Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1962, p. 7

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ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Cur-ate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore SUNDAY. JUNE 17, 1962 TRINITY SUNDAY 8 am. â€" HOLY COMMUNION‘ 9.30 am. â€"â€" HOLY COMMUN- ION (Closing exercises of Church School) 11 am. â€" MORNING PRAYER (J.A. PARADE SERVICE) Infant Care '7 pm. - EVENSONG Wednesday, June 20th â€" 10 am. â€" Holy Communion THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenue: Rev. E. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Church, TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. JUNE 17. 1982 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School. seven years and up 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Special Pregcher;_ Mr. Donald Bone 11 am. â€" Nursery for infants and Sunday School ages 2 to 6 HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. II. Reginald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Organist and Choirmaster, II. S. A. Mullen, A.R.C.T.. R.M.'l'. Wednesday -â€" 10.15 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. JUNE 17. 1962 TRINITY SUNDAY 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Farmily Servlce Presentation of Church School Certificates and Awards Preacher: The Rector (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Church - King City 10 am. - Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackny Drive - Rlchvale Rev. Fred C. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mn. Jas. E. Howard. Organist SUNDAY, JUNE I7. 1962 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Sunday School 11 «umâ€"Morning Pdayer Maple 3 The Anglican Church of Canada Rector. Reg: Ramsay Amitage, 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunâ€" Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 am. Teen Age Bible Class 9.45 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sunday day of month at 11 11 am. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment (Sunday School bus from "Erlrgil'l Mills 9.45 am.) (Yonge at Elm Grove. Oak Ridges) Morning Prayer 9.45 am. Holy Communion .. lst Sunday Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 am A WARM WEL‘COME AWAITS YOU ‘ day activities MID~WEEK HOUR. Wed.. 8 pm. Prayer, Praise, Bible Study Women's Missionary Fellowship Thursday, 1 pm. Evening Mission Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7.45 pm. Junior Ambassadors, Friday RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes SUNDAY. JUNE 17, 1963 9.45 am. â€" Bible School Classes for all 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome [3 Extended To ALL AT The Young Church with the Old Messue ST. JOHN ’S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ontario a; Que.) Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward Meeting MacKillop Public School 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 11 am. â€"- Nursery & Primary A church handy to the town's north-west section 8.: Elgin Mills Everyone cordially invited 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" MORNING SERVICE 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE Supervised Nursery at all Lord's (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstaf! Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor Edwin H. Mitchell Pvas Phone AV. 5-3401 LORD'S DAY SERVICES ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN (Yonge at Jefferson, Oak Ridges) Rev. D. C. H. Michell, LLB. Rector ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN ANGLICAN PARISH OF KING LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST sERVIc late School 11 am. -â€" Junior School and Nursery MORNING WORSHIP 11 mm. 7 pm. â€" High Fellomhlp and Young People's We cordially invite you to vorshlp with us THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Out. 8: Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Mlnton Johnston. D.D., Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 10 am. -â€" Senigr and_ Intermed- RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERMN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minier Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Chair Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 17. 1962 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship \11 am. â€" Nursery Departu‘lent - Your Invitation To Visit THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH No. 7 Hwy.. w m. west of Yonge Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans, Minister Mr. Robert Davis, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 17. 1962 11 am. â€" Morning Worship “This NNeuon Under God" also Church School Awards Presen- tation "CHURCH OF THE AIR” EVERY WEDNESDAY Listen on CJBC at 4.30 pm. 7 am. and 10 am. - A 15 min Devotional and Communion Service RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, ’J’UNE 17, 1962 9.45 8.11:. â€" Primary. Junior. Intermediate and Senior Sunday SUNDAY, JUNE 17. 