cor. Windhurst Gate a; Bamew (I block south Bawiew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 II. D. Mplsness, 0.0. X-RAY Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET 1V. 5-4442 Thornhill. Ont. GENERAL CONTRACTORS landing Repalrs & Alteration; Drain and Concrete Work 1 §H|ROPRACTIC Dahl & Son Construction COMPLETE ALTERATIONS CEMENT & STONE WORK ’LASTERING 82 CARPENTRY Tenn: Can Be Arranged Ilnk of Nova Scotla Building _ Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 PLASTE’RING CONTRACTOR KING Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna TUrner (-1462 ; SPECIALIZING IN 1 ""‘"'“' g PUREBRED CATTLE, 5 H d E C I l FARM STOCK. z 0 . omer DENTIST ; IMPLE‘IENTS ' Q- - 55A YONGE ST. sown ;We personally handle all ..1.BARRI,§(T,$§-R§,°',;{Fg{?§ AND ‘ bills and advertising "n" "ml mam“ “'“l' PHONE z) mun 3:311 : The Bank 0’ Km 50"“ } GORMLEY. ONT. 1 Buildint \n-s-p - _ l 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday June 28. 136E CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Dr. J. Perdicaris ; E. CHARITY MEDICALDENTAL STU. 4-1701 ngcymond Hill ACCOUNTANTS} ENGINEERING FHumane Services3 545395 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Sand, Gravel and Sand Fill Call A. ENGLAND 285-2605 Building Trades CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERlF“ \CRES “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it‘ CONSULT "THE UBERAL" TUrner 4- "05 Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL. TUrner 44462 Arthur G. Broad HARRISON'Sâ€" Custom Carpentry -â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 Printing _| ILA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 21 deford Park Ave. FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 Deciantis-Rice DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill DENTISTS 15 Yonze St. North Richmond Hill 'I‘U. 4-4601 J """"‘ M: TV - Appliances Wm.. Clubine gsALEs REPAIRS PARTS DENTAL L. E'. Clark 3! Appointment By Appointment Richmond Hill TY'rner 4-425] TU. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY 5 SAND and GRAVEI. Sellwood Salon 3 . Formâ€, 3.â€, 5,, You.“ 5“. éLau'lor &- LeClazre h. kdivldual Attention ‘ BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Ha Styling Permanent Wavinx' Air Conditioned Dryers ' 15 “"3" Street N' 80 Ynnge St. South ‘ Richmond Hill. Ontario Richmond Hill E T'U 4.7191 for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3631 Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven’t heard of our re- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richnle Richvale Auto Body King City. Ph. TE. 3-5451 Hair Styling PhoneTE.3-6684 Beauty Salons quriepy andfllarln General Business Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties HELEN SIMPSON LYNET’I‘ Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Coaches for all Occasions Langdonk Coach Lines ltd. Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association Calï¬ures RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-1416 or 884-7003 Also Crescendo Coiffures St. Clair Avenue West Alvin S. Farmer FOR INFORMATION Crushed Stone Loam and Fill & ELECTRICAL’ 36 Years Experience TU. 4-3211 WIRING - RENTALS 40 Levendzlle Road TORONTO 12. ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Custom Made Furniture CABINET MAKING REFINISHING REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES Kunz Superb Furniture 285-1497 FURNITURE SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) GARAGES Leno’s Machine Shon Albert BET): FLOWERS HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TU. 4- Maple See Our Shop STEAMFITTING WELDING Telephone TE. 3-5351 Plaza 2590 2321 DEALER ",é Roy A. Phillips " 3311:. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 17 Queen Street 15,. Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMpixe 6-2362 AURORA, ONTARIO Glasses Fitted i Where else but in the country. Telephones omce: PA. 7-9433-9? 