:22 LEVENDALE no. In other league games. Co]- llngwood won 5-0 over Aurora "8â€. Uxbridge 1 - Etobicok-e 0. Newmarket 2 - Maple 2. and Barrie 5 - Midland 0. Richmond H111 Roma were de- feated 2-0 by an aggressive Aur- ora “A†soccer team last Satur- day. Tempers flared on a few occasions but game officials were able to keep complete con- trql of the game. With the new hospital to be built in Richmond Hill there are a great many uses for a Red Cross branch. The plan to op- erate blood donor services, pro- vide disaster services for small personal emergencies as well as those of a larger nature. A loan cupboard is to be set up to 10m crutches. wheel chairs and hospital beds to those who require them. The Red Cross plans to conduct a local campaign for funds to carry out their Aurora “A†Team First In SoccerLeagueStandings is Ed. Butlin now of Thornhill and formerly 3 Richmond Hill resident. Professor John Pass- more of Jefferson is serving in a dual capacity as campaign chairman of the water safety committee. Deputy-reeve Law- son Mumberson of Markham Township is chairman of disas- ter services. W. H. “Bill†Ham- ilton of Richvale is chairman out blood donor services and Mr. J. A. McBratney manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank in Ma- ple is treasurer of the organiza- tion. Miss Ruth Johnson. Miss Gordon and Mrs. D. Barton are all members of the executive committee. Assist Hospital During World War I and World War 11 Canadian Red Cross branches operated in Richmond Hill and dis- trict. They performed many useful and vital services but, with the advent of peace, the organizations were disbanded. Some six weeks ago interested citizens of the area revived the local Red Cross branch on the premiSe that a peacetime need was just as great, if not greater, than the need in wartime. As a result of a meeting of necessary work. In order the interested citizens the Rich- that they will not detract mond Hill and District Red from nor hinder the hospi- Cross Branch is now a reality. tal campaign they will not president qt the fledging branch carry out their fund raising 1,4,“ -.._A:l 4|... Lnan:.I-l Water Safety Week ls June 3rd To 9th 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 4 Typewriters . Addingv Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS 'your ofllce machine speciallst’ 10 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, May 31, 1962 Red Cross Drive ‘n““““‘m‘ggg‘l THE These are the same ï¬ne products that you have been buying from Dot and Ruth at the Thornhill Farmers’ Market Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances LOW LOW PRICES ON 1962 P‘RIGIDAIRE. GENERAL ELECTRIC As Low As $199.00 With Your Trade UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY AV. 5-3756 OF Ruth's Kitchen CHOICE SELECTION OF HOME MADE BAKING PRODUCTS HOME MADE BREAD OUR SPECIALTY lee portable models at ‘Wlxht’s Pharmacy’ L. H. SIMS OPENING REFRIGERATORS Air Conditioning Estimates Given Frea Aurora “A†Barrie R. H. Roma Maple Collingwood Umbridge Newmarket Eltobicoke Midland Aurora “B†League standings Booklets are available on wa- ter safety and mouth to mouth artiï¬cial respiration. The pub- lic school board through its Chairman Harold Sanderson has ordered posters and booklets from the local Red Cross group. Mr. F. T. Shorter representing the separate school board has ordered material for 25 class- rooms while the York Central High School board has appoint- ed Trustees Mrs. Kathleen James and Ernest Redelmeire to work with the Red Cross. John Hanna Joins Committee Thornhil] Recreation Commit- tee has appointed Manager John Hanna of the Thornhill P001, to serve on the water safety com- mittee of {he Red Cross. Tests and awards for swimmers will be conducted under Red Cross necessary work. In order that they will not detract from nor hlnder the hospi- tal campaign they will not carry out their fund raising drive until the hospital drive is completed. The week of June 3 through June 9 Is National Water Safety Week. The executive of Rich- mond Hill Red Cross Branch decided to hold a local. vigorous