THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, August 9, 1962 BART SITTING “'01le will-_cal‘e during day. 884-7526. for child c1w6 MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. w w ' ’ ‘ tfc32 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME 7DOUI§iiE HOUSE’on’in’duâ€"strial "MISCELLANEOI 's ‘REI’P WANTED ‘ TO RENT MISCELLANEOUS CLERK-'I‘VPIST wanted. Rï¬- ONE HEDROOM agartmeintHIOHN'S washer and appliance _V. (Conl'nUECl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. Ist insertion 50 each word. min. charge 750 I, l _, $715007fulliprice.’ trooms. 100'l . . . . mond Hill. Box 25. The 1.ibei'al_|centi‘al. $65 per montll. TU 4- repairs;IIT1£v4-EEILII.I tfe§0 SWIMMING POOLS x 165' lot. Call AV 5-2951. '1‘ FOR SALE lot 100' N 180‘ No. 7 Highway. Second and subsequent insertions if wording “Cb-.4413 chi-5 PAINTING paperhangmg Free â€"- 14 x 28 reinforced concrete Ailâ€"urphy: broker.â€" 7 _ clwl OWNER MOWNG T0 BICI east of \onge St. A\', 5-5087, unChanged' 5c per word’ min' Charge ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ 65° H’AIRDRESSER flwamed" fromlzï¬ggï¬noomiapartmcnp newly estimates. Colour samples. A. _ complemI “I‘m ï¬ller; Steps' 3-ACRE lot for sale. half mile I _’_h Ih III ‘3“3 FOR BOX NUMBERSan extra charge per insertion of 500 Abgust 15; TU 4_5021I decorated TUI 4.5482, 161 Bak- Rollinson. _ azpllIaIf‘I‘aL‘l;I;38 D‘AE‘Ckmf-l' west of Yonge Street on Gam- ll you 81“? lOOklng for Some- ' ‘ hle sideroad. Phone 884-3072. tllingrdillm‘t‘nt you will like tltt-s 313.900 NHA resale. all"; mort- (-Qwï¬ art-litccl deSIgned. well-planned gag“ lovely solid brick 6 room can-6 APPROX. 1 ACRE. Nottauasaga‘large a b°dmnm "0“5" ‘Plus bungalow. largo Hollywood kit.- 1 " . . . Itillv ï¬nished recreatio rooml. l s' . River runs through centre of‘[ flamed on I “we†Iar’le tIIMCIIth‘n. \’E’>tibule entlance. altim- . .. . I H tfclIcr Avenue. JC49MOWIN'G. weed cutting on \‘a- mum: FURNISHED mde suit onejcant lots. Free estimates. 884- westcrmgentleman. cooking facilities.Il533aI 7 Â¥ I_ (i II lfC3 t-lwï¬â€˜TU- 44629 “C6 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour COMING EVENT NOTICE: Sc per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. PAYNE POOLS AV. 5576?. SALESMAN dri lished bread route. area. Phone 244â€"3571. ' t' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . .- - u r r. ‘ ’ V i . ' I or I I I _I Iâ€"_ mpm-n-I Hydro .avaiiablo p“- I I I I inum storms and screens plus per mserIon WAITRESS “,anledI expeneanpgpmsugp‘ mom IkIltIchenI seiiice C Burns PR. 350I8II1CII .5316 Road III miles east of lot. set pell back from quiet many extras Close to Shopping Chum"! advertisements should hem u early in the week Cd‘ $100 per hour" Maple Res‘lpnuloges {elephnno lb' 4- ’ "'~ 7" Hoeklev 884-3157 nco' “.1001 h‘l‘me“ 01"“ malme- and transportation. public and as possible but not later than 10 a.m. on Wednesdayl. taumntI Maple, Live in optionaLI3257. clwo FIRONT dEnd IIlIoaderphfor hrs. OWNER} III “Ina .3“ llIlIglIcr [31;(T‘d homes \vittheau- separate 5cm,an phone CI - QI _‘I' I 1 6. ' I I I asn wee cu lng. one . . espei‘a . a. ’ I .-t1u gar on trees and a“~nsI I V n _. Send ads by mail and enclose payment.Ior telephone 57 2122 iI I I II c \\ IgPQIRITmIENgikgEASSIN;§IIJSF56933 or 225278] “C1! 300 Make mII an MRI 6 mum Here you can enjoy mmpICIe Clolitei. 1U. 4 I758. TU. “ms and you "I" ma†mom. Eiii’iiljsliNEEEted“alEicglimzilild . l i “W52 PAINTINI? &IP7A7PVER 7 DOES-SODDIVC 5pm 19W" gm“ ï¬'fp'aCe‘ I'Cla-‘a‘ion _ ideal for Private «09300 beautifully laid out a ' ‘ - ' "erâ€"er a aâ€"flâ€"l v f ’ 100' ,- 300' It. ‘ust oil Don a v - . ~ I t , Hill Golf & Country Club. Av. RICHMOND HILL house. near HANGING Sod supplied and laid. Roto-IMms\Rd IW†53951 TI MW P‘gï¬â€˜Ã©lï¬ggfdï¬} (1“? 