A native King girl, Miss, Brown is the daughter of Mr.’ and Mrs. Art Brown, North‘ Keele Street. , Named secretary-treasurer of the King City Hydro System. Miss Carol Brown started her new job this week in the village oï¬â€˜ice. She is being employed on a pal-Mime basis. Secretary-Treasurer Starts At King City Victoria Square Chairman - George Brand Gormley 5200 Women's Services - G01". 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols [‘ransportation - Gorm. 5540 Mrs. L Mumrhersnn Thornhlll Women's Services Unionvllle Women's Services Mrs. Ewart Stlver Richmond Hill Women’s Services Mrs. D. C. Stephens Transportation - TU. 4-482! Mrs. W. J. Lennox Campaign For General Information & Services Call Unionville 239 If you have a claim for damages as a result of an accident with an uninsured driver, make application for payment to the Director of Claims, Ontario Department of Trans- port, 10 St. Mary St., Toronto 5. You may make application personally or through your solicitor. Claims will be dealt with promptly. For further information ask for a copy of the pamphlet explainingthe operation ofthe Fund from your local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. Hon. H. L. Rowntree. Q.C., Min/sfer ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT lfyour vehicle becomes uninsured, atanytimebecause ofcancellation orexpiry ofthe policy, you must pay the $20.00 additional fee immediately at your local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. Underthe newlaw establishingthe MotorVehicleAccidentClaims Fund which repiaces the Unsatisï¬ed Judgment Fund with effect from July lst, 1962, itwill be an offence for an ownerto operate or permit the operation of his inotor vehicle on the highway without being able to produce either; If your vehicle is insured, be sure you have an insurance certificate. If you do not have one, see your insurance agent at once. lfyour vehicle is not insured, make certain your motor vehicle permit is endorsed to show that you have paid the $20.00 additional fee. BU®FU©E FED M©F®EBHSSF§ THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLE MOIDENI clfllMS HOT Eng, City BE SURE TO CARRY YOUR LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF OF HAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 UNIN- SURED MOTOR VEHICLE FEE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES. THE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE PROOF OF INSURANCE OR PAYMENT OF THE FEE, OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE PROOF, IS A FINE OF $50.00 TO $500.00. CAN ADIAN CANCER SOCIETY RICHMOND HILL I: DISTRICT UNIT KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “The Liberal“ is always pleased to publish items terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge: Wilcox and King City districts. Our news COFTGSPL in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. lele Tanip 3â€"5457- and in (hi: D€Hfloc-t aim mum“, Expert Auto Body, Collision. Repairs and Repaintmg FREE ESTIMATES -« G.M.A.C FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Mrs. E. Percival Mrs. G. Purves (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured under a liability policy for bodily injury and prOperty damage. 0R (b) Proof that the $20.00 uninsured motor Vehicle fee has been paid. Mrs. G. Purves Unionville 113 Unionvllle 239 AV. 5-1839 AV. 5-1011 BODY SHOP GM. Dealer féiofgégName Field Day Winners 'ogfï¬aAt Dons Patton School‘ r Numerous arm ribbons were sported by girls and boys of Doris M. Patton School after they won events in the annual ï¬eld day held last week. Ball Throw: Melinda Berry, Beverley Robertson. Julie Cruickshank and Sandra Hens- hall. ‘Competition Keen Races: Melinda Berry. Sandra Henshall. Christine Cullman and Debra Shipley. Standing Broad Jump: Edith Davidson, Melinda Berry. Christine Cullman and Kathy James. Running Broad Jump: Melinda Berry. Christine Cullman. Ka- thy James and Sandra Hens- hall‘ Junior Girls: Running Broad Jump: .1111 Wood. Jane Seymour, Judy Mc- Kendry, Marilee