1962 10 am. -- St. Andrew’s Church 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul's Church COME TO CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN School 11 am. -â€" Nursery and Kinder- garten 11 am. â€" Morning Service Holy Baptism ‘ Evening Service withdrawn Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson SUNDAY. JUNE 1'1, 1962 9.30 am. â€" The Sunday School Graduation Exercises 11 am. â€" Divine Worship The Sacrament of Baptism Nursery and Kindergarten meet Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonaldl B. Paed. SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1962 9.45 mm. â€"- Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 mm. -â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 9 pm â€" "Faith at Work" CFGM For further information call AV. 5-2131 ‘Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald, Annual Business Meeting The Minister will speak at both Sunday services 9.45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School Rev R. '1‘. Bolton Minister Church of the Light and Lilo Hour. CHML. 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. JUNE 17, 1962 FATHER’S DAY 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Famibv Gospel Hour Wednesday} p.m. -â€" ST. PAUL’S CHURCH. 7th CON" VAUGHAN TWP. Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister THE UNXTED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A., Minister HOPE 10.30 am. â€" Morning Worship and Church School RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH MAPLE 10.15 am. â€"- Church School Other Denominations Gainer _of Elmwood aq§_fiugglé§ Walter Scott School, Markham Bond Rev. Albert E. Myers. 3A.. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. JUNE 17. 1962 9.45 3.111. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Nursery Provided (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor - Norman E. Wagner 11 am. â€" The Service 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class for all ages 11.30 mm. â€" Morning Worship Rev. Howard J. Veals, B.A.. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE, ONT. THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1962 LUTHERAN ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH UNITED and CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond mu Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev. P. A. Sorensen. Pastor TU. 4-4387 10 am. â€"-â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" The Pastor 7 pm. â€" The Pastor Wed. 8.30'p.m. - Prayer Meeting SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor H. G. Flschbacher) Meeting every Saturday ln the Masonic Hall Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill Worship Service 9.20 am. Sabbath School 10.30 am. Everybody welcome BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 Helse Hill (Gormley) 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd com, 3 miles north of Concord) 11.15 am. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave. Services Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. â€" Bible Hour & Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Gospel Meeting Tues.. 8 p.1jn. _â€" __Prayer and Bible Reading Wed.. 7 pm. â€"- Pioneer girls group Young people's and ladies' meetings as announced “Jesus saves and there is no other way" GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. -- Evening Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcomes you at 7 pm. each Lord’s day Corner of Laurie Rd. and Concord Ave., Concord Isaiah 1-18: Come let us reason together saith the Lord. Buying A House? ‘ DON'T MISS THESE $15,400 - six room solid brick detached bungalow with carport and finished basement including recreation room and den. In top condition throughout. $15,000 - six room solid brick detached bungalow with over- size frame garage, extra large bathroom, house situated in ideal location. $11,900 - six room solid brick semi-detached two storey com-i cellent condition, large lot. $11,900 - six room solid brick semidetached two storey com- pletely redecorated. All houses with low down pay- ments and excellent mortgage arrangements. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AL RICHARDSON TU. 4-5856 PETERS AND WILES LTD. REALTORS Rich Black Peui LOAM SPECIAL MIXED, RICH BLACK SANDY lOAM AV. 5 4514 ‘SOD ‘SEED ’PEAT MOSS ‘FILL LOAM and SOD Co. Ltd. WELL ROTTED MANURE TOP SOIL Sandy Loam Ordinary fiffuchhmhd H11'1.’$4,5oo. césh. TU. 4â€"3334. c2w50 west of Yonge, for sale of rent $125.00 per month. TU. 4-}34_6A. LOT 56' frontage: 1§Q'_ dgpth, {BEDROOM modeinibungalow $13,400 - COSY 3 bedroom house with garage, on big resi- dential lot. open for ofler. TU. 4-3724. tfc50 4 STORES and 6 apartments, 34-38 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, frontage on Yonrg_9_St.