'AV. 5-4442 'l‘hornhill. Ont Quality Printing Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 50A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUrner (-1511 Richmond Hi Dr. P. R. Macfarlane‘ FURNITURE AN DENTIST IMPLEMENTS ï¬ocszngiwgftï¬gfm We personally hmdle a cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 B (10m Bank of Nova Smtla Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-945l H."D. Melsness, 0.0"" X-RAY Dahl & Son Construction COMPLETE ALTERATION: CEMENT & STONE WORK PLAS’I‘ERING & CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged FREE ESTIMATES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alteration: Drain and Concrete Work PLAS'I'ERI NG CONTRACTOR KING -"--‘-r\-n-n-< 0-“ n--.-»-u-c-.o.<â€u.u-a ww-«UM-n-«m- ~Iv-n-n-u-u-u-u-n- -n-lu-n-mucowc’oco‘ ACCOUNT’AES ENGINEERlNG IHumane Services LEGAL ! CHIROPRACTIC CHARTERED \(‘I‘OUN'I‘ANT and a courteous representative PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 54535;. YONGE STREET RA. 5-4701 Dr. J olm Simpson. DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET LEONARD R RUSEN BERG Building Trades Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna Dr. J. Perdicaris “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it" â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 â€" Arthur G. Broad Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions MEDICAL-DENTAL )AND and (I CENTRE ‘, ‘ BAYVIEW PLAZA _ (" "Shed ‘ BEVERLEY ACRES 1 Loan] and PHONE ' . OFFICE TU. 4-3571 ' HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry 1m 31 Bedford Park Ave. Deviantis-Rice OF ALL KINDS Wm. ('luhine 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 1.5 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-460] The Liberal" TU. 4-1105 L. E. Clark DENTAL By Appointment By Appointment TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill TU. 4-1215 Richmond Hill 'N'rner 4-4251 Consult PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'I‘U. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 DENTISTS 5T. scum ; SPECIALIZING [N Richmond mu PUREBRED CATTLE. â€"~â€" FARM STOCK. _’ Hair Styling 8. ’ Beauty Salons Formerly Bloor a; huge Stu. “" E" Ne" Man“ 1' L . Individual Attention I 4 4618 Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers so Yonge St. South Stuart Parker, Q-C. Richmond Hill { , “1.43321 ' ’ mcnmosn HILL _-v- . wivflwu-v iRl‘C‘h-Uale Ant" Bady Insurance Agency Infl' Xv Fond-I- Rnnnlrl TU. 4-1701 We personally hmdle all «13 bills and advertising PHONE (QORMLEY 5311 GORMLEY. ONT. ‘ & ELECTRICAL for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3631 Complete Reï¬nishing if you haven't heard of our re- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale General Business Helen Sim pson, Flowers ME'I‘RO WIDE DELIVERY Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties Coaches for all Occasions Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association Coach Lines Ltd. SAND and GRAVEL PHONE 884-5185 Repairs & Reï¬nishing To Antique Furniture Furniture & Showcases Built to Your Speciï¬cation Alvin S. Farmer HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT FOR INFORMATION Langdonk 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. Sellwood Salon (‘rushed Stone Body & Fender Repair- 36 Years Experience 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12. ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 SPECIAL MACHIN EBY GENERAL REPAIRS E. CHARITY Leno’s Mac-kin? Shoo 73 CENTRE ST EAST RICHMOND HILL FURNITURE VIENNA FURNITURE REFINISHING GARAGES FLOWERS STEA M FITTI NG WELDING Maple Plaza w Telephone TE. 3-5351 2-1974 Richmond Hill Fill King City. Ph. Phone TE. Hours 10 - 6 daily o Closed Saturday lGarlepy alld Alan" Evenings By Appointment I Barristers and Solicitors R00.“ 205 LOWRIE BUILDING - 1 T. N. 6197 YONGE STREET gcgflï¬fnsmu WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO ‘ ‘ BA. 5-8806 3 TU. 4-4641 AURORA. ONTARIO Telephone: Office: PA. 7-9488-9 1 Res.: PA. 7-5046. lErnie Brock 8: Son BARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICI’I‘OR AND F- [1- Low, l9, R-O- NOTARY PUBLIC Eyes Examined TU. 4-1219 John S. Walkington Roy A. Phillips Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL INSURANCE ‘ For All Your Insurance Needs Norman A. Tfldd, 113 King St Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing. etc. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 p.11). including Sal. HU. 8-8949 Donald M. Findlay _ Evenings by appointment Telephone: Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res.: PA. 7-5046. lnsunnce â€"â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Suite 2. Lowrie Buildin: 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond flill TUruer 4-1551 Savage ' . 1 Insurance Servicesl 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 Receivlng Hours; 8 am. - 6 o m or otherwise by appointment TROYER NATURAL SCILNL‘E SERVH‘E PAINLESSLY DES'I‘ROYED by approved S.P.C.A. Method _ .‘ ._ Floyd E. Corner, GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO ~ LIABILITY Oflice 15 Yong: St. N. Residence 78 Leisure Lune Richmond Hill Bunk of Nova Scotia 81111.. Aurora, Ontario COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 The Bank of Nova Scotia Building GENERAL INSURANCE Yonge Street. Oak Ridges PR. 3-5071 w â€"â€"â€"â€"-1 Stiver, Vale, xm‘ner Agency gPeppiatt, Errington Limited I BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, INSURANCE 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Kirby Brock Manle. ()nt. Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary â€" NO CHARGE â€" Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Rick , A. Burnett Genera! Insurance Herrington. 7 Duflerin St LEGAL TE. 3-5283 CATS Q.C. LTD Richmond Hill 3-6684 TE. 3-5451 Kin: City 363-3959 \ Law! Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 5; Repairs J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST Ph. TW. 5-457 1 BA RRlSTER, SOLICITO R, NOTARY PUBLIC .4. W. Kirchen, R.0. James H. Timmins Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public ’l'. C. Newman, Q. ( BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrle Building 15 Yonxe St. N.. Richmond Hill Every l‘hursday Afternoun 17 Queen Street E Toronto Office - 18 Toronto St Phone EM. 3-5877 BARRVISTERS, SOLICITORS. KINGSDALE ANIMAL NOTARIES [ HOSPITAL K. M. R. Stiver. Q.C. y (:ARL Barrister. Solicitor & Notary Public Marguerite Boyle {III EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CONTACT LENSES OPTICAL REPAIRS NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art Lawlor & LeClain BARRIS'I‘ERS-SOLICITORS J. M. Peppiatt, B.A. William Errington' B.Com 195A MAIN ST. ‘ K. M. R. Stiver. Q.C. Joseph Vale. Q.C. OPTOMETRY Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUmer 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday 8: Saturday 15 YONGE ST. 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL “HOMEWOOD HALL" 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill. Ontario J. Rabinowitch, Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonze Street N. AV. 5-5144 MUSICAL zen Street E. Suite 544 6:; YONGE STREE’I 1°“°"‘° " Omar†iRICHMOND HILL. ‘ n.. . n nnnn AVenue 5-3165 THORNHILI. Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 Glasses Fitted I‘Urnel 4-1551 EMpire 6-2362 Thornhill TU. 4-4413 nuiinued Optical Repairs NORTH Newmarket 101'. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk and family, Spruce Ave., will be moving" at the end of July to their new home in Barrie. Mrs. C. P. Holmes. daughter- in-law of Mrs. A. Holmes. Yonlgehurst Rd., is spending her holidays in Europe. Mrs. M. Blackburn entertain- ed her bowling team and their families at her home on Yonge- hurst Road last week, 3rdâ€". donated won by The ladies extend their thanks to all those that donated prizes and to all who helped make this a SUCCESS. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown, Kar- en and Kathy are spending two weeks at the family cottage near Midland. Mrs. Ruth Voight and daugh- ters are spending six weeks with her family in New Jersey, Barbecuing and swimming were the highlight of the day. The 15 attending also enjoyed. playing badminton. ping~pong and horse-shoes A successful garden Lea and bake sale was held by the Mark- Vaun W.I. at the home of Mrs. Thompson on July 18th. Win- ners of the lucky draw prizes were: Islâ€"A footslool. won by Mrs. Boswell. Boyle Drive. 