Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1962, p. 15

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FOR YOUR COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL STORAGE SERVICE AT In Winter Cloihesl: YOUR CLOTHES FULLY PROTECTED I‘ AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, MOTHS I PROTECT YOUR i INVESTMENT :1 D. Miklas, P. Eng. H. C. T. Crisp, Township Engineer, Clerk-Treasurer, Twp. of Markham Twp. of Markham RR. 2, Gormley, Ont. RR. 2, Gormley, Ont. Baum-Id r ‘I““‘-‘-‘-‘-‘- ‘ WOW IS THE TIME '0 KILL CRAB GRASS WITH GREENFIELD “““““‘I‘i" TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ! EUNCO PRODJCTS DIVISION m LILY, AND COMPANY (CANADA) LIMII’ED SCARBOROUGH. ONTARIO Each crab gross plant spreads up to 25,000 seeds into your lawn. Crab grass is an annual «- comes up each season from seeds that have been dropped in‘previous years, or are blown in from nearby property. The seed is tough, hardy - often lies dormant for several years. Your lawn may be literally packed with crab grass seeds right now â€" waiting to sprout â€" for each plant can spread up to 25,000 seeds! New scientific discovery, TREFLAN'", kills weed grass seeds gs they sprout. Greenfield Research Laboratories has developed a new ingredient â€" TreflanTM -â€" specifically to prevent the sprouting of such weed grasses as crab grass, goosegrass, barnyard grass, and foxtail. Exclusive in Greenfield Double Action Crab Grass Killer, it has been proved 95-100% effective in many tests. It goes to work the very day you apply it â€" kills crab grass and other weed seeds as they germinateâ€"rightup to the 2-Ieaf stageâ€"full season control. Yet it is safe-can't harm established turf when applied as directed. When you spread Greenfield Double Action Crab Grass Killerâ€"with no extra effort or costâ€"you will also be feeding youx lawn! This new product is a complete lawn food, ‘tool It contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potash in 10 5-5 ratio-the right proportion that lawn experts agree is needed for that important early feeding. This long- lasting, non-burning, complete lawn food goes to work immediately, keeps on fertilizing for weeks. “Where Research Works for You” Greenfield .lKENFIKLD RESEARC“ LABORATORII Sealed tenders plainly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned until 5 pm. Friday, June 8th, 1962 for: ONE - 5 cu. yd. Truck - Chassis, Cab and Dump Body with Hoist complete. All bids are to be made on Township tender forms which, together with specifications and other information, may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Greenfield products-«lvailable at all authorized Greenfield nurseries and hardware stores. 'I'Il. 4-2162 TENDER FOR TRUCK YONGE STREET ENDEAN NURSERIES LTD. Ask your dealer about the Lawn Fact Booklet. [GE STREET AV. 5-5122 '/4 Mile North of Richmond Hill Established Since 1894 Gggenfield' Following the banquet, a pro- gramme was given with Sharon Rumble as toast mistress. Judy Hord of the C.G.I.T. and Mrs. \J. Storey and Mrs. R. Ronald- son of the Explorers welcomed everyone. Toast to the Queen was proposed by Sharon Rum- ble. Margaret Patterson led a lively sing song. Christine Terry proposed the toast of the church with Dr. A. F. Binnington re- plying. . . Mary Lynn Snider gave a report of the year’s work of the Brown's Corners Explorers while Heather Williams report- ed for the Victoria Square Ex- plorers. Betty Patterson and Judy Hord conducted the La- nyard service. Mrs. A. F. Binnington present- ed the Victoria Square Explorers with an award for learning the [books of the Bible. Mrs. J. Stor- ey presented the girls with their Gold “E” pins for being three years in Explorers and for earn- ing all their stars. Mrs. S. snid- er presented Mary Lynn Snider and Susan Stewart an award for perfect attendance. Mrs. P. Bennett and Betty Patterson conducted the grad- uation service when Rosemary Leek. Heather Williams, Sharon Boynton, Judy Mortson, Cathy Sanderson, Karen Chadwick and Rosemary Cochrane graduated from the Explorers to the CG. ner HEIPEPS. Church News Rev. G. Fitzpatrick was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. On May 27 'at 11:30 am. Dr. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of the service. On May 28, Toronto Coneferâ€" ence begins in Bloor Street Un- ited Church. Bridal Shower Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Boynton rence Boynton, Patsy and Paul, Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie, Mrs. W. Sandie and Betty at- tended a miscellaneous shower Mr. Donald Boynton at the home Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Willowdale on Friday evening of last week. The honoured cou- ple are being married on June 9. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Karen Chad-wick, 12 years, May 26; Mrs. Glenn Bolender, May 28; Mrs. Morley Ryan, May 28; Mrs. John Empringham, May 29; Scott Brumwell, 2 years, May 30. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Zoli Berta and family in the sudden passing of Zoli’s father, Mr. Alexander Berta. The Victoria Square United Church Women catered to the Tinkerâ€"Wilcox wedding on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gardiner and daughters of Smith’s Fall's spent and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Law-‘ for Miss Dorothy Jackson and‘ of the bride’s uncle and aunt.‘ The annual mother and daughter banquet of the C.G.I.T. and Explorers of the Victoria Square charge was held in the Victoria Square Sunday School on Monday even-ipgof last week. Mrs. G. Brands told of tour- ing the Ina Grafton Gage build- ing on O'Connor Dr., Toronto. This is a United Church home for elderly people. Several la- ;dles from here accompanied Mother 8: Daughter Banquet LT. In the absence of Miss Jean Shepherd of Newmarket, C.G. I.T. counsellor for York Pres- bytery, Mrs. P. Bennett spoke briefly on the interests and work of the Presbytery for the Chris- tian Education Committee for voyager. are"??- . “A __ -_ The junior and senior rooms family of Scarboro spen-t Sun- of the following schools tpok day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence part: No. 7 Markham, Viv19n,3teckley_ Bloomington and Dickson’s H111. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchan- On Tuesday evening of last week the annual Rural School Spring Festival of Verse, Rhythms and Song was held in the Stoufiville High School, with Miss Mona Armstrong, su- pervisor of music, and Mrs. Charles Nolan as accompanist.- \ Mrs. A. F. Binnington told of attending the Convocation where \Mrs. Hutchinson M.A., Domin- §ion President of the United *Church Women was conferred with an honorary D. D. degree. Mrs. R. Hord brought an en- joyable evening to a close with courtesles and Taps. Spring Festival An added attraction was the athletic display put on by the senior room of No. 7 Markham under the direction of Mr. A. Moorby. United Church Women The May meeting of the Vic- toria Square United Church Women was held in the Sunday School on Wednesday: evening of last week. Mrs. H. McCague conducted the worship period, assisted by Mrs. H. Nelson, Mrs. N. Boynton, Mrs. L. Beatty and Mrs. Sandiford. 4 Mrs. G. Joyce told of attend- ing the ceremony of her Hun- garian friend receiving her Can- adian citizenship, and taking the Oath of Loyalty to our Queen and country. She also attended the reception for the new citizens. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS MiSS Helen Smith, Thornhill Secondary School is seen here receiving her trophy from Mr. Bob Pulford and Mr. Bill Harris, star centres of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey team, as runner-up in the Posture Queen Contest sponsored annually by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. The winner was Miss Caroline Hartley, Nelson High School, Burlington, Ontario. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE II. R. 2 Gormley -â€" Telephone Gomley 5421 Mrs. Brands on the tour. Later they helped serve refreshments at the “open house". Following the meeting 5 “bring and buy" sale was held. Refreshments were served at the close by Mrs. McCague and her helpers. Church News Rev. G. Fitzpatrick was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. On May 27 ht 11:30 am. Dr. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of theyservice. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Boynton and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Boynton, Patsy and Paul, Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie, Mrs. W. Sandlle and Betty at- tended a miscellaneous shower for Miss Dorothy Jackson and Mr. Donald Boynton at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, ;Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Willowdale on Friday evening 10f last week. The honoured cou- 1ple are being married on June 9. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. Egbert Avison and Miss Ruby Avison of Lansing called on Mrs. A. Frisby. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby on Satur- day. Mrs. E. Avison suffered a stroke recently and is in the hospital. ‘ - â€" on -- On May 28. Toronto Conefer- ence begins in Bloor Street Un- ited Church. Bridal Shower Birthday greetings to Karen Chadwick, 12 years, May 26; Mrs. Glenn Bolender, May 28; Mrs. Morley Ryan, May 28; Mrs. John Empringham, May 29; Scott Brumwell, 2 yeags,_May 30. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Zoli Berta and family in the sudden paSSIng of Zoli’s father, Mr. Alexander Berta, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gardiner and daughters of Smith’s Fall-s spent the week-end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Steckley. Mrs. Gardiner was the former Daphne Killing- beck. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huggins of Hampton had Saturday sup- per with Mrs. A. Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. R. Frisby, and after- wards they all attended the mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Aud- rey Taun and Mr. Elwood Pat- tenden at Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watts and {ami1y___of_ _Scarb9r_o_ spegt Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchan- an have moved into their new home. Their address is now 28 Dallas, near Bathurst St., Tor. onto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sander- son of Richmond Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Ryan and Susan of Cedar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baird of Platsville. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick attended the Ferguson-Irwin wedding on Saturday in the Stoufiville United Church. “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE OF THE DISTRICT PHONE Painting AND Paperhanging WILLOW PAINTING CONTRACTORS CALL BA. 1-2861 Miss Helen Smith, Thornhill, Is Runner-up In Posture Contest AV. 5-3316 4th Thornhill Brownies held their mother and daughter ban- quet at Powell Road School on May 16. It was a buffet style supiper with the mothers pre- paring the various dishes. With the hot weather everyone enjoy- ed a cold meal. At head table was President Mrs. Hoddy of the mothers’ group, Commission- er Mrs. Jewitt, Acting Captain Mrs. Alice Bradbeer,’ Mrs. Bar- ratt, Jo-Anne Hoddy and Lois Barrett accompanying their mo- thers. Brownie Joan Peters pro. ‘posed a toast to the Queen after which the Brownie grace was re- Ipeated by everyone. Stars and pins were presem- ed to Brownies by Mrs. Jewitt as follows: r 3 Year Stars: Vivian Mino, Donna Hayes, Vivian Dewar, Joan Peters, Ly- dia Buchanan. 2 Year Stars Lynne Webster, Donna Webb, Jo-Anne Hoddy, Helen Marges, Paula Rogers. lst Year Star Sandra Dewar, BernICe St. John, Debbie Beckett, Patsy Hayes, Suzie Zepp, Irma Ritter- asser, Loretta Durigan, Lois Barratt, Betty Dyshart. Golden Hands were present- ed to Jean Peters and Lydia Buchanan, who were the first Brownies in 4th Thornhm Brow- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. FRED ST. JOHN 75 Crestwood Road, Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 CRESTWOOD ROAD NEWS Notice To All Property Owners WATER ‘ SUPPLY All property owners are requested to re- frain from the use of water for other than dom- estic purposes on Wednesdays only, between the hours of 8:00 AM. to 8:00 PM. Water may be used for all other purposes and at all other times other than the aforementioned day and hours: The Works Committee takes this opportunity to commend and thank all consumers for the ex- cellent manner in which they complied with the temporary restrictions necessitated by the unus- ual and high consumption demand. 0. S. WHALEN, Commissioner of Works. v This restriction is required to facilitate the back-flushing operations and will remain effective until further notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF LAND, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WEED CON- TROL ACT, 1960, SEC. 3, 13, AND 19, THAT UNLESS NOXIOUS WEEDS GROWING ON THEIR LANDS WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ARE DESTROYED BY DATE OF JUNE 4TH, 1962, AND THROUGHOUT THE SEASON THE MUNICIPALITY MAY ENTER UPON THE SAID LANDS AND HAVE THE WEEDS DESTROYED, CHARGING THE COSTS AGAINST THE LANDS IN TAXES, AS SET OUT IN THE ACT. THE CO-OPERATION OF ALL CITIZENS IS EARNESTLY