Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1962, p. 5

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During July and August. St. John's Baptist Church. Rich- mond Hill. “i” be meeting in Thornhill Baptist Church for the 11 am. morning service Friends of Mrs. Fred Hoover will be pleased to hear that she is now making' steady proa‘oss and has been moved from Fair- fax Haspital to the llifl Nu:s- 1113 Home. Dunn Loring. VaA la.\ nUSpILaI tu uu' lull Au...) mg Home. Dunn Loring, Va‘ Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyler. from “ * * * Bath. England. are at present The United Church Women‘enjoying a two month holiday of St. Matthew’s United Churchlat the home of their daughter. wound up their season on Tues-Mrs. J. C. Hughes. Balkan Rd. day last‘ with a Pot Luck Sup- Mr; Tyler. M.B.E. is the for- per held at the chm-ch, mcr Chief Public Health Inâ€" ,4 I-.. u.-. “‘0‘. In honour of their Silvcr Weddinz anniversary on July 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kers- lnko will be holding a Garden Tea “rain or shine“ from 7 10 11 pm. at their home. 16 Knoll- side Drive. Friends and neigh- bours are all cordially invited. 'I‘he (Touples' Club of St. Matthew's United Church are holding their June meeting in the fomn of a Barbecue Supper. tomorrow (Friday) at Bud and Betty Justice's home‘ 30 Rock- port Crescent. Dessert will' be served later at the home of Spence and Ruth Urquhart. 387 Allencoufi, Featuring the closing exer- cises of the Presbyterian Sun- day School on June 24 was the presentation of a Bible to Mr. John Moorhead Sr.. in apprec- lation of his services as tea- cher for the past thirteen years. Mr. Moorhead. an elder of the church, will continue as a tea- cher when the school recon- venes in September. Rev. J. N. Hepburn made the presenâ€" tation. A coincidence was that thir- ty-seven years ago in June. on his departure from Ireland, Mr. Moorhead had been presented with a Bible by the minister of the church he had attended there. A large number of pins and bars for perfect attendance were also presented to boys and girls attending the Sabbath School and Miss Ruth Francis received a certificate for memâ€" orizing the Shorter Catechism. The occasion marked the 15lst anniversary of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Sunday School. on July The Presbyterian Young ph Kers- People held their last meeting I Garden before the summer holidays "om 7 to’Sunday evening. A film on the 16 Knoll-‘1952 24â€"hour race at Le Mans. 1d neighâ€"France. Was enjoyed and sever- ' invited.ial items of business settled. Miss Mary Dawson, who has of St.;helped with several programs urch areldul‘ing the year was presented eeting intwith a silver maple leaf pin and :Supper. earrings to wear on her trip Bud and to Great Britain. 30 Rock-‘ * “‘ ‘K * Editor Margot Crack of 387 un- the Mr. rec- tea- ars. the tea- :on- senâ€" hir- nn .Mrs. F. Davis, who always} has such a warm interest in the welfare of all local citizens. has nbw discovered that it is time mwfur all senior citizens to write‘, ‘in for free tickets to the Canag dian National Exhibition or: they may leave it too late and‘ be disappointed. It is very generous of the C. N.E. to 'honor senior citizens with free tickets but they nat- urally are too busy to send out tickets once August comes. .1. M. Garrick. Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Park. Tor- ,onto ZB. will be glad to hear from all senior citizens during July. Mrs. Wm. Mirrlees and {am- lly attended an Armstrong Family Re-union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig, Stayner. Ontario. Among the fifty members of the famin present was Mrs hgixrlee‘s father. Mr. T. S. Arm- srong, the solo representative of the original family. "ML-“Tyler. i’l.B.E. is the for mer Chief Public Health In specter for that ‘cit'y. A most successful piano re- cital was presented last Fri- day at St. Mary's Anglican Church by the pupils of Estelle Markham A-R.C.T. Seventy-five palnents and friends were present to provide a most appreciative audience as the pupils