2ndâ€"A set of glasses. donated by I.G.A.. Thornhill, won by ‘ Surveying and Drafting ;413 N. Taylor Mills Drive Richmond Hill TU. 4-4274 Drafting, Blue-Printing and Survey Service I for Contractors U.S.A Mark-Vaun W.l Mr: and Mrs. G. Baker and son Jay, are vacationing in Hal- iburton for two weeks. Mrs. S Mrs. E. Lepkey for interior painting of the Buttonville Women’s Insti- tute Hall. addressed to Mrs. James Rodick, Gormley, R.R. No. 2 by August 2nd, 196 py 'boy recently when Richvale Margaret and Patricia Batter- chapel sponsored him for a two- son, Mrs. Fred Brown and Lee week holiday at Camp M‘ini-Yo- Bagnell were assistants in the We. Haliburton. trousseau and gift rooms. The Gary Cliff oi Richvale, is on guest book was in the care of. holidays at the some camp. Grace Cuff and Nancy Walden, Randy Rukaruck of Oshawa who will be flower girls at the spent the past week holidaying wedding. with his aunt and uncle and The bride has also been the cou'sins, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt guest of honor at a number of and family. Riclwale. showers and presentations. John Hewitt of Sixteenth Ave., Richvale. was a very hap- py 'boy recently when Rich‘vale chapel sponsored him for a two- week holiday at Camp Mini-Yo- We. Haliburbon. TEMPLE 3-5401 240 KING ST. KING CITY TU. 4-1432 Ontario Land Surveyor! 105 Willowdale Ave.. Wi'llowdale 0nt., BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates, 0.L.S. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 Telephone Herbert Steamships and Airlines 4th LANGSTAFF and THORNLEA NEWS North Richvale VETERINARY Official agents for SURVEYORS Yates & Yates Travel Service Correspondent rs. B. Lepkey Phone AVenue 5-3489 ERIC GEORGE Phone TU Correspondent Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yongehurst TU. 4-2617 MRS. J. RODICK Hounsel]. A set of mixing bowls by Richvale Hardware‘ M155 Mary Thristle. - Milk tickets. won by TRAVEL TENDERS GLOBE News 147 Yonge St. N Office- Joan Goodhoofd Richmond Hill 5 Jl 1-7851 ONT all Mrs. Fred Brown and Mrs. Henry Cufl of Willowdnaxle, and Mrs. George W'allen were show- er hostesses. There was a Crich- ton family shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown. YPU friends presented the bride and groom with a mirror and Stafl'ordsh-ire ornament at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Crichton, and the Victoria Square Charge CGIT group, of which the bride is a leader. gave a lamp. ‘ Teachers at Robinson Street School, Markham, where she was a member of the staff this yearr held a shower at the home of Mrs. Robert Harrington; members of her class gave her [gifts on the last day of school; and the staff of Franklin Street School. where the bride taught formerly, entertained her at the home of Mrs. Timothy Leish- man 1 1n the afternoon. Mrs. S. J. English and Mrs. Harold Stef- fler presided at the tea table, and in the evening Mrs. James Grass and Mrs. Russell Raymer poured. Last week, however. they cat- ered for what was probably the most colourful and interesting group entertained so far, when M-F personnel brought mem- bers of the World Meteorological Organization of the United Na- tinent, when they were guests of Massey-Ferguson at M-F Farms; some time ago 14 was a group of agricultural engineer- ing students and graduates from France; many times there have been farm groups from various parts of the continent. The group is on a three weeks' convention in Toronto, studying the effect of weather on agriculture and forestry and attempting to establish general methods of observation. Thirty-three countries were represented at this particular dinner. with guests from the USSR. Hungary. Israel, Nigeria. New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii. Great Britain. the Congo and India. At Brown’s Corners United Church, friends gave miscellan- eous gifts, and at Melville Un- ited Church friends made a pre- sentation of a chair. lamp and purse. tions to Brown': Corners United Church for a smorgasbord din- "81‘. Murray Brown, the groom, was honored at a snag party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brow‘n, where he was pre- sented with an electric barbecue. Local Women Cater Brown’s Corners United Church Women run into some interesting people in the course of their catering chores. Early this month they served TV and radio farm announcers from the North American con- Jim Miller took his family to a cottage near Penetang last weekend, where they will spend a week with members of the Horton family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston, J12, have taken up residence with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke. SR, on Highway 7_ Bride-To-Be Entertained Last weekend, Mrs. S. R. Bat- terson entertained amt a trons. seau tea for her daughter. Grace Rodvick spent last week here with her family. lL's wedding bells for Betty Patterson and Murray Brown this Saturday at Brown's Cor- ners United Church. Mrs. Patterson received in a draped sheath of sage green lace and Mrs. Brown chose pink flow- ered sheer. The bride’s dress was white moygashel with lace. Several vacauon‘ers returned home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tooley, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don 'l‘ool-ey, granddaughter Bar- bara Tooley, and daughter Mrs. Velma Meads visited Calgary, Banfl‘, Lake Louise, the Rockies and Montana in their travels; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper and Charles Jr., also attended the Calgary Stampede. Later saw points of interest in the States; Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton visited Muskoka and Halibut- ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnson and family were in the Pembroke area. countered broken glass on a hill he was negotiating and cut his foot very badly. AL Uxbridge dospiLal a specialist was called to patch him up. He will carry a cast around for the balance of the summer. Wilfred Turner has been mov- cd to London where he is in charge of a newly acquired Can. Jda Building Materials plant. dis family will remain for at least a year as Mrs. Turner has agreed to teach at Buttonville School. Robin Hood's brief cam-ping vacation was brought to an ab- rupt end recently when he en- countered broken glass on a hill he was negotiating and cut his .\rt' Storey conducted the ser- with an interpreter. NatiVe vice at the Goodwood United'dress was worn in some cases, Church Sunday in the absence and the representative from Ni- ul‘ the minister, Rev. Francis geria was particularly impress- Cook. Mr. Storey will enter his we in white satin robes. second year as a divinity stud- Canadian food appeared to be am at Mount Allison Univer- a mystery to some of the guests. 5in this autumn. I‘hose who came from tropical w_ 11_ Russell has been inlanus favored the platters of hospital for some time and last cold ham and turkey in prefer- “vcek underwent surgery, ence to hot casseroles. Pie was Lauder Hamilton of Colgan, an unknown quantity to many- llas been conï¬ned to hospnal Cheese was another food which recently. but is making progress puzzled some. and raw vegetab- mm. ies found favour only after care- Will‘red Turner has been mov- [U1 sampling- BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 And In the Matter of an application by T. Wynnyk, own- er of the said property for per- mission to enlarge his garage on the west side with the extension of the building having a side- yard of approximately 8’6" on Hunt Ave. whereas By-Law 1000, Section 11, Subsection 3 (E) requires a minimum side- yard of 40 feet on the flankage street. The Committee of Adjustment" has appointed Wednesday, Au-ï¬ gust 8. 1962, at 7:45 p.111. in the Council Chambers of the Mun}. cipal Buildings for the purpose. of a Public Hearing in this‘ matter. ‘ fl Fire hazard in the Lake Sim- coe District continues high to extreme and officials are again cautioni‘ng all summer visitors Ind people tmvelling in the wooded areas to avoid any care- lessness with ï¬re. Lack of rain and continuing warm weather has dried out forest fuels and any careless- ness with smoking materials or campï¬res could easily result in a serious outbreak, Department of Lands and Forests officials say a fraction of ari acre was burn- ed over. This is a Public Hearing. and" if you are aware of any person' interested or affected by this’ application. who has not receiv-II ed a copy of this notice, it would" be appreciated if you would