Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1962, p. 13

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Refreshments were planned to be served on the lawns but because of rain. Mrs. Armitage invited everyone into the rect- ory dâ€" which was most apprec- lated. The leaders of these groups supplied lemonade and the G.A. members provided sandwiches and cookies. J. A. Annual Picnic girls. hope to hear from You in transportation in order to learn the fall. to swim from competant in» CIOSIRK You"! Send“ structors will tell you its a The final Sunday school gath-.“holiday must". ering. for the youth of St. Maple Lions are again lead- Stephen's Church. this season crs in community service for St. Stephen's J. A. and G. A.: A lovely evening church service was conducted by the J. A. and G. A. groups of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, on June 17 at 7:00 pm. The girls, completely in charge. looked attractiVe in their uniforms â€" the junior auxiliary wearing green skirts, white blouses. green ties with the J. A. emblem and any earn- ed stripes and green beanies. also with emblem. The girls' auxiliary members were navy blue skirts, white blouses with GA. emblem on sleeves, black ties and navy blue berets. The members formed a pro- cession into the church with Sandra Scott as banner bear- cr. Following hymn singing and scripture reading, the Rev. Dr. Ramsay Armitage gave a short sermon. ‘You are needed. Chicken Pox! - Oh No!! Little Denine James was en- joying her third birthday party on June 19 thinking what fun parties are with your little friends. According to Ronnie Davis' mother, Bernice (who told me the story young 6 year old Stephen McIntyre was a very popular lad at the party. OWEVER, two days later he quite innocently lost his popul- arity when he broke out with chicken pox.'! Now several families sans chicken pox, are trying to shuffle their holiday, dates and itineraries â€" just ini case. Poor Steve! â€"â€" but at least‘ HE will be free of the nasty, stuff to enjoy his summer. Summer Swimming Classes Ago-in this year the Maple Lions Club, through its boys’ and girls‘ committee. are pro- was held on June 24 with boys and girls. Superintendent John Martin Hey, I Found Out â€"â€" in charge. For attendance at Don't believe it it; Sunday school for 40 consec- its only the tail gates utive Sundays. 29 members that make that h were presented with gold but- earth shaking, house tons. They are to be congrat- nerve upsetting. crasl ulated. as well as their teachers. et when they clatter for establishing a worthwhile depression in the row interest in Sunday School. the fire hall and ’About 30 little girls of SH Stephen's J. A., enjoyed an evening of swimming and rac- lng games. topped off with a picnic supper at Boyd Park on June 20. A highlight they es- pecially liked was following the nature trail through the park. The J. A. leaders. June Per- ry, Norma Baker and Shirley Fiskari would like to thank the mothers who assisted so greatly in providing the food, assisted in setting up the pic- nic lunch and drove the girls to and from the park. This is the final function of the J.A. until fall â€"- also for the GA. Perhaps in September when Sunday school starts again. there will be several young people and parents who will find they have the time and in- terest to give as teachers for this ever growing church work. Maple, Concord & Edgeley District News "The Libergl" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord 3; Edgeley districts. om- represenlative in Maple is Mr3_ Len shore, ALpine 7-1150: in Edzeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934: and in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kettcr. 285-4040. L we could afi’om? I a holiday I Ist. Maple Scouts & Cubs Hold Annual Church Parade Havg a wonderful holiday The lst Maple Boy Scouts and Cubs paraded through Maple from the George Bailey Public School along Keele St. to St. Stephen’s Anglican Church to attend morning service. They were led by pipers from the Toronto Scottish Regiment Band. “We can go this year!" is a typical happy sound heard in thousands of homes every summerâ€" when families discover the HFC Traveloan. It can cover transportation or car repairs, meals, hotel and motel, sightseeing and fun. Thrifty Canadian families borrow confi- dently from Household Finance, knowing thatwe IM'NT MONYNLY PAYMINY I “F 36 30 20 WA" molbe months month: handle all money prob- 3100 s. s ..... s 5.1: lems WlIh neighbourly 333 understanding and in . 