Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1962, p. 18

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All persons having claims against the above Ira Delos Ramer. who died Decemâ€" ber 17. 1960, are notified to send particulars to the undersigned on or before July 2, 1962, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the un- (tilersigned shall then have no- ee. Dated at Toronto this 3lst day of May, 1962. Lottie Sarah Ramer and William Selby Pocknell, Executors, by their Solicitors. W'ILLIS & DINGWALL 4 King St. W., Suite 1400, Toronto 1, Ontario Notice To Creditors ANDO’I'HERS IN THE ESTATE OF IRA DEL- OS RAMER, deceased. 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday_ June 7, 1962 Will be received by the undersigned until 3 pm. Friday, June 15th for our requirements of desks and filing cabinets. Specifica- tions and further particu- lars may be secured by call- ing AV. 5-4281. The lowest or any tender will not nec- essarily be accepted. D. J. Ashworth, Business Administrator York Central District High School Board, 25 Yonge St, N, Richmond Hill WIDEMAN. deceasedi the'n' the Right Reverend ‘ - ‘ "1'1 confirm the can- All ersons havmg clalms of Toronto “1 h . against pthe above Ralph Wideidates. Followmg the serv1ce a 3! ' ‘ ' the man, who died on August 1 receptlon Will be held _m 1961. are notified to send par- parish hall. All are mvxted to tlculars to the undersigned on attend. or before July 1, 1962, afterl . _ t. ‘ 1d Which date the Estate Wm be: A fire51de serv1ce \Vill be he ' ‘ ' ‘ h hall am St. John’s distributed, With regard only “1 1119 Paris , 10 to the claims of which the un- Chgrgg .‘Illefllesggggf’dgmfi: are’ ersjglled shall then have notice. raj-7.3%} ' Church News Notlce T0 Creditors1 There will be a confirmation AND service meld alt St. John‘s OTHERS lChurch, Jefferson, on Wed- IN THE ESTATE OF RALPHfinesday, June 13 at 8:00 pm. Dated at Toréhta " {1115" §i§£ day of May, 1962. :l-i‘fi‘ifi-‘Ii““‘ ‘_______---__-_-â€"_. :PROTECT YOUR : :INVESTMENT 5 :In Winter filoihes” :YOUR CLOTHES FULLY PROTECTED g . AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, moms I William Selby Pocknell, Executor, by his Solicitors. WILLIS & DINGWALL 4 King St. W., Suite 1400, Toronto 1, Ontario VTU. 4-1812 AT ALI We T éToronto & I FOR YOUR COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL :% : . STORAGE SERVICE AT ‘ 'i I 1u.4.2162 : .m TENDERS And this diamond can put up to $2,500 in your hands â€" perhaps even more. Niagara Finance has over 200 branches coast to coast, specializing in fast, convenient service to Canadians who need to borrow for some worthwhile purpose. How about you ? The members of the C.W.L. of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish, Richmond Hill East, enjoyed dinner at the lovely new Richmond Hill Golf Club Wednesday of last week. Seen above at the head table are (left to right) Corresponding Secretary Mrs. P. McConvey, Recording Secretary The Catholic Women’s League F. C. Robinson. gave a vote of thanks to I of Our Lady Queen of the The ladies then proceeded to G. M-cMthon who convened World parish, Richmond Hill the beautiful new Richmond dinner. She then introd1 east. met on May 30th for a Hill Golf and Counftry Club for the guests for the evening, special mass, celebrated by dinner. President Mrs. H. O'- Thomas Gleason. secretary their spiritual director, Flaflher 'I‘odle, in 'her opening remarks. the local separate school br A fireside service will be held in the parish hall a St. John’s Church next Sunday. June 10, at 7.30 in the evening. All are welcome. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes ‘of Falcon-bridge. present in this area to attend the banquet in honour of Miss Edna Izz-ard, on May 26, shayed at the home of Mrs. Holmes’ mother, Mrs. Giles Kerswill of Jefferson. Mr. Holmes is superintendent of the BROOKSIDE ROAD ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Largest All-Canadian ansumer Loan Company NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Correspondent MABEL LOUISE ROBERTSON Our lady Queen Of The.WorId C.W.L Meet At New Golf Club The ladies then proceeded to‘ the beautiful new Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club for dinner. President Mrs. H. O'- Todle, in 'her opening remarks, Falcon-bridge Nickel Mines: Miss Mary Jane Lake of Sut- ton was guest at the home of Mrs. Linda Ca'potosto of Jeff- erson the weekend of June 2. Mrs. H. G. Robertson and daughter Mabel, of Brookside, attended a dance recital at the Eaton Auditorium on Saturday, June 2. “Let’s Dance '62" was direct- ed and presented by dancing in- structor Dennis Moore who has a studio in Richmond Hill.