Ȥ6 ft. x' 150 £t.'0wner in m heaMh, will accept $60,000 for quick sale, Apply HU. 5-5035. c2w49 PRIVATE SALE, 3 bedroom solid brick, semi, two storey. Fenced lot, nice garden, trees and hedges. Close to Bayview Plaza. TU. 4-2858. Make $63115 c 2 storey brick. 6 room, spacious closets and cupboards. garage. large treed lot. 1 block west of Yonge. heart Richmond Hill, ex- cellent condition. owner trans- ferred, call 884-5502. *1w50 3 BEDROOM house. ideal for young children. opposite park, lovely garden, 120’ frontage, many extras including built-in breakfast nook. attractive dec- orating. Japanese-style recrea- tion room, air conditioning, etc. 514% NHA mortgage. Sacrifice at $15,900. TU. 4-3465. tfc49 OAK RIDGES, ful-i price $10,-‘ 800. 4 room bungalow with zit-l tached garage. All conveniences, in new condition. Full cellar, laundry tubs, gas furnace. At- tractive fenced and landscaped lot. Down paymem $1,750. Jack Blyth. Realtor, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5241. clw50 COUNTRY LIVING ‘ 1% storey home overlooking Westview Golf Course. on half acre treed lot, 3 bedrooms. oil furnace, completely renovated. second washroom off master bedroom. only $13,900. Your down payment considered or may accept a trade. EARL V. STEWART, BROKER 21 Yonce St. N-, Aurora PA. 7-5076. $7,000 4 ROOM bungalow on about 17,000 square foot lot, filose to Yonge. $10,900 six room split level with gamge, open fireplace. lot 100' by 300’ close to Don Mills. $13,900 6 room bungalow 5%% NBA mortgage, oil heat, broad- loom. $17,990, six room bungalow, at- tached gamge treed ,lot, close to Yonge. $10,500 AURORA. Look At This! Sturdy 2 storey, red brick home in a fine older area of town, that promises real comfortable ‘living at a reasonable price. Features 3 bedrooms, spacious living and dining room area, new modern family room off the kitchen, storms_and screens, one car garage. nice garden. Reasonable terms. $13,400 AURORA, engaging brick bungalow, situated in a nice area near schools, includes 3 bright bedrooms, large stylish .arborite kitchen, huge living and dining room area, storms and screens, aluminum awnings. Low down payment to one 6% mortgage. 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora, Ont. PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 CENTRE STREET WEST $14,900: Attractive 3 bedroom tranch bungalow on tree shaded lot. Living room has large nat- unal stone fireplace, modern dining area, goo-d kitchen, fin- ished recreation room. AV 5- 1905. $13,800: Lovely 2 storey older home with beautiful garden. Fireplace in living room, mod- ern kitchen, separate dining. Oil heating. 2-car garage. Ideal forggmall family or couple. AV. 5-1 5. COUNTRY ESTATE WITHIN CITY LIMITS $39,900: Featuring serenity and charm this delightful bun- galow style home will excite the gracious hostess and beckon the busy executive seeking the solitude of the country with the facilities to entertain the most discriminating r acquaintances. An important feature is the lovely approach with sweeping lawns, huge flower urns and lovely trees, tiled patio en- trance. The decor throughout i51 superb. Spacious living room.‘ exclusive dining room. modern built-in kitchen with separate din-lug enclosure, quiet digni- fied den with natural stone fire- place, bedrooms. large, bright and cheery. Driftwood finished ‘recreation with sumptuous bar, :built-ln hi-fi and Chinese gar- }den. 3 piece powder room. Flag- ‘stone patio with goldfish pool and garden at rear. Additional >building lot included in this price. AV. 5-1905. On the above listing contact Mrs. D. Carter J. A. WILLOUGHBY a; SON W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CARD 0!“ THANKS We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbours who were so thoughtful during our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father. Mrs. Una Watkins, Rosalie and Francine *IWSO NORTH YORK ; Relief costs for North York increased 15 per cent this May over this month a year ago. During the month, $38,211 was spent to provide food, clothing. fuel. shelter and medical care for families on relief. T. MURPHY BROKER AV. 5-2951 PRIVATE SALE Realtors, c1w50 clw50 c1w50 wmcERâ€"Ray and Evelyn (nee; Hal Bennett) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son. Fifty Kevin Ray on June 11. 