I r Building Repairs 3. Alterations llIl<Iin 12 8. ELECTRICAL, L. E. Clark I".I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT l SPECIAL MACHINERY 5453 y, YONGE STREET l | I GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL BA. 5-4701 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT: LEONARD R. ROSENBERGI B. Com. ‘ -_ Bank of Nova Scotla Building: a Aurora <‘ STEAMFITTING Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 WELDING 3%? Building Trades pm Wm. Clubine ? PLASTERING CONTRACTORI HELEN SIMPSON LYNE'I'I' l KING , I -â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 - Helen Simpson , Flowers r Dahl & $0" METRO WIDE DELIVERY Construction Member - Florists' Telegraph THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 12, 1962 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY WI ENGINEERING Hair Styling & Beauty Salons 1 D. Albert Brown ! Col/fares ‘ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-1416 or 884-7003 Also Crescendo Coifiures St. Clair Avenue West l l l l Sellwood Salon Formerly Bloor & Yonge Sts. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving. Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill , TU. 4-2321 ' I Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 Delivery Association 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 COMPLETE ALTERATIONS CEMENT & STONE WORK PLASTERING 8; CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 Deciantis-Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS FURNITURE Drain and Concrete Work AV. 5-5881 I VIENNA Sand, Gravel and â€" REG Sand Fill 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. Call A. ENGLAND PHONE 384.5185 285-2605 Repairs & Reï¬nishing To Antique Furniture Furniture & Showcases Built to Your Speciï¬cation HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it†I TU. 4-2838 GARS Roofin , Eavestrouggi‘ing Richvale Auto Body Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing , It you haven’t heard of our re- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Sheet Metal Work , Repairs‘dz New Work Free Estimates ' Work Guaranteed l KING SHEET METAL 285-1613 % W . Arthur G. Broad 0.0. 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill Tt’rner 4.4251 for appointment. ph.'AV. 5-3631 General Business Langdon's _\ Coach Lines Ltd. H. D. MelQness, 0.0. coaches for all Occaswns “A, FOR INFORMATION ear. Windhu I G t 5, 3 Telephone (1 block soiiEh faï¬iewafliï¬ TE. 3-5351 Phone TD. {-1075 3! Appointment 5: Alvm S. Farmer D E N T A '- Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties Dr, W. R. Redford 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN, D“ J' ‘ Wac’ma PUREBRED CATTLE, DENTISTS ,l FARM STOCK, 15 Yonge St. North I FURNITURE AND Richmond flu] TU, 4.4601 IMPLEMENTS We personally handle all salel Dr. J. M. Dryer bills and advertising DENTIST i PHOM‘ '3 “1H†:31] GORMLEY, ONT. SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Open Evenings | Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUruer 4-1462 Dr. W. .1. Mason DENTIST . 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH E. CHARITY 'l'Urner “511 Richmond 8111 Tu. 4.1701 Richmond Hui Dr. P. R. Macfarlane, DENTIST t Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Dr. J. Perdicaris OF ALL KINDS a O t O ’ MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE COIISUIT BAYYIEW PLAZA “ . BEVERIF“ \C‘RES 3 The leeral†PHONE I OFFICE TU. 4:3571 9 TU. 4-1105 Dr. John Simpson and a DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET 'AV. 5.4442 Thornhill, Ont.l will call * Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvsie' Quality Printing' l courteous representative 1 . LEGAL (Continued) Donald M. Findlay o.c. Banister. Solicitor. Notary King City, Ph. TE. 3-5451 Phone TE. 3-6684 Gariepy and M ann, Barristers and Solicitors 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 Lawlor &- LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario ' Humane Services ’ CATS PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by approved S.P.C.A. Method _ .g _ TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE 1 Yonge Street. Oak Ridges l PR. 3-5071 Receiving Hours: 8 mm. - 6 p.rn. or otherwise by appointment â€" NO CHARGE â€" TU. 4-4413 17 Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Stuart Parker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerlu St. AV. 5-1477 TU. 4-1543 T. C. Newman, Q. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Every I‘hursday Afternoon INSURANCE Roy V. Bick Complete Insurance Service I f 17 Queen St. E. [Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Ernie Brock & Son Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 l Corner Agency Limited Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg.. Aurora. Ontario Herrington Insurance Agency A. Burnett General Insurance Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing. etc. Oflice 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TU. 4-1219 Richmond Hill GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY 1113 King St. King City I TE. 3-5283 LEGAL Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nova Scotia Building AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 l Res.: PA. 7-5046. TUrner 4-1551‘ Roy A. Phillips ' ’I‘Urner 4-1551 Toronto Office - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-58" I Plaxton, Deane & Drew ROOM 205 LOWRIE BUILDING Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND BILL THORN HILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Ofl’ice AV. 5-1197 James H. Timmins Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public ‘1 THORNHILL ’ AVenue 5-3165 Stiver, Vale, ’enniatt, Errington "The Trustee's Relation to Staff and the Responsibility for Curriculum" was one of three (continued’ main discussion topics at the Trustees held in Niagara Falls. Two other topics discussed were. “The ‘rustee’s Job" and “Resources Available to Trus-i Tees.†according to a report submitted to the Richmond Hill Public School Board last week by Chairman Harold Sanderson, who attended the Short course. In speaking on “The Trus- tee's Relation to Staff and the Responsibility for Curriculum," 5.. F. Pummell, director of ed- ucation for St. Catherines, stat- ed that teaching staff are most interested in salaries. security and planning. This made early salary negotiations mandatory. Salary should be kept in re- lation to the resources of the community, the director said. Trustees should be willing to provide new equipment and to consider ideas of principal and on new buildings and curricu- lum, he stated. The trustee must try to know and maintain a good re- lationship with the staff. One good way of maintaining such a relationship is to have fre- quent trustee-teachers’ council meetings, Mr. Pummell sug- gested. Dr. H. Paikin, of the Hamil- ton Board of Education, Spoke SURVEYORS ERIC GEORGE Surveying and Drafting ance at meetings was the trus- YorkCountyEMO Drafting, Blue-Printing The York County Emergency and Survey Service Measures Organization h a s for Contractors Yates & Yates found a new home, county council was told at its June Ontario Land Surveyors . v . Th 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale EEZS‘EI‘MDI fotggnghyaieï¬g? 0m" BA- 5'3031 ganization has leased part of Res. George T. Yates. O.L.S. a gas station (at the corner of 53 Bedford Park Avenue County Road No. 12 and Davis Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 Dr., at Newniiarlcert) for $1,000 VETERINARY ' The rescue truck and equip- Dr. W. Allan Ripley merit are now stored in the new VETERINARY SURGEON I. C. Horvat,B.A, O.D. OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CONTACT LENSES OPTICAL REPAIRS Hours 10 - 6 daily Closed Saturday Evenings By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-4641 4. W. Kirchen, R.0. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 8: Repairs 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights quarters, and rescue courses are being held there each Mon- day and Thursday evening. A mascot â€"â€" a dog named EMO â€" has also been acquired by the organization, and is be- ing kept in a kennel at the res- Telephone :7 you“ St 1" cue training school. 0 me Only two of the county's 14 T11 #1432 Richmond mu municipalities responded to' a letter from the E.M.O. about recruiting and training of aux- iliary police. Sutton found it impossible to take part now, because the summer months DR. CARL HEDER were at hand. Stouiffville ap- TEMPLE 3,5401 proved the idea. but wanted a 2“ KING ST. KING cm standard form of training. The report recommended, and 3 E.M.O. Groups KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL county council approved, the sending of another letter, say- ing that the school, to be cen- trally located, will probably be ‘ started in the fall. Emergency measures for school children also came up for The Emergency Measures 0" some discussion, and co-ou’din- ganizaltions Of York: Simcoev ator W. F. A. Preston says he and Grey Counties are co-oper- Wm try to obtain some direc- ating in the filming of a meme tion from the Department of about the WOI‘k 0f the .Emer' Education, on the framework gency Measures Organization- 85 within which such a plan could it prepares to deal with any be formed. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. major crisis that may threat- Approve pay . N OTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt. B.A. William Erï¬ngmn, 3. Com. mal tasks, being interrupted by 195A MAIN ST. Ph. :TW. 5-4571. Rabinowitch, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Norman A. Todd, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor dz Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 44863 By Appointment MUSICAL ‘John S. Walkington‘, Marguerite Boyle Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill ; OPTOMETRY ' F. L. Lowrie, R.0. [Eyes Examined l Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre :9 s.m. to 6 pm. including Sat. RU. 8-8949 I Evenings by appointment Newmarket, been declared. Councillors then ’ which York and Sim-cue Coun- l en civilization. The first scenes of the film were taken at the June session of York County Council. They depicted the council at its nor- County council also approv- ed a recommendation from its emergency measures committee that municipal liaison officers be paid eight dollars a day per meeting, plus the mileage al- lowance they already receive. Council was told that the mon- ey to make this possible was already available in the omgan- iaation‘s current budget. a “mess-age" from the New- malrket Police that an alert had were filmed leaving the cham- ber, ostensibly to reconvene in their emergency meeting-place. When completed, the film will cost about $1,070.00, of Aurora Company Sold To US. Firm One of the area‘s leading in- dustries has been taken over by an Americai firm. The pur- chase of Hart Manufacturing Company of Aurora by the Oak manufacturing company of Cry- stal Lake, 111., was finalized last week. Details of the purchase have not been released. Hart was in the electrical manufacturing business, manu- facturing such items as light switches and electrostats. Since the American comp- any deals ln the same type of equipment, it is expected that ties will pay 45 per cent, with Grey County paying the bal- ance. The total running time is expected to be about 90 minutes. Tentative arrangements have been made to show the finish- ed film in three half-hour seg- ments over the Barrie TV sta- tion, starting in September. The theme that will hold the film together is that of an av- erage man inquiring into the E.M.O.‘s purpose and methods, and getting a guided tour through the various facets of the organization. ation in Aurora will be expan- sion and progress. Plant manager Harry E. Ses- ton is hopeful that the vacant ' land adjacent to the present building will be utilized in the expansion. Spraying Will Help ,Hay Fever Suiierers WELCOME WAGON ‘tor Frank Marritt bouquets of ragweed for coun- ty councillors at the June ses- sion of county council. Mr. Marritt pointed out, in :from hay fever, : caused by ragweed pollen, dur- 30 years of experience fostering good Willun business and commumty . weed, Mr. Marritt said, and . lurged that all roadsides be 0 jsprayed by the municipalities. ' ‘and that landowners spray their property to eliminate it. He also pointed out that the Ragweed Eradication Society of Metropolitan Toronto hopes to have sprayed this year, all Metro areas that are ragweed- infested. COOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOO'COCIOOIOOOOIOOOOODOO T_U. 4.2951 Says Teachers Most Interested ‘In Salaries, Security, Planning 1 OPTOMETRY 1 recent Short Course for School‘ the only change in the oper- York County Weed Inspec-i provided? submitting his report. that 10; e per cent of the county’s popu-i ' lation is estimated to suffer; an allergy; me 0 ,ing August and September. F0; information on : ; Spraying in early June is the welcome Wagon. Dhom. : ‘most effective control for rag-l tee's most important job. He ‘tee functions would stretch ifrom to P. M. Muir, executive di- rector of the Ontario School Trustees‘ Councils, discussed ,“Resources Available to Trust- ees." He suggested that most board difficulties arise from inexper- ience and ignorance. Outside provincial bodies often can as- sist boards in solving prob- lems, especially salary prob- lems. he stated. County Farming Half the 22 farms that kept accurate records for York County’s farm business man- agement project, lost money, according to the report of the agricultural committee, sub- mitted to county council‘s June sesswn. The other half showed only a “modest labor income,†the report noted. Use of capital is apparently the farmers’ weakest point, with 15 of the 22 farms examined being rated weak in this cate- gory. Four were average, and three strong. However, in the five other categories used for judging, less than one-third of the farms were rated strong. The other categories were: liveâ€" stock production, crop produc- and size of business. The report also announ- ced that the 1965 Interna- tional Plowing Match will be held in York County. After some discussion with representatives of the On- tario Plowmen’s Associa- tion, the committee decid- ed that the Massey-Fergu- son Farm, on the fifth con- cession of Markham Town- ship, was the ideal site. Precision Repairs Pay 017 To You We make all repairs with the precision born of long experience. Our jobs never have to be “re-done" later. You save money in the end! Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Use your head-antl SAVE! Check State Farm’s low insurance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lais. Call today! STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO- MOBILEINSURANCECOMPANV, Canadian Hard Ofï¬ce: TORONTO ‘ James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 FRI. and SAT. JULY 13 and 14 THE COMMANCHEROS MARINES LET’S GO Tom Tryon Cartoon $I.00 ii Includes all occupants I l MON., TUES. and WED., JULY 16. 17 and 18 LOVE IN A GOLDFISII BOWL (adult) 3 Tommy Sands CARRY 0N CONSTABLE All Star Cast l Cartoon l l l 14 fun spot for all "r ‘ ON DUFFERIN-_;STRE_E-T ' SOUTH OF no.7 HWY.†Lose Money In tion, labor use, machinery costs “ ‘ COOKSBP‘ .2. $1.00 1" All Week Except Sat. -' CORRESPONDENT: Phone AV. 5-3489 Stated a summary of tru5_ A surprise barbecue party was Mrs. held Saturday evening by res- idents of Buggies Avenue, Langstaii. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. Glassford, who, after living for 21 years at Lang- statl‘, moved Monday to the Manor Apartments. Elmwood Avenue, Richmond Hill. Mr. Glassford worked for several years as custodian and crossing guard for Thornlea School. Upon his retirement two years ago, he was honored by the home and school associa- tion with a presentation of a mullet and money. The sale of their property on iRuggles Avenue was forced by their health. Both suffer from a heart condition. E. Lepkey continues to make good progress in Sunnybrook Hospital. He would like to thank his many friends for the cards, gifts and letters. Visitors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Luslier on High- way 7 this week have been Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Lusher, Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lusher were in town for the Shriners Convention Debbie Thompson, Garden Avenue is now home from hos- pital. Jimmy Martin has now re- covered from his bout of mumps. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Garden Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Campbell and family. Scarboro, and Sgt. 1nd WITH SODDING 39 Netheriord Rd. j_ LOCATIONS. mond Hill. Drive. cipal Offices, 56 Yonge Hill. award Langstaii 8. Thornlea News TTENTION H OM E OW N E R S BUILDING CONTRACTORS FREE ROTOTILLING Your Choice OI Grass FREE ESTIMATES FIRST CLASS LANDSCAPING For Reasonable Rates 8. Information Telephone STACEY . SOD SUPPLY MAPLE, ONTARIO TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION : OF APPROXIMATELY 4200 LINEAL FT. ' {-1 OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN THREE ' (2) Centre Street East, vate siding to the end of the existing pave- ment at Sussex Street. MRS. B. LEPKBY O. H. Campbell, Hagers- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Brockington. Garden Avenue, entertained Mrs. Burgess of Leaside last weekend. Women’s Institute Markham-Vaughan Women's Institute are holding a tea and bake sale at the home of Mrs. W. Thompson, 5 Morgan Ave., July 18. from 2 to 5 pm. Mr. and Mrs. John Honor, Morgan Avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Hickling Jr., and family, New York and John Hickling Sr., Argentine. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Honor for a week, returning home July 4. Birthday greetings to Mm. M. Roy, Sussex Avenue, who cel- ebrated her birthday July 7. W RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones I‘U. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts EVERY CONTRACT AV. 5 - 5859 SEALED TENDERS properly marked as to con- tents, addressed to Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk, Munici- pal Offices, Richmond Hill, Ontario will be re- ceived until 4:30 pm. on July 16th, 1962 for the . construction of approximately 4,200 lineal feet of asphalt pavement, concrete curbs, grading, . etc., on the following streets in the Town of Rich- (1) Extension of Newkirk Road from Centre Street East, south to Markham Road. east from the CNR pri- . (3) Crosby Avenue east from Newkirk Road ' the end of the existing pavement at Osms Plans and specifications may be obtained from ' the office of the Commissioner of Works, Mum- Street North, Richmond A $25.00 deposit will be required for the three sets Of plans and specifications which will be re- . funded in full if the same are returned in good condition within two weeks after the date of A marked cheque equal to 5 per cent (5%) of the ' tender price shall accompany the tender. The tenders to be submitted on the combined cost of the three proposed projects. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- 4 cepted. W. J. HAGGART, Mayor R. L. LYNETT, Clerk 0. S . WHALEN, Commissioner of Works . \CJ