Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1962, p. 4

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Phone 285-1073 : CA‘Ig'sug‘IRUCKs FOR RENT : REXDALE CAR & TRUCK RENTALS lTD ’ ALpine 7-1461 I RR. 1 MAPLE AVenue 55501 I (Lippay Motors Limited) CHerry 1-2811 n“‘-‘--â€"‘IIIIIII‘ was to be responsible for the making- of new roads. He agreed to write the township askingr for infor- mation about the proposed new road. it was reported that several people are op- posed to it. A letter was read from Mr. Jack Wharton on Church Lane asking that the trustees erect a sign indicating that Church Lane is not a through street. Mr. Wharton has been much bothered with people entering the street in error and turning in his driveway. The trustees agreed to erect a sign as re- x . Canadian Legion Richmond Hill Branch 3‘ REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 pm. LEGION HALL Carrville Road One Block west of Yonze SI Considerable discussion was given to the matter of installing a light at the corner of Elgin and Yonge Streets. The trus- tees agreed on the necessity of installing a light and decided to go and inspect the area fol- lowing the meeting. Area Man- ager L. J. Roy of Ontario Hydro‘ had suggested they purchase an- other mercury vapour light, instzal this in the business sec- tion and put the light replaced there at Elgin Street. It was brought to the trustees’ Â¥attention that Trustee Bob Roberts reported that the tennis club had re- quested permission to alter the building on the club property which is now used jointly by the club members and by the village for storage of equip- ment. The tennis club is pre- pared to spend $200 on the pro- posed alterations. The trustees gave their permission for the work. ‘ Street. Light 80 Richmond St. West; Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 >Toronto EM 4-2780 A total of $8,000 is expected to be spent on roads including $2,000 forr oiling of roads, $2,000 for gnavel, $2,000 for road la- bour. $1,000 on equipment maintenancegs‘ioo each on grad- ing and snow removal and $200 on sanding, Library The village will contribute $2,500 to the library and make grants totalling $100. Tennis Roads Markham Township is evi- dently planning a new road running east and west. dir- ectly south of Paul Street, within the village boundar- ies. Chairman James H. Tlmmins was of the opinion that under the terms of the village’s agreement with the townships, the village ltself Inc mock west of Yonge St. A" Veterans Welmmp A budget for 1962 totalling $25,000 was ratified Construction Company has been given the contract by Markham Egeitrhgutggsgegseefinghe Police Village of Thornhill at fiwnship u: threat the goads. . _ ey repor. owever, tat it Last year’s budget totalled $23,760.00. The 1n- has not yet been “farm enough crease is accounted for by the purchase this spring of to Put the WQUIFEd surface . - - treatment on the roads. Mr. 9; new truck for $2,450.00. Other budget Items are httle Roberts agreed that pending different from last year. The trustees expect to spend this treatment by Beamlsh' he $2,950 for lighting, $2,000 on the park and p00], $4,000 would have the village employ- ide a1k5_ ees spread some calcium chlor- on garbage removal and $1,000 on s w ide by hand to keep down the Roads Iauested. Clust- Thornhill Trustees I962 Budget Is Up $1,240 Bridget Totals $25,000 I THE LIBERAL, Riel-12110116715111, OntarquThursdiaytJune 14, 1962 NPfiER' FUNERAL RQKE ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS Thornhill and District News MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL Mullzolland, Q.C. TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 k“‘“!¥££} Estabusneu 187a 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hi1 375 Mm pan] Johnson who has tickets to the tea may contac‘ been a member of the ch for members of the ticket commit: seven] years and who is 15”. tee. 'Mrs. Peter Morse, Mrs. J ing to live in Chicago, was pnes- Wluls- M‘I‘S- F. Gl-aSSOW. Mrs. G ented with a silver may at the Brain. MII‘S. D. Slaunwhite ox luncheon, M11 E, R. cartel: Mrs. B. Cram. Tickets are 50c immediate past president, was 509331 News The newly-elected executive The guests Will be received of the CWL consists of: Pres- by members of the executive ident, Mrs. V. V. DeMarco; ls! committeev Mrs- H. R. HOWden, Viceâ€"president, Mr; F. Mal-tymyll‘s. G. Zinkan, Mrs. P. Large, nuik; 2nd Vice-president. Mrs.’Mr§- E. P. Boyden. Mrs. V. Tre- M. Harrison; 3rd Vice-president "lame, MI'S- C. Atkinson and and Acting Secretary, Mrs_ M, Mrs. G. Mowatt. Flower con- Norrish; Treasurer, Mrs. L. venel‘ is MFS- H- S‘Paflo‘rd. Loughran_ Anyone wishing to obtain The C.w.L. of st Lukes 20th. will be Mrs. R. J. Miller, wound up their activities for PTeslden't 0f the YCHA. Mrs. 1"- the season with a delightful pot Jaqkson. past president, Mrs. S. luck luncheon, convened by Mrs. SanElY. Ml‘S- D- Storms. Mrs. D, J. Cameron and Mrs, C, En- Stuart Parker and Mrs. J. R. right and held at the home of 51111111941”- the new president, Mrs. V_ V. The tea Will be held from 2 DeMaq-co, on May 130. Approx- to 4:30 pm. in the adjoining ima‘telyr50 ladies attended the gardens of Mrs. Stuart Parker luncheon. There was a short and Mrs- J- R- Sumner at Sum- business session and the pres- ner Lane and John Streets, idem welcomed several new Thornhlll. Conveners of the tea ladies and outlined the plans are MI‘S- R- Jeffery and Mrs. G. for _the coming year. Mifkleborough. ‘ Comgm’bu'lnwtions to the five St. Luke’s students, who have written exams and won scholar- ships to high school. Bobby Hosson and Grant Anderson won scholarships to DeLasalIe Oakla‘nds, Neil Enright to St. Michael's College School and Louise Rick and Katrine Uteck to St. Joseph’s, Monmw Park. St. Lukes Church News The Highland Park Subdiv- ision was also handed a solu- tion to its water problem -â€" the annual mash of flooded base- ments will be ended for that area, as the result of tentative approval granted to the town- ship to ins-tail storm sewers there. Storm Drainage I In a letter to council, the established new regu Ontario Municipal Board said permitting residents to that it had found storm dnain- their lawns and gardens age to be a very real problem. Under the regulations, and predicted that installation are for an indefinite tri of the storm sewers would en- iod. householders in eve hance the value of properties bered houses will be pei in the subdivision by more than to water their lawns on the sewers would cost. numbered davs. and th W Although Markham will pay Vaughan 40 cents a thousand gallons under the proposed agreement. the first 5,000.000 gallons would be in effect, free. This is the amount thart the $2,000.00 would purchase, at 403 a thousand gallons. Council authorized Township Engineer Dusan Miklas to spend up to $2,000.00 to reactivate an un- used well near Vaughan Township’s Uplands Gardens Subdivision, and connect it to the Vaughan Thornhill Water System. Through the newly-installed Yonge St. cross-main, Markham will then be able to take considerably more water from the Vaughan side, and thus maintain pressure at a higher level. Mr. Miklxas said that such an The 0MB also pointed arrangement would not only out that it would cost help keep customers supplied $35,000.00 more to instal with enough water, but would the storm sewers, if they also help the area’s fire-fighting were not put in at the same services. time as proposed sanitary Trustee Frank Tucker report- ed that several people had spok- en to him in connection with oiling the roads. Trustee Roberts advised that the K. J. Beamjsh quested. Dusty Roads New Regulations Permit Watering Markham Township’s Water Area No. 1, in Thorn- hill, may have plenty of water within the next three weeks, if negotiations announced at Monday’s council meeting are successfully completed. HopeTo RelieveTheWaterShortage Thornhill Notes Anyone wishing to obtain tickets to the tea may contact members of the ticket commit- tee, Mrs. Peter Morse, Mrs. J. Willis, Mrs. F. Gl-assow, Mrs. G. Brain. Mrs. D. Slaunwhite or Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tucker of 8 Eliza Street, returned re- cently from a two week stay in ‘England. After their flight over, they spent a week in the south of England, visiting Winchest-l er, Hayllng Island and Chi-t Chester and then spent a week in London. They were much impressed with the Chelsea flower show which they saw there. On June 2. the Tuckers enter- tained the members of the or- chestra from the Fort Montague Beach Hotel. Nassau. along with their leader Martin Con- lifie. The group has been on a promotion tour right across Canada. They were interviewed in “On the Scene" on June 1 and appeared at the Odeor Hyland Theatre the same night - Also with the orchesrtiréwaa Betty Oliver. known as the bes firg dancer in the Bahamas. Rev. S. A. R. Wood, forme dean of St. John’s Anglican C2 .hedmal, Saskatoon. was ‘instal‘ 3d last week as rector of S Wilfrid’s, Islington. Ordaine '11 Toronto in 1937, he is a £0: ner rector of Holy Trinity A: Mean. Thomhill, and curate 2 3t. Alban's. Mrs. F. Glassow of 30 Co]! ‘rne Skeet entertained at a tt Thornhill. Conveners of the tea are Mrs. R. Jeffery and Mrs. G. Mickleborough. The guests will be received by members of the executive Pouring tea at the garden tea to be held by the Thomhill Branch of the YCHA on June 20th will be Mrs. R. J. Miller, president of the YCHA, Mrs. F. Jackson, past president, Mrs. S. Snively, Mrs. D. Storms, Mrs. Stuart Parker and Mrs. J. R. Sumner. presented with a past pres- idergtfs pin by Mrs. DeMamco. Sixteen children received their first communion at St. Luke‘s Church on Sunday, June 10th. York Central Hospital Auxiliary 1 honor of Mr. Frank McGec Ionservative candidate in Y0: Lcarboro. on Tuesday aftex 0011. June 5. Father E. F. Crassland of SI .uke‘s Church returned recent ' from a month’s stay in south ‘1': Ireland and England, wher 1 Under the regulations, which are for an indefinite trial per- }iod, householders in even-num- bered houses will be permitted to water their lawns on even- numbered days, and those in Returning to the water situa- tion in water area No. 1, council est-abiished new regulations, The 0MB also pointed out that it would cost $35,000.00 more to instal the storm sewers, if they were not put in at the same time as proposed sanitary sewers, already approved by the board. Tenders are expected to be called short- ly for the sanitary sewers. which will be constructed for the township, through the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission. Although the OMB letter granted only tentative approval. the practice has been to grant final approval if the tender price is within about ten per- cent of the preliminary esti- mates. New Regulations “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill Ire: - - - - - - - Our representative in Tbornhill ls Mrs. Margaret MoLenn. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. Roberts agreed that pending Several accounts were then this treatment by Beamish, he passed for payment, including would have the village employ- $85.50 to the K. J. Beamish ees spread some calcium chlor- Company for snow removal in ide by hand to keep down the March: $98.00 to the same fir-m dust. for the use of a steam truck for Correspondence included a thawing culverts; $62.28 to letter from the General Acci- Frank Engel for three months' dent Insurance Company who gas and oil; and $514.16 to L. stated that their inspectors had W. Reid for the paving of 2.402 found all the pumps. equipment square feet of sidewalk on John, and light transformers at the Yonge and Church Streets. renewed old ' friendship water Tenders are also to be called ch for the sup-ply of 102 feet of 3r-192-invch diameter culverts for m- the Devil’s Elbow road. These ed culverts, said Mr. Mlklas, can n- be installed more cheaply by in the township’s own staff. Tea will be poured by Mrs. Harry Barrow, Miss S. E. Oa- tion, Mrs. James D. Tiller. Mrs. John R. Thompson and Mrs. F. J. Crawford, assisted by mem- bers of the auxiliary under the convenership of Mrs. J. S. Beat-tie. Sister Vera, SSJD, Adminis- trator of the hospital, and Mrs. A. S. Brooke. president of the hospital auxiliary, will receive the guests. r Aux, uucnuuaaxuu gov: cvcly- St. John’s Convalescent Hos-‘one a breather to stretch the ‘pital will hold its annual gard- legs and view the pictures taken en party on the hospital by David Barbour. grounds, 285 Cummer Ave.. The costumes were a delight- Wilrlowdalle, June 23, from 2:30-‘ful rainbow of colors, Mrs. to 5 P.m. 'Pollock exoressed fhankc fn Hm: Music will be provided by the Army Service Corps Band, un- der the leadership of Lieut. E. R. Simand through the courtesy )f the Toronto Musicians' Asso- riation. EWMARKET: Funeral service as held here May 31 f0: harles Earl Toole, 62. Mr. )ole lived all his life on the mily farm on Con. 4, Whit- lurch. He has served as coun- llor. deputy-reeve, reeve of 'hitchurch council and becamc .‘arden of York County in 1942 ie was; a member for severa ears of the Toronto and Yor': oad Commission, serving wice as chairman. To Hold Annualfy‘g Party June 23rd.‘§§1 Mr. Ben Shek, a teacher at Thomhill Secondary School was a guest on CBC’s “701” show on June 5. Mr. Shek, who has done a good deal of radio writ- ing for the CBC, was discussing an incident which took place in Canada around the time of the Fenian raids when a group of Polish immigrants to the United States, under the impression that the Canadians were in need of “liberating” crossed the} border to set them free, but were apprehended and subse- quently hanged, in spite of their defence by Sir John A. Mac- Dona-1d formed before the war and while he was there with the Ai§_Force during the war. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Kenny of Calvin Chambers Road were re- cently hosts to the Willowdale Unitarian Fellowship when the Fellowship held an auction sale in aid of their building fund. At this point, Mr. Mikl‘a‘s in- formed council that he has al. ready invited three Lenders on construction of a new water tank for water area No. 1. and expects this week to call tend- ers for 5,000 feet of 12-inch‘ main for Bayview Ave. Council approved a resolution authoriz- ing the estimated $135,000.00 cost of these projects to be paid from lot fees, paid to the township by subdividers. . Handicrafts by the patients nd homebaking. gifts and flow- rs by the auxiliary will be vailable. The hospital bus will meel uests at Stop 11, Yonge Street he sisters and auxiliary ex- ‘nd a cordial invitation to al} 1e friends and former patients 5 the hospital to attend. For those areas now served by sanitary sewers, a reduction ‘in summer sewer service rates was also approved by council. Normally, the rate is 65 percent of the water rate. However, since in the summer a lot of water goes into lawns. and not into sewers, the council esta- blished a summer period of May 1 to September 30. During that period, the sewer rate will be 65 percent of the winter water rate, plus 10 per cent of the winter water rate. New Water Tank odd numbered howses, on odd- numbered days. on the new truck Accounts ' A letter from the retail sales tax office advised the trustees that the village was not entitled to a. refund of'sales tax paid pool in good condition 161‘ Ave.. The costumes were a delight- from 2:30 ful rainbow of colors, Mrs. Pollock expressed thanks to the Adminis- mothers for their kind co-oper- and Mrs_ ation in the costuming. to Mrs. m of the Barrett and Mrs. Hardy ‘a 11 receive special “Thank You” for their wonderful help in the cutting ‘ by Mrs [and preparation of various g m pfl:{patterns. A pantomine entitled “The Letter” commenced the second half of the programme with Heather Barrett playing the part of the unhappy deb. and John Line attempted to win her af- fect-ions. The sympathy of her close friends â€" Francis Bishop and Marybet Priestman and the companions Sandra Walker, Dorothy Godson. Gretha Bis- gaard, Pauline Mitchell, Sandra Dockman and Corinne Dockâ€" man. was beautifully displayed The beautiful pastel gowns of the more advanced dancers in the intermediate waltz were enchanced by the grace anc poise of the dancers Linda Har 115, June Bisgaard. Leica Har dy, Elizabeth Wojna, Debora French and Cathryn Darley. A Chinese dance by Nanc: Milton and Denise Baillargeox was most entrancing. The junior waltz was a de ‘ightful rendition in pale hm hm had the audience tappln: 1nd swaying to the rhfihm 0 he music. The dancers weir Lynn Webster, Penny Fulton Paula Rogers. Renee Baillar :eon. Helen Barnett. Michelle Eoodeve and Valerie Krochter A solo scarf dance was per- formed by June Bisgaard. na Lee Rogers, Ruth Liheiahd Jane Goodyear.‘ The intermission g-ave every- pne a breather to stir-etch the "Kamarinskaia" with; Leica Hardy. LindaH‘arris, June Bis- gaard Elizabeth Wojna, Deborah French. and Cathryn Darley, was followed by “Va‘lse Petite" featuring the primary, those wee mites just starting out in the game most of them not even at school yet. Kathleen Way. Merry McLean, Judy Mc- Lean. Beth McCron, Barbara Lloyd, Gretchen Timmlns, Don- “Bit Of The West" starring Cowgirls Heather Barrett. Gre- tha Bi‘sgaard, Marybet Priest- man, Frances Bishop and Cow- boys Robert Cummins. John Line, Grant Line, and James Grant. of fond grandparents, mothers, fathers, relatives and othe'ns in- terested in ballet. Excitement rose as children and mothers scurried about adding final touches to this. frill and that curl. or hat. The opening beat of the piano, and the parting of the curtains ushered us into the first num- ber. “The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe” and the land of “Nursery Rhymes". The children enjoying every minute. This was‘followed ‘by a “Span- ish Dance" by three of the more advanced pupils. Looking be- guiling were Sandra Dockman. Susan Walker. Dorothy Godson. (By Mrs. H. Harris) A ballet recital by the pupils of Doris I. Pollock was held in the Thornhill Secondary School on June lst. Mrs. Pollock has conducted these classes in her home on Grandview Avenue ‘for over ten years since moving into the subdivision. Most of the pupils live here although a} few now come from the new Gra‘ndview Estates and one little girl in particular is from Downsview. The audience was good, consisting conspicuously Robert Cummins of Richvale and Heather Barrett of Crestwood Road dance the Pas de Deux at the successful Doris Pollock Recital held at the Thornhill Secondary School. Talented Young Performers Linda Harris trying very hard to portray a little devil (which I am sure she is not) was beautifully costumed in the convincing red and black. Leica Hardy who travels irom Downsview, received two nose- gays for her performance “The Flame Dance” which was very well done. . Little Corinne Dockman per- formed like a professional even losing her hat. she never lost her composure as she twirled in the very convincing "Musical Top" wearing that delightful whimsical smile of hers. \ The colour harmony of the next number was outstanding “Va‘lse Arabesque" with Sandra Walker assisted by Marybet Priestman, Francis Bishop. San- dra Dockman, Susan Walker, Dorothy Godvson. Gretha Bis- ga-a‘rd, Pau‘li-ne Mitchell and lit- tle Corine Dockzman. The Dolly‘s Waltz with Eliâ€" za-beth Wojna in a qua-int long white dress with a pale blue sash and an old fashioned bon- net completed the costume and carried the audience right back to grandmother’s days. The Man For ALL Canada Meet Prime Minister Diefenbaker and York North's "Tiny" Cathers RICHMOND HILL PARK = THURS. JUNE 14, 1PM. JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER See Tiny Cathers On CKVR-TV, Friday, June IS at 7:30 pm, "La Violette" was to the nov- ice eye the most talented num- ber. starring Greth‘a Bisgaard. The very Spanish influence. even a black lace man‘tilla was most evident as Pauline Mit- ch-ell performed “11 Ba‘cio". And finally a duet in blue by Heather Barrett and Robert Cummins climraxed a very en- tentain-ing evening and com- pleted a year’s work for Mrs. Pollock and her children, who presented her with a very large and lovely gift. There were so many stars throughout the evening that one must applaud all for each we performed to the best of their ability. And a lot of credit to Mrs. Pollock and the hours she spends with these youngsters each year. Painting AND ' Paperhanglng WILLOW PAINTING CONTRACTORS CALL BA. 1-2861 Issued by ‘he Progressive Conservative Party f . » gs RICHMOND HIL 11/ . N00 COMMERCIAL CLEANERS 411: 3 ADDISON, John A BALLOT MUST HAVE AN X MARK TO BE LEGAL AND VALID. In York North, a Liberal Mark is done like this: The Man' For YORK NORTH V Ticks Are Illegal Driveways â€" Parking Areas BEST IN PAVING Call Now FLOORS SANDED. STAINS REMOVED WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work ....Free information, estimates on floors.. “I. 4 - 1023 MARKHAM PAVING CO. FREE ESTIMATES Janitor Services and Supplies PHONE TU. 4 - 3714 (Inserted by York North Liberal Association) We. as executors of many estates, know the pitfalls. the endless difficulties and bitter disappointments that; result from "home- made” Wills, or worse, from no Will at all! Let our estate planning officers have the op ortunity of exElaining to you our valu~ ab e services in t e construction of a well planned Will. 62-16 You needn’t be wealthy lo warrant a Will! In fact. the less you have to leave your loved ones, the more important it is to conserve it and make the most of it. GUARANTY TRUST 366 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 ANYTHING Metro Toronto Offices C. A. (Tiny) CATHERS should make ANYONE COMPANY OF CANADA who owns Will! DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-6453

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