Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1962, p. 4

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A brilliant young 'l‘hornhill many extracurricular activities student - 18-year-old James Don and off the campus. McGhee - has won a 31,500 Bank1 Current projects include part- of Montreal Canada Centennial time work as a lifeguard and Scholarship for third-year studyloverhauling a 10-year-old sports at the University of Toronto, car, he reports. the bank has announced. Jim‘s latest achievement to!- Jim. the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McGhee, 140 Centre street, Thornhill, is specializing in phy-' siology and biochemistry at U‘ of T and has been active in: James McGhee Wins $1500 B. OfM. Scholarship Phone 285-1073 Brilliant Student 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 Bonnell Antique; Thornhill and District News N. zllulhollanrl, 0.0. Now located At 8009 YONGE ST. THORNHILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. July 12. 1962 JAMES McGHEE Former Location of Penny Wise Antiques AV 5-2176 lEGAL Clustom Upholsterers TELEPHONE A V. 5-2331 (Est. In Toronto 1906 .‘alubllslu Mr. and Mrs. D. C L‘aldpr Pm 126 Yongc St. N, Richmond 811111039“ a brief holiday in W (invent:th Area. and many extracurricular activities‘year and a first'year award of Canada." on and off the campus. $750 in 1960. His award is one 7-Year Plan Current projects include part- of 16 for all of Canada. includ. The Current 16 awards are time work as a lifeguard andting three other Ontario young- part of the second phase of overhauling a 10-year-old sports sters, and represents a major the B 01' M'S seven-year Plan to car. he reports. distinction, the bank announce- PI‘OVide bank-aided uniVQI‘SilY Jim's latest achievement fol-‘ment said. study to outstanding Canadian lows a similar scholarship lastlSelection Committee students. In this phase. each .__V__H_.____â€"l Chairman of the selection student will receive a total of - , committee which had the job of‘$4.500 provided they maintain Tharnhlll s picking the B of M scholarshiplgood grades ._ $1500 for 1961. Lucky Lady winners was Dr. Frank Wet-‘62. 1962-63 and 1963-64. . H ' mare. aSSOCiate dean of arts. Thus the plan develops pro- hillii it’liegepnegzilezgdlhfiég‘; University of ’Toronto. ptherlgressively each year, and will living in the Thornebank member” were- DI“; Philippelculmmate in 1967. the'year of Road area in particular. are Garlgue 0f the UmVerSlty Oflthe centenary of Canadian Con- blessed with an uncanny Montreal; Dean C. W. Argue.‘[ederation and the 150th an. streak of goqd-lug‘k in the University of New Brunswickuniversary of the foundation of next while. it Will all be Dr_ Douglas E. Smith‘ Univemthe bank in 181,74 figznnoa-Ssmérmoisiilry. 5i” of Alberta; and 11'1'0f~Hal'I‘.Vi In all, the scheme provides Mrs, David McLean of 10 L Loflln. University of Britishifor a total of 124 awards. rang- Sally has generously dis- tributed her finds among her friends and neighbors. The Duders. the Stubleys and the Poulters all have one or more four leaf clov- ers and Miss Davlgleistvh and Mrs. McBride. Sally’s tea- chers last year at Thorn- hlll Public School also reâ€" ceived some. The rest Sally has pressed in books at home â€"â€" Mrs. McLean re- ports that they even- drop out of her cook-obook when she picks it uxp. Oddly enough. 5 a l I ,v makes ‘most of her discov- eries when she has (acci- dently) left off the glasses she is supposed to wear all the time! lit the people of Thorn- hill in general; and those living in the Thornebank Road area in particular. are blessed with an uncanny streak of good-luck in the next while. it will all be due no doubt, to Sally Mc- Lean. d~aughtcr of Mr. and Mrs David McLean of 10 'l‘hornebank Rd. Nine-year old Sally has recently shown a startling propane- lty for finding four leavf clovers and to date. has located between 60 or 70 of these traditional bringâ€" el‘s of good luck. Universit members Garigue Montreal; Universit. Dr. Doug sity of Al L. Logan. Columbia In addi fiattended ary. Dr. the Univt Idminiatr plan. Sally's talent {or disâ€" covering thcse talismans became noticeable about a year agohbut this year she has gone all out â€" finds them in her own back yard. at the homes of friends and in Thornhill Park‘ .lof high school fii‘iends on a re- : cent Saturday night. A barbecue dale, was the centre of interest and Congratulations to Mrs. Geo. 6 the prospect of eight weeks of Barker who received highest “tomorrows free of homework honors at the July meeting of did not lessen the gaiety! Richmond Hill Horticultural Jean Clarke is visiting her!Society. Recognition was for hex. Q’sister Ruth (Mrs. Geo. Boyntonlidecorative design and arrange- .yat Woodbrid-ge and will holidaylilnent of delphiniums featuring to Henriette van Essen, Willow- 9 Social: .l Food and fun. ingredients for ..a successful! pafly combined to .jprovide just that when Chris- _;tine Terry entertained a group Jean Clarke is visiting her!Societ3 Q’sister Ruth (Mrs. Geo. Boyntomidecora .‘at Woodbrid-ge and will holiday ment i lwihh uhe Boyntons at Midland‘daisies filand Georgian Bay. Birtl "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish Items of lntereut éontrlbuted by It: readers In the Thornhm are: - - - . . . . Our representattvo In Thornhlll in Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be ruched by phoning AV. 5-2331. The weather was perfect for he annual Community and Sun- day School Picnic held July 4. ‘About 100 were present at the \aflernoon and evening afiair. Following the supper. races and games under the leadership of Wayne Morison and Victor Suzuki were held. Prizes were given to the winners. In two games played last week by the Victoria Square baseball team, 11 won one. and 'lost one. A prize was given for the oldest person present. It was won by Fred McRoberts. The youngest person present was Laurie Tynda-l‘l. and the largest family belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck’ley. On July 12, it is Headford at Victoria Square and Gormley at Buttonvil‘le. July 17. it is Vic- toria Square at Buttonvi‘lle. and Headtord at Gorm‘ley. Vacation School time is here' Miss Rosemary Le again. On July 16 it begins for few days last week all children four to twelve inIS‘hal‘on Boynton. the Victoria Square charge 11’ Mrs. S Boynion will be held in the Headfol'd Lloyd Canning and School and Headford United dinner July 5 wit Church. All children nine to Perkins and Mrs. l ‘twel-ve are asked to bring their and boys, Bibles. A familv gathei-in Swimming was enjoiled by the children and supper was seaw- ed by the ladies. Children from Victoria Square are asked to Lake cook- ies Monday and Thursday. The school runs from July 16-20. with closing exercises being held in the church July 20, Dr. A. F. Binnington was in charge of the service Sunday morning when Holy Communion was held. Mrs. S. DeFoe was the organist. Commenting on the work otgraduates will be chosen for his committee. Dr. Wetmorejthree-year fellowships of $3,000 said. “During the year‘ theta year for postgraduate study bank students have emerged aslanywhere in Canada or abroad. scholars in the best sense ofl Then. in 1967, the two final the ward. To make it possible1Canada Centennial awards will for them to continue their-ibe made â€"â€" one in arts and one development. without interrup-‘in science. These two awards tion, is to encourage true schol- will be in the amount of $5.000 Irship and is the best kind ofkto be used for further study investment in the future ofanywhere in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark attended the Broome family re- union at Cookslown on the ori- ginal farm now owned by Mrs.:drm {m T. Dorsey. Mr. Clark is a fourthzmlmbles generation descendant. nvhile re Columbia. in upwards from 48 awards of In addition, Dr. Lucien Picher$750 scholarships in 1960 for attended the meetings as secret-;fresl1man»year study. ary. Dr. Piche is vice-rector offiGraduate Studies the University of Montreal and‘ At the conclusion of the pre- administralor of the B of Msent three-year phase in 1964. Plan. eight of the 16 B of M-snonsored The Terry family accompanied by Mrs. R. P. Simpson. Van- couver and Jim Curtis. Sin. Headeford. celebrated Dominion Day at Niagara. To give ihe young members of the family a taste of train travel the party divided. one half going by train ‘nd the rest by car and just to nake it fair and have a change of scenery they switched places for the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dr C, Calder env Will Merrill Johnson return from Calgary Stampede wearing a wide Stetson and spurs? The spurs may be superfluous but visitors surely need that broad brim to travel under the bright Western sun. On July 15 at 11.30 am. Revitheir cousihs 3t King VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS ILR. 2, Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE I. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. Loren Guild A family gathering was heldl at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs.l Floyd Perkins. Lake Simcoe.‘ Sunday. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and Mn and Mrs.i Gordon Mortson who were cele-l brating their 20th wedding an-‘ Mr. and Mrs; Lawrence Boyn- ton will celebrate their seventh wedding anniversary. Judy 16; Mll‘. and Mrs. Arnold Steckl-ey will celebrate their third wed- ding anniversary, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh are now grandparents. Their first granddaughter am'i'ved when a daughter was born to Mn: and Mr's. Johnny Nig‘h. July 2. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rumney and family were: Dr. Jean Rumney. Mrs. Eddie Gudal. both of Ham- ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rum- ney and George. Miss Rosemary Leek spent a G. Fitzpatrick will be in charge Neighborhood Notes Birthdays are being celebrat- ed by Donald Boynton. and Heather De-nnie. July 11; Wil- bun‘ Brum'wel'l, July 12; Mrs. B. Mvoir, July 13; Mrs. W. Orr and Mrs. M. Jarvis. July 15; John Empringhmm. July 17. Mrs. 'S. Boyn‘ton and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys. had dinner July 5 with Mrs. R. Perkins and Mrs. Jirm Barker and boys niversary Carolynn Roots. Langstafl'. is the guest of Christine Terry and Kathleen Burton is hostess to Henriette van Essen, Willow- dale. Master Michael Calder is holidaying in Rockwood. CLAREMONT: A 17 year old Cl-aremont girl will spend five weeks in Switzerland this sum- mer 31 Swiss College. Betty ward will specialize in French there She is a student at Pick- ering District High School. Mrs. W. Reaman will cele- brate her 85th birthday, July 17. Misses Anita and Patricia Orr are holidaying this week with um “um...” m vnunuluu vuu'! Although the holiday week_ federation and the 150th an'lend decreased the number of "iveVSar-y 0f the foundation 0ftthose able to attend the dance. the bank in 18174 enough profit was realized to In all, the scheme provides‘make possible a substantial do- fm- a total of 124 awards' Iunmgnation to the Canadian Peace . Research Institute and tenta» mg upwards “Pm 4.8 awafds of‘ltive plans are already being $750 scholarships in 1960 forlmade to hold another money_ freshman-year study. lraising project in the fall. It Graduate Studies llS hoped that by then a perm-a- At the conclusion of the pre. nent Thornhill Committee will sent threeâ€"year phase in 1964. have been appmmed' . H H l h eight of the 16 B of M-sponsored agggcegnizc :ttracu” new graduates will be chosen for gun at the York Farmers Map three-year fellowships of $3.000 ket last week which had a col- a year for postgraduate study orful display of attractive ap- anywhere in Canada or abroad. Fonsv d0115'_0101h95‘ 0Y6” mitt? Birthday greetings to Mrs. William Wellmarn. July 8 and to Michael Calder. Some people have drill for water but Two ball games were played on the diamond on Rumbles Farm between Headford and Victoria Square and Headford and Gormley. Victoria Square was the loser 6-10 and Gormley last by default. owing {0 man shortage. The score was 4-5 with Headford making up the team for Gormley. The current 16 awards are part of the second phase of the B of M’s seven-year plan to provide bank-aided university study to outstanding Canddian students. In this phase. each student will receive a total of Rumbles. David and Stewart while repairing the merry-go- mund in the valley. dug a past hole and struck water! Ball Games Phone TU. 4-3040 with Miss to really not the NEWMARKET: Newmarkel Council has been advised by the Toronto Dominion Bank that the interest rate charged to Newmarkel. for borrouring purposes will be 6 per cent ef- fective July 30. D. Wilson celebrates his birthday Jwa 12. ‘ Shirley Webb will be four years old this week. Mr. and Mrs. Banas. Crest- wood Road. have had Mr. Ba- na‘s’ brother and family from California visiting them last week. Mrs. Morgan and Freddie. who have lived here for two