12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 2_ 1962 Local Boy To Make Gruelling CNE Swim BY NEIL CAMPBELL swim otllclals had accepted his Merrius Van Nooten. former home. We discussed ills ll‘dllI-‘llllllb‘. this will be Ken‘s til'stlArts course at the Ryerson III-t Ken Williams a 22 year-old entry. Olympic ï¬nalist from Holland. ing program. long distance swim and his pl‘O- Stitlllt‘ 0f TCChnolOgy. . 0 Richmond Hill resident. will be Training at outdoor pools.‘who is now hi; coach. persua- gm“, he will probably be me fessmnal debut. _\ 101mm. pal.[_mne disc one of almost three dozen szm- such as the one at ’l‘hornhill. is‘ded Ken '0 stay in the mara- Swim}- ngmcfl emmm at 160 He first swam competitively .iOl-key at CFGM nthen CJRHI. August 17 for the gruelling 15- mer months, he stated. He said time trials which were slated notch shape to make up for his and youngest member o.‘ Mont- diO industry as an operator at mile CNE marathon swim that he couldn‘t drive to ’I‘Orâ€" to take place on the CNE wa- tack or gun. [to avoids tobacco. real's M~trO swim champs. CFGM. lle i: presentLv working Lack ot nearby training facil- onto after work in time for artert‘ront this week alcohol and soft drinks. andlSincc then. he has competed in at \Vat'tlen Lumber Company. ities had almost forced Ken tolfull swimming practice in an One night 1 st week .w \isited LI(-[\ 3 minimum 01‘ 10 hours quarter. half. and mile L‘VL‘IIIsz “is lack 01- tmmmg [acimies withdraw last week. after indoor ponl- he“ at his ROCkPOI't C1'9509m sleep a night. More recently. he was an only emphasizes the communi-l - # 7 ~â€" ‘ “ l Most marathon S\\'iIIIlIIeI‘5iaCilVG member of" the Neptunes ty's need for an indoor swim-i H . . . t - u I! . 1don‘t reach their peak until‘in the University Settlement n'ing pool. he said. ‘ J" D' Lu???“ 50mm“)? 101‘ ‘1‘ A they‘re HIIIIOSI 30. he said. Aquatic Club in Toronto. Ken He dismissed arguments by “I‘m 0f Rl‘l‘mo‘md‘hu- mffd Ken tries to swim at least started a monthly newspaper municipal otIicials that no in- ms mark 3'5 d Thelma“ dun†Members of the Kent Clothes sonably cold weather the swiin \Vlll] OASA playdowns looming “WOO mill‘s II “1‘31†311d DUI-i inllm‘ “‘0 Chill “‘0 "Takt‘ OWN-(1001' “Vilnllling D001 in Canada the PaSt mo j‘eekl _ _ softball team celebrated theirtwas enjoyed by all bands do“. the Howie“. “m Cmmrkltwo and a half to three mlles in .lanuat‘)‘ 1962. had ever made money. The pur- MI- LUCBS‘SDent his vacatlm ‘tie with Newmarket by a swim Coach Joe Cornack went swim- 1' .. . . t . ol' roadwork daily. ken was a former all-round pOse ot' a swimming pool is to Micaan Chlm‘)‘ Lake Tllllfi‘o’a land hamburger feed following ming. clothes and all. albeit-not Fm d 591105 or mmbmo†518'me In addition. he follows a stiff athlete at Richmond Hill High Di‘0\'icle recreation. not to makefm‘ ï¬smng- TWO CHICheS 01 2 the game. ‘voluntarily. While still airborne m a“ 9mm 10 Sharp?“ “1911‘ program of calisthenics de-‘School. where Vhe_(lllal‘I€I‘baCk- money. he suggested. 51?" 22 POUHd lake tI‘Ollt mad Mr. and Mrs. G. Palmer. par- and on the way down to theigame. For their initial season signed to build up his armS‘led the COSSA Junior B footballi Ken has been promised ï¬n- “15 Stay 3 SUCCeSSfUl Dne- :ents of Gary and Clarence Pal-.water he still didn't believe his of play. the Kent Kids haven‘t and shoulders. For example. heichamps and was along distancetaneial backing by the Rich- His exploits were enough t mer. both team members. don-‘fate. He was soon convinced byfared too badly and most im- (1095‘ 70 pushllps 3 (MY- tlI‘aCk stat. mond Hill Chamber of Com- win them a mention In the out ated the use of the family pool the cold. cold contents of the portant of all they've built up Although he has had a longi After high school. he. at-tmcrce in his bid to gain a berth doors column of at least on to the team. Despite the unsea-ipool. tquite a fan following. career in competitive sw’lm- tended the Radioâ€"Televismnlin the CNE starting lineup. 1Toronto paper. more to dive into Lake Ontario possible only during the sum-ihon at least until after the pounth ho hag- 10 stay in top- in 1951. wl‘en he was captain Ken will soon return to the raâ€" N b B. C t h Rondhrwmidd I. V V I - \T E B E R A L I! Play 2 - All Tie R. H. Roma and Newmarkct remained in a tie for second - place in league standings after their 2-2 draw in Rich- mond Hill last Saturday. The game was one of the best has“sarisrrzat _ i THIS COULD BE YOUR TRIP TO NASSAU l. t i. market took an early lead when their outside left beat the Roma goalkeeper with a low shot to the corner. A penalty kick awarded to Richmond Hill shortly after was well placed by centre {Of-3 ward Colach to tie the score at 1-1. Roma scored again before‘ the. half was over. with right-i half Verheye beating two (IE-j fenders then crashing a shot past the Ne' Inarket goalkee-per.. .It looked as if Roma might take the game. but a good play i KNAPP’S PAINT . SERVICE YOUR LOCAL SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED A COMPLETE SERVICE LUMBER - HARDWARE l l l PAINTS - GLASS CUT TO ' SIZE - KEYS MADE - BRAND NEW “BENJAMIN MOORE†HOUSEWARES - ELEC- TRICAL SUPPLIES - - : f3, / .1, . _ & NYLON TIRES RINGS WATCHS 32.23% 750.14 $33.80 NOT A SIDELINE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TILL 9 PM. by Newmarket late in the SEC- ' FREE INSTALLATION TUBE 22:1 1:115 tigeththelinmeagher‘ l A COMPLETE LINE A WHEN BUYING YOUR WATCH HARDWARE ‘ FREEBIEOAIIMHAKIINDGINSURANCE TYPE ' ' ‘ * ireâ€"g r~â€"â€"'â€"‘ VISIT OUR SHOWROOM t 0F WALLPAPER 1 SEE YOUR WATCHMAKER AT LIMITED 1 Phon 71 CENTRE ST. E. PHONE TU. 4-2819 ‘ I t 4“ M HAN RD. Richrgond .Hi†- 384-1361 RICHMOND HILL 23 YONGE ST. S. j S . glcnallgfw) HIILL “mm W“ ' 285‘226' RICHMOND HILL 1 88 YONGE ST. S. TU. 4-1687 ‘ TU. 4â€"5331 TU. 4-1196 AV. 5-1101. Correspondent Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 RICHMOND HILL & RICHVALE TBA? FRANK’S MOVERS AND STORAGE GARDEN EQUIPT. WHEELHORSE DEALERS t GEO. VIGUS HARDWARE WANT PIANOS & USED FURNITURE gigglogvillera W61. mfenrberfs arc: T A x I R E |_ I A B L E __ CASH PRICES PAID ._ ' ca Ion rom orma ’ 1 ~ r ‘ RNITURE $5.3m...“Edna:- Est TOIS GIFTS C-I-L- PAINTS l W 4 - "44 TU. 4- "45 “HHS N3 SEERFSIENIUTIE‘E * WE “30 SELL “0"†USED FU Gardner alt the Gardner's'ASum-l AL 7_2331 Ma le Plaza Maple 24 HOUR SERVICE - FULLY INSUREP YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 28 INDUSTRIAL RD- RICHMOND H_ILL mer home In Sutton. with mem-l ' p Local 01' Out Of Town Trlps OWNED AND OPERATED BY MOCK BROS. PHONES TU. 4-2613 -â€" AV. 5-0101 bers of the Elmgrove W.I. asl special guests. l * “"’ ' " ’ " ‘ ’"" " ‘ iiâ€; '7 7' H V V 7' - ‘ " T B.A. OD In the. absence of the pl’eSlv . J. C. HORVA . , dent, Mrs. Adam Brown, Mrs.l THE SHEL TOM.HUGH.ES OPTOMETRIST RICHMOND . * rlx THE MIX - up ON'I'ES'I' * . E. ’ V ‘ ‘ l 1 ‘ S c “Standard....m... i - - - v 1 bl r ' Th R 1 A E t & Markham Rd- * radiation. rm... noted 0,. Mg 11 and Sept 22; Fuel 011 B1 gurlma Feeds 67 rower: sr. s. t Here 1S Your Opportunity to Wm a ua e rlzes â€"â€" e u es re asy i If the winner of the Nassau . I- '. ' “e 03 . . ' ’ th 'r contest I . ' “.19 gloul’ “I†cater ‘0‘: “ed' Building Supplies Refer to Page 2 For lâ€"Identlfy the ï¬rms whose names are mixed-up below. l Sill? aicrgwgzr 53th“ they ‘ TU 4 4641 dings. Already three dlnners. . This Week‘s Programmes Each line represents a ï¬rm name. Shame letters are l .- . ~ c, 1 _ o as 15 Yonge St. N. RAMER 8. SON wlll Iecelve 25 as f g . have been booked. two in No-! 189 Centre E TU 44313 PHONE T 41 1 ‘ ’ used. No more. Noless. I m hmond Hm °TU 44502 i Richmond Hill vember for the Lions and Juniorl ' ' U° ' 2 2 ' Zâ€"Official contest slips are available from any of the ‘ c ' ï¬_ Fal‘mel‘S. and one in Decemberi ' ~ Mir 7 - .777...7ï¬-â€"v_â€" Â¥l merchants whose names appear on this page.L 1 t w â€" ~7 T †i ' ""' ‘ Q for the Markham Fair Board. i 7 , l , . 3â€"Entries must be received at the office of “The ibera " ‘ The autumn euchre series will‘ 1 0 U N G S ISt â€" Man S Wl'lSt Watch within seven days of each publication. . i The Keay S begin Oct. 19 and will continue 4â€"All entries should be mailed1 or delivered to Fix the . Garage nt'l N I. . . v' SERVICE _ Mix-up Contest. “The Libel-a “. Ill' 11 Hg“ 30 at the Buuomme qTATION CONVALESCENT 2nd Coffee PerCOIator 5â€"In case of a tie, neatness and originality will be the LICENCED I. .' . ‘ AND REST HOME . deciding factors. Also the number of contest slips For our uSlC {OSSWDCCC' .141‘110 ammalbeqem‘ GENERAL . 3rd â€" EIeCtrlC Fry Pan from the different advertisers on this page. Instruments MECHAng anadlan Cancer Society REPAIRS M S. M Id . d H .d _ . . ,. . l . I ALL WORK U will b 1 1d 1' I 19 a.‘ en 6 Contestants are only eligible to Win one of the week y Accessorles PHONE TU 4 4851 .e .