l x '4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Jilly 19. 196.? Thornhill and District News "The Liberal" 1- always pleased to publish Items o! Interest contributed by Its readers In the Thornhill area - - - . . . . TELEPHONE Vacation Bible School Thornhill is more than usual- Iy deserted these hot summer days. Not only are large num- hers of village rcsidents holi- daying at distant points. but every afternoon for the last two weeks. some 150 young- sters have been attending the vacation Bible school being held at Holy Trinity Church- The vacation school is inter- deuominational and is for chil- dren from 4 to 13 yo. 1's of age. On enrollment day. July 9th. 112 youngsters showed up but each day last week saw an in- crease in numbers until by Fri- day. the harrassed kitchcn staff served juice and cookies to 150 children. The children have been car- rying on a variety of activities from Bible stories to group singing, handicrafts. and pre- paring for a play for the grand finale. The school was fortunate in having had the services of Mrs. A. Foster of Woodward Avenue to assist in their musical pro- gram. Working with both the junior and intermediate classes. she has welded them into en- thusiastic singing groups. Games have been led In the primary department by Miss Queenie Allen of Toronto. This group has also been doing pap- er Cl‘alf‘t associated with their Bible stories. A group of about 10 of the intermediate groupâ€"age about 10 to 13 have been working on a play under the guidance of Mrs. Minton C. Johnston. This is the story of the prodigal son and will be mimed with a nar- rator reading from the Phillips translation of the Bible. The work and activities of the school will be demonstrat- ed to the parents at the closing ceremonies tonight. July 19th. and I hope to have an account of this for you for next week. 5‘ DOMESTIC “I. 4 I I I I I I I I I 8009 YONGE Former Location of AV W >â€O»OOOâ€OOOOW“ ““II‘I““‘“‘"‘" AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. and Custom Upholsterers iEst. In Toronto 1946) Now Located At Interiors 9013 YONGE S'l‘.. RICHVALE. ONT. AVenue 5-1591 AV. 10-2331 Our representative in Thornhill Iii Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning Av. 5.2331. Thornhill [Votes I‘armel‘s' Market The Thornhill Farmers‘ .Vlar- ket is just as full of good things as usual. but unfortunately not as many people as usual are there to enjoy the sight and smell of them. I‘ll. bright. crisp Iettuces and i'adishcs are' a sight to behold and the lovely local tomatoes are a real Joy after the pale imitations we have had to put up with all during the winter and spring. A particularly attractive stall these past weeks has been thati of Mrs. Joan Boyer of Pine. Grove. Mrs. Boyer offers for‘ sale an attractiVe and special- ized type of work hand painted ceramic tiles. decorated; with authentic reproductions of' Canadian wildflowers and fiin-. i. > 3 As well as tiles â€" which can: be had mounted on attractivei walnut. oak or mahogany slabs‘ or incorporated into charming. patio tables with wrought iron framework â€" Mrs. Boyer has; a wide selection of matching: push plates. door handles and: switch plates. A particularly lovely set carried a design in delicate colors of pussy willows, Each of these can of course be purchased separately. as well as in sets. Mrs. Boyer. a native of Engâ€" Iand. was introduced to the charms of wildlife by her hus- band. the late George Boyer. di ring their stay in the Mari- times after the Second World War. Here she began doing her delicate water colors of the local wild flowers and fungi. She later enrolled in a paint- ing and botany course