1962, heard at York County Hespital. ional s Newmarket. *1w50 five 0 UNDERHILL â€" Mr. and Mrs LLOYD â€"- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lloyd, 25 Goodman Crescent. Maple, are happy to announce the birth of a son, at Toronto Western Hospital. June 7, 1962. *1w50 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Rob- inson of 85 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill, announce the engagement of their daughter Joan Evelyn to Mr. Terry A. Hood. also of Richmond Hill. The wedding will take July let in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. c1w50 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bond‘ announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Pearl. to Mr. Rene Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harvey, Mag- delixne Island, Quebec. The marriage will take place, Sat- urday, July 14, 1962, at Church of St. Mary Immaculate Rich- mond Hill, Ont. c1w50 ROWE, Bert â€" Sudden-1y at his‘ home, 43 Oak Ave. Richvale, Monday, June 11, 1962, Bert, husband of the late Mary Rowe, resting at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment Westmin- ster Memorial Park Gardens. c1w50 TURNER, Fedelia Edyl’ohe â€" At the Queen Elizabeth Hos- pital, Toronvto, June 10, 1962, Fedelia Edythe Clark, late of 389 Allgood St., Richmond Hill, and Willowdale, beloved wife of the late Charles E. Turner and dear mother of Mrs. S. Martin (Frances), of Richmond Hill; Mrs. H. House (Kathleen) of Calgary, and Douglas of Winnipeg. Service was held from St. George’s Anglican Church, Willowdale. on Wedneday. In- terment St. James Cemetery. ncSO @ngagementg Sealed tenders marked “Ten- ders, Lumber Storage Room, Richmond Hill," will be receiv- ed at the board office until 3 pm. Thursday, June 21, 1962. Plans, specifications and ten- deq- forms may be obtained at the School Board office or the architects upon deposit of a cheque in the amount of $10.00 made payable to the architect. This cheque will be refunded upon return of complete plans and specifications within 7 days of close of tender. Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. J. Ashworth, Business Administrator York Central District High School Board 25 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill Page & Steele, 72 St. Clair Ave. West, Toromo YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD _.,.,.r_ -__-v~__ Denis Underhlll wish to an- plan within the next few years, nounce the birth of their no matter what party is elected daughter on Sunday. June 10. next Monday. 1962, at York County Hospit- Mr. Ingle was speaking in the avl, Newmarket. Mother and Richmond Hill Library to a daughter both well. c1w50 meeting in support of Stan * * * “ Halli, candidate for the New [:QYQ â€" Mr. a_nd M115. Bruce Democratic Party. "and help speed your mall! Just (allow those four points to faster mail service every timeyouaddressanenvelopo: Use full and correct name of person you're writing to. Use full and correct addmss with Postal Zone Number in Canada's six "Zoned" cities. Write your own return addrass and Postal Zono Number in upper left corner of envelope. Write legibly. TENDERS $25th fifths iPre-dicts HealthiFee Payment For Planning Head ExfiiaiiiielmafiiPlan For CanadaiComes Under Fire From Council PO 62-23 He predicted that hhe Sask- atchewan medical care plan, slated to Cake esftfect July 1, would prove such a success that other parts of Canada. and pro- bably the United States. wowld be forced to inaugurate similar plans. Fifty people Monday night heard Lorne Ingle, former nat- ional secre¢ary of the Coâ€"opera- tive Commonwealhh Federation, predict that Canada would have a comprehensive medical care plan within the next few years, no matter what party is elected next Monday. Mr. Hall spoke briefly to the meeting, saying hh-at Canadians need no’dhlng so much as they need a comprehensive medical care plan to include drugs. and optical, dental. and surgical care. BURNETT â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and fath- er, Noman Burnett, who passed away June 16, 1961. Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten. â€" Sadly missed. Wife Mar- garet and children. c1w50 In memoriams BURNETT â€" In loving mem- ory of Norman D. Burnett, who passed away June 16, 1961. His weary hours and days of pain; His troubled nights are past; And in _our aching hearts we know; â€" Ever remembered by Father, â€"â€"- Ever remebered by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. *1w50 KENNEDY â€" In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle James, who passed away June 17, 1961. We think of you today, dear: Jim, l As we have, done so often, We still feel the sudden blow That does not seem to soften. iYou wished no one a last fare- well, Nor even said good-Ibye, You had gone before we knew And only ng knows _why._ -â€" Lo§1ing1y rememberéd by Venessa, Jim and Ray. clw50 KENNEDY â€" In loving mem- ory of a dear brothem, who passed away June 17. 1961. Though his smile is gone for- ever. And his hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of one one we loved so much. His memory is our keepsake With which we’ll never part, God has him in his keeping. We have him in our hearts. day No one can ever tell. God gave us strength to meet it And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. It’s lonely here without you, ‘ dear, lWe miss you more each day, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell, Nor even said good-bye, [You were gone before we tea-I- â€" Sadly missed by Mary, Mickey and family, c1w50 KENNEDY â€" In loving mem- or of a dear brother, Jim, who passed away June 17, 1961. Only a memory of bygone days, And a sigh for a face unseen. A constant feeling that God alone Knows best what should have been. â€" Sadly missed Orve, Rae and family. ‘ > ‘ c1w50 KENNEDY â€"â€" In loving mem- ory of our dear son, Jim, who was so suddenly taken by drowning accident on June 17, 1961, in his 33rd year. One sad and lonely year has passed Since our great sorrow fell. The shock that we received that â€" So' sadly- missed bf] Mom and Dad. c1w50 YOUNG â€" In loving memory of a devoted wife and mother. Edith Young, who was called away June 17, 1947. â€" Ever remembered by hus- band and family. *1w50 izevd, And only God knows why. USED CAR SALE 1960 AUSTIN A55 II $1150 Grey. 1 owner, 21,000 miles. 1959 RENAULT $495 Two-tone blue and white 1958 Morris Oxford $695 New Ivory finish 1956 SUNBEAM RAPIER 1958 Tfli3 $105 Red with black interior, mechanically A-l SEE THE FABULOUS T.V.R. SPORTS CARS 1960 AUSTIN SPRITE MOTORS LTD. 7010 Yonge St. SHELTON - MANSELL Hardtop Black and Yellow Leaf green with $1095. green interior, radio, Whitewalls AV. 5-4925-6-7 At Steeles $1050 $450 Payment of $133 in member- ship fees for Planning Director Harold Deeks came under fire at Monday night’s meeting 01 Richmond Hill Town Council. Councillors John MacDiarmid and Mrs. Margaret Southwell along with Deputy-reeve Thom- as roadhurst took exception to payments made to four profes- sional groups of which Mr. Decks is a member. “I do not uhin'k we should pay membership fees for any employee unless the town de- rives direct benefits from them." Mr. Broad‘hurst told the meeting. Markham Township Police had a busy weekend with eight accidents between Thursda) night and Monday_ momigg. _ A four-oar collision Sunday night on Don Mills Rd., nortzh of Highway 7. sent seven peo- plgito the _Bransor‘1__HospiAtal.‘ __ Mrs. Audrey Collins, 36, Gall Comm, 15, Gordon Collins. 15. and Douglas Collins. 11, all of 215 Gowam Ave.. Toronto, re- ceived head cuts and are suffer- ing from shock. Russell Col- lins. driver of the car was un- injured. In another car, driver Alex Stoyranofif, 29, 171 Stlverbrook AWL, Toronto, had back and neck injuries. Passengers in flhe car, Irene and John Massel, both suffered head injuries and shock. Accidents Keep Police Jumping Over Weekend The driver of the third car, Donald Sobie, Lascelles Blvd., Toronto, was not injured. His passenger, Peter Weld, Silver- dade Ave., Toronto, riding in the rear seat was thrown for- gavan and recein neck invjur- es. E. S. Yoshida, 13 Queen Vicâ€" toria Ave., Toronto, driver of the four-uh car was uninjured. 7 The Sobie car had stopped for a red light when the Cdllin‘s car, the fourth in line, crashed into the rear of the Stoya'noff vehicle, sending fihe Shock down the line, pol-ice said. At lipâ€"1m. the same’e'vening, another rean- end collision caus- ed mirnor ppqpertyAdamagAe. A car 'dmfi/eni by Rfiby E. Green, 74 Wilda-mod Cres., Tor- Of special interest to all hoc- key fans will 'be the appearance next Wednesday in the Sports Day Parade at Richmond Hill of Tim Horton well-known star of the Toronrto Maple Leafs. It is expected that several other Learf players will be on hand with Tim to ride along with the Richmond Heights C((len‘tre flor-a‘l floart in the par- ‘a e. Hockey 8: Radio Stars To Appear In Sports Parade Tim who has established his‘ own motor car firm represent- ing Studebaker of Canada on Yonge St. in Wll'lowdale will ride in a '62 Lark Convertible driven by Miss Elizabeth Fu-l- ton am wpua-nd-commg radio, television and night club per- son‘ality. Miss Fimllton who is a member of the Toronto Musicians Un- ion is a singer of Opera, Show- time and Popular Music as well as a talented antist on the Ham- mond Organ. A native of Lind- say Ontario, Miss Fuii‘ton is now a resident of Toronto and is currently auditioning for tele-‘ vision and TV commercials.1 She has sung over CFRB and‘ has just recemtly completed an engagement at the Gas Light Restaurant and Tavern in Tor- onto. The Expenditure had been au- If you need a Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Assistant or Comptroller, your man is available. An R.I.A. with broad experience and presently serving as Comptroller is interested in participat- ing in an organization with expansionist attitudes. Analytical reporting is a particular aptitude. A resume will be provided on request. 1111 vane: 51. monumu. TEL- 285 - 1166 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. June 14. 