. Ditri Spar e. Soccer Results & Standings THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August ‘2. 1962 9 Swimming, Canoeing Highlights ‘Of Four-Day Outing At Dorset canoes to explore the other side of the lake. We 'onnd the canoe which had drifted away from camp during our leave in the morninu. When we returned. one of the campers John Bailey‘. threw me in when he tipped the canoe as he got out I chased him into the teilt where we gave. him a ‘ O Newmarket and Dhll‘lcl Soccer l.ca:uc circles were some- chalice to take off Ills shoes be- t i what upset h.\' the (IE‘('l\lftil of the (‘ollinewood entry to with Followingr is an account and a short swim Period. dinner. after v. hich we were had the usual as well as options rm; lags-0m m‘ , ‘é draw from further play i (I); a fpurb-dasi callloec trip to aHSUPgC‘; m\\'35 Served Shortlijo‘noflrgus \ to rcturn beefiusetha for thosi fwllél \Ivere Fran useld m Imlkc “Singal‘flmitm £11333: K . t H . . . a t . .. orse y oca ampers er . . . : ‘ vas irewlnw 0 e 0 one o oo aone. 1e eirs ‘ . ‘. . - I ï¬eldcfltligirxfl :‘T;\li:lm(lmnlglfliminï¬l :l-gl-(llll:\,0ftllal% T3, under the direction of' Kel This was followed by a restlsouth of us, b tin the cabin equalled our feat; Exfcpl ‘ regâ€? 101mm†ha‘l a By ’ ‘ V . :‘lnl If“ “m: ‘9 1 I“! ~- ‘9 0 ‘ Tonner. period. During this time thet After K91 and 1 had portancd they also caught a chipmunk. ~“Im (villles and allt. Flo‘m RON GRAIN]; llngwood team decided to call it quits. ‘ BY REL TONNER b0).i were given a splendid oppnm m. the l. roe canoes bad: to After breakfast we went for that ha) [0 this. “care still . . v ‘ M As a result of the cap in the lcazne. all standings had to be Trip Director portunity to check their gearlHat-dwood Lake_ “.9 returned to a founhour exploï¬nc excummn 51‘?ka ‘0 Our cardinal rule I ll 13 a “91195133113thladth there are ama-I“ revised with a reshnti'lc of points and goals. for and against We left camp at 845 am, and prepare their sleeping‘hcip the other follows with the to a small‘ rugged gland take “mm deny.“de ï¬lm every tWO sides to any Story. The only time a sane and averages after plckm: up the campers bags. All lights were out bygcar and the remaining canoe. “ye got there by following a lzntCLloyn‘lal‘nto the lake sensible judgment can be formed is when you're in Next Saturday an all-star team from the Newmarket entry 3‘ the†hon‘cs' our aminlal at 1030 because we were looking That is when it started to pour; stream. Here we saw beautiful Kel hit the waves just before possession of the “1013' all the facts. 01. bo‘th Sidgs of is expecth m do “mm m mo 108:th “my mpmscm- Babmck-S (Lottago nn’rtiazd. :0i;1\\':r:lo“lgrdlil;f dnae\xt morning we were drenched in a matter Shrub-s. vines. and bushes supper. No doubt about it he the story. So here goes a story of the fate of 'the Res-“Its of games Sat†Jun. 3. anmrkm 2' Richmond Hm L'Orjmhak“ “3* 3‘ aPPmMma 9‘ s“. ’ E'- .- of few minutes. creeping up sheer cliffs of rock. went in ï¬ghting. That night. Mic Mac juvenile git'ls' softball team in the l'\.\’.\V. Roma 21Aumra ~ “ ' .11 L1 18 l:\enlually we met the other Before we descended to thc’before we went to bed we had league. Both sides of‘ the story that is. T. L'xbridae 1; Maple ‘3. Midland 0; Etobi- we made two stops on the coke 3. Aurora “8" 0. way but we did not encounter The first Sign of life appear- ed at approximately 6 am. and boys laughing and joking under a canoe parked on the trail. lake. we had to pass a breath- taking waterfall. At the foot of a sing-song which lasted three ,hours. The people across th. bay T0 begin “11h lhe MIC MM“ 7‘“? “'0 longell 'd‘)%£:ht League Standings any difficulties.I .a\(‘ that we accordmg to hclvln 5 watch. Apparently kel and I were the the swampy lake we studied gave up trying to drown us out. of the K.V.W. league. lit a letter dated Ju; a i p W L T p '\ p PUIICd 0Ԡto T10 soll .Shquol the majority of the group was only two who got wet. On our tracks of passing deer and so tlley joined us. sponsor Ron hichndrews was notified that his team Aurora H 8 1 2 42 H 18 are? tot] the Influx?!) m mfllf‘ll up within 20 minutes of that‘way back. the lake was calm moose. [ULY 00 ' - ' . .' r i i - . . I in \\'(‘l"(‘ I(‘( ‘ . ~ , ‘ ‘ "’ .was ejected from the league for a \iOIdllOli of consti Richmond H1†Roma 10 T 2 1 47 m 7‘0 ° F° Ca“ V P . time I (mm mm“ and “0 (hm?! 01059 We saw a dam which closed After e‘ettin" up at about eivht tutional rules Specifically for the use of a player M l n " o - up hcl‘lnfl “5 ‘0 pa“ “MIN The boys were greeted With ‘0 “10 Fags?“ shm‘t‘ ImCS- off the end of the lake and‘o'clock ice in?“ that we \' 51d 1 ).. th were older than the league rules ape . . t. 2 46 9 16 The equrpment and camperS a refreshing swim in the Calm BMOIT‘ I‘Cll'l‘nintl’ to the camp were able to see the trees ivliich have a busy morning Wemlilad (01' Raye“ “ 0 ‘ NC“I“3FI‘°I II 0 1 4 35 2†16 WCI'C transpm‘lcd ‘0 the “name bay at the foot of the cottage. We “'E‘nt ‘0 Shepherd's Market were cut down by beaver the camp site cleaned u the permlttefl' , . . - - rt Bam“ 1‘} 6 4 0 68 15 12 by means of the canoes. At this point. the gang expcr‘ilrl tho “TOWEL†0‘†“‘“Ck- ‘0 We decided to circle the lake tent folded and the gear lpoadcd Article 5 of the l\.V.W. league constitution S 4 es Uxbridg‘. 11 4 7 0 27 53 8 'Immcdllafely we protjt‘CdCdll" ienced ravenous appetites. They pick Up auxiliary SUPPIiGS- Everybody go‘ their shoes in mnoes before we had break- that to be eligible to plziy in the junior section of the Embimke 1] 2 8 1 16 43 ‘ picklg 1:nltablte camp tSlli‘hWhICth were famished. They were not‘ That evening before supper. soaked and one boy scram‘d hig‘tastf league -â€" “a playelr nlitiist be 116 years 9f {ige aigrg Midland it) 2 3 D 13 36 4 Aftoqrupï¬tafnrn othcc‘f‘gt {12% izgrgzictlllsg lisngtoagwgqaetzytltligg shimmly‘s aanndcld:;iï¬zlfc]1tigï¬gzgleg :ndahprotruding rock. We; After the boys ï¬lled up the r to be e i ri) e to 3 W on '1 junior . .. -. Y ‘ ‘ . e. 'I t r. ~_ - _ t . c im e t e moss-covered rocks wood box and the girl 1 HUNG i, } c l l Aurora 3 ll 0 ll 0 7 102 0 vie had bi‘ié‘l canoemg (Iiills somcuung we surpnsed them (mind you. it took Us 51x tries). until we were almost one hutn_l ' s c eanEd Due to an oversight or a typist's omission the word under did not appear before “16 years of age}: This Word “under†then makes the bylaw valid â€" in any other interpretation the bylziw is meaningless. Mr. McAndrews does have at least one player who was 16 years old by the June 15th date. He .Kents, ewmarket Fight jacks. cereal. toast. juice and milk. orange boys were going through their supper and relaxed until we with a full breakfast of flap- WC enjoyed a "011V satleyih'g dred feet above the lake. , The sight from this point ly. up the cabin we took off. Al- though it started to rain light- I took four canoes. three “"‘m 3N“ to “0 SWlmmmEL We was an animating experience. boys