09â€" Repair"Can one read the latest news Rem PA. 7-5045. ; Now AT 3242 YONGE ST. .0“ who} been dining where, § In North Toronto ‘ with whom. ; o osm Park Theatre 0’ “0Ҡa hydro fuse? Donald M Findlan pr 6 1 1 d! s t ' - ' . 1 “11- 0 P-“‘- “c ‘1 "3 ‘ ~ The homey little detalls Q.C.: EU. 8-8949 That city folk pass o‘er Barrister. Solicitor. ; Evenings by Ippolntment fï¬'relpal‘t. and Parcel‘of the 181k AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res.: PA. 7~5046. John S. Walkington TU. 4-1219 113 For All Your lnsuranca Need- Insunnce â€" Mortar" Fire. Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass Automobile Financing. etc. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Suite 2. Lowrle Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 Savage Insurance Services H errington Insurance Agency imomn NATURAL scumcz 9 smvwz 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 Ernie Brock 8. Son Recelvlng Hours; 5 mm. - 6 pm or otherwise by lppolntmen} 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY by tpproved S.P.C.A. Method Bank of Nova Scotia 31113., Aurora, Ontario Barristers and Solicitors PAINLESSLY DESTROYED COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Corner Agency Limited GENERAL INSURANCE GENERAL INSURANCE Yonge Street. Oak Ridge: PR. 3-5071 INSURANCE 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Kenneth BA. LTD. Kirby Brock Manle. Ont. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 â€" NO CHARGE â€" Complete Insurance Service A. Burnett General Insurance Roy V. Bick lEGAl. St. - TE. 3-5283 ' CATS A. Gariepy 5-1557 Richmond Hill King City 363-3959 Hours 10 - 6 daily Closed Saturday Evenings By Appointment ROOM 205 LOWRIE BUILDING 15 YONG-E ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled a: Repair: J. C. Harvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined 125 LAVEROCK AVENUE Suite 2. Lowrie Building ‘ ' '- ' h“""‘"‘ I ‘ulm‘tn. wnere Dam ‘ member and Men “'15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill: ,United chugch‘ d5“: Every l‘hursday Afternoon jDr. W. Allan RipleygBrown family attends . pnflwinowitch,BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. 3 NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. Joseph Vile. QC. J. M. Peppiatt, B.A. William Erflngton. B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph. :TW. 5-4571, Newmarket, James H. Timmins Toronto Oflice - 18 Toronto Sti'l‘elephone Phone EM. 3-5877 " Estelle Markham A.R.C.T. Enrol Now For Summer Courses in Piano, All Grades, Adults and Children. Stiver, Vale, "‘mmiatt, Errington T. C. Newman, Q. C BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday a; Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Frldu N15111: F. L. Lowrie, R.0. " EYES EXAMINED ‘ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED * CONTACT LENSES "' OPTICAL REPAIRS Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Oflice TUrner 4-1780 Marguerite Boyle Norman A. Todd, . W. Kirchen, RI). Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL†OPTOMETRY 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 Residence TUrner 4-1863 3: Appointment 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Eel. TU. 4-2117 Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORN HILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public MUSICAL AVenue 5-3165 THORNHILL TU. 4-4641 TU. 4-3787 I‘Urner 4-155] Thornhill LEGAL (Conï¬rmed Why. right out to theo country, Where Nature‘s warm and real. Where people too, are just that way. And news is news, they feel! ;On who’s been dining whereJis situated around a quiet lake. ‘ with whom. Later. the group was conductâ€" Or blown a hydro fuse? ed to the pet cemetery situated on a small knoll on Dr. Secord’s Th’e homey little details iproperty. Here were small That city folk pass o‘er markers noting the burial places Are part and parcel of the talk of loved pets. Some bore flower-l That makes up rural lore. ted m-eaths, others small bagsI iof boys and bones. Mrs. Mitchell. a guide, point- ed out a marker for one pet, Where do the city folk all go Sport, who had been «transport- On a bright and sunny day? .ed in a hearse