Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1962, p. 13

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LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS Robert Allison. 380 Sugar Maple La Richmond Hill 477 Timothy Stree1 Newmarket. Ont. James Crossland. ( 150 Kennedy St. W Aurora, Ont. Roy H. Langford‘ 76 Prospect Street. Newmarket. Ont. Fred M. Pugh. Norma 'yonr ofllce machine woman“ Typewriters \ddin: Machinm SALES ‘ SERVICE - REVTALS 88 Baker Ave.‘ Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU 4-1143 Branch Oflice Representative ‘oufi’ville. O St. Mary Immaculate C.Y.C. drama group were recently entered in the first annual Toronto C.Y.O. Drama Festival. A group of the players in the local entry are seen above with club moderator Father Basil Breen. nee portable models It ‘lehfi Pharmncr’ L H SIMS Back row (left to right) St. Mary Immaculate Players Enter C.Y.O. Festival Asides BA Levendale Road, Richmond Hill. Ont Stuart S. Greenham, Branch Manager H Get the mast from yOur insurance donar Guaranteed protection and savingsâ€"plus high dividends Res. PA Bus. PA PIL: TW The company with the outstanding dividend near-d Bus; 235-2281 Res. 884.3572 I‘W ill nonmal- mikes on hand The Mutual Life Ph.; 5W Sneolal Students‘ mm ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 5-4221 (Io-Director John Seethe Man from Ph.: 285-2281 H. Larry Cumme 12 Kersey Cres., Yongehurst P.O. Richvale. Ont. John King Lane Pom. 253 Roger Nemnarke Ron H. Heater 45 Foreht Cres Aurora. Ont. F. Ken, No. 1, City, On Wednesday, June 13 a Con-the Parish Hall. firmatlon sevwice was held a-t St. mere Wm be a Comm-me John’s Anglican Church, Jef- Communion Service Sunday, fer50n. Peter Terry and Michael June 24, M St_ John's Church Terry. bOth 0f Elgi“ Mills were at which the newest members among those eon-firmed. The re- of the Church in this area will mainlng camhdates were from partake of their first com- {Oak Ridges- gun-min. Fofifwmg the service The la n. on of "Hands" was real: ast w'- be served in the pedomfidg by «me R1. fi‘ev. Parish Hall. At chisfime Dr. R. |Hunt. Suffnagan Bishop of To- A- WW1 0‘5 _ Wychfie (3011939 gran/to. After the Confirmation Wm 31“ 3'“ {Momma} tan“ Service a reception was held in .DT- WM .w‘u 315° be Spefike‘r Rd. Gilmour, Richard Englebutt, Gilbert Bellavance, Simon Waegemakers, David Gibbault, and Father Breen. Front row (same order) Christina Evans, Jeanette Waegemakers, and Debbie McConkey. Absent when the picture was taken Co-Director Lou Donnelly. Elgin Mills 8. Jefferson News "My best investmech have been m,» Mutual Life policies ” CORRESPONDENT: Mabel Louise Robertson Brookside Road TU. 4-1396 P11; Bus. PA Res. TE Bus. PA Bus. 285-2281 rs. TW. 5-9249 Bus. 285-22 Res. 884-36 285-2281 7-6062 3â€"6385 ,_ ' No longer m‘ll t] “6032 need to ‘carry the “ 745715 from the office; or else for that matter. .2231: LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS 3510 MARKET PLACE OF THE DISTRICT _ AV. 5-3316 The members of tulle First J ef- ferson Cubs and fathers of the same, who will be amending the annual ‘Cu-b Camp’ are asked to1 be at St. Jo'lm’s Church not later than 6.30 pm. on June 22. After the roll-calm the cubs will take their leave for two glorious days of camplrnug ‘fun and frolic’ in the great out-of-doors. Camp will be held at Ox-Trail Camp in the Buckley Valley, Oran-geville, 4Provided the good weather {holds the boys will undoubtedly have a wonderful week-end. iCertainly even a litle rain will {not dampen their enthusiasm. Good Camping! .Garden Pu'ty i Sunday, June 24 there will be 1a Fireside in the Upper Room of St. John’s Parish Hall.'The meet' in; will begin at 7.30 pm. Capt. Arthur Hillen of the Church Amy, recently returned from a holiday in California. will assist in the evening's program. A ‘Ctfil‘dla‘l invitation is extended to a '. Cub News I The Oak Ridges-Wilcox Lake Branch of the York Central District Hospital will hold a garden party June 23 at Glen- lonely. the home of Mrs. S. C. Snively. Tickets for the ‘Party’ (l‘ncidentxly, it starts at 2.00 pm.) are $1.00 for adults and 50c for chfldren. All proceeds go to the Hospitafl Fund. Sunday School Picnic Dr. Ward will also be speakea' art the regular 11.00 am. Sun- day service. All are invited to attend. The St. John's Annual Sun- hand to present the pin to day School-Congregational Plc- Jeamebte Lang. 