Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1962, p. 5

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Miss Hilda Wisemnn, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wise. man. Centre St. entertained leveral of her friends at her home in honcur of her four- teenth birthda). Miss Kathie Moss. 3 teacher at McConaghy Public School. is spending the summer months in Jackson's Poinl. whcre she Is an apprentice at the Rcd Barn Theatre. Friends of Mr. Bert Scllwood of Sellwood's Salon. Yongc 51., Will be please: to hear lhal he is making satisfactory progress following surgery at St. Mi- chael's Hospital last weekf During their stay they “'1‘” Attending from the Hill were be visiting their respective par-mt and Mrs. Charles Reddy. ants. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Reddy Richmond St” and Mr, and Mrs, in Rutland. and Mr. and Mrs. E_ A. M,“ BridgeporL Jlmes Marsh in Higher Beb-t ‘ t .t i. .t bington, Cheshire. A short visit‘ ML md “1‘1 Ralph Kershke‘ to Cornwall ‘5 also planned twhn vnlpbi'ated their silver wed- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reddy‘ left on Wednesday by jet for l f_<)u1"\vcek holiday in England. Returning on August 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Reddy will be cel- enraung their 20th wedding an- nlversary in mid Altanlic - happy landings! Silver wedding celebrations'umlomew‘ and were combined With 3 20th “'ed' attendants at ding anniversary last Weekend party twenty at the summer cottage of Mr. Mm E, Ban-um and Mrs. Floyd Perkins at Lake 110nm. from A Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Wade bride had been married twenty-five'Mr, Owen I years on Saturday and Mr. and Richmond Hill “1". Gordon Mortson. 20 years slake‘ opganisl 0n SUHday‘ iand ushers Mr years on Saturday and Mr. nnd‘mchmond mu; Mr. Victor Ker-{Harding Blvd.. on July 17m 31' MW Gordon Mm‘tsm‘» 2“ Neal's slake. organist. Owen Sound,‘8:30 p.m. where Doctor Ursula! 0" sunday‘ and ushers Mr. E. Bartholomewfranklin. “uclear physicist and‘ A joint surprise party. or- and Mr. E. Wadge. university lecturer will be the “filled by Joyce and Albert Their sons. Peter and Dereklguesl speaker. lelor was held on Sunday. at- Kerslake received the guests atl vi :3 ~r :- tENded by. Yfil'ious members 0f the door. and their daughterl Leaving from Montreal on both famxhes. Unable to be Susan and niece Diary Barth_fl~hl‘ll.sday aboard the Empress Present WIS LOiS Perkins. \VhO olomew assisted by Miss Ellen‘of Canada for England. will be lent a congratulatory telegram larish and Miss Linda Baccilms. Len Jones. daughter Carol from IHOIIand‘ “'hel‘e She islserved the refreshments ‘and son. Michael. Also sailing Ipendmg the summer months. will be another close member of the family. their dog Rusty, W EXChange VOWS who will unfortunately be sub- s; CANADIAN ject to_the usual Si); months ) C CANCER SOCIETY 31â€" quarantme on his. arrrval. 'I‘hn I n n n , . Inm‘ln \rl-IA hava Fl HERBERT R. BUTT \V B HRB - - HR “BB - HRB " “‘flfl' FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2 50 weekly Includes the free use of an Instrument in vour home typewriters ‘ Adding Machine- SALES - SERVICE ’ RENTALS ‘yonr office machlne specialist' 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill nee noruble models It Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Buy or Evenings TU. 4-1745 Yonge a; Centre St: Richmond mu Richmond Hill 'l‘Urner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. L. H SIMS 'leht's Phlrmacy' Richmond Hill INSURANCE Editor Margot Crack DEPENDABLE 'l‘elephune SERVICE Miss Maemie Bilby of Roseâ€" land. New Jersey has been va- cationing with her brother-in- law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bettridge and family. for the past two weeks. Entertaining for Miss Joan Robinson prior to her marriage to Mr. T.rry Hood at St. Mary's Anglican Church on June 2151., was her aunt Mrs. M. B. Wise- man who held a shower at her Centre St.. home. 7 Twenty guests were present and the bride to be was the re‘ cipient of many lovely gifts. ».y”... ... , * * * * "Oh. for the good old days!” birthday celebration. t an _\ ‘Pl‘e Flight Cocktail Party'tA visit to Kresge Store in the or visit “The. Libel‘fl" of- was held m Friday last at the‘Richmond Heights Centre on fine. 63 Yonge Street South home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bun-E'l‘hursday. Friday or Saturday Tl‘. 