icampaign on water safety. To further their work and to reach the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time. it was decided to work through the schools. All popular makes on hand Snecial Students’ Rates TU. 4-7456 .1 A hearty vote of thanks. mov- 0 ed by Mr. W. Medhurst, master Qtof ceremonies, was raised to . Mr. Jack Sheahan for this splen- . did management of the bowling .lthroughout the season. Mr. H. .ICalverley welcomed Mayor Hag- gart, who thanked the members .for their courtesies during the ’l‘yeanand vowed he enjoyed the ,w-“ -_ happiness of the bowlers. On behalf ‘of the manager D. Miller who was unable to be present, Mayor Haggart invited the sen- ior citizens to bowl again next year. He assured those present that free transportation is still being considered by town coun- cil. He then presented the “May- or’s Cup†to Mrs. Ida Marsden. captain of the winning team. A beautiful chaise longue and cover was then presented to‘ Mrs. D. Miller on behalf of her husband. Mr. J. Sheahan then presented a very large cup and saucer with “Mom. come and get your coffee“ engraved on it to Mrs. Emma Masters for her 300 win in her last game. A tour of the Department of Lands and Forests at Maple is in store for the group. some time during senior citizen‘s week which is June 4 to 9 inclusive. _| 9.09 U" CNflhbmmadp Responsibility for the success ‘of the Red Cross Water Safety campaign rests squarely on the shoulders of each and every one of us. Information and training will be given by the Red Cross but it's deï¬nitely up to each of us to police our own actions and the actions of'others. Water .sports of all kinds are as nat- (ural to Canadians as is breathing They can be the greatest source of health, exercise and pleasure conceivable or they can end in stark tragedy. Only you can de- cide which it's to be for you and‘ yours. 1 Senior Citizens jBowling Banquet The bowling banquet of the local senior citizens was held at the Hideâ€"Away Restaurant, A1- lencourt Plaza, May 16th. Roses, a gift from H. J. Mills Ltd., were pinned on each lady at the door. A beautiful basket of flowers, a gift of the Hanson Florists, Elgin Mills, was placed on the head table. This later was pre- sented to the hostess, Mrs. El- eanor Thomas. who (with her husband Frank), served about 82 with a delicious turkey din- ner. Water Safety Week is June ‘3 to June 9. Actually water safe- }ty is a continuing thing through- ‘out the whole year. By learning the rules of proper conduct, by respecting the other fellow's rights and by knowing what to do in an emergency we can all enhance our enjoyment of our water areas. Mr. Passmore and his water safety committee will strive in every wy to educate and train our citizens. ‘ Through education‘ by actual demonstration and by remind- ers through the local press, the Red Cross hOpes to make our citizens highly conscious of wa- ter safty. It is their contention that none of us can be spared to Davey Jones! auspices at the Thornhill Pool throughout the coming season. Mr. Bill Babcock of Richildaca Camp will also serve on the water safety committee. . Members of the Red Cross group felt that a need for water safety training was vital in this area. Situated as we are with large bodies of water readily ac- cessible on short notice, the need for training is undoubted- lyrfltu-gent. _ V Those fortunate enough to own boats often ignore known rules of water safety and boat- ing laws. If you asked them to catch a ball game without a mask they’d think you were in- sane.