‘e _“ v TU 4 0009 Phone AL. 7-8716 . . prizes, plus the grand prize. Enter as often as you wish. ‘ - ' . Ram Intellupté‘d Plans for a 140 Yonge N- - ' Maple 0m Plus An Opportunity On A Grand P1126 using official contest Slips. The contest lasts for ï¬ve 73 Yonge S. Markham Rd. & BayVIew picnic supper Oil the Gardners' lawn. so a buffet was set up in-._ doors. following an afternoon Of‘ games. Mrs. H. Harper and Mrs. E. Adcock’s Hilll were unable to be present. so Mrs. A. Robinson was the Varlety Store “my “08â€â€ YOUR GLIDDEN PAINT RICHMOND HILL weeks and mixed-up ï¬rm names will be changed each Richmond Hill TU. 4-5342 week. 7â€"The judges’ decision shall be ï¬nal and no entries will be returned. Contest Slips Given on Sales of a Dollar or More. RICHMOND HILL TOWN INN - RESTAURANT - TRY OUR TAKE OUT SERVICE PIPING HOT 77 APEX FURNITURE - APPLIANCES -. NEW AND USED Repairs To All Appliances SUBURBAN 2 RADIATOR .i _ SERVICE Repairing, Recoring Employees of “The Liberal" and their families are not eligible to enter this contest. Grand Prize NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES D All Work Guaranteed - Pick . . . . E * use aid tri to Nassau for TWO r d A liances For sex can MENU FOR Pam?“ mgmkm‘s “'Gl‘euat SPREITLSII-XBI‘IN Up i;332:2;ngigtl:?l§ï¬{‘o‘}“29d “Wm†Advemsmg Features 1962 hpe p I; b E l LsHomepgr Cottage t FSIIIIOUS CHINESE DISHES tc on an an s recen y _ Please Put Series um er on [We 0 e i . th ‘ where they held a picnic and SPRED LUSTRE Phone AV- 5'2851 p 10A yonge St 50“ Maple Ont. Av_ 5-5226 30 Yonge S. TU. 4-2141 AL. 7-2305 Richmond Hill barbecue supper. Mrs. George Felgate's‘ vaca- tion was interrupted recently when she suffered a heart at- tack. Mr. Felgate was allowed to bring her home. but she will be under the doctor‘s care for some time to come. George Felgatc. Jr.. and fami- - ' ly. have moved to the former sentlal mmelals fOI Sisler residence. balanced rations Mrs. A. W. Miller left Malton AL, 7-1241 MAPLE Sunday morning to fly to Monte Vista. Colorado. to visit Dr. and 66 Weldrick. Richvale YOU WILL HAVE LARGER PROFITS BY HAVING A HEALTHY HERD SHUR-GAIN has the es- FRANKS T.V. EXPERT REPAIRS TO TV - RADIO - HI-FI Car Radios and Tape Recorders Richmond Hill Area HALL‘S’DOMESTIC FUELS - TU. 4-4913 TU. 4-4361 - FURNACE, STOVE & DIESEL OIL SAVE UP TO $800 ON ALL ’62 FORDS R. D. LITTLE 8. SON llMITED 168 YONGE N., RICHMOND HILL, AV. 5-1105 Concord Garage Front End Alignment $6.95 TEXACO PRODUCTS No. 7 Highway & Keele St. . AV. 5-2854 . ~ 7 W 7 H" e W * e ’ ' ’ " ' W ’ ' ’ ' 7 fl . FT. FREEZERS Mrs. Donald Oils and her F, SAMUELSON OML. NAL Towing YORK OFFICE 15 CU o granddaughter, Rebecca Otis. *- Cllstom Upholsterng Specializing Chez SERIES 1 AUG. 2 UIPMENT FROM $249.0 31-21:: Hoodband Ifâ€; * Antiques A Specialty INTI-10141611135 {a P LEADER COMES. office Supplies TELEVISION&HI:I;11 ' mem ers 0 1911‘ Mailing Address 25" OH on . A I :aISIIIES. \\'erc;l\'acationing at a 238 RBrlowndale Cres. Tires grill Sept. 15 8" Inc M - TypewIVllgflsiiiilesAddmg TI/{IEIN‘BnXEIgLIAIIEIIZES 0 age recen y. ieimond Hill . ~ I - ' Among the local guests at the Telephone: Bus. AV. 5-5345 Repelâ€, To All Makes .‘ - HERE DO THAT RICH MEN PRESCRIPTIOI‘S BOWLS ' sales ' sewâ€? U. 4-1212 Brownâ€"Patterson wedding were: Res. TL'. 4-4813 CLEAR‘ IE“ MOTORS I ' 1 'T ' 'IPPE ' ' DUNK-{mug - Ph'ow commg PHONE T St 9 Mrs. S. J. English. Misses Joy 31 Morgan Ave. BRAKES - ML’FFLERS - (Ah SAVE P 1\ SR R 9014 IONGE ST. Social Stationery 34 onge . .. Fuller. Beverley Burr. and Irene RWhmond HI†Waiters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stefl‘ler. Gail. John and Paul: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ilord and rnonnnu, om. KING CITY TE. 3-6642 3/ TU. 4-2726 RICHVALE AV. 5-3772 16 Yonge N. TU-4-4231 ME DIME FELL PAL - TITLED 8: OLD MEN LIT SIR - DANS STORE FORMS GAVE RANK PALLETIZED STORAGE . Wild Bird Feed AL’S FREE ESTIMATES CLARKE’S avid-me I gigs"; Digidoililcs: Mir.“eindJl\Ill‘s. - COLD BEER LED THE MILL 8. I SHIP . Lawn Grass Seed (BJYCILE itcsgoiTgll‘g‘; . ;. ‘. at . rs. OIn ' ' I ; . ... ael Stdreil “qt a"? Row“: ML PHARMACY T H E M E R ' SIVGP‘ATTSERVICES \‘OT YOU 0 Lawn and Garden legging} To i.†“3‘5? an . rs. ctinctcomb and .\Ir. .. . . . l - c . . ~ “ . . Comp ete ine . . ACROSS THE s E . _\ NENI , . , angeIIrIji~Aailli- VIII‘lsllel-T F B‘n PHONE TU' 4-1201 Furniture ITIZHIEITESR“E:IRII)I:S :IISIEACOI aliiib" 8 ' PAREY LACI‘S CHARM F81 tlIlZel‘ Sportmg Goods . . '. I . l .I . I - ’ A A 4 _ . v a ) ‘ _ r niggton will be on. vacation mm 49 YONGE ST. S. 127 BIRCH AVE. 130); 504. RICHVALE. ONT. 9 1E8 DOS (ALL PARTS SHOI TLgéighlrgégd 2£HIY°3§§ 8' I‘Z‘Ullflllguliil RICHMOND HILL PHONE AV. 5-4911-2-3 636-6636 Please Put Series No. On Envelope PHONE 257-1561 MAPLE, ONT. 7’ ’- United Church to preach on Sept. 2. During August Rev, Gerald KIN r COLD FOO WATSON’S RICHMOND COOK’S B.P. F1 t . k .11 b . I _ LOUGHLIN LUMBER PI 5“. RVY A Izpa I‘lC' wl e In ciarge 0t 7 . _ ‘ ‘ , 1- A 7 v services. and will continue to & SUPPL‘ CO' TRA‘ EL SLRI ICE FREEZERS ALTO SER‘ ICE V CO. ' I . serve the charge through Sepâ€" Lumber Building Materials OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR TCA ~ BOAC FOOD FOR YOUR \I'E SPECIALIZE REAR 186 YONGE ST. IN. LADIES. & GENTS, Limlted tember. ‘ ' Prefab Garages & All Other Steamship & Airlines FREEZER 1-\ TLPELPSV-“D “CH-‘10“) ""‘L CUSTOM AND Pl b- & H 1- “Last Sunday lltgtol‘mllfl gr. 8111- ‘5 I _. .63 YONGE ST. .V.. RICHMOND HILL 3_517.; Tl. 4-3588 BR}th SER ICE ALTERATION “VORK um mg ea mg mg on was a rowns orners. q 0 ' Y D '. 1 *"c 7 Y â€" J '_ 3' _ ',. ' ' I. . . f . . v v a a The 50101“ was MYS George ‘ 0'0 1 il{%‘esb_§'i(§)ldn 118 Ah . 0- 11 leng SI. 4 )1 I‘ RI; TU. -) Yonge S. James D. Stewart TIL 445201 Hooper. Garnet Stewart and Mrs. Walter Craig were in charge of the Sunday School ELGIN MILLS ONT. KING CITY RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-5336 . CUSTOM children. On Tuesday evening of last‘ . UPHOLSTERING week Dr. and Mrs. Binningtonl Restyling - Repairs entertained vacation school . I C H I H E N I E K ’ BONNELL their ï¬nal meeting of the sea- ‘ . 7 . son. Present from Brown‘s ARTIQLES‘ Corners church were Mrs. A. g 8009 Yonge SI. W. Miller, Miss Joy Fuller and Th nhi - Mrs. F. H_ Leaf. 1 or II AV. 5 2176