Peter and Eliz- abeth Cooke; \ Teachers conducted the comâ€" ‘pebitions and presented red, navy, green and light blue ribbons to the children head- ing each event. Primary Girls: ‘ High Jump: Debra Shipley, Melinda Berry. Sharon Minton, Kathy James and Edith David- son. ‘ TE. 3-530] A. G. MacNab, Deputy Minister Ball Throw: Elaine Doy‘ Linda Smyth. Susan Roberts‘ Sandra Berry and Linda Hunt. High Jump: Joan Corcoran, Lynda Smyth, Jan Cal-gill and Jo-Ann Pudiï¬n. Hap, Skip. Jump: Donna Mc- Kendry, Roseann Ramage, Bev- erley @055 and Eva Stanley. Standing Broad Jump: Susan Cargill, Linda Townson, Cheryl MacLean. Susan Dawson and Donna McKendry. Races: Maureen Doy, Susan Cargill, Susan Dawson. Denise Hall and Linda Townson. Ball Throw: Eva Stanley, Susan Dawson, Susan Cargil] and Linda Townson. Senior Girls: Standing Broad Jump: Elaine Doy. Tonny Meadows. Jan Car- gill and Lorna Houston. Races: Deirdre Berry, Judy McKendry. Kelly Meadows and Jane Seymour. Intermediate Girls: High Jump: Linda 'I‘ownson, Eva Stanley. Roseann Ramage. Susan Cargill, Lynne Davie‘ Running Broad Jump: Bev- erley Cress. Donna McKendry, Susan Cargill and Lynne Davie. High Jump: Judy McKendrii, Jane Seymour, Barbara Club- ine and Lynn Hill. Ball Throw: Debbie Arm-Day, Jan' Cargm, strong. Elizabeth Cooke. Janice and Susan Roberts Mcgenzlg and .1qu Armstrong. Top, Skip, Jun Standing Broad Jump: Judy' Races: Elaine Doy, Susan McKendry, Lynn Hill. Rose- Roberts, Tonny Meadows and marie Bissett. Deirdre Berry Kendra Lawson. and Judy Armstrong. Running Broad Jump: Elaine “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of in- Latest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson, Wildwood Ave, PR. 3-5479 The graduation. dinner, speeches and dance were a huge success with everyone enjoying [Oak Ridges school for 14 years. devilled eggs. Nine dozen didi TwentY‘ï¬ve menibers a“?ij ‘and Mrs. Fairbairn. who taught not last long. At each sitting|ing the meeting in Au 53111“ for six years. Both are retiring 58 people were served. {Church W.A. room heard pr. from teaching. ' | Held on an ideal day that Quentin Hardy stress the 1m- Clifl' Bell. acting principal, encouraged in few patrons to 9011581109 0f education in cancer was chairman for the speeches show up more than an hour‘WOI'k. and MrS- Eamon-t Fran- and introduced the guests and before the supper started, theikel Praised the Efforts 0f the speakers. Connie Hadath gave popular community event boost-brawn ‘ the valedictory address. Jack§ed the UCW general treasuryl Mrs. Donald Findlay, pres-1 Blythe convened for the dance‘by $300. .ident of the Aurora and District} held in the school auditorium Mrs. Ewart Patton was gen-‘Unit. asked the branch past: following the dinner. eral convenor. assisted by Mrsipresident. Mrs. Ian Gilchrist, tot w 7 “r""* Grade 8 teachers and some of United ChurCh Women have the primary teachers were also sponsored the event formerly present. Linda Blythe present- prepared by W-A. members. ed gifts to the Grade 8 teach- They used 216 boxes of ber- ers from the graduates. ries and 50 pounds of ham. 1 Presentations were also made The only item disappearing ‘to Mrs. Appleton, teacher at faster than the customers were Oak Ridges school for 14 years, devilled eggs. Nine dozen did: and Mrs. Fairbairn. who taught not last long. At each sitting; for six years. Both are retiring 58 people were served. ; from teaching. ‘ Held on an ideal day that] A graduation dinner was held the evening’s events. Mrs. Irene at the Ridge Inn for graduates Blythe was chairman of the and guests of the Oak Ridges‘banquet committee Public School June 26. ‘ Abbie Barnsdale and Lillian Among the guests were: Mr. Deary also received trophies as Miller, vice-principal of the winners in ï¬eld day activities. Among the guests were: MnlDeary also received trophies as Miller, vice-principal of th-elwlnners in ï¬eld day activities. Aurora High School and Mrs.!