presented an in- teresting display of their year’s work including everything from little five year old beginners to a grade 10 student. Since the certificates had not been issued yet for the Royal Conservatory examinations. the six students who had tried these were given gifts as recognition of their hard work. These were Marietta Evans. grade 1; Laura Flynn, grade 3: Marjorie, Spencer. gnade 4: Kathy Flynn, grade 5: Kgflly ‘1‘ The Pleasantville Bridge theiClub spent an evening on the ans, town last week â€"â€" dinner in the ver- Franz Josef Room of the Walk- _ er House Hotel, a‘ performance has of “Guys and Dolls" at the ams O'Keefe Centre. and a midnight; )tedrsnack at Fran's Restaurant. and Enjoying the congenial com» mp pany. excellent food and first class entertainment were. Mrs. :W. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. J. Major, Mrs. J. Mcllveen. Mrs. J. Dick. vaYS‘ers. R. Stevens. Mrs. K Web- the her, Mrs. C. Walker. Mrs. M. has Maxwell, Mrs. D. Beaumont. lime‘Mrs. G. Rice and Mrs. D. Scott. ME Leaving on the B.O.A.C. Brit- annia. on Friday for a lhree week holiday in England and Scotland are MiSS Mary Daw- son. Mrs. R. Ryland. Mrs. P- Bracey Gibbon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smyth and their daughter Sharon. ' Richmond Hill Post Office will observe the following holi- day schedule on Monday. July 2: Box lobby will be open from 8 am. to 8 pm. General deliv- ery and registration wickets will be open from 8 to 10 am. No money orders will be is- sued. and there will be no let- ter carrier delivery. Mail from all street letter boxes will be collected at 11 pm. ian Room at the Royal York Hate]. It was attended by the Colonel-inâ€"chief‘ the Princess Royal. i Families of St. Mary's Angli- ‘can Church are encouraged to attend church during the sum- mer months together. The ten Io’clock service is specially gearra ed for this with a junior con- gregation provided during the sermon period. The care of tiny tots is also provided dur- ing the 10 am. service. The evening service continues dur- .ing the summer at 7 pm. Mrs. Frank Resentera leaves today for a visit to relatives in Italy. It will be her first visit. to her native land since 1940. A garden tea was held last week at the home of Mrs. R. L. Carter. Cartier Crescent. In the garden. decorated in Japanese style. complete with gay umbrellas. thirty guests. while enjoying a very pleasant afternoon. were also busy mak- ing prizes for a fish pond. one of the many attractions being organized for a bazaar. to be held in October. sponsored by the C.W.L. of Our Lady Queen of the World. Pouring tea were Mrs. J. Daley and Mrs. Oude Remerick. All monies raised through this event are for the new church building fund. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Thom-l son Were entertained by Col-9 onel John Craig and Mrs. Craig at the National Club. To- ronto. prior to accompanying them to the 100th Anniversary Ball of the Royal Regiment. ‘held last Friday in the Canad- Miss Sandy Phillips held a miscellaneous shower at her home Monday evening for Miss Audrey Beatty in honour of her forthcoming marriage tn Kurt Jeppeson. 4310‘s? * * * >3 Miss Sandy Phillips held a miscellaneous shower at her home Monday evening for Miss Audrey Beatty in honour of her forthcoming marriage to Kurt Jeppeson. Many of Audrey's former classmates and friends were present to help surprise her and make the evening success- ful. -o- no- * * Robt. Lewis. seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Members‘ Moments were done by President D. Feather- stonhaugh. Wendy Thatcher, Marilyn Louw and Cecily Thomson. The very popular Gallagher and Sheen skit done by Margot Crack and Beth Jones was a great success, but ended on a tearful note inas- much as Mrs. Bebh Jones is re- turning to England next week to join her husband; In apprec- iation of her contribution to the club. she was presented with an oil p-ainti g of spring flow- ers, painted y Ann Feather- Lewis. Pugsley Avenue. a gi‘ad-Estonhaugh. Keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your