Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Aug 1962, p. 5

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Editor Margot Craclt Visiting the Hill for the holi-i day weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wall and daughters San- dra and Candy. The Wall family, former resi- dents of the Hill. now reside in Montreal. * t 4 It Pupils of Midmcr‘s Dance‘ Studio are busy rehearsing for a Hollywood All Stars Revue to be staged at the Roxy Theatre, Uxbridgc. on September 6th. The choreography is being ar- ranged by Eddie Midmer. head instructor at the studio. Authentic native dances of' various countries will be staged,l with Cossack. Charleston and Hawaiian numbers being includ- ed. ‘ Formerly a feature dancer at' the Hippodrome. London. Mr.~ Midmer has studied under such masters as famed Fred Astaire. STEEL LINTELS? I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-2244 THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Postlethwaite of Paliser Crescent last week. were Mr._ and Mrs. Walter E. Lutz of Sar- asota. Florida. it! it i It Richmond Hill W.I. The Richmond Hill Women's Institute are again sponsoring a bus to the Canadian National Exhibition on August 23rd (Mus- ic Day.) Leaving Richmond Hill 9.30 am. returning 8 pm. from the exhibition grounds. Please. call Mrs. F. Davis for reserva-.l tions. TU. 4-1455. i All members are also remind- ed of the Garden Tea and Bake. Sale to be held on August 16th' at the home of Mrs. C. Harding. 93 Mill Street. ***# Mr. Robert Kirkham of Ac-; rington. Lancashire. England.‘ spent a few days last week at the home of his nephew and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank South- wcll. Church St. This is the third successive trip for Mr. Kirkh‘am 81 years young â€" who is enjoying a two months holiday visiting various relatives and friends. 'lK ll! alt ill Been away on vacation? Had holiday visitors? Then why not phone our Social Editor Margot Crack and tell her all about your sum- mer activities? Your friends and neighbours will enjoy reading all about your do- ings. The service is free to readers. Simply phone us at TU. 4-11'05 anytime. It Ill * * Camp Ahshunyoong Boys camps at Ahshunyoong, Lake Simc0e east of Sutton. came to a close on Wednesday last after a successful season. All three camps Were well at- tended. with the junior camps being just slightly over the rated capacity. With the excep- tion of the last three days. the weather was ideal for camping. A fine and enthusiastic staff gave good leadership once again. Many boys from this community were in attendance at each of the camps. Thornhill provided for leadership Mr. Paul Rivers. Richmond Hill supplied Mrs. William Patter- son. Messrs. Ford Battler. Daâ€" vid Sale. Richard Newton- Smith. Stephen Patterson. From Oak Ridges. the Rev. Gordon Winch. Mrs. Mildred Redfern. Messrs. Jerry Redfern, Doug Redfern. Brian McKee. Dave Wardrop, Jack Blye. Alb. Barnsdale. Gary Comfort, and Peter Howard. But the echoes of boys had Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Yonge a; Centre Sts. Richmond Hill a at.” LEAN BONELESS Siewing Beef lb. 45 Sidinétsak W39 LTAN SMOKED comer ROLLS C. NELS GAGE w BAYVlEW PLAZA 0d calm ‘ SAVINGS not died away on the camp grounds until the voice of girls‘ laughter was to be heard. and the girls will be filling the camp to capacity until late in August. [8. 49: TU. 4-769] Mrs. John Postlethwaite IMrs. John of Eaton'sw was the com- mentator for the fashion show held on August 2nd at the Casa Loma for the Kiwanis Ladies Luncheon. ii it It It Mrs. William Henderson. Miss Grace O'Brien and Mrs. Ned Hill. left on Wednesday for Halifax where they will be attending the National Conven- tion of the Catholic Women's League of Canada: * we: a a Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chamney and sons Murray and Phillip of Winnipeg. and Mr. and Mrs.. Marvin Foote of Calgary arc holidaying in the district with .family and friends. 1* 1k >l< ik Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hill' and sons David and Mark. from. Bonn. Germany. are at present holidaying at the home of par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill. Church St. ***>k l Mrs. Fred Hoover. severely injured in a car accident in Virginia at the end of April. is maintaining a steady im- provement. and was flown on Wednesday from the hospital in Fairfax. Virginia. to St. John's Convalescent Home. ii! * * * Prior to leaving with their family on a week's quiet holiday John Addison. M.P., and Mrs.