â€"â€"â€"- Miller. Mr. O'Burn principal of King City High School; 0 A d Public School Inspector, Mr. McLeod and Mrs. McLeod;! School Board Chairman M1315 b F d Gallagher and Mrs. Gallagher;l MIS- coon- Presmem .Of the} 350 customers tool: their ap- home and “how assocmt‘ion- gpetites with them to the annual Mrs. W. Jeans and son wereiStrawberx-y Supper at King present at the head table. She City United Church recently. presented a trophy to the school Seventy busy members pre- on behalf of her late husband. pared an served an array of who was principal of the school salads. ham. rolls and relishes, for eight years. lemonade for the youngsters The trophy. given to the best tea and coffee for the grown- all-round student, was won by ups. plates of cake and straw- Miohelle Harper. who will beberriesl ; given a replica of the award. This was the {last time thel Running Broad Jump: Donald Graham. Donald Orr, Ted Hun- ter and Andy Hudson. Standing Broad Jump: Don- ald Graham, Andy Hudson. Douglas Abrahams and Ted Hunter. Races: Donald Graham, Douglas Armstrong, Ted Hun- ter, Ken Fawns and Douglas Abrahams. Hop, Skip, Jump: Douglas Abrahams, Ted Hunrter, Donald Grgham and Jim Heaslip. Running Broad Jump: Ron- ald Hare. Bruce McPhee, Philip Lacey and Bill Prentice. Senior Boys: High Jump: Jim Heasli‘p, Donald Orr, Ken Fawns and Donald Graham. Ball Throw: Ted Hunter, Jim Heaslirp, Douglas Armstrong, Douglas Abrahxams and Donald Orr. . the last four or ï¬ve years". With meetings :' He was told that former trust- a month during 0 e e I nn'ees had recommended correctâ€" the next meeting .ing the water problem as a for July 23 at 1 local improvement, but the village office. For Lake Wilcox Grads King my Nam Standing Broad Jump: Ronâ€" ald Hare. Bill Prentice, David Glass and Murray Rumble. High Jump: Bill Prentice, Ronald Hare, Ian Rawlings and Murray Rumble. Races: Bill Prentice, [an Rawlings, Bob Clubine and Wayne Kirby. Hop, Skip, Jump: John Cooke, Bill Prentice, Ronald Hare. Ian Rawlings. Races: Vincent Alaggia, Dav- ,id Robertson. Bradley Greenâ€" ‘wood and Martin Fox. Intermediate Boys: Ball Throw: Lan Rawlings, Murray Rumble. Bob Clubine and Chris Jarvis.‘ Running Broad Jump; Mart/in Fox, Gary Walker ,David Rob- ertson. and Bradley Greenwood. Races: Danny LaF‘ond, Gor- don Ailles. Ross Mch-hee and John Bolton. Junior Boys: High Jump: Bradley Green- wood, Martin Fox, Gary Walker and Reed Lawson‘ High Jump: Gordon Ailles, Tommy LaFontaine, Michael Laughlin and Ross McPheeA Standing Broad Jump: Martin‘g Fox, Bradley Greenwood. Reed“, Ball Throw: John Heaslip, David Hunter" Lawson. Susan Roberts. Elaine Day and Susan McLaughlin. Primary Boys: Standing Broad Jump; Robbie Backhouse. Gordon Ailles. Ros-s McPhee and Matthew Moore. Running Broad Jump: Danny LaFond, Danny McLay. Nicho- las Defago and Ross McPhee. Ball Throw: Danny LaFond, Tommy Lafon‘taine. John Bol- ton and Ross McPhee‘ Lawson and John Heaslip. Charles McPhee, Gary Cross and d Jump: Elaine After the picnic the girls 11. Linda Hunt entertained the mothers. To its. the accompaniment of Brown Jump; Kendralow] Mrs. E. Chlaruk, the bake Mrs. Ewart Patton was gen-.Unit. asked the branch past eral convenor. assisted by Mrs.}president, Mrs. Ian Gilchrist, to Allan Gellatly, Mrs. Haroldl‘present the new slate of of- Kirby. Mrs. James Flucker andlï¬cers. They are: Mrs. Archie McTaggart. [ First vice-president. Mrs. Har- Members of King Township Roads Committee and police village trustees were asked to meet at Summit Golf and Coun- try Club to examine recom- mendations by Consultants Proctor and Redfern for solu- tions to the dangerous double level crossing. Chairman Robert O’Reilly and Trustee Robert Berwick have accepted an invitation from Toronto and York Roads Commission Engineer A. J . Ret- tie, to a luncheon meeting July 3 to discuss the railway crossing report. Mr. O'Reilly reported water consumption had returned to Asked about wrong-way park- ing, the officer said up to now the traffic bylaw has been en- forced only when a hazard was created. Study Crossing Asked if he thought this gen- eration was any worse than the Last