while her husband was doing post- graduate work at the Universi- ty of Illinois and was asked to illustrate a botany book. Coming to Ontario in 1957. Mrs. Boyer began to investigate other aspects of ceramic work and began decorating and glaz- FUEL OILS - 4361 ‘_ Antiques ST. THORNHILL Penny Wise Antiques 5-2176 ing commercially made Ct‘l'amli; lilcs. Shc works in a charm- ing winterized cottage at Pine Grove. painting Iicl‘ tiles either direct from nature or from her many watercolor skcichcs donc earlier. Collectors of antique furni- tiirc would be interested in her charming ceramic drawer or door pulls which would look quite in keeping on a corner cu-pboai'd or antique chest of drawers. blcs come in two sizes and styles. The wrought iron frame- work of the tables Mrs. BoyeriJohn Co“. of smupewood 131-†Clark. has made iii Newmai'kct. Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Bartley .l. llnscr lof 41 Riverside Blvd.. enjoyed ant gt holiday recently at Jasper Park Lodge. Mrs. Ruth (‘. Foran last week moved away from hcr home at 96 Elgin Strch and will be greatly missed in the village. Mrs. Foran had been in charge of transportation for the local branch of the cancer society and not only was she a faithful driver who took patients to hos. pital regularly for treatment. but she kept in close personal touch with the patients and quite frequently took them out for pleasure drives. Her thought- fullncss in this was much appre- ciafed. Mrs. Kay Percival with her sister Miss Helen Coleman and Kathy and Teddy Percival went on a short motor trip last week and visited at Kincardine. Kay also took a group of youngsters down to see the CNR train dis- play at Front and Simcoe Sts.. last week. The children were al- lowed all through ihe various types of trains the CNR has in use. They inspected the kitchen and dining cars. were given a sample children's menu and tested the beds in the sleeping compartments. altogether enjoy- ing themselves properly. A teen-ager with highly con- genial summer employment is Janet Jay. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jay. Yonge Street, who is happily employed at Pad- dy Farrell‘s riding stable at Ed- gcley. Best wishes for a speedy re- covery go to Mrs. C. B. Atkinson of 226 Arnold Avenue who has been in Branson hospital this past two weeks. Mrs. Atkinson underwent surgcry last week to .relieve a condition caused by a bubble in an artery in her brain ‘and is making good progress. Welcome visitors in Thornhill for the month of July are Rev. Calvin Chambers and his fam- ily. Mr. Chambers is preaching each Sunday at Thornhill Pres- byterian Church which he left last year to accept a call in New Westminster. BC. The Chambers are. staying with Mrs. Chamber-5‘ sister. Mrs. G. Culley at 83 Woodward Ave. Shortly after they arrived there, daughter Janice came down with the measles. Janice has now re- covered but her cousins Health- ei‘ and Robin Culley are now having their turn. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patton of 56 Thornridge lDrive held open house during the afternoon and evening so O O A if your plans [XLLFOPL Hi ALL F It you want to pay off all your bills or take care of medical and dental expenses. just give us a ring and arrange the necessary cash. If you have plans to purchase a better car. make home improvements or take a holiday. simply call us for the money you need. Thrifty families can accomplish almost every family objective by borrow- ing with a purpose from Household Finance. Drop in or phone your convenien HFC office for neighbourly service. Life insurance available a! low group rate HUSEH l5 Yonge Shes! North F. 6. Game. Manager MONTHLY PAVMINT PLAN} 56 i 30 . .70 l.