THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, August 2_ 1902 Thornhill and District “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area - - - - - . - Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean, who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 '- "NIH 5N1}. :‘irtaetr 34.14.. 4a.... JL - After a quarter of a century in business a . location on Yonge Street in Thornhill, Dean’s Feedranlear- ' den Supplies are closing up shop. Seen above are left, Wilfred Dean, owner, and long-time employee Frank Hiner. The Dean t the same News family is wellâ€"known in district business circles having oper- ated a. butcher business in the village for many years. Mr. Dean is the reeve of Markham Township. (Photo by Barbour) Thornhill United Church lam. lndia. months. l)r. dental (‘lllll( tor the Honey past set up fTOWNSHlP or VAUGHAN ‘ICIVlC HOLIDAY PROCLAMATION it is hereby proclaimed by the Township of Vaughan that MONDAY; AUG. 6th., 1962 will be observed as 11 Civic Holiday. Citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. ‘ r '.-' l ALBERT RUTHERFORD Reeve . JAS. MCDON ALD " Clerk GOD SAVE THE QUEEN l at. . .‘MY BANH' ID ) M’rlim (auras They bank by mail the B of M way. You can get full details without obligation at your 3 nearest B of M branch. Why 1 not call in or write today? Speedy (Dog to BANK- BY- MAIL Nothing could be simpler . . . The B of M's mail depositsform â€" made of “no carbon-required" paper â€" eliminates the need for repetitive writing or messy carbons. You make out only om- deposit-slip. Presto, there's a second copy which comes back from the Bank as your re- ceipt...aiid a fluid copy which you keep for your records. We supply a [ire-addressed envelope with our form which you can use for your next dcpmit. It comes batk to you by return mail with your receipth deposit slip. / ‘ It’s easy to save when you bank by mail of "MY BANK" \\\\‘ \"ii‘d Ask for one of our Bank ing-hy-moil folders. it can love you time. trouble and shoe-leather. BANK. or MONTREAL 6mm 7m: 3446 Richmond Hill Branch: DONALD ROSS, Manage: WORKING WITH CANADIANS 1N EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 13-2905 . bumper crawl. ' always so. Recal Leisure y Times In The Lite 01 Thornhill - l l ‘By DORIS M. FITZGERALD stay with his grandmother. She‘ †During the summer months lived. he said, in a white cot- cousins. ‘ thousands of motorists drive up tage. diagonally across from the woods. the barns, and the ani- tion opened. there was a huge‘ loved the creek. the Yongc Street cn-routc to cot- old clapboard hotel with theimals on our place.†remarked tages and resorts. To many of them Thornhill is i just another Toronto suburb luck, from the wooden bridgcitics. guests from outâ€"of-town ‘anothcr. ’As in all hospitable communi- belfry on top. He used to fish, without much. where the stop light often slowsithat spanned me Don‘ and toiwere feted at parties and wel- traffic to a tedious bumper-to- haunt But it was not‘hole'an the river. The waterlpicnics. dances. hayrides. and In more leisurely days the‘great place to splash in hot village not only drew secondlweatheh he told me. looks from passersby. but was .journey's end for. a number of have known elderly men and women. 7 now dead, who spoke nostal-r holiday travellers. We Thornhill. the century. One, a sprightly retired pro- fessor from an American Uni- versity. whom we met in Flori-i da. recalled that as a boy he often walked from Toronto to Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 Mr. and Mrs. Nosan announce' the arrival of their ï¬rst child,l a boy. born at Mt. Sinai Hos- pital. July 25. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Houston an-l nounee the birth of their ï¬fth‘ child. a boy, born July 27, atI Branson Hospital. Mr. Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson had from Philadelphia visiting them for a few A. Foster L’.S.A.. days recently. _ Igically of visits to friends 1113’ before the turn of and Mrs. Fred Webster and family have returned from a holiday at their cottage near .. “swimming comcd to the round of socials. a favorite ‘was not very deep. but it was a EXCUTSiOUS t0 300d Lake- . However. probably the most‘ lnotable event in many years T“.em\._ï¬\.e wars ago, a Ham_ was the Thornhill old boys and. ilton friend. who came to seclgn‘ls rcumon “:h'Ch brought us. admitted that she was quitelmany former msldems or.thelr tfrightened the ï¬rst time she descendants baCk to the Village mode through Hoggs Hollow in 1“ September‘ 1910‘ John Thompson’s stageeach. l A phOtograpvh taken 01.] the “The hills seemed so steep-lawn of the Hawthorne Mineral then, and the highway so nar- Sprmgs Shows the large gather- .row, but it was a pretty drive. ing' Pretty Women are smiling lthrough farmlands most of the under. fashionable cartwheel way... she said. hats With huge crowns; men are The Thornhill of her girlhood‘wearing Wat?“ Chains “1°55 the memory was a picturesque vil_ vests of their conservative dark lage which had known more Suns: m the foreground are important and stirring days..'small b0y5.m knee Pants and and from which no one di'eam-‘plaCk ,StOCkmgs' and mile gms ed of commuting to the city. :1“. White dresses arid pmaforfls Another “rememberern was a’Wllll ribbons on their long hair. relative who enjoyed spending Months 0f prepa.ratl°n had a few days from time to tiImE‘preceded the reunion. There at the Hawthorne Mineral were races and contests Springs before it closed. ‘everybOdy’ an abundance He liked the country atmosâ€". . phere and spacious grounds oflof 0°“Vel‘?tl’°“~ this comfortable resort startedl Th“? "lsltors .moved abimt by John Langstaf‘f in the 18805.;gre‘3tmg 91d h‘lends' (“km This property. which originally new acqualniances‘ Gatehmg up ‘belonged to Squire Benjamin‘gp‘tlgcal go'sSlp and the “93†0f iThorne. is now owned by the u 5‘ deaths and marnages' lThornhill Golf Club. ï¬nd‘ “.0 dogbt‘ “’mmentinng‘ Though summer was a busyl How ’lhornhill has changed. ‘ season the neighboring farmers.TEv\‘4PERANéE‘/'ILLE .IThe also had guests a-plcnty. ‘ ‘ “They usually arrived at my‘Rev. Ronald V. Evans. B.A.. B. iparcms' farm by horse andlDI. was recently inducted as the lbuggy.†said a local 1‘esident.,new minister for Wesley. Tem- and often they would pitch in peranceville. and Mount Pisgah‘ and help with berry and fruit‘United Churches. Mr. Evans picking if we were short- comes to the area from the: 'handed." Parry Sound district. Thorn/1 ill Notes is happy to welcome back Dr. E. _\1. Honey who has been ser\in‘-I as a missionary tlt'IitlSt in Ratâ€" 16 a :it lll(‘ mission staâ€" tion \\lllt'll is now in operation. Mrs. Smook reports that thClr‘STltlih:lt3]358‘slgglyozï¬rcgitgiiizsI hm“ was “Em 0" the beam Mrs Smook did notice however. with a beautiful view of the:evi'd' of hot weather “1" blue Mediterranean. TheyspentiEngIand particular“, bmwn_. a lot of timeat the beach enâ€"‘Cd Eras; at Cambridge some. ' Joymg the Smmmmg' ‘thing very unusual there. ‘ “Thekids. especially our city Big Parade their choice of three languages. for‘ of' good food. a fine band, and mm THURS, FRI., SAT. AUG. 2. 3, 4 ONCE MORE WITH FEELING Yul Brynncr FOXHOLE 1N CAIRO James R. Justin Cartoon â€"â€"â€"â€" SI'NDAY MIDNITE AI'GL'ST 5 KONGA Adult )Iichael Gouin )I.~\.\I'ZELLE PIGALLE Bridgitte Bardot 1 $1.00 CAR $1.00 -)ION.. "recs. WED. Includes all occupants â€"â€"â€". MON†TI'ES†WED Al'Gl‘ST 0. 7. 8 OPPOSITE SEX Adult .luiic Allyson FL'RY l.\' PAR-“1151; Peter Thompson Cartoon 4: fun spolforoll 1", OiiirbUer‘Eï¬mi’fm‘EEr ; . sour" or'NOJ‘Hwy: Pass Premium Policies to $1,141 In Thornhill Insurance premiums in 1962 carried covers risks at the pool. for the Police Village of Tliorn- the bulk of the insurance prem- ‘hill will amount to $1141.05. lums are payable by the Area F. McLelland of Frank CowaniRecreation Committee out of Co, Ltd. specialists in inunici- funds realized from the opera- pal insurance. attended the Jiilyltion of the pool. The ARC this 2-1 meeting of the village trusâ€" year will be billed with $843.42 tees and presented a schedule of the insurance premiums; the of the policies which are up for library will pay $15; and the renewal this year. village will pay $282.63. These are: ï¬re insurance pol- As one of the trustees is pres- icy for 821000 with a premium enty touring Europe and the of $212.13. t.