one, Mr. Bice replied: “No, only bolder. They have no res- pect for propertyâ€. Trustees and Const. Hughes explained the township bylaw covering dogs running at large. Mr. Hughes told Mr. Bice there was no nuisance bylaw against dogâ€"barking. Trustees assured him that Const. John Hughes would con- tinue regular patrol of the school grounds and said the principal had the authority to conï¬scate air rifles when found on school property. Carson Bice told King City Village Trustees at a meeting in the ï¬re ha-Il office June 25. Seven windows were broken by stones and BB shots. The latest damage was a bullet piercing a one and a half inch plywood ï¬re door. Mr. Bice re- ported Damage to Doris M‘ Patton School has been increasing in thr- past three weeks P'rin-clnpal Wilcox Brownie Pack sang Blue Moon. They were joined by Tawny Owl Mrs. Mary Crit- tenden and the Oak Ridges Pack. who led the mothers in an old fashioned sing-song. Mr. and Mrs. Gunthorpe. and The Guides contributed to arother-in-law and sister of C.]the program by putting on Swan, Oak Ridges. have return-‘three skits. two of which were ed from Metz. France. where audience participation, he has been stationed for four Mrs R E. Flumcher' Lake years With the RCAR- Wilcox. thanked the leaders on R0“ Norman 0f 301‘“ Ave-.|behalf of the girls and mothers. is progressing favorably after Mrs, Redfern, Guide captain i being taken to York CountyJ-esponded~ Ron Norman of Bond Ave.. is progressing favorably after being taken to York County Hospital for emergency surg- ery last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Charuk and family spent the holiday week- end at the home of Mr. Char- uk’s parents, Ansonvllle. Cliiford Jennings. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jennings, Oak Ridges, has been accepted for the RCAF and will go to Cent- ralia July 5 to start training. Mothers Entertained St. Paul‘s Church was the setting for the mother and daughter picnic held by the Guide and Brownie Groups of the district June 25. Mothers brought box lunches and the auxiliary provided milk, tea. coffee and cream. After the picnic the girls entertained the mothers. To the accompaniment of Brown. Owl Mrs. E. Charuk, the bake Wilcox Brownie Pack sang Blue Moon. They were joined by Tawny Owl Mrs. Mary Crit- tenden and the Oak Ridges Pack. who led the mothers in an old fashioned sing-song. .uau L'Ull LflCl lVlI'S. LITNH'UK. r 13-5854. An important meeting will be held early in the fall to re- sume the activities of the local .Girl Guide Association and to ‘flnd a commiSSioner. Mrs. McTagg‘art Cowan, div- isional commissioner will ad- dress the meeting. Lake Wilcox Brownies and their leaders. Mrs. E. Charuk and Mrs. J. Ash, spent Saturday on a picnic at Pioneer Village. EThe group travelled by bus and ‘while there enjoyed a wagon actions set down by the lead- ers. The winning six were the "Kelpies". Sixer Linda Ash. seconder Jo-Anne, and Brown- ies Christine Cameron, Eliza- beth Shearer and Shirley Ran- ‘ride. ‘ Each six received or lost ‘points according to various fl. turned over (3100ng an extra 20-25 miles, going first to Hart Lake near Brampton. The girls enjoyed a conduct- ed hike along a nature trail at the park. with details being 'given by a conservation officer. Meanwhile. back at the picnic table. food was being prepar- led following which the girls en- joyed races. a marathon and wheelbarrow race. About 4 o’clock the girls got back on the bus and headed for home. Church Picnic Mr. and Mrs Ross Davy and family, Newman AVenue. at- tended the Associated Gospel Church Picnic at Fairhaven near Beaverton June 23. i The group travelled by bus 'and after arriving enjoyed races. contests and swimming The Sunday School teachers prov- School Vandalism Jumps Principal Tells Meeting Guests included: Mrs. Gordon K. Agar. Miss Ruth Agar, Miss Mary Agar. Mrs. James Crooks, Mrs. Fred _Gray. Mrs. James Kerr, Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mrs. William Willoughlby. Mrs. Al- bert Holman, Mrs. Donald Mc- Callum, Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. John Tanner, Mrs. Wallace Tan- ner. Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Tho- mas Boydell and Miss Lynda .Clegg. Mrs. Donald Findlay, pres- ident of the Aurora and District Unit. asked the branch past president, Mrs. Ian Gilchrist, to The bride opened her gifts from a basket decorated with pink paper and garden roses. President lieâ€"elected Mrs. Glenn Sawyer was re- elected president at the annual general meeting of King City and District Unit. Canadian Cancer Society He was told that former trust- ees had recommended correct- ing the water problem as a local improvement, but the Bridal Shower Mrs. Howard Clegg a CGIT leader entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower in her Hol- Iingsworth Crescent home in honor of one of her group sen- iors. Miss Heather Crooks, be- fore her marriage to Edward McNaughton. A meeting was proposed for July 11, when trustees will be given a demonstration of styles and sizes of street Lighting by two companies. Mr. Thompson was asked to obtain ï¬gures from the town- ship ofl‘ioe to prepare a budget report for the ï¬rst six months. Norman Laughlin again ap- proached trustees about a drain- age problem on his property at John and James St. Mr. Sim said no funds were available for the work. “It was drawn to our attention after the budget was made up,†he said. “I have had to spend $1,000 in recent years on ï¬ll for my own proper- ty," he added. Trustee Sim agreed the mo- tion should be effective for the remainder of Clearview Gard- ens, but felt future subdivis- ions should be considered when they are ready for development. Mr. Laughlin said: “It was brought to your attention for the last four or ï¬ve years". Starting with the July bil- ling, covering up to September 30. hydro, water and garbage rates are to be combined. Mr. Berwick moved that a letter be sent to township council, urging tighter inspec- tion of subdivisions before they are approved. Mr. Berwlck received no sup- port for his suggestion that res- idents of such dwellings be given a choice of separate bills or meters. Secretary-manager G. T. Thompson was asked to prepare a list of multiple dwellings in the village for the trustees’ ap~ proval in connection with bil- ling. An option was received per- mitting test drilling on Can. 3, north of King Sideroad, Mr. O‘Reilly said an option was being considered on Con. 5. normal with a daily consump- tion of 88,000 gallons. He said test drilling for a new well south of the village has not been encoumging. Mrs. Redfern, also emphas-land Mrs. Crittenden and family ized the need for help with the left soon after. but much to Lake Wilcox Brownie Pack. or their surprise on arriving there. it may have to be discontinued there were no Brownies, in September. Anyone interested The Brownies were not dis- can contact Mrs, Chamk. PR. turbed over clocking an extra 3-5854. 20-25 miles, going ï¬rst to Hart An important meeting will Lake near Brampton. Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials 1 Hamilton visitors calling at the home of Mrs. Arthur Wel- lesley were her sister, Mrs. W. H. Bartlett, Mrs. Agnes Yenko, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Richards and Jimmy Richards. ,ry J. Lacey: 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Gregory Paul; tea con- venor, Mrs. Paul: education convenor, Mrs. W. A. McWil- liams; publicity convenor. Mrs. John Fox; campaign chairman. Mrs. Peter Robertson; gift cup- board, Mrs. George O'Hara; dressings convenor, Mrs. Leon- ard Appleyard; assistant dres- sings convenor, Mrs. David Clark; transportation, Mrs. J.) Wilson; social convenor. Mrs. Stan Roots; recording secret- ary, Mrs. Ravmond LaFond; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. J. Redmond; treasurer. Mrs.. .Aubrey J. Gordon. Medical advisor is Dr: Quent~ in‘Hardy and on the board of directors are Mrs. Harold Rat- cliff. Mrs. Irving L. Scott and Mrs. Ian Gilchrist. Coast, Harold Russell has been a “patient in Princess Marg- aret Hospital. Reports were presented by all retiring officers. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kee and Billy, were visitors from Fort Lauderdale to their former home on Keele Street South. Trustees received a request from the township for a resol- ution authorizing the payment of $425 to J. D. Weir of Tor- onto. Trustee O’Reilly explain- ed that the lawyer had been re- tained by last year’s trustees in their probe of incorporation possibilities. 0n the telephone committee are Mrs. C. Sanderson. Mrs. Frank DeCarle and Mrs. C.E. Underhlll. Mr. Sim said he had not seen the report. He felt it should be released at the township level. Former Trustee Robert Mc-‘ Leod, appearing for the King City Board of Trade, asked what was in the railway report. “From a business standpoint, we wondered if it affects the flow of traffic and properties." Trustees rejected two written requests for assistance in pay- ing for the fencing of Elizabeth Grove properties next to school parkland. With meetings limited to one a month during the summer, the next meeting is scheduled for July 23 at 8 p.m., in the village office. Business Men Mected “Something will have to be dealt with eventual-1y, when people make up their mind they want something done", Trustee Berwick said. The ratepayer complained he was unable to plant a gard- en because of the Wet ground, which he claimed was not a natural water course. The secretary was asked to look after the cutting of weeds on private lots and notifying the owners. ‘ neighbors aï¬ecbed had not agreed. Trustee Sim pointed out: “If it is classed as a haz- ard, we could have it done as a local improvementâ€. Mr. Berwick said water-ï¬lled ditches were common in spring and he suggested more parental control. , The grou-p travelled by bus and after arriving enjoyed races. contests and swimming The Sunday School teachers prov- Mr. Laughlin reported a neighbor's child had fallen in two feet of water in the spring. Trustees approved payment from the special land sales fund, Payment of a $300 bill from Austin Rumble for loss of crop was temporarily deferred. The bus left on schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden and family left soon after. but much to their surprise on arriving there. som. each received a Brownie handbook for their efforts. Oak Ridges Brownies. accom- panied by leaders. Mrs. Terry Whitehorne and Mrs. Mary Crittenden travelled by bus to the Boyd Conservation Park. near Woodbrldge. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3318 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, iOntggrjo, Thursday, July 5, 1962 got' Sister Therisette accompanied for the children. All received report cards and also a gift. Parents :reviewed the work that had d been done during the year. Anniversary Celebration at; A 34th wedding anniversary men celebratlon was held recently for Mr. and Mrs. L. Dion, Oak usRidges. There were about 18 I.“ |guests present. 5 FRANK PASSER: As a memento of the occasion a sunburst clock was given to Mr. and Mrs. Dion. f.““““““““‘l The main topic of the even- ing was the garden tea. Final amounts were tabulated. all but ‘a few ticket sales to come in. It was agreed to send a cheque for $800 to the York Central Hospital. The building of a new manse on Elizabeth Grove is the cur- rent undertaking of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church congreg- ation. Heading the manse committee, in charge of building and finan- cing is John H. Tanner, aided by Charles Ross, J-ames Kerr, Howard Clegg and David Len- h‘ardt. n-u“iiiuuu‘-n‘u"â€" Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox branch of the York Central Hospital held their regular meeting on June 26. Unanimous approval of the new residence was given by 22 church members last week. The following evening West Toronto Presbytery sanctioned the vent- ure, when it was proposed by Donald McCallum, clerk of the session. Our Lady of the Enuncia‘tion School. Oak Ridges, held a morning and afternoon getâ€" together for