4-1105. ker. Rosedale. for members of‘of this week. will transport you“ "' * “‘ * the Maple Leaf Cricket Club back to the pioneer days - all‘Parlezâ€"vous Francais‘.‘ 'l'\\'0 fa- who left on Wednesday tor a the clerks wearing dresses of milies in Richmond Hill are four week trip to England. long ago - and in keeping. old getting an excellent opportuni- Attending from the Hill were fashioned values will be feat- ty of perfecting their French Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reddy. ured. * * * * accent with the arrival of two Richmond St. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Marilyn McCormick. 31 French girls from P.Q. who are I: A M-v. Rrideennrt. Markham Road of the Richmond visiting them during the sum- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kerslake, who celebrated their silver wed- ding anniversary on July‘ 3rd,. entertained over eighty guests in the garden of their home on Knollside Drive. Among the gut-sis wen» Mrs. Kersiake's mother. Mrs. W. Bar- tholomew. and all the original attendants at their wedding party twenty five years ago - Mrs. E. Bartholomew. matron of ‘honor. from Agincourt: Mrs. E. Wadgc. bridesmaid. Leaside: Mr. Owen Parish. best man. Mr. and Mrs. Len McLean are seen cutting the wedding cake following their wedding on June 23rd in St. Mary 1m- n1aculate Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the for- mer Patricia Francis Therese Allen the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Allen. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lfred McLean. All popular makes on hand Snorial Studvnts' Rates Toronto. Ontario EMpire 2-3156 112 Yonge St. Toronto 77., "Ladies Night" of the ISM Miss Gall Carman from Ol- Beverley Acres Cub and Scout tawa is at present holidaying at auxiliary was held on June 27, the home of her aunt Mrs. W. with members attending a pro- D. Dengate. Lynctt Crescent. duction of ‘Spring Thaw” at the * * * * Crest Theatre. followed by Miss Crystal Bowyer has lunch at Fran's Restaurant. {completed her course at Can- Holidaying in England for .ne next four weeks will be Mr. 'hd Mrs. E. A. May and their son Terry. Bridgeport SL, who left by jet on Wednesday. During their stay they will be visiting London and various relatives in Yorkshire. Mrs. Marilyn McCormick. 31 Markham Road of the Richmond Hill Welcome Wagon has been promoted to City of Toronto Supervisor. This was announced Friday morning at the conclu- sion of a two week Internat- ional Training Course for Wel- come Wagon hostesses held at the Woodlawn Y.W.C.A. If you Would like to hear more about the Canadian Peace Research Institute. its back- ground and its aims. you are cordially invited to a meeting being held at ihp home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Clement. 71 Harding Blvd.. on July 17th at 8:30 pm. where Doctor Ursula Franklin‘ "ucleal' physicisl and university lecturer will be the guest speakeix The Jones family, who have been residents of the Hill for the past eight years. will be living in Guildfm‘d. Sura‘ey. and their many friends throughout the community extend to them sincere ure. The sympathy of the com~ munit)" is extended to Mr. Ernie Wall on the death of his bro- ther Senator William Wall who massed away in Winnipeg over {the weekend. Mr. Wall. a former resident of the Hill. moved to Montreal last year. * * * * Small World! The following interesting ex- cerpt is taken from a letter re- ceived from Miss Mary Dawson, member of "The Liberal" staff. who is holidaying in England and Scotland “Today I was on towr of the Shakespeare country. and after tea at Banbury on the return journey was gazing into a shop window when a voice in my ear said. “Did you get last week‘s edition out. all right?