'nlc. held last Saturday, was Captain, Mrs. P. Rumney then voted 3 huge success by all of presented the patrol challenge the many who attended. Held at trophy to the Scarlet Tanager the popular Glendale Beach at Patrol which has been under the Musselma'n's Lake the picnic leadership of Judy Varden and was one of swimming, racing, Mary Miller. gameq am! baseball, not to men- Dam: Tatton reqelvecl wogd Those of the Elgin 1‘ who in the past 1‘ "There wasn't water z and so they’d not a Streets. On Regent Street be- tween Elgin Mills and Oxford Streets and on Oxford Street. Original plans included Yonge Street as well. however, have since been changed and there will be no main on Yonge St. No longer will there be a need to ‘carry the water home anywhere I The June meeting of the Unit- ed Church Women was held on Wednesday evening of last week at “Old MacDonald Farm", the home of Mrs. Harry Barber. It was preceded by a supper at 6.30 pm. prepared and sewed by the June group. Following the supper, Mrs. Barber took everfone through the relic room of Old Mac~ Donald Farm. The June group presented a novel programme which was thought provoking with Mrs. M. Styrmo conducting the worship service assisted by Mrs. H. Hill, Mrs. E. Emprin-gham. Mrs. H. Barber and Mrs. M. Jarvis. Mrs. Jarvis conducted a buzz session, which proved very helpful. 'Iihe giant toadstooi was the centre of interest as the Brown- ies formed their fairy ring sing- ing and dancing their six songs. Eight Brownies sat inside their; ring waiting ,to receive the pri- vilege they had earned to fly or walk to Guiding. A very imâ€" pressive candlelight ceremony 53JW the Brownies on their way. Wings beautifully shaped of crepe-paper helped the follow- ing Brownies to Guiding. Betty ‘ Gayman, Nan. Varrden, Marg- ‘ aret Sandie, Susan McCleverty, ‘ Peggy Leimch and Susan Sharon Francis. They were taken by - Guide Doreen Seabrook to Cap- . tain Mrs. P. men-ey who stood inside the Guide horseshoe with her lieutenants waiting to Roll call was answered by, “Did You Know?" The guest speaker was Miss Jean Muir- head. who showed coloured slides of the trip she took last summer to the British Isles and uhe Comment. These pictures were very much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Earl Emprlngham and Mrs. G. Brands gave the report 0f the District Annual held at Wexford recently. Mrs. H. Hill. the president. took charge of the business. Refreshments were served at the close by the hostesses. Mrs. W. Our, Mrs. V. Weedon and Mrs. G. Joyce. United Church Women Dua-img the business session conducted by the president, Mm. L. Mutmberson, it was de- ‘cided to discontinue the former summer bake sales and ladies were asked to make donations instead to be brought in at the September meeting. A donation was made to Rev. wTorrance for camp activities. The meeting closed with a happy presentation of a life membership to the president, Mrs. L. Mumberson. The Flight of the Brownie- Friday night was a milestone for eight Brownies art the lst Gormley Brownie Pack. Brown- .ies and Guides joined by their mothers gs-fllemd at the But- tonvllle Hall for the annual mother and daughter banquet. Casseroles, salads and delicious desserts suppued a bufiet pot luck supper. Toast to the Queen was made by Mrs. S. Watson, chairman of the local associa- tion. Toast to the mothers was made by Linda McCleverty, re- sponded to by Mrs. Allan 011'. receive flhe Brownies. Two Brownies who were not able to receive their Brownie wings due to shorter time in Brownies wadkexd inrto Guiding by the heLp of Golden suppers, they were, 1Cathy Hamper and Bonnie Tay- or. The Guides had formed their horseshoe in readiness to re- ceive several badges and witness two Guides Jean Kennedy and Linda Wilkinson who were en- ‘roiled into the 15’s Gorm'ley Co. and the world wide sistefihood of Girl Guides. Badges were re- ceived by Cheryl Coahrane â€"- Cooks Badge, and District Com- missioner Mrs. Wm. Gundy pre- sented Dawn T‘Itton with her second class B-adrge. Ali Brown- ies and Guides retired. The next game will be played on Friday evening June 22 in the park. It wil be Headjord vs. Victoria Square. Come and give The Guides under direction of Mrs. N. Johnston presented a legen-dry pageant on the his-I tory of the Union J ack and the“ coming ocf Scouting and Guiding to Canada. This was very colour- ful, including Irish and Scotch dances, the arrival oi MacNa- mares Band and two Guides portraying Harrigan the well- known character from ireland. The highlight for the :Guides was the presentation of the ‘coveted Gold Guide Pin ward- ‘ed each year to the most out-. standing Guide in all phases of the programme. This decision rests with the guides by a secret vote” Division Commissioner Mrs. McTaggartCowan, was on hand to present the pin to Jeannette Lang. A meeting of the vacation school teachers and helpers was‘ held at the Headford United Church on Thursday evening of last week when plans were made to hold the vacation school for the Victoria Square Charge at the Headford School and church the week of July 16 to July 20 with the closing ex- ercises on July 20. Baseball The first baseball game of the Victoria Square Lions Softball League was held on Friday evening in the park with Gonmc ley defeating Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. n sANDLE R. It. 2 Gormley « Telephone Gormley 5421 i At the church service the' Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCag‘ue ceremony of dedication to mls- will celebrate their thirty-fourth sions involving the Explorers wedding anniversary. June 20; and Messengers will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham The chairman of the Christian will celebrate their twentieth education committee is Mrs. H. wedding anniversary, June 20. McCague and the treasurer of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Devins and the Missionary and Maintenance John of Tottenham spent Sun- fund is Mrs. F. McRoberts. day with her father, Mr. Harry Shower Forster. PIES. A] greatly ax Sunday S The a! anniversa‘ on June Mrs. R. Cowie was hostess at a pink and blue shower on Wed- nesday evening of last week in honour of Mrs. E. Vandevkooy. About thirty ladies were in at- tendzance. Messengers All the Sunday school pmplla and teachers should be at Sun. day school by 10.45 am. as it is "Birthday" Sunday and a film will be shown. Then all the chil. dren who are not in the junlor choir wlll sit at film front of the church in a body with their teachers. S’Dl The Messengers held their last meeting of the season on Saturday afternoon in the Sum- day school room. Gan Sander- son graduated from the Mes- sengers to fihe Explorers. The leader, Mrs. A. Orr, presented Gail with a cup and saucer as a grandma-on gm. ‘Field Day Come to the community re- union and field day at the We- torla Square Communlty Centre park on June 23 at 2 pm. There will be a best decorated doll carriage. bicycle and tricycle contest for the c‘hlfld'ren. Muslc by the Salvation Army Band. Baseball game: H e a d f o r d Champs vs. All Stars. Horseshoe pitching and races. At 7.15 pm. Baseball: Mark- At 7.15 pm. Baseball: Mark- ham Aces vs. Richmond Hilll Dynes Jewellers. Dance under the Stars wlrhh Nom Burlinvg and his Orchestra. Proceeds for the community centre build-1mg fund. Baby Shower Mrs. K. Petty and Mrs. M. Bennett were hostesses at a baby shower for five monrbh old Julia Mary Hard-1e. chosen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Hardie, on Wednesday ‘aftemoon of last week. {Neighbourhood Notes ‘ood Booth CHEVROLET Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check JET-SMOOTH RIDE! The vel- vet softness and whisper quiet only Full Coil suspen- sion and quality insulation Can produce! CHEVROLET ! CORVAIR - OLDSMOBILE DEALER 355 YONGE ST. N. (just north of Richmond Heights Centre) TL 1a on asking “Ill-SOD! a NIBLET'I' MOTORS LIMIIED And always rates top value at trade-iniime too! Ju s m me park donations of field day to Congratulations to Miss Shir- ley Boynton on obtaining hon- ours in her recent Grade 4 music examination. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dennie are 11am, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Margaret McCague of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hebet McCavgue. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McTaggart (Marlon Smith). of Nobleton. were sorry to hear that their barn was de- stroyed by fire last week. Mrs. Ken. McTagigai't (Marion Smith). of Nobleton. were sorry to hear that their barn was de- stroyed by fire last week. Mrs. R. Henley of Thomhill spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. P. Rummy and family. Birthday greetings to. Mrs. Douglas Gee, June 21; Mrs. Cecil Nichols. June 22; Donald Nichols, June 22; Ross Barker. four years. June 22; Lloyd Can. nlmg, June 28; Mrs. Clarence Steckley. June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Hebe:- McCag‘ue will celebrate their thirty-fourth will celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary, June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Devins and John of Tottenhavm spent Sun- day with her father, Mr. Harry Forster. Mr. and Mrs. Andre-w Forson and family called on Mr. Rolph Boynton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Boyn-bon and Grace. proud gral Their first born to M rester (Ma‘ day of last Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Ethel A. Hall All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Ethel A. Hall. laie of Richmond Hill, who died on or about the 3lst day of August, 1961. are hemeby notiâ€" fied to send in to the undersign- ed Executors on or before the 14th day of July, 1962. full par- ticulars of their claims. Immed- iarbely after the said 14th day of July. 1962. the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed am- ongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. 25th day of May. 1962. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY 86 King Street West Toronto, Ontario Executor By Norman A. Todd Their Solich herein YOUR CHOICE OF POWER! From a super-thrifty 135- hp 6-cy1inder to a sizzling 409-bp V8*. And your choice of 4 transmissions. DATED at Richmond Hill this first grand THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 21, 1962 ,veek aid at ‘ weddln d Chm- lay afte .vick was the John- g in St ch. Mark- a son wa Carl For on Thurs to. Mrs. 21; Mrs. :; Donald 3‘53 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-1105 CHEVROLET’S BRAND OF lUXURYl Rich fabrics â€" leather-soft vinyl â€" and Chevrolet’s distinguished appointments. BANK OF MONTREAL Farm Plan LOW-COST» LIFE-INSURED LOANS RICHVALE “...we bought it through FURNACE, SERVICE 8. CLEAN OUT Time Has Arrived Many families are launching themselves into a summer of fun by financing the boat of their choice through the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. This low-cost. life-insured plan is the sensible way to finance major purchases of many kinds for all the family. Ask for full details at any branch of “MY BANK". R tchmond Hill Branch JUNE SPECIAL $7.95 ALE TU. 4-1610 Agent for Toronto Fuels Furnace Oil J. FOX 8. SON -\FTER JUNE 3 your local listing for channel and tin!» TU. 4-1l94, AV. 5-499! M CHEVROLETS . . . and every one a winner! Six Sedansâ€"two Sport Coupes â€" five Station Wagons â€"- and :1 Convertible. DONALD ROSS. Manage: m J Mill/0! (WM 58.95 “Optional . an ICI- C-ZDGID 18

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