Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1962, p. 6

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ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAG Tu. 4-1105 and you ARTICLES coir SALE BENDIX automatic washer. TU 4-4066. clwl TEXT BOOâ€"KS. inns. Grade nine. Like new. 884- 3796 *lwi REFRIGERATOR. good condi- tion, 530. TE 3-5366. clwl COAL & wood range. reason- able. $15 or best offer. AV. 5- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion So each word, min. charge 751: Second and subsequent Insertions li' wording unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65o FOR. 303 NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. mattresses. ES. BIRTHS, will receive invoice. Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone FOR SALE (Continued) TU «1-4830. USED CAR STNGâ€"LE metal b7dT'ith mart- ress, $12 C BUNK BEDS. red maple, bi‘anlehe Liberal. new. complete with spring filled $49.50 delivered. North Park Furniture. Yonge St.. HU. 8-7911. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, July 5. 1962 C1“'52‘chen. separate entrance. park- ACUSTOA‘I’PLOl-GHING' 315.500. King ’Citrf’3 bedroom.PHONOGRAPl-l. “Edâ€"no port'- l. Engagement ‘ Mr and Mrs. Stanley R. Patterson. of Gormley. Ontario. announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Louise to Mr. Norman Murray Brown. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Unionville. Ontario. The marriage will take place on -â€"~~â€"- - ~- A" - r - ; I -â€"r--- râ€"flâ€"w r - r ;~â€" ~ »7 A 7 Wm "M **â€"â€"Ar-7-~’â€"~~ ;» iSaturday. Jilly 28. 1962. at 3 1 HELP WANTED 1 TO RENT TO RENT .MISCELLANEOI by REAL ESTATE “ANTED o'clock in Brown:- .Corners fifixc MAT to cut gas-STAFCR or rent, 5:room‘_ , .s,‘C§l‘l}““°d‘_#._._JJPOHNS l‘i‘Sh" all“ aplllfirléi‘ MAXURE “KXTED‘RE‘ETMSighted ChlthBlltmnnne‘tgaT rug-39$- _ _7 7A,, ,, __§\:1_ibungalo\\'. ru 4.5333. ch13 UNFURNISI'ED rooms. pi~i-trSiL"l"*~ 7L-_*‘3.61°-.., 1m" 37’500’mi13.4.57’iâ€"oonisf’ioo' . -. .- Wim- ~-â€"~- BOYS or girls with bicycles forlALCbV‘A-B‘Eâ€"ACH ., bed'lioom‘vate entrance. all converiieiiccs.tPAINTING, paperliangtn: Free \ ‘16? 10. Can' “i 33951 T GIRLS sidewalk bicycle for , lsummer morning Paper routes.1‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ “ , -9 :11] Oak Ave. Richvale. c2\\o2 estimates. Colotir samples. A.‘ ,' . '. _ . ‘ ‘ ' .' age '1'. AV 5-1600. clul , _- _ ,-11cottage. reasonable. TL 4-5-45. E. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":~â€"* --R u- ; TE 3 66'1 ii-l‘ “mph-L bml‘m' ‘1‘” ~ --~r » ~-â€"â€" 7 r n lPliorie;l'l:l;4:i:i_:3;#_7__(£3§of1 clwllA furnished room. suitable for Lilli“; , ‘ " l ‘ _.f ,9 PICTUREQQCEâ€"fu1;l;iéfio’d “’3; GARAGE WANTED near YortEc jDRUG CLERK. female. appll'qF'UfiI’S'HfDimom qu-tâ€"ége- gentleman.‘ Cooking facilities. ROTOTILLING H bedroom ‘cmmflv Mm Garage St. North. Richmond Hill. TU iRichvale Pharmacy. 9014 Yonge; . ‘ .. ' j, _ 2‘) 8 parking. 16 Lorne Ave. first Gardens and reruns. tree estrm- V I A t d c- His 1‘:- -|4_5021l “c l‘MLvM“) _, m Rump memo”. Street. c1“-]‘P€15°nr Prl‘ale home- ~33‘ ~44 house cast of Clarkes Drug ates. AV. 5-2850 tic-l4 "-’ JG“? la“ - 01m” “WP “9- w". ._ .. . "L V,._,;- of a deal. husband Dona” .#_,_ Y, _ :_____,,; 111315.011. at Yonge saws?Ct-STbiI-B-‘U‘G-imh ‘;' d gris illi‘lliiCt“ all convenrcirccs.lPIANO. apartment size. \i-al- \lunm pagsed'a“.ay'July 8th iCLE. SCSI \V0.\IA.\.nZ d3}:lAfiiniglEgTrsâ€"REKS'GEQBLE L'OVELY‘EHa'”mml” furnished SW3“ ‘Iam‘m \‘lm'n mad :3” suit retired couple or )‘oungnut. hand lawn mouer. AV 5- i959 ' ‘ ' ‘ - -. ‘ veni uor'.» - . '. . ‘ ' r “ ‘ ‘ "I ’ “ -‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ill-62:351. ay m e gc2w52 T~ Murphy Brokers AV- 5-2901 tor uiiiurnishcdl equipped kit- TU. 4-3320. crust “m” u 4 3190* ‘1‘“ 1.512;, L- _ “W” “Worthy of licmemhrance" _ wife Mary Munro. lHAIRDRESSER Mime“ fr0ml.iâ€"BTEOROOM-iipartnienfnewlyllllg- Busmess adunsi $20 “'(‘Ck’ DiscimI l‘oloyaunv and mowinw brick and frame bungalow. Call anytime except Sat-l * clwl. August 151. TU 4-3021- idecoraled TU. 4.5432_ 161 Bak-.lL Aurora. P31 7-5597. tic-19lnfRed‘l'nan TV $3045 “(.43 heat. hroadloom. hard\\ood.