TU. 4-1196 CANADIAN TIRE ASSGCATE STORE AV. 5-1101 OPEN EVERY MONDAY NIGHT TO 9 PM. THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9PM. - SATURDAY 6PM. IIHI_LOII PICNIC STOVE 8: GRILL Cooks on grid or hinged steel top 4 level heat range, folds in carrying case. Picnic Stoves and Grills Udllduldll I III? a Serving-up A Saving Mr“ TV.- â€"vâ€" vvv* 7v - live-it-out a little ! 18" BARBECUE A solid “Dad†approved special that's real quality throughout. Nothing flimâ€" 53'. Has: Detachable legs, adjustable cooking height: with a big 165 sq inches of cooking area. Wouldn’t daw- dle too long, at this price, they won't last for long. ALI. PARTS & LABOUR GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. June 14, 1962 A solid “Dad†approved special that’s real quality throughout. Nothing flim- sy. Has: Detachable legs, adjustable cooking heights, with a big 165 sq. inches of cooking area. Wouldn’t daw- dle too long. at this price, they won’t last for long. Big wrap-around hood. Quiet-running 60 cycle motor. with cord, spit and forks, 1" tubular steel legs Attractive C o p p e r- tone finish. MOTORIZED BARBEGUE BIG 24" TWIN-FLY Road, load tested to orig. equip. Itandards. Guaranreed 1 yr.. or 15,000 miles. M031 4.10 n, MOTO-MASTER "CUSH ION-COMFORT" SHOGK ABSORBERS .00 A WEEK Prevent rear-end sag, 99! a Imooth, level ride. Handle: up M 4004b. '."_‘?‘f. 5.75 S: I. NO DOWN PAYMENT MOTO-MASTER SHOCK SPRINGS SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED $1.50 EACH Restoves orig spring position simply insfal lifter in each 1 Pair . . . . . l GOIL SPRING LIFTERS Don’t depend on noise to warn ' you of a leaky muffler â€" Mufflers ' leak before becoming noisy -â€" and leaky mufflers are dangerous. Dead- ' 1y carbon-monoxide gas can be fa- ‘ tal . . . replace that leaky, power~ ‘ robbing muffler tod ay with a . MOTO-MASTER MUFFLER. ‘ ‘ MOST CARS 0 QUIET ' SAVE GAS 0 LONG LIFE Meets latest govprn- ment regulations. Trinle chrome plate Decien incorporates socket for Sf“?23'l‘ol‘€°‘.° 2.49 {STERN RUNNING I LIGHT Latest Gimball typo mounting keeps com‘ pass level at any boat angle. E’i‘LT‘W" 3.98 MARI N E COMPASS 23" mast wide horizon lens, triple chrome gatveélte ,9: 4.59 "DOLPON" PAINTS ment reglllationszrinle chrome plate. Design incorporates socket for t l 6 55"?2a"vol‘€°,.e 2.49 Pure Epoxy Paints, produce the finest finish on any type of boat. Hard, tough. high-gloss on fiber- glass, nluminum, steel, plywood, above or below the water line. Comes in a 2 component pack~ age Choice of Bermuda Blue, Bahia Blue. Marine Blue, Ever- glade Green. Commanche Red, White and Clear. u.s. Quart (33 mm. A on MERMAID WATER SKIS Latest banana style for maximum xnannm'erability. Laminated toes and heels for greater strength. Sit- ka Spruce. clear finish. A top qual- ity water ski. SAFETY i For maximum comfort. Ka- nnk filled. Up to so lbs. Up M 90 H". Adult Slze “Keyhole†vest. K a p o k fi‘led. Up to 50 lbs. Up 00 90 lbs. Latest banana : maneuverability and heels for g1 and heels for greater : ka Spruce. clear finish A. CHILD’S "VEST" B. CHILD’S "VEST" \‘J; BOW RUNNING MARINE NEW cams: LIGHT COMPASS CONTROL Adult Size 015.) U.S. Pine (16V: Imp. ozs.) Mermaid Marine Supplies y u v u u u : ‘ v p u u 1 u CITY COUNCIL STRESSES NEED FOR SAFETY ’ '- BELTS ON ALL CABS / STEERING WHEEL KIT JACKET so watertsk'ing the amazing ~ 6.19 All necessary attachments to complete installation. Includes: g nqun p_ulleys, 2 cable ‘clam‘pAs. Complete 2 éxten§lon 's'prings, '4' 055k guides and 34 ft. of tiller cable 4.19 LIFE JACKET GOVERNMENT APPROVED 4.98 2.85 As above but with compensator: and 11- luminated Got 12 Ann volt JACKET with COLLAR DOLFINITE MARINE PAINT Adult Size “Keyhole†vest. unicellular foam filled. Up to 50 lbs. Up On 90 lbs Supports head above water, if unconsolous. Child: (up M 90 lbs.) Used by discriminating boatsmen since the turn of the century Will give lasting protection on surfaces that are in constant contact with water. Provides I "freshly paint- ed†look for months. Sold exclus- iveiy by Canadian Tire in Eastern Canada. Adult size U‘S. Pin! (16er Imp. 015.) US. Quarf (33V: Imp‘ 7.98 with a Mermaid on.) 1 Th. Lifc You smâ€"May Be Your Own ‘_ AI SAFETY FIRST 4.98 Tho gruler "1. "rain Hm mor- xecurelv this Approved Safety Belt Holdsâ€"Instant releue, yrth a flick of "re finger. Widl nylon "up with Improved alrcrafl vae "urgency buckle. Hardened steal floor buckets. Popular colors. Remote 2 lever throttle and gear shlft control for Johnson, Evinrude. Gale a. Viking motors. Mounts on either side of boat. Control vour motor from drivers’ seat. Control Cables available In complete range of alzes. Cruise 1 5 .95 control box, m..- 2.89 1.69 HARDWARE KIT DOLFINITE FRESH WATER BOTTOM PAINT Fast, smooth flnish U.$. Pin! (16% Imp‘ DOLFINITE MARINE VARNISH U5. Quart (33 Imp Basic hardware requirements to outfit your boat. Contains 1 pr. tranmm handles. 1 5" cleat. 2 3H" cleats and 1 pr. of 4%" cl 'iS. Finished In gleaming may chrome plate (or long life. Complete kit . Perfect for application in wet weather. Dries dust free in 45 Mm (161/, Imp. on.) Ouar' [33 YOURSELF DISCOUNT PRICE EXPERT INSTALLATION White rim with con- trasting black spokes tenlte. Unbeatable value. com plete with 1 shaft and drum. Only.y STEERING WHEEL See the full Mermaid Line Imp. on.) 3.25 SUPER. SPAR 015') 3010 l 1.75