3%} privacy- 5:33 3;}; egg 1:294} Life insurance available Arm. payments include 9mm: war at low group rate "'6 "I hIs-d on D'Omol "manual. in. includn "u rm! 0! hr. mun...” 15 Yonge Street North The Rev. Ramsay Armitage conducted the service that HOUSEHOLD FINANCE F. G. Game, Manager RICHMOND HILL l A bus will leave Maple each Tuesday and Friday at approx- imately 10:15 am. and will pick up children at the com- munity centre hall and the corner of Keele and Marino Streets only. Following the lesson period. the bus will reâ€" turn lmmediately arriving about 12 noon. A capable person will accompany these children on the bus and your child is asked _to co-operate in full, with her. Again this year the Maple Lions Club. through its boys’ and girls‘ committee. are pro- viding free transportation for children wishing to take swim- ming lessons at Thornhill Pool. during July and/or August. families sans chicken pox, are trying to shuffle their holiday dates and itineraries â€" just in case. Poor Steve! â€"â€" but at least HE will be free of the nasty stuff to enjoy his summer. Summer Swimming Classes its only the tail gates on trucks that make that horrendous earth shaking. house rattling, nerve upsetting. crashing rack- et when they clatter over that depression in the road between the fire hall and residents' homes on north side Rich- mond Street!! No sir, I found out that tail gateless trucks. ordinary trucks, any variety of trucks AND cars can startle you out of your normal natural status any hour of the day and If your child is interested and has completed one year at school (kindergarten or grade one) you may get added inâ€" formation as to price of tickets etc., from Lion Bruce Mur- chison on Railway Street or Lion Eric Adcock at Adcock's Variety Store. This service started July 3 and any youngster who has pre- viously taken advantage of this transportation in order to learn to swim from competant in» structors will tell you its a a child will look ture and excitem off on to the the PARENTS this wander-lust LY before an : More Showers Bride-elect should be almt surprises soon! maids held a sh Win Harding's elect Jim Hax home. and Marg ed a shower at boys and girls. Hey, I Found Out ~â€" Don't believe it if you're told 7.50 [000 Telephone TU 4-4431 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS miutbxl Hill»! "5511,. 146 Other guests wishing her birthday congratulations at the party were friends and relatives from Kitchener. Maple. Osh- awa and Toronto. Harry and Jean Jackson were there from Maple. When Frank Calder dropped in to tell me about the surâ€" prise party he and his parents George and Jean Calder had given for his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Calder, of Downsview. on her 78th birthday June 16 â€" I remembered her at his sister Helen’s nurse's graduation as being a keen minded, spry and most interesting lovely lady. Frank says she's still a going concern and takes an avid in- terest in the world around her. night. Kind of gives one an ex- cuse for'h‘aving a wretched dis- position at times â€" guess these things are sent to try us â€"â€" but please roads department, haven’t we been tried enough?! Former G. B. School Pupil a1 driving hazard-s. Surely its a known fact, roads are built for vehicle travel â€" motorized that is â€" and not as a play ground for children. Certainly a child will look for new adven- ture and excitement and wander off on to the road, but it is the PARENTS DUTY to curb this wander-lust IMMEDIATE- LY before an accident occurs. More Showers Admitting that perhaps there are parents who tend to be somewhat thoughtless while driving too fast along Lancer and other roads -â€" a plea is made to parents with small children who make even norm- Frank intends to travel to the British Isles this September. visiting the Republic of Ireland and even expects to hit Paris and take in the sights. Maple Notes Greetings and tions, Dave. Child Safety Adding to me evening-s en_ promotions from department to joyment ._ since its a Scots dqpartment took place, each one Clan __ was Gerry Hung“ of being given a certificate. Nor- Downsview a piper with the 43 {nan Lund, the 'general super- Highlanders who really pipedlntendfnt. was 1n charge. For ; _u_._.1-__, AL- p-v Highlanders who really plpedintendent. was in charge. For The coach for the junior team Up a storm and is teachinga perfect attendance, the [01- is Mr. BruCe Thurston of Ma- Frank {0 play too! lowing were presented with ple, and coaching the senior Frank intends .10 travel to the gifts: Edrey .Thacker Elaine girls is Reg. Thacker Jr. and British Isles this September‘Tllley, Marvm and Calvln Doug Bice. Thanks to these visiting the Republic of Ireland Yake- ' _ . community minded folk for and even expects to hit Paris Special mu51c_a1 . numbers their support. and mi“, in “m an“, were given. The Junior departâ€" Young Singer look up Bill Weir of Richmond Hill who is spending two years with a chain grocery store there. adding to his training exper- He recently won the junior boys' championship at a recent track meet at St. Catharines Collegiate of four Christian College's. Dave broke the discus throwing record with 83 ft. 10 in. and took a