\ further policy for other was unable to attend 842.000 will be renewed in through pressure of business. 1964’; 5500.000 municipal liabilâ€" Chairman James Tinimins was it)‘ policy with a premium of'the only one present. along with surance policy on the village .\Ir. Mr-Lclland. however. re- truck. premium $96: a nonâ€"own-iviewed the village's insurance cd automobile liability policy position carefully with Mr. Tim- witli 8500.000 limits. pi‘eniiunrmiiis and assured him that all i'l‘liis policy protects the insurance needs \\ ere being village for its liabilit)~ arising taken care of. 111'. .\chcllaiid out of the operation of any \‘0â€" meets iiith the trustees once a liiclc not owned by the village year to I‘t'\ic\\' the insurance but driven on its behalf :a platr roverage of the village. 1 Jltiss policy. premium $42.08: ;. Correspniidcnce read at the burglar} policy premium Sillâ€" 'llt‘CllllLl included a letter from‘ $2 and a boiler and iiiacliincr; .lai‘kliani Township Clerk .\.l mile} coieriii: equipment .'l :‘isp. adusin: that in prcparm: he pool with a limit of $25.00 .'~ii for rlooi‘»to-dooi‘ mail dcli-‘ ‘ ' (.‘liurr'h Sil 1 \cr accident. with a premium e er}. inc name or I “33033 as to be tlinnzcd in Church 1. 'l'lic \iifrige also t-gii'i'u‘s .i'ie to am i; inii'usinii. l lllllllt'ltlal r‘ttllll‘nlf‘lll floater no \ letter trim the .\Rt‘ nozrd ty and a blanket bond r-ovci‘ii' it ‘.'lli:l£(’ employees. ilovctt .13 politics haw been so 1’ :ii1:‘d ‘Ei.iz ‘Eic lll‘t‘illlll‘ a not [9.71 one i: we ssimc )c;- n order to mono int: budgc‘ti: if \‘iliaZc funds camera As the bulk of the tnsurane. j donations amounting to -.’ 00 from I'll‘Sfilil7allOllS using c park for Dlt'lllt'lWith oniv one t"1is‘ee in 31‘ ‘fiHIlt‘t‘. it “a: not possible to «N the current. bills for pay- rent. 1 $324.57; $500,000 automobile in- the secretary. Mrs. Lambert. ' they had received voliin~l During the last week in .\u- 'l'liornhill party split up, touring gust a special lll>llllll(‘ on the in different directions before modern alcohol problem will be returning home, held at .\lc\laster l'nivei‘sity for them on the boat were .\lr. and ‘I. N. Mulholland, The engagement of a young .\lrs. Yuzwak and Terry as well couple. well~known in Thornhill Q.C. ing in Montreal July 28. With as Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bentham. . was announced recently. The Smooks rented a car and iiifIDrillitiii“lililittli'iiihid>~ ll((i‘(ll:ill(l)lls Slim“ la “Mk [Curing hall" "15' John Cole. proprietor of Cotes 80 Richmond St‘ west- .\ll\t)ll(‘ interested in attending},..i“"‘.‘;...fl(ih\911.33.291igï¬g Jmmlm-S‘ Thornhill‘ “m “'(‘d Toronto ; . , ., . .._ r . a ~ ‘ Carol Lacv. d. g ‘ i ‘. - illiinaldwiildflsmht1(1‘31m\h MM an“ Ausma to Pans and Am' 'ind \lrs (\lillllTlll‘lltd‘dt‘sflclillll consultatlon by 1 Rev. Mat-Donald would also pililgmshml. ngspï¬otrillidjyaSS S‘T’Vd' 1‘“ 5‘- Lllke 5 ( lllll't'll- Appomtmeflt .bt pinistd to lit.ii from tlll_\tlll( 11H.†unwed England. Scotland 1Jï¬1121n1‘li‘r‘dcgiq‘nll' m V‘ I H Phones. put-lesch inl zilllt‘lildilll‘llartillli- and “Max been 801‘“? m‘mo C\,‘(3"n[)(;.11. ' \l‘ 1 >\ \ t ' <4 (I y ‘ ‘ p .. . I‘lnï¬iglfmgl Sipldzgn :0. m ‘ throughout their tour. Mrs. Luke's. They plan to live at Thornhl“ AV' 5-3315 This mmvmncc is for pm» Smook reports that they con- Concord. 7 7 l Toronto 4.2780 . .~ . , r . . tiiiucd to meet othei Lions. â€" -7" sons interested in deicloping a {mm Cmada and tho Ur“ d . deeper ('llllSlldll lift. Smcial Sign“. In Swmerland [hm hum. couples tioiii the church are )od mm a p 1‘ f. » ‘ planning to attend. ‘1. . \. (.(mp‘ tom 3‘30". Rev. liar-Donald \iill preach “(311‘ 'inma “1°:‘1“'°“;}'1d'l his ï¬nal sermon at 'I‘liornliill (“Fl mm ï¬nm (.glixiigi: Sept. 16 before taking up his ‘ ‘ . ‘ - - . . I ._ . . even met Lions at the top of (u WM 31 51' P‘lUIS med the Jungfrau in Switzerland. lbs. '00 (‘liurclL Port Arthur. Thornhill Lions (‘luh Sixteen Thornhill Mr. and .Vlrs. Smook identiï¬ed themselves as Canadians by the ' wearing of maple leaf pins and 17 cu.ft. 600 lbs. capacity 279.00 people at- teiirlcd the recent Lions Club . ‘ , . r . . lound that these tiny symbols ' (onicntion in “,0va readily romgnimd even“ “Lit. lbs. .00 ‘ H ‘ ..