'4' THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hillzflnntario. Thursday. :Tl‘ll};26.vl962 Thornhill and District News "The Liberal" ll! always pleased to publish items of Interest ~nntrlbuted by its readers in the Thornhtll area - - - A - . - Our representative. in 'l‘hnrnhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may he reached by phoning AV 5-2331, TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 I.000 Children at Swimming (Inaisg “Mmâ€"n..." . Thornhill Pool May Have Busiest Summer Yet (By Margaret. McLean) :ls agaiIn serving in the capacity \Ial‘) In close LI}: whilddhring I n . . . .. . - . . , of caslicr. .llc atcrnoon. "to e ‘ross lhornhln SWImmmg B00] 15 .m the mldhl 0f \r‘h‘itlSynchronized Swimming mill only send their examiners = may turn mil to be one Of llS bugle“ Summers' “ ed" A group of between 30 and up for one day and it probably ends, of course. ï¬nd the largest numbers at the pool, in girls are busily practising non't be possible to get all the - and on a recent Sunday there were 950 paid admis- synchronized swimming each tests done in the morning SionsI with an uncounth number of season ticket- evening after the pool closes. Next neck. on Saturday. Au- . .. . . Leaders are Pat Vlassotl' and gust 4th. at 3 p.m.. the pool . w . V . - I I “ \ I II I t _ holdels also plesent. By way of (outlast ho e or. Ann Jone†[he mm are managmmm has planned a I last satqrday' bemg Cloudy and COOI‘ there were only divided into junior. inlcrlnc- demonstration of water safety 5 160 admlSSlODS- I I _ diatcs and seniors. The seniors with the co-operation of Mr. I SO that's the way it goesâ€"all lhlS Itlaklllg‘ the .IOlJIwiII have a competition on Au- Jack Passmorc. director of of having the right number of guards and counter Staffigust lst while the synthroniLed water safety for the Richmond on hand to meet the varving requirements a bit c0n-fs\vililiiling show will be held on till] Branch of the Red Cross fusing / " the evening of August 30th. The Society. . . girls are makin up their own And while I said the mem- Manager 0f the p001 this year 1.5 (Hi-year'old John routines for thi: and will perâ€" bers of the A.R.C. receive no ‘ Hanna WhO has jUSl completed his Second year mlt‘orm to music from “Camelotâ€. pay for their work. I am sure dentistry at the University of Toronto. John has‘ The annual swim mcct will they all feel themselves suit. worked at the pool for seve ‘al years in various capaci- be held on the evening of Au- ably rewarded in theIknowchge; “95' His assistant is 3â€â€œ McLean flightlffuih:[Ndeaiill‘firlihih:oiiiï¬'i‘lbliahleighthfrillavlS‘ecliiigiigh‘dfaint: Swimming Classes pool. while senior guards watch sters who have been taking Ies-.many people and that each OVeI‘ 1,000 Childl‘t‘ll 31‘6 l'eg- the deep end. Thle i5 th‘aysisons all summer. The begin-isummer close to 1.000 young- istcrcd for the morning swim' a minimum of NO guards Ohiners will ’have their competitionisters learn how to take care of I I I roses by a member of the kin-imam escort his small sister tolD' 'd X ‘ " ming classes. As well as front duty at one time. ion the, morning of August 15th. themselves and others in the I I I . . . . , , I. . . I . , I ‘ I . ~ cm i - moo. laul and such ThOl‘hhill and ViCinitY. they Tuck Shop And on August 27. the swimâ€"lwatcr. Chairman of the A.R.C.} Llosnig exercises of diet MIS' JOhnston Spoke reelmgl’ dugdlicn (1355‘ Mm†0" wes'ilhe Plalfmmi he d551SlCd hCI‘ t0.l‘ead to them and had then done i come from Richmond Hill. The tuck .hOh which is lllglilvimlng tests will be held. Man- this year is Mr. Jim Loughran.