300m "0"“; 4 b°dmomsv 2 ll"- ARTICLES FOR SALE l5-5469. c2w6 Yonge St. $69.00. September 15. R- E Dun“ TU~ 4-2793- ‘tilling. Free estimate. 884â€"l ;; ' ‘ 1 .4 . ‘ t “0 ma rooms. 2 bathrooms. separ- ' l ' ' W _ â€" " ' Phone 6'] Markham c1w6 tfcl2677 tfcï¬ pfly' Bro. or' C “ blmks {mm \Ongc st“ SChOOIS‘al“ dlnlng mnm- l" 0'19 0f “19 . _(g°mmu.ed’ n WdomaNlNG for “"9 real (’Slalel 3 "mi ‘ f" ".1 . .i. .o i -\~'11 it 1. and transportation. Askin". - - FOR SALE m â€" . . . . . BOBS SODDING . t6 ROOM bunsa ml it t a am a best areas of Richmond Hill, I ONE WAY DISC. Massey-Har- salesman.IMr. Shields. TU. 4-I'LUXURY 3 bedroom apt. fsod supplied and laid RotmI I LOAM & TOPSOIL Ied garageI storms and screens 318.900. Call owner TU. 4-1317. Close to big plazaI direct sum BWXTII‘UCR tire. With “5' 5125-00. Gormley 5216- 1 6 i’laos' Dal/Id MCLean Ltd‘ Egiï¬igiugb can TU" $73.3; tilli'ng. Free estimate. 8841511325355 Vpgfvt £01319 a?i‘:nE°I‘;lpaved drive. rec. room. Immacu- __ï¬ If _ Cl‘t'lj‘li‘aa' bus. public and separate tube and Wh991.$25.aller 6 13- I I-I_AM II I ! 7" “'71 (31:51" ,E , _. WY. ,',_ I2677. tfc52 . ‘ ‘ ‘I _|late home. Only 3215.400. Call schools, suit large family of mi TU- 4‘4010- Imelws T77CU. FT. FREEZER. for sale. OPENING for 1 energetic reallFURNISHED apartment {or can TU' 4 2538’ PISILCEZIAV. 5~2951. l AURORA professional man. GENERAL ELTECTRIC stovevTU. 4-1962. c1w6 estate salesman. Apply Mr. rent. $48.00 per month. 207-Ipump installed‘ and se‘r‘vimd ILL4h‘Iï¬Nï¬IW_QODï¬IVG_7,. T. MURPHYv BROKER Four BedmomsI Two Baths phone CI ClouterI TUI 437758 24 in. 8 cu. ft. Frigidaire Re-‘zféUBIC'f‘e’et freezerI'Kelw-m Carlisle AV. 5â€"1176 ‘Datrid Mc- 2022. civtï¬ Frank R RI 2 Aura“ A I s t CI\V61$I,OOII {till down payment to one First class sod. Kentucky. Mer-l “c529tion Blue also ï¬eld sod. Laid 3 BEDROOM house. split level.‘-‘tH~-'\~ mortgage for this tour frigerator. AV. 5-2579; €le (‘1l"6lFURNISHED ROOM. suit one‘PA. 7â€"5272. w. L. NIXON. REALTOR ator. New condition, must sell. Loan Ltd" Realtors' TWOIdump bbdiyesTWoodScomb. TU, 4-4708. (-2w6iIIOUSEKEEPER_wanted.i startiperson. Private home. 285-22f48; ROTOAVATI'N’G“ land delivered Free estimates, semi-detached on trecd ravinclIlï¬fiimnlmgflgh “from; l’aglIlIscIv.I’:-I'i'07 anngeHStreet. Willowdala 7x11. cam and roller heavy {VHIPI‘IQGI‘Elgm-bmboard SeptemIber.I MacKillop school I I ‘I it?) Custom mtovatmgI aeratingchllI Tu, It-2533,__ _I_tfc42Ilot. CalIl afterIS.30 4- SCIISIIIISI “IIIOIV- IeIIced garden I em er of lgronIIIo Real Estate “W h°‘S‘L2_85'57£9: “Hammer, Used only 40 hours new, arga Live in or out- Phone lU-ISMALL HOUSE. Steeics and lawn and garden maintenance. LANDSCAPING and gal‘den.1626' ‘Wl‘dat's 0' “Um? “nicxcouem somjhcnd area close“; 0‘“ I _ TELEVISION. Westinghouse, $439 sacriï¬ce $275 TUI +1560 4:1?15.‘ v If W C4W5IYonge area. 1 or 2 year leaseTom NIashinter. 884-7573 tfc4ljmqintenanm rock gardensI gied weekend; IOr apIleIII 212 schools and ShoppIngI 'TIIIS IS III 7 9.1". "1 Perl“?Ct Condltlont 3190- clw6 WAITRESS wanted. experienc-‘AV. 5-2326, ~ CIlWSsXND A'ND ‘GRAVELI crushedIhedgc-I trimming sodding. tree‘ 9 ar Ave" lcmmnd l ‘(Ilws a ï¬ne family home at a substanâ€" Immmmxxxxm') TU- 4-1629- clw“ close to stone. loam and fill. E Chartty.‘l‘em0\'lng and trimming. AL 7- ‘23‘EEATTYP4lo‘inches'by 9ԠMaple Centre restaurant NO-.l“URNISPtP3D iroom. altial saving. full price only (5 Y ï¬EAVY d'ï¬t'},_eleét;jc‘stoveI 4.‘ foot Steel pOStSI 15 Boat“. 312.7 Highway. west of Keele. AV.‘Y0nge St†private bathronmleichmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. 8831. c4w6 $13.100 6 room brick bungalow.l$12_400_ 2 burner. good condition. $30.00.-inch Steel postSI About ‘ ha†547%3. clleSiEenflomen preferredI phone AVI‘ V I ties “.5 NOT TOO LATE " " lcar-port. paved IdI‘IVe. storms. ; AV. 5-5161. c1w6 clu-s DRESS ALTERATIONS ‘ screens and o'z’r l A mm‘tgagev 3314.500. AURORA. Charming! Peat Carrying for $64.71. “(We “1.112 storey home. situated in a before school starts. Call AV. handy area of town east of 5-4409. TO PLANT CEDARS CENTRAL. Markham Village, 2 First class work. Carolyn Bar- 4' HEdElng cedars 7:50 lstorey 5 room apartment. suit-‘Eenl. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- Loam- 21x2 .Val‘dS dEIIVered $8. new price. Gormley 5216. c1w6‘TUTORj‘equiredâ€"forâ€"iGrE'de‘tt during month of IJIIIIEXLâ€"FEVETA (If-8"m'ch Iarithmetic. steel H beams. in length 10 24 AHEUSL Maple AL 74518. WESTINGIâ€"I‘oUSEâ€rehâ€"igeratorj 7% cubic feet. Good condition. RICHMOND HEIGHTS TU- “179‘ 011V“ feet 800 lineal feet heavv 6 c1“'6table for hairdresser or smalrvale. AV. 5-1591. ticï¬ goikeéies anId Tséogeggtégk. IICa516l5‘295l- T~ MUFPW Bronte-I“? Yonge Street. Neat as a pin CENTRE â€"--â€"râ€"râ€" A-- - "7 - ‘ - l r " i'is 7"â€" . * A" ' - â€" v - ' iâ€"7 I I I I _ I c 7. ~ . _l IOUR BURNER electric stove. inch I beams in various lengtthACCOUNTS receivable and ae- bUSlnCSS‘ Markham 23- *lWG PLANNING A DANCE? I 7' ifleppâ€"e »- â€"77 â€"~~â€" a l ~ _ - a a w I†:hrougrlgut'lrthls pIPTIertiy fead "Flowers For good conditionI heavy wiring about half new price Gormlcflcoums payablev bookkeeper re_ ZWB'E'D’RéoMsmOdem bright ap_ can us for Stem and m-“ lELGIN MILLS LOAM and SODII$6.;)00 FULL IndianolaIIIurICSo I et comfy. \vaII IptanneII Occasions" ‘401’0. TU. CI\V6 (‘1\\'6 quII‘ed. Hours 9 IO 5 5 artment over siore adults‘l CO' lBgaCh' near KeSWICk‘ Fully furâ€". 1V1â€? loom‘ arbe I C1en' 01 ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€"-~ v â€"~ a i - v . ' _‘Reasonable rates, courteous serâ€" To 50“ Loam Cultivated peat mshed white clapboard bunga- heating. one car garage. Owner phones CUCUMBERS for dill pickles \‘eok' Phone 1U' 4 1194 or AV' Yonge & Sheppald‘ $100 month lvice TU 4 7287 tfc36 L p 5' d w 11 R t Ilow six rooms with back pati “'lll COMldCI‘ a reasonable dOWH‘ " z" r. _ :l - -- » .. i , -l 0- -' ~ ‘ . . “Id cabbagesI Phone 285_4405I I a 54.35. c1ii6 ly. HU. 8 2578. tfcaO * oam an y oam e o with balance on one IUI 4 1812 AV. 5 1812 c1w6I 10.000 RALEs“straw.‘200 tons‘ hly 200 mm feed Oats wm immediately. Bayview Variety. rooms. rent $75 monthly. AV. 5-1;;eighigtimaéeï¬Ã©ne walliferwgï¬Ã© seeded Soingfisgi‘I-I SOdS' ‘Sl.9.r‘,',TU' 443:? A 31:6 WI RI CASE REAL ESTATE We Deliver deliver. AV. 5-2236. TU. 4-2I236.; FOR SALE giggogoaymw Avenue NorthchTIEb; 4350 3E?†6 P-"‘- fl'S‘MItcheil. AV. 5-2526. ticisj “C2 LEAVING FOR U.S.A. l 96 Yonge SLIS. .I Toronto & Surrounding ' townâ€"‘54 Maiaâ€"o'unâ€"râ€"mmâ€"om: _- ‘ - a ' r We " â€" ’ ’ " ' ' ' ‘ “HST SE“ °“' ' ' -_.___.._ ._-, - . ~ , , TOOLS eon RENT 1- - AYNE . P. HANSEN and Co. 1 I t Districts POWER SAW' 15 m‘. par and condition AV‘ 5'4228‘ CIWSPO 1‘0}; NEED-em; (.3537. If Floor sanders. saws and drills.Drains sepllc lanks- All l.YPCSICOMPLETE landscaping. sodl'l‘,JSt 935‘ 0f .Y‘mge St‘ in Oak PA. 74288 WA. 1.21630 chains. very good condition. Call w *T‘ .‘0u it“?! spare time to t 3011 f concrete work. Ridges. beautiful three bedroom ‘ WM Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Co. 884-7774. ciw6 D-PIECE solid walnut dinning room suite, in good condition. Only those interested need ap- ply. TU. 4-3673. c1w6 GOOD used furnitiireâ€"IOrgsalei EXPERIENCED ‘ salesiady " for variety store. part time. Wanted USED CARS 1957 ISETTA. goodâ€"cEerition. can earn good my selling W3“ $71V2I5.‘00._'I:U._4:Z3§l- II ~IC1IW6 I kins Products. One full time 1956 OLDSMOBILE. 88. 4 door..district open. Phone 884-7520. TU. 4-4997. c1w6‘ tfc5 SEEF'CONTAINED apai~tm?nt.‘ 68 Spruce St. Richvale. 4 tHand sanders. jig-saws and nailln drivers. A}. 5-1109. treat; 2 BEDROOM duplex. garage. in-t eludes hydro and heating. even-l CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. 285â€"5762 FREE ESTIMATES I I I _I tfc31 HOUSE RAISING ings after 7 pImI AVI 5_1794I Septic tanks. bathrooms. brick 1959 CHEVROLETâ€"Biscayne: $900. AV. 5-4228. c1w5 RENAULT 1959f197000‘miies. MAN wanted withibrass turnin_g tor welding experience by Rich- mond Hill manufacturer. must *1w6. 8 AVAILABLEVAUgustili stone and concrete work. 30 years in this business. Call after 7 pm. PR. 3-5788. tfc2 l ’lawn sprinklers. chain link and AT ALI. HOURS [JoamI Field SOdI CultivatedISO' x 150'. Immediate posses-lmOth‘age‘ ‘ l t { l l ( ted ManureI Special MixediLovely treed and hedged lot.‘Daymenrl E l C Wmmm VNNWNN’VV \NNVBCN laid and delivered. sandy loam and peat loam. crushed stone for driveways. Underground home with huge living room. 2. bathrooms. one car garage. plusl self contained apartment with walkout on large lot 100' x 240'. wooden fences. patio. sidewalks installed. spraying of lawns and shrubs. pruning. If you are going away on holidays. don‘t Price far below market value. At only $11.900 with $2.000 down and balance on one mort-i . . t ’ .2 S I . .,,, .. , . _,,_.7, - v ' I Call Frank's Movers and Stor- mechanically perfect. $550.00. be Eng“? Speakmg and Prefer‘it‘if’a’flf: llogéiï¬gobormsntï¬iietpzt PLUMBING - naarmo leave your garden We Wiltgage “Payable $9“ "‘"nth‘t- The second Instalment of the current .geI 28 Industrial RdI TUI 4_ AVI 5_2155I C1w6 ably married. Phone AV. 5â€"4412.I;7 9488 ge~ PA '7 5046 3' tf 4'I AI MILLS & SON LTDI look after it! AV 5-1286 and EARL v- STEWART , . 2313. ‘ m3 râ€"w râ€" ~' 7 A c1w6;_°r._, ;.: ,_-_ C: James D Stewart 'BA 5-5144. tfc3 Real Estate Broker year s taxes is due mrflIT k1,95? ETHEXIROLIET. $153.00 05 7 BEDROOM kitchen. bathroom. TUI £2201 ; I 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora dine'm mm 3:333: chrgï¬e hate: °§g4_§g‘77 "85’ m 11:36 IBOOKKEEPER lfridge and stove, Furnished or I tfc43 ___â€"___ PA- 7'507‘5 I AUGUST 1 kitchen chairs TU 3-3443 â€"‘ PKR‘TS Part time. l‘equI‘ed to takeiwurglfggg- Private “magâ€; RAiPnâ€"ELMS DECORTI'ING REAL ESTATE a- e 7 cl)â€; d th 1t ' ‘ ‘ barge of set of books. Some A - ' - C W ' ‘ ' ~ o ° “we . l0 .I I HW_. I, W 7 7 v _ .. .Painting. paper-handing. inter- m and 3V0] e ena â€"-â€"r 1934 PaCkard~ 1940 Pom-lac- experlence reqwred. Male OFISELF CONTAINED 1-bedroomior and exterion Ere; estimates. KING CITY Pay p10 p- y p y ELECTRIC‘TRXI’NTLionEI. cost TU. 4-2590. e2w6 female. morning work. lapartment, suit young couple. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. WANTED t6 room bungalow. 3 bedrooms of 3% which mus t be added after $48.00. 59“ $15.00. Boy Scout ONE OWNER 1§33 pontiéc Leslie Motor Products King - ' "_‘_“- a (I II l h d . . . . ~ - a hydro and water included. AVl tfc31 VLA VETERAN re ' h n “‘5 9 “0- “mm St0rm5~ norm, I . . , - - ' , . - . ‘Mâ€"â€"~v~â€" qwres Ouse Eliza me 14 $8 00 Alina; complemly 0V6Fhamed~ _ Fll‘St Cltl' “W5 __‘I_M MASONRY CONTRACTOR with two acres or more approx- :53:th an? swoflllogm'$ll\l;36\' mï¬ï¬ï¬_.ï¬_a reasonable 05913 AV- 5-3059-I FURNISHED bed sitting room Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. imately 10 miles north of Thorn- gage a '0' or '3") 0' est MAual“ SITE“ 1129? $2363. “I _,, .. POSTAL CLERKS heated sunroom. kitchenette, OIstergaard. I48 Yonge St. 5.. hill. Apply Box 26 The Liberal. RICHMOND "ILL R L nett ' q I" a ‘ ' WRECKING 1950 Austin. All parking. 16 Lorne. lst house east Rmhmond Hlll- phone TU- 4‘ ClW6 . . ' y ’ rge load $15.00. Call collect 5533 if 23 â€"r a » a a â€"â€"â€" 2 bedroom bungalow on half 4-2538 1' PR. 3- 922 parts for sale" Also one MC‘ $2850 _ $3900 0f Clarke‘s Drug Store at Yonge- ' ' .. ._- C Acreage Urgently Required acre 1 ' ° ‘ I 0 5 I “C39 I . _ t at. storms. screens and k R h d RIB high chair car seat 5â€"dâ€" Dougall pump and "mum TU‘ 4- Post Oï¬â€˜ice Department l2w5 CARPENTRY WORK' addltlons' we have (‘llen‘ls ready to 118V partly ï¬nished basement $1500 Town er ) 1c mon . i . . I- ,. .. _.WW - . - _ ~ ~. . . €0-03.†tricycle ï¬replace ._.__,. ,_.*1“6. RICHMOND HILL 0 t . LARGE housekeeping room, {enovanqns' garages' leqreatlon top Price for your small farm down. One 20 year mortgage on , . . , I . n ario I . looms, tile floors. No Job too P1 h ‘ 1. x lsnrug and pad AV 5_ 1953 CONSUL sedan, motor I I close to Yontge. suitable older small Free estimates T Price 01‘ acreage- ease D one Mr. balance. .omwwwmmfl 17 ‘ ' ' A1 condition. May be seen attFOI‘ fUll PaI‘UCUlaFS 35 t0 I‘eSl-ipeople, quiet, abstainers. Ref-. '_ ' ’ 'O'Halga-n. Newman & Newman Call Larry Neill. . c1w6 T . s . R. h d , . . I . |AV. 5 3653. “028 R It Th he“ Av 5 1 . râ€"UANTI-TY of Héééyâ€"éalâ€"vanri; (ImyS 13550 531100. 10 010“ dence, qualiï¬cation require-.erences required. TU 4-1777. I â€"â€"â€". SPECIAL ea ors. orn -i . - 166. -I .d siding 8 and 10 foot lengths I‘Ilt‘llllAiI2255‘0g-lgga†Mr- Bumnzlelé ments and application forms. IV I W I _ _ __ “CE Ch t ï¬ M t d . _, .. WSW/6 D0" MCQuarne- PR' 3'33â€; bout half new price. Gormleva 7' ---â€" a a c w 509 POSIGTS on display at the $115 MONTHLY' 5 mom‘ 2' 2 peliceer$g9 DoseI‘ISVIOSICTIYeeIIE: $9? HOUSES WANTED ' [NEILL &0le"iL BROKERS. 216. clwb TAKE OVER SMALL lNational Employment Servicelbedmom apartment Elmdalels rears Guarante Terms if deilDue to an unprecedented VOL‘ 3 Ridges - -~-4 â€"._ PAYMENTS ‘Ct.. call Mr. Hansen. 1-IU. 1-‘. 3 b I ‘ ume of sales We are in immedi- c1w6i .IiEAVY G'AU GE steel roofing. 20 squares or over. $10.00 per 5v .0 3 o O O O O O .; under 10.35 r s u. re. _ . .~ - - a t '. a . mrmley Lu$mber gï¬oneqsaiio AV' 5 53â€; a v ““slsemce C°mm‘SS‘°â€' 25 St Two fully equipped 2 bedroom‘K'NG CITEOWTITID DRILL‘NG Appraisal and "‘O‘lgag-e mm†PETS FOR SALE 0 YOUR OLD CAR AT ‘ ErmkyI ' clws SCARCE MODEL tClair Avenue East, TORONTO‘apatrtments in Richmond Hill; _ - 3 who" Without 9131112800". Call 0 I O -- I . . "â€" ..1960 Chevrolet sedan delivery 7 Ontari Immediate possession. Contact'PumP eqmpment Installed and AV- 5'1176- DaVld MCLQan Ltd- FREE t p re' 7 0 O r . o. _ . , . par e .ian kittens to ODEL 12 WmChESter pum'p â€" like new. $195 down. or Willl MlSS An‘lel‘sons 9'5 P-m- at Elu‘lbeercgd' George Adams’ Box Eugs' Clws good home six weeks and older . "action shot gun 12 gauge. 30" trade 5mg†balance AV' 5.4555l Quote Com-petition 62-T-862 ‘6-9961. tfc48 I139§IszKling City. Phone Kingtf'gis. PROPERTIES-WANï¬ED‘ AVI 53139: cgwé‘ m ' me“ full choke' new $100 ClWGl .‘FOR SEPT. lst. up to date. w' ‘ â€" We are nearly sold out of propâ€" AMER’I’Câ€"Aï¬Tsï¬-ihw " . . U‘ 4.3131,. . . . {TE 1’952‘CHRYSEERAâ€"SedaianB:l .beautiful 2 bedroom apartment. CALL us ‘0? your sand‘ gravel' erties' houses' lots‘ acreage' white small iiirtrtlallligtlelrliltx [Allis . . . NATURAL CEDAR POSTS power steering. power brakeleOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE . ,lal Centre and Bal'VlEW. COUld be ï¬n' top 501.1 and mask loam†farmsl buSiFessesi gas .Stations' Samoyed pups. Innoct’ilated . YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM A WIDE ’ Ill Slzes aVallablei dressed 01‘ automatic. engine completelyllf you would enjoy working 3.599“ any E'Venlng- InQUlre aP'Pmmpt delweryl} Reaswablle Buyers waltmg‘ some WIth caSh‘ 5-1972. tfc28 . SELECTION OF BRAND NE“, . :ndFESSEd‘ trebuiltt recently. Body goodflr 4 hoUl‘S a day calling TEEN-:SETEnI.1‘ ,v. ,. ,ffl‘eraï¬zsi'ne JT-3%T6De