‘And yet they‘ll go up ag- ainst a really tough opponent â€" water â€" without life jackets! Doesn't make too much sense does it? The combination of a hot summer day and a body of wa- ter turns many of our citizens into veritable tigers. Men and women who wouldn’t dream of running a mile seem to think nothing of trying to swim the same distance. Those who wouldn't bet $2.00 on a horse, either on principle or for fear of losing, lay their lives on the line without hesitation. Headford welcomes new mem- ChriStian Education bars to the community, Mr. and Last We'dneSday evenmg the Mrs, James IVIoorley and smau three Christian education com- son Dav-id have moved into the mittees of the Victoria Square house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Charge met in a jOim $95510" Herb Snyder, and surveyed the work of the Don Brodie attended the jun- Christian education especially ior farmer ï¬eld day and dance {E Pegal‘d it) “Through the Quality Printing: OF ALL KINDS Consult “The Liberal†TU. 4.1105 ‘ and a courteous representative W111 call 1 Mrs. Stewart Rumble and Don Brodie, former pupils of Miss Edna Izzard attended the ban- quet in her honor. Miss Izzard is retiring from Richmond Hill High School after serving 31 years on the school staff. Mr. and Mrs. George Barker have had mail from Elizabeth from Edinburgh Where We wea- t'her was cool but the reception wapm. she {had attended a Scot- tish Junior Farmer dance. Mrs. Isaac Reaman. Langstaft, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. William Well-man. Her son Robert was with her and her daughters Jean and Marjorie visited with their cousin Rose- mary Leek. Bést wishes to Mr. Hugh Dev- erell from the community on his birthday May 31. Mrs. John Simpson has re- turned from the hospital after her second operation to improve her hearing. Her neighbours re- joice with her that the opera- tions were successful. u uv‘llruuu a...†"Hukuan w av... cer games and a three mile hike; “Not so good.†said Mike, “I was away behindâ€. Sing per- iods, meals and free time to ‘chin’ with the fellows linger as pleasant memories. Again the gratitude of the parents is extended to the loyal leaders who take on this ardu- ous shepherding job.. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ian Nott on the birth of their son, Ralph Andrew. eight pounds 13 ounces. Mrs. Nott was recently the teacher at the Headford school. They are now living in Preston. Mr: Jnhn Rimncnn ha: rp- Before receiving their golden hands badge the Brownies de- monstrated each test they had to pass to receive this award. Those who received their gold- en hand were: Sharon Francis, Susan McOleverty. Margaret Sandle, Peggy Leitch, Nan Var~ den and Betty Gayman. They received their awards from the district commissioner. Mrs. Gundy and parents were delighted with the nature brought to the meeting by An- ita Orr and Elizabeth Foster. Anita brought a baby squirrel and Elizabeth brought a frog wtitg which everyone was ï¬acin-i a‘e . Four ~sunburned Cubs return- ed to Headford from Oxtrail Camp, Or-angevilI-e, Sunday af- ternoon. Chaufféred by Doug- las Calder, Mark, Terry, Michael Calder and Richard and Larry Burton joined the parade of cars that left Richmond Hill Scout Hall Friday and reached camp in time for a campï¬re supper. Extracted piece by piece it seems that a ‘good time was had by all'. The enjoyed activities were a leaf and weed collection. a compass trek, baseball & socâ€" cer games and a three mile hike; “Not so good.†said Mike, “I was away behindâ€. Sing per- iods, meals and free time to ‘chin’ with the fellows linger as pleasant memories. Enjoy Scout Camp Play in the local church soft- Ct ball league got under way this ‘week with the champions of last R. R. year, St. Mary’s Catholic meet- ‘ing St. Mary’s Anglican. There are seven teams in the league. Young Adults St. Mary’s Catholic. St. Mary’s The young 3 Anglican. Thornhill Presbyter- the home of M ian, Richmond Hill United, St. Orr on Tuesd‘a Matthew’s United, Our Lady week. The gt Queen of the World Catholic Mir. Arnold Mt and St. Gabriel Anglican. Sin- on education gle games will be played on new school are Monday and Wednesday night at Bridal Shower the True Blue & Orange Home On Thursda; diamond. with a double-header week neighbol at the town park on Friday gauhered in th nights. Bil-l Pollard has been en- Community He gaged a_s the league'siumpire. gimme-us shov the True Blue & Orange Home On Thursday evening of last diamond. With a double-header week neighbours and friends at the town Park On Friday gathered in the Victoria Square nights. Bil-l Pollard has been en- Community Ham rm have a misc- E‘aEEd as