Maple, Concqrdéjglgï¬eflley District News “The Liberal" ts IIWIYI willing to Our representative In Maple In Mr Ketter. 285-40“). Dm me but boy those people sure know how to turn one on!†It was well worth taking in and if you were as lucky as we were â€" ringside seats yetâ€"â€" it was a ball! Kept remembering the fun one Place UH Mrs. Betty Bigford and I had place to hol at a Grey Cup Parade â€" and 333’. Quebec wished she could have been envious of th with us this time. Murray Bay It‘s now the wee small hours James of V of the morning following the J'Oyed recent] return home so if Maple Notes It was jus‘ comes out in band rhythms and avoidable thi such â€" you'll understand. unable to Deliveries Throughout Summer Doug's gradl Your local delivery boys, Larry Llcastro, AL. 7-2615 and Steve Shore, AL. 7-1150 will be on hand this summer to see you get your "Liberal" deliver- ed to you each Thursday. If you've been picking up a copy now and then, why not make it a habit and contact Larry in the subdivisions or Steve, for the other sections of Maple, and have it delivered to your door regularly? Maple Lsdles’ Volleyball Last week these gals really were clicking as they won 5 of their 6 games at King City Park. Their ranks have been bolstered with the added play- ing prowess of Madeline Leath- erdale. Betty Weese and Phyllis McMillan. This aforemention- ed Tuesday game night was given that extra spark when Pat Kantaroi‘f substituted at the last minute when Phyllis was caught in a traffic jam of “Shrinersâ€. and couldn't make it home in time. With several of their team members on holidays. the Maple team was afraid they would lose by de- fault (not enough players) so Pat's assistance was really apâ€" preciated as they went on to a near perfect evening. rut MINLIIIUIL §UU§LILULUU all. the last minute when Phyllis was caught in a traffic jam of "Shriners". and couldn't make it home in time. With several of their team members on holidays. the Maple team was afraid they would lose by de- lault (not enough players) so Pat's assistance was really ap- preclated as they went on to a near perfect evening. In speaking to Freda Bourk, lhe generates great enthusiasm for the game and says although they have a full complement mm, ...... while on holidays. As beï¬tting a resident of Saskatchewan at this time, they are following with special interest and concern. the ï¬rst North American socialized medical health plan for their province. By the By! We hear Phyllis McMillan has joined the Richmond Hill Curt- ain Club so will be looking for- ward to seeing her in action as well as old timers Jan Myers and Bob Urquart. Do we have of members for the team, it is impossible to have every one out to play each Tuesday, es- pecially with family holidays at hand, so if anyone would like to play even part time or as a sub to be called on, do give Freda Bourk, Gram Street a call or Bev. House, Keele St.. South. any other Maple members? Working Crew At CampA Somehow Greg as Scout scribe missed out on mentioning the men who helped out at the recent lst Maple Cub Camp at Frank Robson‘s â€"- along the 7th concession. He was full of praise, as were all the boys for leaders, Scoutmaster. P Salmon, On June 24, at the lst Maple i Cub Camp, Steve Shore of “A'†pack took part in the going up . ceremony where he became a. scout. On June 25, following the suggestion of his Patrol Leader Greg Shore, he had studied the Scout law and the promise and all that was re- quired to learn and do, to pass the tenderfoot test â€" so when Jack House. as qualified exam- iner, tested Steve. he passed with flying colours so that on Tuesday, June 26. the ï¬nal re- gular scout meeting of this season, he was invested by Scoutmvaster Pat Salmon. Seems that is some sort of at record around these scout parts. let’s hope he keeps his interest and drive until he reaches his next hurdle and takes his “2nd class", Ball Results Seniors _-___ A- They play both indoors and Cubmaster Russ Locke of “B".