lst in pole-vault- ing with 8 ft. 51/; in.: high jump of 4ft. 9% in. and 2nd place in 220 yard dash and 100 yard dash. For those who remember David Johnston who lived on Railway Street with his family and attended George Bailey Public School in grades 5, 6 and 7 â€" he has been making a name for himself sports wise while attending Lorne Park College (my own Alma Mater) at Port Credit. surprises soon! The brides- maids held a shower for her at Win Harding's â€"â€" the groom elect Jim Harding's parents home, and Marg Kerrigan host- ed a shower at her home on Naylon, for Marnie. Many use- ful, lovely and interesting gifts were received and each time the respective hostess‘ and "Ma" Pat Davis were able, as at other showers, to catch Marnie on Cloud 9 and pull a surprise off. A Birthday Surprise Party Bride-elect Marnie Davis should be almost immune to GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 l‘he finest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE Keele Street In Glgsg0\v heâ€" expects to ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 . MILLER Maple, ()nt. was an inspiration to the boys and congregation as well. The colour troup presented their flags at the Church Altar, then preceded the Scouts, Cubs and leaders out of the Church at the close of the service. They paraded back to the school grounds with many interested viewers lining the side- walks. (Photo by Shore) congratula Special musical numbers were given. The junior depart- ment. along with their teachers sang “A Song of Peace‘, led by Brien Thurston and accompan- ied by Mrs. Doris Payne. If you're off somewhere to 'some enchanted spot, don't for- get that we're still here hold- ing our breath waiting to hear how and where you enjoyed your holiday â€"- if junior learn- ed to swim or sis finally master- ed water skiing. You may even assist the Chamber of Commerce in telling of your perfect spot to camp or favorite fishing hole. others may be in- spired to pick up and find pleasure in similar locations. Let's keep Maple Notes alive for the summer with lots of in- teresting experiences and cele- brations. S. S. Open Session Miss Betty Jackson gave a story of the church on the hill ‘ln Germany that was built 'without lights. each person at- tending brought his own light- ed candle so that no corner was left unlighted. The church school will he closed during July and August. until September 9. ‘ From the primary depart- ment. under the leadership of Mrs. W. Wood. the primary choir sang “Count Your Bles- sings". Ruth Davies and Kath- erine Pile sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children" and Mar- garet Kneisel sang ‘If I Come to Jesus“. Olive Seed is planning on turning her home into a men- agerie for off beat pets if Dick doesn't soon stop bringing home snakes and ground hogs ito present to his ever curious son, Ronnie. This isn't the first of such pets â€"â€" seems I've heard of odd types before -â€" including our pride and joy, Herman (the cat) who was rescued from atop McConkey's tree by Dick and partially adopted himself to the Seeds, until we located him. Again this year. John and Tess Morris of 25 Gosling Rd., enjoyed their stay in Bermuda, just recently. Passes Theory Ricky Licastro passed his grade 2 music theory with fly- ing colours at the recent con- servatory exams. Ricky plays piano in that now famous Grade 10 Dixie Lavnd Band of Rich- monvd Hill High! A Menagerie When Bill and Pat John» son’s daughter Joane, Mrs. Ronald Maynard of Bradenton. Cal-if. celebrated a recent birth- day, Bill sent her a subscrip- tion to ye olde "Liberal". Hope you enjoy it Joane, and hello from friends and family in Maple to hulbby Ron and child- ren Brad and Greg and your- self! Graduation News Watch for graduation and school wind-ups of George Bailey Public School, in next week’s Maple Notes! The Show Must Go On! Keeps life interesting, doesn't it, Olive?!! Greetings via the “Liberal” the Highland Games at Fer- gus on August 25. According to Frank this is a yearly exper- ience well worth taking in. From sun up to sun down, the bagpipes and drums can be heard as they compete in com- petitions and its a moving day of sight and sound. By the way â€"~ a hello to George and Jean â€" former Maple residents from us all. Enjoy Bermuda ience. By all accounts Bill is enjoying his stay and looking forward to showing Frank aroundo All ye Scots should attend The picnic supper, was, as al- ways, delightful and then the sports took over with all man- ner of contests and a cool dip in the ‘pond' was enjoyed by many. Family Barbecue The program consisted of a sing-song led by Mrs. Payne with Mrs. Noble at the piano. A number of contests arranged by Mrs. E. Birch made an in- teresting wind-up for this sea- son of the U. C. W. general meetings until September. United Church Picnic A young resident of Maple. Deborah Goodier. is