6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thu CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. Ist Insertion 50 each word, min. charge 750 Second and subsequent Insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65c [OR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. chgrge 75o CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per Insertion . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . a a - . - h_ Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, 245 BLUEGRASS BLVD. d dvertlsements should be In as early In the week 'ke‘epmg experience Draferred’ Private. 220 Sussex Ave. TU. OUTBOARD m modem service. 13 bedroom solid brick semi- Classlï¬e ' AV 5-5401 c1w47 ,. . - a possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. 1, ‘ ‘ 4-2545. . pairs_ speclalizing in Scott. Tu, c. STUNDEN bungalow, excellent condition. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone ‘WOODWORKEH requ‘l’ed' Ap' FURNISHED ROOM. kltChell 4'7404' “W47 TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill AHA mortgage’ plus down pay- , no, a o w,“ me," um,“ ply Snow Window Frames AV- privileges. parking. telephone. WW tfc40:ment' Ca" 0“ the W M M“ TU‘ ' m y n ' 5'3431- “W47 TU- 4-3257» “C45 Discing. rotovating and mowing. Joseph' RU" 1'9314' 91w“; LABOURERS required. Apply HOUSE HUNTING H. Redman, TU. 4-3045, tfc42 $2,000 DOWN. Private house. H. J. Mills Ltd.. 123 Dufferin 6 room bungalow. will rent SEPTIC tanks pumped 24 hour filggiiiorgggggï¬fï¬3hï¬ggiyï¬ggzg: (Continued) Lane. c1w47 cheap. AV. 5-5411. c1w47 service. (3, Bums. pR. 35035. caped newly decoï¬ted ï¬nished FOR SALE HYDRO POLES. 35ft. Osmose CAPABLE WOMAN fozr cleanâ€" Sgagféggtl‘lTxggl‘rlEgon'o‘geEgg? PAINT NG P “04 SUPPLIES recreation room. 514% mort- â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" 1 ' 30 {ping and baby-sibting, -3 days i - I & APER FEAT LOAM' 1 _ gage. Carries at $59.60 a month. ï¬ling?“ {dblizgtigflmticg rieiéfaiiie§°§jsg F,'weekly. AV. 5-3165. c1w47 Adlflts only: AV- (5:52†“C43 E DHANGING 1594,, $ per yardtgg'ru. 4-7718 evenings;_ c2w47 P_°L°“-. chzsle- _‘:4W4_6 worrasss wanted. Apply Pop’s 2 ROOMS- furnishedi healed' 8- - “m T“ “798- Engâ€"“norms and .T kinds of BAYVIEW SHOPPING TU. 4-7812. c1w47 CHESTERFIELDS new, at a reasonable price. Eas W terms. Free estimates. Murra TENT, tourist model, 9x12- Upholstery, AV. 5-4767. th3 Phone 257-1237. clw47 PRESSURE system, Du-ro shal- low well. 257-1237. CHESTERFIELD bed and chair. gardening news. Best oï¬er. TU. 4-7740. clw47 AV. 5-1514 OAK dinin-g room suite, very good condition. AL. 7-1202. c1w47 Hughes’ Greenhouse, _â€"â€"~‘d_-~ oomuit,b1d Ave» Langstaï¬. second stree iï¬fl‘iie‘lis‘éiaiie. 235.3227.“ east or Yonge. on No. 7 High ‘ 01w.“ I and floor, kitchenette, parking, 884-5838. Call evenings. HM? and delivered. Free estimates_ Real Estate Broker, Aurora, COTTAGE TENT 7x9 easily en'szturday at Farmers Markits’ Pharmacy' 9014 Yonge Stags suit business person. Langstai‘f SAND AND GRAVEL' crushed Call TU. 4-2538. tfc42 PA- 7'9413- 01W47 ected like new PR. '3-5301. T omhlu' “4ԠM near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. CZW45L’stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. LOAM . 1 c1w47 MILDEW? DAMPNESS? OPENING for one real estate Non owners Richmond Hill. Tu +1701. Call for an OASIS Dehumidi ï¬er. Try one free. Call HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. LUGGAGE trailer. 4’x5'. steel frame, good condition, complete. . . . _ $64.00 Monthly Pays , TU- 4‘3469- "W47 Appliances, Sales, Repairs, WAITRESSES for counter work, LangStaï¬' AV' 5 3681' f a?“ can uggï¬rcétig% and 11"“ Av. 5 3612 c8w44 Principal and Interest, N.H.A. RANGETTE, very good condi- Parts, Rentals, 40 Levendale Rd. day and evening shins, Apply GOOD summer Past“? 