‘ Addison entertained over 500 of their Liberal friends recently at their farm in King. south of Temperanceville. This was Mr. Addison's op- portunity to say “thank you" to[ those who worked for him in his successful campaign for a seat in the Dominion government as representative of York North. * Ill t t . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sander- son. Jean and Paul. have re- turned from a vacation in the U.S.A. Motoring through the states of New York and Pennsylvania, they visited the Allegheny Mountains in Maryland and West Virginia. and then pro- ceeded through the states of Ohio and Kentucky to Mem- phis. Ten-n. There they boarded the M/V Allied Ashland. one of the larger (fi 4000 tow boats operating on the Mississippi waterway and travelled some 1200 miles on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. disembark- ing at New Orleans. Returning by train to Mem- phis, they motored home through Tennessee. Indiana and Michigan. Mrs. John .llaunder and her .small daughter Renie arrived Ion Sunday by air from Camer- ion Falls. Fort William. for a month's holiday with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Lagcrquist. Yonge St. a ’lr xk * Mr. Ben Thomson. proprietor ;o{ Minerva's Beauty Salon, {Yonge St. returned this week‘ from a two week cottage holi- ‘day at Lake Joseph. i Mrs. Thomson and children.‘ .Karen. Kim and Kirk will be returning at the end on Augx lust. I it! ill \tl It! Local Red Cross officials Bill‘ illamilton and Jack Passmore‘ were on the scene at the Maple“ disaster last Saturday evening. Among other things they wcrcl kept busy handing out hot cofâ€"‘ fee and assisting the survivorsl The Red Cross Ontario Divis-f ion from Toronto were also on the scene. a x a a Mrs. Jean Thomson. recreaâ€" tional director for Richmond Hill entertained on Friday last over twenty playground leaders at a barbeque supper at her Yonge St. home. During the evening the sumâ€" mer activities were reviewed‘ and suggestions discussed for. next year‘s program. >l< it! 1! it An unusual and original bay zaar was held last Wednesday; by four young girls. Barbara and Susan Hewitt. Linda Ta-. verner and Pat Crowther at thel home of Mrs. A. C. Hem‘tt. 426. Balkan Road. ‘ Toys were collected. handi- crafts made â€" and with no ar-. ti-cle priced over 5 cents and an attendance of 40 adults and children â€" $6.60 was ra-is-. ed for the new hospital. As an added and welcome at-i traction. coffee and sandwiches prepared by the four girls were served during the afternoon. * ii in It “Good fishing - good swim- ming - and good weather." re- ports Don Ruttan. one of thisl newspaper's carriers. Don has' just returned from a week‘s .vacation at the cottage of his uncle. Mr. Ron Bigelow, at Lake Timiskaming. New Liskeard. For the holiday weekend. Don was joined by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ruttan and sis- ters Wendy and Barbara. The “good fishing” was at its best on Saturday. when uncle. father and son hooked 21 pickerel and. blue pickerel weighing from two to three pounds per fish. BY A. E. PLEWMAN 41 Arnold Ave' En route for a tour of Scot- land. we stoppeduat a small inn in Yorkshire where we saw the original grandfather clock which “stopped never to go again when the old man died". Arriving at the border at Carter Bar, passengers alighted and cameras were the order of the day. Travelling on we pass- ed the stately ruins of Jedburgh and MeLrose Abbey. At Edin- burgh the oastle on the hill dominates the scene. towering over the famous Princess Street with its magnificent monument to Sir Walter Scott (not of Richmond Hill). Visits were made to the castle and to Holy- rood Palace. Her Majesty un. fortunately was not on hand to greet us. but the building was closed to the public in anticipaâ€" tion of her approaching visit. Next point of interest was the bridge over the Firth of Forth. There is a noticeable contrast between the massive cantilever bridge of the rail- way. and the new and as yet incomplete. suspension bridge with its slender lines which is ‘ifll’l 3A8 Jane! fleaf/ler” the mouth of the famous Fin- gal‘s Cave. a freak of nature with its tall columns of basaltic rock. Next call was at the sac- cred island of Iona. where St. Columba arrived from Ireland to bring Christianity to Scot- land. The attraction here was the ruins of the ancient