and the supplies across a band of marauding Dishes were then washed ahd had 2* hlal‘e'hmflllmf F035t .be' We followed the trail on thesetthe lake to the truck. The rest the bedding was FOIICd. The for? 30mg I0 hod- That night steep rocks. High birch made of the crew stayed in the cabin ChlP‘ up the majority of natural ter- until we returned. maintains that he questioned the wording of article “9mm†lb)“ .mommg “’“h mum“ bmkc ""0 our CO"Ides-rain. . Before leaving. we double- 5 of the constitution at the beginning of the year and mixed ammpahon' hm ï¬nally JULY 19 I That afternoon it was my Chmde everything then we hit _ . we set out on our planned The gang got up very early turn to prepare lunch for the the road singing and hoping Was told that everything was all right. League executives maintain that Mr. McAndrews was in- structed to insert the word “under†in his copy of the constitution but neglected to do so. ' League officials say that the sponsor and coaches ‘of the Mic Mac club were notified six weeks ago that the player in question was ineligible. The said play- er ,was used in league games right up to the night of disqualiï¬cation. The ejection of the team from the league was rooted at a meeting on Thursday. July 19th. Repres- gï¬ntatives from all teams in the league were present . . u . , Jerry Case on the mound for error and scored the tying run I 'nd voï¬ed on the .mOllon to dl‘qqu‘lllfh‘ the leam' 0n Newmarkct gave up five hits. as Joe Pirri singled. Ron McAndrew's Mic Macs. fledglihgs- We fOIIOWed the that night the MIC MEWS were playmg m N0b1?t°n 'while the combination of Larry In the seventh, eighth and recently ousted from the KVW group or Startlï¬â€˜d dUCkS for and'Mr- MCAndI'CWS Cl‘dlms that he “"33 "Cl “Otlï¬ed Guio and Les Downing for ninth innings. the two evenly League, are continuing to shar- Several hundred yards, hilt .‘of the meeting and that his chib was not represented when disciplinary action was taken against them. , , ‘ . . _a home run blast by Jerry Casc the game ended in a 4-4 draw. Thornhill Juniors. a team whosetthe water. We WalChed them Net so say the Ileggu-e eiecilhl‘ Ch. ‘ .1 d' Nobleton in the fourth inning. Prize Winners players are two years older onidisappt‘a‘r as they skimmed ' v All other c u s m t e eague. me it .1115! Kent Clothes added two rims Lucky draw tickets were the average. the Mic Macs won‘OVCl‘ the PlaCid 131(9- Wel‘e represented at the meelmg~ runs was “Qt a tin the ï¬rst inning. Bill Meraska drawn at the end of each inning. two decisions. Both wins were The portage Was a T931 special meeting, they assert. but a regular league meeting, the date of which had been pieâ€"arranged at a previous meeting. The Mic Macs were present at The. prior meeting and had full knowledge of the date of the next regular meeting. McAndrews says no, ,lie was not aware of the July 19th meeting. ' Unfortunately the Mic Macs had soundly beaten every team in the league. The only team that had To 4-d To In Close Game» . Kent Clothes and Newmnrket player] to a four-all ’ draw in a York-Simcoe league fixture played in Rich- mond Hill last week. The fast moving game which was completed in an ‘ hour and a half. was one of the best played by the Clothiers this year. ‘Mic Macs Win Two Games From canoe trip. Visiting cottagers again this morning. probably whole crew. because we hadithat we, would be home late in waved to us as we passed the around six. We proceeded to elected to eat with the girls in the afternoon. We arrived in shore lines of the bays and‘elean up the camp site and dig the cabin. Afer dinner I took Richmond Hill in time for sup- the stately birch trees. Natur-ta refuse hole. For breakfast wetout a group of boys in three per. ally, we responded by ' them our regards in a congenial fashion. head of the portage trail to lower Fletcher Lake. we stumbled upon a group of 17 iducks. Two of these were adults 3 . because they could fly; the Teamlother 15 were obviously their giving Shortly before we found the‘ 3.." I. Kents was tagged for eight. Longest hit of the game was matched teams were unable to mount any kind of threat and pen their softball claws. In two recent games with lthey hopelesly out-distanced us as they ran on the surface of 1and Duane Patï¬cld singled and lid Harris of 146 Garden Ave..'by handy scores. 'toughy. it somewhat resembled both scored on a single by pit- cher Larry Guio. John McKnight. Newmarket centre ï¬elder. was walked in the third inning and then scor- ‘ed on singles by Don Williams and Bob Eisfeld. Kents also tallied ill the bot- won ï¬rst prize, a wardrobe from Kent Clothes. Second prize of‘ an electric kettle from Landers, Fl'ary and Clark, was won by Allan Currie of 414 Fernleighr Circle. A Red 8; White $10 voucher went to Howard Groves of Stoufl‘ville. and Mrs. T. W. In an effort to properly ova]- an obstacle course. The eight uate the ability of the juvenile age Mic Macs. McAndrews has arranged games with the Rich- mond Heights Centre Ladies. The Richmond Heights team is an intermediate club whose members are quite a few years self. did an efficient rying the 80-pound When we arrived Fletcher Lake. one of boys. including Kelvin and my- job of coping with this chore of car- canoes. at Lower the campers (Arnold Temple) dis- Have a safe holiday...ger our tom of the third inning. GaryflVfacRae of 300 Boisdale Ave.. Palmer was walked and scoredtwon a golf ball and score card on an error to Meraska thatiset from Richardson Sporting covered that he had lost his watch. We went over the rug- ged trail twice but we were un- tolder in age and considerably .older in softball experience. The games should prove an in- -_given them any competition was the Maple team .and the Mic Macs had defeated this club twice. It might conceivably have been better if all games in which lobe over-age player had participated were forfeit , nd the team kept in the league. They could have igeen allowed tofï¬nish out the schedule but not allow- {ï¬l to compete in the league playoff championships. permitted the run to score with Meraska going in to third base. Case came up with his home run in the fourth inning to make the !score 3-2 in favour of the Kent I Goods. Prize number ï¬ve. dry clean- ing from Wimbridge Cleaners†was won by ticket No. 1547 and Phil Hammond of Paliser Cres., able to locate it. teresting experiment and a real test of Mic Mae skills. Following the swim we made t snrm CHECK . ' l . . K'd. .' lb d‘lha f I .. To enter the league, a fee of $25.00 was paid by tBiiesf Lead “551.2205? c nge mm; t "Mr. MCAndl'eWS- Thls money “'35 used, along Wlth Newmarket took a brief lead A telephone list ï¬nder from - ’ When he entr fee of other clubs to purchase insurance. It ‘in the sixth inning. Chuck God-.York Office Supply went to Mrs. aunes y . . . . t jocks as though Ron McAndrews Will have to whistle (lard and Larry Keffer got on‘DeSJardln of 222‘ Norfolk Avesi m for a rebate or pay- extra money to carry the insur_ tvra the error route bolll‘SllppCl'S from Shields Footwear; ‘ l. h. 