Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1962, p. 5

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Pupils of Sylvia Garson will bl presenting a local Broadway type show “An Evening of the Dulce” at the Bayvlew High School Auditorium on June 8th. See thll talented dancing group [11 action - tickets available at the door. * ,. * * Celebra‘tlngithelr joint annl- Mrs. J. On- and Miss Joseph- Irmies on May 18th. were Mr. phine Orr, Wright SL, accom- lnd Mn. D. Fettes and Mr. and panied by Mr. and Mrs. Leon- M. A. Blackburn. who wined nrd Abernathy. Tottenham‘ at- mud dined It the Savarin Res- tended the funeral of Mrs. Mutant, Toronto. Orrin nlevphew. Mr. Earl Toole at Newmarket on Thursday last. w o :- w *A-wv E FAMILY RALLY June is the month for brides. showers and trous- qu tens. strawberry teas. 01'po to the cottage. vacat- lon- and graduations. All make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill' and your editor. Margot Crack would appreciate hearing Ibout these social events. Cull us gt TU. 4-1105. drop I note in the mail to 63 You: Street South. or call in personally. we'll be plea- Ied to hear from you. LIONS HALL Entertainment Sirloin Steak lb, 65: BAYVIEW PLAZA TULIP MA_R_GAR|NE 2 lbs. 41; _7 *‘ C. NELS GAGE @Mod mm ‘3 AT SAVINGS! Cottage Rolls lb, 49: MR. & MRS. C. A. "TINY" CATHERS INVITE YOU TO A Members of the ladies' section, Richmond Hill Golf & Country Club, Were guests at a luncheon in the club’s attractive dining room on Saturday afternoon, June 2. Seated at the head table, above, are the officers of the ladies’ section, from left. Mrs. Vera Griffin, Mrs. E. Cosway, Mrs. F. Hut- chinson, President Mrs. C. O’Toole, Mrs. D. Hart, Mrs. L. Cavell and Mrs. R. Nerlich, wife of the club's “Pro”. SMOKED IS HALL â€" RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, JUNEIA York North Progressive Conservative Assoc.) 7.30 p.111. - 9.30 pm. Editor Margot Crack The W. A. of the Presbyter- ian Church held their regular .meeting on June 4th. The devo- ‘tional period was led by Mrs. V. Tapp who read the scripture. and Mrs. B. Giles leading in prayer. As this was the last meeting of this season, the business consisted mainly of various summer and fall projects. The first meeting of the [all season to be held in September will take the form of a bring and buy sale and a peach dessert. Mrs. H. H. MacKsy was guest lspeaker and gave a most inter- :estlng talk on the origin and many wonderful uses for herbs and spices. Mrs. M. Docherty thanked Mrs. MacKay and in appreciation presented her with a small gift. A social half hour followed the meeting. TU. 4-7691 Refreshments :Kay was guest1 Dennis and Maxim of the ‘e a most. inter- Dennis Moore School of Danc- the Olligm' 39d in: open at the; Iroquois Hotel: 7‘}, Al Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Friday night, June 8th, at 8 pm. a Pre-Com- :munlon service will be held. ‘The Sacrament pf rthe Lord‘s Supper will be administered on Sunday. June 10. Following the Friday evening service a social hour will be held by the wom- en‘s quiliary. IBusmnn'I Holiday! Fifty relatives and lriends were present at dinner at the Summit View Gardens Restaur- ant. when the family of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 5. Rumble, Centre St. E., entertained for their parents when they cele- brated their 45th wedding an- niversary on June lat. . The family circle was (som-t plete. as Mr. and Mrs. Rumv bie'a son John. with Mrs. Rum- ble and two children of Gilford. and their daughters. Mrs. Ar-l thur Gater of London. Mrs. Dr- ville Diceman of Woodbridge. and Mrs. Norman Robson of Richmond Hill. with their hus- bands and children were all present. There are fit te en . grandchildren and one great' grandchild ‘ The marriage of Dorothy ls- wedding as written by Mrs. Her- bison, wife of the officiating clergyman. appeared in “The Liberal" dated June 7. 