B THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 14. 1962 ~ 7 BABY SITTING MOTHER‘S HELPER SERVICE ‘ l Expcrlrilt-ctl baby-sitters. homo- lmaker's St‘l‘\'l(‘P and day work. Call day or night. TU, 4-7253. tfc32 v - - - - ~ ~ ~ - * - ‘ “*““r'**n't’s’:cE£I:-IN I" ‘ ‘ 7 ' ~ ** ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES P15717417) 7 TQMEEE 7 ‘ 77 OI SIMISCECLPAEEOUSgUBERAL G tR sults7TU CASH RATES. 1st insertion So each word. min. charge 75c DRIVERS wanted. Write Box 3 THORNHILL 2 bedrooms. ga7r- 7--7-7_-7 -7--._7_*~_7_77_7.._27.- . J ROTOTILLING 7 7 7 77 7 70n line 7 7 7. . e e 7 . . The Liberal, *1w50 age. .luly lst. AV. 5-1397. ClWDO;LUXURY apartment-57 reason. Gardens and lawns. free estlm- JOHN S washer and appliance‘ \\V‘\\\VVVVWVVV‘WA-VVAN‘VV‘AV‘ V\\‘.‘AAW\4 Second and subsequent Insertions if wording .ENCED- 77 . “7.770077†77 L707. “(Mn-glam? mm, equipped can “7,. at“ iv 5_2850 “C44 l-cpaâ€.7.7 TU 479613 “(77.707\\.\,\\xxxxmxxmmxxm\\x\'w\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\7 - 7 R1 .' walress wan-. . co age l'C' . _ '- - - ' ' “ .e' ‘ -. . » -. ' " " ' . . ,1 unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge .7 . . . . . 65c 5725447 stocmn TE 3734487 (.lwsoiD-ngl T. A‘llll'phy7 Broker.7 7781PA71NT1NG. papcrhanlzl'ng. Frco ALUMINUM C As an INTRODUCTOIH Ol‘ FER to c; "m 30" NUMBERS“ “l†char†9" “mm†M 50° PART TlilE’l-IEL'P wanth with 2‘B'E’DR'OOM'apartmcnt. newly L C “ (RS‘llmatCS Ticnlotulitilalmples't "-‘iiltlalii’ngos \lerlllg' ANN?“ 5nd? R†HMOND HILL ( USTOMERS we are ll COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5'3 F" word: mln~ Charge 75° some bookkeeping experience. decorated. 'l‘U. 4-5482. 16] Bak- l Rlcngoï¬? gull-c 7t 0 "1503‘; 7- 7“_ 7~ 7 if†T" “n 5‘ 1L 4-17317749; prepared in oï¬ei‘ ,) V. 7-439]. -l\v‘0 c- Ai-enile. tit-49 mme la P 00 Pa" -" OUTBOARD and chain :aiv I‘P- “ “' - 1 7 a) CARDS or THANKS. iN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. -\ 77’ , 7 , < D, .. 7 7 - New building no“. mum [ Spmaming in 500ԠTU. ( Free Annual Cleaning and [(19.0 .) .VIAIURE girl to help at sum-.FURNISHED loom. sun one . _- â€"\\\7 . n ENGAGEMENTS- MARRIAGES- BIRTHSI . - - ~ - 4 modern 2 and 3 bcdrooms Dc- 4-7404. t'4\\'4 l ( - - » 7 mcr cottage. Must be able toiizcntleman. Cooking faculties. 7.77 df l {77 d7 77. . 77 7 l { Service Throughout The Heating 3’; Der insertion swim. Av. 5-5137. (-lwsoru 4-1629. itcsoigfonsg 7Oor77p7f737p77t: o 7,7.7t7i7t717777 327777.7CUST0M Hamming lawns and JAL 7; 7 , £7 . -- - â€" I 7 -- - _ r . . s . . . . . . Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week BABY SITTER for occasionalONE BEDROOM lllrnlShed 39' transportation gprm. pawl-11277273; dcgs777l7-l77. Mathcuson. 7 Season X; as possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. cvcnintzs. Responsible woman. artment near \ongc. 884-41937. T7V7 and telephone niitlets.l'---'-‘- '- ' 7 ‘ “. . ‘ J (3 91 H 7 q 7 é Send ads by mall and enclose payment, or telephone PR- 3‘5237- “W50 7 7 Cllyoolpuny equipped IncimmmL i 7 CUSTOM PLOUGHING iHOUSES‘waï¬n’th‘forhsale‘or l} E m†I enue . I l ice. llAlRDRESSER. experienced. 5 ROOM available. 7suit one or BAyvmw MANOR Disclnq. i'otovatlng and mowing. to l't‘nl. Call AV. 5-2951. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘2) TU' 41105 and you w“ receive "vo day week. no night work. TUItivo gentlemen: twin beds. con-7451 Elmwocd Ave†oï¬â€˜ Bayview H.7Redm7an7T7g. 44730457 7 "('42- T- Murphy Real Estate ; P LTD. S FOR SALE 4.27321. clwaO.tl'a7l7locatlon.7717U.774-7960. c1w50 ï¬ves 1 b(ljock south or MarkhamSEPTlC tanks pumped. 