il’olice Chief James Davidsonipictures was necessarily harsh when he Refre: admonished parents to practice and the gnd teach their children "traffic October. The topical ï¬lms. “Teaching Johnnie How To Swim†and on mouth to mouth artiï¬cial res- piration. were well received with students from grades 7 and 8 in attendance. Following a brief business meeting, the kindergarten child- dren completely “stole the Ihow." with their folk dancing. They danced like tea-l seasoned troupers and received much ap- lause from parents and mem- ers. their teachers. Mrs. Muir- Ion and Mrs. Ure are to be com- mended. ‘ “TUrner 4=2864 It was a packed house June 6 when the George Bailey Home and School Association held its ï¬nal meeting of this season. ran WIGHT 24140105 55: §tress Summer Safetyg George Bailey H. & Sch? A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE "The Liberal" is always willing to publish Interesting items regarding people Our representative in Maple in Mrs. Len Shore, ALplne 7-1150: in Edteley In! Keller. 285-4040. 14 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Onfario, Thursday. June MW tins optional at extra cost Seen above are the 1961-‘62 executive of the Maple Lions Club inducted at ceremonies held recently. Left to right: Peter Auger, director; Ted Snart. treasurer; Fred Young, director: James Hodgson, 2nd vice-president; Richard Soderberg, tail twister; Andrew Snider, president; Harold Forester, inter- Bruce Macdougall Motors Limited 1 Be sure to see "The Tommy Ambloaa Show" on the CBC TV network on Friday evenings. Check local Listings for channel and time. for Room for six people to stretch out and ride in day-long comfort. And they can all pack their luggage in Acadian's generous trunk. for ï¬ction Acadian has gained enthusiastic acceptance with the Canadian motoring public. STOP 24 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL The children have been given permission to ride their bikes on the sidewalks to and from school â€"â€" NOT ON THE ROAD. They must observe courtesy and proper sense towards those who are walking -â€" and vice versa. on the sidewalks to and from There was a time when we school -- NOT ON THE ROAD. thought we were ï¬nished with They must observe courtesy and school exams â€" hahI! That was proper sense towards those who BEFORE we had children of are walking -â€" and vice versa. our own! Now we probably stew The past px‘esident. Betty MORE over exams, at this time Fraser. presented to the school, 0f Year. than 0111‘ Offspring d065- three framed Canadian bird Guess it was ever “1115! pictures. It Could Happen Refreshments were served Who knows but any day now and the next meeting will be in you may look at me and whis; The police and teachers te'ach safety rules in school, it’s up to the parents to follow tlm‘ough and.see that they practice them at all times. safety". Only by being serious- ly instructed and observing others (who too often do not obey and follow safety rules) do our children learn. Maple Lions Elect Executive 'Optional at dish: extra cost her, “Dbes she or doeSn’t she ‘ Among those from afar who came to attend the funeral of the late Rev. Robert W. Man- ning, last Saturday. were Mrs. Manning’s mother, Mrs. John Allen Fort. of Danville, Ken- tucky; her sister Mrs. C. Wes- ley Shike of Greystone Park, New Jersey; and her brother, Mr. John Allen Fort Jr., of Ce- d‘a‘rtown. Georgia. Mr. Manning was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning who resid- etll on Richmond Street in Ma- p e. School Days Late Rev. Robert Manning pie and chnts contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord 3: Edgeley dlstricu. and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934; and In Concord, Mn. kuth 14. 