1917. Wedding The first .lune wedding took place on Friday evening when Dorothy McKenzie. only daugh- ter of Mrs. John McKenzie. was united in marriage to Frank Rumble; by Rev. B. Herbison, in the Presbyterian Church. The church was beautifully decor- ated \Vllh cherry blossoms. The bride looked charming in a suit of cream serge, with a beautiful bouquet of orchids and 1in of the valley. The bride was given away by her uncle. Mr. Howat of Thamesviile. The popularity of the bride was ev- idenced by the large attendance of villagers at the wedding. Fifty relatives and friends were present at dinner at the Summit View Gardens Restaur- ant. when {he family of Mr. and Mrs‘ Frank 5. Rumble, Centre St. E., entertained for their parents when they cele- brated their 45th wedding an- nlversary on June lat. The appearance at the. lun- cheon of the Apostolic Delegate to Canada was an unexpected pleasure. He was introduced by} Archbishop P. F. Pocock of To-‘ route. The delegates heard the winners of the recent oratorxical contest. After installing this» year's executive. Rev. L. J. Hall,} Archdiocesan director. gave the closing address. 1 The marriage of Dorothy Is- abel McKenzie and Frank Scott Rumble took place June 1, 1917 in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. “I QI Among mhe delegates to the L C recent Catholic Women‘s Lea- gue Convention at rthe King Eda. Mr. 8. Mrs. Frank Scott Rumble Mark Their 45th. Wedding Anniversary ward Sheraton Hotel were six members of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish. Richmond Hill East. President Mrs. H. O’Toole. lst vice-president Mrs. R. Carter. Mrs. J. Hornett. Mrs. T. M. Samut. Mu. A. 0ude~ Rolmerink. and Mrs. P. Fraser attended 1112 one day conven- lion. At the graduation ceremony Roger Wilson. son oi Mr. and at, Convocation Hall. Un‘iversi‘tylMi-s. W. H. Wilson. Roseview of Toronto, on Thursday last,lAvenue, received his B.A. de- Miss Judith Benin. daughtel‘gree from Sir George Williams of Mr. and Mrs. Dcnnls Bergin. University, Montreal, on Friday received an honours «degree inlast. sociology. 3 Attending tlio gl‘adllalioll Attefiding Itfl'te ceremony were heu‘ parents and fiance, Mr. Peter Dralyer. 'I‘hey appeared on Monday of this week at the Sheraton- Broek Hotel, Niagara Falls. with George Murray. the Ben 1Silverton ’Dr-io and the Kimber- eys. Lo'ndc’m. om. for tfie week of June 18m In their famous night club act. Lady Golfers Enjoy Club Luncheon ' Celebrating rtheir 60th wedq ,ding anniversary recently were. [Mn Ind Mrs. David Kerr, Rich-| ’mond Hi‘ll. Natives of Dundee“ Scotland, they have lived in} Canada for forty~five years. , The couple have seven child- 'ren: David. William. Herbert.1 and James Kerr. Mr. Helen| Smith, Mrs. Bettie Craig and' Mrs. Adelaide Brooks; 14 grand- children and 12 great grand-l children. * t * i r ‘I Among the guests were sever- al relatives and firiends from the city. The bride and groom left by auto for Toronto, and hence for a visit to Montreal; Mr. Garnet Taylor. member C.G.I.T. cam of the Kirk Session of Rich- their annual mond Hill Prasbyterian Church ter Banquet is a Commissioner to the Gen~ Ceremony. M eqwal Assembly ‘1his .VeaF- 565' ies for the sions commenced at Knox Pres- president M byrterian Church. Toronto, onlton, During Mrs. Pnul Briganti (nee Phyl- lis Angle) and Miss Jessie An- gle returned 1:0 New York on Sunday last after spending sev- eral days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antle- Wednesday evening May baptisms at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church: Darlene Fran- ces, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Knott; Peter John. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Darling- ton; William John. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Neilson; Carole Dianne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whittaker. Rich- mond Hill; and Beatrice Elina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Whyles. Toronto. . "Attending the graduation ceremony were his parents and his fiancee, Miss Anne Keith. Miss Carol Neill, daughter nf‘home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neill, Redelmeier in Richmond Hill. Handing Blvdv. recently Eradu' Receiving with the hostess was sited from Shaw Schools Lim- president. Mrs. J. R. Phin. ited, after passing the examinâ€"i * * w - atiOns set by the Business Edu- The first games of the young caitor’s Association of Canada. (lawn bowling season were held Miss Neill is now em‘ployedilast week at the local greens. as a secretary With fihe DenCO‘Mr. A. Pope of Streetsville came Company of Canada. first. A local rink of A1. White, * * * * :Dr. Cam Cowan and Barmy Celebrating “their 60th WEd-iBrent came second. Third high ding anniversary recently were with two wins was H. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. David Kerr. Rich-.0! Streets'vil‘le and high with mend Hill. Natives of Dun-dee.:one win was James Grainger, Scotland, they have lived ianugh Yerex‘ and Ted Mans- Canada Iorrfopty-five .vears.__ I bridge. 9, y, ,l i Guests attending from Richmond Hill district included Mrs. Madg’o Broad, Mrs. Bertha Bettles. Mrs. Betty Butler, Mrs. Maurine Cattermole, Mrs. Eleanor Cosway, Mrs. Vera Griffin, Mrs. Frances Hutchinson, Mrs. Helen Pipher. Mrs. Ruby Purdon, Mrs. G. A. Turnpenny, Mrs. Peter Dyson. Mrs. Peggy Austin, Mrs. William Boone, Mrs. Shirley‘GrifTin, Mrs. W. B. ,W, nL-..1:_ Niddrie éfid Mrs. Betty ‘ Ceremony. Mistress of ceremon- ies for the evening was the president Miss Sheri Syminx- ton. During the program, Miss Jane Clement proposed the toast to the Queen; Miss Joan McFee, secmetary. paid a trib- ute to the Church to which the Rev. C. G. Higginson res- ponded; and Miss Kerry Bar- ker, vice-president, paid a trib- ute to the mothers of the girls ‘to which Mrs. Peter Savage responded. 3. Graduation gifts were pres-3 ‘ented by Mrs. Donald Barnett ‘lo Misses Judy Maddess and 3Carol Neill who spoke heartfelt imessages In the girls of the meaning of C.G.I.T. in their .lives. Misses Yvonne Link and Peg-v The _meeth5 came to I I 3y Savage led the singing of close with a final summary 31V- favourite songs and rounds. Ante“ b-Y 1111*? VENOUS Clndldates. outline of the history of the Speaking 111, Wider reverse t0 Richmond Hill United Church that of than first appeam-nce. was presented by Miss Ruth opportunity was then Ewen Scrimger. Hymns sung were ac-leveryqne to meet these repre- companied by pianist. Misslsemjatlves 0’ the four P011tical Jean Sanderson. The evening Partles‘ ‘ ended with presentation 0! a! This open forum was spon- true-to-life expose of life withisored-by the Holy N-ame Society mother and daughter as seeniof St. Mary Immaculate Par- through the eyes of theiish. and was chaired by Pres- "SWEETS" group. Catering for;ident Wm. Hamilton In the the sixty dinners by Mrs. Dow- audience were present Rev. oett's unit of the United Church Frederick McGinn, P,P.. Rev. Women was under the conveu-gBasil Breen and Sena-tor Dr. orship of Mrs. Ferguson. Joseph O’Sullivan. It Boys‘ The year's activities {or the Ricluuond Hill United Church C.G.I.T. came to a. close with their annual Mother and Daugh- Richmond Hill Kinsmens Club are sponsoring their an- nual summer carnival June 13, 14. 15 and 16 at the town park on Church 51.. South. it was announced yesterday by Harry Thomson. chairman of the pro- ject. There is still time to make a donation to the mental health drive for funds. If you were missed by the canvasser and wish to make a donation to this worthy cause please phone Fund Chairman John Whalen at TU. 4-5137. Or if you prefer mail your cheque to the mental health association at Box 1, Richmond Hill Post Office. 1' 'U )k * 'l‘he year‘s activities [or the Richmond Hill United Church; C.G.I.T. came to a close with their annual Mother and Daugh- ter Banquet and Graduation that week. 7 Holy Nam Soc. Election Rally St Mary Immaculate School Auditorium Rlchmond Hill was the site last Monday evening of a well attended meeting of the four candidates who will contest the riding of York Nonnh in the June 18th ledeml elections. Mr. Thomson said that pro- ceeds will go to further the ser- vice work done in this area by the club. Mr. Sam Cook entertained a number of ladies in the Lynett Crescent area at a coffee party on Wednesday morning, Guest or honour was Liberal Candi- date John Addison. A pleasant, feature of the Hor- ticultural Iris Show Wednesday evening was a visit to the gar- den of Mr. R. D. Little on Ar- nold Street. Mr. Alex MncGreg. or was convenor of the show or was convenor or the snow unable to auenu was ur. run and the judges Were Mr. W. H. MacFarlane, whose lady recent- Smith and Mrs. John Dedlow. 1y suffered an accident. Low heels and casual dress weave the clothing for the day. Wednesday, June 6. when 100 guests, members of the wom- en's auxiliary of the Hospital for Sick Children, enjoyed a picnic at lnhe Don Head Farms home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cook Kin Carnival Slated For Next Week Here sponsors the Kinsmen Club, Elmer Safety Fla-z (Photo' by George Chaplin) Demonstrating democva‘tic proâ€" cedure at its best. the audience listened in turn to the present Member of Parliament. C. A. “Tiny” Gather-s, (RC), Jlolh'n Addison, (Lib). Stan Hall (NDP) and Alex Ford (Soc. Cred). Following the respec- tive exposes of their particular party‘s platform. the speakers 'were ,then bombarded with questions from an interested land very vocal segment of the :electorate. These questions ltouched upon unemployment, lt'he fiscal situation. national de- This open forum was spon- sored -by the Holy N-ame Society of St. Mary Immacuflabe Par- ish. and was chaired by Pres- ident Wm. Hamiltqn. In the audience were present Rev. Frederick McGinn, P,P., Rev. Basil Breen and Sena-tor Dr. Joseph O'Sullivan. fence. medical care and insur- ance. national flag and anthem. to mention but 'a few of the topics“ wi’ ' W in? William Affifiifil’l’m ils enjoying three weeks eave f0 - For NCXt Week "are lowing the successful complet- . ion of his grade 13 at College for school children and the co- MilitaiI-e Royal at 5L Jean, ox'dlnated welfare counselling Quebec. A graduate of Rich- . ~ '11_ Imond Hill High School. he is selwces in Ricnmond H1 {the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hydro Commissioner William William leaves on 11‘ summer Wagner and Superintendent Al. "N" With the R-C-N- 01" June ‘25 which will see him visit Eng- HorWoOd attended the ‘n‘m’allland and Northern Germany. general meeting of the Associa-l ~ * t .u tion of Municipal Electrin A garden tea will be held at. Ulilities- Gem“ Reg‘m“ “1423:1111”; OfChTr'cthgtan ML“; Friday 01' last, week at. the Kin8:Wednesday. .l un e ’13nh'. 3 This is the “North End” Shminer’s Ciwb extending md taking in North Toronto to Bradford. The big Shriner‘s convention is coming up the first week in July. Anyone having accommodation should get in touch with the accommo- dation committee as they still need same for thousands. -â€" all hotels etc. am hooked solid The evening was a huge auc- eess and all members' of El Sthama‘ly are looking forward to many more Ladies‘ Nights. Edward Hotel The El Shamaly Shrine Club held its first Ladies’ Night on June 4th at the Richmond Heights Plaza Restaurant. Sir Knight J. J. “Jim” Waddell. 1962 pres-idem. presided. as- sisted by his Lady. Mrs. "Jim". Guest of honor for the evening was Pasvt Potentate, Charles A. Fraser. Also present were Vice President Sir Knight Jack Hal‘- rop and his Lady. Mrs. Harrop. Unable to attend was Dr. Phil Music and dancing for the ev- ening was under the direction of Garry Anthony. who also carried out his duties as MC. in a most entertaining and pro- fessional style. The bufiet stYIe late evening dinner was delic- ious and served by the restaur- ant caterers. , Calling all members! it is {customary to hold the annual .Pot Luck Luncheon in January. thut. as the W.I. will be cele- brating a very special event in the group's history in January, 1963 (the 50th annivemaryl, .‘which will be a gala occasion, ithe date of the pot luck lunchâ€" ;‘eon has been moved ahead to Thursday. June 14th at 1 inn. (not 2 pm) it will be held in the usual meeting place. the li- lbrary auditorium, Wright St. J’Iembers are reminded to bring their own plate. cup. knife and spoon. Presiding 31 the tea table will he Mrs. T. Lamb. Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Mrs. Ned Hill and Mrs. Hugh Yerex. All friends of Guides and Brownies are cordially invited. The rector. Rev. J. F. O‘Neil and his assistant, Rev. J. R. F. Moore, expressed appreciation to the commhttee of five couples who gave leadership during this last season. They are Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton. Mr. Ind Mrs. D. P. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. ‘D. H. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tufts and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynn. Richmond Hill W.l. Special A very successful business‘ meeting was held at the home of the new president. Mrs. J. Dewsbury. Plans were drawn up for an interesting program of activities for the coming $83" SOI‘L v1: a: 1k t Hy Rally for Mr. C. A. (Tiny) Cathers. ngresive Conserva- tive candida-he for the June 18 election. It was u‘ranged that various people would pour tea. coffee, and fruit juices would be avail- able for the children. Enter- tainment is being provided and the rally will be held in the Lions Hall on June 14th. Convenors for the rally are; ‘Mrs. E. Boreham. Mrs. J. A. Wednesday. Jun :2 13m. 3 lo 5 pm. The Local Association West District will sponsor this event for the benefit of Guide: and Brownies in the district en’ Flawems on the tea (able were arnanged by Mrs. Redelmeler. and in keeping with the mafia, "A Guide I: Thrifty” it was made up of Jacey rhubarb flow- ers and scarlet gladioli. ‘ Mrs. Woodburn S. Thomson 1was appointed assistant honor- ary secretary to the Canadian executive and in the capacity of \chairman of nominations, Mn. ’Emest Redelmeier gave a re- port. As national cam-p com- }missioner, Mro. Redelmeier ‘will attend the camp conference to be held in Winnipeg in late August. M“. H. D. G. Currie represented the central area and Mrs. J. Bereeford Ander- son and Mrs. Wright Morrow at- tended the meeting as Canada Council members. Later Mrs. Mam-ow acted as a guide to visitors at the official opening of the new national headquar- ters building by the Hon. Mrs. Ellen Falrclough. Minister of Cit_l_zenship and Immigration. D. McCallum of Pugsley Ave. William leaves on a summer cruise with the R.C.N. on June 25 which will see him visit Eng- land and Northern Germany. Price. Mrs. H. Boylan, MM. M. Savage J12. Mrs. J, Capotosto Mrs. W. Stone J12. Mrs. M. Har- rison. Mrs. W. Whitman, Mrs The newly-formed Couples Club of St. Muy’l Anglican Church recently held its closing fiaary o! the season in Wrixon ‘a l. The annual meeting 0.! the Girl Guide: of Canada held last week in St. Hilda’s College, Tor- onto was well attended by local residents. This group meets on the fourth Saturday cveniu: of the month for recreation and fell: owship and it is for young mar- ried couple; of the parish. 5. Lucas. Mrs. E. mm, M}; L. Oliver. A n'ew committee of five coup- les was set up to plan the next year's activity. They are Mr. and Mrs. K. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Wert, Mr. and Mrs. D. Un- derhill and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker. 5 arranged that v would pour tea. I it juices would be r the children. t is being provide were made r for Mr. C‘ ngresive THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday held Monday Conservative by the Wom- Conservative for a Fam- \. (Tiny) lonse‘rva- June 18 Mondayi A Bayvlew High School stud- arvatlve ant. and a member of No. 700 eWom- Air Cadet Squadron. Warrant :rvatlve Officer David M. 811611011 of 238 Axminster Drive, Beverley Acâ€" : an- res. has been awarded an over- (Tiny) seas visit to several Scandinav- -nserva- ian countries this summer. um 18 The award was announced at, the annual inspection of 700 varioua Squadron by Group Captain W. coffee, A. Hockney. commanding offic- e avail- er of RCAF station Edgar. on En‘ter- behalf of Air Commodore Lane. er of RCAF station Edgar. on behalf of Air Commodore Lane. air officer commanding trans- port command. W0 1 Shelton, who was par- ade commander for the cereâ€" monlal. drill and march past at the ins ection, has been an air cadet or five :years. He is I gnaduavte of the senior leaders course at Camp Borden. er of behalf air of port c A total of $650.00 was collect- ed in free will donations from town residents and Mia Smith is pleased to report that the financial obligations of the committee were met in full Treasurer W0 ll. Smith of the local Vote No Committee which was active duu‘ing the recent liquor referendum. reports that a total of $650.00 was collected during the campaign. Smith was {high in 'his praise of lahe generous response of local citizens in answering the call for funds to help the Vote No campaign. '~ Last year he was awarded the Jeffery DeHavilland Memorial Flying Scholarship awarded an- nually to the outstanding cadet in Canada. The young airman is a mem- ber of the Bayview Drama Club and the senior football team. He is also active in the Hi-C youth group of St. Matthews United Church. He will leave Canada in July for a visit to the British Isles and then tour Denmark to in- specrt NATO bases in that coun- try. Six of these travelling awards are given annually ln compe 1- tion with 25,000 air cadets n Canada. Vote No Committee Collected Total $650 mun-0.0.0-0” I- ADULTS 50c “(14 011ng “LIL” [DIE Fashion Brown, Baby Calf. $16.99 Illusion Heel, Matching Handbags From $9.95 DAVID SHELTON See Canada’s Finest Horses, Riders. Jumpers, Hunters, Heavy Hares, Ponies AURORA 8. DISTRICT HORSE SHOW at Bayview High School Auditorium FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1962 - 8:15 RM. Tickets available at the door (Style illustrated is only one in a wide range of styles & colours.) SAT. JUNE 9 Handicrafts, Cooking Exhibits Midway Open Friday Evening A URORA 'I‘OWN PARK Richmond Heights Centre South Block TU. 1-5341 MIDWAY SHIELDS Fonmer principal and we known local resident Walte Scott. was a visitor at “'Dhe L1“ oral" office this week. T‘h $00th now reside at Pout Perr Mr. Scott is enjoying his we earned retirement spending hi winters in Texas and his su mevs m the famin comang Minden. PRESENTING Our 8-week Beginners Cour" at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an Instrument in your home. For General Information I Services Call Tu. 4-2382 - Mrs. N. Ritchll Richmond Hill. Women's Services - RON I) (‘LOTHES SHOP Tu. 4-2382 - N Unionville 239 Campaign FORMAL RENTALS Violorla Square Chairman - George Brand Gormley 5200 Women's Services - Gor. 5525 Mrs. C; Nichols Transportation - Gorm. 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberaon Thornhlll Women‘s Servlces Unionville Women's Services - Mrs. Ewart Stiver Mrs‘ D. C. Stephen: Transportation - '1‘U. 4-4821 Mrs. W. J. Lent-ox (‘nll TU. 4.5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Yonge & Centre Stu. Richmond Hill In The Mall Richmond Heights Centre Phone 884-4908 Start Playing Today Tuxedos " Full Dru: ‘ White Dress Jackets RICHMOND HILL 8 DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY CHILDREN FREE A New Service M 1's. E. Percival June 7. 196 Mrs. G. Purvel THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF YOUR "‘9‘ CHOICE Mrs. G. Purvea Unionvlllt 118 Unlonvlllc 239 AV. '5-1011 AV. 5-1330

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