Repair Damaged Ceiling At G.E.M. w Kr 0 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. T‘liursda.)_ June 7. 1962 15 Painting Store HEADFORD NEWS _ Mrs. Loren Guild Paperhangmg on. '1. normloy Phone Tr. 4â€"3040 WILLOW piWTING , June Brides \Veil'nzui and family. \Iis.» lim» CONT“ACTORS l Whether ‘1 “11,. or Iiozily linrkcr. liamiliou: and \l;, ('\l.l. RA. 1-2351 ; 1brides bring: sunshine and sliow- ll:I1“‘c.\ \Iarshall of Ottawa. :crs in Jillit. and even the birds seem to “mole the wedding - ‘marcli. Trou~scau icas. showers “and Wedding‘s are engaging the feminine world and bewilder- Mr. and \Irs. Workmen can be seen repairing the recent damage to the ceiling of the G.E.M. Department store located on Yonge St. in Highland Park. The acoustic tile and lighting in an area approximately 100 feet by 39 feet col- lapsed resulting in injuries to six people. The most seriously injured was MORTGAGES ‘ E. r. STEPHENS INVESTMENTS LIMITED .9205 YONGE STREET RICHVALE AV. 5 - 3785 REMEMBER { JUNE th LASTDAYFOR RETURN OF OLD-STYLE BEER BOTTLES BREWERS WAREHOUSING CO. LTD. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE and LOT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ‘4 Piece Chesterfield, 2 Studio Couches, Dining Room Suite, ‘Electric Refrigerator, Bedroom Suit-es. Dishes, Cooking Utensils Garden Equipment, 3 ILP. Garden Tractor No reserve on chattels The Estate of the Late MR. WILLIAM EDWARD BELLAMY 59 Green Lane, Markham, Ont», Lot No. 4, Cone. 2 SATURDAY, JUNE 16 1 4-piece Chesterï¬eld Suite, near new 1 Dining room table and six chairs, near new 1 Radio, Philco Number of end tables 1 Large rocking chair, antique 1 Small square table 1 Vacuum cleaner, near new, Viking 1 Viking washing machine 1 Viking floor polisher 2 Floor lamps ’2 Studio couches 1 Corner cupboard 1 Dining room rug 1!! x 12 1 Table lamp 1 Bedroom suite. 2-piece, good 1 Bedroom suite, 3â€"piece. good 2 Mantel radios 1 Portable typewriter 1 Space heater 1 Ironing board 1 Viking refrigerator, near new 1 Cook stove 1 Rangette stove 1 Electric ironer, good condi~ . tion 1 Stair runner, near new 3 Folding doors, new ,1 7â€"piece Kitchen set 1 Electric frying pan 1 Electric steam iron 1 Electric grill 1 Set of dishes Quantity of odd dishes '1 Electric [an ‘1 Ice box 1 Electric clock _ 1 Console electric sewing mach- ine, near new 1 Child's high chair 1 Fireplace wood grate 2 Mirrors Quantity of good bedding .1 Electric hot plate 1 Extension ladder ,1 Brass bed 11 3-H.P. garden lcultiva‘tor and disc l1 power lawn mower I1 Hot water heater .2 Oil drums ï¬lled with stove oil £1 3-gal. gas can ’72 ton of coal $2 Ton of brickettes 150 ft. Garden hose ‘2 Lawn chairs Many other articles not men- tioned At the same time and place there will be oflered for sale subject to a reserve bid. one 5- room insul-brick house with bath, hydro. and township wat- er, with one acre of land. 190 ft. frontage with garage. This is also commercial property. Terms on property. 10 per cent day of sale. Cash within 30 days Property sold at 3 pm. No reserve - property sold - Terms Cash - Sale 1.30 pm. ALVIN S. FARMER. Auctioneer Phone Gormley 5311 Lloyd Turner. Clerk {HOLLAND LANDING: Res- idents of the Holland Landing area along RR. 1 have been warned to keep a close watch tractor. with !leave letters containing cheques or other negotiable papers in them. following three recent instances of pilfering from small boxes in the area, it is felt the culprits may be children as sacral letters wee found lying on the roadside some distance, lfrom the boxes. 1 Small ta‘bleioarmne United Church The Thornliill United Church . m M rs . Helen Barker of Willowdale who suffered a broken ankle when struck down by a. light ï¬xture. Workmen quickly put the store back into (Photo by David Barbour) operation. l CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone l Rev. Howard J. Veals was in charge of the service at Carr- ville United Church Sunday. June 10 is Memorial and Dec- ,oration Sunday at Carrville. EThe decorating of the graves service at 9.45 am. in the church. A congregational meet- ‘ing will follow the service. The annual strawberry sup- per is slated for June 27 athtilile I a! . Women are holding a special event June 8 and 9 in the Thornhili United Church audi- torium. A demonstration and will take place at 9:30 am. and: AL. 7-8920 -Mrs. John Barton is secretary. John Barton, the president, was in charge of the meeting. Robert Middleton and David Barton will send out the invi- tations to the picnic. ‘ The business session is to be ,lield at the night meal when there is a larger attendance. Mrs. D. Barton and Mrs. J. Barton are in charge of purch- asing the prizes for the picnic. ‘ Mervin Thomson, Agincourt, ,‘is in charge of the draw, the ;signlng of the register and names and ages of children. Tentative date is July 1 in Couchiching Park, Orillia. .Sears. Orillia: most recently married. Mrs. D. Barton, Bever- lley Acres; longest married. Mrs. ‘Bert Middleton, Maple; eldest lady, Mrs. L. Cox, Orillia; eld- ‘est man, Mrs. Jas Ash, Moore- field. The sports committee of Mer- vin Thomson. Robert Middleton a good program for the picnic. Mrs. John Barton and Mrs. David Barton served supper to the executive. Those attending; ’were: Mervin Thomson, Azgiii-l 'court; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bart-I on, Downsview; Mr. and Mrs.l David Barton and family, Bev-l erley Acres and Robert Middle-l ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mid-l dleton, Sr., Gretta and Nancy ‘ joined the group for supper. l l Mrs. E. Sears, Orlllla, Mr. Garfield Middleton, Oriillia and James E. Ash, Moorfield, were not able to attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Morris, and David Barton are planning, Mrs. Jack Barton assisted by} ing the mall“. Melvin Wellman and Mrs. Wm. Wellman attended the Walker- liaines wedding in Scarborough. Ron Walker was a foimer resi- dent of this district. Several guests from Headâ€" ford attended a trousscuu ten for Dorothy Jackson at her home in Elia. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Guild and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Calder were Quests at the marriage of Miss Diane Richey. RN. to John inâ€" glis. The marriage took place in Orangevillc. ['nited Church Women The Headford United Church Women will meet at the home H 0 ME 0 W N E R 5 BUILDING CONTRACTORS FREE ROTOTILLING of Mrs. Harold Ackerman, Kes- I wick. June 12. If transportation Among the guests was a friend. Mr. P. 'l'ripp of Montreal. Sunday, June 3. was memor- ial Sunday in the churches on the Victoria Square cliar‘zc. llev. Fitzpatrick spoke at the guanine, service. He linked the present with the past in the lo- cal church reminding them of‘ ‘ille effort and loyalty that made it possible for the church to be. erected. Memorial day brought family membetos together. Visiting fill the Wellman homes were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wellman and family, Mrs. W. Wellman, Cam- eron; MI'. and Mrs. Deane 39 Netherford Rd. WITH EVERY SODDING CONTRACT Your Choice Of Grass For Reasonable Rates 8. Information Telephone STACEY SOD SUPPLY MAPLE. ONTARIO (First On The Ballot) _ l l I I l i I ADDISON, JOHN. R. R. 3 KING CITY BUSINESSMAN AV. 5 - 5859 'is desired please phone Mrs. lilacry Burton. l Socials I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek I l honored tlIcir father on the l occasion of his eightyâ€"eighth . hirihday with a dinner party. I 0“ the†mail boxes and 110‘ ough neither Mr. or Mrs. Haulâ€"1?.†ginoklliigogndoira?dihagdlzggu The following are responsible ‘tiques and handicraft; [are sche=lfor€purcha§e 0f .specm pr 1295: .d'uled. I-3.‘?“.§‘$3~‘..5},.-£11‘1.d' Lois Mark of OttaW', winner of the 1958 Chatelaine Award at the Canadian National Ex-, hibitlon. will display 100 rugs,’ ohiair seats and backs, as well as samvplens and ottoman covers. With 12 associates, she will de- monstrate her original methods of dyeing material-s, booking! and braiding. IMinister Dies The many Carrville friends of Mrs. R. W. Manning and family were saddened to hear of the passing of the Rev. Manning yMay 31 at Fene‘lon Falls. l : He had been in poor health; lfor more than two years. 1 A large number of friends‘ lmet the funeral at Maple Cem- etery to attend the service. Many friends attended the ser-i, vice from Cookstown where Rev. Manning had his firstl charge. Mr. Manning was ac-l tive in the affairs of Carrvillel School before its closing a year1 Stouffviue’ celeban their 3e- (Inserted by York North Liberal Association) cond wedding anniversary Junel Mrs. E. 4. I! LOOK AT THE ago. He had served on the‘ lschool board for a number of†Iyears. , ..,. . ’Bride Elect Enter-tamed r/ w Miss Carolyn Thorne of Thornton, bride-elect of Ken-‘ neth Baker, has been much en-, tertained in the past few weeks.1 Her aunt, Mrs. Norman Donn: of Willowdale entertained at a‘ miscellaneous shower. Mr. and, Mrs. R. J. Craigie of Richmond Hill, entertained in their honor at a dinner party with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. H. Ness, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mor-. iris of Stouffville in attendance. 4 Mrs. Bill Noon and Mrs. K.l I’I‘roll of Barrie held a miscel-’ ‘laneous shower. Mr. and Mrs.I a 'l v ' ‘ . ‘ 1: ï¬zoiagï¬g‘iijlegmgféï¬ï¬gi Life takes a sudden turn for the better the moment Mr. and _Mrs. Clifton Morris you step into a new Chevy II! Here’s the car that held a d1nner party in their . . . . . . honor. combines sen51ble sue and sensrble price With a wealth of luxury and glamorous styling features , A very happy birthday on ‘June 14 to Willie Ii'any who unrivalled in its class. Chevy II offers you full, sixâ€"passenger comfort, your choice of a, spirited T also a tum at the wheel of a CHE [/1 H and see! greetings to Edna Wilson on 04-20026 Chevy [I Nova 4.00 Convertible LOW'COST HAS TAKEN! six- or peppy four-cylinder engine, Body-by- Fisher craftsmanship and technical advances that have won top engineering awards. And there are eleven exciting Chevy 11’s to choose from . . . see your Chevrolet dealer today . . . do yourself a good turn! May 27, and Merrill Wilson who celebrated birthdays June 3. Executive Meeting a On Sunday afternoon 10 members of the executive of the Middleton family picnic met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Jack Barton. Owing to ill health on the part of Mr. Hewitt of Peterbor- Whir-rall tires opime an extra row A General Motors Value Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local lisring for channel and time._.=_._.. KILSQ! NIBLEII M91935 LIMITED 35.5 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-4991 - 1114-1194 I TU. ems ‘ I W in could attend. They both: resigned from their secretaryâ€"1 treasurer positions. Mrs. D. Barton is the new treasurer and “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED