highly regarded as teacher of the accordion. and inger Music Company. no: 1: no: i- Congratulations to Miss Mary and Mrs. W. J. Mason, 33 Church Street North, Richmond Hill. Miss Mason is a member of the graduating class of Women’s College Hospital School of Nursing. Graduating exercises took place at Convocation Hall, Thursday, May 10th. 1962. It It ‘I It How are you planning to spend the holiday week- end? Cottage opening? Car trip? Holidaylng? All make interesting reading for “Life in the Hillâ€. and your ed- itor. Margot Crack would appreciate hearing about such social events. Call us at TU. 4-1105, drop us a note by mail, or call in any- time during the week. YoquLWAYS-jGH "SQUARE DEAL â€"â€" at BRUCE MACDOUGALL MOTOR Opposite Dunlap Observatory reader - Joan Mashinter. Gale Hollowell then introduced the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Stewart Rumble, who talked to the girls about keys and their uses. As she illustrated with real keys, the girls were held fascinated as she talked of the make-believe or dream key; the key that unlocks learning; the home key where we ï¬nd love and security; the car key, where others give pleasure by taking us places; the church key, which leads us to the Bible and thus to a safe guide to a full life. Donna Larson thanked Mrs. Rumble on behalf of all presâ€" ent. Mrs. D. Parrish led in a Sing-song and the other coun- sellors, Mrs. P. Wood and Mrs. George Fenwick were on hand to help out. At the conclusion of the meeting, Miss Harris ac- cepted ï¬ve girls into CG.I.T. They were: Monica Hatch, Mar- lene Dennis. Melody Lehntonen, Diane Hasselfeldt and Janice Grainger. The latter earned her pin, but unfortunately was unable to attend to receive it. Melody Lehntonen closed the ceremonies with the Explorer hymn, “Children Who Walk in Jesus’ Way". ,ton: radio-television - Mrs. Clive and Mrs. Edward Pennycad and 1 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bulmer and family, Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Deni- son, Mrs. Ostep, Mrs. Glass, Mr. 55]. Colhoun, Mr. Graves. Quite a served « ' Long distance calls from Mrs. :- Bales who is sick in Hagersville, . sojurn _- advises "all you grandmothers to try - it yourself â€" travel by plane-â€" - as closer to heaven than going w a happy and memorable evening was enjoyed ; Richmond Hill United mothers and guests at the Ex- quet. Friday, May 11th. There was almost perfect attendance, _. were ' asked by Mrs. John Spanner, .._. u. tilc‘ “1011' _ .. . , Mr. David Tinker. son of Mr. lUnd Hill West Central Branch ‘ _ and Mrs. S. F. Tinker, returned if The \olunteer Auxfliary of home on Friday last from the iork Central Hospital was held University of Washington, Se- at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers‘attle. on May 2. 1962. A brief discussion of auxiliary The executive of the Mothers' work was followed by the eke-Auxiliary. Church Boys' League tion of officers: chairman, Ml‘sï¬wish to express their apprecia- il. Sayers: co-chairman, Mrs. Mdtion to those who donated and Clement: FOCFOlaI‘l’. Mrs. D. C. assisted also to the public who I“.Y Earle; treasurer. Mrs. A. R.:contributed to make the annual “. U‘Cn- ‘C.B.L. rummage sale in Wrixon Any interested residents of Hall on May 12th, so successful. this area are invited to contact one of the members of the ex~ ecutive. menu). It It ill 1* Choirs of Richmond Hill pub- lic schools have recently added further trophies to their grow- ing collections of competitive a\vards,- receiving very high marks and commendation: from the adjudicators. In Peel County Music Fes- tival at Brampton, two groups from Pleasantviile School con- ductcd by Mr. Graham Shanta won a ï¬rst and a second prize. Two groups from MacKillop School conducted by Miss Flor- ence Thomson won a ï¬rst and second prize. Two groups from Beverley Acres School conduc- ted by Mr. James Morrison won two ï¬rst prizes. In York Music Festival at. Woodbridge, a group from Plea- santvilie School. conducted by Mr. Shanta won a ï¬rst prize. It is interesting to note that the marks for all these choral groups ran from 80% to 88%. tiltit' The regular monthly meeting of St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s League was held at Our Lady of Fatima School, Monday, May 14th with Mrs. J. Lawlor pre~ siding. The following convenors were named: telephone - Mrs. John Harris; welfare Mrs. Basil Pax~ Battles: spiritual - Mrs. South- cott; education - Mrs. W. George; press - Mrs. V. I. Mc- Cullough; immigration and cit~ izcnship - Mrs. Ned Hill; league magazine - Mrs. D. Duggan; so~ cial and programming - Mrs. M. Stephenson; membership - Mrs. J. Coughlin and Mrs. B. Paxton. Mrs. J. Wilson. representing the library board, gave a very informative talk on the Rich~ mond Hill Library. it was de- cided to hold a membership tea in September. Mrs. Lawlor thanked Mrs. Szeller for con- vening the euchre and bridge held at St. Mary's school audi- torium. Prize winners were: Bridge ~ lst Mrs. M. Bicklin, 2nd Rita Oakley, 3rd Catherine Yates. Special prize, Mrs. K. Shields. Euchre - ladies lst Helen Shaw, 2nd Rita Houlihan, 3rd Doris St. Louis; men Ist B. Brazier, 2nd Fergus Houlihan, 3rd Mar- guerite Murphy (playing as a man). Door prize winner was Nan Uz. Balis. A very successful rum~ mage sale was held in the LEGION HALL school on May 5th. After a short discu55ion, Rev. Father Mcuinn Canvme Road closed the meeting with prayer. One Block west of Yongo St. A social hour followed, with re~ A" Veterans Welcome SCARBORO : The public utili- ties commission hydro capital budget for this year amounts to $355,000 to provide equipment distribution systems and street lighting. This will be reduced by $80,000 from the sale of pre- vious debenture issues. m . Canadian Legion . Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 p.m. freshments served by Mrs. Ste- phenson and Mrs. V. U7. Balis. 6.60mi ulna estu- sAvuues! LEAN, BLADE BONE OUT Blade R_o_u_sl lb. 45 LEAN SMOKED ‘ Collage Rolls r lb. MINCED BEEF lb. 35: - 3 “.595: C. NELS GAGE BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-769l7 l.A DONNA nouuuc RED 16.99 MATCHING BAGS SHIELD LT D Q ï¬ll/[MW FM 77!! 54/14/17 Richmond Heights Centre South Block TU. 4-5341 GOODWILL USE " 'iioNiIA-c BUICK - VAUXHAlI. yG.M.C. TRUCKS D CARS