24 hour: this; Richmond Hill m7 4.3553 7277) EXPERIENCED waitress. days;LARGE housekeeping room. 08 - pen for Inspecllon - service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. PROPERTIESCWANTED‘i-‘C‘m.. .. WNNNNW’YNVNW’VVNNNNW.WNN . liill timc. Peter's Rcstaurant,‘Ai-nold, near Yonge. Parking orJMon. to Sat. l0 a.m. to ‘l p.m.. “(WW 7 7 7 :77‘7ï¬sï¬:§:§:§c\fxCCCCLCCCCC77C: 77 ANS-:7; . (commum) 7584 Yonde St. Thornhill. c3w48 aragc to rent. References re-Jsundays. 1 pm. to 9 p-m- Ask T ' ‘ " .P- me near“ 50M 0"! of plop'I â€"-‘â€" m " "E RIGâ€"ï¬tâ€"Aâ€"Tâ€"O‘Râ€"vi ’ d ‘d" C" ’ 'd ' itgiuircd TU 4-1777 tfc4'; for Mr. Franklin or see Slipcr-' “WENâ€? {1 PAPER ï¬'l‘eS- “misc-=- lols- acreage» r7 re It 97 R F . . :00 con 71- SERVICE STATION atten an. ~ 7 7 -_ 7 7 .7 - 7.067 A G NG arms. businesses. gas stations gng'lE‘tfl. 12332?“ egg-’50 7t7i79n.7$20._TU7. 337777 7c1w30 and licensed mcchamc.7 Must7belUNFURNISHED 2 rooms. 3«15.lâ€"““de"t in“ 10‘ TU' 43:41†R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2793. {Buyers waiting. some with cash. â€"â€" â€" 7 â€" -;~~ STRAW FOR SALE, 1,000 experienced. B-A Station. 9084ta month. hydio. heat and water7 ‘ tfc others With good down pay- IZROPIAUNa 575175 “0"9- Gig/1518 bales AV7 5_35937 C2w49 Yonge St.. Richvalc. c1w50 supplied. Available July 1st.; ’FRKNRIS“WELL'DRH’UNG‘ ment. Prompt efficient service. sze. . - . 7 7 7 7 7 _ ._;.__.__ A7. - e ~ ~ . - - :‘phone Tu7 4-5943. clwï¬n‘ 1 - ‘ » lNinc salesmen to serve v --â€"â€"- - . ha-_ m; d HIGH SCHOOL girl as moth 7 7 _ t Pump installed and serVIced. ~ 730“- CHESTERFIELD and “la.â€- G'E'i'ï¬jAfggysrz Standing 3 tilt-050 cr‘s hclpcr. July and August.-2 BEDROOM modem bright ap.i iFrank Gerrltz. R. R. 2 Auroral25 years R931 Esta"? experience- teleVlslonl bedmom su'le “Id -â€"â€"'~ â€"~ - l» w W . ‘one month at cottage. AT 3-2335lartment over store. adultsu PA. 7-5272. tie-50 HERB SILLS LTD- Other items' AV' 5’3327‘ Clwao 20 ACRES clean' Standmg 3" 01W50'Y0n0e & Sheppard $100 month- V“ ‘ a ' members 0' Tm'OHlO Real Es- r LIONEL electricâ€"trâ€"ainj‘cxtcn’sivefalfa- Phone AV~ 5-4006-_01W50+ , kâ€". IGA-t 1., {in 8-25787 ‘ “.50 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 RorovATlNG 7 . tate Board t k t t 'mer etc As new 3'p’iE'cgâ€"cn’sstornold suite GIRL 1° “F â€â€˜ S 03‘", 2h --- DAY CARE available for onelcu-“O'n mlol’almg- .ael‘almzn AT. 8-ll43 Woodhridge Aria/cosll’s‘sm ’ ' czwso' rat. condition To 5225. 'stcady etmulaygem. afglAv int TogLS FOR RENdT d H 'child TU 4-47m c2w49 lawn and garden maintenance. no 9-4901 EXPERT TAILORING & AlTrRATloNs .- . 7 ‘~_ ~ . wn's in .. .a ris.--'â€"-â€"'-- L- " .’. ' >‘11 L DUMP TRUthhoiSt "11 ft. “W90 Plant.C 0 a ciwooiï¬ï¬ ssaanndcerrss .SSIZQWS“...d nan DAY CARE available. Call TU. gggggichfléffl_8-:i:7°7:;‘f£‘:71 7 7 77 77 7 7113719 0F ALI. RINDS ' ,-~â€" --.» _ 7. .24.- .7 L-s. g-o _- 7 -‘ .lscin.na ora- . platform and raCks. AL. 7;2105% rvwoldump badlcs’ wnnqs gem-b; SUPERINTENDENT for Shop' djflglï¬'__AVf_'-):l,£09' ._ tï¬cgl 4%063? " 7 . ’7 gwao‘ing and Seeding. lawns ferbtiliz- QOLnt QOLDI QOLDI . . _7___7_ _ 77 7_ 777 .YV5_ 7X11v 9am and mu“ “a‘Nping Plaza. 22 stores. Richmond MAPLE. modern 3 bedroom pAINTINGv repalrst Etc' BA‘ ed and rolled TU. 4-1538. tic-13 ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' n a w o - f 48 - - . - - C. a. , ELECTRIC STOVE. good condi- SEW 1105‘} t.“ 7H1“. BayVlcw Plaza. Refeienccs bungalo“" fenced, paved drwe‘ 177757179777 _ 77_ 7 7 “WAS QAND AND GRAVEI‘ h d URrpNny RFQUIRFD tlon: power mower. reel type. SHALLLOW WELL pump and‘rcquired. EM. 4-1954. clw50'broadloom. equipped. AL. 7- DAY CARE for children. fenced ggone 12mm nd ml 52‘â€; " ' H'OMES' " PLANT 5926 YONGE S'l‘.. WILLOWDALE Call after 6. AV.751213.77c1159 automatic controls and tank. CEEXNIN’G‘w-onlan.