IO THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday Newmarket 9 Swamps Kent Clothes l8 - 0 For four innings on Tuesday1 of last week the Kent Clothes Junior Softball Team looked llke a team of professionals.l They were playing heads up‘ softball and making difficult plays seem routine. As the ï¬fth inning got under way they seemed awed by their own tem- enity in holding the Newmar- ket squad scoreless. Costly er- rors began to make themselves felt in the play. Terry Gormvan started things off for Newmarket with a home run belt. Two erros on Larry Kefler and Don Williams plus I double by Larry Needler ac- counted for four runs in all. e Rum In Sixth r V Newmarket added six more runs in the sixth inning, four in the seventh and four in the ninth to account for their eigh- teen runs. Phil Smith and Dave Nicholson hit scratch singles 101' Kent: to account for the Only two hits of Dale Pegg. Board Approves l0 0f 17 Pools A seasonal report on 17 pub- lic swimming pools in York Coumy was given recently to the Board of Healbbh by Medi- cal Oï¬flcer Dr. R. M. King. Aï¬ï¬iï¬vavl of the board was indiclted for most of the pools, while seven received inade- quate Essomquaï¬iqn... 1’ Dr. King indicated that the spread of bacterial and virus diseases remains a risk in use of swimming pools. Full co- operation by pool operators to prevent disease spread is esâ€" sential at all times he said. Use of disimfecting compounds including water ch'IorinraItion is required by the board where the goui is open_to_the qublic.‘ Privately used homa-Iocated lwimmmg pools are not subject to health unit inspection. and do not come within the juris- diction of provincial regula- tions on swimming pools. Dr. King said. umsuuucmoupmv. 1 a: mum uuwAL AUYO- mummnenomo KENNETH SHEPHERD Ilse your headâ€"and SAVE! Chock State Fanp's [ow insurance tales for careful dnvars-rates so low that on. out of two may save important dol- hvs. Call today! LLOYD HARVEY Office, TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Rel. Phone Gomlcy 5369 Office. TU. 4-2291 81 Yonxe St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Markham 724 884 - 2864 You Are Sure To Find What She Wants In Our Display 0f Economically Priced Cars. And While You Are looking These Cars Over Be Sure To Fill In Our FREE LUCKY COUPON You May Win A Motorized Barbecue Outfit BRUCE MACDOUGALL 1860 ENVOY SEDAN, Lic. B20639 1959 Vauxhnll Sedan, Lic. 815666 1959 Volkswagen Coach, Lic. B4802 1959 Vauxhall Sedan, Lic. 315662 1958 Volkswagen Coach. Lie. B7083 PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHALL PONTIAC ACADIAN - G.M.C. TRUCKS Just South of Richmond Hill on Yonge St. MOTORS LIMITED J - BUICK - VA] ...... SPORT SPOTSâ€'°~ Open Evenings ‘til 10 P. M. have a common bond and to share a very special interest. As far as we know there just isn’t any other activity that has the same impact. Jack Sea- ton tells a story of last year’s parade that gives us an insight as to how outsiders see the event. An American tourist was parked on Yonge St. right on the parade route. He was courteously re- quested by the local gendarmerie to remove his car. The car was moved forthwith and the Visitor stayed to view the parade. He had lots of questions to ask, why, what, where, when and how. As the explanation unfolded the gentleman got more and more interested. A movie camera was quickly produced and our southern neighbour shot six rolls of ï¬lm of the parade. He went on to explain that he had been touring through small Ontario towns for three weeks and had intend- ed to ï¬lm what he considered were the nicest things about each town. The tour was coming to an end, until the parade,_ he hadn’t shot one frame of ï¬lm. Somewhere in the United States there are home movie goers who know a great deal about our very own Sports Day Parade. If that isn’t a testimonial and a sincere tribute, then what is? Our only hope is that the event continues to grow and prosper from year to year. Evidently the Minor Ball Association has ï¬rst call on a very popular social and sporting affair. It takes a lot of work and uses up a lot of aspirin along the way but the effect and the results justify the effort. New people are continually being drawn into the operation from year to year. Everyone of them has new ideas to contrib- ute, and a new slant on things. As long as this influx of new and interested people continues the parade can only improve. Our only hope is that we’re given the opportunity of seeing the twenty-ï¬fth parade to be held in 1982. It should be â€"- as they say at St. Swithin’s â€"- “A real rouser!†The members of the Richmond Hill Curling Club enjoyed a day at the races last week. Club President Warren Davies presents the trophy to the winning jockey Harrel Bolin and Mrs. Henry Madott, daughter of the owner, at New Woodbine. The horse “Uneducated†is owned by Toronto businessman (Continued from page 9) 1958 Vauxhall Sedan. Lic. B7860 1958 Vlllxhlll Sedan, Lie. 88525 1957 Vluxhall Sedan, Lic. A§5293 1956 Volkswagen Coach. Llc. 814363 June 28, 1962 Vaughan Horse Is Curling Club Winner 285 - 1128 Prizes Donated By Ti( Man’s Watch Borks Jewellers Cooking Set Shorgas Mantle Radio Herridge Electric Electric Fry Plan Town Inn Table Lamp Kresges Spin Cast Set Al's Cycle & Sport Gift Certiï¬cate Patti-Lu Shop Cocktail Set Mic Macs $5. Milk Certiï¬cate Becker's Milk Magazine Rack Discount Plaza 2 Chicken Dinners Hideaway Rest. 3 Hair Cuts Allenc’rt Barber Shop Book Ends Allencourt Variety Serving Tray Allencourt Pharmacy Picture Woolworths All prizes not yet claimed may be picked By Judy Archer and Lynda Rose On June 7, Walter Scott Sahool held its annual field day. Su..ny skies prevailed as the activities got off to a booming start. The juni-ors performed in the morning and seniors in “the afternoon. Fielchay Competition Stiff At Walter Scott myThe cibiriï¬Ã©stanvts’ self-assur- ance shone through as the spec- tators cheered themAto victory. Students compebed in stand- ing broad, hop, step and jump, Ihigh jumping and racing. Ev- eryone who competed hald stiff competition and real-Ly worked hard to earn their ribbon-g The top ginl in the junior class was Stephanie Agg and boys’ junior champion was Dav- id Ley. "Elwin girls’ senior events, Jane Blackwell captured top honors and David Broderick copped the top boy award. First place winners are as fol- lows 1NIOR EVENTSâ€" 50 yard dash, 8 and under. Ro- bin Hopkins and Rick James. 60 yard dash, 9 and 10: Pm- e}a Sexsmibh and "Jim MacKen- zxe. Standing Broad Jump, 8 and under: Linda Make“ and Rick ! an open season, Noyember' 5, 6 and 7 would be acceptable to theicounty. Mr. Spooner's letter pointed out that the white-tailed deer had rebounded from near-ex- tinction in Southern Ontario, to the point where the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests is being asked to pay for crops damaged by deer. Several councillors pointed out that the hunters might cause more damage than the deer, if the huge Metro Toron- to population were allowed to hunt in York County. The county will advise Mr.‘ Spooner that it feels no open season for deer is necessary in York County. W" A 7 _ l The Oak Ridges KVW seniori girls team played two games last week. » Monday they played Noble-3‘ ton and won 14-4. Wednesday night’s game was played ati Oak Ridges against Vandorf with Oak Ridges winning 22-6. They have played ï¬ve games‘ ‘and won three. ‘ Lake Wilcox Wildcats played; their game at Lake Wilcox but} lost to Aurora 8-4. Highlight ofi the game was a home run hit by Bob Littlejohn for Lakei Wilcox. Lake Wilcox Brocktons play- ed Markham at King City and lost 10-9. Second game of the [week was played at Aurora and ‘ended in a 4-4 tie. No Open Season? On County Deeli There will be no open season this year in York County on white-tailed deer, county coun- cil decided at its June session. Ontario Lands and Forests Minister J. W. Spooner had written to the county, asking if an open season, November 5. 6 and 7 would be acceptable to thercounty. Here is your chance to assist minor ball in Richmond Hill. Umpires are needed at once. You only have to officiate one night a week. UMPIRES ARE URGENTLY NEEDED Sports Parade Prizewinners List and Vaughan Township resident Mr. E. C. Pasquale. Taking part in the presentation are (left to right) Mr. Henry Madott, Trainer Sam Ross, Mr. Pasquale, Mrs. Madott, Jockey Bolin, President Davies, Vice-President Nick Hallman and Club Mem- ber Jack Rumney. James. Standing Broad Jump, 9 and 10: Stephanie Agg and Garry Peirce. Running Broad Jump. 8 and under: Judy J dhnsbon and Jim Sexsmith. Running Brggd qpmp,‘ 9“ argq 10. Swsam Newell and David Ley. Standing Hop, Step, Jump, 8 and under: Judy thn-ston and Jim Sexsmith. Standing Hop, Step, Jump, 9} and 10: Stephanie Agg and David Ley. Running Hop, Step, Jump. 9 and 10. David Ley. High Jump, g3 and gnder: ‘Judy )e picked up at Ra bring ticket stubs McCourt and Jim Sexsmith. High Jump, 9 and 10: Steph- anie Agg and David Ley. SENIOR EVENTSâ€" ‘ Races, 11 and 12. Donn-a Arm- strong and David Broderick. Races, 13 and over: Carol Ben- net and Lawson Hedman. Standing Broad Jump, 11 and 12: Jane Blackwell and David Broderick. ‘Standing Broad Jump, 13 and over. Oalrol Phillips and Law- son Hedrman. Running Broad Jump, 11 and 12: Christina Mun~sey and Har- vey 'J‘rordon. Running Broad Jump, 13 and over: J-oan'na Zeem‘an and Ric- ky Bunston. Standing Hop, Step, Jump, 11 and 12. Marlene Dennis and David Broderick. Senior Girls'Win 2 By Big Scores img Broad Jump, 9 and Swsam Newell and David Ticket No. 1534 4936 2045 1168 284 945 660 4154 2878 3245 958 902 611 I 1226 3681 [68 W. C. Imeson, 86 Rockport Cr. :84 Linda Hawkins, 16 Harding Blvd. )45 .1. Reid. 161 North Taylor Mills Dr. 560 G. Topham, 225 Sussex Ave. [54 M. Carney, 173 Felix Road 378 J. R. Robertson. 93 Bedford Pk. Ave. 245 W. J. Shields, 38 Levendale Road )58 R. D. Williamson, 296 Essex Ave. 902 S. Widdiï¬eld, 329 Ruswell Dr. 511 Mr. Berry, 145 Mill Street 226 G. D., 30-36Ith S»t.. New Toronto 581 Albert Hull. EM. 4-2497 t Ransom's Barber Shop in Richmond Hill. Please Steven Bowes, 284 Dem'aine Cr. G. J. Nicholson, 22 Beaverton Rd. E. Bellav-ance, 232 Axminster Dr. :ores V senior u games 7 With two minutes left in the second overtime period. Dannyi Odette bulged the twine of the | St. Mike’s net on a pass from Jimmy Langstaff. St. Mike‘s played like demons in the time} remaining but the jubilant Or-‘ Noble-jange Home boys fought ofl’ all :dnesday ayed at Vandorf ng 22-6. 2 games s played lcox but alight of l themselves run hit )r Lake threats. Now Ron Cooper and his gal- lant crew go against St. An- drews at High Park for the league championship. and the trophy. While great credit must of necessity go to Ron Cooper. the spirit and desire of the boys attributed to the win. We can only wish them the best of luck in their champion- ship Dry. iApprove Purchase 0f M300 Print Machine Stan-ding Hop, Step, Jump, 13 and over: Joanna Zeeman an‘d‘ Lawson Hedma‘n. Running Hop, Step, Jump, 11 and 12: David Broderick and Ian MacDougall. High Jump, 11 and 12. Jane Blackwell and Steve MacKen- z1e. High Jump. 13 and over:. Joy 0 Ron McAndIeWS' Mic Macs flexed their hitting muscles on; . Tuesday of last week as they .pinned a 23-9 defeat on Oak . Ridges. Barbara Richard was the big gun for the double M . team as she slammed out three . round trip homers. Linda Bree- . don also drove out a long ball Olthat went for a ho_me run‘. v 0‘ All team members played . heads-up ball and most of them “got in their licks in the free .‘hitting game. Heather Castle . pitched a strong game for the “Mic Macs and got tremendous .. .Iupport from her team mates. Merock And Jerry Dwmais Vaughan Township Council has approved purchase of a white print machine from Han- son En‘ter'prrises of Toronto. It will be used by the township in reproducing blueprints. A reconditioned Pease Zephyr it is guaranteed against faulty material for three mondvhs and will be installed at a cost of $1,300. Orange Home Players Make Soccer Finals The Orange Home Soccer Team, operating for just two years under the guidance of Ron Cooper, defeated St. Mikes 1-0 last Friday to enter the ï¬nals in the Toronto and Dis- trict Atom Soccer League. At the end of regulation time nei- ther team had been able to score a goal. After 10 mmu‘tes of overtime the game was still a scoreless tie. Mic Macs Score To; Heavy 23-9 Ball Win Name of Winner According to J. S. Dorland. of the fish and wildlife branch at Maple. there is reason to be- lieve tha-t pheasant hunters will again enjoy fair to good hun-t- ing in regulated townships next fall, in the Lake Simcoe Dist- Will Distribute $15,000 Birds In Six Townships rict In addition to a fair natural hatch of pheasants this past spring, Department of Lands and Forests is planning to re- 140 Yonge S’p. N Richvale HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays him for serving you. Baker Sales & Service “THE LIBERAL" Young’s B-A Service YOUR TIRES INSTALLED FREE WHIlE YOU WAIT LTD "HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878" Save now with our. . . YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the many other customers â€"- on his newspaper route, quickly and dependany Richmond Hill each day AND BECAL‘SE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payunent each coHecï¬on day. 'Thus, heis on your “payroflâ€,not ours,and appreciates being paid promptly â€" so that he can pay his own paper hill and enjoy the full proï¬t he has earned! MY '1 , 9144 Yonge St. AV. 5-1180 lease some 15.000 birds in the‘ter returns, at the end of the 15 regulated townships. season. should provide some in- Of this number. some 8.900 teresting data on the extent of will be leg banded and released natural hatching. in the Townships of Toronto.: As in previous years hunters Chinguacousy, King. Whit- are again requested to supply church. Markham and Picker- the department with pheasant ing. This will be the second hunting statistics which is a year that all pheasants released very important contribution in in these townships have been developing proper management leg banded. programs and promoting good Mr Dorland stated that hun-|hunti~ng. TU. 4-0009 Yonge St Highway 11 TU. 4-1911 1% Mi. north of Richmond Hill Cooks B-P Auto Service Ken Ruston Shell Service PLEASEL... Pay Him Promptly! ....He’s on 'I'he Newspaper's YOUR PAYROLL NOT TU. 4-3151 Elgin Mills