01’ 0’ R M t SIC X You can own this beautiful new tion, suitable for cottage. TU. TU. 4-3211 Dads Driven“, 255 Yonge St. 6 head horses or cane-Puffer- ,easoï¬iI gels. courteous fscr- THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL 5 room ranch brick bungalow 44913 0111747 5946 South. c1w46 g‘lst'hsoutggf7IE/Iazéglse Sldill‘tv’vafi LOAM without paying taxes for ï¬rst TORO COLT,ridlng mower, reel FEMALE seamstress required, 9 ep °ne ' ‘ CHIMNEYS Our own â€" the best for your 2 years. type. $150.00,- also luggage trail- . . . _ himneys built and re aired. gardening needs. $13,800 Full Price, $995 Down 1 power machine operation, Rich . C _ P ~ _ , er- AL- 7-3935- ¢1W47 P mond Hill Plant, 157 Crosby ggggefgz:fnéog‘zggnaff‘fEZgg: 5126:5htlestlmagis6neE‘lzgell; workd- Av' 5 1514 ï¬e†sewers SEIEE‘VIQI‘I gggd;&60 LOI- plough, FREE to good home, part_per_ Ave. c1w47 -c1w47 Mitcheï¬); AV. 5‘25'26'a ertfacris can HAROLD WOOD. A'l condmml' C°st $265“ Win sian kittens. Phone after 4.00 WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED rooms and E w PAYN HAMPTON GARDEN Real Estate sell $75. TU. 4-2572. c1w47 p'm. Av. 5,3139. c2w45 Man or boy to cut lawn-power bath self_comained busines Dr i ti t ks an t SUPPLIES AX. 3-5751 or Stoui‘fville 464 16'PLYW00Dwnabwt-centre Wm MW summed- AV- 5'3955‘couple preferred. AV. 5-1890. ,ï¬ï¬ï¬g £0.13“ ' “’“Peat Ioam- manure. sansly loam. _M deck, 22 h.p. Evinrude, $275.00. weeks old. Can 384_3023 after clw47 c1w47 2855762 FRE-E ESTIMATES sod, _ rotovaung, sodding and AW“ 5'3615' “W475 p-m- clw47 SINGLE MANv Chauffeur" 1" LARGE basement room fur- tfc31tg'rading’ fï¬nï¬iitlg's ggizflieli te§l$790 DOWN' one mortgagel 6 FRESH CUT asparagus. H. Top- W sense. Must 0W Toronto. {Sh d B, 1 A ’ Ge _ "113 95 ca - ' - 01 room bungalow, custom bui- t. . give to a good p301“; m “a P_M_ m e - ever el’ “95- 1' PLUMBING - HEATING charges accepted. tfc46 per. Yonge St- Elgln Mug-W47 home. TU. 4-7506. c1w47 PR. 3_5119_ c1w47 man speaking. TU. 4-1405. A, MILLS 8, SON LTD, V A 1 BLACK Loam, 5 yard load $15.00. Phone Unionville 556 c4w45 W m-FOUT travel trailer, alumin- um bodiy, sleeps 4 to 5, excell- ent condition. Own brakes. TU. 4-3140. c1w47 DI \â€" 21 G.E. Television. $65 port- able record player, 4 speed. in icxceilent condition, 925. TU. 4-3140. c1w47 HE 10,000 BALES straw. 200 tons hay, 200 tons feed oats. ' Will ieliver. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. tfc19 “a POTATOES for sale, table and :eed. Apply to Forest Jones, t. R. 2 Maple or AL. 7-8915. c2w46 IOOD used furniture for sale. )all Frank's Movers and Stor- ge, 28 Industrial Rd, TU. 4- u pies, 8 weeks old. 245 Millard Ave., Newmarket. c1w47 ren. TU. 4-1571. HOMING Pigeons, c1w47 cage. Guinea pigs. 884-5548 CHIHUAHUA puppies, pies. Boxer and Chihuahua dogs at stud. AV. 5â€"3984 c1w47 AMERICAN eskimo pups, pure white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 POODLE, miniature, black. 9 weeks, registered, innoculated, champion stock, $95.00. AV. 5- 3045. c1w47 513_ m3 POODLEfS, small blacks, regis- H tered rom champion blood .OW MANURE and pest loam, - ’ inest quality. Small load $5.00 lmes' Terms can be arranged’ large load $15.00. Call collect up‘ Phone Gorigfllgg .‘U. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 m iN’I‘IQUES 6 pine dining hairs. woolwinder, beautiful and omplete brass and china oil â€œâ€˜ï¬ amps, gIaSS, china. Private. ROOM & BOARD low-market, TW. 5-2974. o1w47 TE. 3-5569. EROSLEY SHELVADOR Frlg., BED-Sitting room and kitchen- 4 bed with mattress. Easy ette. outside entrance, furnish- iashing machine, 2 months old. ed. Parking. TU. 4-1768. clw45 available. c3w45 Jail evenings after 6 884-3926. c w47 IOW IS ltzhe {ï¬lmedfor cleaning ipyourcose an tti .D - Itions of good used :IOII’cISing (£31- .eedy families, an (1 other use- A T 111 household arti H LF ON ’54 GMC truck, Aâ€"l _ 0195 and fl". condition, best offer. Ma le AL. lture. 