Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1962, p. 20

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20 Approves SignalsElgin Mills Road CounciLlor \Ilan Sumner has basis was‘ not satisfactory. suggested that the ('ouncil Councillor Sumner expressed should plan a tour of Markham Ills views on the matter at the Tw'nsthip to inspect all railroad regular weekly council meeting. level crossings. He suggested The council gave its approval that the present piece-meal ar- to the installation of an auto- rangemcnl of dealing with matic warning signal at the rail- crossing sites on an inrlividual‘way crossing on the Elgin Mills Sideroad East. where a young Agincourt doctor was killed re- NO'l‘lt‘E ()l“ cently. The township will pay APPL“ AUON Acting on a recommendation of the police committee. counâ€" .cil has recognized P.C. Douglas LICENSING DISTRICT I , NUMBER 6 Testing two armed men. single- . , . . handed following a lOOâ€"mile per TAKE ‘NOHCE “131 “‘9 S“m'hour chase south on the Don of the Township of \Iarkhamfl' ln the County of York. will Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the offices of The Liquor Lic- East. in the Citv of Toronto. in the County of York. on Thursâ€" day the 28th (lay of June, 1962. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock. D. Vaughan Township Council S'Tw 1" [he l0”‘"”°”~ {0" [he gave first and second readings issuance "r 5‘ “Chm l‘lccnv‘wlto a bylaw to establish a water Summit. Golf and Country Cllll)!hcld Nlonday night. Ltd. Oak Ridges. Ontario, Priv-; The area is to include the wet halve: of township lots 4 Lot No. 58-59-60. ‘ ‘ Any person resident in thcthe area at, the intersection of licensing district may Object toliLghways 7 and 400. of objection in writing shall be tal expenditure of approximat-t 'filed with Mr. II. .I. Browne, the,er $200,000 for the establisli-‘ acting deputy registrar of ther‘ment of a well. pump house, iron is 55 Lake Shore Blvd. East,‘ervoir and feeder mains. Toronto 2. Ontario. at least ten The cost of the well wiltl be which the application is to be area-by means of a consumpâ€"l .heard. ‘ition charge and a tax-levy of Dated at Oak Ridges this cannot more than four mills. its share of the cost involved. The Liquor Licence Act t'l‘ribbling for his action in ar- mll. Golf 8'. Country Cllil’) l.I.fl,.l\]i|1S Road? Officer 't‘ribbljng make application at a Special ence Board. 55 Lake Shore Blvd. T c t N for the following premises: Theta].ea at Edgelpy at a meeting ate. Club. Concession No. 1 West,‘ and 5, Cone. 5. It will serve .the application. and the grounds The bylaw authorizes a capi-; 'Ilcensing district. whose address ' removal equipment, res: days before the meeting at‘paid by ratepayers of the water day of June. 1962. f in any year, such a levy. d - . t‘ l. g '. t THE SUMMIT GOLF AND Sfliiiéi‘é'iimllf’ ‘SZJTEJ d‘Zb‘SL’- COUNIRI CLUB LTD" ture charges on the project. the[ Applicant A. J. (‘OSSAFL bylaw provides for the deficit. President. Oak Ridges, Qn_‘to be made up by a levy on all fario. 'i‘atcpaycrs in the township. Deficit Expected When asked whether a defi- v'cit was expected. Township Clerk J. H. MacDonald said he thought there would be in the first year. until industry moved into the area. . At the same meeting. the township road committee re- ported they had reconsidered the. report from Dhe townships consulting engineer which set ‘forth the estimated costs. en- gineering detail and the propos-. ed route of a drainage ditch in‘ the Elmwood Acres subdivision. They also reviewed the repre- sentations made to council by property owners in this drainâ€" age area at a council meeting' on May 14. ‘ The majority of the property owners in the area have indi- cated their refusal to assiumei HOT WATER WHEN YOU NEED IT AUTOMATICALLY Two large "power packed” heating elements are thermostatically controlled. ‘LE LLBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursdaw June 7, 19627“ ‘stia'ned at no cost to the town- time has a waiting list of 79 people. The staff will be ilway Crossing ‘ R .. will be granted “merit recog- nition of three month semice Fire (‘hief The trustees of the police vil- . ilage of L'nionville ha\e given their approval to a retainer of $200 per year for their newly" appointed fire chief, Ben Gay-i man. .Vlr. Gaymau succeeds‘ former chief .\leryl Smith. The Chief will also receiye the sum of $7.50 for each fire attended. Weed Cutting Propertyâ€"owncrs will pay $5.00 per hour for any weed-t cutting on their premises under ‘ township recommendations. The 9 rate for a man. mower and trac- tor to do the job has been raised to $4.00 per hour. T0" at. Curtain 'fcmb- Duringi 19621463 \ss TELEVISION CLEARANCE OF I962 MODELS 239.002 W B’I‘H TRADE-1N l99-00 WITH TRADE IN 259.00 WITH TRADE-IN 219.00 WITH TRADE-IN 259.00 WITH TRADE-IN 249.00 W ITH TRADE-IN 189.00 329.00 ‘FM269-oo RENT A PORTABLE FOR THE SUMMER RICHMOND HILL TV AND APPLIANCES 1 MARCONI 23“ CONSOLE At Edgeley _ r $200,000. the costs as apportioned in the engineers' report. In view of jthis. council decided to take no ‘further action on the drainage in Elmwood Acres until an al-' lternate drainage proposal to reâ€" ‘ lieve the flooded area is sub- mitted. ‘ The council also accepted the} recommendation of the water. works committee to defer any further work on the develop ment of an aquifer reported by the International Water Supply Limited in the westerly part oft m township lot 7. Conc. 3 IKeele Streett. Tests on the well indicated an‘ aquifer from 354 to 385 feet: in depth. capable of providing a minimum of one half millionl gallons per day when develop: ed. Cost of constructing the well and developing the aqui- fer would be $32,000. ‘ The development of the well‘ has been deferred until suffic~ ient funds are available. Let Tender Township consulting engin- eers, Duncan Hopper and Asso- cit L' ‘ted.' id iii; . . . m "m more ey‘Has Waiting List 79 Mental Health Clinic Serves Both Young 8: Old 19" ADMIRAL PORTABLE WITH STAND 1 RCA 2: “ - cousOLE /,//’//////// Max/W // / /////////////m. 1 ADMIRAL 23” CONSOLE I 1 ADMIRAL 22 " The newly elected slate of 1962-63 Officers for the Richmond Hill Curtain Club are shown above, following nominations held at. the theatre on publicity; John Postlethwaite, treasurer; Dr. D. Stainer, vice president. Front row (same order) Mrs. Robert Painter. secretary; Denny Feather- Thursday evening last. Back row (left to right) stonhaugh, president; Mrs. Gerald Crack, past Neville Cross, membership, Mrs. John Anderson, president. (Photo by Lagerquist) For the first time in its ten dent. looking around the cozy. president was commended for‘with good food and sparkling peat-s history of amateur dra_;inttiinate atmospere of the Cur-‘her inspired presidency overtentertainment in pleasant sur- ‘ ,f, u ‘C .1 - CI 1 1 tdltain Club's home. counted it athe past momentous year. Thctroundings. Friday June 22 is m" “5‘ w “I, am “J 1“ Igreat achievement. new executive was installed in the big day and the home of “5 3”““31 "leetlllg I“ a “‘03”? v . ,_ office and plunged immediatelthr. and Mrs. Dean Hughes of of its own. For many 0: the 0"“? WI." Pnl‘hUS‘aSIW '““'“'.into the picnic business. Now Unionville is the place. All charter members present this‘bers present applauded the past that the plays are all over for members are invited and pro- was a dream realized. D. Fea-lyear's work of the retiring ex» the season, the order of the daytvision will] be. made for a small ltlierstonhaugh. the new presi-Iecutive and Margot Crack. past is a full scale picnic complete number Of guests. 1 ELECTROHOME 23” CONSOLE 1 MARCONI AM-FM STEREO Hl-Fl 1 ELECTROHOME AM-FM AM-FM SIMUI'.(‘ASTSTEREO HI-Fl ders submitted for the Elgint Mills watermains. On their recommendationl council awarded the contract‘ for the installation of the mains' to James l’ItaIIIliday Construction Limited. Oakville, at a price oft 1 ELECTROHOME AM STEREO iii-rt $57.456.90. The cost is subjectt (Bv Margaret McLean) psychiatric treatment at the‘on their visits to the clinic and to the approval of the Ontario. ' ‘ " ' . . . V .. mental health clinic and a‘talso continue to transporbp'ay Municipal Board. Smce Its Openmg m AugUSt 0f laSt 'Ve‘n’ the 3 011‘iprog-rram of instruction for,tients to and from the clinic. The supplying of water to the Count-V Mental Health Clinic at .92 DaViS Drive in New‘ parents as to how to deal withi'l‘bey have also done much to Renwick subdivision ‘bv extend market, has become an increasm _ g'ly busy place. Stafl’I-‘the special needs and problems educate not only the officials sion of the wlatterniains in the; ed only by its director, Dr. S. E. Jensen and a hard- of these children. the program but the ordinary residents of Kleinburg Water Area was also . . ,- . .. . . . - -. , t; - . to be conducted by the mentalih'ork County concerning. the, authorized. “ Olklng seuetdu’ the elm“ 83“ 13“ patlents flomthealth clinic on a group basis. facts about mental illness. par- The watermains will be in-l August until the elm 0f December and at the presentiAid Social Welfare Cases .ticularly that it can be treated‘ Dr. Jensen also recently pres- and cured and that facilities are ented to the various municipal- available for such treatment. ship. Consumers will pay $300 “increased by the addition of a social worker in June R. Hill Ma After winning no awards for several years. the Aurora Jayâ€" cees came out on Itop at the reâ€" cent allâ€"Ontario Convention held at St. Catharines. They walked off with 11 awards out of a possible 15. including the award for the “most outstand- ing Junior Chamber of Com- merce in Ontario." President Dave B-achly, who is a partner in the King Apex \ Manufacturing Company at 378 i . ‘Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill, The top element gives fastieredihs the success of the club recovery when there. is at}: d'tlge en‘UhUSiastic $9901?) he , _ t a trom its 35 mem ers. ave heavy demand I01 hm“ has been a member for five watef- The lower elelll‘erlllycars but his only other office prov1des storage for fu- was What of first vice president. ture use~ which he held for three months. The award for the outstand: a Low Câ€"OSL'R'eâ€"mrl Plan ing single project was given for $1.70 per month their leadership training pro- plus cost of power. gram. This project included a . public speaking course, as well. Let Us Discuss Our Hot. Water Service. as a system of calling on two OE With You three members at each meeting to give an impromptu speech, on a topic given to them only a HMOND HILL HYDRO TU. 4 - 35ll tminute ahead of time. One tmeeting was entirely devoted to {impromptu speeches by every member. A course on business organi- zation was also held and 26 -peO-. ‘ple attended for 10 nights to‘ and question business ‘. a lawyer, a banker. a UT FURNACE, SERVICE 8. CLEAN 0 Time Has Arrived .IUNE SPECIAL $7.95 AFTER JUN I 30 $8.95 1. FOX & SON RICHVALE 'I‘U. 4-1610 Agent for Toronto Fuels Furnace'Oil Gifted (‘liildreu return via Beaverton and Rich-'Goodlier. brouaht out the rest Dr Iciiseii re' ii“ I ~ ' -' ' b .. .n V _ t V _ . - . pints Idl tie .nond llill. aiii\ing at Richmond of the Studentsv she handed Out 1 John Douglas Smith, spur of children at the clinic are of all llill at approximately 8:40 pm. fi0“ers m the audience I |_\lr. and Mrs. J. L. _bmitn.leveis of intelligence, some At some point. there will be Mics carp-(m “a: pi‘f‘sf-HIOLI t i Queemnuez .rece'md h" DOS" “b0” a‘f‘l'aé’k’ “lid 50m? below a “run bass". where the train with a bouquet of filowers from I l I ‘tor of Medicine degree June 2 He hopes to organize a special will stop, allow camera fans the lepll<' after Mitt-h she dis- 3 I 5 y . . ‘ . r at Queens LIIHt‘l‘Slty, hing» gum; fol" g:ii(1‘(l dcliilcirmi who to get out and take up p0xlllnns “.ibmed dimnma: and prim: I” I : < ' '3 ' ‘ ' i. .~ ton. are isturoed ii iscussin; the to photograph the 1mm Theme Studenm. GO'LMWED fttswmtltIzatmg,Itsuort/tsatmgfm. A graduate or New“... ,.ca_.0,.. m cm...“ becomemin “in back up. and mm Geraldine BMW W. I t i / ‘ High SCHOOL “'3 Smm‘ Fete-l“ dISIW‘de- DT- JPDM‘II foil that come forward, fiiil steam ahead. scholarshi winner for the . . I /. ed his BachelorI of Science tie-(a.l gifted child seldom becomes while the photographers take second‘yegr in a t‘¢)'_\ I LUMPANR l.l.‘ll'l ltl) .. , ' ’ j ' ‘gree in chemiea engineering in isturhed from bein: “pushed” their picture; ' 7 ' . ,.. . , a. . . salt/(10 / H.956. Prior to entering medi- or accelera'ed. illl‘ it is more Fare: for the mp are 39hr: FOR QFICK RESFLTS I ‘1 centre St L- thhrnond 1 THE BHNK or Nova scona M' “WI h? “85 “minted 3“ 0‘1"“ W“ “1“ “99"” “ “‘- W adults and 345” W "him- 0pcn Monday to Thursday. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 Rm. f Aurora laycee Head ls sible for the appropriation of: ‘» ~ -‘ l . . ' ' , ' . 3 . ngdligtiazl‘e giftigmen" ““h the and a psychologist. in August and Dr. Jensen expects is,fo Inretsl‘peecgilémythgf 11%;; The York County Branch of 4 3 ~55 ~ ' the clinic will have a turnâ€"over of between three andheahh of some of the l.ecipientstthe Canadian Mental lHealth; . ' . " four hundred patients each year. of social welfare throughoutlAssoc‘atm" ‘5 hommg “5 3"" Utnua‘l drive for funds. With thesel '§funds they will be enabled tofw” continue their support of the‘ clinic and to continue theirtl-IBERA splendid work in the rehabilit-1 ation ofiforumer mental patients: the county. While emphasizin that only a small percentage 0 these people have possibly been rendered unemployatble because of mental illness, he pointed out that they could be rendered‘ ON MONDAY, JUNE I8, MARK YOUR BALLOT CATHERS, O. A. X RE- L CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-1105 Patients are accepted at the‘sohool. Contacting the school clinic only on referral fromlboard. he suggested that the either the family doctor or a child be put ahead which the social agency About half of the board objected to on the patients are school age child- grounds that his work was not nulacturer .ren. While Dr. Jensen agrees good enough. Dr. Jensen was employeth if they couid he re. , I ,that one of approximatelylable to convmce them however. cognized and given treatment l‘ePl‘eSen'l‘alee of the Industrial‘everiy 10 or 15 children wiiltthat the poor work was because at the mental health clinic and DeVEIOPmen‘t Bank and [he need psychiatric help of some the work was too easy for the if the municipalities would Ilka At every business, Insatisort, he finds that most of his child and he was bored with it meet the cost only of any med; mg. “he dill) held {Cllmc onlyounger patients have rather and needed a challenge. In teatjon they might require. He Slldh TOPICS 85 Parliamentary minor problems which are easâ€" general. Dr. Jensen has found feels that a sufficient number; procedure, wills, bank borrowâ€" in-g, etc. Their first prize for govern- ment and civic affairs was a result of Itheir $500 donation to the town library, as well as a V painting bee, when 17 mom-‘5",- bers turned out one night and. painted all the library shelvest, ’Dhey also prepared »a report to" the Library Board which was in . turn presented lto the town 4- council and was largely respon- 11y sotveti The severely disturb- the school boards most co-Opeir- ed are in the minority but tarelative and willing to accept his most upsetting at home and inladVice. the classroom. Much trouble is caused, on the Group Therapy other hand, DI‘- Jensen StatEd. ed and friendly but business-3 2' x v. «- ., from pushing a child who really like mam obviously dedicated‘ ‘ does not have the ability to doto this work. He received his‘ the work I‘equil'ed 0f hl‘m- ‘medical degree at the Universiâ€"j Schizophrenic Children ty in Copenhagen. coming to For the more seriously dis- Canada in 1954 when he com- turbed children, the SChiZO- menced his psychiatric training phrenic children. Dr. Jensen has at Weyburn. Saskatchewan. l-le __ , . _ _ _ _ L -L . . . _ _ . ____ â€"â€"- lproposed that a special class expresses muah gratitude to the L- “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ““ “ “‘ lfor these children be set up work of the York County" . . "Within lhe‘ lumsdlcuon 0f the Branch of the Canadian Mental} of these patients would res- pond to treatment to make the .measure economically sound. ‘ Dr. Jensen, is a warm-hearty I i PROGRESSIVE UNSERVATIIIE GOVT. ELECT A $65,000 of the town’s funds forl- a new library. announcement of ,- which was made just last week. - As twell as a lively get-outâ€"to- vote campaign, the club also had 11 Jaycees attend a coun- cill meeting on the subject of z lRiclimond Hill Public School Health Association who were Board. He feels that if oi’feredtlargely if not wholly responsi- adequate treatment, possibly ble for the setting up of the -:v half of these children could re- clinic. They did a survey of cover but that without it theyttvhe county which showed the would probably be SOHIEdaY need for the clinic and success the pollution of the creek which permanenter institutionalized. fully persuaded the various runs through Rotary Park and Dr. Jensen emphasized that municipalities to support it. were instrumental in having the such a class for distur-bedl’l‘hey supplied the collection of Situation cleared up within a children â€" probably with onlyltoys which occupy the children few days. ,Other projects of the club iii- cluded support for baseball and hockey teams and the collecâ€" tion. within a week, of threr truckloads of food, furniture and clothing for a family which . . I Geraldine Brucetl Wins Scholarship: 6 or 7 children â€" must not be-, come a dumping ground for children with problems but at place where specially trained‘ teachers with the coâ€"operationl of the other school personnel and the health and welfare ser- ron All. your HOME IMPROVEMENT mos LET US HLP YOU MODERNIZE “ . V , was burned out last February. vices could adequater care for . I _ I .Red'lllelg that any organizaâ€" the needs of these childreanor .’_ tion is onlv as r)ood s is I». l» a v . ié:e%:%// -é ‘ _ . g a l . t t Along with the special class for -’ g V/’ ership. PreSident Bachly feels rm. 5. 12‘. JENSEN these children Dr. Jensen pro- I A. .7 that the leadership training pro- poses a progran] of intensive From the very opening "God grant will help to develop leadâ€" Dl'~.‘l“”5“” has been.l“"‘kl”g 'Save the Queen" played by 01.5 in the club {or years to‘tlst‘ 0i gl'tllllp Ithchle Willi] boil} . Laurie and Car). Peirce. the .WlflW/Ilml/t/Illllldl/Ih‘¢ I? come and tucks forward (.On_ a group 01 1a f a oxen U to _ t E Music Box Concert presented by '5? bids and with a small a e pupils of “fligs Ruth Carson ‘<‘ fidently to an even better year )t‘al' ‘ ‘group of adolescents referred to the clinic by the courts. The group therapy for the younger group consists mainly in leav- ing the children to choose their 9°"? KIT A.D.C.M.. at St. Mary lmmaculâ€" I ate auditorium. May 25, display~ 4 ed promising musical talent. I The first half of the show, ‘ called Music Through The (Ten- I next year. . § Medicne Grad. I To South Perry Sunday June I0 ‘ I ‘ ‘m'lill'h/m'torllltlmuun/ .0,‘”1 aCll,"ltl65 i" a 131?." 51‘1"“ turies. featured pianists Ger- ,Ilon “I‘m some at“ 0‘ 9'19 0f alditie Bruce. Judith Dodsonl .the children interferes with one The L'ppet~ Canada Railway Ronald Btmn‘ Judith “mpg. for more of the others â€"â€" which happens quite quickly in such a group: then the group disâ€" ciisses the reason for the child‘s action and the results Of it and the child is helped to under- stand this. As the group cont- inues to meet weekly. and as ? SPEClal Janice James. Janice Grainaer. excursion Donald Butler. Christopher 'I'Ooâ€" from Toronto to South Perry.‘gnod. Robert Freeman. DaerI near Parry Sound, .lune 10. Wagner, Patricia Shelton. Rar~ The society has secured the hara Lentine. Gary Peirce. .lanr“ use of one of the three locomo- Dean. and singers Judith DOd» I tives preserved by the CNR just son, and Debbie Goodier. Society is running steamâ€"powered train a MODEL KITCHEN IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Financing Service for excursions. In this part of the program. the children gradually learn 'i‘h‘t 1 t-. _} ‘I - 1940 _ . ' d ‘h . _ what makes them do the un- weigh: gggnlgnlfanztmi; feet gig} :gldtitg' 0: i 5 pleasant things they have been long. It is considered a small to he played. .. . dOinfl. fewer and fewer inci- engine This type has not been Music as [he L-niversal La"?! dents take place. ’l‘heorctically. when incidents no longer occur. the children are cured. The adolescent group is handled slightly differently, more on the lines of a discussion group. when the children discuss the reasons for their presence at the clinic. built since 1945. Since 1960. 15 page" was well done. with sev- of these excursions have been‘era] glides depicting the moods run and have carried over 10.000 of the music played or sun: passengers. Geraldine Bruce performed Sunday's exeursion will leave “Dame Macabre” in a novel the L'nion Station in Toronto fashion with verbal explanations I at 9.15 am. and will stop at the of the Story theme as she play- Parkdale and St. Clair stations. ed The bright finale, “June isl It will travel up \ia Barrie and Bustin' out," sung by Debbie HEPPARII & GILL a dpeign engineer '\ll’l‘l DuPont cause I” i: win. 'ielo tuck of Canada 'le q'm'rd 'Im Mauinr of a lit; rather is i-icrkâ€"ti'casitrt‘r jtiuu;='er an IQ of 14" or York County. ,wiio was. drugs» very poorly in ren Ticket: are axailabie on the tram or from CXR 'it-ke' oFTIves in Toronto and Richmond Hill. I E “LIBERAL” ('I..\H'<.II’IEDS Friday, 9:00 p.m..' Saturday, 4:00 pm. Phone Tl. 5.1103 t av. 5-3316

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