.l y i 13 BELL LINES by Bill Barnes your telephone manager Mrs. Pengelly of Willowdale says that you can travel relaxed if you call ahead for accommodtions. Let the telephone be your travelling companion ' THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 14. A large turnout of Markham Township citizens attended the candidates‘ night held Friday evening last at the Ilender- The meeting was sponsored by the Grandview Estates Ratepayers Assoc- iation and was for the federal riding of Yor‘kScarboro. Seen above are (left to right) Shipley Birrell. Social son Avenue Public Sc YoriIt-Scarboro Candidates Meet The Ratepayers hool in Highland Park. CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone AL. 7-8920 Memorial & Decoration Serviceister of Carrville may attend poaching fever On Sunday. June 10. the anâ€" the anniversary service schedâ€" pai‘lies sii‘ive iii make the most i cluded in York-Scarboro riding. The l existence in 1953. Liberals & Tories Hold Monster Rallies Honour National Leaders With the federal ‘ .mly (lays away. activity in theiwife. Joan. accompanied by Miss various political camps iStRose of Richmond Hill. Darlene pitch. as allHarcourt. A group of New Can- ladians from Holland. now resi- (Tredit: Maurice Moreau Liberal: Frank McGee, Progressive Conservative: and Ed. Phillips. New Democratic Party. McGee has represented the riding since 1957. All that part of Markham Township lying south of No. 1 (Photo by David Barbour) . Office Space election.idate John Addison and his i, i I I I I 1 GRAND OPENING Style Master Sales _ W H I 1' E srme MACHINE DISTRIBUTOR SALES AND SERVICE To All Makes of Machines also Textiles, Notions, Draperies 9 . O t : SPECIAL TUNE-UP $ ‘ 3 FREE NEEDLES & OIL 0 § . 6 oowooowooâ€omw Free Gifts For 1st 500 Customers And Prizes For the Kiddies 1 WELLINGTON ST. EAST Aurora ‘ PA. 7-6964 run-no yoooooooébboéooooomoooooooooooooooooooooi LIBERAL-CLASSI-IEDS-GeResuts- FREEZERS 15 CU. FT. $2 49 00 560 lb. 5299.00 Capacity 5 Yr Warranty Mr. r. Highway is in- ‘iding ï¬rst came into 20 CU. FT. S 725 1b. Capacity To Rent 1.200 Square Feet. 2nd Floor. Richmond Heights Centre. Will Summer is here and with it are delayed. a long distance call came5 vacation [mm Likeito those expecting you takes the t . . . tpressure off the driver. A call mo“ mu“ m Rmhmond Hm’to relatives along the route can you're PmbabI-V Planning to doIalert them to a visit â€" or. if a come travelling this sumineszide-trip is impossible. can offer Remember, the telephone can'the opportunity of a visit by help make your vacation smoo-lphone. Then at the end of the ther. more enjoyable. Be sureljourney. call the folks back to call ahead to make hotel or.homc to reassure them that all motel reservations. It will saveis well. Yes. let the telephone driving around at the end of a be your travelling companion long day In a strange town look-3this summer and enjoy a happy. Ing'for a place to stay. If you relaxed vacation. Here’s a real boon to home builders 'Now that the building sea- son is in full swing. it might be a. good idea to remind you once again about our FREE Conceal- ed Wiring Service for homes under construction. Our install- ers will place multi-wire cable between the walls throughout a new home provided this ser- vice is requested before the walls and partitions are closed in. Then, when the house is, completed and the customer has1 chosen the location or locations. for telephone service, our in- staller will locate the hidden wire with an electronic instru-‘ wall and the only wire showing will be the lead to the nearby telephone. Most folks agree that this new FREE service is a real boon to the home builder and ment and connect the teleâ€"Iadds value to any new home, phone or telephones withtFor full information. ask youri the wiring. A small attrac-lbuildei‘ to call our Business Of- tiv'e plastic faceplate will lice and ask for Concealed Wir- be affixed to the outlet from the ing Service. Why o many Bell men wear glasses :iual memorial and decoration uled for the third Sunday in of the {my remaining hours (if service was held with Rev. H. September .A further announce- the campaign in a last major .I. Veals in charge. Graves were mcnt will be made shortly. teï¬'ort to sway voters in the‘ decorated and the congregation U.C.\V. . ‘yieim area. hhih ihe Libel-315‘ remained in the cemeteryi The Carrville United Churchiahd I’i‘Og[‘essive_c()nsei‘vaï¬veg grounds for the ï¬rst part oftWomcn met on June 6 at the “in stage mammoth ivanies in the serviCe. At the second hymn home of Mrs. E. Bone. Bathurst Toronto (in Thursday evening. all retired to the church. Street. Mrs. J. Bushell read a The Liberals “iii take over‘ A beautful basket of carna‘very interesting paper on.ihe ()‘Keeie Centre and will tions was placed in front of.“Bucking The Tide of Life.“.ha\ve as their big drawing card the communion table in mem-iwritten by Jane Scott. iheir leader. Lester pearsong ory of Mr. and Mrs. Walter We were pleased to haveiahd Mrs, peai-smicavaicadeS of‘ Bone and Miss E. Sheppard by Mrs. R. Kirk back at the meet- cai-s‘ formed in each Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bone and ing and feling some better. ViS-tand Yorks riding. will con- family. ilOI‘SMI‘S- F. PUI‘VIS 311d Mrs-tverge on Yonge and Front At a meeting of the congre-iR- Llnds_ay “'9â€? V911" welcome-Streets at approximately 8:00 cation at the close of the ser- The mam {091° “'35 “‘9 P13115111“- :ice it was decided to close the for the; strawberry supper on‘ church during the month ofy'lune‘ZL August. Sunday School will con-. Mls- Bake" The York North cayr'alcadeqI .comprised of an estimated is in Charge 0f‘twenty to thirty cars. will leave clude the last Sunday in Juneiih‘? kIfS'ilï¬ndalld sack 18â€â€œ)? l" the Liberal committee rooms until September. lgeigge 3* e to Del he SUM" in Richmond Hill at approxi- The annual Sunday 5611001 e 15' mater 6:00 pm. and proceed picnic will be held on June 23,I The ladies “in 398m “‘9 t . ‘ i . _ . h, 'school for retarded clnldien. Eta‘ilhuerstt‘ms? Of Mrs G13 am ‘Mrs. J. Williams will purchase Re“ J. 0 Ken a former min, prilzes fo the U.C.W. picnic in‘ ' i u y. ‘ lPicnic Cancelled Rain forced cancellation of the Rowntree-Hendry family picnic. The committee decided to' have it on September 9 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tomi ‘,Knight. Clark Avenue. Doncas- ter. There were 84 disappoint- straight down Yonge Street to the O‘Keefe Centre. [leading the cavalcade in an open con- vertible will be Liberal Cand- Marltham 4H Calf Club‘ Judging Dairy Cattle1 Markham 4H Ctalt' Club mem- bers met at the Master Feeds l_AAAi,i,A s. .ed 16 Farm, for their May meeting. * jsocï¬ï¬gp ' which stressed the judging oft Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. dairy came‘ I Leader Allan Orr pointed out1 dairy qualities of the milking cow to the ï¬rstâ€"year members.I after which he showed them. how to properly judge a class oft milking heifers. Leader Lester Weatherill was charge of the senior club iJack Barton on Sunday werezl ‘Mr. and Mrs. John R. Barton. Downsview: Mr. and Mrs. Davidl IBarton. Bonnie and Douglasl Barton. Beverley Acres: Mrs.‘ .Dean Wilson. Myra-Jane and. ‘etty-Ann Wilson and Miss Mary - .Dean of Toronto and Mrs. J..'m . . . members. and gave them a fine gin/er and H916" 0f Rlchmond‘class of mature holsteins to“ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Ash and‘jUdge‘ Later‘ the leader gave Robbie. Donna and Ronnie Wil- the oumal JUdgmg cremts' ‘ . . , h At the June meting. the clubj Use your headâ€"rand SAVE! Check State Fann's low insurance rates for )dents emphasized .of of York North. and a contingent of Indians from the Georgina Island reservation. all ‘_ native costume. will in the York North in cipate parti- de- monstration. Also accompanying , be the now the cavalcade will famous "bandwagon" of Liberal Candidate John Addison. The same evening. Thursday. Prime Minister and Mrs. John Diefenbaker will greet the people of Metropolitan Toronto at a public reception to be held, in the Queen Elizabeth Build-I ing. Exhibition Park. from 7:30i pm. to 9:30 pm. The reception has been planned in the evenâ€" ing in order that those working in the daytime can meet the Prime Minister. Mr. C. A. “Tiny†Gathers. P.C. candidate for York North. has‘ that everyone is welcome to meet the Prime Minister and Mrs. Diefenbtaker. Premier Robarts of Ontario and Mrs. John Robarts. Also in at- tendance will be three Cabinet} Ministers. the Honourable George Hees. the Honourable Donald Fleming and the Hon- ourable David Walker: the Speaker of the House. the Hon- ourable Roland Michener and the only woman member of Par- liament In this area. Miss Marg- aret Aitken of Yorkâ€"Humber.‘ plus all PC. candidates in the Toronto and Yorks area. The day‘s festivities will be- gin in York North with a Pro- gressive-Conservative Cavalcade cars commencing at 1 o'clock in Richmond Hill. The Prime Minister will honour this parade with his presence. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Worth Noting Among the factors essential Divide. Call ME. 3- 5661 Griffin Contracting Co. Ltd. Up to 3 Yrs. To Pay LIBERA L CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 Cyclamatic Defrost 75 lb. Freezer 11 Cu. Ft. Frigidaire Cyclamatic Defrost 71 lb. Freezer 44 lb. Freezer 2 Door. 100 1b. Freezer Automatic Defrost I I O O O O O O I I O O C O 0 identifies your WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS . . . ï¬rms of prestige in the business and civic life of your community. 2 Door, 75 lb. Freezer Automatic Defrost Cyclamatic Defrost 100 lb. Freezer For information, call TU. 4-2951 10 Cu. Ft; General Electric 13 Cu. Ft. General Electric 15 Cu. Ft. General Electric 13 Cu. Ft. Frigidaire REFRIGERATORS 13 Cu. Ft. Frigidaire 339-00 WITH TRADE 299.00 WITH TRADE 199.00 WITH TRADE 349.00 WITH TRADE 369.00 WITH TRADE 379.00 WITH TRADE RICHMOND HILL \; The Safety Glass Saved This Man's Eye. The other day 1 saw a man about eyesight M the reason so working downtown chippng 3;)13115‘ let us “oar {sat'stia-s’llassosfl . .. .. ie gasses are in en e 0 pro- “I†at a lalge, omiuole bled“ tect our eyes while we‘re on the. Pieces were flying "1 3“ dlmc‘ job. .\nd we have seen plenty tions . . . pieces small enough to of this protection over the years enter an eye and cause serious in the form of badly cracked damage. I couldn't help hutsatety-gliisses. Safety-glasses notice that the man was wear- ‘ . crack but do not shatters Whent mg protection for his eyes. Bell anytliin: strikes these glasses. folks are continually being rc- with enough force to crackl minded about eye safety. and them. Just imagine what it this makes us pretty conscious would do to an eye. ‘I _â€"‘L -\ ,x- » . . , i \ ' ,- . ‘\ ,’. - l d‘ ' ‘\ I ( l /' >\_ J/ caretul driversâ€"iates solow that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! l i l SIAIE FARM MUIUAL AUIO- MOBILLINSURANCECOMPANV. Carnal-H mm 0%.: TORONIO James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER ti TAKE NOTICE that the Sum- ‘init Golf & Country Club Ltd.. of the Township of Markham. ‘in the » make application at a Special County of York. will Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the offices of The Liquor Lic~ ‘ cnce Board. 55 Lake Shore Blvd. East. in the City of Toronto. in the County of York. on Thurs- day the 28th day of Julie, 1962. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock. D. ST. in the forenoon. for the issuance of a “Club Licence" for the following premises: The Summit Golf and Country Club Ltd. Oak Ridges. Ontario. Priv- ate Club. Concession No. 1 West. Lot No. 58-59-60. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application. and the grounds of objection in writing shall be tiled with Mr. H. J. Browne, the acting deputy registrar of the licensing district. whose address 1s 55 Lake Shore Blvd. l‘oronto 2. Ontario. at least ten iays before the meeting at \lllCIl the application is to be heard. Dated at Oak Ridges this 4th ta) of June. 1962 HE SL'M \lll‘ COUNTRY CLL'B LTD. \uplicant \ J t'nSStR. “resident. Oak Ridzm. On- 5110 GOLF .\.\'D ‘ â€"Cnl‘;'.l'l_ltli"n LOT East. Denise Middleton had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleâ€" ton and girls on Sunday. In last week‘s birthdays a mistake was made. Lynn Morris will be 21 on June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris celebrated their wedding anniversay on June 6. Traffic SUrvey I Study Available Later This Year . The town traffic survey start~ ed recently in Richmond Hill will not be completed for sever- al Highways said this week. will be about six months before results of the survey will be reâ€" leased. All entrances and exits to Richmond Hill were covered and vehicles were stopped and drivers questioned about the reason for their trip. * After the information is pro- cessed by the Iiighway's dc- partment. it will be studied by the planning department and will be used as a guide in future Richmond llill planning, Injuries Slight 'In Rear-end Collision Richmond llill police were called to investigate an accid- ent at 6.30 pm. on Sunday. when a car driven by Andy .\'0va was in collision with one driven by Sylvester Santa on Yonee Street a: Lorne \\e The Santa vehicle had stopp~ ed to allow a pedestrian to crow and was struck from the rear by the Nova cur. DOIlt't‘ \tltl Damage was estimated a‘ $73 Olga Santa rccencri a scrapâ€" ed knee and minor head lil‘ltli“ ir< MARKHXM \lav'kltanw Village couvirt' lav Her}. stigtarh' its; ""l"!‘a(" tot aw“: 4 :‘ex' He‘s Warn o"\12='1<‘ ~(‘~1§'i:mv; 3105 2"- 9S months. the Department of f It . .to the people's health are atteâ€" W qu-ate nutrition. good housing VEWVIARKET. Lambei.‘ w“_ and environmental conditions :80“ ‘Chairman' of the Hollandigenerally. facilities for educa- Valley Conservation Author- tion' ei‘iercvirs‘e and WSW: and itv corï¬rmed last wcek that “01 leafl' “Iâ€? at“. Senslble le‘ “it; Ontarm Department of duct of the individual and IllS Lands and Forests had granted Spfifipffmce “f pcrsonal ISCRD‘m' $10000 for the Fairey Lake “bllm' _ conservation project. Total cost ijl‘l IC‘NIIJI‘I: All): ill-(TIL of the redevelopment project ' 7 ment. will be $100,000 to be spent over ' aisix year period. THURS. JUNE 14. 15. 16 THE BIG GAMBLE Stephen Boyd SNIPER'S RIDGE .lack Ging Cartoon NOTICE MON. TUES. WED. SIOO A CAR NITE Includesalloccupants FRI.. SAT. “0V TLTQ “.En' For cars and bath) sit .II‘NE 18. 19. 2'9 THE HOODLI'.“ PRIEST .\ant Entertainment llon Murray PERFECT FliRIlll'GII Tony Curtis Cartoon Richmond Hill 881-1351 O O O O O O C I O O O I C O O I I O I I I I O O o O .- x“ .i- Witch-is won ‘ TV no APPLIANCES AV. 5-3756 TU. 4-7456 V0 RK NORTH _ l’ive years ago you sent me to Ottawa to serve on your behalf. I hope you will feel that l have fulï¬lled that trust. During recent weeks my record has been reviewed in newspapers. on radio, at, public meetings. and in talking and visiting with so many of you throughout York North. I have enjoyed meeting old friends and in ï¬nding new ones in this rapidly growing community. On Monday next, I ask your support in re-electin;r nir- your representative at Ottawa. 1 will continue to work for the people of Canada and of York North and will faithfully endeavour to fulï¬ll your trust. C. A. "Tiny" Cathers PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Icrs on election Day. phone