Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1962, p. 5

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The 'l‘homsoJ family. Vaugh- an Road left on Tuesday for a week in Stratford attending the festival‘ Tommy Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, Leisure Lane. accompanied by his grandmother. Mrs. H. B. Rice, left last week to spend the summer months at the Pueblo Hotel, Arizona. Tommy. a student at Our Lady f Fatima Separate School woul be most interested to hear from any of nis friends in the Hill â€" his address is 14= South 6th Avenue. Tucson, Arizona. mmmiwi (W " - I-I HERBERT R. BUTT SIEEI. LINTELS I BEAMS To Custom Snecifications PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 ()tonobee R * 132144 'L6ANED FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Ca" TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC STEEL FABRICATING IN STOCK AT Hurry Bargeni INTERIORS 9018 YONGE S’I‘ RICHVALE. ONT. AVenue 5 - 159] Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Yonge 8.: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 Richmond Hill INSURANCE THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF YOUR CHOICE DEPENDABLE Edi’mr Margot Crack Telephone SERVICE Mr. Olagbaju, a guest in Canada from his homeland Niâ€" geria, has been studying at St. F. rncis Xavier University, No- va Scotia â€" an institution n-o- ted for its contributions to rurâ€"l a1 sociology. After participating in Prince Phillip‘s recent con- ference he has travelled exten- -sively through Canada. Back Irom two weeks motor trip to the south. are Mr. and Mrs. T. E. W. Ward and their son Julian, who returned to their Driscoll Road home on Friday, following a Week at Miami Beach, Florida, and day trips to Fort Lauderdale and the Cypress Gardens. Derek Adnams. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adnams. was runner-up honor student at the Salvation Army Music Camp at Jackson's Point. Mrs. Cicely Thomson return- er‘. on Sunday from an advanced directing course held at Albert College. Belleville. The course. sponsored by the central. western and eastern Ontario drama leagues, was conducted by Dr. Robert Schneideman and attended by twenty representatives from an area including Hamilton, King- ston, Sudbury and Saul-t Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker, 341 Wenlock St.. enjoyed a visit to Sarasota Jungle Gardens during their recent vacation on Florida’s lower west coast. The visitors mingled with flamingos and other rare Wildfowl from e"ery continent roaming freely in these world-famous Gardens. Other points of interest in Jungle Gardens were hundreds of unusually colorful tropical plantings, huge Royal Palms bordering jungle trails, and brilliant macalws and cockatoos which pose with visitors for pictures. Derek-is 14 and a student at Bayview High School, going in- to grade 10 this fall. A recent and delightful luncheon guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redelmeier was Mr. Johnson Olagbaju, who visited Don Head Farms with Mrs. John Phillips of the edi- torial staff of the Ruml Co: operator. His visit to Don Head Farms was arranged so that he might view at first hand one of the livestock breeding establish- ments for which Ontario is well known. Celebrating their silver wed- ding anniversary on Saturday last were Mr. and Mrs. N. F. V. Lenton, Weldrick Road, who held an “At Home” and an evening party at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Greenfield, Yougehurst Road. He was second in an original melody contest, 2nd in a har- mony theory class and honor student for Bible study. There were 170 students attending this camp. During the afternoon and evening celebrations, over sixty guests extended their good wishes, and Mr. and Mrs. Len- ton received many gifts, flow- ers. cards and congratulatory messages. Pouring\te-a and cof- fee during the “At ome" were Mrs. G. Ellis and h , s. J. Crai- Guests from the Hill includ- ed Rev. J. R. F. Moore and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. F. Stap- ley and family. Married twenty five years ago on August 12th in St. James Church, Jersey Channel Isles, Mr. and 311‘s. Lenton “ill! their daughters Norma Green- field and Mary, now aged 16. arrived in Canada ten years ago, and are planning their first trip back next year. Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto 77., During this visit, IIr-ene, now a proud young miss of 3 years, will be flower girl at the Scott- Moore wedding at St. George’s Anglica-n in W-illowd‘ale on August 18th. Rene will be wearing a boufiavnlt, mauve ny- lon dress with matching floral headpiece and socks. She will carry a basket of blending flow- ers to complete her ensemble. Danny Von Besser, 13 years of age, has just returned from St. Jacobs where he spent the last two weeks with his cousin helping on the farm. Enjoying all the farming a-tivities he is looking forward to a return visit next summer. Mrs. E. J. H. Redelmeier Ester! leaves on Sunday for Winnipeg Hotel where she will be attending the Canadian Camp Conference Mr of Girl Guides of Canada. |Phan' Mr.‘ Fenlwick flew to Van- couver on Monday to attend the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cramp- ton and children David and Nicola, accompanied by Mrs. M. A‘ppleton and Eden Anderson, returned on Sunday from War- ren, Where they holiflayed at the home of Mrs. N. Crampton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lagerquist are enjoying a visit from their daughter Mrs. John Maunder of Cameron Falls, Ont, and grand- daughter Irene for two weeks, before Mr. John Maunder drives down on holidays to join his family. Mrs. Redelmeier has been appointed Camp Commissioner for Canada. and will commence her new duties on September lst. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. George Fenwick, Richmond St. on the death of his father, Mr. J. R. Fenwick. who passed away on August 10th in Vancouver. He was in his 90th year. Mr. Clare Lagerquist will be attending in the capacity of Master of Ceremonies, with friend, Miss Ruth Kromney of Montreal. When Mr. John Maunder ar- rives, he and Frida will be visiting local friends for a few days, after which they will leave Renie with her proud grandparents to enjoy a relax- ed camping holiday about the countryside. John, Frida and Renie will return north around September 9th to enjoy a busy fall sea- son. Joh‘u and Frida have been studying oil painting for some time now. Fridia is president and John is secretary of the Nipigon Art Club. Bonnie Sue and Sherri Jack of Richmond Hill ap- pear to be very interested in a set of bagpipes held by Flight Sergeant Jack Dyson, Toronto, pipe major of the RCAF Pipe Band. The two youngsters were at- tending Air Force Day ceremonies at Camp Borden recently when the bagpipes caught their fancy. Sherri won the CNE Baby Contest in 1959. (RCAF photo) Just back from your summer holidays? Your friends and neighbors will enjoy reading the details of your vacation in “The Liberal”. Phone our Social Editor Margot Crack to- day and tell her all about that motor trip or vacation at the lake. It’s simple just phone TU. 4-1105 and ask for Mrs. Crack. The serâ€" vice is free to our readers. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redel-i leidaying in New York this . I- a.“ .1 Future Pipers? His many friends will be please-d to hear that he is mak- ing satisfactory progress, and is expected home later this week. Mr. Norman Lightfoot of Thornhill was guest soloist at the service in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Sun- day last. Mrs. Von Besser, Weldrick‘ Road, spent a week in Kitchen- er where she attended the world wide Mennonite Confer- ence. Field on Sun-day afternoon, it was attended by over 10,000 delegates from various parts of the globe. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Hoover, now a patient at St. John’s Convalescent Home, will be pleased to hear that she is still making excellent pro- gress and is now able to receive “Weather unsettled but scen- ery magnificent” were the com- ments of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Taylor and daughter Barbara, who have recently returned to their Cartier Crescent home following a two week trip tour- ing the Maritim‘es. For the first part of their holiday they were guests of Rev. John Houston and Mrs. Houston at Halib-urton, contin- uin-g to Kirkland Lake where they stayed with Mrs. Steffan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Valentine. On their return trip they spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keffer at Lake Slimcoe. Mr. Hugh Wight of Wight’s Pharmacy, is at present in Newmarket Hospital where he underwent an appendectomy Last week. Councillor A1 White, Mrs. White and daughters Ann and Mary, returned on Saturday from holidaying at Aragaim Lodge, Kasharwalhamak Lake, near Karladar. Mrs. Margaret Burr and daughter Miss Carol Burr, spent a long weekend in Roch- ester, staying at the Sher-atom visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sil Stefian and children. Val and Laurie, Elxm- wood Avenue, reitunned recent- ly from two weeks holiday vis' fling with friends and relatives at their cottages. Attending the production of ‘Trespass’ at the Village Play- house on Friday last were Mr. and Mrs. John Beresford An- derson, Mr. and Mrs. John Postlethwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Neville Cross, Dr. D. Stainer and Mrs. Stainer, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Crack. Barbara Pusztai, from Lon- don, Engla-n‘d, who has been as- sociated with leading beauty salons in England, Montreal, Windsor and Toronto, has now joined the staff of Minerva’s Beauty Salon, Yonge St. ' From this city, the route lay along the northern shore of Lake Huron, past Bruce Mines, Blind River, Espanola to Sudbury, ‘p- where, turning due south on by through Parry Sound and the of Muskoka Region. home to Rich- lt_ mond Hill. concluding a mem- orable holiday trip. The numer- 91} ous provincial parks visited and 71'1 enjoyed, are undoubtedly a 0) credit to any province. Mr. Dennis Moore spent the weekend in Stratford as a house- guest of an old friend, Kate Reid. Miss Reid starred in “The Taming of the Shrew”. On Monday evening he at- tended Vineland Summer The- atre and saw the production “BYe, Bye, Birdie”. Carlton Car' penter of Hollywood starred but co-star. Barbara Findl-ay as Rose Grant stole the show with her singing and acting. Afterwards Dennis was invited to mingle with the stars in a scintillating coffee hour. Rev. James O’Neil, Mrs. 0’- Neil and children, Peter and Mary, are spending the month of August at Lake Windermere, Muskoka. “Two weeks â€" 3,200 miles â€" excellent scenery â€" fine wea- ther - good fishing” â€" were among the experiences that highlighted the two weeks of holiday motoring enjoyed by the Haggart family, Mayor W. J. Haggai-t and Mrs. Haggart, Ar- lene, ,Paul and Janice. Heading north, the family passed through North Bay, T-imragimi to Cochrane where they veered west through spar- sely populated areas â€" such places as Driftwood, Smooth ;Rock Falls, Moonbeam -â€"â€" ‘through Ka-puskasing, on to Nip- igon, Red Rock to Port Arthur and Fort William; Crossing the border at Pigeon River into the United States, a southwesterly route was travers- ed along the short of Lake Sup- erior, in Minnesota, to Duluth. Turning northwest for several hundred miles through almost uninhabited territory, Canada was re-entered at International Falls. Travelling north, such places were passed along the route as Finland, Nestor Falls, Crow Lake, Sioux Narrows, White- fish Bay, Longbow, Vermilion Bay, past Red Lake Road to Lake Wabaskang and Lac Seul, the “end of the trail" north. Turning south again, then head-‘ ing east past Eagle River, Dry- den, English River, Sunshine. Kakabeka Falls. through Port Arthur, Nipigon, then traversing a different return route which skirted the northern shore of ‘Lake Superior, passing Terrace lBay, Jackfish. Angler, on ‘through Lake Superior provin- cial park to Agawa Bay to Sault ‘Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Wheller are seen following their recent wed- ding in Richmond Hill Baptist Church. The bride is the former Joan Farrow daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow of Pleasantville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wheller of Van Nuys, California. â€"â€" Photo by Martin Sheffer Midsummer Weddinh Two young Richmond H-ill‘ models, Denise and Darlene Har- court. modelled backâ€"to-school fashions in the Crystal Ball-‘ room of the King Edward Hotel on Tuesday evening, as part of the entertainment programme for the Teachers‘ Convention being held at the hotel. Residents of the Hill for the past twelve years â€" Rev. Paul Morley, Mrs. Morley, and child- ren, Patricia, Victoria and Cath- erine left on Friday for Bramp- ton, where Rev. Morley recently accepted an appointment as curate of Christ Church in that town. Midmer Dancers Hit Of Uxbridge August 6th was a memorâ€"j able day for the people of Ux-1 bridge and district. This was1 the day that the “Hollywoodl Review ’62” entertained hun-“ dreds in this quiet rural towu a 1 few miles from Richmond Hill.] Such remarks as “you’ll enjoyi it" and “I’ve seen it twice“ were heard as the happy V throngs left the theatre. A two: and one half hour show with. over twenty acts captivated the three audiences. Eddie Midmer, ‘ local dance instructor arranged 3 and directed eleven separate numbers. Emcee Sammy Taft; kept the audience laughing with a repertoire of hxumourous anecdotes betmgn the actsl which included such stars as: the sentimental gentlemen from Atlanta Ga; Bill Berle, king of the