soi inform him. ‘ Requests for copies of the decision of the Committee ofi' Adjustment (Must) be in writ} ing and should be addressed 10.. the Secretary Treasurer. July 26, 1962. i The sevenLh ï¬re of the sea- son was rep-ovted on Con. 20, Wood Township. in the Severn area. July 8. It was brought under control quickly and only And In the Matter of prem~’ ises known as 178 and 186' Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill, Lot 1. Plan 2300 and Part Lot, 468, Plan 481. ‘4 All Fire Precautions Should Be Observed There were four-year.olds learning songs. playing games and hearing Bible stories under the direction of Mrs. Burton and her helpers. And there were 14- ye-ar olds doing some serious Bible study and craft work. In between, the ages and the pro- gress varied. The missionary project this year was “Bible Stories and Pictures For Children Every Where,†and "Hong Kong Roof- top Schools.†More than $80 was raised for these purposes. Many people in the three communities lend their time and their talents each year to make this school the successful ven- ture it is. For their efforts, and cooperation, the vacation church school is sincerely grate-‘ ful. In The Matter of By-Law No‘ 1000 as amended Sighs of wonder were heard around the community last Fri- day evening as another vacation church school for children in the Brown’s Corners. Victoria Square, Headford church cir- cuit was brought to a close without rain or accident to mar the 11-year record. The school, which is held in the lovely. pastoral setting of Headford United Church and adjoining school, had an average attendance of 124 children and 27 leader. On the top day there were 131 children and 29 lead- ers. Shortly after 8.30 each morn- ing streams of cars converged on the church. deposited any- where from two to a dozen chil- dren, and took off until 11.45 when they reappeared to trans- port the charges to their homey On Friday evening, parents attended closing exercises and the children presented a prog- ram for their beneï¬t. Dr. A. F. Binnington was in charge. Songs were led by Mrs. Stewart Rum- ble with Mrs. Heber McCa'gue at the piano. The women of the church have sought to strengthen its coffers with their catering tal- ents, and in so doing they are more than amply repaid by the interesting contacts which are made. It is not often that such women have the opportunity to meet people of so many cultures and customs. ' Eleven-Year Record L. M. CLEMENT. Secretary-Treasurer. Committee of Adjustment TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL COMMITTEE OF A DJ USTMEN'I‘ Notice Of Public Hearing THE LIBERLA}. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 26. 196: was The nursery class met in the my. Headford School while the kin- uch dergarten and primary classes ,ab- met in the basement of the are. church. The junior girls met in- side lhe church and the junior rch boys met outside. us The school began every morn: talâ€" ing at 9 am. with the opening are exercises by Mrs. Leaf, followed the by a sing-song led by Mrs. S. are Rumble with Mrs. H. McCagueT ugh at the piano. H ““““““““5 A large variety of articles have already been accumulated for this sale. Further donations of saleable articles are welcome For prompt pick up phone Gor- mlley 5200. Gonmley 5413, Ax- minster 3-4781, or drop off your donations at Gormley Garage (Don Mills and Town Linel. Sick Room Supplies The Lions Club has taken over the operation of the loan cupboard for sick room supplies. Those who are unifovbunrate en- oulg'h to have sickness in their family, may borrow sick room swpplies including hospital beds, wheel chairs and crutches, for a nominal change. Dr. A. F. Bin‘nrin‘gton was in charge of the church service Sunday morning. On July 29, at 11.30 a.m., Rev G. Fitzpatrick will be in charge of the service. Clarence Steckley was in charge of the Sunday School as the superintendent P. Bennett. was on vacation. iFRANK PASSERi; On Friday evening the chos- ing exercises were held in the church when pamenlts and friends were invited to view the child- ren’s work and enjoy a short program with each class taking part. Presentation On Aug. 11. at 2 DJ“. auction sale will be conducted by A. 5. Farmer: bake sale, 