abbey, and the view of the new one. Next day we were at the home of the Duke of Argyle, Inverary Castle. The castle has many reminders of the turbu- lent days of the fighting be- tween the clans. Continuing on around the lochs and down glens we came to one with the interesting name “Rest and Be Thankful”. Purple heather abounded on the hillside and passengers alighted to gather bouquets as souvenirs. Soon we arrived on the bonny banks of Loch Lo- mond. which we crossed in a ferry to our hotel on the far side. In the evening we enjoyed a launch trip to the head of the his accordion and all joined in singing Scotch songs. A won- derful view was obtained by the setting sun on the hillside reflected in the clear water of‘ the home of Mrs. 0. L. Wright. visited Vancouver. loch. The captain had brought ' l _\ NE Pakistan’s Miss Saeeda Nabi Baksh surveys a swimming class for mothers being sponsored by the YWCA in Richmond Hill. She is in Canada on a UNESCO study grant. Mr. and Mrs. James Huntc and sons Stephen and Tommy Libby Blvd. have returncc home following a cottage holi- day in the Wiarton area. >9: * e a: Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger. daughter Janice and guest Lyn Scott of Aurora have returned home following an enjoyable week spent holidaying on Lake Nipissing. The Graingers reside on Yonge St. ilt ik * * Completing a round trip‘ from Pittsburgh. Penn. Mrs. Frank Inrig spent a week at Wright Sit. Since June. Mrs. Inrig has Swift Curâ€" rant Saskatchewan. Winnipeg and left Richmond Hill on Monday for Toronto where she will spend a few days before returning home. It! It! it * Donn of D. Albert Brown Coiffures returned this week from a three week trip to the United States where he visited leading hair stylists gaining vast experience in the latest techniques. In Sharon. Penn. he studied, under Richard Ombres who. owns the ‘Chateau de Beauty’ salons throughout the States. and accompanied him to Pitts- burg where he met and studied with Raymond Dohar, who is affiliated with the salons. During a show in Youngs- town. Ohio. he appeared on a weekly television show, which demonstrates hairstyles and their care. and each week picks out at random a guest from the audience who reappears {the following week. completely transformed from head to toe. Also included in his itinerary was a visit with Richard Om- bres to Columbus where be displayed his own original taâ€" lents in a show. alongside lead- ing U.S.A. and international hair stylists. .munity singsong will wrap up ‘a free concert at the park by Thomson was presented with! \ . Visitor T You Are Invited For Sing-Along At Local Park Sing-along fans have a chance to really sing along next Wednesday night at Richâ€" mond Hill's Town Park. Com-‘ local talent. Featured entertainers at the concert. which starts at seven. will be the Police Boys‘ Band. the Audrey Parker Dancers. Bert Coughlin. a folk singer- guitarist from Newmarket. the Mundinger Accordian Octet and the Chora-leers. The concert is being sponsor-il ed by the Mundinger Music Company. It will be followed by a girls softball game. Leading the singsong will be Dick Edmunds of the Canadian Bureau for the Advancement of1 Music. To Rotary Club Guest speaker at the Rich- mond Hill Rotary Club meet- ing July 30 at the Summit Res- taurant was Mrs. Jean Thom- son, recreational director of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Thomson spoke on some 30 recreational and in- structional activities now going on in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Thomson formerly taught swimming and physical educa- tion in United States and Can- adva. To qualify for the position of recreational director as spe- cified by the provincial Depart- ment of Education. so that Richmond Hill might receive provincial grants for its activi- ties. Mrs. Thomson had to at- tend courses at the University of Toronto. Columbia, Roches- ter and Western Universities. Mrs. Thomson delighted the Richmond Hill Rotarians with some of the work made by the children who participated in the summer playground pro- gram. This program is carried on at the public school play- grounds and is open to all chilâ€" dren who wish to attend. At the end of her talk. Mrs. 'rir'i‘lPriddle. John Houck. Melville. Rec. Head Speaks THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August 9. 1962 xxx) [4; t s s \. t b t s s i t anada oC Active In Church Work Couple Wed July 28' Brown's Corners United Church overflowed with guests and well-wisher- July 28. when Elizabeth Louise Patterson and Norman Murray Brown took their marriage vows. Both have been active in young people's circles through- out he surrounding communi- ties. l‘he bride is a member of the Markham Elementary School staff. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Patterson, But~ tonville. The groom is the son‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Unionville. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington of- ficiated at the double-ring ce-L remony. assisted by Rev. R.’ played the wedding music. and ‘his sister. Marilyn Houck. was soloist. The bride was given in mar-i riage by her father, and en-; tered the church to the strains of The Wedding March from‘ Lohengrin. ~He‘r white faille traditional gown was floor length and fea-' tured a fitted bodice with lily- point sleeves and scalloped bat- teau neckline of appliqued lace embroidered with seed pearls. There were lace appliques on the graceful criinolined skirt which fell from tiny inverted pleats at the waistline. Her embroidered fingertip veil was caught at the crown by white organza flowers. with' crystalette and seed-pearl trim. She carried a cascade of pink sweetheart roses and sterp‘ha-‘ notls. Margaret Patterson was maid of honor for her sister. Brides- and Mrs. Fred Brown. Their short peau de soie gowns were pastel green with fitted white chaxntilly lace over-1 bodices. and bell-shaped skirts; featuring a vertical-Shirred back panel and rosette trim. Matching green veiling fasten~ maids were Patricia Patterson V Two flower girls. Nancy Wal- len and Grace Cuff. wore simi- lar dresses of pale green tafieta with bouffant skirts and sleeve- less white lace overtops. I In their hair were matching bandeaux with rosette trim.I They' carried baskets of daisies with green streamers. ‘ groom's attendant. Ushers were Wayne Patterson Brown. Mrs. Patterson received guests at the Christian Youth Centre.‘ Stouffville. in a gown of mauve nylon sheer with lace bodice and cummerbund. matching net cloche and accessories. She wore. a corsage of mauve centred? .white carnation florets. Mrs. Brown assisted wearing itaupe sheer over yellow floral .crepe with matching accessories. Her flowers were white carnaâ€" tions. George Wallen was the‘ and Gleni Later. the bride and groom left on a boating trip along the Trent Canal system. The bride wore a beige suit with green braid trim, white hat and accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Out-of-town guests from To- ronto. Oshawa. Strathroy, Pe- trolia. Ottawa. California and Alberta, attended. Precision Repairs Pay Off To You We make all repairs With the precision born of long experience. Our jobs never have to be “re-done” later. You save money in the end! COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS "-‘l'. 1.3151 Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low insurance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that one out of two may save important dol- lars. Call today! James Gramger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 STATE iARM MUTUAL AUTO- MOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY. Canadian Nud Omen TORONTO RICHMOND HILL 8: DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For General Information .1. Services Call A. T. Crosier TU. 4-5501 - TU. 4-2142 Unionville 239 - Mrs. G. Purves Richmond Hill Women‘s Services ~ AV. 5-1011 Mrs. D. C. Stephens Transportation - TU. 4-482] Mrs. W. J. Lennox Campaign Unionville 239 Mrs. G. Purves Thornhill Women's Services - AV. 5-1839 Mrs. E. Percival Unionville Women's Services - Mrs. Ewart Stiver Unionville 113 Victoria Square Chairman - George Brand Gormley 5200 Women's Services - Gor. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols fransportation - Gorm. 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberson GENERAL & OBSTE 423 Markham Roa ALLENCOU TU. 4- ]. NIRENBERSKI, M.D., ~L.M.C.C. l PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF A TRICAL PRACTICE AT (1, Richmond Hill RT PLAZA 3622 ed with a peau de soic rosette. formed their headdresses. They carried crescents of yellow and roses from H. J. Mills Ltd; QMrs. Elizabeth A XLaid To Rest In R.