“ 1 turn- ed around to find Helen and Wally Mason behind me. doing ‘the same tour but on the sec- ond bus! On my return to the isti‘aford Couu't Hotel, 1 passed lu; the first elevator and was wciting for it to return. when in walked the Masons - so we wined and dined together. They had been staying at the hotel for three days. but this was the first time we had seen each other!” Vacation Bible School Attracts "2 Children 'l‘homhill Vacation Bibleznetle Wilson are in charge or School got off to a good stal‘tipreparing refreshments, assist- Monday with a registration oiled by members of the intermed- 112 youngsters ranging in age1iate department. from four to 13. _ 1 Director of the school is Mrs. Well before the 1.30 lime scheduled for opening registra- tion. children trickled and then poured into the Christian Edu- cation building of Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Brook Street. The three departments are well staffed with enthusias‘ic leaders. In the kindergal‘den class stafi members are: superinten- dent. Mrs, A. Martindale: lead- ers: Mrs. W. McGowan. Mrs D. Hner. Miss E. Phinnemore and MiSS L. Henry. staff members are: superinten- The school is staffed by volun- dent. Mrs. A. Martindale; lead- teer leaders from four churches ers: Mrs. W. McGowan. Mrs. D. in Thornhillt Anglican, Baptist. Hear. Miss E. Phinnemore Presbyterian and United. and Miss L. Henry. A special feature of the junior In the primary departmentlprogram is the telling of Bible Mrs. D. Wilson is the superin-istories about “Men Who Dared tendent. assisted by Mrs. NJin The Bible Times," by Rev. Hall. Mrs. A. McMaster anleowden. MacDonald and John- Miss Q. Allen. 1ston. and Miss Geraldine Wes- .lunior department leaders ley. Mrs. J. McGhee and Mrs. are: Mrs. S. MacKay. superln- .\l. Johnston. tendent. Mrs. G. Yule. Mrs. W. After a nine day school. the ‘Welt. Mrs. A. Foster. assisted closing session is planned for by Gail McRae and Mike Ba11.lJu1y 19 at 7.30 pm. for parents Rosemary Wilson and Lynâ€"ito share with the children. good wishes for the fut- in the operation of the Lions‘ Donations to charities am- Community Hall- taunted to $500, The public service figure in-i Debt retirement on the Lions » eluded $1.600 raised by the Community hall totalled M‘s? 5'“ Cam“ .“0'.” 0“ club in conjunction with the $3,390. “W3 ‘5 at present hOhdaymg :1 Senior Citizens Club for thet The hall was operated on a the home Of her aunt Mfs' ‘ 'Easter Seals Campaign. Also self-supporting basis. Expen- D‘ Dengate‘*[‘znfl£ crescent' ‘included is $956 raised in the ditures at $3.181 were divided _ B _ I “.ions' sponsored Red Shield into four categories. Mainten- M's" Crysnl owye' ‘asgCampaign for the Salvation ance of the hall. $1.040, taxes. “mm”? W “mm 3‘ .Can‘tArmy $997. fuel. $344. and utilities. ada Busmess conege' <T°.I°nl,° The club divided iLs own ex- 5300. “dam $319103?“ as *Fc’gafitpenditures into six categories] In the club's official report, n,,_-i_... completed her course at Can- ada Business College, Toronto and is employed as secretary to the High Secretary, Royal Arch Masons of Ontario. ‘ The June meeting of the Isl“ ‘Beverley Acres Cub and Seoul auxiliary was held at the Bev- erley Acres School on June 12. Election of ofi‘icers {or the coming year was held. Those returned unoppOSed were Mrs. Dunlop. president: Mrs. Daven- port. viceapresident: Mrs. Ris- wick, secretary: Mrs. Havlland. treasurer: Mrs. Derek. sewing convenor. Those elected were 1 rs. Garnet. telephone conven- or: Mrs. Richards. social convenâ€" or; Mrs. Hamilton. program con- venor: Mrs. Carney. sunshine convenor. Mlle. Christiane Riviere of Chicouvtimi is staying with Miss Janet Thomson and Mlle. Marg. uerite St. Pierre of Drummondâ€" Ville with Miss Robin Ander- son. "181‘ At present Janet am' Robin with their house guests are staying at the summer home of Professor W. S. Thomson and Mrs. Thomson on Lake Joseph. \.uuv\.uun. A . - u u u V . y L . . V ~.