10 p.m., lu-clw draw for TV set, bicycle. mixer and transistor radio. There will be onhy one church service at Victoria Square dur- ing August. Aug. 19, at 11:30 a.m.. Rev Douglas Davis of‘ On July 16 about a dozen ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Cafl Walker to honor Mrs. Andrew Story. Gifts were pre- sen‘tod to Mrs. Story for her baby daughter. Jennifer Arm, who was born June 23. Mrs. Story thanked everyone for the gifts. On Aug. 10 at 7:30 p.m., rum- mage and auction sale preview‘ gaapes and .bingo until closing The Victoria Square team of the Victoria Square Lions soft- ball league lost one and won one game Last week. Then the children went to their classes where they led in Bible study. choruses and crafts. At 10:30, refreshments were en- joyed by everyone. From 11- 11230 more crafts were enjoyed, then at 11.30 everyone met in the church for the closing ex- ercises and the goodâ€"bye song. Those heLping from Victoria Square were: Dr. and Mrs. A. F‘ Binnington, Art. Storey. Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs. G. Joyce, Mrs. P. Bennett, Mrs. D. Houck. Miss Ann Buchanan. Mrs. S. Boy- nton and Mns. W. Sandle. Last games of the schedule will be played July 26. It will 'be Gormley alt Headford; But- tonville at Victoria Square. Annual auction and rummage sale of the Victoria Square and District Lions Club will be held August 10 and 11, at Victoria Square Community Park. Peak of the attendance was reached Thursday when 132 children and 29 teachers and helpers were on hand. Scripture reading was given by one of the children. A story was told by different ladies from the charge. Those who told the stories during the week were. Miss Joy Fuller. Mrs. Melvin Weliman, Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mrs. Cummer Lee and Mrs. EI- mer Leek. The annual vacation school for the Victoria Square charge has come and gone. It was held last week in the Headford School and um: United Chuvch. with Mrs. F. Leaf in charge. :7‘A“i“iA‘ i‘i i ‘ I I “ II“““I“““!§ Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson SEPTIC TANKS: VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 1313 YOUNG’S TU. 4-0009 . 1 Willowdale ME. * The top element gives fast recovery when there is a. heavy demand for hot water. The lower element provides storage for fu- ture use. Mrs. R. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and boys had Sun- day dinner with Mrs. Lorne Perkins. Mrs. S‘turman and Kathy in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bayn- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton and Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Boymon. visited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert. Lemon at their cot- tage near Col‘lingwood, Sunday: Kenneth Orr of King, spent the weekend with his cousin. Miss Patricia Orr. Two large “power packed" heating elements are thermostatically controlled. Miss 'Grace Boynxton under- went surgery at York County Hospital. Newmarket, Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Grubbe and family Aurora, Sunday. Johnny and Larry Wilson. 15- lington. spent last week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McGague visited Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Em-bling, B;anltford. Sunday. Mrs. A. Fi‘isby. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fi‘isby and Clarence Huggins. visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and family. Canning‘ton. recently. Clarence Huggins of Hamp~ ton, spent a few days recently with his grandmother. uncle and aunt. Mrs. A. Frisby and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby. and Mrs. H. Bray, Raven- shoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. spent the weekend at ComwaI-l and Upper Canada Village. Birthday greetings 1.0 Mrs Arnold Steckley. July 26; Miss Margaret Walker. July 26; Am gels Ottaway. July 26. Ma: and Mrs. Earl Kidd (Carolyn Pickering) will cele‘ b ate their ï¬rst wedding anniv- ersary. July 29. - Stoutfville. \vihlwbe‘in charge Neighborhood Notes RICHMOND HILL HYDRO TU. 4 - 35H Low cost Rental Plan $1.70 per month plus cost of power. Let Us Discuss Our Hot Water Service With You WHEN YOU NEED IT AUTOMATICALLY HOT WATER Richmond Hill mm