Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1962, p. 14

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14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, June has been busting out House. They ‘play every Thurs-l On Saturc early this year. Guess May day night at King City Park.,8 class was broke all kinds of warm re- When the Empress of Canadaf“public sch< cords and most of us are intotdocked in Montreal May 29, MrJNancy’s hon our second sun-burn of the and Mrs. J. T. James of Wilson‘ Her broth leason already. As for me I'll Avenue, were there to welcomeibor Pete Da vote this kind of weather in Mrs. James’ sister. Miss Eliza-part of the Inyday. beth Sutton from Liverpool, RA. system IL‘nnflnnrl we: Sutton will be'arrived they Lightning Twice The sad aftermath is that'Stl‘aV the bark is ripped from the big from old tree â€"- and trees are scarce 118“. enough in Norma‘ple. Th First Communion |style I "The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and Our representative in Maple in Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1154): in deeiey and Sh Rafter. 285-4040. ‘ ' ’ It was a bright beautiful morning May 27 when Judy McConkey made her 15’: com- munion at St. Mary Immaculate in Richmond Hm. Following the period when doctors had assured Alec Forest that he probably would never walk again. Mr. Forest has shown terrific spirit and cele- firrat‘ed his 74th birthday June st. Following the service around 20 of the McConkey's imme- diate family. including Judy's grandmother Mrs. Geo. McCon- key, Toronto, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConkey, Pine Hill, for a full course' breakfast. He is the oldest licensed har- ness driver pacing at Wood- bine. His latest race was in Uxibridge May 21 when he came in third. Volley Ball While visiting in King re- cently, the subject of volley ball came up with the main com- ment being “Gosh, what volley ball! players you have in Maple! Those girls must practise all year to be such whizzes.” The season had its first meet-‘fiailey PUbuc SChOOI and her lng May 29 to get organized. classmates in Grade 8 this year Any girls wanting to get Into have all been together since this game can phone Bev. then. I replied that they were most- ly just housewives out to get some exercise and fun. But they were the champs last year when Maple beat King. Oak Ridge: and Vellore. See this rainbow of color with many of It; {0 swell~ héniiili‘é’s‘chesrtrl Peiel‘ Walter, son of Mr. and ' the latest introductions with staples and canned goods. Mrs. Graham Walter, Maple. It Happened graduwted from the University c c c “ c a a c c 5 c " 5 5 c “N 6 5 “\“mWNNNNN\N\\V~ You know that old saw, "a‘ of Western Ontario, London, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘ funny thing happened to me; May 26, with an honors degree M Ion the way.” Well on my SOIl’Slin business administration. ’ iway to the school bus the othert He recen’ed the Huron Col- & :mommg’ something funny diallege New Award presented happen. ‘annually to students for out- Arv hnn'l’" an unnrrnm I‘v“ unnnnrn A If those who phoned me that‘standing contribution to the morning to enquire why I \x‘astcollfegefivfir a four-Fear PGI‘IOd; I REXDALE CAR & TRUCK RENTALS LTD. ' ALpine 7-1461 ' I RR. 1 MAPLE A\"enue 5-5501 ‘ (Lippay Motors Limited) CHerry 1-2311 1 n‘III-I‘I‘Il“nn‘1 ‘ x," " "WH‘N‘WN‘NRKNV \‘W‘ “NW ’ “‘~o~””m‘”'\m‘fl a Palmer's Iris & Delphinium‘ g Gardens 2 % f) 4 I .1 MAPLE FEED MILL With These New Shur-Gain Swine Feeds CATCHMORE "A" PREMIUMS Gain'Crée'p Feedâ€"through to 10 \veeki of $543. Call us for full details on these new feeds. and the complete Shur-Gain Six Step Hog Feeding Program. Do your best to catch MORE “A” PREMIUMS with your MARKET HOGS4 SHUR-GAIN puts the GAIN in HOG FEEDIING ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS New Shur-Gain Salebarn Starter has been develop- ed by Shur-Grain Nutritionists to get those newly purchased weaner pigs on to full feed sooner â€"- with no digestive upsets. - New Shutâ€"Gain Super Pig Starter â€" a highly pala- Phle,_high Energxfeed _to_ big Ausedjollqwing Shur- ON BATHURST ST. JUST SOUTH OF KING SIDEROAD Will be in full bloom June 2 nd to 17th in Maple! The parents and family are actise all invited to join in by making 3 :es." picnic supper to eat in the park 'ere most- around 6.15 pm. ' at to get The Cubs will be (tested on all fun. But their skills and presented with nuow. be big house as line. lg the on the an. the nocked plaster ,ed. ' and 2 were mg for me. It all of s that the big scarce iutiful Miss Sutton's great-nieces.J Shelley and Gail James. and‘ great-nephews, Doug and Brian James, are looking forward to enjoying their visitor and show- ing her around the country. Already she has been to see Niagara Falls â€"â€" and that's a good start for a summer of fun for everyone, Miss Sutton said. Strawberry Supper The good-eating time of year 15 here again. Everyone is cor- dially invited to attend the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church's Strawberry Supper. June 13, from 5 to 8 pm. in the church hall, Keele Street South. This is an annual country- style feast, featuring a salad pose on me flocwrs Lllllc. LIN: doctors are medical aclvisors only to the executive of the Maple Branch. The procedure is to consult with the executive if you have a problem or questions to ask. They in turn will contact Dr. Bigford or Dr. Birkett. One Sad, One Happy A‘ rescue mission was enacted by Jack House. as he climbed to the top of one of the tallest trees in the area to rescue a six week old raccoon. He was as- sisted by Bev. House and J. At- well. The mother had been hit by a car along Keele Street and his brother had been picked up plate and strawberries. I, 4-- L‘ by the Madysek family. I visited the baby racoon fol- The lst Maple Cubs will be joining wibh all the Cubs of York Summit at their annual rally on June 9, 1n the Thorn- hill Park. ‘ _ Stopping overnight at Gamm- oque. they took the scenic route along the St. Lawrence and the countryside to Maple. Miss Sutton remarked about the beauty and greenery, adding that she had no idea Canada was 'so beautiful. Since this was also her birth- ay, Pat and Lyn Jlames combin- et a get-acquainted and birth- day party for her, at Lyn's home upon her_ arrival. _ ,,‘ _1--_- England. Mi: spending the the district A third daughter was born to Dr. Charles and Edythe Blrketxt (nee Ohlsholm), Weller Street, May 30. at Toronto Western Hospital. A sister for Norma and Cathy. Hold Evening Service ‘ An evening service is planned at St. Stephean Anglican ‘Church, conducted by G.A. and \J. A. (girls’ auxiliary and junJotr auxlllai'y) "filal'l'be held at 7 pm. Rev. Dr. Armltage will be the guest spgalker.‘ Plan to attend this special evening and support these aux- iliau'ies under the leadership of Mrs. Jane Hayes. assisted by Mrs. Marg Smythies for the G.A., and Mrs. Norma Baker, Mrs. June Perry and Mrs. Shir- ley Flskar-i. Cub Rally Since Grade 3, Nancy Kerri- gan has been a pupil at George Bailey Public School and her classmates in Grade 8 this year pennants at. Anus v”; me Empress of Canada"‘public school" get-together at Montreal May 29, MruNancy’s home on Naylor Ave. J. T. James of Wilsonl Her brother Bill and neigh- vere there to welcomelbor Pete Davis spent the better es’ sister. Miss Eliza-part of the day setting up a Lon from LiverpoolJPA. system. When party time Miss Sutton will befarrived they were very popular the summer months inld-isc jockeys as they handled at ' ‘ ‘ the games, announcements and - l g overnight at Gwen-’d-ance music. “ Onnlr Hm, scenic Correction Noted lernlght at Gamm- ook the scenic the St. Lawrence 1tryside to Maple. Ontario, Thursday_ June 7, 1962 Rickie, Jeff and Steve House were thrilled with their visitor as they fed it with a bottle. But Rickie is allergic to all animals including racoons. Although through red swollen eyes and‘ face he tried to’argue it was ' nothing. it was obvious the na- coon had to find a new home. The owner is now Paul Mc- Mahon who made it most wel- come. When he was wakened the next momivngim- school â€" he had a bedfeliow with him, all - snuggled down, curled around the top of his heaq. If those who phoned me that morning to enquire why I was dawn on all fours in the middle lof Richmond Street holding up traffic at 8:15 am. â€" would only believe me when I say “I was only picking up nxokels". : porary shock -â€" as well as the v guests. when they saw her in- ? formal attire at a kitchen show- ; er, given May 30 at the Leslie 7 Williams’ home. In last week's column of Maple Notes, concerning Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, an error gave a wrong conception of the role the med- ical] advisors play. A ' On Saturday night the Grade 8 class was invited to a last “public school” gqtfiogethgr at It stated “feel free to con- sult them (Dr. R. A. Bigford and Dr. C. Birkett) at any time." Obviously this is indeed im- possible and impractical to im- pose on the doctors’ time. The doctors are medical advisers A, rescue mission was enacted by Jack House, as he climbed to the top of one of the tallest trees in bhe area to rescue a six week old raccoon. He was as- sisted by Bev. House and