and given a reg-1 1ular burial. Many markers not~‘ Why. right out to U1e,countr_v,'ed pets in the 14 to 17-yearsi Where Nature's warm and real.fl‘ang€, With one dog “Wears-i Where Deoole tool are lust that old- And who's to say 'tis trifling, Or p’raps a bit passeâ€" Th’e homey little details That city folk pass o‘er Are part and parcel of the talk That makes up rural lore. way. ) Acording to the guide. plots And news is news, they feel} mere cost about $35. Two dollars â€" 7 7 7- ‘3 year provides care. The â€" Igrounds are kept trimmed, and . . . ‘up until Monday of last week Ewhen a severe electrical storm y g [knocked it from its stone cairn 1a large bronze statue of a dog OF ALL KINDS [mounted guard. A small package of delightiinrg is devoted to the manufac- greeted hospital nurses culture of aquariums and bird- Wednesday when Debbie Van cage stands, employing a dozen T01 anrdved for a tonsilectomy. people. Unfortunately, Debbie didn’t After an inspection of the consider it Sunday school pic-plant, the guide, Mr. Ashworth, nic fun. led the way into Whitch‘urch See you next week in a branleownship where the company neiv golumn! C.R.T. signing omlhas its hatehingAponds. P‘S. An interested'reaaer’s contribution re Rural Ram- blings: ing earlier by-passed a moder- ate flow. With no success at the deeper level they returned to 173 feet and were much re- lieved that the flow was great- er than expected. Annual neunion day for the Rumble Clan, June 24. saw Valley Park Farm a beehive of activity with folks gathered from near and far to renew family ties. Most people drill down for water, we know of someone who went UP for theirs! On the Charles Homer farm the drillers reached 210 feet hav- Mlns. R. P. Simpson is spend-Won and Mrs. Joe Robinson: ingg week in‘Vermont, U._S.A.. The ï¬rst stop was made at Vismng her Sister Mrs. Clifton Brme’s Mill in the north pant L°°m15~ A _ ,of Markham Township, on a Encouraglng repontshave‘ ititwistmg lane midway between that Kathleen Burton is domg con, 5 and 6. Here we country. well in hospitgl, but now knowslside is green and quiet and the the full moanlng ‘of home sweet 01d waiterwheel waits to be [5. home nnd 15 anxmus‘to return. juvenated when the Ontario Hope 1†500‘? Kath)“ Conservation Authority com- ‘ . , mences its work in the near H.313.“ .?E°1’3‘3-.‘?.r‘1L “OW†1"†future. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson enjoyed, as a weekend guest, the company of Mrs. Wm. Ellis of Toronto. And at. the home of Mrs. W. Wellvma‘n, the Allen Wellman family, Sunday dinner and sparkling conversation were the order of the day. The tea kettle was whistling a frequent and merry note at the Elmer Leek home on Sun- day where a double celebra- tion was in pnogress. Mrs. D. Reamnan and Martha Baker were receiving birthday honors at a family gatheming. Also dispensing hospitality, the Brodie home welcomed Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Toronto, while a congenial gathering at the Wesley Clark home includ- ed Mr. Mom'vison Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whale and family of Drayton and Mr. and Mrs. C bridge ; Lynette Wilson and Chris Terry attended the second rreeting on June 18 of the Richâ€" valeâ€"Thorn-hill Branch of the hospital auxiliary. Those girls interested in becoming members of this organization take note that the next general meeting will be held September 13. at Richvale Emmanuel Church. Think about it girls. This is OUR contribution to the new Richmond Hill Hospital. Get in on the ground floor to help to make it an exciting success. June is visiting month it seems. The glad hand of wel- come is being extended a good deal in our area these days. Mr. ‘Frank Guild, uncle of Mrs. D. ‘Calder will be spending two weeks at the Calder home. Re- cently returned ï¬nom six months in France, Mr. Guild, whose stage name is John Rrock'wood. has for many years enjoyed a successful singing career. Celebrate 50th Year While Mr. W. H. Russell‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russell. Stellarton, N.S.. were here to attend their grand- daughter Sandra’s wedding Jun-e 9, they celebrated their own 50th wedding anniversary. To mark the occasion their .son and daughter-in-lvaw enter- 'tained for them at the Imperial Room of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. When the cake was brought. to the table the band played‘ The Anniversary Waltz. Other guests present were J. C. Russell and his wife of Cal- gary. It as the ï¬rst time in 17 years the Russe‘lls had all been together. i in It! It The following pupils of Mrs. S. J. English were successful at the recent examinations held at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Mrs. Loren Guild KR. 2. Gormley Phone TU. 4-3040 Neighborhood Notes and a courteous representative will call TEMPLE 3-5401 240 KING ST. KIN TU. 4-1432 Headford News KINGSDALE ANIMAL ' HOSPITAL , DR. CARL HEDER I VETERINARY SURGEON Consult “The Liberal†TU. 4-1105 VETERINARY SURVEYORS Ceorlge Boynton of Wood- 147 Yonxe St. N Ofl'ice Richmond Hill ‘ Lion KING CITY Teston. where the neighbor- At’a reception in Bu-btonville hood was holding its annual W.I. Community Hall, Mrs. Strawberry Festival. Russell received the guests wearing an afternoon dress of mili'uon Suï¬â€œ :blue sheer over flowered silk , A youth service and affiJJa-‘with matching blue sheer coat. :tion was held recently at small hat of white florets and 'Brown's Corners United Ch‘urch‘white accessories‘ Her flamers 'when members of the Messeng- were red roees and whï¬e ete- i era, and CGIT you" presented mm From Sky Hill the cavalcade wound its way to the York County Reforestation at Vivian. from there to Aurora and on to Teston. where the neighbor- hood was holding its annual Strawberry Festival. Leaving gold ï¬sh behind. the women toured in a north-east- erly direction, to Sky Hill, Dr. Alan Secord's sanctuary near Goodwood. The wild fowl haven, which was visimed ï¬rst, is situated around a quiet lake. The upper level of the build- ing is devoted to the manufac- ture of aquariums and bird- cage stands, employing a dozen people. Cold water gold ï¬sh (not tropical ï¬sh) are here by the thousands, sometimes as many as 250,000 (all must be counted by hand) with tanks in the base- ment of the plant ï¬lled with running water to store them. The second point of interest was a matter of much conjec- tum, but no one guessed the Gold Fish Swpply (10., Shouti- ville, where the party stopped next. Here the group learned of a local industry of which many were unaware. | Grade 2 theory: lst class Lmonors. Barbara Empring‘ham; Dianne Don-newly. Grade 1 theo- ry: lst class honors: Mrs. Alan Martin. It was a mystery tour for hard working members of Buttonvil'le W.I., Wednesday oi last week. Instead of getting down to busi- ness as they usually do when they meet, committee members Mrs. Charles Hooper, Mrs. K. Stats, Miss Elizabeth French and Mrs. Jean Cook, arranged a tour of local points of interest with a strawberry festival as the climax Five car-loads set out at 1.30 pm. from Buttonville W.I. Hall, with drivers Mrs. George Hoop- er, Mrs. James Rodick; Mrs. M. Sherman, Mrs. Russell ‘ Buying- ton and Mrs. Joe Robinson. ‘ Piano: Grade 8: Mary Cham- pion; Helen Sutherland. Grade 5. Dawn Tatton, Grade 3 hons.: Jugly Gough, Debbie Hood, WJ. Mystery Tour The following pupils of Mrs. S. J. English were successful at the recent examinations held at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Al the York-Scarboro poll in‘Carr, Anna Armstrong and the Pl‘alet residence. south of Kathleen Strike. Later in the Highway 7 on Don Mills Road, evening, Mrs. George Hooper there was a 74 per cent turn- conducted an activity group. out. with a count of 86 Liberal. Unit one plans to hold a bake 82 Conservative. 