‘urday and Sunday. .»\\’. 5-25-19 â€"_ â€"--â€" .- â€"W 1592?.‘1333‘19 -_u-“_ci?il BEDROOM apartment cen-'s'rrr{enlist-innit“it hour “"“~“‘ '“‘~-$3'°0”.d°‘>“ .3.‘ .Go--_ “1‘” CARD 0F THANKS GIRL for 9m“ “'m'ki ll'plnng.ACHELOR apartment onltral. Richmond Hill. $75 men-service, Cr B’m.n5_ pR: 56083 ‘lf‘Cks"";‘1\.'1‘? Cm” FEfi'Dp‘bf USED FURNITURE fiâ€" 1 would sincerer like to land answering Phone- Fun 0‘ Yonge Street. Mr. Shields. TU.ltlll.\’. stove and it‘ll: lllC‘lUded- [1’4] 1" base] L‘d‘ D0“nS”e\" i - thank all m nei lib ‘ d ‘ llialf day- Phone AV 5-3442- ‘4-3805. clw5llH. p. Charles, AV 5.33m ---. _ .._.D "A.-. F. RC 3.0435. gilt-i “ANTED - pianos and used .. . ._~V 3 Dis “an 1 .1 1‘ ,__ b7”. -.__, - _.i, .. FRONT End loader for hire , , ‘v- r~r -- n-lurnrture. Cash prices paid. Call “lends 1" RKhvale “ho 5° kind- =._,_,_, ____~_, _,,, ‘1"... FURNISHED room. suit. one‘J- A- Willougllbl’ & 50% l-ld- also weed “mm. phone W‘PRIVA Ph- owner transferred. Frank's Movers and smmggly donated to the York Central EGIRL FRIDAY. experienced inigemleman. Cooking facilitiesfiw h * I _ * ‘V’Crlfiliisggg 0,. 225372;] iftl‘ Spill leCl- 3 bathrooms. aluv TU 4-2613, AV 5.5101, my] Hospital Fund in my name. This twittyping. posting and filing- US-TU- 41‘ESL_.L_, .__ifF5PiKING CITY, $90 per month.l~- v 7 â€" .7 ~â€". » .. - ‘minum Swim and “Prensa generous and thoughtful gest- ‘ual benefits Write BOX 13-03130.“ bungalow. Church St..'lower duplex. Large. bright AT] TOP“ Pam.‘”.‘“2m‘°‘.””f 0‘ 513-90"? L0“ “0“” Payment- .me i5 one of the nicest things clwllcemml‘ vacant. $125 mommy'moms‘ am.a(,uvcly decorated.€Al€l10h9l2110neh l‘li. 4-1120 01‘;Cai‘l‘ics $94 monthly. principal. ever to happen to me and I 72â€"1Vfi3â€"Nâ€"mfthlro-womenâ€"farm; Adults. TU 4-2862 tfc52 will rent with option to buy..‘ A' “98‘” For {we eanfffl'.l:tmleSL and [axes 214‘ ccldai'l u “my apprccmte i“ 1" Kirk" 1 3368 tory work for light manufac- " ' a e. iiside TE 3'3‘45; t-- 7- ~ â€"-4 RF "3'- - “A s.1°.‘.‘_.lESTATE FUNDS to urch‘agei clw » c4w50 turing plant. Apply: 165 Cen- Eongfnli)§£glyuwaigfi E)“ Bimcks. JOHNSTON and DANIEL lL.Arll’N and garan maintenancelMODERN. three bedroom brickllst and 2nd mortgages. ICall Mr.’ tre St.. East. R. Hill. mornings. Beach‘ For further int-0mm, Real Estate Fal “filling and “:axmtl CXt(‘l"lbirn,ga10\\’. 6‘} NHA mortgage. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- l clwl tion' TE 36003. clwlt 777777 A Aclul‘lOl Dalllllng- Odd .1005» Reamn- reasonable (loun payment. Will Lean Ltd.. Realtors. tf039 S llTAN_eduipped withfiljton pad- Pll'ts, Rentals, 40 Levcndale TU. 4-3211 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim-l mons. Serta. Heely and otheri spring mattresses repaired. reâ€"‘ turned just like new. mediuml firm, extra firm. Two-day ser-} vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On-j tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591; tfc44. DRAPES. a large selection of“ ready-made drapes in all pop-1 ulai' sizes. On sale at prices‘ that defy comparison. For bet-1 ter values come to Drapery-; land. 5821 Yonge Street south‘ of Steeles Ave. in the Newton-l brook Plaza. BA 1-5621. Thurs-1 day and Friday till 9 pm. i c-lw52‘ TTPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 1 All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand-r ard portable and electric mod-] els. Special rental rates avail-1 able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 1 tic-191 QUALITY DOES COUNT . WHEN YOU BUY ‘ . ‘fc-‘ltli RICH BLACK FEAT LOAM 'Plece ‘ and stove. telephone. TV out- SPECIAL MIX 32 BEDROOM apartment. threel refrigerator. MODERN two bedroom apart-I rates. 285-1479. ~ ~ ~ able RICHMOND HILL ' bathroom. RICK BLACK SANDY LOAM‘let. parking. TU 4-7671. WELL ROTTED MANURE TOP SOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOA M SOD. SEED. PEAT MOSS FILL ELGIN MILLS LOAM & SOD and “1311‘” water- CO. LTD. AV. 5-1514 ,particulars. tfc51 POULTRY l GOTTAâ€"GWDWSIARKHAM. 