- 1 rs. Garnet. telephone conven- Fine weather prevailed on 01‘: Mrs. Richards. social convenâ€"Jtlne 26 when 40 members of the or; Mrs. Hamilton. program con- Richmond Hill Women's Instit- venox‘: Mrs. Carney. sunshine lite held their annual picnic at convenor. §Brantf0rd and vicinity. The high‘ The first meeting 01' the sea-llight of the trip was the visit to‘ son will be held on September the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless 16th. iHomestead [in St. George. near ' lBrantford) the birthplace of the flounder of the women’s instit- ute. JOAN LEONARD ‘ Who has graduated as am American Airline stewardess following a six and a half week1 training course in Fort Worth‘ Texas. A graduate of Rich- mond Hill High School. she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Leonan‘d of Lawrence Ave. Miss Leonard is based in. New York and is flying to Bos-' ton, Cleveland and Phoenix. Interested in majorette work, she is a former Argoet-te, one of Canada's dancing‘ majoretiosn Direétor of the school is Mrs Minton Johnston. Keep "Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your summer activities - holidaying. guests from out of town. anniversary or birthday celebration. ('all or visit “The Liberrl" of- fice. 63 Yongo Street South Tl‘. 4-1105. On opening day, Mrs. C. Wil-‘ son and Mrs. H. Ellam Were‘ busy registei‘lng pupils. assist- ed by Rev. A. Howden. rector of Holy Trinity. Rev. Hugh Mac- Donald of Thornhiil United Church. helped direct “traffic” when the inflow of pupils was at its peak. cunts v; u.uu.,....._._. en Who Daredj Second vehicle involved in; mes." by Rev.ill1e collision was driven by laid and John-Marlene Catherine Shield. 335 Geraldine Wes-EWaverley Rd.. Toronto. Police Ghee and Mrs. say damage to the car was about 51.200. Both drivers sustained minor and bruises and were from hospital after day school. the is planned forscratches Lm. for parents released 9 children. treatment aClub Spends $10,677 flln Public Service Work The homestead was purchased n 1959 by the Federated Womy en‘s Institutes of Canada and had since been restored and furnished in the period when Adelaide Headless resided there. ' This project was undertaken by all the WI. clubs across Canada to be perpetuated as a historical site. and a suitable plaque will ‘be erected on the site this fall. A total of $1L.677 was spent during lhe past year by the Richmond Hill Lions Club in public service work. In addi- tion. a total of $3.181 was spent in the operation of the Lions Community Hall. The club divided its own ex- penditures into six categories. Spending on direct welfare ad- ded up to $1.522. It also spent $2.3547 on youth activities and $320 on scholarships. York Central Hospital receiv- Hold Outdoor Worship Service At Humber Trails This Sunday St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will hold its annual outdoor worship service and picnic Sun. day al Humber Trails Conserva- tion Park. The worship service will be- gin at 11 a.m.. followed by the picnic. Organized recreation will he [eatmed during the- afternoon. There will be nn worship or Sunday school in Richmond Hill. Every member and friend of the congregation is urged to pack a picnic lunch and come to the outing. Humber Trails is located on the King Sideroad. two miles west of Highway 400. 15 miles north-west of Richmond Hill. To offer or receive transporta- tinn. telephone Mrs. J. Miller, Local W.I. Enjoy Busy Annuall‘ Tour & Picnic 0f Brantford Districti The ladies enjoyed a picnic lunch outdoors. after which. Mrs. R‘ Bryant accompanied by another senior member of a loc- al W.l. club. kindly arranged to escort the ladies on a tour of ‘Brantford and point out the lspecial places of interest. This guidance was especially apprec- iated. The party visited “Her Majesty's Chapel of the Moh- awks". the oldest Protestant Church in Ontario. built in 1775. 'and the members were much im- pressed with its history and tra- ldition of this. the only Indian {Royal Chapel in the world. and ‘is a residential Indian school. Mrs. Zimmerman. wife of the present chaplain gave a very‘ interesting talk on the chapel‘ activities. On display is a parti- cularly fine piece of workman- ship. 3 "Coat of Arms" present- ed by King George III. carved expertly from a single piece of wood. Over the altar are the “Apostles' Creed" the "Ten Commandments" and the “Lord‘s Prayer" in Mohawk language, The red carpet in the centre aisle of the chapel was used in 1939 for the visit oft King George and Queen Elizw abeth. The gold carpet in thel Sanctuary was used in West- minster Abbey during the crowninz ceremonies of Queen} Charge Driver In Truck, Car Crash Designed to serve a primary ,\ weekend collision on Bay- area bounded by the‘ CNR view Avenue has led to charges tracks on Crosby Ave, and the being laid against the driver town lines. the Cub pack will of one vehicle. meet Tuesdays at 7 pm. in Bay- David Charles Kent. 456 Ruth view High School. Ave. Willowdale. has been‘ The pack will be open to any charged with impaired drivinglboy in the area who is at least ias a result of a two-car colli- eight years old. Meetings will sion on Bayview Avenue Saltur- begin in September. day. Information may he seemed , ,..|__‘_-t-.. L’nnnnth H . ~i- The accident resulted in about 311% damage. Mr. Kent's pickup truck received about $900 damage. police es- timate‘ ed almost $3,500 from the club. Two thousand dollars were do- nated along with $1,425 which was held in trust for the hos- pital. 'PUHJ‘I‘L The hall was operated on ail'ive is being buill‘ ! l“\l""V"u III" I V \l HFPIIUIIVHJ self-supporting basis, Expen- 'l‘ho requmt was referred lo ditures of 83.181 were dividedEthf‘ bllildinfl inspector. AV 5-3756 34 Yonge St. S. TU 4-7456 into {our categories. Mainlenâ€"‘ " " ’ ' " " ance of the hall. $1.040. taxes. ‘ 3997. fuel. $844. and ulilities.‘l-0(a| lawn BOWIEfS f 5300‘ .1? ‘31.“..f31'5'".L'i‘“;iil,,};fit’£9;l:'Enter Ontari° Fina" LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-1105 In the club': official report. they thanked the community for their support and expres- sed anticipation towards an- other year of community serâ€" vice. 884-5491- , airironmheidi Vlaél Satdrday rat compemiom 3an Prue“ _3"e bourg. The local chub has planneg for the 011115111le #11119? the district championship ihe afternoon. Following the recreation period, a snack of wieners and drink will be served. bompeuuons anu [Hues are planned for the children during the afternoon. Following the recreation period. a snack of wieners and drink will be served. Members and friends unable to attend Sunday’s service and picnic are reminded of the sum-. mer Wednesday evening ser- vices in Zion Lutheran Church. Maple. These services begin at 8 pm. and are an accommodation to those who wish to. worship. weekly but who are out of town on Sundays. They are sponsored jointly by Bethesda Lutheran Church. Unionville. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Richmond Hill. and Zion Lutheran Church. bourg. The local club has won the district championship for District ‘3‘ by default when the northern rink failed to appear. Richmond Hill will now enter the quarter finals for Ontario‘ to be held in Belleville on July} 28th. NEWMARKET: A recently pass- ed bylaw in Newmarket will restrict parking on the town's market square to municipal ofâ€" ficials and police. AURORA: Demolition work is underway at St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church in Aur- ora. It will be replaced by a new 5100.000 building at the corner of Mosley and Victoria Streets. These services begin at 8 pm. and are an accommodation to those who wish to. worship weekly but who are out of town on Sundays. They are sponsored jointly by Bethesda Lutheran Church. Unionville. St. Paul’s Lutheran Chuvrch. Richmond Hill. and Zion