SOLICITED. Notice To Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS Weed Inspector F. BOVAIRD Municipality of Richmond Hill nies to receive this honour. Golden bars were presented to Suzie Zepp, Debbie Beckett, Lois Barratt. The commissioner and two 'leaders were presented with bouquets of yellow daffodils by Brownies Debbie Beckett, Lydia Buchanan and Vivian Dewar. Mr. Kremin, school custodian. was presented with a basket of fruit in appreciation of hls as- sistance. Betty Dyshart received a Brownie ring for selling most cookies, which was 31 boxes. Congratulations Betty. Each Brownie received a Brownie pad and pencil and the girls made flowers for their mothers. Taylor Dsyhart has been in Branson Hospital this past week and we wish him a speedy re- covery, all his school chums miss him. Two films shown by Tom Bradbeer, were enjoyed by all. Baseball Results In Monday’s game Charles Howitt met Powell Road. Char- les Howitt won the game 9-6. A In Wednesday’s game PUWell Road defeated Langstaff 10-6. Hospitalized Mr. Don Paquette has had a serious operation, and Is in Branson Hospital. The purpose of awarding trophies to Posture Queens, selected from entrants representing a substantial number of the province’s high schools, is to stimulate interest in proper posture so essential to our younger generation for future health and well-being. Being conducted at the end of the observance of National Correct Posture Week, it is felt that the significance of good posttn'e will be emphasized and its importance im- pressed upon the public in general, and students in particular. ON MONDAY, JUNE I8, MARK YOUR BALLOT BEâ€"ELEOT A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVT. THE LIBERAL, RichmoniHijl, Qntarioi Thursday, May 24, 1962 15 .On the surface, a ghost town and a sleeping community look much alike. But there’s a tremendous difference beneath the surface... a paused but healthy economy...a population asleep but ready) for the next day. 8L1. CANADA INSURANCE PEDEMTION Ghost town or just asleep? Another invisible factor, just below'the surface. is insurance.. Insurance in its many forms protects .the community when it is awake or asleep â€"- against the risk of loss from fire. accident, theft. liability. storm and the multitude of oiher hazards we all face from day to day. . Without the protection which insuranceprovides. most thriving Canadian municipalities might well be ghost towns. Without that protectionâ€"which comes only when the catastrophic losses of the few can be spread among the manyâ€"most of the enterprises which make our Canadian centres prosperous today could not have been undertaken. The tremendous individual risks of sudden dis-a aster would have made such enterprises too one-sided a gamble, with fate. , â€" on behalf of over 200 competing -â€" £16, aqumobiIe and casualty insurance companies Investigating a rumour that a man had been killed at the Richmond Hill Fair, Police Chief Robbins investigated and found that a carnival worker had been crushed and injured ‘while unloading equipment, but that the injuries were not fatal. ‘The accident occurred Friday when midway equipment was- ‘vbelng unloaded. Notice ls hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Town- ship of 'Markham Committee of :Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonville, R. R. No. 2 Gormley, Ontario. on the sixth day of June, 1962, at 7.30 The application to be heard has been submitted by Charles Wortman the proposed purchas- er of Lot 15, Registered Plan M-BGQ. Mr. Wortman requests release from the provisions of By-law 1767 as amended by By- law 1797 Section 16 (i) (c) to enable a portion of the front wall of the dwelling to be built seven (7) feet closer to the front lot line than the by-law permits, and also requests re- lease from Section 16 (i) (d) so that the south-west corner of a garage may be erected two (2) feet closer to the side lot line and that the minimum side yard requirements be reduced to twelve per cent (12%) rather than the required twenty per cent (20%). Carnival Worker Hurt Notice 01' Application Signed written submissions on this application will be received by me at this office prior to the hearing. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM GORMLEY, ONTARIO Committee Of Adjustment Notice Of Hearing M. A. N. Shenfielld, Secretary, Township of Markham. Committee of Adjustment.

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