‘ThOI’hhill Vacation Bible Schoolla;3:95:23?igï¬'iï¬irm‘m'}:1leythme." plre%entfecél certiï¬cï¬temsji doim‘ insu‘ycmd he]: in the more reward] about these men Maple. WOOdbl‘idge. King. Con- popular with the young Irv islagcr Hanna tells me that in ' 0 6 “new 0 1° scwo' plop“ manne‘ 0f hiding h‘h‘lm the Bible. To him and all the others who were held in the auditorium atl .. . . I _ cord and Willowdale. Swim- qtafl‘ed by Doug Windsor and previous years tests were givenlhave each served so many years 310†Tl‘thit)’ ClJtUII‘ch 0n ThUl'S-Iclï¬urgzees valgfyusTrI’Ifiwc'gaIItéhï¬ bDSegLHII'thaInkskéo Mrs. Fostert agiesmgggsggwaIthfï¬géigrbdé'essl Mfs. Kigjolla showed some ex- .I . I _ I I. _ . ~ II I i , II . I, . . __ I ï¬t , . _ l .k ay “,9â€th uy 19th The I - I - I ca lan' were given 0 I " core amp es 0 cay mochIin that mlflg thlluclOlS this yea! ale Rithaid Jettein although in at any time it “as convcnl i (on the committee I won d lI e can, Thomhlll Presbyterian. Mrs, A‘ Foster for her work leavmg hen When “10 kindcr- her class had done. Sevelgi chll. I . , I_ I l _ . . . i 7 . . hall was ï¬lled amost to ca 3- . . . Pat Vlassoli". Ann JCfleI‘Y. C8101 rush pellods they are spelledito Mi. Toogood “ho “as also alto mOVC a ht‘alty VOte 0f lhahks- p Tllorlllull Baptist. Thornhill with the children’s singing, Mpg garten class was dismissed. and arch exhibited the costumes they had concocted for the three Marlin. Ann Rogel‘sv Clifford out bv the two members of thelRed Cross examiner This ycar.ll am sure this will be seconded City With Parents and Children. U -t d d 1h D .t 3-“ . . l I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I who all enjoyed themselves im_l me an e oncas er 1 e Foster is director of music at she stood confused at the bot- Nuttal and John Ravenhill. As maintenance stall. ’led McGhethonever. tests “111 all he hel(hand tamed “hammOush ‘05 3“ Chapel. Members from the ï¬ve‘iâ€"iavergal College and it is easy tom of the steps leading to the plays they had performed. An- to see that she is a talented and Platform he again Went for' other group had worked at pup- ~ ml. 1 mum .. MW -. .. . .. .. _ Children Enjoy Thornhlll Vacation Bible School The kindergarten class of the 'I‘hornhill Vacation School are seen with their teachers. (Left t " - i - - o - i. McGowan. Miss E. Phinnemore. Mrs. A. Martindale, and Miss Lynda Henry. fPlligiii liyulgatfidcldhesiiibiiiif). mdiJâ€"lm x (By Margaret McLean) ,IMinton Johnston. We†as glVlhg the lesson“ in the and Murray Hanna. Mrs. E. Lce7on one day and it may be ncces-lThornhill and district people. mC‘USClM marticipaï¬ng churches had Stark mornings. ï¬ve of these also ï¬ll . The opening prayer was Given ' ' ‘ - . . . __ ~~~ r~ « . » ., led their preparations for the senSitive teacher as She led ward and brouaht her to her as and showed a acene L0 ‘- . . . - ‘ > . 'm- 32:; 5331:“ fyggï¬sgm graft?“ by Rev. H. R. Howden,pho also school last October, she stated. the children in singing several place beside h-iiil. Would that Slew with puppet ï¬gures and hold their Bronze Medallion and Iintioduced to the audience the Mrs. Johnston was presentedi‘hymns and rounds her whole every little girl had such alscel'lcry, illustrating the ï¬nding director of the school. Mrs. With a beautiful bouquet of red‘face and ï¬gure radiated emhus. kindly protector! 'of MOSCSI ‘ Award of Merit for lifesaving _ I I I from the Royal Life Saving Presbyterian Church News I I -- WV 7 A ~ â€"â€" llaSIm and aï¬ectlon. to which the Primary Class intermediate Class I Society and are qualiï¬ed Red Friends and members of the' “Now it came to pass as sum-.Imy mind. I I . , . Ichlldren couldInot help but re- The primary class. under the‘ The children of the interme- CrOSS swimming instructors. Thornhill Presbyterian Church‘liler drew nigh that Mr. Church ‘The fourth is like unto the lspond and which was naturally direction of Mrs. John Wilson, diatc group. who had been in- . The Iunior guards are Carol were given an opportunity to Member lifted up his eyes to‘iil~st three. yet moi-e important n Irena.th In the“. singing disposed thems Ives about the structcd by Mrs. Johnston. Mamn‘ Camy Percival John greet and visit infonnally with the hills and said. than all'. said Mrs.IChurch As their Isbare in the pro- platform as ar und a campï¬re mimcd a play while the story of Lambei-t and Jim Glhséh Ju. their form-er minister. Rev. Cal- ‘Lo. the hot days L‘Olnelll. and Membeï¬ â€˜ThOU Shall dig down gram. the kindergarten