1962 national counsellor; Wally Brown, lst vice-president; Lloyd Palmer, past president; Bruce Murchison, 3rd vice-president; Joe McBratney. Lion tamer: Jim James, secretary; Ken Kerri- gan, director, and Bruce Davis, director. There will be no more G.A. meetings until the fall. All this week these G.A. mem- Eight girls of St. Stephen‘s G.A. camped out overnight last week. on the grounds near the home of Mrs. B. Hayes. Two tents were set up with sleeping bags, etc.. inside, while two dogs ike-pt watch outside. The girls took turns keeping the camp- ï¬res going, then cooked their breakfast on them. They enjoy- ed hiking through the woods and points were gained towards their camping badges. Campers were Shirlene Tripp, Sandra Bourke. Barbara Baker, Myra and Jennifer Bloom. Lyn- da La Riviera, Linda Graham and Bev. Taylor. ‘â€" well anyway it might be fun to test Barbara Thatcher‘s new certiï¬cate she just received, following completion of her course in hair colouring - that's in the plaza at M. Sell- wood‘s Salon. G.A. Camp Out If YUM/1634001}!- WWW-KIWI! 0541!! [MW 77 , AVenue 54128 Maple Notes Will- LJ 362! 5, even though it was her birth- day. Even when Lenor Rumble of Bradford popped in. nothing clicked. Finally with sister Madeline Leatherdale, Betty Rumble and Marg Crook all ar- riving â€"- her "surprise" took eï¬ect! Her gifts were geared to mak- ing her forthcoming holiday to Europe all the more enjoyable. [Birth Congratulations fun hem have been selling baked mew goods -â€" made by themselves â€" red, to fortunate residents. her lst Maple “B†Pack A daughter was born to RCAF Jack and May .Fortin 02 18 Lancer Drive, on June 7, at 3Branson Hospital. Congratula~ tions â€" we hear she's the most beautiful baby ever born!! right. Jack? â€" and quit. worth The guest speaker for this year’s cemetery memavial ser- vice. will be the Rev. A. G. Forrest, B.A.. B.D., D.D., editor of the United Church Obser- ver. The service will take place at 3 pm. Speaking of Surprises 'Det Palmer séw nothing un- usual about having lunch with her sister Betty Weese on June Mark this date. June 27, when the Maple United Church Sun- day School and Congregational Picnic will be held at Boyd Park. Meet at the church be- tween 5 and 5.30 pm. Please bring your own cutlery and dishes. Beverages will be pro- vided and the lunches pooled and shared. Memorial Service We’re sure meal times will be much more spicy at the Davis’ from now on! Sunday School Picnic With the past few weeks be- ing ï¬lled with wedding plans for daughter Marnie. and co~ ‘O‘perartin‘g with shower hostess- es to ensure complete surprise ‘on behalf of the bride-to-be â€" ‘the tables were reversed on June 4, when a surprise party was given by youms truly for Pat Davis. It was her birthday and on the pretense of getting‘ together to arrange for Mair-l nies‘ troussea‘u tea, June 23, Pat walked into our trap beauti- fully. 7 V r ‘ Wishing her a happy birthday, Marg Crook, Marg Kerrigan, Olive Gillin‘gs, Eleanor Hamil- ton. Patsy Macklacklin, Muriel Weiu‘, May Fortin (still bloom- ing -- thenl), Bev House (whose two youngsters dared to become sick at such a time and cut her appearance short) and yours truly, Toby Shore, really sur- prised Pgt. r Betty Hodgson was unable to come â€" “because she had to go downtown so she could be picked up by her husband?!" â€" sure it makes sense. The Rouses have just return- ed from a wonderful holiday in Europe â€"- it must have been wonderful because in wishing ‘the Moores bon voyage they ex- pressed the wish that they 1could turn around and go back with them. ‘A Surprised Surpriser! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lewis were married 34 years on June 6. Helping them celebrate their anniversary at “Old Angelos" were Reg and Flo Rouse and ‘Alï¬andiDoroï¬hy Moqre. To us stay-ahhomes. that sounds like a most wonderful holiday. Wedding Anniversary Jean Clark, of Weller Cres., saw her sister Miss Wanda Krawszyk, Toronto off from Malton to New York where she will embark on a Polish ship to Poland and a visit of six weeks. From there she will travel to England, France and Germ-any. meet a friend in Vienna and on to Rome, HolLand and Belgium. She expects to return to Tor- onto in October. Ricky Birch's knot display re- ceived a “good effort" award. Although it couldn’t be classed as it was the only one entered, Randy Phillip’s picture; painted by numbers, was very well done. Nice going, boys! Sisterly Bon Voyage At the recent hobby show, ‘Rod Shields was given a second prize ribbon for his contribu- tion