“part‘timei 337.4.0LA.L;E1L057, “1W5? in yard 884-3390 “W50 Richmond Hail] To Limir y' ' RECONDITIONED7 7washer in $5. PIE-3’51†., -Cl‘V759-tdomcstlc hclpel‘S. part time and MODERN 2â€"bedroom apartment. ISRESSMXKTNGï¬ï¬andWaltera- 'ttca Large and small. estates. com- & good working condition. $30.00.;COTTAGE propane gas rcfng- lull t_tme. Call after 6 pm. TU-lavailable July lst. centrally lo- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 'SXï¬nfGR‘AVEL’Aï¬D‘SKND‘ mercial and industrial property phone Av 5.5533 TU. 46164.77 7 7 _77cl\:597.erator. Model BNSOOA. Eua7l-‘4n26701. 7 777 7C7lW507cated. electrlcally equipped. TU. 5057. tfc21 FILL and holdings. For your com- '7 ‘ POTATOES for sale. Apply to Ellie“ 535L311; “859' 91“'°°.EXPERlENCED. married man 437,155; E ,, . 01W?“ RELIABLE and conâ€"sciï¬ti’ous Call A. England. 285-2605. D19“? and accurate estimated ESL 10 393“ Forest Jones R. R. 2 Maple or CONTENTS of house for 5310. for sex-w“. stamm Must have 3 ROOM apartment sieve and mam own can Wants morning. clwso value please (-3“ Mn pugh_7. Same Dav Service 0“ Cash & Carrv AL. 7-fl1377777 77 7033579 Moving to USA. AV. 5-144730-‘rcfcrcnct‘s. Good \l'ageS.7TlJ7jlfrig, 3 piece bathroom. centrally work. phone 235-1537 c1w50 ' PI7ANNING~A DA-NCFâ€_ BA. 5-8828. Residence TU. 4-i ‘ ‘ GAS DRYER. excellent condi-t 7777 777 7 , CW†41392; 7 7 7 7 0 W3 located Richmond Hill. Phone T‘VTO~E;E iganâ€"Stra'wbélgw can us for Ster d ht“ 3624. 7 7 tion. AV. 5-5135. evenings TU. 4- GILSON refrigerator. 10.5 cu. ft. GRADE 9 or 10 student to help Til-1.73348 “L†5E?“- EWPE’ pickers wrtlurld life work. Ow‘n DANCE M‘USairC JOHN TRACY VF“- REALTOR’ 5491. 777777 77 7 7 _c1ï¬59 reconditioned unit. $40. AX. 3- mother of 4 for summel'7. Six BUNGALOW. 2 bedroom. zosltransportatmn Tu 4-1524, Reasonable rains courteous SPF 5587 Yonge Street. Willowdalel ROTOVATOR and a“ attach {5719io7r7AX,_3-477fl. chSO day \\'e7ek. $15 pay. Not live 111. Lawrence. Richmond Hill, im- c1w50 vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 “C42. H meats. lawn mower. reasonable. AMPLIFIER and speaker. Can7Mr5~ “ahimhi AV- 53723-177750 mediate P05595510“ TU- 4;;314497vounc MAN’ wishes anthype CHIMNEYS i YOU HAVE TU- 4’3005-__777 _ 21169;“ 115911 Wl‘lh mli‘l‘OPhOllC- ldfâ€"‘flll 7 ---- - --- ‘ 7- ._.- ....E. J. L ,7- Jet part time employment, even- Chimneys built and repaired ‘ ‘ GOOD used furniture for sale.f9l‘_g}fl7ltifl 3'755777917‘m9 DRIVER With 0V“? sedan del'3 ROOM apartment. $80 m07n- ings and whole day Tuesday. Free estimates. Expert work- - Call Frank's Movers and Stor-IFRIGIDAIRE refrigerator in ex- Weâ€. “'u‘t‘k-dpï¬rt'tmf‘e dda-XS ‘1’“ “271731 7119an B‘dYVWW Plafa- 5%; TU. 4-1850 after 7 pm. *1W50 mall-Ship. Phone Walker and m“ lge- 28 IHdUSll‘lal Rdu TU- 4- cellent condition. reasonablc evenings 0 91"†0(7) -- 9795’?! 8 0r USmeSS COUP 9- -ï¬Uï¬Sijï¬la‘l'ike’m‘téke‘one Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfcls ESTATE FUNDS to purchase 77 ‘ 2_513‘_..___- --_ - _. J33 {ELSE-3P: E7365: , *.2“'49‘§§fï¬mhg;,1§eH?1r1 MFC'OIFJegm‘gQZ‘ :‘Eggï¬-ROOM- d H 9313/59 gr two chiédl‘fen da7y sari. Goodd E. W. PAYNE ‘ mfg?“Zidvmgrffggeiiagfl IN YOUR PROPER,“ REEL TYPE DOWEI‘ mower: 9001 10.000 BALES straw. 200 tons . . ' groun 001‘ap- ome an ence ac yar .Drains septic tanks. All t es " ' ' ' ' table, 7 ft. by 3% ft; 2 softball hay, 200 tons feed oats, will §;ZR%%l;3-ir27§§;f Cm. :rtmegt, Cenbre anc7l Yon77gIe77 $57., 884-2244. c2w50 of concrete work. yp Leaï¬nLMtâ€"omâ€"ifég‘ . I ' ll t nd‘- ' I ' - . 4-2236. A l 01‘ am e - -uit usiness coup 9- . - """‘ ' ‘ ' ’ " 235-5~62 NE '1 bl f o d ï¬r t; . ,. . . 7310"†A] 7‘" “we 9" 9° ‘ dem’er- AV- 5 223‘?» TU ance work on Lawns and swim 26787 C1w50 HIGH SCHOOL boy. aged 16. ‘ FREE ESTIMATES MO Y “a†a e or g 0 S; Real Estate Loans arranged in One ViSit in the “011- TU- 4 51947. _ 7 Elwso 7 777EfC197 min 001 etc House u “Cd _. . 7. . _, fl, _‘ W, requires summer employment. 