J. A-t- a problem or questions to ask. They in turn will contact Dr‘ Bigford or Dr. Birkett. One Sad, One Happy The mother had been hit by a car along Keele Stmeet and his brother had been picked up by the» Madyselg f_amily. The way some bridesâ€"to-be are tricked‘ into attending a shower for them is to say the least â€" surprising. ' ‘Mamie'Davls suffered a tem- I visited the baby racoon fol- lowing a call from Rev. to come and see her baby â€"- and a cuter thing I've yet to see â€" it was cuddly as a kmen and even Puneflt In deference to the sad one the happy one- named the ra‘ coon ‘Rickie Racoon" â€"- am you can’t beat that. Something Every Day I was told by a local horse- woman what horses hate to step on you, will in fact try to avoid it; ‘th all times: It seems they oggt stand to step on anything 5 _ . ‘ “A” Pack entertained the Sheer Khan Pack from Bever- ley Acres at. their last regular meeting. Games and refa‘esh- ments were enjoyed. Kitchen Shower However, sometimes M's un- avoidable. and 'Ruth McConkey has the bruisesuto prove it. Mrs. John Leece is in hospi- bad. In Maple “A” Pack Her grandmothers, aunts. cousins and neighbours joined in to swell her bride’s chest with staples and canned goods. It Happened SOMETHING TO RENT . . . . . TRY . LIBERAL, CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 AL. 7 21241 pie and ev-ents contributed by and Sherwood, Mrs‘ Raymon 5-3316 and EGraduate Takes; 1nd‘ gngerit Award At; I; Mr. Walter was treasurer of 1p the Huron College Student 1d Council, business manager of "I the Folio and active In the Lib- ;eral Club. Raymond Stuart v and rural area. Executive of- Young, Robert N. Purves andl Johnny Russell, son of Mr. ficcrs of the new unit are: Edward Roden. .and Mrs. Alec Rua‘ell, Baldwin President, V. B. Ryder: Vice Charter night will take place Ave._ was hlt by a car while President, Louis Kopp; Secret- on Thursday, June 2lst at the riding his bicycle on the high- ary. Edward Hayden; Treasurer. Canadian Room of the Royal way recently, The youth was C. E. Lowell; Sergt.â€"at-arms, York Hotel when District Gov- only Slighme injured; Heinz Kuen. Mr. John Burns ernor Dr. Henry Kingstone William“ “(1 Brownie Banquet was appointed Director of club present charters to Kleinbur-g] A mother and daughter ban- servicc. Other directors were and the North Sca-rboro Clubs. quet was held at Holy Trinity James Maw, community service, The Kleinburg club holds its re- Anglican Church. Thornhill, J. Laverne Ireland, vocational gular weekly meetings at the May 31, services, Douglas Banks. inter- Cher-ed-dale Motel. N0. '7 High- Toast to the Queen was made national services. way, WOOd‘bri'dge each Wednes- by District Commissioner Mrs. nHmr mnmhm': u‘hn attended day at 6:30 p‘m‘ Vera Moore. Valerie Simmons Other members who attended the organization meeting were Harvey Burbrid‘ge, Fred Bodker. Elect Vic Ryder As First President Newly Organized Kleinburg Rotary Western College He is now employed in the Investment department of Im- perial Life Insurance Co.. Tor- onto. A fire at the Goodwill Farms,‘ Sherwood, late last Sunday atf- ternoon levelled a barn, and was the second fire on the pro- perty within a year. Last Aug- ust. 'the offices of Del-Brocco Construction Company on the property were destroyed and one employee was finally ln- jured. The barn lost on Sunday was leased from the CNR by Mr. W. J. McNmbb and housed sev- eral thoroughbred harness horsm and other horses and sheep. Fortunately. none of the animals were injured. Farm workers worked frantically to remove farm equipment from a second barn and to keep the flames from spreading to two nearby houses. Goodwill Farms Suffers Fire Loss 'I‘rafific was stopped on Keele Street from Highway 7 to the south and Maple to the north. Fire brigades from Maple, Rich- vale and Robertson's from Woodbridge Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday In this week’s issue of “The Liberal” will be seen the text of the report of Vaughan Township's audit- ors Wilton Eddis and Com-p- any following their exam- ination of the books and records of the township for the year ended December 315’s, 1961. An amendment to the Municipal Act was re- cently before the Ontario Legislature which will make publication of such aud- tors’ repor¢s mandatory for all Ontario municipalities. Vaughan Township has chosen to take this step a year before it is required legally. Previously, in many municipalities, a statement of receipts and expenditur- es for the yea-r to date, was given at the nominations meeting, and being incomâ€" plete and unrelated, the figures were larger mean- lngless. of each month at 8 p.m. LEGION HALL Canville Road One Block we“ of Yonge 5%. All Veterans “elvmm UA gulumn nlu lll('l.| I||8 w». fj'g}:v137{1rl)1Ԥr{gc.FljodBodlfCEERailway J. L Can" Vaughan, Twp. [Vaughan Rotary Club Publishes Two Canadian National1 Rai - , 9 * ‘way officials have been e ecte Alldlto’ s fplresidents of Rotary Clubs 1 . ‘tlis area. i TAI‘» 1’ (‘nnn t“unn§nu nl LV Canadian Legion PETER WALTER ponded s in Maple, Concord a; Edgeley districts. AV. 5-1934: and in Concord. Mrs. luth ary Inter-:John C. Blenkinsop, William last week‘Cole, Norman Hall, Sam Kaiser nd profes-lRobert Monle, Alfred McKeown, J. F. Renwiék, Alastair J. A; Young, Robert N. Purves and Edward Roden. Cher-ed-dale Motel, No. 7 High- way, Wood‘bridge each Wednes- day at 6:30 pm. Railway J. L. can Vaughan Rotary Club Two Canadian National Rail- way officials have been elected presidents of Rotary Clubs in this area. John L. Cann. director of the Toronto Terminal Project, was elected president of the Rotary Club of Vaughan 'while‘ William McGonegal. CN general agent at lWest Toronto. was appointed president of the Swansea branch of the service club. Mr. Cann has 23 years ser- vice with the railroad while Mr. McGonegal has 24. Toast to the Queen was madel Mr. Hall sald there were Bill‘te by District Commissioner Mmmnin issues in the present elect- ‘Vera Moore. Valerie Simmons ion- unemployment- a mummy played the piano. A toast to me health plan and nuclear weap- mothers‘ was made by Guide 0115- _ Marsha Openslmwl Mrs. N_ 3. He said unemployment could Taylor responded. ,he ‘cul‘ed by a planned economy. Gifts were presented to Guide which would create real freeâ€" Lieut‘ Wendy Simmons who is dom. by giving each man a choice{ leaving the company, and to‘of JObS. A national plan for‘ Nora Keffer who is leaving ns'health care is 3 “99955193 he ITawny Owl with the Bmwnies_ said, because a rumor illness Mrs. McTagg-artâ€"Cowan division can eaSHY bankrupt 1‘ “wrung commissioner was a special man and make him a charge. ‘ guest. NEWMARKET: Reeve P. S. Presentation of Golden Hand Legge repomed to Newmarket awards was followed by the fly Town Council last week that no u-p ceremony. firm or- practical proposals have Five girls received their yet been made on the question Golden Hands: Penny Barrett. Of an integrated county police Peggy Diceman,. Ann Bright, force and that some municipal- Shenry Allen and Nancy Wade. ities were opposed and others Two awards for penfect at- in favour. Study and negota- tendance went to Brownie Rob- tion are continuing. things of special interest to Canadians Last year Jack B-ateman of Baldwin Ava. was made a Re:- imental Sergeant Major of the Toronto Scottish Regiment. This month when the Queen Mother visits Toronto. she is to inspect the regiment. Mar- lon Barteman, Jack’s wife is among those ladies who will be lpresented to her M the inspec- ltlon. Don Day Jr. and Geoff Orr have been chosen to form a part of the honor guard for the Queen Mother. The young men have been reserve mem- bers of this regiment for about a year and a half. Boy Hit Bright and lively new magazine supplement for the whole family MgS‘afw/ag in 2%? AILY STAR Concord Socials in Clark and Darlene William- son. The latter has had per- fect attendance at Guides for hwo years. The Poppy patrol won the Ann Lippet trophy for best all- ‘round patrol. ; Many individual proficiency ibadges and awards were pre- sented to Guides and Brownies 10E the company. The medical profession in Canada has a neurosis about health plans, according to Stan- ley Hall. York North Federal candidaie for the New Democ- ratic Party. N. D. P. Would Create Health Plan - S. Hall Mr. Hall, in an informal meet-‘l ing of about a dozen people at - Pine Grove. said this week that under national health plans in other parts of the would, “not- one tells the doctors how manyl" boils to lance." Mr. Hall said there were threel main issues in the present elect- ion. unemployment. a national‘ health plan and nuclear wean-fl ons. He said unemployment could ‘ ‘be cured by a planned economy, which would create real free-“ dom by giving each man a choice{ of jobs. A national plan for I {health care is a necessity, he said, because a major ill-uessl can easily bankrupt a working. man and make him a charge. , WWEEKLY -\-“‘u"i”‘-‘ui’-'I‘i7 iERANK PASSER! (““7-“I‘II‘_-I“N ADDISON, John SEPTIC TANKS: HU. 5-l31 on June 18 is a Vote for the LIBERALS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Inserted by You-k North ADDISON R. R. l Willowdale H3 ME Vote for Liberal Association 1000

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