Lutheran Church. Elizabeth II The ladies also visited 'I‘ulela Heights. another historical site, being the birthplace of Brant- ford’s most illustrious and famous townsman. the late Dr. Graham Alexander Bell, whose brilliant mind and experiments gave to the world. the tele- phone. Yet another Brantâ€" ‘ford‘s son. whose name. Cock- shutt has long been associated with fine farm equipment and machinery. also providing em- ployment for so many citizens. The founder of the company bequeathed his beautiful est- ate “Glenhurst Gardens" to the general public. The gardens are kept in excellent condition. The summer exhibitions are‘ interesting and include wall hangings by leading artists and craftsmen from across all Can- ada. also traditional Indian art crafts evolved from the Six Nations Reserve near Brant- ford. and various art exhibits. These 'beautiful surroundings provide a picturesque setting for the now famous Flower Show. held annually. Band concerts are also enjoyed. St. Marks Anglican Church W.A. were caterers for a delight- ful supper. A most enjoyable session then followed at the Bell Tel- ephone Exchange in Brant- ford. Mrs. Charles Harding entertained at the piano. then led the ladies in a sing-song. Duly rested the group toured the building which proved very informative. Before leaving‘ 1the ladies were served refresh- lments by the Bell management. A tired. but happy group re- turned to Richmond Hill after the day‘s round of activities. especially enjoying the com- fortable drive through such fine rural scenery. and the educational features. New Scout, Cub Unit At Church Plans for a new Scout-Cub unit for east Richmond Hill were adopted Sumday by the council of St. Paul's Lutheran Ch ua‘ch. Information may be secured from the cubmaster, Kenneth H. Dawe at 884-2339. Group com- mittee chairman is Harold Melsâ€" 11838. Group secretary is Philip Limpert and Ross Percival serves as group treasurer. Others on the group conimi-ttee are Joseph Miller. Al Harvey and Rev. Albert E. Myers. Since enrolment in the new pack will be limited to 12-15 boys. parents of prospective members are urged to enrol their sons soon. Make Application For New Office British Mortgage and Trust Company has decided to build an office in Richmond Hill. The office wid be built on the southeast corner of Crosby and Yonge. Tfie matter came up at last week's planning board meeting during discussiun of a letter from the company. The letter included a request for permis- sion to build a temporary of- fice while their permanent of- Local lawn bowlers compel- ed in the Lift Lock Doubles held at Peterborough on July 4th. A rink of ussell Lynett and James Grainger came 4th and won cocktail shakers. A rink of former rcs‘dent Bill Savage and Alex Clarke and one of Hugh Yerex and Wil- son Beresford also competed. MI‘. and Mrs. Russell Lynett combined to win three games in the Hoskin Trophy compe i- tion held last Saturday at o- famous, cousi-widé, summer regular stock merchandise SAVE 33‘/3°/o and more in every department SEPARATES BEACHWEAR LINGERIE PLAYWEAR ACCESSORIES DRESSES 9? Emma: Name Footwear SCOTT a. McHALE, GOLD CROSS SAVAGE, ETC, SUMMER SALE THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario‘ Thursday. July RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE South Block 'J $9.992 2:1“ $133511“ng :::~ 522 MEN'S SHOES $6.99 - $16.99 SPECIAI: CLEARANCE JET HEEL PUMPS High Fashion on Low "0le REG. TO $22.00 Richmond Heights Centre SHIELDS 331/3 7° HM Fawn/54A? Mm 77/; PAM/[V SALE Richmond Hill TV & Appliances ézfiGood eatinq ‘(QgA'I' sAvmss! CHICKENS 39clb; For The Best Deal In Town - See Us I’OR'I‘A BLE 'l‘V RENTALS CUT-UP CHICKEN legs& Breasts 49: lb. FRYING â€"- 2 10 3 lb. Avg Beef Sausage 19c lb. BAYVIEW PLAZA REG. $14.99 TO $16.99 REFRIGERATORS WASHERS RANGES . NELS GAGE TELEVISION {ANCE * IMPS , ! UP TO 25% OFF 0N DISCONTINUED LINES CHILDREN'S SHOES TU. 4-4761 TU. 4-7691 TU 4-5341 1962

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