't ' th. .h th P W S U la lscored on a hard hit Single oil to Mrs. D. McDonald of 63 Car- whee Icy 9“ is edm . long 6 ' ‘ ' ' p y- lthe bat of Larry Bone. tier Cres. and a Children‘s e’s " .downs m_WhICh the cmb ‘5 enteled' _ ! Kent’s Larry Guio got. on theiFashion Shop voucher to P. H e r .4 Poss1bly there are faults on both Sides. Maybe ltrack, thanks to a NewmarketiRumble of Maple. .: 7"IN\t ' The Mic Mac brass was remiss in the use of the player i. d maybe the league was lax in the drafting of tï¬e bylaws of the constitution. What is unfortunate that adults could not have got together and thrash- ; out the bone of contention in a sane and sensible ‘nner. An adult manner. ‘It isn’t even the adults t o are penalized â€"â€" it is a group of 15 year old girls 1 e one who has reached the ripe old age of 16 sum- ~j‘érs. Grownups are the craziest people!! I I All is not lost to the Mic Mac team. A junior g‘: from Thornhill is ill need of games until the W.S.U. schedule opens. The two teams have ar- minged to play each other twice a week until they each move into provincial playdowns in their respec- age groupings. Junior players are older than jtheniles and it is quite possible that the Mic Macs .t m. Will get some real competition to sharpen up their iFOU‘e’h- W0 (IOUbICS and a Single and standipg aUtOmObile' Immacumte Game Norm Roberts. Dynes hurler. ran the bases like a drunken condition. / t _ . u . _ ,‘ i t V ‘ t. was tagged for 10 safeties. Fred dcrvish. t - . Like we said them > the M015 fmm both 51d“ â€" ‘Mabev. the CBC pride and joy. If any Jeweller had to be tag- ' BRAKE SPECIAL“ “dIUSl brakes' 'e'PC’Ck fr°nl Wheel $1 19 % you pay your money. make your own decision and draw your own conclusions as to the whys and the Wherefors. But: again we repeat that it's a crying Shame that when adults fall out it‘s the kids who ~stiffer. And because people are people it‘ll probably in '« his way now and forevermore. Ain't it a pity!!! "Jet ‘ Smith Plays Great Ball TAs Jewellers Blast CBC Dynes Jewellers pounded out ed the ball into the head ofl ‘an 11-6 bombing of the CBC Gary Smith. Smith was stunnedl club last Thursday night in Richmond Hill. It was a game with few high- }lights. but did prove that when [the Jewellers have their hitting lcyes in focus they can be really was hailed for eight hits. I Errors by the CBC team made ithe difference as some erratic ‘ï¬rst base playing by Bud Divan set up Jeweller scoring plays. t In the ï¬fth inning. Skid) Deâ€" Geer attempted to steal third ‘base. Catcher Roll Harrison ï¬r- .ed toward third base but smash- by the force of the blow but in a few minutes was able to re- sume his place in the battens} box. From this point on Smith was a holy terror. He slammed out fled as the star of the piece. Smith down. Thornington, Williamson. Macmillan and K. Roberts were the hit getters for the Jewell- ers. Williamson had a proï¬table evening with a triple and a double as his share of the work. won the award hands Tithmond iHillNlhidrBall RE Girls 11-15 59 PONTIAC 2-DOOR i Sedan, finished in Sherwood green, I matching interior, equipped with eco- nomical 6-cylinder motor, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, whitewall tires. A truly out- ‘ 56 METEOR 4-D'OOR Sedan, new tu-tone blue and white paint, with matching interior, equip- : ped with new whitewall tires and t custom radio. Very sharp oneâ€"owner beauty. Priced to sell at 50 FORD GALAXIE Convertible, in original metallic blue, with matching interior and top, equipped with \'â€"8 engine. automatic, 5795 $2095 At 6% Bank Interest w LOWEST PRICES IN METRO experts. . . . .. toe-in and toe-out. . \s s COOLING SYSTEM FRONT END STEERING bearings . . . . . . BRAKE RELINE -- Bonded linings installed by .................MostPopularCors FRONT END ALIGNMENT â€" adius’f camber, caster, u.......