77777 “C313nd second mortgagesv reason . ’517STUDEBAAIf717‘37R- body, 1305042. ONESâ€"Fleetwgd portable ste- Bing-224 ‘Thor'nhm p87 “6â€. ‘SELF CEDNTAIZNED. Bachelor Please phone TU. 4-2523.2 507 PLUMBING - HEATING Eglecffi‘rees- ï¬fdioé'lgliawm 323; R7 77 77 H7†E 2110:7135! Aleas‘q 77 77 moor new: ison . .reo record la er. like new. ' ' apar men . SUI usmess peop- 7 nc w A, MILLS & SON LTD. 7777 777-77_-77; 7_~7_ï¬7 ; 1c man i cm i . ou vi e each. Cameron WA. 5-3311.iRaleig-h bicycFle,yfull size. Bovsl -- 7 - --~ -~ - Ciwso 19- 85 Spruce Avenue AV- 5' 77716-19 Alobkrin’" James I), Stewart SOLICITOR has client’s funds Maple Langstafl' Oak Ridgcs Local 4505. c1w50 sports jacket, Tu. 4-4795. ' NIGHTCLEANERS. mlale- 4-30 4373 after 5 pm. tfc49 for work Anithing ‘c'onsideref Tu, 4-2201 available for mortgages at reaï¬ Unionville King Richvale __- -_ - -_7 _- -7- “W750 to midnight 7- Maple area. 5 day VALLEY PARK ' h l 7 l _ “C43 sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. Concord Gormley WASHING MACHINE aum â€"-â€" â€" --- ~ -7- - lwcek. Experience preferred but PICNIC GnoUNDs C.“ you ep "5' Ca] 53Ԡ-- - ~ m. k, s. .e. L_, 54321 tfc4ol matte. kitchen table and two BUNK BEDS. red maple, brand no. essenmL Steady position 3rd LINE MARKHAM “fl 7Ar7n711-7AV- 5:5729777 Edi! RALPH ELMS DECORATING ' l 0 1st & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms Chairs' lawn "mwer' vacuumlnew- com'PIEte With spring ï¬ne-d Must have own transportation. Tu, 4-2577 .FRENCH Canadian girl. 18. de- Painting. paper-hanging. inter- . LOW Interest . NO Hidden Bonuses cleaner. TU. 4-1029. c1w50 mattresses. $49.50 delivered. ' . - . t - .‘ d t ‘ ' ‘ ~ _____777 __7 7 Write Box 147 The Liberal 1W c2w48 sires Slimmer employment. m0 .mr an 9" er10r~ Free EStlmates- o I . Loans on Frame Inqul and Buck Homes COW MANURE and peat loam. Wt“ Pa“ Fum'mre‘ 33?“ cirsmh’ncsbncoantsfrecctv- ï¬Uï¬ï¬L""-’E*f‘5z Incl-vs helper. Phone Laura no. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. Transportation i ' - ï¬nest quality. Small load $5.00, [Mtge sL-v_HH-_8'7911- 7 94‘?†able Clerk to opemte Burroughs Yonge St 505$?†5133:3173“ 3-0696 after 7. c1w50 777 777 77 7 tfc31 7 7 7777_777__ 7 7777 77 7; We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture large load $15.00. Call collect 8" BENCH SAW. complete w1th Sensimattc Bookkeeping Mach- possession; suitable for am EXCAVATING TRANSPORTATION wan-ted to‘ Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens TU_‘_4_'_2_538__°r PR' 339*“22' “039 motor' 1" h‘p' Bell' puue‘v and me and record Gash receipt-V kind of business or office. Call Drainst septic tanks: wa'ter' OShaWa’ arm/mg 8 am" re'i HYDRO poLEs_ 35 ft Osmoseta’b1€-$30- Also x4 h-P- m°t°rvtPermanent position with usual Ru, 3.5229 c4W.â€- mains, concrete work. AV. 5- turning 5 P-m- Please Phonel M c pressure treated poles. 30 It. 38- Phone TU- 4‘5593 “2375(5) company beneï¬ts, company loca- FKRWï¬'SEhIZâ€"ngdrbm’ns . .. 2096. c3w48 7111;747:5273-7777 77 "0277493 0 I O poles, cedar fence posts. F. 9-7111-77_ 777 777.7 77 ..-_'ted in Thornhill area. Apply . ’ . . _’3 SCOTCH collie pups. threel MASONRY CONTR‘A’CT' TRANSPORTATION available: 21 Dundas Stuare Toronto Powell. {1717747257137 779741507 HEAVY GAUGE steel rooï¬ng. Box 136 The Liber7al7.7 c27w5otjgg‘ï¬ei‘g‘akfggg‘Noflgy $le§§£ moiths. AL77-1123. 7c1w50‘5t0new0rk7 Fireplace7 Mimi. from Richmond Hill, arriving. i ’ (‘ALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL 20 squares 01‘ oven $10-00 Der OFFIC'E‘GTRL, some experiâ€" mt Street $90 mommy. Sew..- BEAGLE, male. regisTcredfss's Ostergaard, 143 Yonge St. S.. Yonge and Eglinton 730- re- LOAM “4-: under $1035 13" Square- ince necessary, neat in appear- ity required ME7 3-38307 c1w50 or best offer. Must sell. AV. 5- Richmond Hill. phone TU, 4- turning 5 P-m- write BOX 2 The _ 7 7 7. . - Wâ€"'. A 7 7 7‘1' 'W_‘ ' .lummum awning white and éXBI’N Cruisen 19 ft Wey_:Plaza7 Beverley Acres7 Rich_ TWO bedroom apartment 1n AMERICAN eskimo pups7 pure Chesterï¬eld sets recovered _ AVAILABLE. eavmg Oak . . . .7 7 7 , - - Ridaes 7.30 a.m., anriving B-ayl green with ï¬ttings 335. TU. mouth, 50 hp. Evinrude out- mond Hill. c1w50 modem triplex hUIIdmg- K“ winte- small- Intelligent A1502 We“ $69-00 Ny1°"fâ€â€˜ze $99 anderont Streets, 3.30 am. re-‘ _ » -- 7 -* ~r7~~- -~ chen, tiled bathroom. and living samoved u 57 Innoculated AV7 5 years Guarantee. Terms if de- . 7 “404- ._._-.-. -_ £1W§9 bl°ard~ 3 ï¬mplfle‘y eq‘gllg’e‘gflYPIST. female, for local Gen-mom Parking 44 Markham 549727 P P “C28 51...... 37 5mm Upholstem turning 4.30. PR. 3-5202 elitth BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- seeps - 3y 9 see" a 5‘ eral motors Dealership. Some Rotad7 $115700 month1y7 AV7 5- phone AV 5_16827 “C43 seven. 7 c7017.? . - 0 u v. ' .- Our own â€" the best for your Emmi†LUmber- P'h°“ecf\;’§2 ance. pleasant personality. Ap- lâ€"BEDROOM apart-Efï¬e“ 4647. c1w50 5688. “.23 Liberal777777777 777 711w30‘ giggly Sï¬Ã©mlï¬gnglggépf V. ' 7 v ' y' - , 'h-~~ --~--~ -- â€" - - "-7. .7, 7 7 A 7 - a 7 7 "mm" "eedS' Erie-5h“- â€" 7 pl} at28F1§ngstM°f‘"f§d& 1%.“); tral Richmond Hill, 375 month- PUREBRED Irish Terrier. 5 CARPENTRY WORK, additions7 TRANSPORTAION wanted: I. _ _ _ _ _ f , _ __ _ _ _ 1 AV. 5-1514 ESTATE â€" Wea7rever a1m7P7mâ€" 8.58.77 77777711 US not -. 7105617“ Stove and trig included H7 months old. Housebroken. AV. renovations. garages. recreation from Elgm Mills to Queen E1"! -_-.__-_-_ .- -34.? “m m“ 3.†arge “9° W5 W9}? -- LL.._L_, *9 W p. Charles. AV, 5- 3391_ 5-2704. c1w50 rooms, tile floor57 No job too lzabeth and Highway 27. 3FFle M. c. Beber Ltd, GIRL‘S bicycle 26" 3 speed. “tennis 501“ round .Oai‘ tab‘ YOUNG MAN with some exper- J_ A, WILLOUGHBY AND Wï¬jï¬; to go‘gd‘hm’e‘ small. Free estimates. T. Price. mg 8-30 a~m~v returning 430i I 21 Dtlndas Square I used two months $35 Nation- le. 3 wooden poles \‘l’lll‘l wood- ience in meat handling for SONS LTD 7 11 'AV 5_3653 tfczg pm. Phone TU. 4-3383 after 67 Toronto 0m7 til tilt author 8;' ben h saw 9" rings- Teasona‘ble- 884‘5502’ supermarket Apply Red and ' *1 50 03 after 4 p'm' AV' 5-3139" ' ‘ r~ p.m. c1w50 ' I c ' *sto - ' . ,,_-. A- W . c1w50 SPECIAL -â€"7â€"â€"~~ GENTLEMEN: new. with motor. $55: 8 ft. .Whlte Foodmaster. Bayview __Â¥ “a LL beâ€. i._ llrequireamortgageloan Name mans, septa, Heel and other 50"'5 Ma‘l'lne- Keswmk- .5119, nO-Ibookkecping experience prefer- 9 5 _ 7 5 POODLES. small blackS. regis- Rï¬- ’ITRâ€"ANSPORTATION WANTED spring mattresses {embed w 6. Boat name Rolla Winn .7 my For further details can 332.1“:2 7731222,,ï¬tï¬c 9t7md7 from champion blood KING CITY WELL DRILLING from Markham and You“ “7 turned just like new. medium .-, . L. LPN“) Mr. R. MacDonald. TU. 4-2864 HOUSEKEE N “’Omsv. 2 "’1‘ lines. Terms can be arranged. .CO- LT.“ riving Bathurslt and Finch 3.20. nrm. extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- TRAILER 4' x 7'. with 4' rack: or AV. 5-1123. c1w50 furnls‘hvid T°9m57and kltchen' $100.00 up. Phone Gormley PM? WWW“ "15mm and returning 5.30. TU. 4-1693. vice7 Eiderdowns recovered On_ racing bicycle $107 Keystone) D-ONVP READ-T171187 w-i sue, \iltl277 gig. 1a§7g7ett77e77 53397 7777 7 serv172ed. George Adams, B7ox “W50 tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. movie camera 525; midget auto Unless you warm to eam We N“ 39%?“ 77 0,27% 4 5311779 “3 49- hPOODLESH 192 mg CltY- Phone Klng 'lE- “044 With 2 h-P~ "‘0th $203 €18Ctric‘oi’fer opportunity for capable ea-r onbe' ' ' ' c Miniature blacks and whites.l3'6321' “€13 PLAYTEX GIRDIZEQ ,halr clipper set; gas stove: com-Moms.“ to earn good 7income7lTW0 fully equrippedAZ bedIiOOm Top quality puppies from reg- CAITU'S foï¬our sand. grail/:1: †l l t I I Address ITown Phone L 1,43 pRICEg binatlon radio'l’honov 78 r-p-m- during convenient hours. apartments in R‘iChmond Hi“. istered kennel. Guaranteed ï¬ll. t0P 5011 and blaCk loam- Bemer “am sh L d - Make offer on any or all. AV. .'-7 AVON COSMETICS Immediate possession. Contact healthy Professional trimming prompt delivers-7 Rnasonable. q 0% SAOISE an SWEET _ - . . “Wm Write District Manager, MisslMlSS Andersonv 9'5 P-m- it EM- and grooming. Stud service av- rateS- J. 3- DEFeFl‘arl. Maple. by Gay-Town. MILDEWV'.“ CDAMI’NESS? Ziegler. Box 141 Guelph. CIW50‘6'9961f, .. .. “C48 aildble- Call PA~ 7'6669t AU" ALP“? 7'8876‘ “7.7.30! {011 Cidâ€"1Q MAKE MONEY THE WYN-DOT LADIES' Call for an OASIS Dehumidi-' REAL ESTATE’SALEsMEN‘ 2 BEDROOM large modem W‘- °4W49 GRADING & EXCAVATING - ‘ Raising Chinchilla. SHOP ï¬er. Try one free. Call We are adding 6 men to our apartment. 50“ water, elecmc‘l PROMPT SERVICE ' ‘ . B-rview Plaza. Richmond Hill: HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.v. sales start. ally equipped kitchen. parking. FREE ESTIMATES dS7t7c7m7eoh77>u7i$7Chglghllzlaéglgé 217:1, TU. 4-2214 . Appliances. Sales. Repairs. excellent value. Phone TU. 4-7 Av7 573612 777% 72 -. - .777“; ,__7777__ 7 _7 92W49Parts, Rentals. 40 Levendale Rd. Three men in Thornhill 7518. 50 Benson Ave, Richmond 0 . CHAIN LINKâ€"FENCE_l TU- 4-32†’iili - -- a - “45‘ SUPPLIES “common: - nxsonk‘râ€" . - :lc4'3 Three men in Richmond Hill ' I - ' - - â€"â€"-â€" â€"~â€" â€"~- â€"â€"____.â€"._ 42' hi h.No. 13 au 9. 17. erl - LOVELY apaltment- fm'mslled M CARPENTRY CON C R 100 Its roll. Nogllggauslze. 22" ‘ tor unfurnishedl equipped kit-i LOA & TOPSOIL TEA To S ‘ These hint-cs are both sum-ass- 7 . _ First class Peat Loam and Cothuildin-g. alterations7 & repairs. high $25. per 100 ft. roll. 6 ft. M7 long_estahlished locatinns7 chcn. separate entrance. palk Manum Now is the “me to prompt 56mm ROOM and BOARD steel posts $1. each. 7 ft. steel . 7. . in: Business adults. $20 week- WALKFR & MITCHFLL --L___ -_;-7__._.-_. v- - Pn-lnlmg repeal husmcss and l . Au PA 7-5597. M 49 0rd“ Ca†TU- “533- PR- 3‘ ‘ ' ROOM and board available for 9°†“'15 93d“ 5 “ed†“"5†walk-in clientele. Only appliâ€" 1â€"â€"* r3â€:- - - 5922. tfc42i AV. 5-2526 gentlemm Richvale District peeled 70 cents each. also full l TOOLS TO‘RENT -~--:-- - tics - - - . [3‘ t. - - - . 7 7 - 7 . £32770! firm7 fen7c79 and gatgs ill S L J ‘bcprfopnaï¬iï¬i..§§ “Mk ha'dpcmcnt mixers. floor sanders BAYVIEW SODDING ‘ ' Single room AV 3 2230* 03w“! 0 . 1 ppy . orman one. â€"~----' “Tr *7 ‘ ' M 7 l - ‘First cla.s sod. Kentucky, Mer-jCARPENTRY’ IDECORATI'NG r~~~~â€"‘.â€"râ€"â€"-- . - Phone TU 44443 ttc441955 VOLKSWAGEN 5475-0“ Apply 1" M" Cdl‘ll-‘lev AV- 5- mgefs‘ ’amse‘] gun“ mto"ion Blues. also ï¬eld sod. Laid PAINTING ï¬ggELvBafafl“‘zgfflnfg’fmpgflkï¬: . TU. 4-7752 after 6.30 pm' (“501176 or Mr' Shields‘ TU‘ 4‘ 1 ers' m ovators' a so 500 Other and delivered. Free estimatestRecreation rooms. etc. Large or Tu. 4-4179. c3w50 TYPEWRITERS ""“’â€""“-“W_’l 3805. tools Willowdalc Rental &7 _ M 425m“ tom pron-1t service _ _,_ LL _ ___, ADDING MACHINES ggglffflgigggl“muggggg. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors lSaleS- 6026 longe St. BA. l- ca†TU' “538' -“ Webb 3. Em.“ MP7 5-2545 ROOM and board wanted for Lon" - ~ Sales Service Rentals .4‘fï¬cï¬GifBgt'oï¬er7“1-U747HEAD CARETAKER 1711' “C42 M th3 one man- Preferably ‘Vlthln required -ï¬- Av ~~~ â€" - - 7 ' 1.17 I 1 7 Also] 77 7 . . 7 . 7 Authorized Dealer 7256 after 6 pm Clwsolfor duties in Thomhm second_ CENTRAL â€" large sunny room Ric back sandy 03’“ walking distance of Richmond: L j. . - .. ' I 1 N - _ . All Popular makes for sale in- â€"~â€" -- -- t al‘.\' School. This is a pcrman-loverloomng garden in qUiet grmelAeglslgngEndS-AND Firslt)Rcl:aSs: werEEléngJlgn SBar- Hm greenhouse. AV. 5 $32750 eluding new and rebuilt Stand- 1957 6 CYLINDER Vauxhall, ant posmon in a rapid†gr0“,_ home. Cooking facilities. Suit Av 57361‘2 aen‘t 90‘18 Yonée St at Rich :77rd gortabl7e and electric mod- I‘afgio- 5517(7))" llÂ¥349l3038313§09116ing area. The successful appli-gmifssmnal 0F buijness Pel‘SOTlf- ' raw.“ c.3197 A‘v7 5_15917 ' “C6 . s. pecia rental rates avail- 9“ 00“ 1 milk - ' -C “'0 7cant will be in charge of a start “7 in"; Space- _ emPOI'aFY l - v i - 7 able to students. 113’5’7â€"F'ï¬fnvv’37â€"f6ur dorm radimi‘of ten men in a large modern de‘lred- TU~ 4-0445 after 10 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL; PAINTER 7& DECOR-“TOR 7 L- H- SIMS original owner, clean excellentschool. He should have expel‘i- am. 7 c1w50 LOAM For good prices we our show- . “7 .W-i- “mm-$27 88 Baker Ave. condition 7s.v7 5-14567 Ciwso’cncc in cleaning. operating oil. RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 10W 0““1 â€" the best {01‘ Your mom' W7ailpapers' {11377993 “(57' SAL JU_~\E 16 â€" Hons? and‘ Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 wRECï¬I-ï¬aionâ€"SELLi‘S Is burners and general cai‘etaking 3 and 4 bedroom homes, iroin gardening needs. “53W le'ge?‘~-910.981 Ongetf ‘6'10‘v .a“°“°“ 53.†0‘ h°â€5€h°'d~ “019.54 FONT .52 Chev Soda; D017 duties. Experience in directing 590 a month AV7 5.1514 Ehva c.7A\.7oâ€" a . 7 7797 7fLII‘7nllu7re. 4 piece dchcsterfield. Mr... .53; pomm ' iv 34958 a crew of men7and possessing A large selection available. 7 7 7 7 two: CUSTOM CARPENTRY % 7>tud107cguchfs- Vl7l7l717nt§7 13071713 " ‘ ‘ ' 'cll;‘i‘4§ stationary engineers paperst Call AV. 5-1951 IT'S NOT'TOO LATE ‘Kitchens remodelled. bedroom Millet re “use†or ' mo- 9 ‘ 5 â€"~~ -~ â€" - - ---l“'0Uld he an 3559i. Applicationsi Charles Marple Real Estate T p ANT CEDARS and bathroom vanities. stereo, "ml" 5Ult9- 7dl5‘h95- conklng "l" MONEY TO LOANSISGO FALCON. 2 door \racon in writing listing full details ot tfc37 4- Hedging“ cedars 75a ppat‘hi-ï¬. china cabinets. Free estim- enslls- beddmg- garden “30â€â€ 1 .7 . _7 _ -7- . - L .._. . 7 _.- - . - - v _and e uipmenl. At same time igï¬lgélgofgncgnrditliif Til-.0941:iffoi-ePIi‘ginfll‘tSSIda’h: tillggidgtiiDUPl-EX- upper and lower. Loam. 2'72 yards delivered 58- 3ԠMoms Hams†T“ 4 q Men’s Shirts white broad- cloth $2.98 & $3.98 Arrow Shirts $5.00 $6.00 & $7.95 . - d place will he offered for l 1 ~- I r v k. Call 2333. ttcloan . . 74 37 .7- _ . . - 7 Markham Rd. and Songe. neuly ROCkerle-S and §l0n€lIOl _ _ ,.,_ .-. A- ,_ _ . . .- ._. sale sub em [0 reserve but one 7 _ yxxxxr 7-1â€"“.-Cm , . 7,. C1“ 370 m.D.' J7‘ A3h“ (nth: BuSlness A.d decorated. July 1st occupancy, C- L- KnaDDEl. 1U- 4'3089- “can THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIALiaCI-e of) commercial ropertv: xxxxxxx 54 LINCOLN Ca n com-9m- ministrator. \nrk Central Dts- _ , _ ., -_----Â¥---- - --- . 7 7 7p . . l 0 xx xx Me C t. t 1 D7 7 {0†him High School Bnard .5 72 bedrooms and cxtla lalgc lll- HAMPTON GARDEN l-OAM with 5 room lnSul-bl‘lck house - 0 g Ax ' all "1911:. nm“ '0p' “‘3‘ Yonoe ~St North Richmond mg mom Lowe" 5120' Lpp." SUPPUES our mm ' the be“ {or you “it†balh- t(“m-"lip “'aler- h-V' Short 811d LOHg Sleeve x?†E0125? ‘ftgtloï¬ condmon‘ 1,9 Hill" K ' A ' “wgotsn-‘i- Hl'dl‘fl- Peal and “at†11" Peat loam. manure. sandy loam. gardenlni "PGdS- ldro garage. with frontage of 7 ' - ’18; x éllâ€"Cï¬Ã©vflsI-zl ‘62:†- ‘ “Uded‘ HL†“'1577‘ “"17†Sod. rotovating. soddinz andl AV-5'1514 77 45 190 feet. At Lot 4. Con. 2. d ‘ x I - 5 PORTAâ€"BLVEHTEI‘FVRlO‘N “ t’radln" fencing For free es-l "' Markham Township ll’z miles ’ ‘ v ' ' 4 xxx 7 7 i 4 1 x P: bl ‘ * , . 7 . 77777 g . - ' - r k’ . x787): $3793 mâ€" W Rent a portable TV timates call PR. 3-5922. Allfto7i7; UPHOLSTERY south 077 M7 7777H1ghway 3,7 077 Men S Dress box, plain an tancy ‘ n , . . . .- , 7 7 .- . 7; x xx 7,53 Meteor $95 Reasonable “77:21) 01†mt‘mmi ‘Mgggï¬s -- -- t c-rl‘Recovering and repa7i7rin£ Planéilhreeegstatinslt 1h: litrgpfï¬l’liak & ' ~ ' - -~%~â€"7~â€"~â€"w . ‘ . . ' I ' . x 9 Renee . . ~ . 54 Fqld 5193‘ , LOST. light blue Budgie Delivery and Plck-Lp Removed __ planted lkmd 0‘ .urrllture .p r F Eduard Bellamy. No7 reserie on 7_ ' 9 [Colonial Essa. corner \onse Ann . . - --, R- h d "in TV 34 You g to“ scandma‘la“ fum‘ture- r“ chattels. Terms: Cash on chat- Eddar Richvale (7977740 lholnhlll aiea. Al. 5-261... 7 I(7‘ men I 7 7§P_;- Pruned â€"- etc. estimates Reasonable prices 917 Term: on m 877777 1007. oft ‘ , , l ---3--‘â€" â€" ' “ ‘ clwnO Tl. 4-7456 A‘. 3-3.36 pARIS TREE SERVICE l 7. .. 7 re i_ -- » 77 p P . I 7 Curl-18 Tles WANTED e' t" ll' - ll If 28 can an-‘ume' TL‘ 4 4813 5 purchase pilce dav of sale. Bal- ‘. . “9" “ma -\ “0 LOST pair of lady's glasses. C 35- 2'1051 dence, business, AV. 5-5345. ance cash Within 30 d3“ Umd “PE 7 lmaintained older car. must be black and am. “Mae: TL. 4_ To" Charges Accepted “C4477 v 7 7 . . Ml FF‘HHA low mileage and pass intcnsii'c on b ‘ H 177“ “HS 77 Ilurner. Clelk. Sale at 1.30 & LOW-CostLirminsung. imechanical inspecti0n7 Toppi-ico““ ' c ‘3 â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€" 7 - s- REPAIRS 7D.S.l. All'ln S. Farmcr.7 auc- . o O lfor right car. Private TL" 4- 7, I. ‘D MAPLE GARDEN SLPPLIE 173‘.†mm‘m-c “mm [radars .tloneer. phonc Gormley .5311. I {xx xxx xxxx xxxx x xxx: t35137 ‘ Oman‘ 77 [Top SOll. peat loam. €1ndPr$.a†P uipmem‘egc Lawn mower’ i o o u . 7 xxx § § § 3: " x X f~‘â€" -- . ' NT cow manure. tence DOSIF. gl‘ad' h .q i n ‘i I d d n WED. JUNE 20 _ Extensive HICkOk Belts & Braces x x X xxxx lszs. DOWN - 523. MONTHLY t T0 RE. ‘in. mi ï¬dd‘n. zobs cedars 8196111“ 43“" a“ W 9. - . ’ ._ xxx 5x): xxx); § § ll ‘Your choice '36 Ford Tudor '39. ummer l - tré‘e- a c9331 llebd Je“ cement equlpmem far 5319' Open um†Hyman Nile ml hn'utsehold lfmt I H , ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . ‘- ' c, ' f - -- ' a“ >-7 7 - - -,h“.a\- nltllre. an lque urnl ure. “'3 nu xxxx :1 xxxx x x lVOlleagen dGlUM’. both cal: i " ROOMS. “Them†needed b5 Slabs for [in nd Sidewalks: 9 p'm' 1m .‘\.O'. _' HI“. ‘ < < ' ‘ z 0 §xx§ 7;: ;XX§ :(‘xx 7,: ’bmnd new condition Kind“. m7 7.-\7(‘(0mm0d7z7t71(7)71177 quiet family. Reasonable rent. and 2 smile} Risen; m 71“. Lallgstaff. Al 9-2913. 4\\49 al.77riaj7n7t7l77ci7t71e . o I o ll 9 5 35x“; 3: g x; spect these ï¬ne cars at Elll7cl':lld 3 SL'MAIER cottages to rent. PR- 3'90†“3“30 a\\a_\'. 257-1275. c4w49 “(,7 on Anï¬na'poad in the" v. v 7ls719(77.7\I:7ltel. 778100 \onge >71‘t\c7l73i{iisling Lake, Haliblll‘ton. Dons. DESK SPACE wanted on Yonge SEPTIC TANKS "l‘oiinship of Pickering. South ‘ ’ a ‘ r e" 4’ "9"“04 V “3 .lzlmcs Neii'market. T\\' 5- St. Richmond Hill for three v s . . -,. . ' . . . l . ‘ .- I . l I PIJII’EI) 530-525 of 401 Hlah“a.\ Plopcltl of 77 72680. (flu-$9 nightsna \icck. Phone E.“ 37- 7 ‘777777777777 777777777777 77.77777 777777777 The Estgio of 'l‘hp Lalg 313,-) 7 "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED fro RENT ownrr's lakctron: t'otâ€" 57-3l 7'0"?†":2 [YSED FURNITURE mgdcm WVW ' ' ‘ Elizabeth 7D37\'l.~'. Salc at l inn. ‘ GET RESULTS la1e. ‘2 bedrooms. safe beach. FARMLAND REQUIRED WANTED _ plant‘t} and used “ ' “ (7' QTLVDFV ~hal'p. This is a rral :OOd7 sale. ’ 1 ‘ _ , 77 JUST PHONE ll‘tSlrlF conveniences. speckle Suitable for cropping. Thorn- furniture Cash prices paid Can 7 *7 k - “- Terms cash day of sale. .\o7re- 1 onge 5t, 5, chhmond TU. 4-1103 and lake trout. boat. TL’. 4-1919 hill-Richmond Hill area Apply Frank’s Meyers and Storage7 TL. 4-1240 Rlchmond Hill serve Ron 8.: Clarke Prentlce. . OR AV. 5-3316 . tfc-lBIFrank Baxter. AV. 5-5036. *2w50.TU. (-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfml tfc407auctloneers. c2w49