the parents of children in the kindergarten. The class of 50 is non-denomin- ational and is taught by Sister Therisetbe. The children were dressed in soldier-like costumes with a green and yellow motif. They marched in a precision drill, performed with percussion band instruments. sang and act- ed out a song and also recited “I Wonder What The Angels Do‘". u ........... u, “nu-e. Mrs. urdo MacDonald Yonge Street. The group proceeded to the home of Major and Mrs. F. Malcolm to surprise them. The occasion was a surprise party for the Malcolms who are leaving the community for Sen- neville, Quebec (near Montreal). Both the Malcolm children will be greatly missed. as will the parents. by the many friends they have 'acquired while here. As a token of esteem, the fam- ily was presented with a floor lamp for their new home. Mr and Mr: Ralnh Sum-i- of Members Okay Manse At Presbyterian Church 11 rain: The well-baby clinic will ' hold their regular session July $5.532? 10 at St. Paul's United Church, Assembled on the South Road. Lake Wilâ€" Yonge at t cox. M “ML ided the sandwiches and the parents supplied salads. There will be no meetings SEPTIC TANKS: R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI Part time employment â€" person with knowledge of bookkeeping to take charge of full set of record: â€"- mornings preferably â€" prefer local resident. PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT PUMPED and CLEANED Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Complete Septic Tank Repair Leslie Motor Products Ltd. KING CITY. ONTARIO For Square $20 . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.40 $25 . . .1 ........ $14.65 $30 .......... .. $18.00 $35-$40 ........ $20.00 PHONE COLLECT ESTAB. 19.50 TOWN 8. COUNTRY FOOD PLAN 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HlLl AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 -â€" WA. 1-144?- Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality nameâ€"brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. food bill is now: If your weeka COMPARE HELP WANTED Judy Paxton. 15~year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells has been selected to represent the Temperance- ville and County 4-H Home- making Club at the Canadian National Exhibition Aug. 22 to 24. It is expected that F. B. Lutes will begin work in a few days on the modern split-level brick house, planned so the minister's study will have a separate en- trance for the convenience of callers. W No immediate plans have been decided for the present Manse on North Keele Street, occupied by Rev. Gordon K. Agar and his family. Judy has displayed excellent abilities as a 4-H member. exhibiting baking. handicrafts and sewing at local fairs. For the past two years she has re- ceived the highest number of Located on the north side of Elizabeth Grove, west of Patton Street. the meme grounds are approximately 77 by 135 feet. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sund- quist. formerly Noreen Ghee of Lake Wilcox, have taken up residence in Oak Ridges upon returning from their wedding trip to uhe east coast, They were married May 26 at Rich- mond Hill United Church. Will Represent Club At I962 Exhibition points The committee proposes hav- ing the residence completed and decorated by the fall. during July and August. It was suggested that individuals could have coffee, tea or euchre parties or any activity they could think of, to boost the funds during the summer. Street at Oak Ridges recently. Assembled on the east side of Yonge at the school were some 30 people headed by Piper David Shankland, father of Mrs. Murdo MacDonald of Yonge Street. The group proceeded to the home of Major and Mrs. F. Malcolm to surprise them. The occasion was a surprise party for the Malcolms who are leaving the community for Sen- the eye of pedestrians on Yonge A rather unusual sight met Under our plan it will be? Lnl}: ME. 5-1000 $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 JUMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY