Phone 285-1073 Mr. Williams year-old son who Born in Quebec City. Mr.‘ Williams received his BA at Victoria College. University of Toronto. He has served also in Tor- onto. F panola. Holstein. Glen Allen and Lion's Head in On- tario. and for {our years as an army chaplain. Mr. Williams. who comes to Maple from Birchclif’fe United Church. Scarboro. has been in the ministry for twenty-ï¬ve years. Rev. Ralph Wildiams. who re- cently took over the charges of Maple and Hope United Churches. brings a quarter of a century of experience ‘with him to his new post. 87 Yonge St. R. Williams Takes Over Maple 8. Hope Churchesï¬ Maple, Concord & Edgeley District News Keffcr. 285-4040 MAPLE FEED MILL SHUR-GAIN LAYING FEEDS are Drop in produced to help you get more anced r eggs on less feed â€"giving the ya] you a lower feed cost A per dozen- A “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributeâ€"d by its readers in Maple, Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 74150: in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934; Talk it over with a Niagara Loan Advisor. It's his job to help you! Niagara loans are made up to $2,500 â€"â€" and are usually completed in less than a day. Remember, you will always be N welcome at Niagara. Phone 884-4423 Loan Manager â€" J. Koscher ' has one 24- is a salesman †IN A 'an om MONEY? lamest All-Canadaan Consumer Loan Company NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Esta blished 187 8 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill The church's other pressing problem is recruiting more ministers. Many trained min- isters go into postgraduate work, teaching or administra- tive work. rather than into the ministry. He expressed regret that the whole church was weakened by lack of co-operation between various denominations. Some communities had far more churches than they could pos- sibly support, he said. Tremendous growth and deâ€" velopment in the Maple charge is' expected by Mr. Williams. It is the largest of thqz town's three churches. In Vancouver. He is pla to visit his son this week Drop in . . . let's talk about a bal- anced ration formulated to meet the requirements of your flock. Ask us about the complete Shur-Gain Laying Feeds 3 Program. â€" Staff Photo [e is planning aypcai uy uu: LHHU but: 15 ltauyv to swim the channel. Most mothers are impressed with the single fact that the children do. or at least attempt, ‘just what the instructors tell them to do. with all the conï¬- dence of a Marilyn Bell or a Cliff Lumsden. ‘l‘ssue Summons: 10f Water Bylaw; For Infraction Their moving will bring to an end Mr. Phillip's life-long residency in the area. Mrs. Phillips, who taught at Edgeley Public School in the early 1920's has resided in the same district since her marriage in 1922. During the ensuing years, although they have lived in three different homes, they have retained their same RR 2 Woodbridge postal address. Their host of friends here wish them much happiness in their new surroundings and their new home. ‘ n-__l_l- n':_. Keele Street Maple, Ont The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE l ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 The clause regarding outdoor wa-tering prohibits usage ex- cept when the board of trustees states otherwise. of not In conviction King City Village Trustees have announced they will en- force the new water bylaw passed July 11, which includes 5 clause forbidding outdoor watering during dry weather. Within a few days after pas- sage of the bylaw. to control the use of water supplied through King City waterworks system, trustees issued their ï¬rst summons to a resident. Another clause of the bylaw prohibits residents giving away or fig-[properly wasting water. Other regulations give the water superintendent permis- sion to shut off the water sup- ply from any customer either for repairs or for breach of the bylaw. > Most mothers are impressed with the single fact that the children do. or at least attempt. just what the instructors tell them to do. with all the conï¬- dence of 3 Marilyn Bell or a Cliff Lumsden. A breach of any of the pro- vlsions will lead to a penalty AL 7 - 1241 Judging by the young swim- mer in our house, the instruc- tion is excellent. All that coughâ€" ing and sputtering should dis- appear by the time she is ready to swim the channel. Children in the area are tak- ing advantage of the Red Cross swimming lessons at Thornhill pool. Barbara Orr and Danelle Day enjoyed a holiday at Midland recently as the guests of Mrs. Evelyn Williams. Swimming Lessons Many Concord residents were sorry to learn of the passing of Percy Snider, Edgeley, last week. Mrs. Smith, Winnipeg. is vis- iting her son Roy and his fam- ily. Rockview Gardens. Carole Keffer spent last week- end with Marilyn Tobey, Thorn- hill, at her cottage on Lake Scugog. Mrs. Annie Snider 'had as a guest, Mrs. H. Fisher. Philadel- phia, recently. The two women attended the service at Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. The late Rev. H. Fisher was a former Luth- eran pastor. On Dominion Day weekend. Joe and Audrey Boron. Al and Elva Whaley, Warren and Eliz- abeth Bailie, and their families, combined a camping and educa- tional holiday. Making camp headquarters at Silver Lake, the group journey- ed on to Hull and Ottawa. They toured the two cities and the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. Because Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ken-swell have been such won- derful hosts for several years GROWER â€" FLORIST Concord Socials n_ot> more than $300 upoh their cottage at Bfock's Since 1880 '. MILLER ‘Q‘IEQ-Eggg! :CA_|_2_S_&TRUCKS FOR RENT g REXDALE CAR 3. Tiucx RENTALS LTD. The bride‘s mother received‘ the guests wearing a beige! shamung silk two~piece suit; ,'u“"‘ i‘i- Iwi‘iwiifi The 60 guests attended the reception in the Christian Edu- cation Rooms of the church where a salad plate luncheon was served by UCW members. Philip Rodgers. Kitchener, was best man and Morley Ca~ meron, Rexdale, and Roy ,Rod- gets. Aurora. ushered the guests. Their fan shaped nosegay flowers were of yellow roses and white carnations, and pink roses and white camations. They wore headdresses of cor- responding bandeaus of small flowers. She carried a white orchid, mauve garden carnations and baby's breath flowers on her white bible. The bodied was fashioned .‘with garlands of Swiss em- broidery framing the portrait neckline, and with short shir- red sleeves. Her skirt was bout- fan‘t. dotted with the embroid- ered motifs, falling to a slight sweep below the draped bustle ,eï¬â€˜ect. Her silk illusion fin-ger- 'tip over the faceveil was held in place by a tiny carp formed of seed-pearl flowers. The bridesmaids were the bride’s two sisters. Misses Marylou and Nora Lund, who wore white organza over pink taffeta. and pink cummerbuuds. Maid of honor was Miss Ba-r- bara Baker, Richmond *Hill, who wore a street length dress of white organza over yellow taffeta, with a wide cummerâ€" bund of yellow. Double-Ring Ceremony LUnites Two At Maple In a setting of all white mums and carn‘a‘tionls at Maple United Church, Rev. H. Martin, Thistle~ town, officiated at the double- rin-g ceremony July 14 for the wedding of Miss Patricia May Lund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund, Maple, and Guy C. Morten, Thistleto'wn, son of Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Morten, Ken- neth City, Florida, U.S.A. The bride wore a full length gown of white organza, lined with taffeta and! offset with padded Swiss gelet motifs. Following their marriage vows. the bride and groom re- ceived communion from Rev. Ralph Williams. minister of Maple United Church. ,5 Members of the Edgeley Wo- ;"men's Institute gathered on iTuesday, July 17 to bid fare- vwell to one of their life mem- bers, Mrs. Ed. Phillips and Mr. ‘Phillips on their departure to their new home at Bond Head and presented them with a table lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips recent- ly sold their home in Humber Summit and on moving on Sat- urday into Bond Head village. will live within two miles of their daughter, Jean. and her family. ‘ King, ï¬elding 3 teams rate 17. 15 and 7 points respectively. Even with regular players on holidays, Maple has come up with some top playing. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kopp of Maple, announce the birth of a son. Benjamin Casey. born In the Tuesday night volley- ball league played in the park ‘at King City. Maple is on top ‘with 28 pain-ts having won all ï¬"e games played July 24. Bond Lake (the team that com- bined with Maple last year) is breathing down their necks with 26 points. RR. 1 MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) Maureer Johnson and Myra Bloom are )aving a wonderful week at their CGIT Camp. League Leaders So on July 21 they enjoyed swimming and a picnic supper, at the Kerswell's Georgian Bay cottage. Beach, Georgian Bay, the Bible class. teachers and officers of Maple United Church Sunday School look forward to this an- nual event. Maple Notes ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL Edgeley Socials The couple left for a cottage on Skeleton Lake. On their re- turn they will reside on Wilson Avenue. Other ‘guests from Islington, Scarborough, Rexdale, Weston, Thistletown, Downsview. Acton, Toronto, Humber Summit, Richmond Him and Maple, also attended. ' ' There were many out-of-town guests. The groom’s sister, Pat Morten. accompanied his par- ents from Florida. The bride’s aunt and cousin, Mrs. James Padgett and son Arnold, were guests from Lindsay. The groom’s mother, were a tailored silk brown and white print dress with white trim, white accessories and a white corsage of carnatio'ns and Chryâ€" san‘themums. offset by green necklace and; earrings, with white hat and! accessories and a white corsage‘ of Chrysanthemums. carnations and baby roses. “It is just like ‘Old Home Week’" excl-aimed Mrs. Nelson Peelar of Orillia last week. It was a day the Raymond Stu- arts decided to pay the Peelar‘s a visit. So also did Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ba‘gg and their daughter, Norma Jear‘ and Mrs. Garnet Keffer of Alliston, Mrs. A. Tomkow and Ken of Edgeley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Aber- crombie of Meaford Concord 5: Edzeley districts. 1nd in Concord. Mrs. Ruth May We Never Forget It Never Rains but it Pours When the bugle summoned the volunteers of York to assist in stemming the American in- vasion of that date, the little community around the present Pioneer Village, contributed the following men:â€" Abrnham Burkholder William Burkholder, Peter E. Kaiser, Jacob E. Kaiser. Jack Kinnie and Jacob Sni- der. This being the 150th anniver- sary of the War of 1812, we are honored to mention once again tb names of the men from this area who joined the colors to hel-p preserve this country for the British Crown. The Maple Library did not close for the summer months. It is open for the same hours dur- ing the summer. On July 26 Maple defeated Oak Ridges 14-7. Lineup 01 players for this game were: Penny Thurston, ‘Judy Hopkins, Hanne Fynbo. Sally Manning. Helene Spencer, Pat Kerr, Julie Goodier. Carol Foster and Mal-g. Auld. Lynda Rose was scorekeeper. Library Open ' Maple juniors won their game against Nobleton July 24. ‘Margaret Auld was their star ‘player with two home runs. Sparking the win too was Hanne Fyrbo and Penny Thurs- ton,'each getting a home run. The senior girls were rained out for both of their‘scheduled games last week. July 21 at Branson Hospital Again we're grateful, as we are each week. to Helene Spen- cer for keeping us posted on the Maple Girls softball team. Aggggg1 ALpine AVenue CHerry 7-1451 I 5-5501 1-2811 I H: .L MILLS LTD. RLTMI. DEPARTMENT 123 Dufferin lane - Richmond Hill Are Pleased To AnnoUnce ’ The, Opening Of A ‘0‘ AV. 5-4865-6 â€" WA. 5-05.32 Flowers Telegraphed 8. Telexed TELEX NO. 02-2211 . WEDDINGS . BOUQUETS .. FUNERAL 9 DESIGN ‘ . cur FLOWERS a CORSAGES a PLANTS 7 Cut Flowers Of All Kinds Pur- chased For You Direct From Growers Daily. We Specialize In Cut Roses Direct From Our Own Green- houses To You. Specializing ’ FLORISTS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 2_ 1962 DUE TO OUR MANY CONTACTS WE ARE ABLE TO GIVE YOU SERVICE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD For All Occasions Phone 9am. to 5pm.