Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1962, p. 13

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BEDDINVGIRLANTS 3 BOXES - $1.00 HANSON'S FLOWERS : 67 ELGIN RD. WEST, RICHMOND HILL PLACE VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Thornhill Public School RICHMOND HILL Beverley Acres Public School MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Henderson Public School (oral vaccine for school age children is being provided during school hours in school) These are not culls or rejects GUARANTY‘TRUST Why Are We Offering Them At Fifty Cents? 123 DUF‘FERIN LAN E . Because we are proud of our connection with Richmond Hill and want to see it, not only in our big greenhouses. but all through the town, truly "Canada's Rose Growing Centre". . Because we feel that the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce is doing a first- rate job in its “clean-up â€" paint-up" campaign and in its general work for the town and we want to help in beautification. The Chamber asked for our help and we're glad to give it. Here's An Extra Special Offer FOR RESIDENTS 0F RICHMOND HILL "CANADA'S ROSE GROWING CENTRE” TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL OFFER NOW AS THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE LAST WEEK 11 will be “First Come - First Served“ until all the bushes are gone For All Adults and All Children Not at School ORAL POLIO VACCINE CLINICS 50 CENTS EACH A TOTAL COMMUNITY EFFORT COME ONE â€" COME ALL - YOUNG AND OLD TO A CONVENIENTLY LOCATED LISTED CLINK HYBRID TEA 8. SWEETHEART As we shall be delivering :11 over town 3‘ this rat-e we‘ll take, your telephone order â€" C.0.D. Metro Toronto Offices DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-6453 366 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 COMPANY OF CANADA YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 5W" I , 0N TERM DEPOSITS at the locations and on the dates shown below THIS WEEK ONLY H. J. MILLS LTD. 11111: or rejects. These are good sound bushes for which you would pay far, far more than this price normally. Telephone AYenue 5-4865 . 6:00-8:30 pm. will hold 6:00-8:30 pm. . Thursday, 6:00-8:30 pm. . Thursday. TIME Saturday, June 2 is the dead- vote should consult them to‘ line for voters who want tolinake sure that their namesll cast their votes in the Fede election. This is pointed out rallare there. Otherwise they will bym-ot be entitled to cast their! the Scarboro Township Bo York North Returning Officer ballots on June 18. i Warren Baillie. Typewritten been posted in public places in‘lists, inlanyone the various subdivisions York North, as in other com- voters lists have omissions noting errors or in the typem'itten covering themselves or else. should contact. either personally or by tele- Persons ‘munlties throughout the coon-‘phone. the returning officer or try. All persons qualified totthe committee rooms of one of W .the candidates. They will then: CLINICS Not at School mm below DAY DATE Thursday, 24 May. 1962 Thursday. 24 May, 1962 Friday, 25 May, 1962 ORT G AND OLD STED CLINIL ‘be adwdsed what action to take .to have the error corrected. ‘ Key dates to remember in this connection are May t 31 and June 1 and '2. These ‘ are the only dates when appeals for revision. cor- l rectlon or additions to the voters’ list can be heard by the revising officers. From June 3 on to elec- tion day it’s too late. It the voter isn't on the voters’ list at that time. the vote is lost. ; The revising officers com- mence their duties on May 25. under the direction of Mr. Baille, checking I the queries (and complaints received by them. The following three days they will work for Mr. Bailie. During these days they will. check carefully all known or: reported cases of faulty enu- meration. In this connection lit is stressed that it is up to the individual citizens them- selves. and not to any public servants, to report any inac- curacies so that they may be; ichecked and verified or cor- Members of the York C Board were considerably di at their May 14th meeting, tral Bo'ard" release their ne ent of schools to permit hi1 superintendent of Scarbor Mr. J. Ross Stevenson, cipal of David and Mary 'I boro, had been appointed t intendent’s post with the ' months ago. Although he 11 and committee meetings 3 yet assumed the duties of do so in August. The board discussed at con- siderable length whether or not to release Mr. Stevenson from his contract and finally decided to do so. Two other of last year’s applicants for the post were called and came up to be interviewed. The board inter- viewed the two applicants and ‘They Will Work for five dayslthen announced the hiring of .F. L. G. Chapman as the new superintendent. Mr. Chapman holds the post of principal of Richview Collegiate in Etobi- coke and will not be available until the middle of August as he teaches a course at Queen’s University in the summer. He will however, attend as many Town Police Force rected. Of Calls Over The Saturday. June 2 is the dead- line for voters who want to cast their votes in the Federal election. This is pointed out by York North Returninz Officer Warren BaiLie. Representing Thornhill and District Association for Retarded Child- ren at the ninth annual conference of the O.A.R.C. at North Bay recently were (left to right) Sydney Robinson and Mrs. Robinson of Willowdale, RICHMOND HILL Under the terms of the el- ection act. lt~takes a voter to check on a voter. In other words. only persons who are. registered and on the electors' lists can challenge the validity of another name. Thus. anyone whose name has been left off the list should make sure to report that omis- sion. Then a team of revision agents will be sent to the vo- ter's hoine to check the enu- meration and will report the facts back ficers. If you have any question re- garding the voters' list it is suggested you contact Return- ing Officer Warren Baville at AV 5â€"2324. Mr. Bailie resides at Concord. Corresimndent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 Rev. H. R. MacDonald was in charge of the service at Garr- ville United Church on Sunday. He announced that organist Jim Bushell had been accepted as a candidate for the ministry in the United Church. Jim read the scripture at this service. I am sure the people of Carryine wish Jim the very best in his chosen life's work and will sup- ‘port him in his every effort. He ‘is following in the footsteps of ‘his grandfather. Rev. Albert ‘Bushell, Owen Sound. 'Soclals We are very pleased to hear Mrs. A‘. Clement is back home, a; 1 feeling much better. Her many friends hope she contin- ues to gain strength. Mr. ind Mrs. Douglas Bone! had a wedding anniversary last' Tuesday, May 22nd was a gala week. Belated best wishes and day for the Prpgreisige pop: we hope yap haxje many more We are pleased to hear Ross McCarthy has returned home following an appendectomy at Western Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton Mrs. Diefenbaker, Mr. C. A. the rally were Mrs. William and Gretta and Nancy Middle- "Tiny" Cathers. member for Sellers of Jackson's Point, Mrs. ton spent the Week-end at. York North and other members,,Keith Nisbet of Aurora, Mrs. Moorefield. and helped Robbie received the guests. William Hodgson of Kettleby, Ash celebrate his seventh birth- Among those pouring tea Mrs. Michael Gillan of Sutton day on Sunday evening. Be- were Mrs. C. A. Gathers, Mrs. West, Mrs. Alma Walker of sides his mother and father and C. Schuyler Snively oi Aurora, Markham, Mrs. Malcolm Donna and Ronnie. also pres- Mrs. D. J. Ashworth of Richâ€" Thompson of Richmond Hill, ent were Mr. and Mrs. Percy mond Hill, and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Wilfred Dean of Thom- Ash of Concord. Mrs. John Ash M. Findlay of King. Assisting hill. and Mrs. C. A. Cathers. Sr. of Concord. Mr. and Mrs. them were Mrs. F. M. Redel- Assisting were Mrs. John Per- Bill Ash of Edgeley, Mr. and meier of Richmond Hill. Mrslry. Mrs. Charles Hooper, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Ash of Moorefleld David Anderson of Maple and Ernest Redelmeier. Miss Mary .and Mr. and Mrs. David Barton Mrs. Robert Jarvis of Thom- Jane Lake and Miss Helen lend family of Richmond Hill. hill. HowL CARRVILLE to the revising of- Attended O.A.R.C. Convention At North Bay in spite of the heavier than usual traffic through town over the holiday week-end, Police Chief R. P. Robbins reports only two minor accidents. On Friday,‘ May 18th at 3:55 p.m., a car‘ driven by Robert Heam of Rich- mond Hill caught the front cor- ner of a car driven by Pauline Braoey-Gibbon. also of Rich- mond Hill, at Markham Road and Yonge Street. Damage to the cars amounted to approx- imately $275.00. No charge has been laid but the case is under investigation. Town Police Force Answers Variety 01‘ Calls OverThe Holiday Weekend Members of the York Central District High School‘ Board were considerably dismayed when a letter from the Scarboro Township Board of Education was read at their May 14th meeting, asking that the York Cen- tral Bolard/release their newly appointed superintend- ent of schools to permit him to accept appointment as superintendent of Scarboro Secondary Schools. Mr. J. Ross Stevenson, who is at present the prin- cipal of David and Mary Thomson Collegiate in Scar- boro, had been appointed to the $15,500 a year super- intendent’s post with the York Central board several months ago. Although he had attended numerous board and committee meetings since that time. he had not yet assumed the duties of superintendent but was to do so in August. The other accident was a tail- Chief Robbins reports that end collision at 123 Yonge St, the town's six new sets of traf- South. Charles Fraser of Tor- flc lights and the new parklng onto, ran into the rear end of signs wlll be ready for June a car driven by John Walseman, 4th. The stoplights will be at also of Toronto. when the la-tteriMaTkhalm Road, Centre Street, stopped. Damage was in theprosby Avenue. Levendale Rd., neighbourhood of $220.00, but'lndustrtal Road, and Elgin Mills no charges have been laid. ' ‘and they wlll all be synchron- On Friday evening, sevendzed. young men were arrested in the Yonge Street Signs north end of town and were With respect to the restrict- char-ged in police court on ive parking signs, the chief Tuesday morning with creating points out phat agnqle off-styeet e disturbance. Five of these were parking is provided at various‘ also charged with the possession points throughout town. There: of liquor. They were remanded is parking space for approxim-‘ until June let. }ater 80 cars behind the Post Also appearing in police court Office, 45 behind the Bank of Tuesday morning was Jeanine Nova Scotia, 30 behind Wool- Guennette. She was picked up woriihs and a municipal lot for in Toronto on a warrant ifiued about 30 cars behind Thomp- ‘by the Richmond Hill Police son's Sunoco Station. Chief Rob- lin 1960 for breaking and enter- bins asks that people be very ling. Her case was remanded un- observant and try as much as itil Thursday and bail set at possible to obey the new signs. 135000. which will benefit the whole by the Richmond Hill Police son's Sunoc in 1960 for breaking and enter- bins asks lng. Her case was remanded un- observant til Thursday and ball set at possible to $5,000. which wlll Two 17 year old Toronto boys community servatives in “the Yorks." At a reception held in the after- noon at the Ctang Plaza Audit- orium. the Right Honourable John Diefenbaker, along with Mrs. Dlefenbaker, Mr. C. A. "Tiny" Cathers, member for York North and other members, received the guests. Prime Minister Diefenbaker 8. C. A. Cathers Host Huge Tory Reception board and committee meetings as possible in the interim in or- der to familiarize himself with the area schools. New School It was also announced at the meeting that the board had for- warded a proposal to the De- partment of Education for the erection of a 1,000 to 1,500 stud- ent school at the Langstaff and Bathurst site. More detailed plans for this school have not yet been made as the board is awaiting completion of a survey of the future high school popu- lation of the area. This is to be ready for the next board meeting on May 28th. also appeared in court on Tues- day morndng and pleaded guil-ty to car theft. One car was stolen from Wilson Ntblebt Motors. Richmond Hill and one in Tor- onto. They are awaiting sent- ‘ence. Vincent German of Toronto was remanded to June 7th on a charge of theft of liquor. It was while investigating this case that the police uncovered the facts about the Los Angeles car theft case for which two Alberta men were sentenced in court last week. Chief Robbins reports that the town's six new sets of traf- fic lights and the new parking signs will be ready for June 4th. The stoplights will be at Markham Road, Centre Street, On Tuesday evening. Mr. Diefenbaker and Mr. Gathers also received guests at an old tlme rally at the Don Mills Curling Club. Among those pouring tea at the rally were Mrs. William Sellers of Jackson's Point, Mrs. Keith Nisbet of Aurora. Mrs. William Hodgson of Kettleby, Mrs. Michael Gillan of Sutton West, Mrs. Alma Walker of Markham. Mrs. Malcolm Thompson of Richmond Hill, Mrs. Wilfred Dean of Thom- hill. and Mrs. C. A. Cathers. Assisting yjerq Mrs. John Per- Wentworth A. Dowell. president of the Thornhill and District Association and Mrs. lW. A. McKenzie of Willowdale. Mr. Dowel] is a resident of Rich- mond Hi1 . Since the last meeting, members of the board had met with Mr. Ronald For- rest of the Markham Town- ship Planning Board who outlined for them the pop- ulation trends and plans in the township. Mr. Forrest has been asked by the board to locate a suitable site for a high school in the Bay- view-Markham area, in the south-east corner of the board’s district. It is ex- pected that a new high school will be requred in this area within the next three or four years. Chairman Ross paid public tribute at the meeting. to Mr. Roy Clifton, of the staff of the Richmond Hill High School, for his excellent work in the pro- duction of the recent school play, “Berkley Square". Chair- man Ross stated that it was quite the finest amateur produc- tion he had ever seen and a letter has gone from the board voicing appreciation to Mr. Clifton for his good work. 1 announced their intention of Several members of the board or seé"s';15é;m£ameampt. 103 g attending the panel discussion DUB VOTE COUNTS Th“; Cn‘Lnrq has reorntnnhv" Vfifk N’V‘LI h“ "1‘ “8";5 CJn-wmons firm: 10‘7. He has ban" rhoirman n‘ fhn imonrmnf committee on bank- inn ruv’ “‘mmnrra. and Ha: :nrvnr' An rammn‘h‘ne fir] gqrirallfure, ex- Mrnal afioirs and nublic ncrnurws. He knows Parliament, and he know: how M as! w-“M ‘~- V~v|< North. Tiny Cnihers has nrnven his worth, in his communifv in business, and as a Member of Parliament. His iurinmenf is seasoned by experience. He an,“ v-.l, MAM, u,‘JI Shfvflk A" York Nnrth’s Mamber 0‘ Parliament Tinv "fifhnrg aefs thing; done. He promised mail deliverv for the fawn: and fhey have it now. Ottawa nmnfs F‘Hve n'm hnlned with $2.5 million hr v0c~+ioncl froining facil- ifin' at King Ci’tv, ‘UHon, Newmarkef and Thornhi”, and with many munch: fo ('th Â¥nr lam-l: M DT-kmnnrl Hill and Nev/market THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 24, 1962 Sound Judgment [in on on WITH IHE JOB! Re-e/ect A Respected Voice at fittawa Experience CATHEBS, G. A. to be held at Bayview High School on May 24th, where the ' five municipalities of Markham, (at Faj Vaughan. Richmond Hill, Wood- 2 bus 5‘ bridge and Markham Village will discuss the possibility of‘ amalgamation of their services.|m '9 am. -I \WWW 5WWWWWW New building now renting. Beautiful. modern 2 and 3 bedrooms. Designed for people of good taste. Close to shopping, schools and transpor- tation. Free parking, T.V. and telephone outlets. Fully equipped. Incinerator. 451 ELMWOOD AVE., OFF BAYVIEW AVE., One Block South of Markham Road Open for Inspection ~ - - Mon. to Sat, 10 am. to 9 pm. Sundays, 1 pm. to 9 pm. Ask for Mr. Franklin or see Superintendent Apt. 10 BA YVIEW MANOR A Vole for Tiny (alhers is a vote for: RICHMOND HILL FOR PRINTING Consult ‘THE LIBERAL“ 10.44105 (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5408 2 bus stops below City Limits 9 am. - 6 p.m.: Friday to 9 pm. I I/ Iadeteme Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. 7/[Iat/e/e HA! 4t eme

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