1962 7 City or Suburbs, Your Listing or Purchasing enquiries courteously and confidentially attended to. Reply to Box No. 4 “The Liberal” Take pleasure in announcing the opening of A New Branch Office At NEWMAN 8. NEWMAN MR. PRESIDENT To Serve Our Clients More Efficiently Your Resident Real Estate Brokers FREE APPRAISAL WITHOUT OBLIGATION. REFINANCING & MORTGAGES ARRANGED MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD thorized on a motion by finance committee members, Mayor James Haggart and. Reeve Floyd Perkins at armeeting May’so. Mr. Broadhurst poinmed out! nha't the planning board had‘ authorized the payment in the budget and there was nothing council could do but pay it. He said future payments of this na- ture will be questioned before being passed. The fees were broken down as follows: Ontario Association of Archith $85; Toronto Chapter at 0AA $10; Town Planning Institute of Canada 1335; and aninjal Ontario Chap- ter'of TPIC $3 onto. stopped in the line of Lraflic on Don Milils Rd.. at Buttonville when she was hit from the rear by a car driven by Earl W. Gray, 70 Eldon Ave" Toronto. A rear-end collision also took place Sunday afternoon 100 feet north of Highway 7 on Don Mills Rd. This involved two cars, driven by Alan R. Percy. 1607 Victoria Park Ave. ’I‘or- omto, and Arond Boers, 4 F011- crofit Ave., Sca‘rboro. Approximately $100 damage was done to both cars. On Don Mills Rd., north of mm Avenue, James Page, 22, of 332 Brook Ave., Toronto. damaged his car When he hit a hydro pole. Prime Minister John Diefen- baker will visit York North to- day ('Dhursday) June 14, arriv- ing at Richmond Hm Town Park at 1 pm., Progressive Con- servative party headquarters confirmed this weekend. A The prime minister will be! met at Thomihivl-l at the riding’si southend by C. A. “Tiny” Cathw ers, seeking re-election as MP,‘ and Georgina Island’s Chief Lo- renzo Blg Canoe, and a caval- cade of supporters. 'Ilhe caval- ‘cade, which includes buses from Smbton, throwg‘h Newmvarket and Aurora, will arrive at Thorn- hl'll a¢ 12:30 and walt there for the arrival of the prlme mi- nister. They will then turn north to the Richmond Hill Park where Mr. Dlefenbaker and Mr. Gathers will speak briefly. P.M. J. Diefenbaker York North To-day Light refreshments will be served at the park for the par- ems and the hundreds of school children who are expected to attend the noon-hour meeting with the prigneAmJntgter. The cavaflcade of cars win then turn south to Toronto where another large rally will be held at Exhibition Park. Mrs. W. J. Adams, 107 Youngehurst Ave, Rlchvale and Mrs. Annie Richardson, 218 Lawrence Ave., Rich- mond Bill, will be among the guests at a garden party on Sunday afternoon. June 24, at Fort York Armouries honoring the Princess Royal who will be in Toronto for the presentation of colors to the Royal Regiment on the occasion of its cen- tennial. Both Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Richardson are Silver Cross mothers. Mrs. Adams lost a son, George. in the Second World War. Mrs. Richardson's son, Ver- non Ml’ochel]. who was deo- orate-d with the Silver Star by President Roosevelt for bravery in Italy, Was also killed during the Second World War. Silver Cross Mothers Royal Garden Party Improve No. 7 & Don Mills Heintzman-Northtown SHOPPING CENTRE Willowdale - BA. 5â€"4053 BA. 5â€"4051 The Toronto and York Roads Commission has an- nounced that the Markham Township intersection of No. 7 Highway and County Road No. 8 (Don Mills Road). is to be widened‘hnd improved. In its report to last week‘s county council session. the commission sought - and received -â€" authority to ex- propriate land on both sides of Don Mills Road, 1200 feet north and south of No. '7 Highway. The report pointed out that the commission has only to provide the land for the widening; the De- partment of Highways has agreed to carry out all the construction work. In the report, the com~ mission provided considera- ble detail about proposed road works in ofiher parts of the county. 7 County also passed ex- propriation by‘laws to facili- tate four other county-road- widenmg projects in the north 9nd of the county. TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 IN ELECTRONIC ORGANS! VALUE To Widen dc “mama‘s; mw‘it‘ Heart at the Thomas. the tan! SEE, HEAR, PLAY . QEMPARE THE NEW AMERICA’S GREATEST BIG ORGAN FEMURES 100‘ EXCITING FEAIURES: Thomas’ iamnus attack percussion and variable percussion repeat. And they're not add-on: at additional cost either. You use them to play. a banjo. zither, Vibraphone, Hawaiian guitar. and hundreds of other amazing enacts. You'll nevar stop discnvarlng new sounds 1mm this Thomas! like 18’. 8’. 4’ voices . . . thl kind that make playing usicr and more fun. And you buy 1 Thomas with confidence. Th0 WALLOP! The biggest sound you've ever heard mm a compact organ! generator hoard assemblius are WARRANTED tar FIVE YEARS! Replacement upon prepaid return of undammd erd to the panmicmren, Tn maneâ€"zanyrbengh at:th the new TRANSISTORIZED $795

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