‘ ‘ loot/1r non/b5 moon?" MIMI/v! s 6.1! s 9 is ‘ 52.86 ..i .‘t . -lI.lI‘~ no.3: :. JSJI 9m . 94.11 lies-f ‘irsii L‘f‘l is 3‘»: 0*. I Above clvmmu lN'IUdl principal H‘fl inlet-ll m1 are based on u'dmn' IFMJMW‘I M M "0 mi...“ in. past a fill mm...†OLD FINA Telephone TU 4.44.11 RICHMOND HILL W“:,â€OOOOO‘ Some 12 representatives of local home and school associations were on hand. Discussion cent- .‘cu‘d mainly around the possib-I O‘ility of hiring teachers to give DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone A V. 5-5205 Terry Lynn Robinson of Mor- lgan Avenue. celebrated her 7th lbirthday with a party July 13. Mr. and Mrs. James Mason of. ‘Dudley Avenue. visited friends The little coffee or patio 13- in Boston during the Dominion School: Gradc XI and XII. Alitalhlrs. .l. Storey. and their gueslsilc' your coi'i'iwpoiidciil know. ai live for local groups to St‘Clll't‘IsCIlunl. Day weekend. Wedding bells will ring Tori I ‘and his bride. Miss Carol Lacey. September. 1. The ceremony will take place Luke's Roman Catholic Church. Thornhill. The bride is a Concord resid- ent. I Miss Carol Laccy. of Concord. was honored at a bridal showerl July 18. at the home of Mrsf Tom Smith. Spruccwood Drive. Mrs. Chas. Jordan. Morgan. Avenue. returned home from lhespital on July 13. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbour. 1401 Henderson Avenue. visited her brother-in-law and sister. Mr... and Mrs. Frank Walsh. of Co-l I .anniversary last week. I I l l The July meeting and del- phiniuvm show held in the new meeting place of the society, The Thornhill United Church was a surprise to the directors. members. and the judge. Mr. P. Delf very kindly consented to judge the show and was a most welcome visitor on July 10th. He expressed his pleasure on returning to the meeting and re- marked once again the Thorn- hill Society came through with Ia wonderful showing in spite of the dry weather and resulting. water shortage. . The speaker of the evening was Mr. M. G. Johnson. aid-min- istrator of the conservation services division. for the Metro Authority. He gave a short talk and introduced the ï¬lm "Leg- acy Of The Valleys". It was gratifying to see so many mem- bers present also the juniors who came along enjoyed the ï¬lm especially the pictures of Leading Students Thornhill Secondary Prize Winners I‘l'iiicipal .\ S. Elson announâ€" CETeacIiâ€"e‘r-Shortag Rule Out French Lesson Duo in costs and problems 01‘ Typing Prizes: Scnioi' ll) and iioiiuccd Iéllf‘l' ccd IIIIS work the 1962 [)l'IZC‘l'Z'. Diane Wallace ‘1). Jean llislory l’i'i/c ‘\I1' I). Folcyu ,. . . [cat‘hl‘l'é “I10 ("Will llI‘CEPnI II winners for general pi'oficiencyplaw I'll: Junior ill and iZJ‘Gradc IX. Inczc Sti‘auch. Yum,“ng.QUdvililCd icaghers my “mic†pmm'mmlmn “I I] for Thornhill Secondary School. Donna 'l‘hompson ‘1'. loge History Pym. .\I.._ D. you.†goal. ycai. \aughan lownsliipdanguazlo Prizes General (‘oui-sc Sll‘auch i2» Gi'adc X. Suc Rviinncr. Ami†Simm Boald Iâ€: du‘ld‘ ‘\ ““lallll‘ Dotson with Biilloiii'illc \Vomcn‘s Institute Sim-S Pl'I/f‘ Im‘ (ii‘caic‘si lm- Doncustci' l)l‘l/(‘< \\lII he anâ€" i not 0 mdl‘e Ola] Flendlï¬oml blwakmg kanIedgc of tl Grade IX. Robcrt Atkinson. Board of Student Senators; Gi‘adc X. .\llan Rcoch. Board of Student Senators: Gl‘HdC.XI. 'I‘crry Lazar. Board of Sludcnl Senators: pi'ovemenl in Typing: to ho an- nounced Illll‘l’ VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS available in ihc schools for thc lanuuagc would bc pi‘efcrab 1962-53 school year. It is suggcsicd that local pi'i~ \‘alc organizations night bcticr handlc ihc problem. such a project within the Iimi This is ihc substance of a of inosl parents. .\Il'. Gihs statement soul by Supcriiilend- stated. to an outside qualified leach because of cost. Care shou be taken to keep ihc costs bourg. on their 25th W'eddinngc-hool Board. Flower Show A SUCCESS Despite Dry Weather “Shiatsu... .. eradclel. Niali'ilybii Clark. H I CURRE5p0NDEN'I‘; MRS‘ “l. SAND“. cut .1. _~\. Gibson in all school The need for such a pl'ogra v0... can.†1811.1“ .ig. * principals. and which is to be is most ur cnl in 'l‘hornhi School Board. Lower School. R- R- 2 Go"“'" â€" TEIPPUOM GMMI?! 5421 made available to all interested and Powell gRoad schools. a Gradc IX and X. Allan Rc0ch. QI‘OUPS 01‘ individuals. ,cording to Mrs. R. D. Stubl ‘Ymk COMM] District High .\ll‘ Gibson su gcslcd the of Thornhill. Children entc Schml Board. Middle School;.EXl,IOI.“.s Sianlcy I)(‘Filc coilcciiiraiion should be on Iis-.ing ’l‘hornhill Secondary Sclio Gram. x1 and x11. Marilyn ’l‘lic members of the Explorer .\'cw< IK i-aihcr scan-c II1(‘.\(‘ lcniiig and speaking. l‘alIlCl‘llaVD to comch with childi' Clark. group accompanied by their days. so if you Il£l\'t‘ becn away than grammar and syntax. Hc'from Markham Townsh‘i WI' Bank of Nova Scotia. Middle loaders, Mrs. P. Bcnncil andlholidayin: would you plcasc emphasized that it is i p inipcra-lhavc lakcn French in piibl Wise. Mary .\nn Baker (equal) .Vli‘s. F. McRobci'ts and MI". Art by l'(‘\‘Pl‘.\'I(1lI from Marilyn Storey hold their picnic at (.rccnw'ood Park. on Tuesday of Gormlcy 5421. ‘ Mid and .‘II‘S. (ioi'iloii ()I‘l‘ and i i- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ family of King. .\'Il‘. and Mrs. . Gordon Lake Alf‘lilnl'lal IOl'iIBSI week ROIH‘I'I Johnson and family of Va 3 w a w v v Languages: Grade XII. Mary‘Barbeque Nashville. .\ll'. and Mrs. .\IIall’ Ann Baker. The si‘. women's institute Orr and family spout Sunday I Thornhill Lions (Jliih for members. their families and with .\Il‘. and Mrs. Wm ()l‘l‘. lhcl unior Matriculation; Grade XII. friends held a barbcquc supper occasion bcini: in honor of Ali's. Marilyn Clark. . vouuo's WASHING. POLISHING. GREASING TIRE REPAIRS. BATTERIES . n the Victoria Square Commun- Wm. Orr who was celebrating Commercial prizes 1962 ity Centre Park on 'l‘iicsday cv- hcr 7(lth birthday. Board or Slude 50mmâ€; Grill-1‘12 of last week. Those WIlO‘ Mr. and .\li's. Lawson Slumâ€" Gram. 1x. “mp Straw.†{allied to allelld mlSSCfI 2* l‘f‘dlibci‘son al'l'l\'(‘d Iiomc oii Siiiidal ' Board of 'Smdcm Senators; Il'eal- and III? 00mmlIIC€ Ill evening aflcr spcndiiig ihc past Grade K. Sue B..unn(,.._ charge Mrs. J. McCaguc. Mrs. n‘onlli attending the Lions Iii-I II. Hi†all“ 3115- Earl Empl‘inS-ilri‘natioiial Coniciilioii in Nice. Board of Student Senators: ham are m he commended rm, r I l _ H Gram. x]. Joanne “CHOU†_ - ' “rancc. am ourmg ic cou- ('enei'al Re airs in i g * . Board of Student Senators: 12:35:13,211? such a treat. Rummy The). $150 Writes, [ho " SID Hugl L all Make. of {His Gl‘adc XII: .lcan Maw. ‘ , . . V I l '3†mm“ C"). a 19m†t‘ i i. ‘C S I v . . - ~ The boys of the Victoria whore .‘II'S. Mumbcrson's I)l‘0- I en ed McChamc 301k Ccnlial Distiicl Iligli ‘ .. .. . School Board Lower School~ Equals! ll‘eam gfftlhcll Victoi‘iailhci‘. Joc Glover. was buried. I Y ’ - o ‘ . . ‘ 3 Square ions ot a League1 9 A S t Grade IX and X. Sue BiunnCi. lost one game and won me S . . a York Central District High Middle School: Grade XI and XII. Jean Maw. game last game. ‘ Yonge 8: Benson On July 19. it is Headfoi‘d at Buttonville; Gormley at. Vic- t ‘_ . _ _ LEGAL I TU. 4.0009 oila Squalc. On July 24. II is Buttonvillc at Gormley; Victor: J. N. M allmlland.w I I I I I I I r 0-0 aLIBERALCLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-IIO 80 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill long as they need your support and conï¬dence. Toronto Miss Heather Dennie entertain» cnnsunation by the numeroch areas for fun in- ed Brian and Shirley Empring: Appointment t t cludin-g Hart Lake. The Albion ham. Lois Emprinigha‘m. Mars“ 8 0 Hills. Greenwood. Conservation aret Empringham. Patricia Orr. Phones: . Area and “Happy Hollow." The Betty Sandie. Jean Rumney.. . Metropolitan Toronto and Re- Mal‘di Tyndall and Cherlynf Thornh'" AV' 5‘3315 gion Conservation Authority Hood. the occasion being in hon-1 Toronto EM 4-2780 or of her seventh birthday. Church News . Rev. G. Fitzpatrick was in charge of the church service. on Sunday morning. On Siin~‘. day. July 22, at 11.30 am. Dr.‘ with its increased ï¬nancial bud- get and the increased interest since “Hurricane Hazel" is do- ing a trcmendous job of pro- viding delightful parks and lakes and picnic areas while al- V. O. N. Modern ' Electric leviatin‘g the flood dangers in A- F. Binnin‘gton Will be In VICTORIAN ORDER OF I . southern Ontario. Charge- “ N I An Iris Auction will be held Vacation School Closinz l I RSES . at Edwards Gardens on Sa‘tur‘ 0“ Friday. JUly 20. Dal‘enIS‘ RICHMOND HUI '3 day, July 23th commencing at of the children who have been( ‘ ‘ ‘ 2pm attending the Vacation school BRANCH for the Victoria Square charge being held at Headford this past week are Invited to anl open house to view the child-‘ ren‘s work and attend a short program from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Neighborhood Notes . Birthday greetings to Mr. V. Westbrook. July 21: Sandra. The August meeting of the society will be held on Statur- day. August 18th. This is the large annual show. Entries will be accepted from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.. judging to take place then. The show is open to the gen- eral public from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Miss E. Woodbyrnc. Richmond Hill Municipal Hall I PHONE TIT. l-llnl ‘ I Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald of= Thornhill United Church an- nounced this week that he has accepted a call to St. Paul's United Church in Port Arthur. He will take up his work there on September 30th. In going to St. Paul‘s. Mr. MacDonald states he will he re- turning to the type of church a. , ‘ _ . .' . ,. ' . - that all their friends in Thorn- inowfllitiinhihï¬lil lél’. piulirgii Tititoar‘hhillPRgi' IlliacDgHizilidghdd Wayne CW“ had “99" V151“ c M‘S' W' Jo he"??? 239 lhm “mid, welcome the Ohm" the largest church in the Lake-la charge at Miniden. Ontario. mg with his grandparents 31!. ampalï¬ns -G P1113135} e bel'S famllN- I‘IIF weather “7' head and the second largest A pastoral relations commit- Meal-mid . . Thornhill ' i lopel'ated splendidly and ‘I seem- in the Manitoba Conference It tee was formed at Thornhill MISS Barbara Empnnzham [Si Women‘s Services - 9d a§ if almos‘ the “11019 C0m"has 1.700 members and an 'an- United Church this week in be. “Siting With her grandmmher‘ L AV. 5-1839 m“le Lume‘l 01“ t0 53-" a “'m'd nual budget of over $100000 pei'lgivn the search for a new min- and aunt' Mrs‘ I“ Knapp and \l' E P 'al of greeting to Mr. and MI‘S..\-earr .Nm. I‘l'ene- i '5‘ ' mm Chambers. †‘ ' Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan Umomlueg ‘ ‘ i rm Dilwyn Evans and his ,and family attended the .vm- 39m?†:f’svtl-‘S‘f ‘family are spending the month {CI-9†l'euni‘m at the Claremomi A is. “al lliiionviile 113 of Jilly in Winnipeg- lconservation Area on Saturday" Victoria 5 name ‘Ol‘ifl Frenchf V h i Mr. Nick Weslock of Burling- Chairman (3 George Brand . group 0 aug an Township _ 1 LOW. Ontario. \VhO \VOI’I the Ont- rcsidents met at the home of CORRESPONDENT. MRS. I. '1' “EA! “i0 Amateur Go‘l‘f Champion" W ‘ S 'GomGlei‘, Mrs. w. A. me at 21 Thorne- “- 3- z 50ml" ship played this past week at many? eICYIL‘Si'Sc-I 101' 3" .bank Rd†on July 11th and dis. Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 the Summit Golf Club was Pram (grand 5540 cussed the teaching of oral freii-l a guest at TWI“ Streams Farm ililrs L Mumberson ich in the townships schools.‘ during the tournament. H H I Mr. Mrs. Irene Atkinson of Toronto. had been a guest at the Hood} Douglas Hood's sister, home recently. Mrs. Atkinson and has had a difficult time. Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald Accepts Call To St. Paul's In Port Arthur King, 10 years. July 21; Carol Morison. July 22. ‘ Special birthday greetings to Mr. Fred McRoiberts who will celebrate his 8151 birthday onl ‘July 21. Gerald Collins is spending the‘ next two weeks visiting friendsi near Hamilton. ‘ Mrs. Bert Nichols and Bobby" are spending a few days at her . ,. brother Adam Brown‘s cottagel umomlue 2‘39 ' on the Trent Canal. ‘ , . “‘5' G" leies Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan1 RIChm°.nd H3“. and Elizabeth of Oak Ridges Mme“ se‘l'cesgv “all had Sunday evening dinner with ‘ ' ‘- Ml'. and Mrs. Earl Em rin ham “1‘5- D- C- Siemens and girls p g Transportation - TU. 4-4821 RICHMOND HILL 8‘ DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Rev. MacDonald has been at Thornhill for almost three years. having been inducted at Thornhill United Church on November 13. 1959. A native of Ottawa. le is a graduate of .Carleton College and took his theological degree at McGill University. His wife, the former Mary Wight is also a native of For General Information a. Services Call lCl‘eCIII is due lo planning by iSunday school workers. ‘ Another picnic we missed was the one for Buttonville lChlldl‘ell. their parents. brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Don CI‘OSZICI‘ and family at Blackwater on Sunday. I Mr. Bert Nichols had Sun- MA KE YOUR HOME * 'Mo're' Be’éuiiruf 6 private lessons at the schools ’ cnl were asked to contact others. ‘is nursing a broken right arm .after school hours. Those pres-l‘,a::io:?g_gM;ts' flijonnkqlï¬lrvpgii A a . . . , ithis week. in their area who might be ln-l - terested in the projch and lcads'laéggtlgivgEgiemaégie[$31222]: for a lcachci' or teachers werelcomé’es m “is: Beverlgv Bu“. to be explmcd’ Beverley is doing Phys-Ed. at 7 Western University __ .\lr. and Airs. W. L. Clark visited Buffalo last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke are vacationing with George. .lr.. and his family at Cameron Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick .loncs were n45 ocosA/‘cAsH DOW/v"; DAYSHAVECHANGED‘; Gail Vaughan. as their guest NOWMONTHLY TERMS 1 135‘. “96“? , CAN 85 the Miller families spent last Sunday with 'l‘ibbles relatives ARE/ANGEL) .at Lake Dali‘ymple. Bob and Mary Lou Miller. who now live lin Scarboro. Jim and Rosemary Pliller and their children. and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller. r Betty Patterson was guest of honor at a miscellaneous showâ€" e" held at Brown's Col‘l‘icl's United Church on Thur:day c\- swing of last week These pre- ;<cni were community friends. land hostesses wci'c Judy HUI‘CI. Joy Fuller and other Y? L' members .\la1‘:arci Patterson assisted her sister with openin: of gifts Betty's max-viazc to Murray Brown of L'nioniille I - . . . ‘Bom‘ Impmwmem mv‘émn)tzaskes pace on Saiiuda). .lul) Stop 33 Tongs SI. OnF or two iiems haw been ‘pleased to have gi‘anddaughtel'.