assem- and heard a Bible story read.Ithe prodigal son was narrated. nlor guards watch the shallow vin Chambers and Mrs. Cham- even now are at hand. Come. let in thy purse and pay thy church ihled on the platform and her. They held up to the audience ReVI Mimon CII Johnston end of the pool and the infants, hers at the home of Mr. and us go unto the heights. where pledge. that the g00d name 0i: lformcd as a rhythm band. beatâ€" the posters and scrolls they had spoke briefly. thanking all those Mrs. Earl Patton on July 15th. cool breezes refresh us and glor-Ithe church may be preservedg n e e I nlg out the tempo of “Jesus made and read the verses from who had taken part. The audi- The guests visited and rem- ious scenes await us.~ I IaIiIid that 1it may he t\ItIiell mthl S e r Loves Me" with enthusiasm. Ithem. closing their part of the ence then formed a circle i-ound ‘Thon speakest wise y. quotht ee. 'or say un-o ee. ou . . . Kindly Protector iprogram with singing “God Is the outside of the hall with the item on and ,. . . . ‘leli/lsigierilgdiieréleligitild: in theovarden MI‘S- Church Membelt 'Yet three hast more mone.V now than [here were the usual cases of Nearâ€. lchlldl‘en m the centre. while which was bright with g5), um. things. yea. four things must weiwhen thou dost return.’ l ‘ do before we go.‘ Ilf the growing population of During the 1961-62 season. stage fright. of course. One Junior Class Rev. II. R. MacDonald pro- . .bmllas and summer flowersI And it came to hassIthai M11 Richmond Hill evIer decides the LQOI individual bookings of 49 small tot was reluctant to ap-l The junior class demonstrat-Inounced a benediction. The In A B The tea table was attractive Three things I can think OIIiChurCh Member paid h,ls pledge town needs an aitIsoc1ety, they :xhiblItions for 53Iditferent com- proacll the stage until takenIled how they had studied aboutiaudlence was then invited to .th .nk candles and a beami_ but not four-I I.esponded MrIIfOI. the summer and the Treas_ wont have to go far to ï¬nd a nunitles were involved. An ï¬rmly in hand by her big bro-f‘People Who Had Dared" infenloy refreshments upstairs aï¬angemem of flowers in Church membeh .we must a1._,ul.m. rejoiced greatly say-mg trained. professional person to estimated 122.252 saw the ex-ither whom I judged to be aboutgthe Bible. They had had storiesthiIe the children had theirs . range for our flowers to be cairâ€"V‘Of a truth. there are those who help them gel OH on the right Allhlls. i14. And not only did this younigiabout Jesus. Abraham. Mosesndownstairs. I had . is" at. Thornhlll Smoke and Gift paisltfurisng f; in the memo“ ed for, our lawn to be cut and Shop leaves the store in the were Mrs. 3_ watt MrsI pI Wih watered and the mail to be for- ha'nds of a long'time local “35h liamson, Mrs. F. Porter. Miss. dem‘ I Francis, Miss James. Mrs. .l. 30b caesa‘r' former 35515l’anl Glen and Mrs. D. Cooper. In Mrs. Loren Guild RR. 2, Gormley Phone TU. 4-8040 ' Thom/{iii Not 98 beneï¬t ofiall members. wal'ded. but the fourth eludes _ A recent change in ownership care for the Lord's work.’ And fOOt- ' ’ ’ "‘ it was so.†‘ Mrs. H. 'I‘. Girard, who lives - ‘at 11 Roosevelt Drive, Richmond Hill. is information officer of the Art Institute of Ontario. She is the only paid officer of her group. Her job is to answer questions on art and supply art exhibi- tions from all across the prov- ince of Ontario. I In recent years. the institute has provided art exhibits for MeConaghy Public School and at the Thornhill Public Library. v. Mrs. Girard assured The Lib- eral she would be especially happy to answer inquiries and service manager of Wilson-Nlb- the evening tea was poured by lett Motors acquired the busi- Mrs. J. Kok, Mrs. H. Mizen and mess early in June. Both Bob and Mrs_ T. stoma-5. ‘ Mrs. Caesar received their edu- Serving were Mrs. R. Pen-. cation and have lived most of . . A II their lives in Richmond Hill and 32:: will: iEnjoy New Organ 1 cd from North York.I [he Thomhill areas. N fodd 'M ' I] Am tt’ Mr' Sunday morning the congrcâ€"I American was competing at Mm Caesars family formerly J' Ariss’ Hgnd’erso: gation of Headford IUIIIlLICdI the Agmcourt meet. Albert owned Edwards [GA in Therm “it. w 'Hazen' Mhs J Maver’ Church sang to the music of a- was not at home when the hill. . M 5' h ’ 'M' 6’ Hammond organ, a pleasant sur- owner called Ifor his cIraft rs' ' 5 “ye an 15' 'prise. Several months ago thel but he has since received The shop will continue to car- Culley - « - . ' '- th r0- :1 letter from him express- ry everything from groceries to Mrs. J. MacKay and Mrs. D. H] C class deemed on e p ing his gratitude for the l.e_ birthday cards. according to Mr. Puddy assisted the hostess. Caesar. First change in the busi- ject of getting an organ for the church. The achievement is al scue and care. ness was the addition of a line at First Presbyterian Church, of bicycle supplies. No other store in the Village ducting morning services at carries such supplies at present Thornliill Presbyterian Church Mr. Caesar eventually hopes to for the month of July. Services expand to it full line of Sporting are being held at 10 am. goods. LEGAL J. N. Mulholland, church congregations of Canada Q.C. 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 Rev. Chambers. now minister New Westminster. B.C.. is con- tUnited Church News Soloist at the Sunday morn-i inlg service on July 15th at Thornhill United was Miss Jan-l et Dalgleisll. The African Students I’ounfl dation is appealing to the for ï¬nancial support. This foun- dation brings qualified students from Africa to study at Canad- ian universities. The need is ur- gent. For more information, please contact African Students Foundation. 146 Yonge Street. Toronto. An interesting and appropri- ate parable was published last week in the Church calendar. The author of this little gem iwas not named. but I feel coni- pelled to repeat it here for the | l i l I and Custom Upholsterers lEst. In Toronto 19-16t Now Located At 8009 YONGE Former Location of AV Antiques ST. THORNHILL Penny Wise Antiques 5-2176 r“““““““uir EVERY SATURDAY Yonge 8: Elgin Sts. 50 INDEPENDENT Fresh vegetables. poultry. meats. ï¬sh. eggs ' I and dairy products Delicatessen. basswood honey. home baking, p, Lots of Free Parking ,1 J. : STANDS candy. Handicrafts and antiques. I Cut flowers and potted plants. I BUY FRESH FROM THE I’RODI'CI‘IR ' 7:30 am. to 3:30 p.nl. I ’l‘hol'nhill ' I lreport from the organ commit- ics him to translate his dream good demonstration of moun-t tain moving. The young people presented their plan. they were sure it could be done. And there it is; no bazaars. teas or collect- ion eampaign. just faith andi spreading the word. Following the morning service Dr. Binnington asked the coil- gregation to remain to hear the tee and to discuss the organ of their choice. Mrs. Elmer Leek. Hi-C counsellor told of the com- mittee‘s investigation of equal- ily. cost and terms of payment. She disclosed that about three quarters of the cost was at hand‘ with promises of more. A vote iBeeton, and their daughters ‘were weekend guests of the "Buffalo. 7 to 6 darn it." They Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Cousins. Brussels. were guosts in the home of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moorly for part, of the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Burton, Harry Burtons. I Keith and Richard Burton were excited spectators at the Buffaloâ€"’l‘oronto game Saturday afternoon at Maple Leaf Stadâ€" ium. Keith's report was brief, were accompanied by their father and uncle, t va‘ called and the result aï¬â€˜irmâ€"l \cdbthat the ‘organ on trial‘ he Rd, kept. Dr. Binnillgton's sermon was in harmony with the organ pro- ject. He spoke of Abraham's restless search for fulï¬llment of his dream; to set down roots and establish a permanent Ca- anan. "The dreamer." he said. “is practical. He sees the real- ity and the comparison of what is and of what he wants inspir- into action or to inspire others .to act." Chit Chat It may be l‘llal distance lends enchantment but certainly it provides no obstacle