Dominion Day holiday activities -â€"- guests from out of town. cottage enter- taining. anniversary or birthday celebrations! Call or visit “The Liberal" of- fice. 63 Yonge St. South. TU. 4-1105. Last Saturday St. Gabriel's Anglican Church held their anâ€" nual church picnic. . . H_‘ The very successful event took place at the Maples Park near Uxbridge. where over 300 were in attendance. ‘High- lights of the day were two fully costumed fun provoking clowns who thrilled the youngsters with their antics‘ and the B'arn‘s ( “Breath ing July Friends will be She has Newmarl youngsters in turn, under \theigressing leadership of Mrs. A. Price, de- lighted all the picknickers with several songs including singing grace before supper. Races were run, pop and potato chips lconsumed. and quantities of leandy disappeared. .Facilities :of the park, which includes swimming, pony rides and horseback riding were enjoyed ,by all. The : and cong Richmon Church June 30 Park. A park at at the p of patiei pital. VllAfivote of thanks to bhe pic- nic committee for a job well done. The class of young people confirmed Pentecost, June 10, by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Richmond Hill, are seen above with Pastor Albert Myers. Front row (left to right) Pirjo Forsstrom, Allen Miller were two fully Friends of Mrs. Alma Bettridge *ovokinrg downs will be pleased to he‘ar that the youngsters §he has returned home from 35‘ and the Newmarket Hospital and is pro- urn. under theggressing favourably. Mary Monks left this week for Jackson’s Point. where she will be a-ppeaming in the Red B'arn‘s opening production of “Breath of Spring" commenc- ing July 2nd. The annual Sunday School and congregational picnic of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will be held Satuu‘day, June 30. at Boyd Conservation Park. A bus will leave the town park at 1 pm. Honored guests at the picnic will be a number of patients from the Villa Hos- Mrs. Erika Kusnicki of A1- sace Road. played hostess to the1 Women of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church when they held their June meeting at her home. Fol- lowing devotions a short skit was presented which pointed out that although we sometimes find ourselves being pushed in- to church programs. the re- sults are usually very reward- mg. Plans for an outdoor service' and congregational picnic to be held in July were formulated.‘ Items needed by Edgewood Lutheran Camp were donated by each lady. and thank-offer- ing banks. entire contents of which will be forwarded to mis- sions. Were presented. St. Paul's Lutheran Confirmation Class The two ministers and boards of session in the town's United Churches will co-operate to provide a continuous ministry throughout the holiday period again this summer. For the five years since St. Matthew's received their full time minis- ter the arrangement has contin- ued. Rev. Charles Higginson will be on vacation in July, and Rev. William Patterson will con- duct services in both churches during the month. The service of worship will be in St. Mat- ‘thew‘s at 10 am. and in Richâ€" *mond Hill United at 11.15 VMIr. Patterson will also take care of the pastoral needs of boéh congregations for the per- , 10 . ‘ 'The same arrangement will continue through August. and September 2, with Mr. Higgin- 'son on duty for the month. The two United Churches of Richmond Hill wi‘ll co-operate again this year for summer ser- vices. For pastoral service please feel free to phone your minis- ter at any time. At St. Matthews on Septem- ber 9, the services will revert to 11 am. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 28. 1962 and Eddie Miller. Back row (same order) Kenneth Miller, Wayne Mezo, Ulla Forsstorm. Jerry Dumais, Jane Mezo. Pas- tor Myers, Nancy Nyman, Ursela Solich, Gunnar Forestrgmv and Charles Nordgren @Good eatinq \ng-r sAvmes! Lean Blade 8. Short Rib Roasts lb. 43c " 'flBâ€"KREECUE SPECIAL WEINERS 4 lbs. ‘ WE’INER BUNS 2 ms. 45: DEMPSTERS BAY VIEW PLAZA (Photo by George Chaplin) ")5. 99¢ TU. 4-7691

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