‘ Those from this area participa- ting in the dancing were Chris- tine Svairuk of Jefferson, Nor- ny Panmen’oer of Muirhead Cre- scent. Congratulations to am for such a splendid penforma‘nce. Nothing Serious Luckily no one was injured last Friday evening. June 1, when three cars collided just south of the Jefferson townline. Drivers were John Robert Tim- lock of Wasaga Beach, Anthony Fuelling of Richmond Hill and George Mamveenks of Toronto. Said police, “There was prop- erty damage only and no char- ges were laid." Guides and Brownies The First Jefferson Brownies and Guides brought their sea- son to a close Tuesday, May 29, with their annual mother and daughter banquet, held at St. John's Church parish hall. Af- ter the dinner which was served by the Cub and Scout mothers,‘ Ex-Oommissioner Mrs. Smith, Brown Owl Mrs. D. Gmy and Guide Captain Mrs. L. Clarke were presented with gifts 1by the Guides and Brownies in ap- preciation for all that they have done for the girls during (Che past year. TU. 4-1396 en of the World Parish, Mrs. J. Hornett, Spiritual Convenor Mrs. H. Bryan, Father F. C. Robinson, new Richmond Hill Golf Parish Priest, Mrs. G. McMahon convenor of the dinner, President Mrs. head table are (left to H. O’Toole, lst Vice-President Mrs. R. Carter and 2nd Vice-President Mrs. :y, Recording Secretary C. Englehutt. ' (Photo by George Chaplin) gave a vote of thanks to Mrs.]Mrs. John Lawlor, president of Rourke, Mrs. Marmina. Miss tlon of the mothers of the G. M-cMalhon who convened the St. Mary Immaculate CWL and Lacey, Miss Kennedy, Miss :‘en who received schola dinner. She then introduced the teachers of Our Lady Help Wright and Mrs. Jaillet. this year. He welcome ‘the guests for the evening, Mrs. of Christians Separate School, Guest speaker, Father Robin- teachers and stressed th Thomas Gleason. secretary of Miss Glen-n, Mrs. Wachna. Miss son commended the mothers portance of their role 1 the local separate school board, LajoisL Miss Rivers. Miss O’- present and made special men- lives of the children. At their weekly meeting a deputation of six members of the Federation of Vaughan Township Ratepayers' Asso- ciations was heard by the Vaughan Township Council. \ Each member of the deputa- tion represented a separate ratepayers“ association in the township. Their purpose in ap- pearing was to enquire why the Summit Ratepayers Association had had no reply to their query as to the townships position, with respect to Mr. D. Goul- ding’s reported intention of operating a gravel pit on land which the rate-payers claim is ‘zoned agricultural. Prior to the land use by-law’s passing in the fall of 1961, all land used in the township had been firoze-n from November, 1960. Mr. Goulding was a mem- ber of the planning board at that time and the ratepayers claim that just one month prior to the land-use being frozen, he had several loads of some- thing trucked out of his proper- ty, which was later zoned agri- cultural. Since Mr. Goulding1 has recently had heavy equip- Summit Ratepayers Want Action At the supper hour on Thurs- day evening of last week dum- ing a heavy rainstorm Ernie Richens, 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richens of Victoria Square, was struck down by a Emotor-car driven by a man from Etobicoke, while crossing Don Mills Rd. at 18th. Avenue: Ernie had just left Willows' store when he was struck down. He was rushed by ambul- ance to the anson Hospital, ‘where he will be for some ftime as he was seriously injured. Field & Track Meet The annual Field and Track meet of 5.8. No. 7 was held at the school on Friday of last week. Winners were: senior moom: senior girls champion: Ardys Winger; senior boys, Ro- bert Suzuki, intermediate girls, Rachel Farquharson; inter- mediate boys: Dwight Hender- son; junior room: girls champ- ion: Cherlyn Hood; boys champ- ion: John Hill; the class champ- ionship was won by Grade 4. Brownies. Recent-1y the Brownies of the 1st Gormley Brownie Pack con- ducted their own meeting. They elected Susan McCleverty as Brown Owl, Betty Gayman as Tawny Owl, Peggy Leitch and Cathy Harper as pack leaders. The girls did an excellent job and are to be congratulated. Memorial Service The annual Memorial Day service was held on June 3 with Rev. G. Fitzpatrick in charge. Special music was given by Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell and Mrs. Al- lan Orr. Friends were present from Cameron, Omemee, Ton- lonto, Cannington, Richmond Hill, Queensville, Woodbridge, London, England;- Stouffville, Weston. Scarboro, Markham, Unionville, Willowdale, New- tonbrook, Nobleton, Hampton, Hall Meeting A special meeting has been called for June 8 at 8 pm. in the Victoria Square Commun- ity Hall to make plans on ways and means of disposing of the hall in order to obtain funds to finish the new ball at the‘ ‘community centre park. All members of the community are invited 'to attend this import- ant meeting. Sr. Women's Institute The June meeting of the Senior Women’s Institute will be held on June 12, at 8 p.111. at the home of Mrs. Heber Mc- Oague, Richmond Hill. with Miss Mary Muirhead as con- tvenor. Roll call: "Did You Know?" Miss Janet Muirhead lof Don Mills will show pictures ‘of her trip to Western Europe ‘and the British Isles. Hostesses: Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs. V. Weedon, Mrs. W. Orr and Mrs. G. Joyce. United Church Women The Victoria Square United Church Women will meet one week earlier than usual on June 13th, at “Old MacDonald Farm", the home of Mrs. Harry Barber. The meeting will be preceded by a supper at 6:30 ipJn. sewed ‘by the June ggoup. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS :eueu fly a buyyCL m. u.uug . served by the June group.’Kee1e Street Maple, ont- members and women 0‘ me â€" CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE 1!. R. 2 Gonnley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 menxt doing test drilling of‘ some sort on his land, the Sumr mit ratepayers fear that he took advantage of an apportunity to establish a “nonâ€"conforming land use" on his property which would now permit him to operate a gnavel pit in spite of {med agricultumal zoning of the an . The Summit Ratepayers As- sociation wrote to council over a month ago asking that the matter be clarified but have had no answer. Council members apol- ogized to the deputation but explained that they had handed the question over to their solicitor, Mr. T. Fraser of the firm of Grant, Grant and Fraser and that he had spent the better part of two weeks searching the pertinent sections of the Municipal Act and also the Pits and Quarries Act and looking for legal precedents which would permit the township to take action on the mat- ter. He had promised to let the council have a let- congregation are invited. Flefd Day The annual Field Day will be held in the Victoria Square Community Centre Park on June 23. There will be a,comtest for the best decorated doll-camiage, best decorated bicycle and trl-t cycle. A baseball game between the Hveadjord champions and the All Stars will be held in the afternoon. In the evening an- other |baseball game will! be held. Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers vs. Markham. A street dance will be held with music by Norman Burling and his orchestra. There will also be lots of food to eat. In “the afternoon, special music will be given by ¢he Sal- vation Army Band. Neighbourhood Notes A number of ladies from here attended the Trousseau Tea for Miss Dorothy Jackson at Downsview on Saturday. Dorothy is a bride-tone of June Miss Ethel Sarrell of London, England arrived on Wednes- day to spend the summer with her sister, M-rs. Fred Walker. .Birthday greetings to: Mrs, Carl Walker. June 6; Bert Moorby, June 6, Bruce Rumney, 3 years June 6, Sharron Leitoh, 12 years J ume 9, Miss J une Col- lard. June 10; Mrs. A. F. Bin- nington, June 10; Bobby Ni- ‘chgls, 14 years, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong, of Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and 913‘s. Gordon Mortson and farm- El . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mort- son and Muriel attended the Agar meunion art the Nobel‘ton Ar_e_na on Saturday. Mrs. Alice Wellman, of Cam- eron, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Well- man and family of Omemee and MT. and Mrs. Douglas Gee had Sunday dinner with Mn. Louis Nichols and Miss Vera Nichols. Mrs. Ivan Crampton and three children of Toronto spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and MES: Cecil Nichols and Faye. Mn. and Mrs. Herman Faw- cett of Brantford, Mrs. John King and Jean of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Mortson and Joy. spent Sunday with Mr. add Mrs Percy Bennett. The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 B. W. MILLER Revland Mm. G. Fitzpatrick GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 With respect to any conflict of interest on the part of Mr. Goulding and his establishing a non-conforming land use, council pointed out to the rate- payers that while it was quite true that Mr. Goulding had trucked sand or gravel from his property just the month before the land-use was frozen, he had also done this many times previously, and there was no indication that it had been ‘done deliberately prior to the‘ land-use freezing. Council did give the deputation their as- surance however, that they would try and have Mr. Gould- ing meet with them in com- mittee to discuss the situation. FOR PRINTING Consult ‘THE llBERAl' “LII-“05 ter with information to submit to the ratepayers by last week but up to the time of this writing, such a letter had not been re- ceived. Take advantage of this attractive borrowing rate. National Trust now offers you First Mortgage Loans at 63% on select residential property in Metro Toronto. Fast service guaranteed. Come in or phone. Usual commission to Realtors and Solicitors tion of the mothers of the child- :‘en who received scholarships this year. He welcomed the teachers and stressed the im- portance of their role in the lives of the children. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Mary Lamont and Mrs, Marg- aret Pennyfa‘ther. The even- ing ended with an amusing en- tertainment provided by Mr. and Mrs. James MacArthur and Miss Caroline Kennedy. HOLLAND LANDING: Bred Hollingshead, 62. of Holland Landing died in York County Hospital on the Victoria Day‘ week end, as a result of drinking a lethal weed killer given to him in mistake for wine. Mr. John Nechay, on whose farm the accident occurred, also took a mouthful of the weed killer, but did not swallow it and es- jcaped with a blistered mouth. 63/4% FIRST MORTGAGE lOANS _ on select residential property. HEAD FOR THE SIGHTS...THE lAKES...THE FUN It marks your support for a lIBERAI. in York North if you do this on June I8: ADDISON, John Ontario Department a! Travel and Publicity Han‘. Bryan L. Cat/7cm, MInIsier Know Ontario better... it's all yours! (Inserted by York North Liberal Association) Norfhtown Shopping Centre Phone BA 5-8809 MARKS THE SPOT FREE ADDRESS NAME.-...un-_-g----:: ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Mail to: Ontario Tram, A707 Parliament Bldgsq Toronto, Ontario . .1... a... '(bia’as’o’p’dho'

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