Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1962, p. 9

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What with the warm weather being served up lately, and the fact that our holidays are only about six weeks, we naturally started in to think of summer camps. Last Sunday but one, was such a terrific day that we decided to visit Mr. Bill Babcock at Richil- daca Camp located at Kettleby. The camp features many things to delight any child. A genuine log cabin lodge, a beached two mast- ed ship, (a genuine deal that made its way through the St. Lawrence Seaway to its present location) just the thing for playing pirates! Naturally enough there’s a very nice swimming pool with qualified swimming instructors, miles of trails. up hill and down dale through the bush, crafts for those who like them and a million and one other things to appeal to children. Now all is serene. A Visit to the seat of govern- ment at Queen‘s Park. two minutes with a very oblig- ing clerk and all was settled. Now the poor slobs wife is again officially a female,‘her named is spelled right and some happy soul has the right birth certificate. There’s a real lesson there somewhere. We think the lesson is that if you want something done. then go to the guy that does the work. Then you’re sure to get satisfaction. Only one thing is absolutely cer- tain â€"â€" next year everyone makes out his or her own permit application â€" at least in this household! Vern Dynes big green and white softball team got the season off to a flying start by winning their first scheduled league game against the CBC team. One of the CBC team members is Ron Meraska who formerly toiled for the Dynesmen. Ron plays second base and doubles in brass as a pitcher. The Meraska clan still reside in Richmond Hill and the CBC team could have a real rooting section on the go when it’s their turn to play in Richmond Hill. You might just remember that shortly after the turn of the year some stunned character filled out his wife's drivers licence in his own name. As a con- sequence he had two drivers permits and poor wifey had none. Relations at home were somewhat strained as they say in the ladies’ magazines. After some frantic phone calls and long conversa- 1ions, friend wife got a new drivers permit issued. Only some minor errors. The permit spelled her name wrong and identified her as a male. For some obscure reason she also received someone else’s birth certifi- cate. {7’35 I" RON CRAINI - What mysterious alchemy in nature decrees that it should always rain on fair clay? Last Saturday was as nice 3 day for a fair as anyone could possibly wish for, then, one hour before Dynes Jewellers and Os- tranders were due to hook up in an exhibition soft- ball game, it just had to rain. Just enough to rain out the final attraction of the Fair. Fair board officials surely do get some rummy deals from the weather department. Maybe next year will be different â€"- or maybe the next? Councillors at the camp are mostly senior high school students from the Richmond Hill area while departments are headed by responsible adults. In a great many cases department heads are members of the teaching profession. Camp sessions are a weekly Affair with the small fry being taken out by bus every morning and returned home in the evening. In addition to the regular camping season the camp will feature something new and novel this year. From August 27th through August 31st a football school will be conducted for high school football players. Lew Agase. incumbent coach of the Toronto Argonauts is very interested in the venture and has promised to give all the help that a bLlsy season will permit. 1f running up and down the hills. 3 good diet, proper exercise and good football coaching don't pro- duce some very good high school ball in this area, then nothing will. A week in this environment and these kids should be in the best physical condition for playing football. The idea of the camp, the football school and many other facets of the operation were conceived in the fertile brain of Bill Babcock. physical education department head at Richmond Hill High School. Mr. Babcock has an enviable record working with young people. He believes in physical fitness and has a way of getting his ideas across to young people in an ac- ceptable manner. Richmond Hill High School has the trophies and pennants won by school athletes to prove just how effective the Babcock system can be. So if you’re lo'oking for a place to send junior this year, take a long look at Richildaca. If you feel so inclined take a drive out and inspect the premises. You’ll be given all the information you want and get a Cooks’ Tour of the premises thrown in. Instead of going on a holiday with junior this year. why not send junior to camp and stay home yourself? This could be a real holiday for all concerned l '0LUME’L’XXXII.’ NUM‘B‘ER'R 9002 Yonge Richvale AV.5-439| Section SPRING TUNE "P For Your Outboard Motor Second MORTGAGES E. T. STEPHENS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 9205 YONGE STREET RICHVALE SURF MARINE EXPERT REPAIRS FOR EVINRUDE & JOHNSON BOATS REPAIRED. REFINISHEI) spout SPOTS? AV. 5 - 3785 of the first inning. DeGeer. Smith and MacMillen hit back to back singles and were brought in to score on a long double by Chico Fernandez. Richmond Hill Roma was Ihan- ded a 2-0 defeat in Aurora last Saturday and dropped from first‘ place in the league standing. The strong Aurora attack moved into high gear from the start, and soon scored on a low shot, after a nice passing play. It looked as though Roma might tie the score a few minutes later when Outside Left B. Lewis centred the ball. and it was han- dled by the Aurora defence. Col- acci shot the ensuing penalty kick, only to have it saved by the Aurora goalkeeper. End to end play by both teams provid- ed many scoring opportunities, but the score remained the same until the halfway mark. R.H. Roma Is Defeated Aurora Wins Game 2-0 JJU RIOUIES, AIIEIICOUH [gggnzyggmcg 3;: $9231.51 enth inning. Dave Bradley wast safe on an error. An error on} O O l Junior B wlm Ban uet [ed Fernback and an error on Merv Hughes scored Bradley to Enjoyable success was thew Young Ladies and Young tie the game at 4-311- ‘ unanimous verdict of the 350 Men. aged 14 to 17 years with two men out in the .‘ children and parents who were Terrific applause greeted the‘ bottom of the seventh inn- , present in the Lions Hall on‘presentation at the trophy wonl. ning, Don MacMiuen rifled Wednesday. May 16th. thelby World bantam tboyt bowling a home run shot over the occasion being the banquet of team - which was clinched on centre field fence to give the Allencourt Junior BowlinglApril 28th â€" after competing the Jewellers a 5-4 lead. Leagues. against 52 teams. travelling as The lead was short-lived as Though the magician, .Vlrufar as Saskatchewan. The ban-; Merchants hit for the tying Walter Scudds of Beverleydam girls. though not winners in and winning runs in the Acres delighted and mystifiedthe finals. surely deserve a eighth inning. both the young and all ot.hers;big hand. as they played in 44 A double by Merchant first â€",the presention at so many‘competitive league games. sacker Glen MacPherson plus well-earned awards just about. The bantam boys of Toronto two fielding errors allowed Mac- brought the house down. Someof which six Allencourt ban- Pherson to score the tying run. idea of the number of awards tams are players. winners of Fernback singled and Bill 'Jack- (and incidents concerned there‘the district finals at the Sport-lson was brought on in relief with) may be gained from thegman's Show, were presented‘for Norm Roberts. Jackson following statistics: 40 individ-‘with their trophies. Janet Roy-‘struck out the first two batters ual trophies. 24 team trophies. ston â€" “Mi$ Allencourt’to face him then proceeded to 18 consolation trophies. and 38;Lanes" - was presented with herlwork on third baseman Gale trophies "For Perfect Attend- trophy, also a small permanenthamey. Gamey went down via ance “ â€" awarded to the ardenttreplica. Mrs, Madge Nicholsonwthe strikeout route. but a third boy and girl players â€" whoisupervisor of the leagues. who,lstrike got away from Cal Wil- never missed one single gametluntiring in her own efforts. liams with Gamey going to first To those who may not belexpressed her appreciation for base on the play. Fernback came aware of the junior set-up of the the help given by so many in from third on the play with .Mlencomt Junior Bowling Lea-[people who helped to make the the winning run of the game. gues â€" it consists of four diff-:Allencourt Junior League: Opening Ceremonies Enjoyable success was the t4! Young Ladies and Young unanimous verdict of the 350 Men. aged 14 to 17 years children and parents who were Terrific applause greeted the present in the Lions Hall on presentation