|Hill Cemetery Many Richmond Hill residents white Shasta mums. nn Stanford ls . Member of St. Mary's Angli- NOWAP ORTABLE H at)? ttl‘IZIePFfbiltfilrl: vehicular traffic the loch, Twilight is late in: . paid their respects on Friday af-‘can-Church. Mrs. Stanford was‘ v I B R A P H O N E Telephone - The" O t 'Can d “1‘11: pnoigtigfgnmci’gngryt arid "l ternoon last. when a highly a Elli-158111 wlorhfr Um :lgrigg‘ur‘i: I!) - - . . n 0 a“ 9‘" asma "3 ‘3 a 99“?“ resmcted citizen of tiis areaiac 1V1 ms. 10 mg . g R Rwhmond H1" Toronto, Ontario :graic: “gompai‘m :Vilh “5 on'.°'°{f:c\kt :thifigm‘ t d 1‘ .forlalmost half a centtciiry.b l\1'll‘S.ll)I‘allCl)ffSt of the \Vggiengs Agifigl- * * ‘2 _ 2 - _ , A mesa 'e. w 1ere we were: . .' ‘mng we 5 oppe a. .I H I , .. .- _ .El-Zabeth Arm Stanfor , eov- iary ernoon nc . ‘M B Turner 4 131 EMplre 2 3456 ism-“m scou‘h tweeds being WO-‘Ballagh 3“ the swim end Of‘ l-Plaléltfilalgmtfl h 31:11:51} .1310}: ed1 wife of Mr. Harry Stanford Guild. and Evening Guild. alsoW/ “GALANTI” ' ven on a hand operated 109m" the loch' The pollul'arm‘ Of 391;: 13:22}! teArnciiu: Heiahtgiwvas laid to rest in Richmond recently a member ofthe York. - DEPENDABLE ‘A largef water lwheel stiippligd crouch t'ouil'sfwas eéidencetd by Gradu‘ation Dénce held at" the H111 cemetery, Centgal. HOSpltil Suxflgry. Tish 0\‘ ' “ " . . .w c nu 1n T£11313621131? Tyfigedgelabd tgrtdn: digela‘ghllva C( PZSSlIelngueen Elizabeth BUHding' services “I”? congucmdf Rift; ifgarzralclxl‘s. Stanfordg was; 1 5 ‘were displayed we noticed a through Glasgow we came t3? JaCkaline‘ and the. FEM of her Rev' .J‘ F' O.Nell‘ge‘t0§ 0R ,‘ known throughout the dismeu novelty in a m; of four colorslcretna Greer: In bvuone days graduation class enjoyed a four Marys Anglican burg]. Pefi..for her good professional work; AT R which could be worn in fourjthe mecca of runawaey coupleslday holiday at Delawaana 11mg géaé'eri' 31:33.8 figzigfiofiog in this field and in her home- 1 different ways. from England escaping overlfione“. Harbour‘ as ‘°‘ue5ts,o Lewis Howard Atkinson. James surviving members of the? ‘( We were now travelling the border into Scotland to getlthe mmcrs' MI" .and.MlS' Gnse‘ -‘ A hk n family are: her husband. Mr.( ’) B SERVICE through windina roads over married bv the blacksmith lShe is now hOIldaymg at COI' HamIIFO-n' .S‘Iallnroed‘Ds‘ \T’ ltsc' HarrV Stanfordv two daughter5~( e e °. . - -‘ . "lingwood with her parents Mr. LOU “ am‘Wlsht 3“ l- 3 er ‘ .C h ~ . .narrow glens between lO\\€!‘lI‘lg Such marriages are now ban- ,\ _ Cl” B my “350” Mm Stanford passed Mrs. H. A. Carter at erincLy. - .mountains. till we reached the ned. However it is still a lucra- and ‘15,. Pg"? 15;, ,_ Away in St Michael's Hospital. MTS- Cledml Ssmnh 'Géagysk 2/ ‘ ort fOba ~ stmt" ou~c of “bawbe “ . ‘ ' . grandchi ren usanne an ut ( H R lNext(loom-iii;zcetggdlfdtoiiolhe1tllcfresarbeno less tha:S thireglCL-A‘REMONTZ 0” JUL" 25~ the I‘D-rcén-tlol' 00:: 'ml“ Slst' finer a Carter. Margaret MacCulloch I] 73 YONGE ST. SOUTH TU. 4-5342 ' “hundred mile cruise" around “one and only original" black-Village 0f. Claim“ lost its brle l n 'and Helen Smith. one great $2 . . . L 04 Eli beth St N 9 , the Isle of Mull. First stop was smith shops. where mock mar- oldest native rcSIdcnt in “11- Born in Buckinghamshire, grandchild. Edward MacCulâ€" (5 ALL MLSICAL NEEDS - la - - 11- Xonge St- at Tobermory. like its Ontario riages are performed for the la‘jmofpggmm' “ho died at the Ellglflndv Mrs Stanford “'35 the loc'h' f d d d FRIENDI Y SFRVH‘F - - . namesake. situated on the edification of the tourists. be ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- _\lrs. Stan or is pre eccase k e 4 ‘ r l V ‘ H B Rmhmond H1“ Toronto north tip of the land. Then on Just south of Gretna Green * * T * lam Evans" 1’? 1913 Mr‘ and Mrs‘ by one son‘ Who died at the age NEAR THE IHEATRE to the island of Stafla. Here we again crossed the border NEWMARKET : Plans are now Stanford emigrated to Canada. of twelve years. and by three ,5 RICHMOND HILI - the ship anchored while pas- and said farewell to the land being made for Newmarket settling in Richmond Hlll area brothers and two SlSLel‘S.. One 51 A 1 I I I I sengers went ashore in launch- of the heather. and were in the Lions Club Festival which is to after a short period of resxdence sister. Mrs. George Hall. is llv- ,4 in Scarborough. in: in Surrey. England. Lexxgcyxxxgxsqggxxmmwmxmxwm es. A stiff climb brought us to land of the rose. take place next March. ’BUY LOCALLY‘ANDfSAVEV-MONEYl . Y BRUCE M” u "ALWAYS ZGEI; ‘

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