‘ outdoors at the park in King Pack, group committee mem- City each Tuesday evening at bers. Lowell House, Jack 7 p.m.. against three King House and Bill Watson and teams. and one Bond Lake Louie Plunkett along with cub team. The Maple gals get their fathers Earl Magee (who really greatest kick out of playing gave his all), Lorne Wells and opposite the Bond Lake gals Jim Watson â€" all gave yeoman as last year several of them service. . had played on the Maple team During the day Cubmaster before forming their own this Betty Rumble and assist-ant year. Eva Watson of “A†pack led the Specie-l mention of Terry Locke and Carol Hogan from King â€"- but their hearts be- long â€"- and they play with the Maple Ladles' Volleyball team. In Hospital _._--___, Locke and Carol Hogan from A special thanks to Jim King â€"- but their hearts be- Thacker. assistant cubmaster long - and they play with the of “B†pack, who took on the Maple Ladies' Volleyball team. supervision of both packs dur- In Hospital ing all of Saturday morning Mrs. Lulu Leece is still in and was a terriï¬c help through- St. Michael's Hospital but we out the whole cam-p period. understand she is improving Showers For Bride-elect steadily. Keep those greetings Pat Lund has been feted by At Graduation Exercises Following is the Vale-.. dictory address given by I Douglas James at the gradâ€" uation banquet and exercis- es for Gnade 8 students of the George Bailey Public ‘ School. I It is a great privilege to be? growing up in this excitingl ageâ€"atomic bombs bursting in} the atmosphere. men launching themselves into the unknown,‘ and here we are. Grade 8 stud- ents at George Bailey being launched into the unknown for us â€" high school. There have been many here a concerned for our future and 5‘ search of knowledge. Let usfl‘t be honest with ourselves and; admit that sometimes we havelo not searched too hard. or list-:1: ened too carefully. o Recalls Many Happy Days At Bailey Public School How well we have listened and searched, may already be shaping our future lives. Re- member tlmt from now on we must depend more and more upon ourselves and our ability to make decisions. and plan for our future. When John Glenn's or Scott Carpenter's plans were post- poned, they returned to study with their experts, in order to gain a better knowledge of their task ahead. When we met pro- blems. we turned to our ex- pert! -â€" the (eachers. They Lzen nus“: nan-no ,eve Shore, Jean and Pat Salmon, Lancer orted me Drive welcomed Jean's mother, ning's fun Mrs. J. Duncan-Smith. of _Ports- Pete;- sald mouth, England. who W111 be v blah for visiting them and enjoying her eOple sure granchildren until this Sept- ne on!" ember. Welcome to Maple, we taklng in know you will have a wonder- i lucky as tul holiday. _ seats yetâ€" Murray Bay Holiday While living in Montreal. the the fun one place that was really THE and I had place to holiday. was Murray Ide â€"â€" and Bay, Quebec. We were quite have been envious of the trip and stay at Murray Bay that Bob and Lyn small hours James of Wilton Street en- lowlng the joyed recently. laple Notes It was just one of those un- wthms and avoidable things that they were On voting day. June 18. Pat's fellow teachers of Faywood Blvd. P. S. North York hosted a shower for her at the home of Mrs. Shirley Fritz, with teaching associates of Faywood attending. Pat walked right in- to this one under the assumption .she was about to attend a party for a teacher who was retiring from the Faywood staff! Pat's maid of honour. Miss Barbara Baker of Richmond Hill invited her girl friends from high school days to at: tend a shower on June 28. This evening Pat “dropped in" â€"â€"- on her mother‘s suggestion, to view Barb’s dress for the wed- ding! to publish interesting Items regarding people Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150: In Edgeley an: friends and we] eral miscella prior to her r Morten on Ju ‘ Bert Sellwood oi Richmond United Church Hill (and he who puts the On June 13 k-inks in my coiï¬ure at his given by Mrs. Salon on Yonge Street) under- of Weston anc‘ went surgery at St. Michael's and Guy from Hospital, early last week and is Weston areas. progressing nicely. Hi Bert! arrived on tim Hurry lt up â€" you're missed pleter surpris back at the old stand! of her ï¬ance Visiting from Jolly Old! secret well. Ad “Aâ€..