‘ ' . . . 'licrc thcv went. the lhornliill contingent in- “ ‘ (.Iudod Mr. and Mrs~ Roy Bick. Il‘llt‘)’ weremadc‘awarc of the For - MR and Mrs: wan“. Smook high cstccm in which Canada is and daughlor Valerie. M... and held generally and made pres- Mrs~ L_ Yummk and Son Tony cuts of maple leaf pins to vari-. Mr. and .\lrs. Jack Bentham. GUS pcm’lo “1mm tho-V met dur' Mr. and Mrs. Bot) Roberts. Mr. mg their ["11" one lady- 5‘ native. .‘ and MW Harry Lak and ML of Amsterdam. spoke with great‘ and Mrs. A†Bong feeling about. the Canadian sol-i Flying on a plane Chartered dicrs who had "liberated" them. PORTABLE 'l‘\' RENTALS Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances AV 5-3756 3i Yonge St. S. TU 4-7456 by Lions International. the all" the Wax" 1 group left Malton airport at Good weather 10:20 am. June 16 and flm" The Smooks found the weath- dircct to Nice. arriving 11 hours or in the southern portion of later. ‘ . their trip very warm and sunny 'lhe (.anadians were quartercdiand didn't meet any rain until at Cannes from where they ‘com- they were in Venice. muted the 20-miles to the con- During their trip in the north 39mm“ 1†Nlce by train 66101]however. they found it very ay. - . could afford ' a holiday I “We can go this year!" is a typical happy sound heard in thousands of homes every summerâ€" when families discover the HFC Traveloan. It can cover transportation or car repairs, meals hotel and motel, sightseeing and fun. Thrifty Canadian families borrow confi- dent/y from Household Finance, knowing that we handle all money prob- lems With ‘neignbourly Canadian Legion understanding and in parade of floats along the roadl . . ,.- privacy' lining the b83011 at N109. Con-iRlchmond H!“ Brand" 3â€, Life insurance available vention sessions were held in a} REGULAR MEETING al/OWgroup rate huge auditorium which was" equipped with earp h on es; Second Monday I of each month at 8 pm. through which the audience LEGION HALL The mayor of Cannes gave a‘ . - - l The Smooks went on a tour‘ party for the Canadian Lions} .. . complete with entertainment hy‘tlirough Windsor Castle which costumed folk dancers‘ anmthey much admired. They also‘ food and drink of every desflfound the Shakespeare country criptinn‘ ‘ iparticularly beautiful. The roses The food was served buï¬etjwcre beautiful all over the Style and included meats ami‘couiitry. Mrs. Smook stated. fowl. a wide variety of freshi RClumlnE 10 London. tht‘ fruits. ï¬sh. lobster. salads. huge Sm00k9~ separated briEflY‘ With cakes elaborately iced with theJlF- SmOOk flying hnme While Lions emblem, ice cream, bapolrs. Smook and Valerie took a‘ rels of wine and champagne. lboat from Southampton. arriw. mm mouruiv ummr puns 0‘ an 30 20 12 10A" maul/Jr months months month: 5100 . $6.12 $9.46 23.73 32.86 51.24 31.65 44.13 69.21 .. . 41.45 58.11 91.56 60.88 68.81 94.11 146.52 2200 83.71 94.62 129.41 201.46 2500 05.12 1075214705 228.93 Above payments Include principal Ind Interest. and are based on prompt repayment, but do out includa the cost 01 tile Insurance HOUSEHOLD FINANCE S. . 550 750 1000 1600 The day before the conven-. could hear the proceedings in‘ Three evenings during the Cal-vine Road F- 5- Game, Manager . Czpyï¬gtï¬pn nprereo devotaed 1;: One Block west of Yonge St. 15 Yonge Street North Telephone TU 4-4431 C me . l’lG W' S 3 “International Night". 3 All Veterans Welcome RICHMOND HILL Following the convention. thei.______l 90% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- ing at lmperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. lmperial does mere research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnla, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum products â€"and to develop new ones. Their research covers manyfields,fromgasolinesto householddetergents. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST s Practically anywhere you look today you'll find thingS that are made from oil. Chemicals from petroleum are me building blocks for hundreds ofthlngs from plastic toys to automobile tires. Imperial C'" 7959mm Cher-"ms and techniciansareworking to develop more of these bastcchemicalsfor Canada. 1 -