when jun- .ior farmers decide to go to a party. On July 19 Don Brodie and Allbcrt Leek. along with a bus load of York Cornty Junior Farmers were guests of Water- loo County Junior Farmers at a roller skating party held in Preston. The exercise was a ï¬ne conditioner for the wciner roast that followed. Birthday congratulations to James Ladouccr on his eleventh birthday and to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Calder on their twelfth wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. A. Miller is visiting her daughter ill the USA. She was anticipating the .io,\ of wel- coming a new grandchild. .\II‘. alid Mrs. M. \I'clllllan had as a weekend cucst Mrs. \"cllman's Sls‘lCl‘. .\ll'>. E. Mel’- cdith who is taking a course ill auxiliary class work Ill 'I‘or- olllo. The) visited on Sunday with Mrs Wellman's brother Gordon Marshall .illd her aunts the Misses Marshall. 'l‘oz’ollto. Mr and Mrs. Harte} \Ial‘shall. Ottawa were also £Ll(‘\l.\ in the \l'ellrnall home .\II' and .\ll’\ I) t' (hitter and tamih DIIIO) cd an merlllghl \lsit ill BCilt‘\lll(‘ Last week we reported that Albert Leek rescued a glider that had landed on their farm. The point of in- terest in the story was “13’ the glider was from New York. USA. not. as rrport- “Church. I News Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 . At St, Paschals‘ Baylonl Steeles Ave.. West, July 15, three girls of Crest‘ wood Road took their ï¬rst com-i munion. J. McEwen. Jaequelinel Jarvis and George MeKeena. Mrs. Doris Palin has returnedl home frOm Branson Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Layzellfl Crestuood Road. announce the. arrival of a baby daughter last week at Branson llospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. and Mrs. Robertson who is over from Scotland. have taken a trip to. Detroit and surrounding dist-i ricts. ' Mr. alld Mrs. James King Sr.. who are over from Scotland‘ staying with Mr. aiid Mrs. King,‘ have just returned from a holi- day up north. They spent a week at Riley Lake. near Gray! enhurst. and another week at‘ Minden, Donna Webb. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Webb. has returned home from a camp- ing trip with Pioneer Girls at “'alkerton. Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Mill: and child- ren have moved into the dist- :‘lcl and are residing on Steele-s Ave. West Mr and Mrs. Date Wilson ha\e had \Irs. McCurry and Mrs. Thompson. Toronto. visiting them for a ten days, Mr and .\Il'<. Wilkinson hale had relatives from Boston. L'S.\. \isilin: them this past neck .\Il\. \rlnslroll; is visiting her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs \Ilan Fitcllett. for a few days LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESIITS AV. 5-3315 to provide assistance to local groups for any art projects. The institute is an association. of leading galleries. museums i and art societies in Ontario ' operating under the Canada ' Council. It is especially inter- ested in promoting art in the . more remote areas of the prov-‘ ince. Hart House. Canadian Legion Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 pm. LEGION HALL Carville Road One Block west of Yonge St. All Veterans Welcome ( MAKE YOUR HOME ' More Beautiful ‘ More Valuable with Pre-cast Concrete - UNIT STEPS .. A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You Can Be Proud Of! ' LAST A LIFETIME ‘ Built-in Safety Tread “ 10?. SIZES IN STOCK Completer installed by us! N0 ML'SS . . . NO FESS ECONOMICAL TOO PHONE TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE UNIT PRE CAST (Toronto) LTD. Bathurst at No. 7 Hwy. Phone A V. 5-5691 THORNHlLL ONTARIO Some of the founding mem» bers of the institute include the " National Gallery of Canada. the v Royal Ontario Museum and - BEAUTIFUL WEEKLY PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR ORIGINALITY AND THE NUMBER OF VARIED SLIPS OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT STORES THE GRAND PRIZE A SEVEN on TRIP FOR TWO TO NASSAU INCLUDING AIR TRAVEL - HOTEL AND MEALS :CONTEST STARTS AUGUST 2-