35 NDP and 4lsavle on the lawn of the Button~ Social Credit. lvi‘lle “7.1. H31] in August with _.., V... a. Other guests present were J. C. Russell and his wife of Cal- gary. It as the ï¬rst time in 17 years the Russe‘lls had all been together. l Sandra Russell was guest to the M and M Fund. lhonor at several parties priorl Presentation of the Messen- ‘to her recent marriage to Fred gers’ gift offering was made by Brown of Unionville. Paul Craigie assisted by Mrs. ‘ Hostesses were Betty Patter- Wilfred Turner. son whose guests were school Paul Steï¬ler. Mary Lyn Snid- lfriends of the bride; Donna er and Irene Craigie made the lDimma and Barbara Shelton at presentation for the Explorers. 'the Cedar Grove home of Miss and Patricia Patterson and ;Dimma; the YPU of CedarlMaureen Martin acted for the Grove. when they entertained'CGIT. Ross Herd. chairman of ’Eor both Sandra and Betty Pat- M and M and Walter Craig re- .terson. who will be married to ceived the gifts for the church. [Murray Brown in July; friends Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington ‘at Brown’s Corners United conducted the service. Church. where Sandra is a * * * * Imember and friends at Melville! Mrs. Alan Martin was hostess United Church. where thelTuesday evening of last weekl In Buttonville W. I. Hall there were three polling booths with the vote running between 75 and 80 per cent. Here again, the race was very close. In one booth Addison Won by one vote, and in another Gathers was ahead by two votes. The third poll was the deciding factor, with Gathers winning by 19 votes. All [our polls in the Button- ville area showed a close con- tesï¬ in the June 18 federal elec- Close Race at Polls BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. l'. R. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Mrs. Bruce Logie was matron of honor for her cousin. Brides- maids were Mrs. Barry McWhirt- Ier, sister of the bride, and Miss 3Betty Patterson. 1 The graceful gored skirt touched the floor, and was ac- ‘cen'ted by a deep tuck with deJ tail bows. A tiara of pearls held her ï¬nger-tip tulle veil. She carried red roses and white stephan-otis. They were similar gowns, fashioned by the ma-t‘ron of honor. which were ï¬tted sheaths of Alice blue pea'u-de-soie with square necklines and slim lace over-skirts. Matching head cir- clets and accessories completed their costumes. They carried crescents of roses and Stephan- otis in shades of red, white and yellow. Kenneth Burrows attended the groom. Ushers were Barry McWhirter and Murray Brown, the groom’s brother. The bride. given in marriage by her father. wore a gown of white silk organza cut on Eva-n- geline lines, with ï¬tted basque bodice and bouï¬ant skirt, The picture neckline featured a shawl collar outlined with se- quins and pearl embroidered lace. Her lily point sleeves were long and tight ï¬tting. There were arangemen-ts of! garden flowers at the altar for; the ceremony, perfomed by| Rev. Dr. A. F. Binning’ton. Wed-‘ ding music was played by Miss Joy Fuller. Soloist was Mrs. Clayton Jones. ‘ 1 A pretty summer wedding took place in Brown's’ Corners United Church, Buttonvi‘lle, June 9. when Sandra Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Russell, Am-Ieigh Heights, be- came the bride of Fred E. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, R.R. 1. Union- ville. Brown-Russell Exchange Vows Among those present were. Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. James Rodick, Mrs. Russell Burr, Mrs. Douglas Hood, Mrs. Norman Reid, Mrs. S. J. English, Mrs. Jean Cook. Mrs. A. W. Miller, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. W. Ked- well, Mrs. John Donaldson, Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mrs. Ridouvt. Mrs. Adair, 1s iss M. Rodick and Mrs. F. Le . Mrs. Joe Robinson, chairman of the Buttonville bran-ch, poured tea. 1 Mrs. ‘A. W. Miller was soloist at Brown’s Corners United Church this past Sunday. The service was conducted by Rev. GeraJd Fitzpatrick. Throughout July, Sunday School children will come to church at 11.30 am. and leave for their own service before the sermon. Several local branch mem- bers of the York Central Hospi- tal Auxiliary attended the gard- en tea at Glen Lon-er Farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sni‘vely, last week. Brown’s Corners United Church Sunday School picnic will be held at Cedar Beach, Mussel-man’s Lake, July 4. Any- one wishing transportation should contact Chafles Turner or Garnet Stewart. Several local young people attended the York Presbytery YPU picnic at Slibballrd’s Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller and Joy, and Mr. and Mrs. Irv- ing Gohn and family, were guests when George Beatty and Marilyn Hayes, Richmond Hill. Were married at Richmond H1911 United Church Saturday. The reception which followed was held at Aurora Highlands Golf and Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maw were present at St. Margaret’s in the Pines Anglican Church. West Hill, last Sunday, for the chris- tening of their grandson. David Glenn Maw. son of Mr. and Mrs. Derek Maw. ‘ Mrs. James Miller entertain- ed Saturday of last week for Jamie, on his seventh birthday. There were 15 guests. Mrs. Paul Mingay assisted the host- ess with games. Sharon Rumble, a student at Thorn'hilll Secondary School. was at Buttonvi'lle School last week to explain to Grade 8 girls the new Thornnill uniform. Next year they will wear blazers with white blouses and gray} skirts. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craii newest daughter amwived .1 16, a sister for Dorothy, 11' Paul and Christine. Don and Velma (Miller) ( Monte Vista, Colorado, proud parents of a daugi Rebecca, born June 18. A gr; daughter for Mr. and Mrs Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill are thgiy Halilgurtoin cottage. Unit one plans to hold a bake sale on the lawn of the Button- ville W.I. Hall in August, with proceeds to assist youth groups with their work this autumn. Neighborhood Notes Mr. newest 16, a 5 Paul a‘ Mrs. Alan Martin was hostess Tuesday evening of last week “hen unit one of Broxm’s Cor- ners UCW met at her home. The theme of the evening was "Children". Devotional ser- vice and story were taken by the committee in charge com- posed of Helen Cormack, Carole Cary, Anna Armstrong and: Paul Steiner, Mary Lyn Snid- er and Irene Craigie made the presentation for the Explorers. and Patricia Patterson and Maureen Martin acted for the (Miller) Otis, Colorado, are daughter A grand iraigie’s d June , Irene, DIU HUN 1, Licensed mecnanv I I , . . IYoungs B. A. Serwce Statuon' I Yonge & Benson Richmond Hill I \’-“i‘i“"i““"i‘i‘ For travelling to Manitoulin Island and points north, the bride wore a turquoise and white ensemble with white hat and accessories and corsage of pink roseabuds. The bride and groom will live on 17th Avenue, R.R. l, Unionville, on their re- turn. Guests attending the wedding came from Stellarton. N.S.. Calgary. Alberta. Oakville and Toronto. The bridal party and guests were later entertained at the hope of uherrbride‘s parents. Mrs. Brown chose lace over satin in soft mauve-pink tones, with matching hat and blending accessories. Her cox-sage was yellow roses. MAPLE, ONTARIO 39 Netherfgrd Rd. AV FIRST CLASS LANDSCAPING FREE ROTOTILLING ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Yonge & Benson BUILDING CONTRACTORS For Reasonable Rates & Information Telephone R.M.C. Graduate ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE 5 TA C E Y SOD SUPPLY WITH EVERY SODDING CONTRACT Your Choice Of Grass FREE ESTIMATES WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechani» Talk it over with a Niagara Loan Adviser. It's his job to help you! Niagara loans are made up to $2,500â€" and are usually completed in less than a day. Remember, you will always be \ welcome at Niagara. YOUNG’S IN A SPIN OVER MONEY? Largest All-Canadnan Consumer Loan Company NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY lIMITED TU. 4-0009 meeting for the formation 01 a North Gwillimbury Ch-ambe! of Commerce took place at 1111! Memorial Hall. Keswick. on Tuesday. Ndï¬ï¬ We make all repairs with the precision born of long experience. Our jobs never have to be “re-done†later. You save money in the end! COOK'S BP Precision Repairs Pay Off To You Compiete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS Auto Service AV. 5 = 5859 GWILLMUE??? HUS