‘ Eggrctiusatietiy'and fiiend‘s iii theï¬jy dinneyyiih NHLVand Mrs“. 3 A large group attended thisi event at Greenwood Park. and la delightful day was spent. ‘swimming. games. picnic lunch aiid visiting the order of the day. German Mills School .\1 German Mills School the . ' last school day this ycar was tie last forever so far as that ipal‘ticulai- schoolhouse is con- cerned. Members of the home Fire hazard ls continuing and school association Iiad made high to extreme in the Lake this a special occasion. full oflsï¬ncoe District and ï¬re prol- JIOSIBIEIEL Which “Ill be 10m: l‘e-ilection officials are again cau- mcinbcred h.\‘ many in the com- tioning summer visitors. ï¬sher- munity. ‘ men and persons travelling in There was a spccial present-wooded areas. to be extremely allon I" All" Kalhleen Duncanicarefiil and avoid any careless- who retired with the closing 01' ness with fire. - the school and Sandra T0018). High temperatures and lack of a former pupil 138 well as rain have dried out forest {UCIS daughter and gi‘cal-zl‘anddaught-‘and many small creeks and pond (‘1‘ 0f fm‘mm‘ Dllpilsl did thelholcs already have dried up. honnrs E .1 Sand, siiperinteii-lAny campfires should be built dent for \i'ca .\'o l. 'l‘rustceSlonIy on bare rack 01' mineral I‘i‘mi and Parker. hl'ouglitsoil away from debris. close :i'cciiiizs. as did Donald Sah- to water and thorouzhtly exting- Man of ihc homo and school LllSIlC‘d before leai'in: who also presented Eli‘s Duncan Similarly. an) carelessness with a ail" with smoking materials. which \Ii' Dean Hii:llc<. “PII knm‘n is a very common cause of ï¬res \I'l'lif‘". hi'oiizhl his friend .\li‘. at this lime of _\t"HI'. should be \Ifi'crl Ruin of Lnionville who>c avoided 39 wire in use car ash Hazard Continues High To Extreme ' More Valuable with Pro-cast Concrete - UNIT STEPS .. A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You (‘an Be Proud Off ‘ LAST .\ LIFETIME ‘ Built-in Safety Tread ’ I0? SIZES IN STOCK Completely installed by us! NO .‘IL'SS . . . N0 I’I'SS ECONOMICAL T00 PITOXII TODAY FOB l-‘lllil-Z ESTIMATE I'NI'I‘ I’RIC CAST For that "once in a lifetime occasion," give ihe‘gifts you know they’ll cherish . . . gleaming electrical gifts of enduring beauty that guarantee years of enjoy- ment and convenience. Spend a little, spend a lot. there's a Wide, wide choice of exciting new appliances in many modern designs with amazing automatic features at your electrical dealer's now. You get more out of lifeâ€"when you get the most out of electricity. Richralp missed in this column recently . r q ,. V q and one of these wa: rhp 51m. \\- “lgâ€"I ’ II - 1'lIa-l day school Plf‘llll‘ held rccoiw'x Fishing: (val; Bond“! .‘in ‘pim'wi i-liilm- ipi‘t in 11‘2‘3 ;‘.' <a_ _ DJ“ 1r ,4 c no~ 41 Julie : while "rerdznz to :10"- 4% m3 reports. and much of» 1'9†school days hczan a‘ German tray: for (‘l"al‘Plt¢ him: and H . H I . )Iills Schonl when the school plpp ashes é (lmimm) ['[D' was ï¬rst openedb Air] Ruah who If necessary in .moke when i v - . . . is 94. spoke rich to the m the “00d; a cafe ml; U to H d C ' children iellm; incidents from <ii down in .2 safe place and __y a _ his own childhood and mu hum an hay: .an \i I‘f‘Il‘P<:llnt‘lll time a heauli- or Ill damp rarih Chairman SAM COOK Slll"=i‘|iit!=nd€n¢ AI. HORWOO fill" (irro'q'prl rake ricnictmj Slppp hfflnmpz nl ‘ï¬: i.-; F 7 I‘m" ' ' W: "i771 io'. -P?-ï¬l‘i :zx .iiwal' Vich Eiuic lï¬l‘r‘i‘ V " ' ' -‘ ‘= and ice rmcani Iâ€: rake jlad ekiiiigiiisueri iv rlenail'itc'i‘ - 4 g I'Hich aj‘i‘angcrl {n1 - -’ hv a form/31’ fer: in the ï¬gici-n Eye; pupil Mrs. \‘eLrna ‘I'ooley Meade filzn. in ’I gemeut Tim?