the league's umpire- elianeo-us shower in honour of The REV- J- M- Ward is PI‘ES- Miss Dorothy Jackson and Mr. ident of the organization, with Donald Boyn‘ton who are being Father Basil Breen as vicedprves- married on June 9, in the Thorn- ident and D. F. Duncvan as sec-11111.1 Presbyterian Church. retary- treasurer. Dorotihy and Don received Seven Member Church league Begins Action Headford News A good time was had by all at the Crang Plaza reception held on Tuesday, May 22nd, when Prime Min- ister John Diefenbaker was feted by “the Yorks†Conservatives. This happy group (from left to right): Mrs. Loren Guild R.R. 2, Gormley Phone TU. 4-3040 Honour Prime Minister Diefenbaker On May 29, Mr. Denton will receive his B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto. Den- ton is now employed with the Herron Paving Company at Highland Creek. [ed1 The junior choir gave the special music at the Sunday school anniversary service of the Laskay United Church on Sun- day afternoon. ‘ University Graduates A genâ€"eral “Clean Up" in the cemetery will be held on June lalnterested volunteers welcom- e . Junior Choir The annual Memorial service will be held on Sunday, June 3, at 11:30 am. Rev G. Fitzpatrick will be the guest speaker. Spec- ial music will be provided. Clean Up Mr. 'A'rtlhur Storey. a candid- ate for the ministry of the Unit- ed Church conducted the church service on Sunday morning. Dr. Binning on preached the ser- mon, w h emphasis on, “Rural Life Sunday." Christian Education W Last Wednesday evening the A Bible has been sent to Mr. Measures for use in the church of the United Church Mission on Georgina Island. This Bible was donated from the Birthday fund received in flhe Sunday School. Church News A group of Guides and a lead- er of the lst. Gormlley Guide Company. camped wibh six girls and two leaders from Ba-l-lanxtrae and two groups from Richmond Hill East on Bawden’s property for the week-end. Sunday School At the close of the meeting the Brownies who received their golden hand served coffee and cookies to their parents. Girl Guides Dianne Ne‘well was enroled into mhe Brownie Pack by Brown Owl. Mrs. G. Hardie. On Friday evening some of the parents attended the meetâ€" ing of the let. Gonmley Brown- ie Pack to see their daughters receive their golden bar and golden ‘hand badges. Cathy Harper received ’her golden bar from the district commissioner, Mrs. Gundy. Refreshments brought the happy occasion to a close and everyone left wishing the bride and groom~to~be many long years of happiness together. Brownies Dorouhy and Don received many beautiful and useful gifts for which they thanked every one for. 'Dhey were assisted in opening their gifts ‘by Mrs. Lloyvd Canning, Mrs. John Mc- Cague and Miss Grace Boyn'ton. The young adults clurb met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr on Tuesday evening of last week. The guest speaker was Mr. Arnold Mormon, who spoke on education pertaining to the new school area. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 Major Lex MacKenzie, Mrs. C. A. Gathers, Mr. Ross Pollock, Mr. C. A. “Tiny†Gathers the Progressive Con- servative candidate in York North and Mrs. W. L. Hogarth obviously enjoyed their afternoon! Junior choir members - there will be a practise in the com- munity hall on Saturday, June 2. at 1 p.m.. as they will be singing at the meeting of the Victoria Square District Lions Club on June 5. l Mrs. Treanor Canning is able ‘to be out once again following her recent illness and operation in the hospital . Garry King and Ronald Orr graduated from the cubs to the 3rd. Richmond Hill Scout Troop on Tuesday evening of last week. On Saturday they went on their ï¬rst hike. Junior Choir Practise Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart will celebrate their 13th. wedding anniversary May 31; Mr. and ‘Mrs. Nelson Buchanan will cel- ebrate their fiï¬bh wedding ain- niversary, June 1; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill will celebrate their 24th wedding anniversary. June 1; Mr. and Mrs. Don Matthews will celebrate their 15th. wed- ding