Accordian; Jack Miller, magician extraordiâ€" naire; Gordie Emerson, acro- bat, who beli-eve it or not sup-‘ ports his near 200 pounds on one finger in a superb bal- ancing act; Patti Burke, curva- cious, lively and lovely who sang, danced, and played the drums; and the lovely young and talented Rhonda Silver, local recording star, who just >recently entertained with Perry Como. The well received review also featured eleven dance acts from the Midmer dancing aca- demy which included the Mid- merette dancers; a dance solo by Barbara Peirce; the can-can girls depicted in ballet; modern jazz by seven local youngsters; Melanie Dagger with taps on roller skates; choreographer Eddie Midmer and daughter, Linda; Russian Folk dance; the Charleston girls; the Hawaiian hula dancers; the soft shoe with chorus; and a twist num- ber by the whole company. Welcome to new residents, Rev. J. R. F. Moore, Mrs. Moore and children Duane and Janice, who moved into 26 Arnold St. on Tussday. Previously living in Toronto, Rev. Moore, curate at St. Mary’s Anglican Church for the past two years, will be conducting the service this month during Rev. O’Neil’s absence. Roma Wins 7-2, Rough Game At Uxbridge Mr. Allan Hill, former propâ€" rietor of the Richmond Hill Hardware was a visitor in town this week. Allan and his father George are now operating a hardware store in Creemore. Richmond Hill Roma travell-i ed to Uxbridge last Saturday‘ and defeated the home team 7-2. In a game marred by flagrant fouls on the part of Uxbridge,- four of their players were ejec- ted. This is reminiscent of the previous meeting of Uxbridge and Roma when the referee was forced to call the game due to the insulting disregard of the referee's decisions by Uxbridge. It was a no-contest affair as far as soccer skill was concerned, with Richmond Hill opening up a 5-1 lead in the first half, and ‘adding two more in the final stanza. A general freeâ€"forâ€"all broke out at the end of the game, in which the referee and a member of the Roma Club was injured. Uxbridge will forfeit a bond previously posted with the lea- gue and disciplinary action may be taken. IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES HENRY ROBSON All persons having claims: against the estate of James? Henry Robson, late of the Town- ship of Vaughan, in the County of York, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 27th day of May, 1962, are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 10th day of September, 1962, after which date the es- tate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed. Dated this 9th day of July, 1962 Notice To Creditors And Others Frank Edwin Robson and Albert Cecil Robson. Executors, By their solicitors, Tytler & Sproule. 320 Bay St.. Toronto, Ont. c3w7 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Augqgtifi, 1962 5 Deceased A-I QUALITY USED CARS For The Best Deal In Town - See Us PORTABLE TV RENTALS Richmond Hill TV 8. Appliances At 6% Bank Interest LOWEST PRICES IN METRO ’61 OLDS F85 Station Wagon 4 Door gleaming Alaska white with beige custom interior, equipment includes V8 automatic transmission, radio, whitewall tires, tinted glass and seat belts. Carefully driven by one owner. Only $24 Original Viking Blue with matching interior, equipped with V8 automa- tic transmission, power steering, town and country radio, new white- wall tires, low mileage. One-owner beauty. Priced to sell at only 6-cy1inder, automatic transmission and custom radio, attractive 2-tone brown and white finish. Like new in every way. Spotless 2 tone blue finish, spirited Thunderbird motor, automatic trans- mission, power steering, radio and whitewall tires, very scarce model in immaculate condition, for only ADMIRAL ELECTROHOME RCA VICTOR 4-door hardtop, economical 6 cylin- der, standard transmission, custom radio and new Whitewall tires, refin- ished in 2-tone green with matching interior, looks and drives like new. AV 5-3756 Standard transmission, safe econom- ical transportation. ’59 FAIRLANE 500 Convertible ’58 CHEVROLET R. D. LITTLE 8. SON MINCED BEEF 35clb. 3Ibs.95c ’56 FORD Parklane Station Wagon ’56 CHEVROLET Bel-air BRISKET POINT lb. 49: ’54 FORD V8 Sirloin Steak lB. 73c 285-1105 Richmond Hill “Metro’s Oldest Ford Dealer” LEAN CORN BAYVIEW PLAZA eatian .62; AT SAVINGE C. NELS GAGE TELEVISION Above Cars All Carry Our One-Year G and W Warranty FOR A TASTY SNACK Vongralulah'ond With Trade With Trade With Trade 34 Yonge St. S. 219.95 239.95 249.95 TU. 4-7691 $2495 $2095 $1250 TU 4-7456 $950 $895 $150

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