- J. going through the mails, they're much appreciated and wel- come. Same Hospital unable to attend their' son Doug's graduation when he so ably, as top pupil in Grade 8. as he had been in Grade 7, gave the valediction. As beï¬ts a young lad. Doug. was very pleased to stand lst in his class but when it involved giving such a speech â€" well, he wasn't too sure about the honour. You’ll ï¬nd his vale- dictory address printed else- where on Maple page. and agree with those hearing it -â€" he did the class. his teachers and his family -- proud. Prairie Visitors Greg, Michele and Hugh Mc- Millan of Netherford are en- joying a few weeks visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, of Regina, Sas- katchewan. They motored down, through the States, to Maple. enjoying their travelling greatly. to stay with their son Doug and Phyllis McMillan while on holidays. As beï¬tting a resident oil Saskatchewan at this time, they are following with special interest and concern. the ï¬rst North American socialized medical health plan for their province. By the By! During the day Cubmaster Betty Rumble and assistant Eva Watson of “A†pack led the cubs in games. etc. have prepared us well for the flight we we to make. Thinking back over our stay at George Bailey. 1 am sure all of us remember the fun, rather than the work. The work grew on us, but the fun came auto- matically. Remember the singing fest- u ivals we attended? We sang our . best on stage. but for sheer 1t noise and fun. you could not . beat the frolicking bus rides ‘1 home. Who could forget when “’ ï¬eld days were held in Mapleflw The whole school had a holi- f1 :day. We wound up our Grade fl 6 'year with a big splash â€" in Moore's swimming pool. mAv The following year we went ada.‘ on a tour through a dairy. Even Ti ‘bad weather could not hold “bl our gang down. ‘ Remember the trip we took man to the Midland Indian vulage‘begi with Mr. Hazell in the pouring to 5 rain. The week before Christ- his mas we caroled at the town- and ship offices. We were rewarded mm with a huge cake for our 0; Christmas party. was During the winter. Mrs. Murison decided to teach square-dancing. Remember the time she had at ï¬rst getting the somewhat reluctant boys tolwell for our flight Into the un- dance? When the Grade 8 known, and if everything is boys’ ï¬layed hockey, a certain “A. OK," you can track us to player received his share of the moon. all of Saturday morning More and more was a terriï¬c help through- are coming to see the whole camp period. i This is very much uwers For Bride-elect by the players. As ‘at Lund has been feted by‘start playing at the )eï¬ts very his >lved well, the vale- else- agree 2 did :1 his 1 Mc- 2 en- with and Sas- .tored 3. Pat and girl friend Nancy Gudat, who was visiting her, dropped over to visit Peggy‘ (Nancy's cousin) when she (Peggy) phoned to say she was alone and wanting company. On Thursday. June 28, Pat's pupils planned and carried out a surprise party for their teacher. They presented their “Miss Lund" with a lovely sil- ver creamer and sugar set. The entertainment provided was in the form of a twist demon- stration and talent show which had been preceded by cookies, popcorn and cool fresh‘ie. The children, as well as the adults. were most excited over the success of their surprise party. Just Reporting friends and well wishers at sev- eral miscellaneous showers prior to her marriage to Guy Morten on July 14 at Maple Maple Notes On June 13, a shower was given by Mrs. Rosemary Booth of Weston and friends of Pat and Guy from Thistletown and‘ Weston areas. The bride-to-be ‘arrived on time (and was com- \pletely surprised) with the aid Lot her ï¬ance who kept their Jban Joslin and Peggy By- berg eo-hosted another miscel- laneous shower for Pat on July I have to be most objective about this new: item as you will see. There is only one game to report for the seniors. seeing as July 2nd was a holiday and no game was played. However. Marple played against King City on July 4th and won by.a score of 22-7. Barbara Cook made two homeruns during that game. How many does that make, Barb? Juniors ’Dhe juniors ï¬nally ended their losing streak by cleaning up on Nobleton by a score of 27-9. On July 51h Maple played King City and won by a score ‘of 18-5 bodychecks in spite of, or per- haps because of the fact he was the principal. Just last week we went on an informative tour through the reforestration station at‘ Midhurst. It is easy to see we have had a great time at George Bailey’s and wish to thank all those responsible for We look ahead. to this. our first step in higher education with the hope we shall become worthy citizens of this wonder-l ‘ful Canada. and reflect the in- fluence of our teachers our pa- rents and our church. There is an important part w; king for all of us in the building of Can- ada's future. The years we have spent in ‘public school can be compared l‘to the time spent putting a‘ \ man in orbit. This is only the beginning of man’s ventures in- §to space. He hopes to reach ,his ultimate goal. the moon, land we ours â€" higher educa- On behalf of the graduating class I would llke to sincerely thank all the teachers and par- ents who have put up with the Problems and setbacks We have Lion Wally Brown stands beside the float entered mfg; gï¬â€˜Ã©itrfrflzaï¬eed by the Maple Lions Club in the recent district Llons known, and if everything is convention held at Hamilton. The onns entry.was uA_ OK." you can track u, to one of 113 floats entered in the parade, and depleted the moon. the making of Maple Syrup. ple md event. contributeâ€"d by It: renders In Maple. Concord 8; Edgeley dun-1m and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934: and In Concord. Mn lath spectators the games. appreciated soon as we park at the community hell. we expect even more spectators. On July 16th Maple seniors play with Oak Ridges here in Maple. and on the 18th Maple plays with Richvale in Richvale. See you at the next game! Esperanto The ï¬rst Church Service to be held in Canada entirely in Esperanto took place in the new and beautiful Chapel of Me- Master University in the City of Hamilton on the afternoon of Dominion Day this year. There is a growing interest in the study and use of Esper- anto which has been designed as a world language for easy in- tercommunication among all {nations and people. It is estimated that there are now some eight millions of people who readily speak Es- peranto which can be learned with ease in a relatively short perlod. At the invitation of the pres-idem of the Canadian Esperanto‘ Association, Professor John Mayer, the service was taken and the sermon preached by Dr. Ramsay Armitage the Rect- or of St. Stephen’s Church in Maple. T‘oussean Tea An opportunity to see the iman‘y bridal shower gifts. wed- ‘dmg gifts and “hope chest ac- C' mulation" was given to friends and neighbors of ‘Marn-ie’ Davis on June 23rd., when her mother Pat Davis gave a beautifully arranged Trousseau Tea for her daughter, prior to her marriage to Jim Harding, June 30. The maid of hon-or, Donna Bull assisted the bride-to-be in showing the wonderful array in the three upstairs bedrooms to guests. Nancy Kemigan was in charge of the guest book assisted by Cathy Crook. The living room was decorat- ‘ed with large p'mk bells and the. table setting was in pink and‘ white - the centre piece was a beautiful arrangement of pink and white oarnations and taper candies. Pouring tea at varied intervals were. Miss Norm-a Goodieiilow, Mrs. J. Growcock, Mrs. Elmer Witherspoon, Mrs. A. Reading (Marnie’s grand- mother), Mrs. Jim Hodg-son, Mrs. Ken Kerrigan and Mrs. Ed. Hardin , groom's mother. Marlynn Ann Davis Is Bride Of LAC J. Harding St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Maple, decorated with two urns of white cal-nations, roses and stephanotis flowers ‘by the candle lit altar, was the lovely setting for the wedding of Miss Marlynn Ann Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis of Maple and L.A.C. James E. Harding R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hard- ing of Maple. on Saturday. June 30. The rector. the Rev. Ramsay Mmitage, M.A. D.D., officiated at the ceremony and the or- ganist was Mr. Frank Chapman. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was radian-t in a French imported gown of Swiss embroidered batiste with ï¬ve tiers in the skirt with a chapel train. The ï¬tted bodice had cap sleeves and square scal- loped neckline. Her silk illusion finger tip veil fell softly from a tiara headdress of seed pearls. She wore her grandmother's (Mrs. W. Davis) heirloom neck- lace of gold ï¬ligree with seed pearls and carried a crescent of white stepha-nrotis and Shasta Daisies. The maid of honor was Miss Donna Bull and bridesmaids Mrs. George Dewar, Mrs. Ron- a-ld Harding and Mrs. Edward Hardin-g. The attendants wore sheath linen dresses of buttemmp yel- low with an overskirt of chiffon print in shades of yellow, brown and green. Their headdresses in matching bandeaus with pale yellow veil and they wore yel- low shoes and carried wicker gathering baskets of yellow and white Shasta daisies. Mr. Edward (Ted) Harding attended his brother as best man and the guests were ush- ered by bride's brother Mr. Peter Davis. the groom’g broth- in 7 and 8 pupils of Hope School le where Marnie had taught for Le. two years. tel Pupils Show Appreciation The day that school clased to for the summer. the students in of Hope School with their 2w mothers, had a picnlc. Slnce [c- their teacher. Mlss Marlynn of (Marnie) Davis was to be mar- of ried the next day and after teaching them for two years‘ :st wouldn’t be back - they pre- zr- sented her with a lovely chip ed and dip bowl and beautiful Assisting Marg Crook and Toby Shore with the refresh- ments were the girls of grade Before you know it, it wlil be a must to read Maple Notes! Each week we are getting to be in serial form - we had fast‘ drivers followed by a parent- ‘al wrist slapping for not en- ‘ough supervision of children 'who play on roads. Here's an. - other sequel. D..1.ish blown glass ï¬gurine from Den-mark. They also pre- sented their other teacher. Mrs. Witherspoon with a hair dryer. Sequels And More Sequels Following that birthday party that was followed by one of the guests sporting chicken pox re- ported by Bernice Davis, we had another call from Bernice saying there are now eigiht children and one adult who are icontinuing to share and prolong memories of little Denine James party. It’s Steve “Originator†‘McIntyre's mother, Lois who has chicken pox along with children Lynne, Scott and Janet: McIntyre and Johnnie Salmon. Ronnie Davis, Karen Riddiford. Tommie Weidenï¬'elder and Peter Fraser, (Peter was the only one who didn’t go to the party, but his sister Nancy had gone!) You may ask about Ray and Eleanor James children they had the chicken pox ages ago! Large “Thanks†Roads Dept. Here is the ï¬nal sequel for these "Notes". Our sleepless nights and nerve wracked days are about over now, (it takes a while to get used to a good thing, you know), since the York County Roads Department. bright and early one morning last week, came and ï¬xed up that depression in the road out front. They have our Largest thanks: er Mr. Ronald Harding and Mr. J ack Odell A reception was held in Vel- lore Hall and catered to most beautifully by the ladies of St. Pauls Church WMS. The bride’s mother. Mrs. Davis received the guests wearing an aquamarine chiffon sheahh with full over skirt. She wore a matching pic- ture hat and shoes. white kid gloves and bag and a lovely white gardeni‘a wristlet. She was assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Harding who chose a moss green chiffon over taï¬â€˜eta with matching hat and beige access- ories. She carried a miniature corsage of yellow roses on her small hand bag. Out of town guests were, the bride’s grandparents. Mrs. A. Reading and Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis of Toronto; a great aunt Mrs. J. Billings of London; the Rev. Father Russell Nor-thway of Ellesmere, Kansas; L.A.C. and Mrs. Frank Lipchick, 39114 eville and Mr. and Mrs. John Gorrie, Toronto. The groom’s grandmother, Mrs. G Everett, Maple was also a guest. The bride's going away en- semble was a printed pure silk sheath with muted shades of blue and beige with a matching three quarter length long sleev-‘ ed over coat and beige access- ories. She wore a gardenia cor- sage and the groom's gift, a cultured pearl in cage pendant with ï¬ligre setting. As Mr. and Mrs. Harding let-t for a motor trip to New Eng- land States. New York and Washington, the many congrat- ulations and warm wishes fol-‘ lowed them from friends in and around Maple and especial-1y from “Miss†Davis’ former pu- pils at Hope School. _ Upon their return lyweds will take up in Park Hills. Ottawa the new- residence 9“!Eéifï¬ï¬‚tttt'i‘l i MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL m :CA‘RS 8. TRUCAISS‘SQ FQR RE]le ! r nnnrn An M Axn 1mm“: ; ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS ‘ g REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS no. : ‘ THE BEST our“: noun Sun of Handling Bonus pays off for Mervyn Brand of Turfleford‘ R.R. l MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) And don’t they look delicioue? These strawberries were just part of the fare served at the annual Strawberry Festival held June 27 at Carr- ville United Church on Carrville Road West. Mrs. Dorothy Gray, a member of the United Church Women who sponsored the event. is seen at the serving table. OPERATORS OOAST'TO'OOASI RATE TUrnâ€"erâ€"4:2â€"8.6i â€" $109 24 YONG-E'STREET, RICHMOND HILL - Avenue 5-1128 lolidn'my Donut pays off fot Snow White Steam Laundry, Sydney, N.S. Mr. A om MOTORS VALUE Built-in bonuses will pay off in m opemlion, loo! Kyur 6M0 dealer has the full bonus faols...see him today What A Feed! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdaylm 12, 1962 I‘ I I'll-J L I II. PHONE ‘ ALpine 7-1461 '1 ALpine 7-1471 AVenue 5-5501 ' or AL. 7-1363 CH8"), 1'28“ ! Keele Street Maple, 0m, L Sask. B. W. MILLER Since 1880 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. (Photo by Lagerquist) Versatility Bonus pay! off for crucker Ray C GROWER â€"- FLORIST Jame: Vasiluki: writes: "We are hop py with out fleet of GMC June 28 brought to a con- clusion another successful year for the Maple Lions' Club. At this meeting the guest speaker was Frank Hawke, a pharma- ceutical representative of a To- ronto firm. Following dinner. Mr. Hawke gave a most infor- mative talk on the drug indus- try today. Wit-11 all the publi- city given the drug industry lately it was interesting to hear from a member of the drug fm- ternity. Wat/0Z2 all. 0'15 The regular meetings are now adjourned until Septemb- er. but Lions will be busy all summer with various activities. It‘s been a big year for Maple ‘Lions Club and we hope that next year will be even biggerâ€"- ‘Lions’ Summer Baseball: You may have noticed, over the past few months. memberl of the Lions' Club laboring fe- verishly in the sports playing field directly behind the com- munity hall, N. Keele Street. In the north-east corner of the park a new baseball dia- mond has been installed and repairs are being made to the existing diamond in the south- west corner. Both diamonds are now near completion and with the installation of flood lights in the south diamond. day and night baseball will be in full swing. Lion Bruce Murchison ad- vises that there's a full sched- ule and with both Little League Boys' Softball and Senior Girls‘ Softball now being played â€"â€" many exciting evenings are as- sured. Several Llons’ members are busy coaching these teams ‘and helping to make baseball worthwhile for everyone in the community. A big boost Wllil be given future big leaguers if as many fans as possible attend so why not make it I point to see at least one game this sum- mer and share the fun. Remember the Tuesday Fri- day swimming classes at Thom- hi1<l with transportation supp- lied by the Llons'. Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 p.m. LEGION HALL (‘arrville Road One Block west of Yonge SQ All Veterans ‘Vn‘ Canadian Legion .,