years, moved to Willowdale last week. Peace Research Institute ple, who are handicapped in About 150 supporters of the various ways. to enjoy the sat- Canadian Peace Research In- isfaction of doing some creat- stitute enjoyed an evening of ive work. but also to help some dancing and entertainment at of them augment their often the Bayview Country Club on meagre incomes. Fridak June 2901‘ through “‘9' Through the co-opex'ation of kindness 0f ClUb member “9d a businessman. Mrs. Wells is Lett. aid... on "-5 ....'H __.I.. -1 _,,J Freda Banas celebrated her 16th birthday in Vancouver with her sister and family. Dancing was from 9 to 12. At the intermission. Mark “,h Stone of the Toronto singing for trio “The Villagers" entertain-“.11 ed with folk songs. He ms in- u“ troduced to the audience by the Harry Freedman and thanked so, by Bruce Marsh. Assisted by ed, ‘TV actress Jill Foster. Bruce p0] Marsh then distributed a num- u“ ber of door prizes. These were is donated by various local merâ€" 5 chants â€" Ellie‘s Uplands Hairlof Cosmetic. Harley‘s Drugs. we Thornhill I.G.A.. Nels Gage. on Bill Butler. Kraft Cheese and tm Simpsons. :"n Noticed an attractive new stall at the York Farmers Mar- ket last week which had a col- orful display of attractive ap- rons, dolls‘ clothes. oven mitts. woven baskets. crochet work and other attractive samples of various types of handiwork. Peace Research Institute Mrs. Laird Joynt. Mrs. R. C. Fairfield. Mrs. M. J. Walker and Mrs. Bruce Marsh were dance conveners and Mrs. Bill Butler assisted with the ticket taking. On enquiry. I foulnd the work was the produci of a group of some thirty or so handicapped people in the Willowdale and North Toronto area called the Happy Hands Club. The stall was manned by Mrs. A. Wells of Willowdale and her daughter. Mrs. Wells was re- sponsible for the formation of the group which she organized not only to enable these peo- A highlight of me eveningr was an energetic twist contest“ which was won by Irene and Keith Ryan. EAST ACTION 5 LOW PRICS! You Get Both With Your G.M.~ Dealer “QUICK SERVICE" Crestwood Rd. News Just North of Richmond Heights Centre 355 YONGE ST. N RICHMOND HILL Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 MOTORS LTD. GUARDIAN MAINTENANFE WILSON NIBLETT TL' 4-1194 Thorn/z ill Notes Through the co-operation of a businessman. Mrs. Wells is able to get mill ends of good quality cotton prints at a very ireasonable price. Although none of the pieces are more than a yard long. by a skillful blending and matching of var- ious prints and plains, attrac- tive aprons are turned out. while smaller scraps are used for the lovely doll clothes â€" which sold almost on sight, by the way! The workmanship in the articles is of the best â€" something I particularly notic- ed. as I well know how disap- pointing it is to buy something that falls apart the first time it is washed. So take a look at the work of the Happy Hands Club this week. You will find the stall on the west \vall, just between the two doors. Holy Trinity News During the month of July. the rector of Holy Trinity will preach I summer series of set- mons on the Beatitudes. The first was on July 8th “The Keys to Humility and Comfort.“ On July 15th. the topic will be, “Under God:" on July 22nd. A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You Can Be Proud Of! * LAST A LIFETIME * Built-in Safety Tread “‘ 102 SIZES IN STOCK Completely installed by us! NO MUSS . . . N0 FUSS ECONOMICAL TOO TODAY FOR MAKE YOUR HOME 3g No. 7“"; I _ \ Phone 5 TE P A V. 5-5! UNIT STEPS . Jane Street Doughton noad Jane Street Highway No. 7 Jan? Street FREE ESTIMA'TE" UNIT PRE-CAS'I‘ (Toronto) LTD. TOWNShiD 0f Vaughan â€" Edgeley Water Area â€" The installation 0f 3 We“ (inClUding explora‘ hon). pumphouse. reservoir. treatment facilities, related equipment. watermainfi an" appurten- ances tn ser‘ ‘ the defined area to be known as the Edgeley Water Area. TAKE NOTICE THAT: ‘ More Beautiful ' More Valuable with Pre-cast Concrete THORNHILL ONTARIO (b) Strwl The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Vaughan intends to apply to the On- tario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of the watermains referred to in Schedule “A” hereto at an estimated cost of $199,795.00 which amount shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable over a period not exceeding 20 years and intends to charge the cost thereof including debenture charges and the cost of maintenance and management upon the lands defined as the Edgeley Water Area more particularly des- cribed in paragraph 3 hereof. It is proposed to raise the annual payments byâ€" TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS, A special rate on all the rateable prop- erty in the said defined area not exceed- ing four mills in the dollar according to the assessed value thereof. Charge water rates to consumers. In the event that the receipts obtained from clauses (a) and (b) hereof or from any other source are not sufficient in any year to meet the debenture pay- ments such deficit shall be levied and raised in that year by a special rate over and above all other rates on all the rate- ahle property in the Township of Vau- Ehan. The following is an example of the an- nual charge upon lands in the said area having an assessed value of $20.000.00. Special Rate (maximum, 4 mills) 8 80.00 *Water Rates (present average) 140.00 ‘The water rates will be charged in ac- cordance with Township Bylaw No. 2414. Bathurst 5-5691 va‘ Doughton Rd SCHEDULE OF WA'I‘ERMAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED By The Corporation Of The Township 0f Vaughan From Since there is no church school during t h 9 summer months. it is hoped that the boys and girls will attend church with their parents. Church school registration day will be on September 9th. And if you happen to be sitting reading this. relax- ing after that trip home from your vac-tion. pick up ‘ the phone and give me I 'call at AV 5-2331 so your friends and neighbors can hear about all the interest- in: places you've seen. (I get lots of good vacation tips this way!) “The Royylty of, Inward Happi- ness" and on July 29th Way to Peace." During August. Rev. Howden will be on holidays and the ser- vices will be conducted by Rev. A. J. Forte of the Toronto hos- pital chaplaincy staff. During the month of July. Mrs. Nancy Flynn will be the organist while Mr. Mullen is on vacation. NOTICE OF APPLICATION SCHEDULE ‘A’ TO FOREGOING NOTICE Of course: if ou want. to sell before you buy. you'll find National Trust Realtors just as fast. and de endable. Come in and so? us. We're rig t in the neighbourhood. A great number of houses ar€placed in our hands for sa|e~and in addition. “0 can offer vou all the houses listed on PhPEO-CO-Op. r a particular Ineighbourhood. at a rice Eon can afford. We understand. e‘ve een in real estate for sixty years. And we probably have that home you want. You want a particular kind of house. in Total Length Existing Main Approx. 170’ East Highway No. 7 4.490 890 1'70 feet 430 Telephone TU. 4-1650 house hunfing Approx Length NEW WORK â€" AL'I'ERA'I‘IONS â€" REP Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors and for ap- proval of the said works and the said special rate. Any ratepayer may, within tWenty- one days after the first publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said special rate and the said works but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections may be considered. Dated at the Township of Vaughan, this 29th day of June. 1962. J. M. MCDONALD. The area upon which the SpEClal rate is to be levied and which is defined as the Edge- ley Water Area is described as follows: All of the lands in the Township ofrVaughan bounded on the west by the easterly limit of Provincial Highway 400. on the north by the northerly limit of Lot 5 in Concession 4 and the Northerly limit of Lot 6 in Con- cession 5, on the East by the Westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway lands be- ing the dividing line between the East and West halves of Lots 4 and 5 in Concession 4 and on the south by the southerly limit of Lot. 4 in Concessions 4 and 5. ROGER PROULX AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD DOMESTIC FUEL OILS feet feet feat 'I'Il. 4 - 4361 PLUMBING & HEATING Free. Estimal ‘ Glnrlly Given 12 inch. diam H‘H'h inch dian 517.0 NO RTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Phone BA 2-1179 Clerk. Township nf Vaughan, Maple, Ontario. m‘l u: . xxxxvxmxmma ) Hydrant: Valve! W/Valvo 62 Crosby Ava. RICHMOND HILL AIRS NClJi P‘sfifl “flu/«.3 9‘ I

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