13 Main St. bri ffor week from July 28 to Aug- ‘ust 4. Must be on sandy beach Write Box Included. 14. The Liberal giving l i c2wl full: “dwl Phone LOST â€"â€"â€" v~ Reasonable weekly or monthly 3meed~ (‘2li‘ljtake back second. ICAN eSkâ€"im’oâ€"p’upsTpruFe For good prices see our show- intelligent. drapes. etc. - 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from AMER 590 a month. Also room. Wallpapers. ultite. small. A large selection available. ,Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV.‘H_arry Bargent. 9018 Yonge 51.. Call AV. 5-1951 5-1972. tic28‘R1t‘hVale._AY;5-1591. “tch Charles Marple Real Estate .‘B‘Offifp {gapâ€"dag"...- Cat ati CUSTOM CARPENTRY __.-#,_,__UE3_7lHoneypot Kennels. Dufferin St.,‘-Krtchens remodelled. bedroom north of Vaughan‘and bathroom vanities. stereo. ght 3".) miles ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ upper duplex, 3 rooms and mo- Road. AL. 7-2301. tfc52 hi-fi, china cabinets. I‘ree estim- dem kitchen and bath. on heat r‘o'oot's’sfsnu171.11.159.21;first Morris Harrison- “grog.- . $80 monthly- Pal‘k' tiered. from champiOn blood SE35 7,”, W _ _ 7:, _;3 111%- gal'dell- bus SiOP- aerial-dines. Terms can be arranged. CHESTERFIELD suites. and Gormley chrome chairs recovered and tfc29 rebuilt. at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- , Markham 186 or aftei‘SlOODO 7 p.m.. Toronto AX 3-3041 15339.W_4 _7 ClWl‘Pâ€"(fo'DLES, topiquglity minature up. Phone r~ ~â€" 7 7-7â€"7 - . -~ r ' .v. pORTABLE TELEVISIOX lblack and white from Canadas Egan-Mun“ Lpholste” “:51 Rem a portable TV 1finest blood lines. Health guar- _. - . . A . _ stud service available. UPHOLSTERY létfiGlrEfgregn' 3-9116“ . nefad‘ rates Professional poodle grooming Recovering and repairing of any -_. _L, . __ _ _ ._.__ Glen Brae “Eights SUPdll'lSlon Delivery and Firkin service. PA. 7-6669 tfcl kind of furniture. Experienced *0 PULLETS- 6 months “ldv‘June 30th Re“ard- TL- 4‘380?1Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. on Scandinavian furniture. Free 13150 one “ream sepamlm'v one: C1“ "TC. {-156 AV. 5-3756 estimates. Reasonable prices electric pasteurizer and one iii-tiii‘crc'rrâ€"igfirisfiieo ' uczs: BABY SITTING Can ani'time- TU WEI? resi- lggggtor' Reasonable IUI tiliPlaza area. Monday. July 2nd.'6_f{‘60â€")_1'_5t6fefii1a_mf brick 7-; --â€"â€"‘_-__:i---â€"b--67 dencev busmessv AV- ragga! - ' C “ Approximately 6 pm. TU. 4â€"‘home. Large panelled living 3_Ol’-\G mom“ V‘Hrlfs dax“ H, . “fir s .1, ‘ __ 5588. clwl‘room with broadloom and fire- «Tmng and ‘otllel light litres Tan“ place, separate dining room, in the evening. TL. 4-1692 SEPTIC - i - Transportation kitchen with breakfast nook. (‘l‘ll PIMPED 530-325 _ ____,,.-_ ._. ._..M - 1‘: bathrooms. 3 large bed- " ‘ ' T ' ' , . _ I . _ _ TRANSPORTATION wanted rooms. on 100' by 300' 101 MOTHERS HELPER file-beds cleaned last. (leap. :from Oxford St. Elgin Mills. between Thornliill and Rich- SERVICE 1 modern serilce 7to arrive at Egliiiton & \‘onge A mond Hill. close to public Experienced baby-Sitters. rome- _. , . approx 8.13 am. retirning .._-_ _-s- __-...._s , ..-- school. available August Ist. maker's service and day work. _ C SUM-7E3 TU. 4-1745ipm. evenings. TU. 4-2607 ‘QLIET saille mal‘E. 1'01 Sale-1153 Main St. E. Grimsb} WH Call day or night. TLT 4-7253 TL 4-1245 Richmond Hill c2w52;.\'ewmarket TW. 5-4435. c2w1;5-2471. clufizi tfc32: 11010- Barker. Terms cash. Sale 1 pm, N03" shor- MONEY available for good first. 2650. *1w52 . . "pitivnvg’g; p ' ' in“ sir I d l t'f l - ..___.__._.*._ -__- e] or curb Side truck re un-ed . - , _. - A t - APER p {w 4 005 a“ )93” l u and second mortgages. reason-l OUTBOARD MOTOR' Mercury for delivery of newsrgipersuineml'l Tallulbe dJubellsi'riccael? mew “1131;119:1118? Oncofitlpanlgmng ‘ HANGING .1011 f‘UUFSfi‘: Pl‘C-‘Clll Oll‘lli’l‘able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and w'nnersweuand Show Mark 5‘ just “emaulw’ 365' r-"m 7-- --'This ma- ‘Elel’hone R~ H-lecitiippgd C4-3715 ec chri‘modern 2 and 3 bedrooms. De? I" E' Dun” TU‘ “793 "am°”ed' him-‘ed‘a‘e 905' 99-9511}??- ZU- “191' [ml “Mall”? “910‘11’5' “1° 1932 P84‘3977_1-__ __ _,_ 95 EORD’ $009 condltmn- best‘Louden. TU. 4-7543 clwl "A77~9â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"'Fâ€"»â€"~~{signed for people of good taste”. - . -.L.. , A ,.....iff'ie§§l_0n‘ “LTH S'I‘E“ . ,_ 'LIWISOLICITOR lidstliati'sâ€"fundélPlymouth car, and the "Rebel". ’ REFRIGERATOR. g00d 0011111" 03:? TU_f‘£°1.2‘ __.-:L“.'1_ wRITE Tops? i IRICHVALF? 6'mome‘d house‘lCIose to shopping, schools andJPLOWlNG discing. final grad-1819.800. a quiet home in thetavailable for mortgages at rea- 1960 Chevrolet. both customized tlon. reason-able. TU 4-7197. 1955 AUSTIN, A50. in good con-- Learn H0“. owner desu‘es on? loom andltransportation. Free parkiiig,jlng alld seedlllg. laiHlf lel‘tllil- country close to everything. 3‘S0nable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. by their owners, members of the nciwi dition. $275. TU. 4-3502. *lwll can Earn with board: “lakevoffii;46i’lione_lai-.T.v. and. telephone outletsie‘l and called}? 4-1938 tfc‘gbedrooms. swimming pool. 25-7321. tfc40 Aristocrat Rod and Custom 5mm. -7}. ...GH_B._L__1.E __‘....__-A_-! VOV ter_7'pr.l_n.flé_irl‘_-_ilillllFully equipped. Incrnerator. _ 303's SODDING acres of lovely trees. A. Gel: ‘Club. Richmond Hill. once again BO 0U 03 1953 PLYMOUTH. in good con . A t . , . . . i . . - l . I . _ 05 ~- . l w.- . - H M l. 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow.- BAYVIEW MANOR Sod supplied and laid. Roto- latll. 1E 3-0745- were trophy winners at the Wel- sail or motor boat AV 5 30 drtron, $150 or best offer. TU.t rite. Distrc anage , i . . . . , , clw14_7310. dw52‘vmss Ziegler Box 141 Guelph'feneed back yard. near Bay-1451 Elmwood Ave., 011' Bayviewlzlfillgllg- Flee estimate. 884- JOHNSTON and DANIEL ,land County Autorama held in â€"-~-~ ,-----» â€"â€".~ â€"-- »~â€"~â€"â€"vâ€" ~r--â€";‘â€"â€"wv.â€"-.â€" L- â€"-â€"--‘-- ------- Lâ€"â€"â€"â€" view and Markham. one yeai"StAve.. 1 block south of Markham_ “- > 11052 Real Estate Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. USED Che-‘3‘?“ldd 39‘ "3dr “150 51 PREFECT; f3” .°°“dm°"i.BEL1ABPE WOMAN EXP?” lease. 3115. AV 5-3218. ciwilnoad. Open for inspection -1 FRANK'S ’WELLADRILLING" clwl} OPPORTUNITY lJune 29. 30 and July I. . chrome trilrght lamp. TU. 4- new tlI‘ES. best offer AV 5-ireneed wrth children. for baby -~-- -fi~- â€" AMOH, to Sat 10 am to I) am .Pump “mined ,nd servi ed ~ â€" 7w. r t#. . ---.L.v. s A... a; In a large field of compem. 5780- “WI A __,___,V,,_Ellfl Sitting and “EM duue§ begin' goiTiGE' ‘cgealp. lug} ,F::.Suntla_\'s. 1 pm. to p.m. Frank Ge‘rditz. RdR~ 2 Aux-gm:fiOEnED512811:nllogligbsfigabfir YOU MAKE MONEY ‘ors from United States and ' STOVEâ€"SIEEDâ€"Sldbwooâ€"djiiâ€"d ’51 DODGE. first. class con- “mg September ISL five days 2:: tolflfig‘.hode “517-? “3313 1101‘ Mr. Franklin. or see Super- PA. 7-5272, tic-'30 level; garden.‘ 120’ frontage:Stone112113.315hjgyfilfiigllii'l Had_ ballada- Clu'h PI‘GSldem FYEd fireplace chunks, phone smurf. dition. all round. best offer. a “99k 3 to 5- TU 4'1909- ' Cmfl‘mlelldent Apt. 103. TU. 15093 {QTO‘VA'TING _' many extras including builtâ€"in?“n ton Ave RU 243306 Top Urben captured ttvo prizes. the vine 304w], ciw14 TU 4-2532: if _:It\‘llv__v~vfi ______w -K__I:L__.f_._i. d#. 11.: .. tic 481Cusmm mmvating' aerating-breakfast nook. attractive dee-"Ontg 12" “ ' ’uc“ “safety 'I‘FOIlllll’" all'fil‘ded [01' i‘yvmbgdiésfw'fids com}; 1954 NASH. Rambler. radionMECHANIC, for go” Club tsfgd a; arliggxslge Baffle“, (301$,_ ilawn and gal-den maintenancetlorating. Japanese-Style.recrea-LV ____, W, "the best safety equipped ear 7.x11.’ cam and roller heavy washers_ em Bargain‘ 385.00.1eq111pment. licence not necess-ifizrkha 9 area ~TU-r4_5309 - ‘ .Tflm tiafihmmo 884_7573_ “C41 il‘tJI‘ir'I‘OOm, ail conditioning._etc.iNEWMARKE’I‘: Rev. .Harold in the Sl10\\’.‘alSO Winning 2nd duty hoists. 2856719. “C48 TU +1542 an“ 6 pm *lwl an. .Also man for mgm_ . m . Ch“. SAND AND~GRAVELfcmshed 5ti$1t5 EéaiATmUorigéi-i‘lg; Sacrtlflclgg‘Mark. 52 of St. Andrews Pres- place trophy 1in the Street coupe fimmmo-ope 181.959 VAUXHAEL 6 cylinme “‘am'mg 0“ 8°” come- “Ours _*â€"----# ‘2'*‘". l 7 stone. loam and fill. E Charity, a_â€"' " 'â€"--'- I.” -_lbyte“an Church- _~\ewmal‘kel- and “‘13.” C 355- . inch $25 Bo S'Go can 1'30 sradio ‘ Vt. ‘t E u {11 p.m.-7 am. Call AV 5- SPACIOUS office suite. in“ “ Richmond Hm Tu +110“ $1.000 DOWN ‘eollapsed and died Sunday .Bob Giles. another eonsrstent hi 1 TU 335759 | 13,]. d‘t'snm‘TLirei' “3‘ xce 1e? 3572‘ Ml" BraSh- Cl“"1.m9dical centre- Ba-VVlew Plala~§‘â€"‘ ""'"â€"â€"~ 7 “1. “c8 6 ROOM bungalow on lialf-‘morn'ing in church just after Winner WIth his “Rebel secured _ cyc 9- _- i ' ______ _ 'c_‘ CO“ “on _-_i ‘388 - 7 Cf” IWMEEI'Kffâ€"O‘fifiih‘éâ€"f'bfit; Reasonable rent. AV. 5-5134. _ jw PROPERTIES WANTED “PIK’NN'IQGâ€"K-fiL‘NCEg‘ acre lot. This home is spot-lie had asked the congregation 2nd trophy in the full custom RANGETTE in good condition. 50 MORRIS Minor. good con-,n‘ographer in Richmond Hill; #4 r __#tfc'oll .9319'1‘93111 5°“ 0‘” 0f Pmp' Calf’u. .31. “e. ‘ d 1:. less inside and consists of am sing the final hymn. ,class. Seven other members of Apply 76 Rosevrew or call TU. dition. $100 or best offer, also , f - f» G 32 BEDRdb’fiâ€"mod’ém bright ap-',elt_les' 1°95“ lms' “Wager bAVC' m. an “'1 bedrooms. living room. kitch-i * ’i‘ * * ithe RiChmond Hill Aristocrat 4 1333 1 1 - . imanu “luring “in 00d. farms. busrnesses. gas stations . i E MLSIC . . l b d ';___-____________°i Raleigh Raceh $25 01‘ best 0f-'shormand ability essential, 5_'artlnent over store. adultsnBuyers waiting some with cash‘measonabie rates. com-rem” When. bath and closed in porch.‘AURORA- The 100 employee 30d and Cusfom C ‘1 manage BABY Carriage. grey and yellow. fer. AV 5-25V5_"i_.__w c-wl day week 9_5. Permanent po_ Yonge & Sheppard. $100 morithélotfiers with 200d down payLLVice. Tu, 4.7281 was The owners of this property areiHIart Manufacturing. (Canada) 1‘: attend this three day Auto- fitltééiéent condition. $20.00 1:154StMECURY. 4d door. motor sition. AV 5-4412. clwl ly- “Eligio Rim “C0 Ement. Prompt efficient service; C'IIIMNEYS mi“? fkmm 2%“:agfamaori‘zg;Ԥgl‘gé’é‘étggldpiinga‘f Vijg‘lffgjtu1?:§'l ma‘ ,- . c w amo new. Bo y excellent. "' y .â€"‘- â€". TOOL R Nin salesmen t e'» vou; ' - ' - -. ‘ 9 ac 3 5e ‘ i ‘ . l D p'REss'fiR‘Eâ€""s‘y§fiii-_‘comp. Equipped with overdrive. $225. ESESgETAfie‘Asaggpergggggn350' Floor sanders. saws and drills..25 yeears Real Estaie Exiticerie‘nce.liglldgmeaimstigl aE‘Spel‘fpi‘lOSlf-Phone D0“ MCQW‘W' [’R 3'lco" Crysm Lawnm‘ Pmmpal LIBERAL CLASSIHEDS lam Fairbanks_Morse_ PR 3_ TU. 4-3588. clwl neat ‘in appearance Appfi;.Hand sanders, Jig-saws and Halli HERB SILLS LTD. lmanship. phone walker a“(j-0316 or Larry Neill. AV 5-4201iproducts. of Harris are heater GET RESULTS 5459_ clwl -â€"â€"55 MERC‘Uâ€"Rmm Franks Moving and“ Storage drivers. AV. 5-1109- thZl‘Members of Toronto Real Es-lMitchelL _av_ 5-2525. trc15__ w i_»_ N _7 __"_VCil:V_1i3nd 3PP113M95§W1Wh95v therm'. PHONE TU- 4-1105 â€"â€" "_â€""’ tic radio poiver brakes nd 2 ' - 'FURNISHED room with privâ€". , late Board , E w p’ayv' $8.500. King Township. attrac-losgts and w'rmg deVlces‘ ,_ 7 Av- 5‘33” REFRIGERATOR, Astra] also v , i a 8 Industrial Road, Richmond ‘ “- 34143 Woodbndge . . . . 1E , . _ two burner electric plat; AT steering body and mechanically Hm clwl ate bath. Gentleman preferred, - ~ R0 9 4901 4Drains septic tanks. A“ types tive bungalow Situated on a -. .. ~ g ' 1 l‘in A1 condition, $525. 884-5919. â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"râ€"â€" _ â€"â€" Close to Yonge St AV- 3-4409-l ' ‘ f Oiof concrete work large lot. 2 bedrooms. 3 pce. M._"l_t..__l___c_1. *1w52 iéfiffififigr igyw.lle:;%t:11:hig -_ __ V _ e1w52'. 1C1 {285-5762 FREE Es'nMATEsbath. full basement, oil heat- - .ree ype awn mo-f955 MEfi'C‘fifio’iâ€"dm . . l ' 5-ROOMED cottage on Lake l tfe31 ing. 1 car garage. low taxes wer. Maxwell. Cheap for cash. matic‘ radio, power brakes and gov" “fiethl Emmi“; lerrllicfillv- himsimka~ Bracebridge. phone; SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! fisE'KT'I'NG_‘Ouner will consider a low YOU HAVE TU "31L_-___ “W1 steerin . Bod and mechanic- °me “°“ e g.“ ° meme Newmarket, TW 5-4942 collect.l . ' A. MILLS & SON L idown payment. OBLONG pm _ en mm H A1 3’ (H. 525 00 tools and machine shop prac- “wl URGENTLY REQUIRED I Jame D St .tTD. $13400 Aurora. charming 3_ resa as goodya: new TU {ESE-5513119 con “on. s 1‘y1tices preferred car essential' *"’*"““â€"‘“ ‘ W- “â€"’_""'i HOMES l TSU 4-09;?“ hedr‘oom bungalow with the v 1678' ‘ clwi ,__ __,__m__,, V Ac,_\_\__ AV 5-5407. chllzg'BdOOM hatp?rt1nenlik5t0‘ée and . ‘w “Hgdiraliv family features that \Ou IN YOUR PROPERTY S__'______w-_ _4-,_, _ 1954 CHEVROLET Station ’ ’ ‘ ' 'i’l 1“ ge- " C19“ smV ‘plece Large and small. estates. Com- "5 a â€" . v â€" . l ~ ll kin‘ f r. iricludin' a 17” CONSOLE T.V. Crossleywagon $165. 1952 Chevrolet, .BOOKKEF‘PE“ bathroom. centrally located..mercial and industrial property RALPH riLMS DECORATING Te. 0‘? 1%....” kitchen gm.“ us ed - . . .Part time required to take . - t â€" . . , P t a ._ U G , spacio (l . good condition $35 a 1y 277 automati 45. r b st n‘ . .Riclimond Hill.1U 4-4488 after F . .- m- com- am mg. paper hanging, intei- , , , Richmond St Rich-n33 run 124 Lu c E. 1291 ed fr]? charge 0‘ set M b°°k5' some 5 pm clwl aim. lIOkélngs' 0: 3’0 u flied ior and exterior Free estimates planned “Hug mom‘ mums Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the .. . . cas . lemon 1. ~ . - - ~ ee an aecurae es m r -' .. -. . 1 ex erienee 1e urred. male or. .- _ . p I w r _â€" r) and screens, nicely landscaped . .._._._____._ ___ Cl‘fl ,fi __ “WI feign-ire, momng work, HOUSE. one bedroom, Z-piece value. Please 9311 ML Pugh-1 ork guaranteed ru' 4 lot on a quiet crescent. Only Followrng Areas: INTERESTING antiques at Un- 1953 METEOR, needs bodywork Leslie Motor Products washroom. large lot. garage. BA- 5'3828’ Res‘dence TU‘ 4‘.--â€"r~â€"râ€"râ€"~i~~â€"~~ r~~--â€"‘i$1,600 down to one NHA mort-l Maple Thornhill Stouffville laundering Victorian rural-$80.00, or nearest offer. Also King City ' between Yonge and_Bayview-§gzfi-N TRACY LTD REALTOR SgfiggfiRYFgggnggchRV gage. Unionvllle _ Langstaff Oak Ridge: Elie} 2:13.113; igéhggemes' c231; gggtqfér £3363 33123 61310316 ,_,, A fl , _ . w i _ Thormu area' 225'0‘53' .1w15587 Yonge Street, Willovgfl; gstIergaaEd. 148 Yonge St. S.;’ 'Wg‘s “YogfebEs'trigf‘ 5123:1112 $233235” H111 égfinlev Richvale ~â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€" _ ’ ‘ ' ’ ' ‘EXPERIENCED stenographer,»___...~ .......... .__~__. c - icrmon Hill, phone Tu. 4.1 b . ~ 10.000 BALES straw. 200 tons “WI shorthand necessary. Govern- BED SITTING I‘Oom. kltChen- 5688. tfc2Bl Aurora" Omar“) . lst & "ml Mortgages . Up to “I‘D-Year Terms hay. 200 tons feed oats Will 7571.1«TORD $136 ment office vicinity Richmond frig and stove suitable for one geeâ€"g "‘â€""”"‘“"’““‘*“â€"â€"“. 1 ‘PA 7‘4288 WA 14591 a -‘ - . i . . . i . CARPENTRY WORK additions -r--- â€"- â€" â€"â€"t 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses deliver. Av. 5-2236 TU 4-2236 '54 Chev 5125 Hill Transportation provrded or two business girls Separ-l EMPLOYMENT - ' A ’ LUXURY HIDEAWAY . _ ’Lfc19 Igorc‘i $395 State experience ant; give reg-late entrance. TU 4-1455. i igogilsauglll: EgbingsNdegbhatig?71/2 acres on pnvate Iflad‘ Just . Loans on Frame, lnsul and Brick Homes GOOD used furniture for sail: , or ' ‘ ' ‘ - $595 erences' Wme 30" he Ll ' 61‘“ '__._ sniall.,Fi'ee estimates. ‘1‘. Price .15 miles from Cit-V south 0L We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- 5‘6 Volkswagen $325‘era1‘ CIWSZ TWO fullvjamlâ€"i‘ " PVTâ€"f" PAW-NW5 d __~1â€"~h m TU- 4’ AV 5- ' WAurora' Rusuc type 4 bedroom 1 C- ‘ W “t - A k f M‘ Cl ens . .___-,___-~._-L . qu1ppeo - bedroom TYPIi one a o e . . 3653. tfc28| , , . Prone. ome In or 11 e s or 1. em age. 28 Industrial Rd. TU. 4-,55 VOIkSWagen - ' - ' - 5550 HELP WANTED in Richmond apartments in Richmond Hill 4595 clwl â€""â€"'â€"'""â€"â€" modern home With maSSlvei ' ' i . " _._ SPECIAL .. . 2613. tfc3,§21;/Ilzgg:t%o:::§tti%Â¥e" ggggflill. Errol-a rand1 Newmarket. Immediate possession. Contact m'Ffififlavfifila'BlefTU. 4- Chesterfield sets recovered â€":t.°‘.Ԥ. not," to lc-ellmg hreplacgl M c COW MANURE and peat loam, Colonial Essa comer Yo'n e & The 0 est an argest direct Miss Anderson. '9-5 pm. at EM..4767_ c2W52 2 piece $69.00 Nylon freize $99.. ivi ing iuge lvrng room an . . . finest quality. Small load $5.00. Edgar" Richvale g Isellmg company can give 4 6-9961. <___, > w Newt-IshmmGâ€"aRâ€"al-teâ€"ra: 5 years guarantte. Terms if de_‘d1nlng room. Wonderful View 21 Dumas Square, Toronto ‘ 113.5854 gig; $1%%0-3%31212 cogeacé c2w52 We“ Sieg‘gyhogpgrtgnltygzgpfilgalBRIGHT FLAT, suitable for re- tions Ml.s MacDonald TU 4_ sired. A. Smith, Upholsteryfli’f Sgurrfiumi‘mi‘incofyggjmze CALL COLLECT EM 3.6251 - ‘ 0r - ' - c 1mg 05 a '15 9 1‘3 9- ' 9 tired or business couple in 1310- ’ ” ' '21 phone AV 5-1682. tfc433 31' 9 5m 00 , a _ “. - - '- . HYDRO POLES. 35 ft. Osmose 'between 5 11m alld 3 P-mulvate home. close to transporta-lE-SEL fl#_ v “c. Riicâ€"Cfii'rWEIâ€"JLâ€"fifilfi‘lq‘c‘ of home. also Included 15 1031- 0 Flee Parkmg “.220 mam-1.3 Sta)“ k d pressure treated poles 30 ft GARDEN only. tfcl tion. Parking. TU. 4-1204. .DAY CARE for clilldi‘i’liv 500;, CO LTD ‘ ching 32 by 50 insulated build. 24-Hour Phone Servrce Including \ ee letr‘i S I 4 .,__v___,,_ _, V‘_. _ .__ ‘ i . H _ I. . . . _- ‘ -- i . .- A . . i ‘, . 1 n POIES. CEdal' fence posts. bookkeEper over 351 _»_7777-.wiw~#glwszihome’ fenced yald' 4Pun1p equipment installed and Ingldwlthcllob ft’ (delllllgt “sat Entilo EDIEgaEe flickirs_sso-Lla_o 1 Powellr TU- 4'2513- C4W50‘ it‘or full time position. complete CENTRAL. close to Yonge, at- -_-_,.__ ___. ._ -.. f. _-__ serviced. George Adams. Box COL} lea.“ y eblma 2, m9 9' '- GE. STOVE. automatic clock. __.____v.-.,,-.. set of books to trial balance. thactive one bedroom apart-ENERGETIC truck drlvet‘ seeks 192 King City, Phone King TENN“e 10159 Sta 9- 01‘ somef M c. Beber Ltd ' ‘ i i - 'l d ‘ n lt rr- I good condition. GE. refriger- LOAM 86 TOPSOIL laceounts receivable on nationallment. private entrance, park- \lOI‘k of any kmd- Hard “011‘913-6321. tfelai‘me “‘9 @511“ CO‘ p9 e p I 21 Dundas Square ator. across the top freezer. Fh‘St 01855 Peat Mam and C0W'160 machine, Richmond Hilliing. fully equipped. hydro in-‘llfegs work desperately. TU.'fl-iCKfU'SjgfiaiijgrfiifofingWT”. this V1.5 truly aob‘éy 2,” 01113 Toronto. Ont. TU 4-7197. c2w1 Manure- NOW 15 the lime to resident preferred to commenceicluded. Available immediateâ€" §;‘%1;~_,__M__,___,_nflfltfiu to oil and black°loam: $37300 “1th $750 ,Q‘Vn 3‘} I . . ., I ~._._._._ . -___ pd ~ C 11 TU 405 3 i 7 - - ' p 5 balance on one 612% moit- GENTLE-MEN 2 HOMARTâ€"Vâ€"igvlâ€"doors img er. a . -. 3 . PR. 3-.around Sept. ISL. Apply Boxlly. Phone 884-7844. .‘iOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking Prompt delivery. Reasonable; U / I require a mortgage loan of . u . . I I n . . . eluding track, 40:» x goof AL fl__ ,__ ...... .lfc‘iz No. it. The Liberii__ iciii'53ifivflo gamma... apartmegtâ€"ifidor wnrk- {Anything foliage?“ ‘rates. .I. B. DeFerrari, Maple. gaoe'mm V STEWART I | most; new. 315. TU 4-2750, ., BAYV‘EW 5.009le 5 Private Hospital Help modern triplex building. 33:1 :3 2551263 é’al’jflew7;33_‘64m M “C1: heal Estate 3...... Name . .Fust Class 5°d- “mum” Me.” Pl a ant an ca 3 l wom to them tiled bathroom. and livingl .13’Lâ€"my-L- - 4â€"77 'â€"â€"-7--t GRADING & EXCAVATING v ~ ~ . . and e s d p be an l 21 ionge St N Aurora | I â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"-.-- .â€"1°n Blue. also field sod; Laid - - iroom. Parking. 44 Markhamsiilcn SCHOOL student wants, PROMPT SERVICE ~' " Addre s .. ONE 1 relieve on holidays. general . . pit .5075 S eectric pumping outfit. and delivered. Free estimatesihelp such as kitchen dininglRoad. $115.00 mommy. Av. 54mm “me. “.9”. . helpmg busy FREE ESTIMATES . CIWI I mloléor. gird ltankAcom- Call w.____ tfc42-r00n3’ etc" must be “filling to3229 after 6 pm. __,tf_c;'3_otmother With ironing, etc. TU.:1- AV. 5_3512 ‘ I Town . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . , , I , , Phone _ , _ , , ,,,, , , fileréllt 30;; “3;; Ag“? IT'S NOT,T00 LATE itake duty every second or third LARGE furnished bed-sit-i3lOB'-AA~r-._.--._ -_â€"-CZ\_EI_'~ 7, if“; ,7_ 77,6101“ L J _50. ’ ' clwl“, HTdOPLAhg‘ P t'weekend, sometimes 2 eveningsltlng room suitable for two kit-.MAN requires part or full time‘ CONCRETE _ MASONRY W-‘w- -----â€"-__a' e 5”,“ Fe 3‘5 ea :3 week. Contact Mrs, Lodge,§Ch€n?lte. private entrancE.!\\'0rk. experlenped tl‘anSDOI‘tCARPENTRY CONTRACTORS ----â€"~ --â€"g -_â€"_â€"N K d: T3;in MACHINE SWISS aggge’ri‘és‘é 33rdgswgel‘lgelfdcsi‘ AV. 5-1125 or AV. 5-5184 after‘parkmg' 16 Lorne! 15‘ houseidl‘lve‘r- H35 Slam)“ wagon and‘Buildinig. alterations & repairs, Sttj‘T"thULY ‘ Amt?“ fale ma er aI. with ribbin at- , 3 - 9V ' - a least of Clark‘s Dru Store anti-ailer. TU. 4-4870. clwl . 30 all quC‘S. Clllla an gaSS-I: and Mac-rm t '2 inn-oer if... ruminant: visionaries-radsills: iii’l - . l SPPLIE , ', -._i. . . ;peae ‘-S, '- Aurora PA 7 9014 clwltpeat loam [gamma Sandy loam; afiartmem' 53%.??91" deck?“ 'FI‘IGBY- RIChmond Ell” 01‘ WORLD.-- _. . . _--- Mow, Iimoges. brass, etc. at the, â€"â€" . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" sod roto'vaung godding and =3 y equmpe 1C eni 93" mgr-vale. Write Box {\0- 11’- ThejCARPENTRY - DECORATING Stouifville Skating Rink. ad-. 1000 NEW Roman bricks, girls’ main. fencing For free es] excellent Value- PM“? TU- “Liberal.” clwl PAINTING joining Stouirville Town Park‘ bicycle, baby carriage. baby timateg'cau PR '3_5922 All to“. :15}?- 50 Benson Aveu R1Chmfondl Recreation rooms. etc. Large or «inside rink if weather is badm butler. beds. spring mattresses, 01mm accepted ' m.“ FTM-Ifiâ€"rmmwnear T113}; 1 - ,-_ -__,,,,_,, __ .3193; small JObS- Prompt_servrce. Property of Mrs. Bert Jacksonl lamps. Chesterfield. drapes, __b__,,i- - hm High Schéol by August lst TOOLS To RENT I Webb & Ennor. AV. 0-2546. and others. Lots of excellentl vacuum cleaner. polisher. AV. TREES References supplied Call col; Cement mixers, floor sanders‘i n V lfC3larticles. No reserve. Terms1 5-1448. clwl 3mm“ â€" Planted 1w Tw 5.3045 ' *2w52 and edgeI‘S- ramsei guns, mm'iCOLLIE Puppies, Lassie type DRESS ALTERATIONS .casli- Alvin 5 Farmer- auction-t S 0 Y â€" Pruned â€" etc- ' ‘ ' tillers, rotovators. also 500 other‘ _ n i . . leer. Lloyd Turner. Clel‘k- ’ MILDEW. DAMPNESS? PARIS TREE SERVICE ONE self-contained flat, 1 bed- tools wmowdale Rental &lj$Z-90_é} 5 23‘9‘ “Biron class work. Carolyn Bar- . i . i, , o gall mfg; an (flASIS 113ehumidl- BA. 2-1051 room, living room and kitchen. Sales. 6026 Yonge St.. BA. 1-?GERMAN Sliepherd._ male-igem' 9x913 Ysogllge 51- at 31?}; SAT. JULY 14 â€" Auction sale, - . firénnlntglé I‘lz‘ia‘eéCCTaRlIC‘ Toll Charges Accepted IOil heated, Apply_ 12 Rich-1711. 7 months old. 513. TU. iii-{Eleggbt 152 _ , _ . .0. of household furniture. farml M d Appliances Sales Result“ lâ€" “cmlm‘md 5‘" Maple' 0’ ph‘me: AL RICHuoND'IirirTrtEfif-lrjs’34595 91“"? PAINTER & DECOR-“0R implements. John Deere tractor-l e oume al 5 ’ ‘ ‘ 7-1571. clwl ‘ ‘ ‘ "â€""' "'_ BR. garden tractor. chest of‘ drawers. antique. player piano with rolls. dining room suite. recreation room furniture. dishâ€" es. cooking utensils. Many an- tique articles at Lot 13. Con. 5, Vaughan T\\'p.. 112 miles north of No. 7 Highway. The property of Percy Puterbangh. No re- serve. property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pin. DST. Al- vin S. Farmer. auctioneer. Gormley 5311. is it t if TUESDAY. JULY lOtli â€"- Auct- ion sale of household furniture. antique grandfathers clock. large antique wall clock. large nuin- ber of pieces of furniture in- cluding bedroom furniture. dish-T cs. china and piano. Village of‘ Stoutl‘tille on Main Street. Pro- perty of the late Dr. E. S. PAIR Cords & Corduroy PAIR Cottons Plain PAIR Girls Cords 14 Yrs. fl PAIR Auctioneer- clwl‘ Alvin S. Farmer. Gormley 5311 FARMS F O :U m a» t" m A Concession 4. Vaughan Tonn- :lllp. \11 inorkable land. Boyn- ton \l'eldrirk. AV. 5-12.36 c2w52.

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