Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1962, p. 1

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Mrs. Howard Hayward. Mrs. Harold Ra‘bcliflf. Mrs. William Willougllby and Mrs. E. McCoy attended the council session wit-h Mrs. Rumble. who oultlined reasons which .had prmnpted the resolution from Kin-g City Branch. Mrs.l\A‘ustin Rumble told "The LIV ' l" the W.I. delega- tion \va ‘ painted in county council' cision and said members 1n ended to send their resolution on to time Minister of Eduvatinn. While King City Women‘s ln- luLion. council approved an am- stltu'te's resolution calling fol'mend‘ment to it proposed by the election. rather than ap-‘Reeve Norn Garriock of Wood- poinbment. of high schoollbridge that high school boards boards was decisively rejectedlbe paid. by York County Council lastl A daily rate plus mileage was Week. the campaigning mem- suggested, to replace the pres- bers hfi'e not given up hope. em nominal annual allowance She pointed out {Large sums were spent on high school edu- cation and her organization felvt school board represen‘tadiv- es would be more responsible to taxpayers if they were elect- ed by them. instead of being appointed. The York County Planning Committee told county council last week it wants to confer with the Department of Municipal Affairs. before appointing a cown-ty planning director. If such a director were ap- pointed, he would aid in prepar- ing a master plan for the entire county. He would also act as an adviser to the municipali- ties which required assistance in 'his field. The. committee's report noted that "there is a great deal of planning work to he done In the county." The committee sent out ques- tionnaires to all 14 munici- palities. and discovered that while all of them have acâ€" tive planning boards. and building bylaws, many have either patchy zoning and planning, or none at all. Mrs. Rumble spoke in apâ€" preciation of council's choice of Mr. John Dew to Aurora and District High School Board this year and said it was the first time there had been a King City representative. uUnnecessary And Absolutely Ridiculous" - Merchants Rejected By County Council King City W.|. To Still Advocate Election Of High School Trustees Planning Committee Considering Director LII: .lulVlKLU dllu IULA nuau: an after balloting for [our cam 19_11 With Jurisdiction over cer‘ didates for the office Others tam roads "1 the C°umy 0' . . ' York. Two members are nam- standmg for election were exâ€" ed 1“, the Count of York t“ Wardens John Rye of East Gwi- b _ ,‘u t H y T ' llimhurv. and Joseph Frv of 3 ‘ er°P°‘a“. Qmmo 3‘“ Markham] village and K \‘I R one by the provmcial govern ‘Sm. I. Vewmarkét barriétér' 'men-l. Present membership no“ 9 ' ‘ ‘ includes: F. A. Lundy of New W. J. Taylor was born in Sut- market and W. J. Taylor ape ton and came to Richmond Hill pointed by the County of York in 1926, Taking over the long es- J. A. Leslie. Scarboro and Ear tablished funeral business of Bales. North York appointed b3 the late W. Ashrford Wright and Metro; and Norman Lang mundina Hip firm of Wright r-hairman. appointed by the Pro Exm‘arden of York County, and former Reeve of Richmond Hill who was appointed a mem- ber of Toronto and York Roads Commission by York County Council at the June session. takâ€" ing the place of ex-Warden Earl ‘Toole who recently died. Request CouncilToLiftYonge§t. Parking 117015531; Men’s in 1958, Helmilo road system. Whilé voting down the reso- VOLUME LXXXII. NUMBER 50 siness 1' He carried on thisH'iuce o: with. marked success sion ha: Public Library §$ Yonge N .’ Richmond fiii W. J. (TOM) TAYLOR 'L;U ulorary, Yonge N., ‘hmond Hi;l) Cup. 1 Jan. 5~4â€"3â€"2. “Scrap Parking Authority" MaAcDiarmid Tells Council .Au:-.‘ “‘11:...” rm.,...1 “LA”... «HA H .hnnlA ha Aninn nun-Huinc” J”: cuirl Richmond Hill and Markham Township bol'h indicated they were preparing new official plans, and Vaughan Township said its basic concern at the moment was its study of neigh- borhood developments. Rich- mond Hill was also concerned about the problems of annex- a‘tion. A daily rate plus mileage was suggested, to replace the pres- ent nominal annual allowance of $60.00. The questionnaire also Asked for a brief listing of the par- ticular problems of each muni- cipality. and these were outâ€" lined in the comm‘ibteé‘v report. While there were as many dif- ferent answers as municipali- ties. the southern areas, which have been planning for several years. complained of fewer and less severe problems than those in the north. entered municipal life as a member of Richmond Hill coun- cil in 1948 and after serving as councillor. deputy-reeve and reeve was honored with the Wardenship of York County in 1957. an office which he filled with outstanding distinction. The Toronto and York Roads Commission was established in 1911 with jurisdiction over cer- tain roads in the County of York. Two members are nam- ed by the County of York, two by Metropolitan Toronto and one by the provincial govern- ment. Present membership now includes: F. A. Lundy of New- Announce Hours For Barbershops In Richmond Hill Starting June 18 they will be open from 8 am. to 6 vp.m., Monday. Tuesday and saturday, and 8 am. to 9 mei Thursgax and Friday. They will be closed all day Wednesday except when a sta’oubory holiday falls in that week, in which case they will remain open. A change in hours was requested by eight shop owners on a petition to council. Previously lLhe shops were open a ‘half day on Wednesday. Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night gave mhird reading to a bylaw reâ€" gulating the hours of bus- iness for barbershops. The ‘bylawv calls for a maximum fine of $300 for violation. j unsdw and: Elmer the Elephant will be emamarching in the gigantic sports now day parade next Wednesday ev- (ewJening. according to Const. Doug 3p. Young of the Richmond Hill 'ork; ' police department. Earl The parade. originally sched- d by uled for June 13. was set back (1112.0ne week due to the Kinsmen since the new traffic signs hadl A notice of motion calling for cal choice and it should be the di-sbandment of the Rich- under their jurisdiction. mond Hill Parking Authority Mayor Haiggal‘t‘ was opposed was tabled by Councillor Jute disbanding the authority and MacDivarmid all a meeting of termed Mr. MacDiarmid's mo- Town Council Monday. night. tion “premature.” ’Dhe move came after a disl; “I would prefer that it be cussion on the relocation of‘put to a committee of council parking meters on Yonge Stifor study and wait fontheir Mayor James Haggart had sug- 118190}? bEfOI‘e actmgpn this m0- gested the parking authority “011 th‘e.m‘ay01‘ Sfild- make a study and report to. . "Rescmd Parking author- council. 1 my bylaw and let. the police Mr, HacaaI-t told council that: committee take over. I am °° fed up with studies and re- been erected some of the met-l Por‘s- 1 W311}, 30mm 01' EMS ers were now in the wrong pos-! "1.3”" now. MF- M30013?- itions. ‘. nud told council. It was then that Mr. McDiar- Counullor Mrs; Margaret mid questioned the need for a.Squbh\vellagreed'w1!h MF- Mac- Parkin-g authority and asked iflplal‘mld and aSKEd 1f the Pal‘k‘ tlhey were still operating. had been “five Helmg authority also suggested that meters \verey51n‘fie_lt “’85 formed. I doing anything." she said. "" ‘ Rather than rescinding theitD bylalw immediate-1y, Mr. Broad- st hurst suggested that a notice is ,of motion be tabled in order _ ‘tihat parking authority members the given a chance to present! Wheir views. 1 I “We should give them warn-E ring of our intentions. It is hardly fair to act without con- sulting with them," Mr. Broad: hurst stated. The notice of motion propos- ed by Mr. MacDiarmid was sen conded by Councillor Alex: lCam-pbeu. It is expected to‘. ‘be discussed further at the next‘L meeting of council. Members on the Parking au-i ;t\hority are Al Harley. chair-i lman, Donald Plaxton and Ste-‘ lwart Coxford. It was formed ’Dhe move came after a dis-3 cussion on the relocation of?“t parking meters on Yonge Stifor Mayor J-ames Haggart had sug- 1‘?!) gested the parking authority “or make a study and report to. . council. 1 1‘ (decorated. Mr. Haggart told council that since the new traffic signs had been erected some of the met- ers were now in the wrong pos- itions. It was then that Ml‘. McDiar- mid questioned the need for a parking aibthority and asked if they were still operating. He also suggested that meters were no longer necessary on Yonge Street. Deputyâ€"reeve Thomas Broad- hurst said that if the authority was not working out. the bylaw should be rescinded. As an al- ternative he suggested a com- mittee of council be appointed to look after parking in the town. During the discussion. Mr. MacDiarmid recommended that hhe police committee be ap- pointed to look after parking. He claimed they were the logi- A real treat is in store for Richmond Hill public school children June 20. Elmer the Elephant will be Elmer Will March In Sports Parade Next Wednesday The gigantic three-day second anniversary celebration starts 'today at Richmond Heights Centre on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill. Seen above is the windowfull of merchandise some lucky shopper will win at a draw to be held at 4 pm. Saturday afternoon. All you have to do to qualify is guess the correct retail value of all merchandise on display in the window of D. Al- bert Brown Coifi‘ures, next to LoblaWs, fill out a draw coupon available at any store in the centre, WEI Elephant will be the gigantic sports lext Wednesday ev- Ling to Const. Doug he Richmond Hill “In Essentials U for the best Richmond Heights Celebrates 2nd Anniversary RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1962 ‘60 per 'cent of rthe total iét al-eaJ Markham Township Councililf not connected to a sewer no gave third reading Monday a-f-,more than 40 per cent canbe? ternoon to a. bylaw prohibiting‘used, the.bylaw states. use of lands and erection of Regulations call for all build- buildings in an 800-acre sectiondngs to have a minimum of 15.- of the- municipality. [000 square feet and be of mas- The area is bounded by the onary construction. No metal, CNR tracks on the north: High- frame. asbestos clad or non fire way 404 on thefivest: On‘tario,resistant structure will be al- Hydro property on the eastplowed. _ and Steeles Ave, on the south. Township officials are hop- Council hopes to make to attract manufacturers of }area into a prestige location for‘textiles. wood. paper, radio and lfuture industry. Officials say‘itelevision equipment and allied that two largeâ€"size firms have products. The bylaw also al- already made commitments t0:10\'~'S laundries and dry clean- .build and negotiations are un-‘ing plants. bakeries, printers. lderway with several others. 7chemical products. canning and ' The bylaw permits any light food plants. aluminum and sa- manufacturing operation that isfinitation products. not obnoxious by noise. smokes ' iodor, dust, gas fumes or water JaCkpot W’inners lcarried waste. Bingo! With this magic Plan Industrial Development On 800 Acres In Markham Township It prohibits any build be constructed on less Lh acre of land. On the Do Road a manufacturer m I have never heard of them 'nity th an onâ€"Essentials Libert buildiI 1P g2.” WWW “We should give them warn- ing of our intentions. It is hardly fair to act without con- sulting with them.” Mr. Broad- hurst stated. The notice of motion propos- ed by Mr. MacDiarmid was se- conded by Councillor Alex Campbell. It is expected to be discussed further at the next meeting of council. Members on the parking au- thority are Al Harley, chair- man, Don'ald Plaxton and Ste- war-t Cox'ford. It was formed in 1960. Township officials are hop- ing to attract manufacturers of textiles. wood. paper, radio and television equipment and allied products. The bylaw also al- lows laundries and dry clean- ing plants, bakeries, printers. chemical products. canning and food plants. aluminum and sa- nitation products. and deposit it in boxes provided by the merchants. Also to be won are five boys’ and girls’ bicycles. And as a special treat for the kiddies, free ice cream will be supplied by your friendly centre merchant. Remember the days - Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. The place - Richmond Heights Centre on Yonge Street. For bargains galore and a chance to win free merchandise and cash, be sure to attend. (photo by Lagerquist) the current season; Bingo! With this mag word. regular patrons. Mr E. Collins and Mrs. 1 Milne. both of Aun'or 9 $500 in all things Charits Aurora lapot a‘ Bids from 12 firms were Te'misgonfifilvje-n:17â€"1964, were owed on a new Wick by Mark- William G. Angus. J. 0. Graham ham Township Council when and K. w. Tomlin tenders were opened Monday Terms of ofi'ice for A_ F. afternoon Mah-affy and J. G. Phillips will They ranged from a high of‘terminate Jan. 1, 1963. $8.600 to a low of $6,433.71. All Other members of the seven- quotes were plus federal and man board are Councillors J. provincial taxes. MacDiarmid and A. Campbell. Council referred the tenders representing the town. . to the roads committee for} Mr. Lang'ford was officially study and its recommendation"designated as commissioner of is expected early next week. lindustry. } also campaigning strongly for supper i although the Sacreds just managed t {candidate before the June 4 deadline. Receive Twelve Bids Four Candidates Seek Federal Seat Liberal for 22 years, it changed allegiance in 1957 when C. A. (Tiny) Gathers took the seat for the Conservatives by a 7,000 majority. He increased this 12,000 in the Conservative landslide of 1958. Both the Conservatives and Liberals are waging an all out campaign with each having successful businessmen with a farm background as their candi- Two businessmen, a school teacher and a packing Heading the Liberal ticket is . . .- . ‘ - ‘ ' . ~ 32-year old car dealer JOHN house supeiusm are hghtlng it out 1n Y01k North for‘ADDISOM 30m and educated the support of 58,800 eligible voters â€" a gain of al- in Toronto, he attended Sunny. most 13,000 since 1958 â€" in the June 18 federaljiea Public School, Pickering ICoilege and the University of election. , - . . o . - - - ijToronto, where he received 1.4106713} f0} -2 yeais, 1t changed allegiance 1n his Bachelor of Am degree. «nun , _, n l'l":_4__\ “ALL____ L_-i_ LLA --_L .9-.. LL-‘ JOHN ADDISON Liberal Many local taxpayers this year were disappointed that for: the first time in many years there is no discount for prepay- ment of the other two instal- ments. In former years one per cent discount was allowed on the second instalment, and two per cent discount on the third instalment when payment of the whole amount of the current year‘s taxes was made on or be- fore the 30th of June. The idea behind the discount for prepayment was that by en- couraging taxpayers to make payment of the full amount in June the town saved in interest ‘on bank borrowing. This policy iwas inaugurated several years ago and many citizens took ad-' ‘vantage of the discount olfer land the municipality saved sub‘ stantial amounts in interest p y- ments to the banks. The new policy i-naugura ed by the town council this .3," at of offering no-discount for" e:-'1 payment means that many ax- -payers who formerly paid 13 eir taxes in full in June will pay only on the installment due dates. merchants relied to a large ex- mond Hill. were now unable to H T x tent on Sunday business. But do so on account of the park- Isince the present regulations in‘g ban. He said this has de- 1were put into effect June 3 they prived the merchants of a much Mr. Waters told council the‘ping Sunday evening in Rich- have suffered a considerable needed income that had taken decrease in trade. he stated. years to develop He said this weekend busin- Started June 3 - This is tax payment time in Richmond Hill. and June 20th 15 the final date for Payment 0f ess was needed by the merch- The parking ban was started the fiI‘St msta‘Lmen‘t ‘VhICh “'35 ants to survive. An increase in June 3 to keep traffic moving due June 15L After June 20?“ competition a n d exhorbitant through Richmond Hill on Sun- a Penalty 0f three Per cent W111 taxes the Yonge Street busin- day. be added ‘essmen have been forced to Many local taxpayers thisicarry. were the reasons cited, Cl‘ltmsm 0f ('0me for “M year yere disappointed that for|for the request. . igjvm'g “he . pmbl‘im. aggqufite This is tax payment time in Richmond Hill. and June 20th is the final date for payment of the first instalment which was due June lst. After June 20th No Discount On Paying Taxes Early Bylaws approving the con- stitution and membership of the Richmond Hill] Industrial Com- mission were passed by town council Monday night on rec- ommendations submitted by Robert Laingford. commission secretary. Council Names Seven To Serve Commission Named ‘to serve on the com- mission umvtil Jan. 1, 1964, were William G. Angus. J. 0. Graham and K. W. Tomlin. Federal Returning Offic- er Warren Ballie reports llhat with 9 out of 10 ad- vance polls reporting 668 citizens cast ballots. The polls were open on Saturday and Monday. Re- cent changes in the feder- al election laws have made voting at an advance poll a good deal easier. 6‘68 Cast Ballots In Advance Poll C. A. CATHERS Progressive Conservative HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 ELECTION DAY MON. JUNE 18 Polls Open 9am. == 8pm, VOTE AS YOU LIKE, BUT VOTE i ‘ MK Dean: said the township has been negotiating with the developers for several weeks and that fur. ther details will be announced shortly. In charge of the dining room will be a chef from thedWaldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, Mr.‘Dean, sa1 . ' ' * He said this weekend busin- Start e55 was needed by the merc‘h- Th a-nts to survive. An increase inlJume carry. were the reasons cited! .CI‘IUCISm 0f come“ for “M3 for the request I ‘glVln'g the problem adequate consideration should be giv. Stlldy was also conrtained‘in'the en to the retailers ahead of brief- ' transient holidayers returning "In all my years in Rich- to Metro. Mr. Waters said. mond Hill I have never known The spokesman claimed that of more than one or two tvbfflc- transients accustomed to stop- (Continued on Page 3) Sunday Trade Hard Hit By Traffic Regulaticns 30-Acre Sports Centre Planned For. Markham The request, contained in a brief presented by William Waters. owner of the Richmond Hill Dairy Bar, said the banxon parking between 1 and 6 pm. on the east side, and 6 p.111. and midnight on the west side, “Was not only unnecessary, but absolutely rid- Icu ous. ’ A plea from seven Yonge Street merchants to ab- olish the Sunday and holiday parking ban on Yonge Street was made to Richmond Hill Town Council Mon- day night. Thirteen businessmen attended the meet- ing. . advisory «- Argonauts - A 30-acre recreation centre costing almost three million dollars will be constructed on Bayview Avenue as soon as services are available. W. R. Dean, reeve of Markham Township said Wednesday. ' ' He also said plans are completed for the con- struction of a curling rink to'be built this year on the former Shouldice property north of John Street in the Thornhill area, one mile east of Yonge Street. To be located north of the CNR bypass, it will contain outdoor and two indoor regulation size swim-a ming pools, curling and skating rinks. bowling greens and alleys, asrwell as a clubhouse and dining. room. It will probably be ready for curling this winter, Mr. Dean stated. The reeve also announced that Esna Electric Ltd.. Toronto, will build a plant on the Don Mills Road, south of the CNR bypass. Construction is ex- pected to start in three weeks. Mr. Dean said several firms are interested in locating in the new SOD-acre industrial area recently zoned by the township. At least three or four other copapanies are expected to locate this year. the reeve sa1 . Costing $175,000. the plant will be ready for oc‘ cupancy later this year. It will have 40,000 square feet of floor space. dents,” Mr. Dean stated 7 “We are quite happy with this expansion and the work that will be available for township resi- Married £9 e (mime! ALEX FORD Social Credit and native Joan Burn children, a live at Oak government has cost upwards of 300,000 job taking office in 1957. And claims they have é one misguided econom fiscal policy after anoth Addison says Canada 1' come an economic w while other countries world are booming. He says government upwards of baking offic‘ “Investors havefilost confid- ence in Canada and Canadians in themselves? the Liber'al New Democratic Party STANLEY HALL [1 says Carla an economi other count: are booming SINGLE COPY 10c of King Tow . they have boy and girl countries of thé have adogted :onomlc and another: M'I“. sada has be- 110 weakling Conservative Town Canada 5 since hip and

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