884-5548. nc47‘7-1416. pc1w47 R- iUNCAN PHYFE love seat $50 hesterï¬eld chair $45. coffee ta 1e $15, what-not $20, - clean car, good condition. Rea- Dll‘ie sonable. TU. 4â€"4650. c1w47 hair $7, wool winder $15, bed . 1953 STUDEBAKER, running g): 4g§s5$smnd “5‘ etcc'1w47 condition. $75.00 or best offer. a? TU. 4-7888. c1w47 ‘EAUTYREST' Mmmn- Sm“ 1951 DODGE, A1 condition, new ions. Serta, Heely and other . - - aring mattresses repaired, re- §W2%7t2°ne palm JOb' $3251ng irned just like new, medium I ‘ c w rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- 1954 FOR-D station wagon, 9 ice. Eider-downs recovered. 0n_ passenger, new whitewall tires, lI‘IO Bedding Co, Av, 5-1591. excellent condition, $395. Priv- acy; ate. AV. 5-5681. c1w47 WISACRIFICE 1953 Cadillac there’s only one positive shortc‘mpe d8 Vine- Y u'm policy - a dehumidiï¬er. balance °wmgv uy it or rent it from - AV‘ 5'54â€- HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. '57 PLYMOUTH 2-door hard- Appllances. Sales. Repairs, top automatic, \vllitewalls, orig- Irts, Rentals, 40 Levendaie Rd. inal owner, $699 or best offer. TU. 4-3211 TU. 4-5135. c1w47 1951 CHEV., custom radio, hea- ter, signals. automatic, engine good, body fair, new plates, $80. ours for small tfc39 CHAIN LINK FENCE ;" high, No. 13 gauge. 31']. per recovered Restaurant, JMACOBSEN power mower ï¬g and re-built. Your old-suite like North, Richmond Hill. ; BOYS with bicycles for morn- TIIE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL “C45 ATTRACTIVE and personable ANNUALS and tomato plants. Buggies way, also Friday afternoon and item“ 0013’- PUREBRED Dachshund p p iMALE border collies, 1 puppy, 1 adult. Very good with child- Fantails, Budigies and cages. Hamster and c1w47l pure ager, bred beauties, also boxer pup- Richmond Hill. .1956 DODGE automatic. RadiO‘ $18-00 monthly. home. Call after 6 pm. AV. 5- MM} 1766. rsday, May 24, 1962 HELP WANTED LABOURERS, steady employ- ment, AV. 5-4939. 1 FURNISHED bedroom in pri- vate home. 285-2248. tfc42 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. repairs. TU. 4-2615. TO RENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REAL E JOHN'S washer and appliance c4w45 MIDDLE AGED woman to help CUSTOM Romming- PR: 3' ates, Av_ 5-2350 tfc44Hill, $2,000 an acre. PR. 3-5340. care for two school age child- _E{?§455796v after 5 PM *41VIICUSTowm-ï¬-ï¬md c1w47 ren, live in. TU. 4-5505 c1w46 FURNISHED 3 bedroom house pA'INTING, paperhanging. Free gardens. H‘ Mathe,5s‘on’ Maple. 6 ROOM spacious bungalow, ,GIRLS required far light facâ€" Wï¬â€˜ czwï¬ls €5tllllates- COIOUI‘ samples- A- AL, 7-1534, tau/44 clean, $1,200 down or offer, my work, 5 day week, Apply ATTRACTIVE i-bcdroom fur- Rollmson. TE. 3â€"6671. tfc15 “would consider trade. TU. 4- (Continued) ROTOTILLING Gardens and lawns, free estim- FOR SALE 3 ACRES north of Richmond IBox 1000 The Liberal. ’CFFICE HELP, nished apartment. near Yonge. 884-4193. c1w47 3 ROOM apartment, furnished. c1w47 some book- BOB'S SODDIN‘G ROTOTILLING light housekeeping, suit couple. @4196- lfc‘ls FRANK'S WELL DRILLING LARGE housekeeping room, Pump inst-111M and Arnold, near Yonge. Parking garage to rent. References re- PA- 7-5272- 194 Yonge Street tfc43 9 ing paper routes. TU. 4-7543. and sodding free estimate. 884-2677. c1w47 tfc serviced. or Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 4650. _ __ v POWER or SALE c1w47 DISTRICT i d . . - p ams' gar en trader TU 4 $1.000. down - -3 bedroom brick 2349. 141 Crosby Ave. *2w46 LET US take care of yourigrass cutting and flower beds by the tic-50 Carries for $80.00 per month, _.wa‘w quired. TU. 4-1777. tfc43 ROTOVATHFG gonéh- 2938011131319 A599;- 42131356 Call Jim Spencer. 257-2650 or _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" ar en u re, . - . - ~, 1 _ TYPISE' engriemedeo; peg AURORA, modern, spacious 4- Custom rotovating, aerating, pp 5 *5w431‘i‘CR1iollfsi‘ wens Limited“ 52541-7 2 a y - - - ’ e c1w46 entrances, all conveniences, $95. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc41 i 10 ACRES HOUSE & BARN PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc46 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. ed and rolled TU. 4-1538. tfc4 Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail EXPERIENCED GARDENER drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 Landscaping, LARGE FURNISHED room, sec- ance. lawns cu young lady to train in banking. Minimum Grade 11 education. Phone HU. 9-2143. c3w45 DRUG CLERK, female, exper- Apply Richvale t t. 2 ROOM HOUSE property, oil heat, gas cooking, chemical/toilet. Suit couple. salesman. Apply Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. clw45 PLANNING A DANCE? ONE OR TWO bedroom apart- c1w47 James D. Stewart LICENSED MECHANICS. Ap- TU. 4_2201 my in person. Wm. Neal, Chy» SPACIOUS office suite in med- ' al centre in Bayview Plaza. Ier, Plymouth dealer. 61 Yonge ‘0 _ St. S., Richmond Hill. c2w47 Reasm‘ame rem- AV' 5 5134' c2'w47 WOMAN to help with semi-in- valid gentleman in house work. WATERFRONT comage’ near . . Severn Falls month of August i Thornihlll Village. Live out. AV. _ ' : 5_2595 after 7 pm. c1w47 stone ï¬replace, barbecue, elec tric stove and fridge. Unionville TWO licensed mechanics. Apply 476W. c1w47 in person to the Service Man- m Painting, paper-hanging, inter Work guaranteed. TU. 4 Stonework. Fireplace, etc. . or t d, _ ' Grass, 65c per square yard. Call _ Canadian Tire 81mg? two gentlemen to share modern 3552,3333 51%;? 541 C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089, Bay- cal}. vita?“ c w bungalow with two other young 5588' i ' tfc23 view. tfc42 'Brokp 1 47 HOUSEKEEPER to care for men. TU, 4-3217 aï¬ter 6 p.m. Kâ€"Nna er c w elderly lady for summer. One c1w47 CARPENTRY WORK. addltlgns. . S - other adult, live in 01‘ out. 5%â€" renova “Ins: garages; reQI'ea Ion EXCLUSIVE PLIT LEVEL Thomhm, apply Box 138 The 1 BEDROOM apartment. 5913' roomS, tile floors; No Job too $26,500 4-bedroom home of un- Liberal. c1w47 “it: Sgtranceztbg°a§1°°mv 5t°lve small. Free estimates. T. Price. matched value in Richmond Hill hm ï¬gfergnfe‘: Sgéqui‘ifzgless $31.9 55; AV. 5-3653. tf028 P area, completely broad'loomed. 3 clerical Work. Must be accurate 1234. 111245 SPECIAL m bath-9' was“?! dryeri them†and reliable. Apply in writing, giving details. Box 137 The Lib- .era-l. nc47 WAITRESSES wanted for coun- ter work in Sayvette’s Coffee Shop. Please apply in person. Sayyetlte, Yonge and Steeles. c1w47 CAPABLE woman to help with children and housework in Thornhill Village home. Live in, private room with T.V., permanent position. AV. 5-3419. c1w47 PART-TIME or full time. Salad counter girl. Preferably exper- ienced, to live in or live out. Apply Maple Downs Golf and with fully equipped kitchen, 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99 parking. Apply 16 Lorne, 1st 5 years guarantee. Terms if de house east of Clark’s Drug Sired. Store at Yonge. *2w46 phone AV 5-1682. ONE BEDROOM with kitchen, living room, bath- room, separate laundry room, 1 block from Yonge St. $65 month. Phone TU. 4-1650 after 5 pm. tfc45 “E 2 BEDROOM, large modern apartment, soft water, electric- ally equipped kitchen, parking, excellent value. Phone TU. 4- 7518. 50 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc45 TWO unfurnished rooms and CO. LTD. serviced. 192 King City. Phone King TE 3-6321. C ï¬ll, top soil and black loam Prompt delivery. rates. ALpine 7-8876. GRADING & EXCAVATING Country Club, Duiferin Street , . . , PROMPT SERVICE Call owner. Mr. McLean. AV. 5'1156 or phone AV. 54943. c1w47 kitchctte camped With smk- FREE ESTIMATES 5-1176, evenings AV. 5-3419. RICHVALE SPECIAL “ï¬f fridge and rangette, 1% blocks Av, 5.3612 c1w45 EXPERIENCED accounts recelv- from Yonge St Available June MOW“ M $1.200 DOWN , 'abie clerk to operate Burrough’s lst TU $517,; “046 “_._â€"â€" VARIETY SHOP FOR SALE - Modern 6-room full high base-‘ Sensimatic Bookkeeping Mach- CUSTOM Rototilling - loam & Situated on Yonge St., in Ricli- ment 1% storey, clapboard inc and record cash receipts. GROUND ,FLOORï¬Parlâ€"ment 1“ Compost $500 Per yard, 3 bus- mond Hill in non competitive home, forced air- on heating, Permanent position with usual mOdE‘I‘n triplex building. 2 bed- hels $1.00. Water washed sand company benï¬ts, company Ioca- rooms, kitchen, tiled bathroom, for sand boxes, 500 per bushel. . gross is increasing each month. in value. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156, [ted in Thornhilil area. Apply and llvmg room 44 Markham TU. 4-7166. *2W47 owner must retire, Box No. 131, H, KEITH, REALToR BOX The Liberal. Avenue after _ The Liberal. C1W46 h “EXPERIENCED ONLY “ Kécrmrnmnr CONTRACTORS WANTED Part-t.ime waitressesy mostly ev- TOOLS TO RENT Building. alterations & repairs, “m enings or week-ends. Must have Cement mixers, floor sanders prompt service. CLEAN FILL, Can Av, 5-5355, own transportation, Apply Ma- and edgers, ramset guns, roto- WALKER & MITCHELL c3w47 ple Downs Golf and Country tillers. f0t0vat0rs. also 500 other AV- 5'2523 CHILD'S wading pool at leâ€"asâ€"t - Club, Dufferin Street or phone tools. Willowdale Rental & tch 12" deep TU 4-3513' c1w47 ’ AV, 5-4943, c1w47 Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- CARPENTRY _ DECORATING CAPABLE day care {or one or E' a 1711‘ “C42 two children. TU. 4-7506. c1w47 WANTED used tractor, must be FEMALE HELP wanted, train- _ _._ __ . PAINTING . in good condition To be used ed or experienced. '3 persons RICHMOND HILL RENTALS Recreation rooms, etc. Large or DRESSMAKIRG and altera' for cutting and 1.01.1ng of lawn - needed full or part time. Day 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from small jobs. Prompt service. “005- Mrs- MaCDonald- TU- 4’ Tu 4_3059_ c1w47 or evening work. One house- 590 a month, Webb & Elmor- AV- 5-2546- ELLEâ€"“cm WED?’ N mâ€" ; keeper, one domestic duties. A large selection available. tfc3 ENGLISH ex-nurse would likemeED Ul‘ ITURE . one cleaning woman. Nursing Call AV. 5-1951 baby sitting or day care, any ‘ 91511105 and 115% DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- PORTABLE TELEVISION vale. AV. 5-1591. tics Rent a portable TV PAINTER & DECORATOR Reasonable weekly or monthly For good prices see our show- rates. room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc. - Delivery and Pick-Up Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6 Charles Marple Real Estate *1w47‘ “037 AVON RURAL WOMEN - What town- ship do you live in? Excellent earn-ing opportunity for rural women to sell Avon around your own home. Openings Langstaif and Richvale. Write District 10 ft. roll, No. 11 gauge, 42" Also parts from 53 Chev. for Manager, Miss Ziegler, Box 141 T“ "7456 AV- MOVING ‘& STORAGE DAY CARE avail§l§le for one to rf’ifitiuflallh Alt:é 5295;. gh $25. per 100 ft. roll. 6 ft. sale. 884-2677. c1w47 Guelph. giving phone. c1w47 Frank's Movmg & Cartage. or two children in good home. o “I'D y 3 Es ate eel posts $1. each. 7 ft. steel packing and storage. Experienc- Fenced yard, good meals, $8 tfc15 sis $1.15 each, 5" cedar posts ' . . .0. MUNICIPAL BUILDING ed service anytime. Pickup and weekly per child. 884-3977. pRopERnEs WANTED eledf :0 cents each, also full .‘ ° 0, INSPECTOR ggiig'egyv Gsogldml‘ateS- “if C1W47 We are lrllearly sold out of propn le 0 arm fence and gates in ' ' Duties to include plans examin- . - - - C -______ ï¬fties, 011588. lots. acreage, JCk- Apply Norman Bone O'. 9.. ation. building inspection. by- CUSTOM CARPENTRY farms. businesses, gas stations. - o o . _ . . , . . U , iii Transportation ADDING MACHINES 'o' tioé1 othliicdicombirgg gillelggglSggynggg§;}lA§g;°§°giron, china'cabinets. Free estimi WANgEf? .fnzm Vfalltn'iueï¬g- iï¬gfrrll’éneï¬gdeg service- Salfuthiiggaeneljlegtals A azaliï¬catilonsngâ€" abililt’; to read-:1 AV. 5_3766 or AV_ 53179 ates, Morris Harrison, TU. 4- and 11 (mm o . a on, a ri â€" s we you, 1 popular makes for sale in- iding new and rebuilt stand- 1 portable and electric mod- ‘. Special rental rates avail- CERTAIN NEW CAR? le to students BUYITNOW In“ ' w.co 1.1m L. H. SIMS m ST' “Sum†88 Baker Ave. :hmond Hill TU. 4-1745 f“ §XX 390‘}: XXXXX§ gxx§ L 11949 a a r r r. NE CHESTS of drawers, cor- xxx XXX XXXX X X X X r cupboard, dry sink, wash xxxx 1: xxxx x x ml, dough box, antique rock- {xxï¬ 3: 35,03; §xx § . brass-ware, ruby hanging I“ §xxx§ ï¬x x§ l lamp, glassware, antique x 7135, marble top table, walnut lp front desk, Italian marble ndard lamp, ï¬reside bench, ss fender. deacon’s bench, as- tment of good used furni- e. Hirst at “Poker‘s Para- e." Queensville. GR. 8-4267. a c3w46 ' J LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ’ ' leigh North, TU. 4-3714. clwg . . tfci5 blueprints. general knowledge c31146 2838 of the National Building and re- THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL lated codes, building materials, 0 “n Egg-5013185,; for your trades and practises. Applica- ur o_‘ - tions received only on forms 011- S gardening needs. tainable from the Township of AV. 5-1514 Vaughan Municipal Oï¬ices C__O__TT_A_GE 2: _24 __.____l t 1. _ tfc45 Ma le, Ontario. c1w47- . ‘ x '. comp e ey p ï¬nished inside. hydro. builtâ€"in UPHOLSTERY ~ . . .:Recovering and repairing of any cupboards, Sink. etc. On lovely . . . wooded lot in Madoc area. loovllflnd of furniture. Experienced . , c, i on Scandinavian furniture. Free Ed‘fmiegngï¬ x 400 deepc’hfrjiestimates. Reasonable prices. BOY’S watch, Birks, brown strapi ~ ' {call anytime, Tu 4.4313 resi- TU. 4-7952, c1w47 deuce, business. AV. 5-5345. CHARM bracelet, Glenbrae tfc44 Bowling Banquet, Masonic Halé, summer REPAIRS May 11th. keepsake Rell'al‘ - ' Lawn mowers, garden tractors, TU. 4-4204. c1w47 AccommOdatlon all equipment, etc. Lawn mower BUDGIE. green male. silver.‘FIREPL.â€"\CE. inside convenien- sharpening. Lawn 8: garden ring, No. 13094. Sunday, 20th.; ces, sand beach. On French Bay equipment for sale. Open until' Good reward. Hope, 406 Fern-i Lake Huron, $45.00 weekly. AL. 9 pm. 103 No. 7 Highway, Lang- PLOWING, discing, ï¬nal grad- ing and seeding, lawns fertiliz- garden mainten- H. Sorensen, tfc8 tfc43 RALPH ELMS DECORATING ior and exterior. Free estimates. -7902. Sugar Maples, good specimens tfc31 planted and guaranteed. Order MASONRY CONTRACTOR V. FURNISHED bed-sitting room, Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" A. Smith, Upholstery, onto 12. tfc43 apartment, KING CITY WELL DRILLING Interesting, establish-ed, small - m m i tan d and buy, low rent location. Very rea- Pump eqm‘éegrge ï¬lial-:5, Box sonable. Write‘ Box 135 , tfc13 AL US for your sand, gravel, Reasonable 1y renovated house at 180 Yonge . - 1 , Street South, '1' B DeFerrarl’ Mal/$57 small self-contained apartment, Westwood Lane to Yonge and late Board , Egllnton or Bloor. Arriving 7.30 AT' 8112813 gfzggiibndge _ to 7.45, returning about 5 pm. - tr 10 AV. 5â€"5115. clw47 C , TRANSPORTATION wanted .‘ from Richmond Hill tondown- SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! , town Toronto. Please ca Mrs. Martin, TU. 4-5132 after 7 Mon- SRGENTLY REQUIRED day to Friday. All day Satur- 303IES ,nights a week. Phone EM. 3- First class Peat Loam and Cowl Manure. Now is the time to order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- 5922. tfc42 BAYVIEW SODDING First class sod, Kentucky, Mer- ion Blue, also ï¬eld sod. Laid Near 400 Highway on Aurora S-ideroaid, good garden soil, 330 feet frontage on paved road, owner moved to USA. and must sell. Asking $13,900, but are open to any reasonable of- fer. Call today Earl V. Stewart, 3 N0 TAXES TO PAY 1R' h, bl k, d l . 1 1c ac sany 0am Aso FOR gravel, ï¬ll and sand. AVONDALE SAND 2 YEARS $13,900, 6 king sized rooms. 5% percent N.H.A. mortgage, terms to suit. $14,900, immaculate 6 room bungalow. Close to everything. Good financing. GARDEN SUPPLIES Cedars for hedging, $65 per hundred. White Birch, 8'-10', $6-$8. Clumps $10-$12. Sugar Maple $6 each planted. Loam 2% yards $8 delivered. Manure, 3 yards. $10 delivered. Large $15,950, 6 room bungalow at- tached garage, many extras, on now. Complete grading and sod- quiet crescent. ding job with Marion Blue plate windows, baseboard heat- ing two car garage and separate sleeping area. Mr. Budd AV. 5- 1156. Raising Chinchilla. , Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Had- . dington Ave., RU. 2-6806, Tor- tfc41 THE RESALE SHOP l BLOCK TO YONGE $16,500 convenient location to all shops, schools and churches, 3 year old brick bungalow, mod- ern throughout, 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. Immediate possession. Mr. Keï¬â€˜er AV. 5-1156 i LANGSTAFF INCOME HOME $1,000 down, 5 rooms on main floor, separate entranCe, apart-‘ ment on lOWer floor, rents for{ $65. month, garage, on 60'x150' landscaped lot. Mr. Slater, AV. business for sale. No stock to The Liberal. c1w47 AURORA BUSINESS PROPERTY '$18,500 full price, commercial- with “shop and lot 55’ x 221', ideal for variety store or almost any business. area. business is debt free andlSee this if you are interested furniture. Cash prices paid. Call‘ age. References. 884-2594. c1w46 Franks Movers and Storage l RELIABLE and conscientious TU, 4-2613, AV, 5-5101, tfc7i man, own car, wants morning ‘ work. Phone 285-1687. clw45 Iâ€"Eâ€"Qâ€"l YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking REAL ESTATE for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 551%. L032 ing at 8 am. and leaving at 5‘ .p.m. AV. 5-2451. c1w47 RIDE FOR Two wanted from 25 years Real Estate experience.1 HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- i l STATE REAL ESTATE bungalow, single garage - land-,l scaped lot. 6% N.H.A. Mortgagei m : HOUSES wanted for sale or SITTING MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc32 % SALE REGISTERS SAT., MAY 26 â€"â€" Auction Sale of Household Furniture, 1951 Plymouth Station Wagon, low mileage, l luggage trailer pain- ted to match (both in good con- dition), Sheraton chairs and china cabinet, 1 walnut buffet. chest of drawers, mahogany: large quantity of extra good china, cut glass, milk glass. toilet sets, quantity of antiques not mentioned, garden equip- ment. In Village of Thornhill, corner of Yonge and John Sts. The property of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Howard. Plenty of park- FOR SALE (Continued) $12,900 RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom bungalow. 5% mort- gage carries $97.00 month in- cluding taxes. Private. TU. 4- 5310. c1w46 $15,700 7 ROOM house on treed I vine lot, with year round creek. attached garage, alumin- um storms and screens and open ï¬replace, clOse to shopping and schools. TU. 4-5583. c2w47 $13,400.00 AURORA: Engaging brICk bun' ing space. No reserve. Property ,galow situated in a nice area sold. Terms cash. This sale near schools. Features 3 bright must Start on time. Sale at bedrooms, large stylish arbor- ite kitchen. huge living and din- ing room area, storms and screens, aluminum awnings. Low down payment to one 6% mort- gage. $13,700.00 AURORA: This is a truly great opportunity for the large fam- 11; to get that extra room they need at a bargain offering. We have at this special price a ful- ly detached 4 bedroom bungalow with 2 baths, attractive work- saver kitchen, storms and screens, spacious lot. And look at the down payment only $1.000 full down payment, to one mort- gage. Better see this to-day. 12.30 D.S.T. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer. phone Gormiey 5311. II it ii! iii SAT., MAY 26, 1962 - Auction sale of household goods, furni- ture. TV, electric refrigerator, ornaments, cooking, utensils, garden tools. etc. by instruction of The Public Trustee. as Ad- ministrator of the Estate of The Late John Charles Holland, a-t 124 Spring Road, Keswick. Ont., just east of Post Office. Sale at 2 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice - Auctioneers. c2w48 nit-r: $15,000.00 - SAT., JUNE 2, 1962 â€" Auction ï¬glmnih :19: ctgï¬ft 3.11:1: hfomu: sale of household furniture, gar- den and barber tools, dishes, glassware, etc., on the Brook Road in the Village of Clare- mont. Property of the Estate of the Late Jack Brignall. Sale at 1.30 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. c3w46 Office Space To Rent 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call ME. 3 - 5661 Griffin Contracting search is ended. Here is an out- standing 2 storey home that promises King-Size comfort in a first class district. Many feat- ures a-re offered including 3 bed- rooms, separate dining room, sunroom, oil heating, wel'l treed lot. Terms. W. R. CASE Real Estate 96 Yonge Street South Aurora, Ontario PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 c1w47 % MORTGAGES ESTATE FUNDS to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. tfc39 MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-7191. tch SOLICITOR has client's funds available for mortgages at rea- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 00- Ltd- 5-7321. t£c40 HOME OWNERS YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY TO PAY YOUR BILLS Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the Following Areas: Richmond Hill Thornhill Stoufl’ville Maple Langstat! Oak Ridge: Unionville King Richvale Concord Gormiey 0 1st & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 LOW Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, [haul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens M. C. BEBER I.'I'D. 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association r - - â€" - - I I - - - - - 1 M. C. Beber Ltd. I 21 Dundas Square Toronto, Ont. GENTLEMEN: [require amortgageloan of I I I Name lAddress I lTown Phone L - - - â€" - . D -- - - - J . SATIN EN CHECKS MEN’S $6.95 PR. FANCY, CORD SLACKS MEN’S $5.95 PR. . c1w47. , day ’Large and small, estates, com- mercial and industrial property and holdings. For your com-I plete and accurate1 estilgategi' value. please cal Mr. ug ,‘ TO BA. 5-8828, Residence TU. 4- DESK SPACE wanted on Yonge 3624. { St., Richmond Hill for three JOHN TRACY LTD. REALTOR, 5587 Yonge Street, Willowdale 7-1589. c2w47 staff, AV. 5-2973. #3w46 6251, Toronto. tfc42i ,. tic45| , BY G.W.G. SIMPSON’SDRYGOODS 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill