Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1962, p. 12

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Dian-ma and Thomas Moore joined in their brother's party as the following young guests arrived from school, John 801- ton, Bllly Dort. Donald McCal- lum, Danny McLay, David Mc- Coppen and Tom Fontaine. ‘ Concert Series Mrs. [John Moore, Humber Crescent, invited a few friends of her son, Matthew. to lun- cheon in celebration of his sev- enth birthday recently. Something new for King City will be the series of four con- Mrs. $5.3“ Klpgcmfts _ Hoqsg. Gage Love reported on of the building fund ble a small extension to Women's Services - Gor. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols I‘nnsportauon - Germ. 5540 Mrs. L. Mum-berson Unlonvule Women's Services - Mrs. Ewart Stlver Victoria Square Chairman ~ George Brand Gormley 5200 Mrs. Charles Johnston, enter- tained with an interesting ac~ count of her holiday in Europe, wmmencing with her first trans-Atlantic flight. Colorful 31min Was a highlight of the p. Thoth 7 7 V v Women’s Services - Mr]. D. C. Stephens 'l‘nnspomtlon - TU. 4482] Mrs. W. J. Lennox Campaign - Unlonvllle 239 Nearly 60 Kingcraflss memâ€" bers amended the annual picnic meeting held recently aft the home of Mrs. Eric White, Confl 3. to conclude activities unstil‘ September. ; Richmond Hill Women's Services - FINDER BROS. ND. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 l'ar General Momation & Services Cull Unlonvflle 23! - If you want a cool, comfortable house during honest summer days, don't depend on inside blinds to keep out sun heat. Inside blinds and draperies reduce the glare . _ . but the heat comes right on through. It takes outside shadingâ€"like canvas awningsâ€"to stop those sun rays beforethey enter your home. By keeping out 75% of the sun heat, canvas awnings reduce room temperatures 8° to 15°. . . air conditioning w0rks better at less expense. Let us tall: over your awning needs without obligation. Call or come by. SIEEL LINTELS l BEAMS c. M. LESLIE M0T0'I't"fii61§fiéi"$'il‘fn. King City G.M.WDealer TE. 3-5301 STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Partable Crane Service CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY CANVAS AWNINGS keep interiors cool and shady RICHMOND HILL 8: DISTRICT UNIT Mart Auto Body, Collision, Repairs and Repamt‘mg _FREE ESTIMATES â€"7G.M.A.C. FINANCING To Custom Specifications KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items Lerest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge: ‘ Wilcox and King City districts. ()ur news correspc in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. tcle . TEmnle 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Mrs. E. Percival Mrs. G. Pun'ea THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontarw, Thursday, June 28, 1962 BARRIE IENMAWNING CO. LTD. 34 Bayfield St, Bm'rig Mrs. G. Purves Unlonvllle 113 AV. 5-1839 AV. 5-1011 BODY SHOP A few days before vacations started, Kin-g City and District Safety Council sponsored sep~ ara/te safety rograms for adults and ch11 ren. ‘ King City Firemen Women's Association decided it was time for a night owt, when they had dinner last week at the Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant. Richmond Hm, followed by a movie in- Newmm‘ket. Members are cohlectiug items for their bazaar Sept. 16 at the fire hall. Refreshments and toys will be available for child- ren as well as tea for the moth- ers. Home-baking, dry goods and rummage smle. will be held. Safety Pron Residents of King any for the past eight years, they have sold their Dew Street home to Mr. and Mrs. Past yen-mm, Tor- omto. The Brennans have one school-aged daughter, 1 Mr. and Ms. Albeit Pidgeon are moving in mid-July to Pat- tagevme, where they are bulld- lng a new home. 1 The women were shown how to help two unconscious pa- Uenm at the same time. Work- ing in palns, they studied the Home: - Nieloon resuscitation practice and mounh-bo-moutll reggvery» cg breathing. 'nhe Etude-Ms receive-d centi~ Elem caxds for talking the course. Andrew McClure, of Keele Street North, is greeting his friends again after a few days in York County Hospital, fol'l- owed by six weeks at a Maple nqrslng home. A St. John Ambulance Brigade officer recemly spoke to the‘ W.I. abou¢ the merits of first aid training. As a result, mem- bem ammged to have him dem- omtmte different methods of mlclafl respiration. About two dozen members of Lasbay Women‘s Institute and friends attended a first aid course given an the United Church by Mr. H. L. Hamm- ond, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Hara of Ireland are spending a few weeks with their son, George O'Hara and his We art their Olearview Heights home. First Aid Class The decorated cake was made by Mrs. Frank Buddjn of Las- hay. With her many attractiv- ely wrapped guts, Miss Crooks received a corsage of cama- tions mdrforget-me-nots. Abowt 20 former school friends attended the party and buffet lunch served from a ta- ble arranged with white candles pink roses and? white daisies._ \ In honor of Miss Heather Crooks, who will become the ‘bride of Edward McNaughton June 30, a nusoellaneous show- er was given by Mm. G. O. Gamble and her daugmer way, at their Sprmghill moad home. Tickets for “rum and stu- dents will be available by the series or single concert. Prof- ‘its after the artists have been reimbursed. will be used for music education at the high school. Mrs. Houston said. Godfrey Ridout Singers will present :1 Gilbert. and Sullivan Operetta. There also will be programs fewturlng singing and piano selections by prominent artists. \ Lady Eaton has consented to ‘be patroness of the musical venture. to be held at King City Composite School later this year. certs by professional artists be- ing pLanned by music teacher Mrs. James Houston of Martin Street. King City Notes PA. 6-6437 Threat of an unexploded bomb cleared King City Oom- posl'be School Tuesday mom- mg Last week, while a chorough Search of the building on Kin-g Sidemad was made by Ontario Provincial Police from Vandal-f detachment. 9 students were transferred to Aurora High School for the morning. They returned to the village school at noon. Normal operation of the school was resumed in the af- ternoon. Four hundred stud- ants in the regular enrolment were not attending classes be- :ause they were not writing exams. ‘ This was the first incident \f its kmd since the modern ‘pllivlevel school opened last September. I Aurora and District High School Board declined to re- veal how file threat was made. The board was aware of the manor the previous day and Were able to keep classrooms enypty Tyesdgy mowing. 7 Ihétead of ' writing H H: e1 r science examinations at the King City School. 150 Grade A fourtih Brownie Pack ,for Kim City area will be launch- ‘ed &pbmb«. according to plans made at the final meet- ing for the season om Girl Guides' Ioaad Minion at All Saints' Church. Mrs. Ruth M-u-nisso will be Brawn Owl of the new Brownie group, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Church and Mrs. Howard Hay- School Cleared In Bomb Threat Gordon Orr and his Lions’ Club committee are working on plans for the July 2 field day in King Memorial Park. There will be sports contests to ap- peal ¢o all ages, Brownie Pack This will be the last socira'l mm umtl-l activities start again in ‘Septemlber. Buses coilecwd children at the two public schools has“: week to transport them to A1- bion Hill: for the annual picnic at All Saints' Anglican Church Sunday School. The children left at recess to join their par- ents for the family outing. ‘ Teen Toppers are hoping for a good turnout at their dance tomorrow evening at All Saints‘ Church. ' Mm. Albth Holman presided and Mn. Fred Cums led in prayer and gave the scripture Wading. Refréshmen‘ts were in (marge of Mrs. Gordon Agar and Miss Lime Anderson. The author remembers when were were numerous vacant: lots before the Luge-scale build- ing of apmbmem blocks, and when ravines to be explored me accessible. Mrs. John Tanner took the topic, “The Seeing Eye" at St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church WtA. meg-{ting held recently. King Memorial Library is ‘confnmrulug through flhe summer with regular lifbrary hours. Monday evening. 7 to 9; Wed- nesdxa-y afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30; and in the evening, 7 to 9; Fri- dassz) afiemoon from 2.30 to 5: . 'Dhe large number of former Torontoniam now residing in the village may he i emsth 131 reading “Wlhen 'I‘or to Was For Kids." The nowalgic re- collections of Robert Thomas Amen are of particular interest to east endem. \ This was the ses'ent’m year the ham was loaned to the club for the popular commu‘niuty event. Libra-y Hours \ Sam Mchanel’s orchestra ac- companied the lively evening arranged by Fergus Lawson, Aubre Gordon. Donald Had- wen, Lutes and Allan O’- Brien. ~ Old-time and modem danc- mg was held in the big barn an C. F. W. Bums' "Kinvgfi‘eld Farms" for the annual dance last Friday of rthe King City Lions’ Club. Former village residents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Urrquhart and fa- mily are moving into Waterloo this week from nearby Doom. On Friday they spoke to boys and girls 31 Eva-slay, Oak Ridges, Noblefion and Sacred Heart Schools, where the ap- pearance of “Mr. Beep" was a hovel break in the classroom routine. ' The safety council sponsored the appearance of British Pet- roleum's “Mr. Beep." a carica- ture talking car. at nine local schools to impress upon child- ren the importance of observ- ing safety rules. Roger Powell, a ’l‘orontoI school teacher attwhed to the Ontario Safety League, who drives "Mr. Deep," and Const. John Hughes visited Kefileby, Temperanceviue, Eva L. Den- nis, Kimghorn and Doris M. Pmonisqlloolg last Thursday. Attendance is free and limi- ted to eight in a class. Coun- cil Chairman Gordon Tetley ls arranging appointmenms for dri- vers interested in attending. \ The trailer is equipped with four trainer units supplied with essential controls and instru- meuris to simulate actual driv- ing conditions on the road. This week Ken Gillies is con- dluotinug two classes daily in driving at King Memorial Park. Tomorrow is the last day for this driving instruction. made possible by Consumers’ Gas Company, which supplied the $20,000, 35â€"foot drive-trainer! unit used for the tests. "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondem in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmpie 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson, Wi-ldwood Ave.. PR. 3-5479. 0n the lunch committee are Mrs. William Clubine and MIPS. Robert Seymour. Mrs. Archie McDonald is uniform conven- er. Lugene Lemon, Stoulfville district farmer. and President of the Ontario Farm Safety Council, puts up a farm poster on his implement shed as a ready re- minder of the hazards in operating farm machinery. Five safety posters are being distributed next week to all farms in York County by the York County Farm Safety Council. I Badge secretary Mrs. Bruce Hall will be assisted by Mrs. A. Bamfoz'd, Mrs. Ray Rummy. Mrs. Harry Gouddilng and Mrs. H. Marsh. Twenty-four members tum- ed out for the closing meeting to set plans for the fall season, when two Guide companies and {our Brownie packs will be ln operation. Mrs. Alex Knight read the new slate of officers, which was accepted. Succeeding Mrs. James McPhee as general sec- retary is Mrs. Murray Doy. Mrs. Armand Chenette is con~ tjuvuinvg as treasurer and Mrs. Quentin Hardy was named re- cording secretary and publicl- ty chairman. Mrs. David An- derson is assistant treasurer. Mrs. Knight continues as hon- oray chair-111ml. Mrs. F. B. Lutes was chosen :0 head the telephone commit- ee. ward. Weekly meetings will be Thursdays after school. TRAVEL in modern air- condltloned Rallcoachee . . . Deluxe Parlor Cars . . . Enjoy eating in the Dlner. . . Slumber the miles away in smooth-riding Sleepers. CN + Tralns - A low cosl formula for Travel Pleasure FOR WORRY FREE TRAVEL CONTACT YOUR NEAREST CN AGENT. ‘ Mrs. Eva Webb, North Road. Lake Wilcox, is visiting her 'daughter Ellen at Trenton. Mn. and Mrs.‘Szele1-, New- man Ave., celebrated their 20th anniversary, June 27. Home On Leave S. Ch-aruk'is home with an injured back received while at work recently. John and Eve Wooley an- nounce the bivth of a daughter on June 17. Cindy Lou now has a little sister, Debbie. bed for six weeks but is now Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie, up and around. Mrs. Bice eele- South Road, announce the bra-ted her 7151 birthday recent- birth of a son. 13'- Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter will Kerry Everall celebrated his celebrate their wedding an-niv. 19th birthday June 14. ersary June 30th. ROSS, Bolan and Emle At- Warren Woods celebrated his clleson spent part of their holi- sixth birthday recently. days fishing at Holland Land- Mr. and Mrs. F. Killle and lug. Both report the fish were family spent a Sunday recently not biting. at a picnic held at the Govern- Mrs. Gladys Nicholson is re- ment Experimenml Farm- on coyering_ after lierfiope’ratlon.’ Keele Street. Mrs. E. Ch-aruk, Bayview Avenue, held a plastic party re- cently. Guests included Mrs. G. Cook, Mrs. Killick, Mrs. Szeler, Mrs. Davy. Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Gloria Cook and Mrs. Atchcson. Mrs. Peggy Orton was the demonstrator. Mrs. Bice. Elm Grove Ave. Oak Ridges, is recovering after her lengthy illness. She was in bed for sh: weeks but is now up and around, Mrs. Blce cele- })ra-ted her 713’: birthday recent- 3'. Dr. F. Malcolm, Yonge St., \Oak Ridges, is home on leave before taking up his new post at Montreal. Du. Malcolm has been associated with the Sun- nybrook Hosplrbal for about five: years. The Maloolms will be station- ed in Montreal for at least three yeams. Their son Brian has already gone to Montreal and will be working there for the summer. Planned Vacation Trips and Tours. New low rates (0 The Marlflrpes. Go Now-Pay Later arrangement. Rail-Auto Plans. Tickets by Man. Brian Ki-l-lick celebmted his Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials servatlon area was opened a (2) The amount 0f the bor- week ago to day by Lands and POng is $30.000. secured by a Forests Minister J. w. Spooner. registered first mortgage held There are facilities for fish- by the Vendor Calling for inter- mg, dog training. archery and est at the rate of six per cent small arms training. (6%) and also calling for re- payments of principal each in STOUFFVILLVE: The Stouirvmeiflh‘ff W911“ 0‘ 3500-00 Payable Lions Club will sponsor a giant 3 'year 5" bambecue and=street dance to MARJORXE L GLEASON help raise funds for its many ‘ cccmuuurnamnl charitable works in the com- i munlty on June 27. â€"-â€"â€"-l BOLTON. The Cold Creek con- servation area was opened a week ago to day by Lands and Forests Min‘igter J. W. Spooner. There are facilities for fish- ing, dog training. archery and small arms training. It is expected this method will fiacilibate steady employ~ ment, rather than irregular, heavy work loads in the office. Trustees are arranging to have Ontario Hydro continue for the present with maintenance work. Trustees plan to engage aI woman as secretary-Measure? of the system. Customers will be billed every two months un- der a staggemed arrangement. Half the ratepayers will receive bills one month and half the followlng month. Final meter reading of the present system operating under Ontario Hydmo will be made June 30, after which King City assumes the public utility. King City Hydro System will come into being July 1, accord. ing to Chairman Robert: J. 0’- Reilly. At imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarma, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum productsâ€"and to develop new ones. Their research covers many fields, from gasolines to household detergents. Another 130 90% of all oil company product research in Canada To Start System July I At King There was also a plant and small slmwbs table as well as June flowers. Mrs. Irene Rickwmd. social convenor. was assisted by Mrs. Hlnson, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Hopkins. The women of St. Mark’s held a successful garden party June 20. Sandwiches and tea were served. The bake table was managed by Mrs. A. Cooley Sn. and Mrs. Tom Appleton. The glf-t table was looked after by Mrs. W. S. Appleton. Mrs. Nield poured tea. 15th biruhday last week Dixie Dobson is no“ from St. Michael’s Hos Miss Adams will marry Peter Styrmo July 14 in Earlscourrt United Church, Toronto. Mrs. Wooley, South Road, Lake Wilcox. held a shower for Miss Dianne Adams June 18. There were 30 guests in attend- ance. now home Hospital. A. Currie, )unce the (1) The purpose of said bor- rowing is to secume a school site located on Part of Lot 44 in Concession No. 1, Township of Markham containing 5.243 acres more or less. of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of Rich- mond Hill, passed on the sixth day of June, 1962. On the sixth day of June. By- Law No. 22 was passed for â€" ‘ Several ladies from the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Canadian Cancer Society amended 21 gar- den par-ty held at the home of Mrs. A. wain in Aurora. It was given on behalf of the canvassers and voluntary workers of the district. Cancer society meetings are closed for“ the summer. but patients “1'11 not be neglected during this time. Extra dressings and bed- pads are already made and any new patients are asked to con- ‘tactll'lrs. Shirley Day at PR. Society Holds Party For Cancer Workers 3-5618 Regular meetings will start again the third Monday of Sep- tember. Permission has been granted for the society to have a booth at the Lions' Carnival, where pamphlets and information will be given out. ALWAYS LQQK TQ IMPERIAL FQR THE BEST DRAPES, CARPETS, RUGS, FURNITURE. ALL CARPET REPAIRS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4â€"1105 or .\V. 5-3316 NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 SUPER CARPET CLEANING CO. Immediate ick up and Delivery Sale of NOTICE OF BORROWING BY-LAW N0. 22 The iuels your car will use in the future are bein designed tpday. In lm erial's ultra-madam research laboratories at arnia scientists and too nicians are working to ensure that gasolines ior today's cars-and tomorrow’sâ€"are tailored for to gueriormance. In the last ten years alone Imperial has‘spent mgre "1an 0 million to build the equipment naede KSHHEithBB'éésblih’e «my scientists and technicians are working at lmperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. R. R. l Willowdale ' HU. 5-1313 ME. 5-1000: __“!“r‘r‘!-i‘v“~!¥‘i“fl I A. EFRANK PASSER: SEPTIC TANKS: PUMPED and CLEANED : Part time employment â€" person with knowledge of bookkeeping to take charge of full set of records â€" mornings preferably â€"â€" prefer local resident. PROMPl COURTEOUS SERVIC‘F BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTAN Complete Septic Tank Repair Service A ccumle Septic Tank Service > For Square Leslie 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-040] â€" AV. 5â€"5402 â€" WA. 1-1445 TOWN 8. COUNTRY FOOD PLA‘N Town & Country's food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name~brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. food bill is now: $30 $35-$40 . . PHONE COLLECT If your weekly COMPARE $20 $25 Motor Products Ltd. KING CITY. ONTARIO is done by Imperial HELP WANTED Under 071E plat} it will be only: $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 £550 L‘UMPE’I‘ENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY l‘ \H. 1950

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