Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1962, p. 11

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L.--““““““““““k“j 884-2864 Take Advantage of This Preventive Service Special! TIME ron SERVICE N 3 BEST! THAT'S GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE Guardian Maintenance Tune-up Six Cylinder â€" Only $5.85 Plus Parts 0 Clean, Inspect and Adjust Spark Plugs 0 Test Engine Compression 0 Inspect, Clean or Replace Ignition Points 0 Lubricate Breaker Cam 0 Adjust Ignition Dwell and Timing BRUCE MACDOUGALL MTS. BRUCE MACDOUGALL MTS. D Adjust Ignition Dwell Replace Elemeni and Timing O Road-Test Car FREE EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPECTION LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 Just South Of Richmond Hill 0n Yonge Street COURTESY CARS BY APPOINTMENT Open Evenings ’Til 10 pm. All Our Work Guaranteed SERVICE DEPARTMENT SERVICE AT 0 Adjust Carburetor Idle and choke 0 Test Battery and Clean Terminals I Adjust Belt Tension 0 Clean Air Cleaner or 285-1128 '|fi-rs¢ president of York-Simcoe I1Guernsey Bu‘eeders‘ Associa- '1 Well-known in Toronto fin- ‘ancial circles. he formed Braw- I‘ley, C‘a‘th-ers and Company, and 1 in 1942 became financial director 'of Central Aircu‘laft at Lon-don. liom. He is a director of several companies and active in farm ‘la-nd community organizations. ! Since taking ofiice he has ibeen chairman of the Commons' Standing Committee on Bank- ing and Commemce. He has also served on five other committees. IChange 2 Crossings "or School Students 7' Mr. Gathers says the real is- jsue in this election is the Con- ‘serv-altive record of achievement {in many fields. But it is import- lant for this riding to have an ‘experienced businessman. who ihas worked in the community 'lfor years, he stated this week. 1 Carrying the New Democratic :Party banner is STANLEY ‘HALL. 31. of Newmaurket. He was educated in Chinguacousy 'Townshi-p runal schools and the lB-rampton High School. Canada Packers in 1949. he ,worked his way up to a super- ivisory position in the superin- tendent’s office. He joined the CCF in 1954 land when the NDP was formed Ilin 1961 became a member of ithe NDP riding executive. " Staii‘vting aé a laborer with i ' Since the school crussings have been changed on Yonge Street, Const. Doug. Young of the Richmond Hill Police de- partment ‘has been busy instruc- ting pupils at McConaghy Pub- ili‘c School. '; The cross-walk in front of the school has been changed to Lorne Avenue and Yonge Street. 7 and the crossing at Church Street and Markham Road has :been changed to Yonge Street “and Markham Road. I On - t‘he - street instructions were given to kindergarten and ‘Grade 1 pupils by Const. Young >last Wednesday. He said it will take a little time for the stud- ents to get used to the change. The changes are part of the -new system devised by town Police and the Department of IHighways to help traffic flow smoothly on Yonge Street. ‘ Const. Young said. : Blaze Guts Barn [Damage$22,000 I On Saturday morning a barn owned by Donald Boyington on Highway 48, north of Markham “Village. was completely destroy- ‘ Estimated damage. including 'crops and equipment stored in ‘the barn. was 322.000. Cattle stabled in the barn were re- ‘moved safely. The Stouffville fire department responded to the call. The Richmond Hill Fire De- partment was called to the home of Mr. Waterfield. 50 ISteele Valley Road. at 10:30 'home of Mr. Waterfield. 50 Steele Valley Road. at 10:30 11m. Friday when Mr. Water- .field‘s car caught fire. Fire was caused when fumes I from a lealq’ fuel pump ignited. lOnly minor damage was done I to the wiring system of the 1‘ He was born on a farm in- ‘East York and attended Jarvis Coilegi‘alte and the University of Toronto. For the past 25 years he has farmed 450 acres lin King Township. b Mr. Gathers was the first chairman of King Township Federation, of Agriculture and Department of Education with the figures on prospective enrol-y ment in the area and ask {or approval of an 800 student. school on the Langstaff site ' The 800 pupil figure had been arrived at in a meeting of the principals and the superintendent a nd was based on the information contained in a sixteen-page report prepared by Mr. Ash- worth. The school is to be essentially academic but with three commercial classrooms. a library. an art and a music room, two in- dustrial arts shops two home economics rooms. four labs and a gymnasium. Trustee Robert Endean oba jected that the board would find itself as it had in the past with a school that would need en- larging within a few years. M‘r.‘ Ashwor’oh stated however that the department would not give approval for a larger school at this time, but that the school should be designed with wide halls and a large boiler room so that it could be enlarged as re- quired. He felt that if the board was to have the school ready by the fall of 1964 they (Continued from Page 1% riding is C.A. (TINY) CA- THERS. 60, who has held the sea-t since 1957 for the Con- s‘erva‘tives. mum tion In 1952 Mt Ca'fhers was a Canadian delegate to the Inter- Amerrioan Conference of Com- merce and Production at Lima, Peru. It was decided to ask Dr‘. King to meet with the property committee, inspect the site and offer them some alternative suggestion. In the meantime. the board the I-eqUil‘t‘d approval from the passed a resolution to go to the department. It IS the initial ap- ,_.|_:_‘1. A-I.‘, AI.- u..- |._ Four Candidates Seek Federal Seat He has a family of four, two sons and two daughters. M.0.H. RecindsSepticTankApproval Tgrggsfofimséfl Vilvlage; was ed by fire. Langstaff - Bathurst High School v I. ,, , In a letter addressed to the York Central District High School Board. Dr. Robert King, York County Medical Officer of Health rescinded the verbal approv- al he had given the board for the septic tank installa- tion at the new high school site in the Bathurst St.- Langstafi’ area. ‘ “There is no possibility of sewers 1n Vaughan Township. The pupils are there and we have to edu- cate them. There is nothing we can do but go ahead regardless,” stated business administrator J. D. Ash- worth, at the June 11 meeting of the board. It was decided to ask Dr. King to meet with the property committee, inspect the site and oiTer them some alternative suggestion. In the meantime. the board the required approval_h_-qm the Missed a resolution to go to the department. It is the initial ap- )epartmen.t of Education with DI‘9V31 which takes the time. he he figures on prospective enrol- 13mm“ out“ Appmval for future nunâ€"11‘:- na Snap”.an in :3»; . . 'r Iv ' Markham Township has au- t’i‘rustee Thomas Pitt. Mr. 'l‘em-.ihorized the purchase of a lpleton was given authority to]250.000 gallon water tank at a lspend the $118,750 for shopicost of $71,860 from Horton equipment and supplies. Steel Works Ltd., Toronto. : The advisory vocational comâ€" it was the only firm to sub- ‘mittee had also recommended mit a bid when tenders were lthat Mr. Templeton be given opened at a council meeting authority to spend $124,250, the Monday afternoon. Two other ibudget figure for shop equip-icompanies invited to tender de- lment and supplies for Bayviewtclined to bid. Secondary School. it was noted The tank will be constructed however, that tenders had not on Bayview Avenue south of been called for these supplies Highway 7. on one acre of pro- .and a motion made by TI‘US- perty purchased for $4000 from ‘tee Redelmeier. to ask .\vIr..the Gordon Leitch Estate. Templeton to complete the listI Township Engineer Duson of requirements at Bayview. butlA'Iiki-as said he expects the giving him authority to orderltank to be in operation by the now any equipment identicallend of October. It will have to material tendered for atia 135 foot high water level Thornlhill was defeated. 'above the grade. he said. Mr.__ Ashworth pointed outl When completed it will help Now sewingia second temn as begin immediately to ge’t past 25 He says there are only two 450 acres major issues â€"â€" unemployment land establishment of a national the fiu'tstjhealth plan. -aw- scene is Social Credit candidate and J. (ALEX) FORD of Scarbor- ctor ough who nipped in under the ion. wire to file his nomination. 1 1962 1953 Subdivisions i. 208 145 g5 Voters . . . . . . . . 58,800 45,251 e The riding has seven town- of ships. three towns. 20 villages [Aland two Indian Isl-ands Considerable discussion arose over the recommendation of the ‘advisory-vocational committee that the shop director Mr. Temp- leton should be given authority to spend up to $118,750 for shop equipment and supplies at lThornhill Secondary School. ‘Trustee Lewis Clement felt strongly that the spending of such a sum of money was the board’s responsibility. It was explained that Mr. Templeton had drawn up lists of equipment and supplies need- ed and that these had been ten- dered for and the tenders were in the board office. Trustee Clement suggested that tenders for all items over $2,000 should be submitted to the board. Objecting that the board members had not seen the list of requirements, he then moved that the matter be tab- led until there was sufficient ‘ma-terial before the board end that a special meeting should be called to consider it. proval which takes the time. he pointed out. Approval for future changes or increase in size could be obtained quickly. Board Responsibility This motion was lost howev~ er. and on a motion of Trustee John Honsberger, seconded by president of Canada Packers’ Credit Union, he is a member of the Canadian Institute of Public Affairs. Ontario Welfare Council and the African Stud- en'ts' Foundation. “We can give full employ- ment and as far as a national health plan is concerned, just let me be elected." Mr. Hall says. Mr. and Mrs. Hall have an 18- month-old son. Born in Kent County he at- tended St. Thomas Collegiate and London Teachers’ College. He has been a teacher for eight years in a township school. Mr. Ford is interested in the Boy Scout movement, and is sponsoring establishment of 3 Scout centre in Scarborough. He is the father of one son and a daughteu'. “These savings can be used to meet the rising crisis in school accommodation or to lower the local mill rate,” Mr. Ford sug- gests. He says that Social Credit: the free enterprise way of life, will strehgthen every home in the nation. A cut in taxes is the same as a raise in pay, he claims. The Socred candida-Le advo- cates loans to municipalities at cost of administration through the Municipal Loan Bank. He said this would mean Iamge sav- ings to municipr governments across Canada. - “Youth must be served. When was there ever a time in our history when more young peopd 1e had to be served in our} schools and colleges ‘ ’58 Figures 19582:: : Ca-thers (PC) Cook (LibJ Prentice (CCF) Greer (SC! A newcomer to the political How York North voted in YORK NORTH (First On The Ballot) ADDISON, JOHN 21.499 9.523 2.143 494 Unnamed by ank North Liberal Assumauon) On a motion of Trustee En- dean, seconded by Trustee Hon- sberger. it was decided that se- parate tenders should be called f01_‘__the_ Bayyiew equipment. Secondary School. It was noted The tank will be constructed however. that tenders had not on Bayview Avenue south of been called for these supplies Highway 7. on one acre of pro- and a motion made by Trus-Iperty purchased for $4.000 from tee Redelmeier. to ask Mr.’the Gordon Leitch Estate. Templeton to complete the list' Township Engineer Duson of requirements at Bayview. buthikl-as said he expects the giving him authority to orderltank to be in operation by the now any equipment identicallend of October. It will have to material tendered for at‘a 135 foot high water 18V€1 Thornlhill was defeated. rabove the grade. he said. Mr. Ashworth pointed out: When completed It will help that Mr. Templeton had hopedito boost the water pressure in to get a better price on some onthe township system. the engin- the equipment by ordering itleer stated. now and noted that many of.’ the tenders for Thornhill equip- ment were only good for temNewmarket Hospital days. BBYVlew schools. 1 Contract for the addition has A letter was read from Miss been awarded ‘0 00mm con‘ Izzard thanking the board forstruction Co. The cost of the the homo;~ given he,- on her re_ new addition will be almost en- tirement last month. She noted mew 9°Vered by fade?“ and the co-operation she had always provmcxavl grants. had from the board in years D1“ 5 E- Jensenv diacm" 0‘ past and stated mat the area the mental] health clinic. New- was most fortunate in the pen- market will act as consultant to pale who have served on the family doctors whose patients *high school board. Wi_11 be anftted. Ftiends and The board authorized the hi- ring of four teachers for two weeks each at $125.00 per week to set up shops at Thornhill and Bayview schools. A letter was read Izzard thanking the the honor given her tirement last month. _v.-.- u..- u."ng 7 had from uhe board in years Dr. S. E. Jensen.di1'tctor of past and stated mat the area the mental] health clinic. New- was most fortunate in the peg. market will act as consultant to ple who have served on the family doctors whose patients high school board, will be admitted. Friends and Trustee Mrs. Kathleen James relations will be able to visit thanked the board members for freely the ward, officials said. the gift they had given her for The County Hospital Com- her work in making the 31.- mission feels that with the ra‘ngemen‘ts for the banquet and great interest aroused by the reception honoring Miss Izzard, Canadian Mental Health Assoc- stating that she had enjoyed iation. they will receive wide- doing it for such a fine group. Spread 50.13013rt in the“ cam‘ Unless any urgent matters paign for funds. They expecft come up. the board decided not the total indebtedness to be h- to meet again until July 9th nuidated in less than five yeaLs. HAPPY DRIVING! RICHVALE R. R. 3 KING CITY RUSINESSMAN Every Thursday you’ll find many attractive pro- positions advertised by auto dealers and private car owners in “The Liberal’s” Used Cars Column. See this directory of used cars before you buy. Every Thursday in the Classified Pages. FURNACE, SERVICE 8. CLEAN OUT Time Has Arrived JUNE SPECIAL $7.95 Home Paper of the District Since 1878 ’ALE TU. 4-1610 Agent for Toronto Fuels Furnace Oil AFTER JUNE 30 1. FOX & SON Got a GOOD car under you? Included in the plans for the second addition to the York County Hospital since World War II is a 24 bed psychiatric ward for treatment of mental patents in the upper part of York County. Newmarket Hospital Psychiatric Ward New Water Tank ' To Cost $71,860 k THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 14, 1932 $8.95 WREN MORRIS Wren Beverley Anne Morris. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V.. T. Morris, of Cal‘n'ille Road. Richva-le. has successfully com- ‘pleted an eight-week basic trainâ€" ing course at HMCS Cornwallis. near Dirgby. N.S.. and has be- gun training in communications at Cornwallis. Wren Morris at- tended Thomhill High School ‘before entering the navy at HMCS York. Toronto Naval Di- vision. in February. SOMETHING TO SELL "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS JUST PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 IN THE MATTER OF an application by The On- tario Water Resources Commission on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of the entering by the said corporation into an agreement with the Commission for the construction by the Commission of a water works project and the purchase of certain additions thereto at an estimated cost of $250,000 â€"-andâ€" IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Cor- poration of the Township of Markham for ap- proval of its proposed By-law 1911, being a by- law providing for the imposing of a water rm on owners or occupants of water area defined as lots 26 to 36, inclusive, in the first concession; lots 1 to 11. inclusive, in the second and third conces- sions; the east half of lots 12, 13 and 14, in the third concession; and the west half of lots 1 to 14, in the fourth concession. by appoints Monday, the 25th day of June 1982, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forean (local time) at the Council Chambers in the Township of Markham, (at Buttonville) for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition to an application for approval of the water work: project set forth in Schedule “A” attached here- to, and for approval of proposed By-Iaw 1911. IN THE MATTER OF: 1962. (Signed) B. Vickerl SECRETARY SCHEDULE “A” TO THE FOREGOING APPOINTMENT WATER MAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: ON FROM TO High Pressure Trunk Main Steeles Avenue Leslie Street Bayview Ave. Low Pressure Plant Supply Main Steeles Avenue Leslie Street 1800‘ W of Leslie St. Leslie Street ew High Pressure and Low Pressure Connections to Plant Steeles Avenue at former North York Treatment Plant Together with the following items: 1. Purchase of former North York wells num: bers ‘2 and 3 and Steeles Avenue Plant from Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto; 2. Restore, rehabilitate and return to service of Steeles Avenue aeration, filtration, chlor- ination and pumping plant; 3. Installation of new stainless steel screen at deep well No. 2 on Leslie Street, 900’ N. of Steeles Avenue; 4. Provide, install and place in operation a sys- tem of automatic electrical controls between wells No. 2 and No. 3 and Steeles Avenue plant and between Steeles Avenue Plant and Don Mills Road plant. $250,000 N O T I C E The estimated annual cost for the existing water works and the payments to the Ontario Water Resources Commission for providing and operating the proposed additional works is $89,351. it is proposed to raise $38,000 from the sale of water; 2513.320 by a frontage levy of 25.45 cents and $42,000 by a levy of 7 mills on the water Steeles Avenue at Relay Section of existing L.P. Supply Main Leslie St. 10’ N. of Steeles Ave. 210’ N. of Steeles Avenuo On the basis of these levies, a house on u 100 foot lot assessed for a total $3,000 and consuming 32,000 gallons of water a. year would pay the fol- lowing amounts annually: 100‘ @ 25.45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.45 Water Consumption . . . . . . . . 24.00 7 mills on $3,000 assessment .. 21.00 area All plans. reports and estimates may befitt- spected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. DATED at the Township of Markham this 5th day of June 1962. c. 281) Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act (R-S.O. 1960, c. 274) â€"and-â€"â€" Sections 39 and 41 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act (R.S.O. 1960, APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD here- DATED at Toronto this 24th day of May Emergency Connection to North York 12-inch System Clerk-Treasurer. Township of Markham. H. C. T. CRISP SUPER CARPET CLEANING C0. DRAPES, CARPETS. Y RUGS, FURNITURE. ALL CARPET REPAIRS Immediate Pick up and Delivery Sale of NEW BROADLOOM Est. 1946 93 Yonxe St. 5.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-2791 Where Quality and Value Meet Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 lAGERQUIST STUDIO From $40.00 up COMPLETE WEDDING ALBUMS $70.45 E-7756-61

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