erran' A atpfceI2:31:55piggptggggciedniwgerï¬ilg BOARD your doc! or cat at O . : AV. 5-1514 III 5Sacrifice. AV. 5-1724 after 6 larlyI each month on a group of FURNISHED 01: unfurndSthIi â€" Nine‘ salesmen to serve you: Honeypot KennEISI bDuï¬â€˜erin SLI . z _. _._. .._ , __E. _ _C lP-m~ C2W5.SlUd10 Qll‘l C05m9l1€ Cllents on Two rooms and kitchen. suitable CONCRETE ' MASONRY 25 years Real Estate experiEMEI 31/2 miles north of Vaughan 0 OY’S Raleigh bicycle. excell- ‘a route to be established in OF‘Ior two adults. Parking. CaIIICARPENTRY CONTRACTORS HERB SILLS LTD, ‘Road. AL. 7-2301. tfc52 9 : grit condition. 26 inch wheels. 3I al‘IWIml RlChmondI Hill aInd Iaretfrom 10 am. 10 3 P-m. TU. 4- Building, alterations & repairs. Members of Toronto Real Es- pooï¬LEsI smaï¬â€˜blackf‘regm‘. ‘pehid‘ hdyno‘h'l;b d generals“ “slung .tto ’g%l{JeDlIl(g)htG?§lLlIl/E%essl13251 Cl‘Vï¬l Prompt 591‘Vlce- late 30"“ tered from champion. blood . \Nl) (‘HRYSI ER VAI IANT FIAT CARS. : g S, C rome en ers. sa 8‘ (‘ C.. \Vi‘l e -‘ - I WALKER & MITCHELL ATI 8_1143 woodbridge . ‘ .s I k y: . 1 ‘ ' ’ IESI speedometen $4000 TUIl METICSI Dept CWA_89I 840FURNISHED stoIne cottage, oneI AVI 5.2526 ROI 94901 Ilines. Terms can be arranged... ALSO IN STOCK ARE A \VIDE SEIIEchoN 0F ‘ room and batllioom. Hydro . $100.00 up. Phone Gormley O . $2579. Cl\\v6‘ Laï¬eur Ave.. Montreal 32,1hem fridge and grin Adiacem’ ttc8 tfe10‘5339I “(.29 . USED CARS ___.. _. . , ,~ , t . b - A . ; â€" in W v __._A_S7L_ A_ L. EAM IRON $10.; electric fry. “‘11 P†“p ‘0 “013%; Richmond Hill and Bayview. PAINTER & DECORATOR TPUREBRED Registered Beagle . 6 T inn $10.: eleaner~polisher. $15.:l tchen radio $10.: 30“ Mofl‘at tinge. fully automatic. $80.: TV 60.: vringer washer. $10. tearson Ave. Richvale. *1w6 EAUTYRESTfMarshallfSim-lroom. built-in cupboards. presâ€" ons. Serta. Heely and other ring mattresses repaired. re- ned just like new. mediumliexchange on house in Richmond Ziegler. BOX 141. GUBIPh. ates. Morris Harrison. TU- 4: MONEYâ€"aVailgbleAfor good firstiProfessional poodle grooming ' _ rem.II§aIlI¢Itrad ï¬Im. Two-dIaII 891‘“Hill area. Box 27. The Liberal. TOOLS To RENT 2838. “01° and second mortgages. reason-service. PA. 7-6669 tfcl rial.) Begbigigmg‘tiecglremsIISgI “"6 Cement mixers floor sanders CHESTERFIELD suites. and able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and S l i - tie“ and edgers. ramSEl gunS. FOlO- chrome chairs recovered and Le Claire. TU 4-4413. tic-2 _ nM‘LI, tillers. rotovators. also 500 other rebuilt. at a reasonable price. a gRéAPES,da (Iarge selectIlIon of tools. Willowdale Rental &‘No job too small. Free estim-‘ a y ma e rapes in a pop-‘ 'â€"*_ Sales. 6026 Yonge 81.. BA. 1- ates, Murray UpliOlSlt’l‘Y- AV- _ T'Ttâ€"TTâ€"W .. .1" sizesI On sale at prices PERSONAL LARGE box trailei. AV. 5-2153. mlI tfc-iZ 5-4767. tit-51 SAL. AUG. 11 _ Auction salc Eat defy comparison. For bet-‘Do you have a drinking prob-LEN r values come to Draperylaildplem? south ofiIIS. "The Liberal" 821 Yonge Street 37 hardwood $26 monthly buys clean 1955 and Post Oï¬ice. Apply before Meteor. automatic, two Merl-August 16. 1962. 10 the Civil COTTAGE FOR SALE 's‘ I ' Lake Couchiching. 7 miles north DON T READ THIS! of Orillia. Fully \vintcrized,.U"l‘ess you Want l0 93†we floors throughoutI‘ofler opportunity for capable .Three bedrooms. kitchen. living “"mlen ‘0 93m 300d Income during convenient hours. Isure system. 2 piece batll. Large’ I AVION ICOSMETlCS I ‘lot. nice lawns. Would sell or wme Dlsmm manager M155 clwb' Box WANTED used books. general tfcwz course. Grade 9. TU. 4-7952. If so AA can help. 6137 or HU. 9-2769. W. H. Bosâ€" ley and C0. c2w5 l2474. Clwï¬ FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart-I ,ment. equipped kitchen. separ- late entrance. All local services included in rent. Business ad- Iults preferred. Aurora. PA. 7- 5597. tfc5] RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from sired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 room. Wallpapers. drapes. etc. - Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6 CUSTOM.CARPENTRY lsuitable school teacher. TU. 4-:F0r good prices see our show-‘ Kitchens remodelled. bedroom‘ and bathroom vanities. stereo. hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- _UPIIOLSTERY lESTATE FUNDS ate need of more homes for. waiting buyers. Free inspection. ptippies. 15 weeks old. Canadian championship 0 l and American MORTGAGES to purchase 15t and 2nd m91‘tgages- G?“ Mr- black and white from Canada's MCLeanv AV- 3'1176- DaVId Mc’lï¬nest blood lines. Health gtiar~ " Lean Ltd-v Realtors tfg‘jhantced. stud service available. Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced Girls’ Pedal Push of Goodisoti threshing machine. a New Idea corn picker. forage blower. household furniture. WANTED TO RENL ONLY NOW CAN YOU C SAVINGS AND HIGH TRADE-IN VALUE FOR Call TU. 4-7381 or drop into .ASH IN ON TERRIFIC lstock. Don MacLauchlan. PA. 7- O Yonge St. S. and see f5102 or PA. 7-4308. club 0 IPOODEESTtOquuaIity'mi'nature. » a I a I _ - . ers and Slims, 7 to 14 yrs. Ieeles Ave.. in the Ne\\'ton-lw(ï¬jin‘a'mf"T ‘ .’ . c1w6 $90 a u] - .- ~t Free â€"i*** W ’ ' ’di'shes. antiques. etc. at Pren- . air _ I i ,i peison who saw . _ . L , . {"0" ' . 0“ scandlna“a" fun†“re' . WANTED t. r . p trook Plaza. BA.I1-0621. Thurs-‘the lad). fall in grease in Lab BARNI an). condition considcr_ A large selection available. estimates, Reasonable prices. 3 bedroom houseI 2 adults and tlces New Idea Faim. Lot ill. 5 c a“ and Fnday “ll 9 P-m- C4‘V6ilaw's on Max- 30, at approxim. ed. Will tear down and more. Call A\. 5.1951 Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 rest- child Richmond HI.“_Maple ar- Concessions. MarkhamIToiln- . ’OIGTLANBERESmmEcaInera:3ately 5.30 please phone AL. 7-8876. *1w6 Charles Marple Real 55‘3", dence- busmessi AV‘ 5‘534f5'44lea. preferably in country. C1~1.5hâ€;'h0n Flglï¬l'aih‘m‘ 11;.{111'05 Strobonar electronic flash iinithU- 4-5259. <‘l“'5 ENGINE EATHE andiniaicliininrg “M “C31 * "E'C’P 4'1761‘ Ext‘ 330 days’ TU' 4- I? f l‘; arln l Ellie. V ' ’ 35mm. Bell & Howell projector small parts prompt service APARTMENT ln mOdel‘n ll‘l' READINGS l3901 evenings. Mrs. V. K. Bee- w cpertï¬â€˜, 9“ fanï¬s‘ r GII'IS - 2-6 yrs. ind projection screen. Lady's HI." 8-0891. Evenings TU 4; me“ bunding‘ Markham Road“ Mrs‘ Brino' famous Charamer 50†czws bc altTlS~ 'rtl‘ .â€" 5d l ' golf clubs. two woods. ï¬ve irons! 470i} ' ° (ISM; close to Yonge Street. Two reader and advisor on all prob- (919‘ 15" rlm Lt Ir' 1 ' with bag and caddie cart. LargelROOM and K ' he‘lmmm- kllCllt‘n- ll‘lnï¬ mom lems. Readings daily from 9 O lers‘ ‘3 e a p‘m' “ "'m' ‘ o Ze icnic fre ' a v ~ . â€"- â€"â€"-~â€"~‘â€" a â€" 7. w . and tiled bathroom. Stove and‘ . . t 9 . . No a ointment . , Pam? flom. \\.:::;rI ï¬ggsgicgz‘ROOM AND BOARD available WANTED - pianos and used refriggramn Avenue 5_3229I :ergegggr‘. DH?†pricfpwim [his Clarke Prentlcpi “‘Clmnem‘l‘ .- (‘irlg , yrb‘ earing a'id A“ i ‘ ‘ . lln Richvale district for gentle- furniture. Cash prices paid. Call ti 2 - " - St cor & (‘2W5 I ‘ ' _ . . it good condt- .. - 9., ,_ F .. . C flipping. 8890 ionge -~ - . a . o a on. TU. 4-5104. c1w6 ma†:".‘z°'-;3°' , “Ch†Tiilnléeilsloheils 535:1;01 Storiigcei i lwestwmd‘ Rl°“"al°‘ 2854563 FOR SALE SAT AUG 18 Im ortant & 1 z ' ' ‘ ATTRACTIVE I‘OOITI to rent. ‘ - ‘ ' ' PORTABLE TELEVISION C4\\‘6 ailcti'bn‘ sale‘ Of iann general . . . TYPEWRITERS with or without board. AV. 5â€" b] V " W 7 _’ â€"_ - p ' - ' - ADDING MACHIVES 32,0 _.) _ Rent a porta e T . 