busily en- gaged in singing. to the amaze- ment of most people, who can't lbelieve that such a big voice lean come out of a little nine year old. On numerous occas- lions when the children of Pat- ‘terson Public School wait [or ltheir bus to take them home Debbie comes forth to enter- 1taln them with a song. to the delight of teacher and pupils alike. This is her first year ol voice lessons in which she mad< such good progress that he' teacher. Miss Ruth Carson cn tercd her in the York Mus" Festival and {aired so well th: she stood fourth with 81 point: the highest being only 85. With such enthusiasm for sing- ing Debbie cannot fail! You can see this Maple Girls’ Softball Team in action, in Maple each Monday night and on Wednesdays they play else. where with the league. Helen Spencer reporting â€" K.V.W. Maple Seniors played Nobleton June 25, and won 14- 0. Joyce Foster and Irene Bry- son were the star players of this game each hitting a home run. It was Joyce’s first game with the seniors â€" keep it up Joyce! K.V.W. Junior girls ended their winning streak on June 26 when they played Richmond Hill girls in Richmond Hill to the score of 9-8. It was a close good game with Margaret Auld hitting a home run â€" nice go- ing Margi Richmond Hill again came out on top in Maple‘ June 28. scoring 7-5. til the cool eve indoors. It wa: able family get- Baseball Score On June 27, Maple again played Nobleton. in Novbleton. with Maple running up a score of 22-6 to swamp the opposi- tion. A double celebration was held at the home of Vern and Shirley Tripp, Weller Cr., on June 26, when a family barbe- cue was given to honour the 45th wedding anniversary'of Shirley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martindale of North Toronto as well as to celebrate Mr. Martindale‘s 70th birthday. Their Immediate family was present -â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martindale, Brian, Janice, Fran- kie, Kathie and Jeffery of Un- ionville; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martindale and Brenda. of Wil- lowdale and the hosts' children Shirlene and Martin. Shirley’s mother was present- ed with a lovely corsage while ‘dad' sported a ‘ boutoniere. Their children and grandchild- ren gave them patio accessor- ies for their anniversaries and Mr. Martind-a-Ie received num- erous birthday gifts. Following the business ses- sion, Mrs. R. Homer and Mrs. J. Boron were in charge of a worship period with Mrs. N. Payne, pianist. Their hamburger barbecue was held out on the patio un- The church school and con- gregational picnic for the Un- ited Church was a fun time for young and old alike at Boyd Park, the evening of June 27. On June 26 in the Religious education room of the United Church, the U.C.W. met for a general meeting with Mrs. H. Lightheart presiding. United Church Women evening sent them was a most enjoy- getâ€"together. On Saturday the cubs could ‘be seen crashing through the woods on scavenger hunts or playing capture the flag both of which developed huge appe- tites. Lorne Wells set up his easel on a grassy slope and gave the softball-conscious cubs a. interesting and informal lec- ture on theory and rules of the sport. Supper’s stew was given a vote of confidence by cubs and leaders alike. After sup- per. to everyone's surprise and delight. Bert Robson drove in on his tractor with a wagon of straw for â€" you guessed it â€" a hay ride! All the cubs piled on as Mr. Robson drove the happy crowd up the seventh to the town line. across Highway 400 and back down Jane St. After a cheery campfire and} hot soup. the boys welcomed their warm sleeping bags after a long (since 4.30 am.) and ex- citing day. sixes from towar when Scout Troo; From Ruml: DJVid John berts. pack David were leade in tin was . the c Sht ken a after Cubs Enjoy Camp On FrankRobson'sWoodlot Torrential rains confined the cubs to their tents for part of the morning after which they attended a Church service a? the camp with Scoutmaster Salmon (“Pastor Pat") leading the worship. After lunch, par- ents started arriving for the going up ceremony which got under way around 2:30. At the beginning of the ceremony. (By Great Shore) Another successful cub camp was held over the weekend of June 22nd as 46 cubs of lst Maple "A" and "B" Packs turn- 8L out to camp on Frank Rob- son's woodlot on the 7th eon- cession. Setting up their tents on Friday evening. the cubs be- gan their eventful weekend with a campfire and sing-song top- ped off with soup and cookies. Meals for the camp were pre- pared by scouts of the 1st Ma- ple Troop with Kirby Brock and Greg Shore as head chefs. Group Committee Chairman Lowell House presented plaques to David Martin and Doug Ro- berts of “A” pack in recogni- tion of their hard work in ob- taining all fourteen proficiency badges. They also received beautiful compasses from Ake- la Betty Rumble. The cubs formed circles and the scouts made their horseshoe. The cubs going up joined in the final grand howl to their res- pective akelas and said their promise [or the last time. They _then shook hands with theiri DRAPES, CARPETS, RUGS, FURNITURE. ALL CARPET REPAIRS Immediate Pick up and Delivery Sale of NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 SUPER CARPET CLEANING C0. At Sarnia, Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta, Imperial operates the largest petroleum re- search laboratories in Canada. At Sarnia, the company’s scientists and technicians areworkingtoimprove presentproductsand to develop new ones. Their research covers 90% of all oil company product research in Canada l the cubs piled )son drove the I the seventh to across Highway From pack Akela Betty Rumble presented Marvin Yake, David Martin, Steve Snore, John Thurston and Doug Ro- berts. Akela Russ Lock of "B" pack presented Rod Shields and David Birch. The new Scouts were introduced to the patrol leaders and took their places In the troop. A closing prayer was said, the [lag saluted, and the cubs and scouts dismissed. Shortly after. camp was bro- ken and the cubs returned home after “the best Cub camp yct." Ilnal grand howl to their res- “No more pencils." 'l‘his cry pective akelas and said theirlhas been heard again. And as promise [or the last time. Theylwe see the energetic youngsters then shook hands with theirjand harassed mothers, compared sixes and after three cheers to the relieved looks of the from the other cubs, proceeded teachers. it is obvious who real- toward the Seoul horseshoe.lly benefits from the holidays. where they were presented to? Concord will have a couple Scoutm-aster Pat Salmon andiof new teachers next term. re- Z‘roop Leader Noel Gillings.lp1acin2 Mrs. Taylor and Miss New Shur-Gain Sale Barn Starter is formulated for pigs that have passed through sale barns or were moved from farm to farm before you bought. them. It is a low energy feed, containing a high level of antibiotics to combat set-backs, help avoid disease problems. eliminate dangers of gorging and get them off to a good start. Call us today for full details. MAPLE FEED MILL NEW SHUR-GAIN SALE BARN STARTER SPECIAL FEED FOR CRITICAL PERIOD ALWAYS LOO‘A x; 'MPERIAL FOR THE BEST (£550 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 90 Imperial scientists and technicians pose for their pictures in the ultramodern wing of lmperial's research laboratories at Sarnia. Not shown: another 115 members of the Sarnia research staff, and another 130 who work in imperial laboratories, at Calgary. then the sports d‘ and the school pit Boyd Conservation 27 wound up a I The picnic was c Mrs. Lois Nordin. 1‘ was in charge of 9p Concord. divided geographic-wane recently celebrated their ally. was also divided elector- 40th wedding anniversary. They ally. half of its residents votinglvyere remembered by many rel- in York North and half in Yorklatives and friends who attend- Ccntre. ted parties and dinners in their As in most centres. the turn-lhonor. out to the polls was excellent.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bisson with 75 to 80 per cent. (Nancy Bowesl recently welcom- Neither the poll at W. Bones ed a brother for Jay. on King High Drive. or the one Mr. and Mrs. Garth Bowas at Jones' Garage went the way announce the arrival of a of the final vote in each riding. daughter. A sister for Glen and In York North. with 241 vot- Ross. ers out. the poll was decidedly Newcomers to the area are Conservative. In York Centre Mr. and Mrs. McLean who have with 251 voters turning out. lhe purchased the house formerly results were the same. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert School News ‘Know'les on Hillside Aupmm many fields, from gasolines to household detergents. At Calgary, Imperial research personnel are exploring means to find and producemoreCanadiancrudeoiland natural gas. imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. 'oncord Socials is done by Imperial Robinsonfi‘), Toronto & waite recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They were remembered by many rel- atives and friends who attend- ed parties and dinners in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bisson (Nancy Bowesi recently welcom- Newmmers to the area are Mr. and Mrs. McLean who have purchased the house formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knowles on Hillside Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jae} Patterson and family were on vacation in the Cape Cod area recentlb'. TU. 4-1312 AV. 5-1812; AT ALL nouns g; We Deliver 2,3 I i / ; é 2 ' RICE’S Wkfii \“wx‘ x‘x‘x" K'th Rm 1 va~b~CW§ FLOWERS _ 9 [HCHMONDIHMGHTS CENTRE ‘1Nonwrs For A" Occasions" €‘C‘C Phones SHUR-GAIN puts the gain in Hog Feeding AL 7 - 1241 1962 m

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