at the trophy won Wednesday. May 16th, the by World bantam (boy) bowling occasion being the banquet of team - which was clinched on the Allencourt Junior BowlinglApril 28th â€" after competing Leagues. against 52 teams. travelling as Though the magician, Mrflfar as Saskatchewan. The ban- Walter Scudds of Beverley.tam girls, though not winners in Acres delighted and mystifiedlthe finals. surely deserve a both the young and all othel‘sibig hand. as they played in 44 -â€".the presention of so manyicompetitive league games. Though the magician, Mr. Walter Scudds of Beverley Acres delighted and mystified both the young and all others -â€".the presention of so many well-earned awards just about brought the house down. Some idea of the number of awards (and incidents concerned there with) may be gained from the following statistics: 40 individ- ual trophies, 24 team trophies. To those who may not be express¢ aware of the junior set-up of the the he] A'llencourt Junior Bowling Lea- people ‘ gues -â€" it consists of four difi-VAuencm erent leagues: 1]) & «2‘ Banâ€"such a tams, of girls and boys, aged 7,who ass to 12 years ; «3) Junior, 12 to 141banquet, 350 Kiddies, Allencourt‘ Junior Bowling Banquet‘ Fiery “Casey” Cripps (right) whips off his jacket as the second game of the young ball sea- son got underway at the town park Saturday ev- ening. It was a “jewellers’ series" with Tortmto Ostranders tangling with Dynes. Thanks to a double by Chico Fernandez, Dynes started things right by defeating the Toronto crew 4-3. The "‘In Essentials Unity: in Non-Essentials Liberty; choice and Merv Mellish drew a walk. Bill Swing rapped out a sharp single to score both run- ners. The score was tied in the sixth inning as Keith Lancaster On resumption of play. Roma put everything into their attack but Aurora stubbornly and ex- pertly baulked every attempt to break through. To further upset Roma. one of their own defen- ders caused a penalty shot. A heated altercation followed be- tween Roma Goalkeeper Gerardi and the referee, but this did not alter the decision. The shot was taken by Aurora Centre Forward Lofthouse, and slammed against the cross bar, and fortunately ‘for Roma did not score. As the ;game progressed Aurora obtain- ‘ed their second goal on another {fine play. Thbuéh Roma was playing hard up to the 90m minute, the game ended with this 2-0 score. uch a success, and to those who assisted in thxs memorable fiéfifibfifH’IfL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1962 mmm l Dynes Jewellers lost their first home game of the V season to North York Merchants Thursday last. The Merchants edged the'JeweIlers 6-5 in an error-filled I game. The Jewellers added runs in the third and fifth innings to lead Merchants 4â€"2, Gary Smith got on via an error in the first inning. worked around to third and came home to score on Moe Williamson‘s sacrifice fly to left field. Williamson slammed out a double in the fifth inning and came in to score on two errors by the Merchant fielders. from the team. On LWn occasions they came up with clutch double plays to cut off an Ostrander scoring threat. Ken Roberts at second base and Bill Robson in the outfield came up with big gladys when they were most n'ee- ve . Despite the unseasonably cool weather a large crowd of spec- tators were on hand for the op- Andy Anderson pitched sev- en innings for Ostranders and struck out eleven batters. He gave up six hits in the seven inning stint. Keith Lancaster Our Dynes Drop Season Opener 6-5 North York Cal Williams and Bill Robson drew back to back walks in the bottom of the second inning and both men came in to score on a base hit by Eric Hillaby to tie the score. Lead 4-2 Too Many Errog Norm Roberts got the nod as the starting pitcher for the Jewellers as Merv. Hughes went all the way for the winners. Merchants hit the score sheet fast by pushing in two runs in the opening stanza. Dave Brad- ley and Gale Gamey picked singles off Roberts’ offer- ings and Keith Anderson cashed both runners with a ringing double. Seen (left to right) are, Playing Coach Gor- don Barker of Ostranders, Umpire Lou Visconti, Umpire Art Ashley and Manager Coach Cripps of Dynes. game was originally scheduled for fair day but was rained out. in all things Charity” (Photo by George Chaplin) Plate Umpire Base Umpire: Last Monday the Richvale senior girls ball team opened the current softball season with a very strong 13-4 victory over the Maple entry. Nancy Under- ,hill pitched a very strong game {and was helped along by some very smooth fielding. Norma Sim. Nancy Underhill and Margo Martin had two hits each while iMay Spires hit a towering home ‘run to drive in 3 runs. This could be the first year that Richvale will win the K.V.W. Qchampionship. They have a 501- lid fielding and hitting team land could go all the way. All home games will be played at Charles Howitt Public School. came on in relief in the eighth inning. He’stru‘ck out two. walk- ed one and gave up one hit, William‘s game-winning single. Summary: R H E D Dynes Jewellers 4 7' 1 Ostrander J’rs. 3 10 1 Winning Pitcher: Bob Attweu Losing Pitcher: Keith Lancaster (Andy Anderson) P 1 0 éning game. Opening ceremon- ies saw Richmond Hill’s Recre- ation Director Jean Thomson pitch to _Reeye Elqu Perkins. Losing Team Dynes Jew’rs 5 6 5 1 Winning Pitcher: Merv Hughes Losing Pitcher: Norm Roberts (Bill Jackson) Plate Umpire: Lou Visconti Base Umpire: Frank Haffey After a loud foul and a change up pitch that was much too high. the third offering was tag- ged in fine style by Reeve Per- kins. Winning Team R H EHO Richvale Smashes Maple Girls 13-4 Septic tanks, Bath Rooms, Brick Stone and Concrete Work, 30 years in this Business. Call after seven House Raising PR. 3 - 5788 Merchants Lou Visconti Art Ashby yd Perkins} nd a change; ; much too, .113 was tag-[ Reeve Per- RHEHOl 6 9 4 0t 5 6 5 1l erv Hughes; trm Roberts ill Jacksontl Visconti : Hal’fey .. nashes 513-4r e Richvale am opened season with‘ .‘icton' over ,ncy Under: ;tronz game. a: by some. ng. Norma l and Margo‘ each while 'ering home runs This year that the K.V.W. have a sol- ttina team 1e way. All} 61 61 61 61 61 61 6t) 60 60 60 Pontiac. 6 cylinder, wlndshield washers Falcon Station Wagon. 6 cylinder. stand- ard transmission. radio Chevrolet Convertible Impala. V8. auto- matic transmission, radio, whitewalls, windshield wipers Chevrolet 2 Door Impala Hardtop. 6 cylinder. automatic transmission. pow- er steering, power brakes. radio. wind- shield wipers Comet 6 cylinder, standard transmission, whitewalls, radio, wheel discs Volkswagen Coach Deluxe Mercury 4 Door. automatic transmissron. windshield wipers. radio. power steering, power brakes Buick 4 Door Hardtop LeSabre. auto- matic transmission. power steering, pow- er brakes. radio. whitewalls Pontiac 4 Door Laurentian. V8. automtic transmission. radio. whitewalls Oldsmobile Hardtop. power steering, power brakes, radio, automatic transmis- sion. windshield washers 60 60 59 59 58 58 58 53 57 56 Chevrolet Sedan. 6 cylinder, automatic transmission. Belair. radio. tutone Chevrolet Sedan. 6 cylinder. radio. Bel- air ' Oldsmobile Hardtop, automatic trans- mission. windshieldwashers. radio, pow- er brakes Olds. Super 2 Dr. Hardtop. automatic. transmission. power steering, power brakes, radio. whitewalls Meteor 2 Door Hardtop Vauxhall 4 Door Station Wagon, tutone Chevrolet Sedan. standard transmission. wheel discs. tutone Pontiac Sedan. automatic transmission, radio, tutone, 6 cylinder Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan, 6 cylinder. tu- tone Dodge 2 Door Hardtop Royal. power steering, power brakes. automatic trans- mission. windshield washers Chevrolet Coach WILSON - NIBLETI 'Richmund mu ROSEMARY ROSS took sec- The girls‘ track and field team and pace in the running broad won the Georgian Bay Cham- jump in the junior division. and pionship at Cannington last Sat- DAWN KINGSLEY was third in urday. Led by the fine perfor- the standing broad jump. Rose- mance of Diane Hayesl the pow- mary Ross placed third in the erful team piled up a total of 60 yard dash fourth in the 100 36 points to win the meet. yard event. with Anne Ross fin- Brock District High School ishing fifth. finished in second place with 24 Bayview points tied with Huntsville who Intramural badminton com- also scored 24. Banting Memor- petitions were concluded at Bay- ial Institute of Alliston finished view High School last week. The with a 20 point total. ‘ red colour team won _the_ senior DIAN‘E HAYES was entered in three events and won all three. She set records in each event. Miss Hayes jumped 17 ft. 41/; inches to win the ruxming broad jump event. threw the discus a distance of 97 feet 11 inches and put the shot 35 feet 9% inches. There is no doubt whatever that Diane Hayes is one of the outstanding high school athletes of this era. As she continues to improve her performances every time out. she has the natural ability to be- come one of Canada’s outstand- ing track and field stan‘s. Nice going Diane! MARY ed 7 ft. 1 broad ju for this TERMOLE distance ir the existix mate CAR third, In Miss Catt with Carol fifth place The senior relay 440 yard relay in ‘ seconds to estab time for this evem the team are C! TERMOLE, DIA CAROLE RAINE V HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS ARY ANN 13 ft. 11 inches Ld jump to 5 this event. I Why Is NOW The Best Time To Buy An CHEVROLET, CHEVY II, OLDSMOBILE, F.83, CORVAIR, ENVOY, 0.K. USED CARS 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-4991 - TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre :Y ANN DONALD jump- 11 inches in'the standing jump to seta new mark 5 event. CAROLE CAT- ?)LE ramped the 60 yard e in 8 seconds flat to tie isting record. as team ZAROLE HAYES finished In the 100 yard event. Cattermole placed third arole Hayes grabbing off WEBB We now have the beSt selection of the season of over 40 used cars of all makes and models. Authorized G. M. Dealer with full service facilities not ofiered by used car lot. Low cost G.M.A.C. Financing and Motors Insurance DIANE HAYES ; y in a ti) establish event. M ON JUNE 18 .DVO'I'E S'I'AN HALI. DONALD . Written Warranty. 1t. Members AROLE CA team time and MOTORS LTD. as team Last Friday night was the finished athletic banquet at Thornhill [1 event. Secondary School. The program d third and dinner conducted by mem- rbing off bers of the boys and girls ath- letic associations was a model ran the of efficiency. Members of the a of 56.6 B.A.A. served dinner while the 1 record girls laboured hard and long be- nbers of hind the scenes in the kitchen. E CAT- Mr. Dick Shatto of the Tor- HAYES, onto Argonaut Football Club i LO‘R- was the guest speaker. He em- phasized the importance of ed- Intramural badminton com- petitions were concluded at Bay- view High School last week. The red colour team won the senior event with the individual cham- pionship going to Larry Guio. Bruce Mortson won the team championship. With all events now, complet- ed the final color team standings are as follows: Green 2040 pts.. Red 2020 pts.. Black 1940 pts. and Gold 1910 pts. A close fin- ish to a very good year of com- petition. Thornhill George Neeland won the inter- mediate hurdles event in a time of 14.7 seconds at East York last Saturday. The O.F.S.S.A. Championships were run at the East York School and Neeland. although placing second in his qualifying heat, turned in a flawless performance to win the final in the event. Dal-e Crouter finished third in the junior hur- dles event. A position? An employee? A car? Many Find That A CLASSIFIED in (I) Full Employment (2) National Health Plan (3) Planned Economy THE NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY YORK NORTH “'I'HE LIBERAL" HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 71878 WHAT IS YOUR NEED? Will Bring Results â€" TU. 4-1105-6 59 Olds. Super 2 Dr. Hardtop. automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls Trophies and awards were presented to winners with Terry Hamming acting as a very cap- able MC. for the evening. A dance brought the evening to a close as the school sporting yea-r was brought to a happy and successful conclusion. % Kent Clothes. Richmond Hill‘s lentry 1n the York-Simcoe Soft- ball League. got the season off to a flying start by defeating Newmarket 9-1 in Newmarket Thursday. Steve Plummet wield- ed a big club for Kents with a first inning bases loaded homer to lead the way to the win. ucation to everyone and made special reference to the necessâ€" ity of a good education for a professional athlete. His re~ marks‘ although of a serious na- ture, were couched in a way that amused and entertained the large gathering. As an ambassav dor for professional football Mr. Shatto has no peer. Kent Clothes Win Over Newmarket Larry Guio pitched steady ball for Kents giving up only four hits over the nine inning route. Bill Duncan. on the mound for Newmarket Redma-n was ta-g- ged for five hits including the home run shot by Plummet. Wayne Richardson and Duane Patfield came up with two hits each to aid the Kent Cause. Don Williams hit one for Newmarket as Bob Eisfeld contributed three hits in the losing cause. “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 USED CAR

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