â€"- a pair of woollen mitts he had knitted and they would indeed put some old timers to shame. The cubs of lst Maple “B†pack. who meet each Thursday night, are hoping they, and their ‘Baloo'. will have a “reg- ular Akeia" when their meet- ings start in the fall. (Photo by Shore) UNIONVILLE. A three ton truck loaded with seven tons of potatoes, stolen from Bradford by Kenneth Dafoe of New- market, overturned on High- way 7 west of Unionville last week. after a 20 mile chase which involved almost every pol-ice department in the south- ern portion of York County. The truck snapped off two mail boxes before it overturned on‘ the shoulder, strewng part 01‘ the load over the highway. i The Terrace Room at Summit View Restaurant was the setting for the annual dinner of St. Stephen’s WA. June 6, when the members enjoyed a chicken dinner with strawberry padai-t. ' Several long time WA. mem- bers joined the active members for this annual get-together. Speaking of Frank Robson -â€"-l he is having himself a ball these days delving into his family’sj past history. Several interest- ing and informative papers have come to light following his; father‘s death and Frank. who; has a yen far such, has been! tracing themiback. _ | Sofie day Frank hopes to get his'ï¬ndings down on paper. W.A. Annual Dinner Following dinner. gainés were played. ; Whén time came 'for the lucky draw for the pot of gold â€"â€" sure you've no d‘ogbt ggessgd it â€" M‘r. Norm MacMurrchy made the draw and drew Dave Boyd's ticketfl A Frank could hardly wait to get over and tell me about it â€"- talk about coaincidencel! Future Historian in the Making Of course this type of remin- iscing is right up Frank Rob- son's alley â€" so looking around the room, Frank spotted this same Mr. MacMum-chy of King and introduced them again. Some time was passed in each- Ing up wi’gh the old days Drop them a chem‘y card and ‘say “helloâ€. ‘More Than Cut-incident Last Friday evening at the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill, Frank Robson and his neighbor, Dave Boyd, got to talking to-3 gather about olden times and‘ people. > _ _ l As a boy of about nine years, Dave had remembered spending two weeks in harvest time on the famm of someone named Norman MacMurchy near this district. Several experiences to do with spirited horses pulling hay racks, came to mind. Also he remembered living in a house in Toronto rented from Mr. MacMurchy. From the stirring strain-s of “O Canada", sung by the mas- sed choirs: B‘I‘yson School swung into the opening selec- tion of "Santa Lucia"; follow- ed by Burlington School pupils singing “The Hikers' Song". Mrs. Charlie White is in Branson Hospital, we're sorry to relate and Mrs. John Leece is sLill in St. Michael's Hospital: waiting for! Went Visiting Th-ey visited Midland and the shrine. enjoyed the flowers at the C.P.R. grounds and mat- velled at the huge trestle bridge. In Hospital Mrs. Charles Line of 34 Maple Avenue enjoyed a visit to Port McNicholl. June 1. with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. B. Dim- mock of Toronto Unionville Women’s Services - Mrs. Ewart Stiver Victoria Square Chairman - George Brand Gormley 5200 Women's Services - Gor. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols , transportation - Gorm. 3540 Mrs. L. Mumbersou Mrs. D. C. Stephens Transportation â€" TU. 4-4821 Mrs. W. J. Lennox Thornhill Women's Services For General Inlormnflon & Services Cull Tu. 4-2382 - Mrs. N. Ritchie Unionville 239 - Campaign Richmond Hill Women‘s Services - S. J. Kaiser, chairman of the school board. wel- comed the parents and relatives and friends of the youthful singers and said he expressed the opinion of the other board members when he stated, “We are, Under the direction of Hugh Martin. supervisor of music for the township and his assistant Bob Rich- ardson: with Mr. William Hazel, of Maple School at the organ and Mr. R. G. Richardson at the piano. music night has become one of the highlights of the school year. The second annual music night for the Township of Vaughan Public School Area, held in the Wood- hridge Arena, last Friday night. was a singing suc- cess. A massed choir of 400 voices, senior and junior choirs, and individual choirs from each of the area schools, provided more than a thousand people with an Parents, Children Nike Enjoy Gay Music Night Vaughan Public Schools RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Mrs‘ E. Percival gn - Unionvme 239 Mrs. G. Purves Unionville 113 Mrs. G. Purvea AV. 5-1839 AV. 5-1011 I Several of the teachers con- oï¬ductecl their own choirs with good style, and Mr. Martin and Mr. Richardson conducted the smaller choirs too. IS- uol } Mrs. Mulless played the piano 1101' the George Bailey choir’s l Edgeley School Choir then ‘sang “Folk Dance", followed by the very lovely song, “The Winds Of Merry Corrwade", by the Elder Mills choir and a few choristers from Jefferson Pub- lic School. Charles Howitt choir sang, ‘0 Worship The King". ‘ Coleraine sang “Happy Ros- ina" with excellent voice, and the Concord School Choir sang the spirited folk songï¬'Now is the Month of Maying.†‘ When Bob Richardson was in- troduced to the audience, he remarked, “This is only the sec- ond time the junior massed choir (representing all larger schools in the township) have met as a groupâ€. But he need not have entertained any doubt sang “Three Sailors", “First Tulip" and the ever popular “Inch Worm" with clear diction, good expression, rhythm and in excellent pitch. Supporting the choir with a background of organ music in the ï¬rst two numbers, which improved the tone volume tremendously, as to the results, for this chair was Mr. Hazel at the consul. -.v _.u,...._, x.»- . v u, ulc uayyuy smgmg youngsters, would not "be possible in the rural areas of Vaughan Township. ‘ New Pine Grove Choir sang‘ “The Shepherd" and Old Pine Grove School followed with the lovely English folk tune. “My Mary". Another surprise of the even- ing was the “Teachers Choir" â€" which received an encore â€" after which the senior massed choir singing in full voice, ï¬l- led the large arena "With A Voice of Singing". Grade 4 pupils of Powell Road School sang two numbers. their “Lone Dog" receiving hearty applause; as did Purpleville and Nashville Schools. who combined voices in “A Pocket Full of Dreams". The .“Gypsy Song" by Rich- vale School was very good, and after Ross Doan choristers had sung “Gentle River". eight things of special interest to Canadians -: S‘azMa’ag Mr 2%? DAILY STAR Bright and lively new magazine supplement for the whole family for this choir Grade 4 pupils of Powell Road lors". “First School sang two numbers. their ever popular “Lone Dog" receiving hearty 1 clear diction, applause; as did Purpleville rhythm and and Nashville Schools. who h. Supporting‘combined voices in “A Pocket background of Full of Dreams". the ï¬rst two The .“Gypsy Song" by Rich- improved the vale School was very good, and tremendously, after Ross Doan choristers had The .“Gypsy Song" by Rich- vale School was very good, and after Ross Doan choristers had sung “Gentle Riverâ€, eight young singers from Twin Elms School sang with feeling "Home Sweet Home". The smallest choir of the evening, Twin Elms could be heard perfectly, evlen at the rear of the large ha I. Preceding the singing of Maple Lle Forever". by the £001 1 Mr. Kaiser's greet- rurg School sang the British Grenadiers" ght back memories best! The second number of the was‘massed choir. “They All Cali It. last'Canada“ was so admirably isung. and so popular. the mass- ade;ed voices sang it again as an ncefencore. with many pig-rents in Dmime audience Joming in softly nesito sing the wonderful words of md " ' N ‘ "anadian anthem. "Beautifully sung. and beau» ‘tifully conducted" was the opinion of those who heard ‘Thornhill school sing “The Lord is my Shepherd". The evening closed with the senior massed choir ï¬nale. "Scotland The Brave", which was delightfully introduced by the Rev. B. E Andrew of Maple. playing "The Road to the Isles" and “Scotland The Brave" on the bagpipes as he marched proudly through the hall. ADDISON, John X ARE YOU LEFT - HANDED ? left-handed or right-handed it doesn't matter if you put an x on your ballot like this on June 18: (Inserted by York Nm'th Liberal Association)