12 FT PL‘ WOOD car top Electric stove and refrigerator. , r ‘ Sales Service Rentals l" " i'““’ W Lima I Reasonable “gig†or monthly, SEPTIC TAXKS b03l~ beSl Oï¬err AL 7'2543- household furniture antiques women S - reg. up to $10.95) 1. Authorized Dealer 23:38:26“Erkï¬i‘lfl’t‘ EMPLOYMENT Dell-.0... and “WW PUMPED $20-$25 (l\\6 0‘...†0,. [hp east side of Rtt-er . to All popular makes for sale in- 4_5189 a 'p b',.,“.5‘ “7 Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge S. T] I d l d Fact “can 15‘ MAHONE moulded plywood Street. in the \lllaze of Sutton. 7 eluding new and rebuilt stand- ' W . t“ I ‘ ; I 7 TI‘. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 '9'†5 C (tam ‘ “ ‘ ' boat. on Owens trailer com- Property belonging to the ' o O ard portable and electric iiiodâ€" BOARDERS wanted. respeet- pART TIME “lork requiredI “C28 modern service. platen. ,»9.ï¬mghedI "jam- _ox. tale of the Late Mrs. Robina . B , eIIsI. SpeCIaIl rental rates avail- able \VOI‘klng men Pl‘efel‘l‘ed~ Saturdavs. Anvthing considered. C STUVDEV “‘35 Make Oller- TL? 4'1979- Evans' sage a‘tdl p'm' Isharp' ' oys a e to stu ents. Half a block from Yonge Street. I.\\' 14313 A c1w6 ‘ ‘ . i l 185 Richmond St. c1w6 erms cas on ay of sa e. No " LI “I SIMS AVI 56sz 02M; DIR-ESSHIII-(IIIVIG _I and fauna TU. 4-1245 Richmond reserve. the house is sold. Ken t0 I a ' . iv’ â€" 7* ~ - ' ‘ ‘ t ‘ . t ' . i ' ' ' - itchmongsfllislllk" “To. 4-1745 AVAILABLE bed‘Slttmg l‘oom. tions. Mrs. MacDonald TL‘. 4- LOST c & Clarke Plenum “Minnie-$50 . . e “.049 garage. lady teacher preferred. 5057. tchl HERRIDGE ELECTRIC a o or o w Men’s . ___I .. ' 0 ~ vv . r 777., __._â€"_â€"â€" _ r -j A H ’â€" u - IEAUTIFUL ZIG_ZAG SINGER Lig§e-%)5..\20n°e bl" lhmnllml; MAN with late model station \‘.O.\1A.\ S green Lailsea wool TVI Appliances Transportatlon FHI_I IiL-GI 24 _ Audio“ “16. _ amulde truly outstanding “Ib- . .I0- I . I L “0 “ilgOII, ;1\lelill)l9 for deliveries. sweater. between IO\\"11 park and “.anI SaICSI RFpaimI Par“: II , I I I I I of [arm ngkI camp Sheep I. & hel for only 56446 M. take up FURNISHED bedsitting room. PR. 3-5470 evenings. tl’cï¬ Markham Rd.I on I(Ihurch_ ° Romals lVR-‘r‘SPORr‘IXâ€"HQK‘ _ IllaSted threshing machine. farm imple- .: . . ayments of $8.00 per month. “Tmncne' OL'IS‘dC C'llm'lcc' \‘OL’NG MEN. 10119. looking balurda-‘i C‘emng' “'- 4'1'0“ GONNA] Hedi“. deal“: Glam/I {Immgl‘jl Il‘Ia‘YFt'rILE 'I,‘I.9I'III°8 “I: ments. hay. grain. International _.. lind hems, makes buttonholes. ,Pf‘fkmg; Imme‘l‘ale WSW-“1"†for work. Anything considered. CNS mo 0 [a \‘o--dincttde Kortind as . Euler“ 5 5mm T a‘ I ' stake truck. etc. on Lot 16. Con- . nlus hundreds of decorative 19'74‘1‘768‘ 91“"). Can you help us. Call Salvl- A\1[_\'AL'LTA716 Camera. with A - Sari“; r‘adio uni'tsI O leac‘fngï¬ P'm' TI“ 4fL840‘ “Ifâ€; cession 8. Markham Township. If etitches etc. all without at- YOUNG WOMAN wants roo tion Army AV 5-5126. 'Jc51 se. Mondav Auaust 6th. at TRANSPORTATION required Property belonging to the 1; ' ' m . v r (‘3‘ ~' 5 40 Levendale Road l . Ech'ments. Your old machine ac- and board in area between BOOKKEEPERI complete set of Yanzt7e Pagoda Restaurant. I I 1from Maple to OaIiWOOd and Eg- tate of the Late Fred Cote. Sale : ceptedIas down payment. Dealâ€" Langstaï¬â€˜ and \\'illo\\dale. hooks. male. married. age 51. Finder please call (""llNl Ne‘“ Kid‘de Hm' 1â€"th “93' arrlunï¬ 8'39 am" at 1‘30 p'm‘ Sharp.†Tmlmc. m?“ I 0nd 3r. Write Box 22 The Liberal. Phone Av. 5-4017 after 6. full time. 884-7297 after 5 u to market TW. 5-2079. Renard TL’ 4-3211 all hours leaving 4‘30 pm. Zeal-208l all" on do} of solo Mn & “Hm: ' m ’ “MI “WI “MI .1â€; ticâ€"2‘6 p.m. cl\\‘6.Prentice. auctioneers. c3tt'o , WALL, -. A.-- . * USED FURNITURE Terms cash. No reserve. Ken &