-.-..ooc-... SHOCK ABSORBERS â€" Firestone direct double acting type.............................lnstolled,ecich WHEEL BALANCING â€" per wheel. . . . '.(plus weights) BATTERY a. CABLES SAVE MONEY ON THESE VACATION SPECIALS \\\\\ g $1295 $588 $777 99¢ \ ‘Boys 8-9 Division A - . . , .' . . a H . , T V ‘ T P V , ,. powel steering and brakes. . lown , w , ,.,7 M / c P R311: I3 I1 1 7 gl 1L 01 1’6 and Country radio, new whitewall ' %/ fl Diamonds 3 2 o 6 Colonels l 2 0 a hl‘es- Just ‘ . . Pearls 2 3 u -l Jets 3 3 o 6 Check our low introductory prices on Emeralds l 3 1 3 Royals 3 3 0 6 I - - & ‘ Pearls 27 - Diamonds 26 Maple Leafs 2 4 0 4 1/2'T0N Canada 5 be“ value m u Nylon “re . Rubles 9 - Emeralds 0 Bls‘OlliVl f 16 B_1 ï¬g 0 2 Body and tit-es in excellent condition. 1', [A / t I A t > ‘9 . .' ‘1? ‘V ' 150"“ equipped with plywood racks, ready .7 ~'» v i ,1 ' V ' . -/'/ « There are Some Vacanc'les 2°“ “‘8 t, t T t. . “if,†32 ' “‘5 ‘2 for work. u t ‘ ' ‘ 1‘ . / Beams BA 4 6 0 (nioncls -9 . Maple Leafs 16 / v / \u x / ~\/ ‘x/ v/ \/ ' l ' ' 7 ‘ ‘ EB'VIGW A 3 Boys 8-9 Division B 4/ V ‘1 - For the Remaining Vi eeks of Lamp gerismd 3 2) 0 4 Teams w L T p 59 VOLKSWAGEN 7 01" L L 0 4 Bears 5 l 0 10 . . . . . Union Fuels n 4 0 0vn~zinians 3 2 o 5 Deluxe. fllllshednn gleaming black ' E 6 i All games postponed. Jerseys a 3 0 6 w1th red leather interior. Economical ' 0 Bo“ 1041 Marlins 3 4 0 5 transportation can be yours for only l~ Teéhs W I .1. T, Buffs 2 2 0 4 ' 5 _ ‘ Red Wines 2 4 0 4 0 4 full plys of Safety- AUGUST 13 to 11 l 3 l3 1. gsgzisfi-gel‘icl>'sl?3 0 57 FORD 2-DO0R rammed , Cubs 4 2 o a “whim†I‘llfB‘ués‘_a;;:tsponed Til-tone grey and white. equipped z:USkz7ir':"b°:IS:d"e°d s A WISE“? 4 0 F r r r - With economical 6-Cylinder motor, au- ROAD "HARD "1:50:32.tnttezrée'wbbe, to godsï¬ls‘ :- ll T I A t' tomatic. radio. padded (lash, white- overused inFirestonetires. 6.70:15 9 92* it 3 t! b are eams n C IOI'I .. -. . -t . . - . .. . . C0“; 3 4 U 4 wall tiles. ireal family car. Pliced As Low As TUBETYPE Cardinals 1 .3 o 2 \Nin one Lose Three sell for only EXCHANGE Program [3 Planned For 232$: 1, "3 "t, : _ _ ' __ up“ w _ (.um H ‘ ' I Lake iiitcox \illdcats lost a 7 Children 1 1.1.8. to 14 ) r8. 01d Giénts 42 ‘ Cam“: I: “si'ti-lits‘ttiiit]Simple to Nobleion Above tars All Cart-y ()ur One-i ear .iiihlilillll hills played their ï¬rst C 11ml W Warranty RIDING - (‘z\:\()l‘:[.\(! - (RAI‘ lb - GAMES Red L‘NS _ 'BmWS‘IG "Hr: this week at . S‘VIMMING [NSTRL‘CTION - COOKOL'TS Bay; 12.14 'E'.le Brock‘ons played two . . . 1 v . r. t s ~ Teams W l. ’l‘ l‘ >I“‘~‘ 35"1‘†“‘15 “'l‘i‘k “mmâ€: GAMES - U\ I‘,I\i\l(illl (AMI [KG Senators \ t, ti to and listâ€: Tgcty beatl ' . Red Sox 3 2 o t; J‘a‘tl on at in: i}. am A, r . . Fees: $11.00 per week. 'l‘ransiiortation included, l‘hdiins an 2†00 I»: N" f4 in aurora. W 7 259-1100 Richmond Hill I RPTCS Ii ._ .‘IOKE a 3) Call TU. 4-2844 or PA. 7-9941 Egg}: 4‘. j; j; 5 SPORTS NEWS “Metro 3 Oldest Ford Dealer i All games postponed. i ON PAGE 12 t