anniversary, June 3; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr will cele- brate their 13th. wedding anniv- ersary June 4. ‘ Birthday greetings to: Bryan Gee, May 31; Larry Sanderson May 31; Wallace MacDonald, 10 years, June 3; Betty Glover, June 4; Mrs. Neil Montson. June 4; Dr. A. F. Binningbon, June 5; Gerald Collins, nine years, June Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobson and family of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family on Sunday afternoon. ML'. and Mrs. Dobson used to re- side where MI‘. and Mrs. V. Weedon now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Wlhiz‘ter are the proud grand- parents of their ï¬rst gran-d- daulgwhter. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mch’li‘r- ter, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mchhirter reside in Lar- ry Sanderson's apartment. Mrs. C. Nichols. Mrs. R. Brumwell, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. S. oyn=ton and Mrs. G. Brands attended Uhe Trend Tea at the home of Mrs. Egmont Frankel on the 7th, concession of King. on Thursday of last week. This tea was sponsored by the King City Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. District Annual Mrs. G. Brands, Mrs. Harold Hill, Mrs. Earl Empringham, Miss Mary Muirhead. Mrs. R. Brumwe‘ll and Mrs. D. Parsons attended the District Annual of the East York Instimtes ‘held at Wexford on Wednesday of last week. Neighbourhood Notes Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby In the passing of Mrs. F‘risby’s father, Mr. Bert Taun. On Wednesday, May 30. Miss Faye Nichols and Mr. Alan Bin- ningbon will receive their B.A. degrees from the University of Toronto. Faye will be attending the Ontario College of Education, Toronto for ï¬he summer months, then in September she has accepted a position to teach in the high school at Fort William. Trend Tea "omit INSURANCE oéu'ï¬Am Cmfllu! mod 09kt: TORONYO SOMETHING TO SELL "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS JUST PHONE TU. 4-1105 Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low insurance rates for careful drivers-rates so low that one out of two may save impodant dol- lars. Ca James Gramger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-1529 SAM COOK, Chairman 56 YONGE STREET NORTH Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission FAST TWO-ELEMENT WATER H EATER A , ,v . $5555 A. Representatives Branch Office IF YOUR V ELECTRIC WATER HEATER HAS ONLY ONE ELEMENT Get the most from your insurance dollar Guaranteed protection and savingsâ€"plus high dividends call us today about converting it to a .= ASSURANCE COMPANY or CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record The Mutual Life Norman W. Greensides, C.L.U.. 477 Timothy Street, Newmarket, Ont. James Crossland, C.L.U.. 150 Kennedy St. W., Aurora, Ont. Roy L. Langford. 76 Prospect Street, Newmarket, Ont. Fred M. Pugh. 98 Boyer Street. Stouffville. Ont. John F‘. Kell, RH. No. 1. King City, Ont. Lane Poot. 253 Rogers Rd. Newmarket, Ont. Ron H. Heater: 45 Foreht Cres., Aurora. Ont. H. Larry Cummer, 12 Kersey Cres., Yongeh‘urs‘t P.O. Richvale, Ont. Ph Ph Ph Ph.: 1 Re: Ph: Bl Res Ph.: 1 Re: Ph: 6A Levendale Road. Richmond Hill, Ont. Ph.: 285- S-tuart S. Greenham, Branch Manager Robert Allison. 380 Sugar Maple Lane, Richmond Hill Ph.: Bus. 2! The top element (at A) keeps plenty of hot water “on tap†for immediate use. The bottom clement (at B) builds up an abundant reserve. Do you have enough hot water for all your family’s needs? If not, call us toda‘y to have your present water heater converted to a high performance two-element unit. Then you’ll have plenty of hot water all the time, automatically. Enjoy all the hot water you need with low Hydro Flat Rates, See the man from AL. HORWOOD, Superintendent Ph: Bus. 2854414 Res. TW. 5~9249 Ph.: Bus. 285-5414. Res. PA. 7-3716 Ph‘: Bus. 285-5414 Res. TE. 3-6385 Ph: Bus. 285-54“ Res. 884-3610 Ph.: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 834-3572 Ph.: TW. 3-6257 Ph.: TW. 5-4221 Ph.: PA. 7-4774 Ph.: 285-5414- Ph.: 5W TU. 4- 35" flfl-"V