10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 23, 1902 REAL'ESTATE“ WANTED Acreage Urgently Required We have clients ready to pay top price for your small farm or acreage. Please phone Mr. C‘Hagan. Newman & Newman Realtors Thornhill .\V 5-1166. c4\\'6 HOUSES WANTED 'â€" . - . â€"â€" Wailing buyers for Tho l'll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES HELP WANTED TO RENT TO RENT MISCELLANEOI SW! iSI‘El, ‘ 0,01 {51 LOST and Richmond Hm honmriglee . - V "' (Continued) _â€" _‘-_â€"~ “ (COUIIUUCLJ ‘ . inspection and evaluation w'th- - ‘ h ,- e 75c WAITRESS “fame-1dr exper FURNISHED room- 5111? .One ,_ ,‘p,_ PAINTING. paperhanglng Free__________LOST large black and whlte‘ . , . 1 CASH RgTES'dISt :lnselgion 5c 5a.“! Yfiztsrgrwgrsijg Wgentleman. cooking faCllltles. STORE, 54 Yonge St. 5. $175 estimates Colour samples A JOHN‘S washer and appliance cat, reward. Emerald Isle MO- out! Obllgag‘lon' 18 oxpgrlemed ecoln an:i 5su sequen dinxstfin char 8 656 CLERK_TYPIST wanted‘ Rim TU. 4-1629. tics monthly. TU, 4-3714. c4w7‘1Rolllnson. TE. 3-6671 fl ticiSirepdirs. TU 4â€"2615. Remote]. ,tv, 5.4655, cmg $10157?†ailxlglrvcinllsle- AV- ‘"‘° 3â€â€œ ' ° ’6' “7°†’ ' . g '. ' ' ' ' ‘ mond Hill. Box 25, The Liberal. FURNISHED ROOM, suit one HOUSE for rent. 2 bedrooms, MOWING. weed cutting on van SWIMMING POOLS l Realtors l “m Md" FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50c the. person, private home_ 285-2243, Yonge at Markham Rd Tu. cant lots. Free estimates. 884-1â€" 14‘ x 28' reinforced concrete xv D , V --e_...cfl COMING EVENT NOTTCE 5° 9°†W0â€? mil" charge 75° WAITRESS wanted. Apply tfc5 4-2902. clw8 1538. tfc3lâ€" complete with ï¬lter. steps.‘ ' * TE weZEOEcEiIEITilESldWAFTtED ~ - â€"‘â€"â€"râ€"â€"â€"5-7# lash lip and deckin". . “ t 1‘0 Oil 0 propâ€" it s. DEATHS. Town Inn. clw8 2 BEDROOM Apartment. TU. THORNHILL. 2 bedrom bunga- SEPTIC tanks pumped 24 hour. Sp . e ELECTRIC deep well pump. to e t, h I _, CARDS 0F THANKS’ IN MEMORIA I / "‘f‘ 4-4590 and TU. 4-5482. tfc810w, [alâ€" e lot 125. Av_ 5-4145 service. C Burns PR 3-5085 â€" 851°“ 35 31800-00 ii. a 2" casing, AV. 5-2696 r 6‘ Int-mes mt: acrfi‘age' ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. WAITRESS wanted. Apply Pop 5 _ E v 5 f PAYNE POOLS f p ' fal‘mS. businesses, has statmns, Der insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. N., 3 BEDROOM apt., possession iï¬ ClWB _itg‘l A“ 56762 8 [er 0 p'm' ICIWB Buyers “"lmngv some With “35h- . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill. “08.5w, ,5, Can TU. 4429, lAPARTMENThâ€"rflâ€"r, 52 Yonge St S" FRONT End loader for hire.‘ Gawe ENGINE LATHE and machining “the†“"“l 200‘} _down pay- Classlï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the PART TIME Help for variety clw8 2 large roomS. fridge and stove‘ {l'so weed cutting. Phone AV., small parts. Prompt service. {Gem Pï¬ompl emc'em SerVice- week as possible but not later than 10 a.m. on Wednesdays, Store‘ References. TU' 44285, ‘B‘AC‘H'EL’OR $81.13,,an ground $90 monthly. TU.4-3714. c4w7 wrgwï¬ï¬ “‘31 gee: H_U- 3-0391» Evenings TU. 4- ‘zslrfearssa Eigegstgï¬ iig‘gï¬emg' Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or itelephone clw8 floor. private. AV. 5-3512. 3 BEDROOM brick, good loca- PAINL?NGG‘:‘NEAPER imï¬ï¬frvmï¬nv _caws - HERB SILLS lAI'I‘D- . TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invo ce. Wmi; tch tion. $125 per month. Apply 31 . 33 Members of Toronto Real Es- BSZE glues gnome 1.0.4454; Maranm Rd_ TU‘ 4-2951. c1w7 3- 53- Dunn TU 4-2793- WANTED â€" pianos and used tate Board p p ' APARTMENTS REASONABLE â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"‘- tic 'â€"â€"_""-â€"â€"*â€" furniture- C8511 Prices paid Call AT 8-1143 Woodbrid ARTICLES FOR SALE ‘32)â€7 T. Murphy Brokers AV. 5-2951 BAYVIEW MANOR FRANK'S WELL DRILLING? .snTEEOiRAI’Iflgl’; “SSheSTifjveg- Frank's Movers and Storage.‘ ‘ ' no, 9-4901 g9 (Continued, GIRL wanted. Dry cleaning c1w52 451 Elmwood Ave. at Bayview, Pump installed and serviced. 173%,, 3,6,â€? “:1 “r 3’" ciwéfl†44513-13" 75-5101- “c7 tfclO FOR SALE mm Plant 5 day week- AV- 5‘3'413‘123 2 BEDROOM Duplex, including Richmond Hill Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. DRESSHAKIEC' d It " “ 5" " ~ i â€"-â€"â€"â€"“â€"“‘râ€""‘ . . ' ' ’ c hydro and heat. gamalge. AV. 5- "‘ 2 and 3 bedrooms PR. 3â€"5673. tfcso . l A an a era- - o . xéfézt; wall, sleeclï¬vg good condition TU. 4-49917d. CIWBILICENSED mechanic. Apply 1794' clw8 in colored me bath mu; SEE‘ï¬-Ci â€"â€" Mrs. MacDonald. Artlstlc 3"le and Stone Work CONTENTS of house, 5° Pr‘iv' Gabriel’s Texaco Station. TU. ~ _ â€"_ * Balconies A name re - T A _ I . ‘ BURNER gas “"393 Jag}! ateiy. TU. 4-5787. *1w8 4,7601. clw8 ieï¬gog‘guitusnfilhliryfsgv. 52-15300 * Free parking r923,â€- TU' V ntenna MAN with_ late model station Ffâ€. expert r8931“ _‘ 91" Should you Wlsh .patlos’ Kiltg‘télmel'r 800d condlt on-clwg' 3_pIECE Chesterï¬eld suite, one W clw8 : I\anlk In cloigts FREE ESTIMATES g;g0g1,54aÂ¥oal::i:l:infosr delivertlfiss. ï¬l eplacesi chimneys bill“? to your speciï¬cations â€"â€" W “Ck†$35 AV' 5‘1708' Clwg and cutter for meat Plant in RICHVALE, for lease, new work App? 2:,‘iryt13g‘go, can Mr , , ï¬fCHEoâ€"Sâ€"bhi.h 3’1 Just Call TU. 41-5594. Leslie Sargeant 5. - ' "GRADE 10 schoolbooks for Richmond Hill. 285-4816. c1w8 shops 450 0,. 900 sq ft 550 F k, ' ' ROTOVATWG . . * ' “Toms was 9 -l excellent condition. TU. 4-7646. d TU +2792 1 8 I . _ , . .. ran yn Ru, 1.9582, tfcg ' . I, Specmhzed servmc‘ very low clw8 52â€" use ' ' ' c w MAN required for general golf power avalla‘ble- AV- 5'1578~ cusmm mmvatmg» aeratmg- prices TU 4-2902 clw8 EIECTRIC stove Frigidaire GRADE 10 High 5011001 b°°ks- course W0rk~ For information C1W3 lranl climb gatrdenggmaintcnance, WAN '\m1'_drp,a'i?ï¬;dggaï¬er : . r . . _ _ 1 â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"'_ '.-'- om . as in er -7573 ttciil . ' . - - - - double bed. TV and 1948 Dodge Half price. Good condition. TU call AV. 5 0006 c W3 1 BEDROOM apt. with 3 piece â€".-‘ hanging. years of efperience Rlchmond Publlc Schools can 884:7527. clw8 4-2500. €1W8 HELPER for heating contrac- bath, stove and frig. supplied. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed TU 4_2902 clws‘ _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"wâ€"dâ€"â€"â€"E BEATTY Snauow well water tor, with channeur's license. Very close to shopping and, F OR SALE ifâ€? "’3'" “I‘d “11 E CharltY'i--'-â€"'â€"-â€"~ â€" 1 Evici’vduéiï¬ib‘idriis'roï¬irsEZTw Pressure system Good condit- TU- 4-5566- CW “answtatm m “273- m 1° mm H’†T†“mu 3 RELTBLE than†mi.†exper‘ duty hosts. 285-5719. tfc48 “’11- TU- 4'2756- Clws TWO Labourers and one car- 1 BEBRfOOM gpartmint 10:1 amen. TU_ 4.4091? g clwa â€"ï¬R'ESSâ€"§LTERATIONS c lieelferepgiilsr.) Etc. 11:73? 14333138“- 11/ CIRCULATING um ,com- enter for constru-cï¬on. Phone grolm um, 61) em er s , â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"- ‘ APARTIIVIIENT slzdeflfrlg.ï¬lo-ii;1 plgte with motor $930. E“, 5_ E8446†clw8 1962. Apply at 82 Yonge St. S" PARTS for 1954 Olds. Call First class work. Carolyn Bar- CW8 _ _ . . In ex-ce en con 1 on. . 1708 - clw8 _ Richmond Hm c2w8 TU. 4-5361. clw8 gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking Parents of children transferring to Richmond Hill 4285. clw8 - WANTED cashier and a boy for _ vale. AV. 5-1591. use for work Anything considered 1 public Schools are invited to register their child. GIRL’S bicycle 28 inch wheel WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, I.G.A. store, Maple. Apply mJEEDROOM.kitchen.bathroom. $100 Ph "TU 47870 1 8 ~‘pLAmonoâ€"r, A‘DA’ï¬CEoâ€" Can you help us. Call Salvan - d - - . .good condition. new unit. TU‘ person. clw8 mg and stove, pmate entrance . one . - . _cww Ca" Us for stem and hilï¬ â€œon Amy, M, 56126. m5, ren in accor ance With the followmg schedule: .. . good condition, $15. TU. 4-4108. ‘ clw8 ASTRAL frig. for sale. $20.00. Good running condition. 884- 3250. - ‘c1w8 SNOW TIRES and wheels, 750 by 14. Suitcases, lawn bowls, AV. 5-4498 clw8 OIL BURNER, gun type, com- plete controls and tank. TU. 4- 5097. *1w8 ' TWO LOTS Grade 9 Thornhill High School Commercial books. 1953 MONARCH, $75. TonyTs Esso Station. Richmond Hill. *lw8 1955 METEOR 4 door sedan. Mr. Page. 165 Baker Ave., TU. 4-7610. c2w7 1955 METEOR, original, like new, $21. and take over balance of payments. AV. 5-4655. clw8 1957 PONTIAC sedan delivery, good condition, one owner. Make offer. AV. 5-1494. 02w8 Furnished. or unfurnished. AV. 5-4690. c2w8 2 BEDROOM modern bright ap- artment over store, adults. Yonge & Sheppard, $100 month- ly. HU. 8-2578. tfc50 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 APARTMENT, central location, Richmond Hill, stove and frig. Suit business couple. TU. 4-1196 4-7197. clw8 BABY BUTLER chair, tricycle, and large rural mail box, new. TU. 4-7716. clw8- TRAILER. lé ton. wood box and steel frame. No sway. Apply to AL. 7-1309. clw8 BOX TRAILER, 5x7x3, must be sold this week-end. Make offer. AV. 5-1724. clw8 24 VOLUME Encyclopedia Brit- annica, plus matching bookcase, MIDDLE AGED woman would“ like baby sitting and light house work, 75 cents an hour and transportation. TU. 4-4870. ‘ DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates. courteous ser-‘ vice. TU. 4-7287 tfc36 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 Wed BOATS & MOTORS E. W. PAYNE i| i Drains septic tanks. All types: CANOE for sale or exchange‘ of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES for small car-top boat. 99 Spruce Ave., Richvale, AV. 5-2376. 1 EXPERIENCED waitress, day and night shift. Good wages. 884-3683 or call 884-0005. clw8 HOUSEKEEPER for one year old child, while mother works. Live in or out. Thornhill. 285- 5789. ch7 EXPERIENCED Waitress want- ed. Peter’s Restaurant, Thorn- hill, Ont. Telephone 285-0027. *3w7 WAITRESS for counter work, BEVERLEY ACRES - each afternoon Aug. 27-31 CROSBY HEIGHTS - each forenoon Aug. 27-31 MacKILLOP .. . ..- each forenoon August 27-31 McCONAGHY - each forenoon Aug. 27-31 PLEASANTVILLE - each afternoon Aug. 27-31 WALTER SCOTT c1w8‘ - each afternoon Aug. 27-31 “C31 Schools re-open for regular classes on Tuesday, Av, 5-3173, clwg 4 monlthjs 01:17.7 Cost $470, 2sell alsg mgn forl' paYI‘t time;t :ppily *1w3 $957 iLYdlit/IOU'Igg, Biggdeziti- S “Ehâ€"Srï¬ï¬â€™sfï¬b , September 4 at 9:00 AM. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"$300. . 4- 5. c w Da ’5 rive- n, onge . out . A w' -n K? . -‘ 00E 31“ OD» - 1v ' eptic tanks. bathrooms, brick ggf’grggiés $123334? 85:319.; 2 GIRLS. bicycles, fun Size, between 11 a.m. and 6 pm. clw8 agiljgmgé Sépt mlgSLCltg’ug matlc. Privatï¬ TU- 4'2544- C1W3 stone .and concrete work, 30 and G- S- MCINTYRE age, 23 Industrial pd, TU, 4. $10 and $15. One heavy duty WANTED â€" FEMALE HELP monthly. Call TE. 3-5185 after 1956 DODGE COACH. new mo- yea“ “1 this buslness- Call /_ Superintendent 2613. ' tfc3 stove, 4 burner. $35. 285-3516. At Loyal True Blue & Orange 7 p.m. clw8 tor. reasonable. 124 Duncan after 7 Pm PR. 3-5788. tch ROOM and board available for m clw8 Home, Housemother and Seam- mm Road. AV. 5-4286. clw8l ALUMINUM ï¬llllng I;ady.1307ASouth Taylog $1 a bushel. in your own con: REFRIGERATOR, electric stove, Stress- AV' 5'4751' CZW7 ces, close to bus stop. Apply 1955 MERCURY 441°01'- bOdY P00“, wmdowsv awningsv “11' __â€"â€"’â€"â€"â€"-l 5’ ever ey “_es' c.w mauvu~~w»w-tâ€"~~â€"4â€"imm~ talners. 5676 Gormley (at noon almost new, portable sewing FEMALE CLERK required for 8674 Yonge St. at Garden Ave. arid meChaliically in A-1 condi- mgs- CustomeI‘S' satisfaction BUSINESS man, with or With- 01' evenings.) c2w8 machine, Quebec stove with ov- local banking office, previous *1w8 tion. Private $495 or best offer. guaranteed. Ron Woods, 884- out board, central location. TU. GE REFRIGERATOR $60. en and high back. 285-5133. experience preferable, but not AVAILABLE August 15. 8_ TU. 4-5919. 028:5 fl‘ ‘ c4w7 4-1215. clw8 Portable automatic record play_ clw8 necessary. Write Box No.37 The momed house, Yonge Street, at 1959 HILLMAN MINX, radio, PLUMBING - HEATING ROOM 8: BOARD, lady teacher YOU HAVE er. tri lamp. All excellent con- CROSLEY refrigotrator, auto- leeml- 01W8 Armitage. $75.00 monthly. PA. white walls. good condition A- MILLS & SON LTD. preferred. Home away, from dition. TU. 4-1093. clw8 matic defrost, $75. Buffet suit- SERVICE STATION attendant, 7-9488 or PA. 7-5046. tfc4 $§25~ Phone PA. 7-5552 eve- Jam;%04_252t;1vvart home. Garage also available. mm able for dinette, baby stroller, part time, must be mechanically FURNISHED “matting room, mil-gs. clw8 - “C43 Phone TU. 4-7395. 1w7 and tubes, including two snow car seat mm- †“572- Mm“. T°nys E550 SW19", kitchen, parking. 16 Lorne, Ist1960 CHEVROLET combination RALPH ELMS D LARGE attractive room. With ï¬res. Reasonable PR $5256. clw8 319 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. house east of markers Drug car and delivery. Ideal for small Paintin a r h EQORATING or Without board, close to IN YOUR PROPERTY clw8 CONTINENTAL BED, junior “118 Store at Yonge, *2wg business. Easy terms arranged. ior andgéxgerli’gr'é’tlï¬ngi. mtte" Yonge- Free Parking. garden bed, Simmons spring. Bed ches- RELIABLE baby sitter wanted. AV. 5-5411. c1w7 ' es ""3 es~ privileges. AV. 5-3270. clw8 Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. WESTINGHOUSE SELF CONTAINED I-bedroom automatic - N - ' ch - - . ‘ k. light - STATION WAGON FURNISHED ROOM in attrac- WilShel‘ and dryer, 10 months terï¬eld oplece . .ESterï¬zeBld Sept 4 .5 day wee apartment, suit young couple, _______~__§@ ‘ . _ ‘1‘" We†“Wing- TU- 4-5138 Qiireiï¬iliegbocing’twn’ ciwsé {layousriléfeesl amag’ 11313562373??? hydro and water included. Av 196°, Vauxhggvumaiffsgr's 9265 MASONRY CONTRACTOR {gas 931;? mg ffrgnbiyéggf met 5' Clws ‘ ' ' ter 7 pm. ' I clw8 5'1234' “C3 so“ car" “ se or $ Stonework Fireplace. etC- V- 3" ° ' Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the GIRL’S spring or fall coat and down or trade and small month- ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5" Meals Optional- TU- 4-1555 after BIBâ€"_f â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4 . l . . - . I (We: fï¬fgï¬gï¬g 3383,1116“; hat size. 6x $7. Also boy's 3 GOOD WATKINS ROUTE 8,03,12,21; "i‘r’ln‘ï¬ntgfa‘iugfli‘j ly payments. AV. 5-5413. c1w7 Rmhmond Hm, phone Tu 4_ 5 pm tfc8 Followmg Areas. good condition. TU. 4-5919} Piece Wmtel‘ WW we 3. 35- Estebllshed customers N0 ex- mond Hm, with same Can be- 1955 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, 5_§§&______tfc23 Richmond Hm Thornhill Stout-Mlle 2 Both excellent condition- TU- penence necessary. We teach tween 7_8 m Tu 44797, new 6cyl., standard transmission, enâ€" CARPENTRY WORK, additions, Maple Langstatr Oak Ridges c we p A - . . . m U W“ Present men earnmg $235 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"*3 BEDROOM Split level semi sine and body excellent. low renovations. garages, recreation COTTAGES Unionv111e King Richvale ï¬nest quality Small ll; d £363. 3_PIECE sectional Chesterï¬eld hour up average. 884-7520. two washroon’l $110 a month’ mileage, owner gomg abroad, rooms. tile hours No Job too Concord Gormley ‘ a ‘ 'Fireside chain, Coffee table. tfc7 5- i$450_ Private, Tu. 4-3627, *1w3 small. Free estimates. T. Price. large load $15.00. Call collect one year lease, option to buy. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 0 1st & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms TU, 4.253 I _ Douiton ï¬gurines. G.E. polisher. THE PROFIT IS GREAT _ OAKVIEW BEACH, 3 bedroom . 8 or PR 3 5922‘ “€39 Boy’s bicycle. Power mower. THE INVESTMENT Is SMALL 884 2120‘ “WB RED CONVERTIBLE SPECIAL cottage for rent, $35 a week. . LOW Interest 9 N0 Hldden Bonuses NATURAL CEDAR POSTS Hand mower. Walnut chest of WHY NOT INVESTIGATE? $115 MONTHLY- 5 mm, 2 1955 Buick special, small series. Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" Available from August 25th. 0 Loans 0!! Frame. lnsul and Brick Homes All sizes available. dressed or drawers. Stereo record player. WRITE AVON bed‘mom apartment Elmdale Absolutely one of the nicest. 2 Piece $69-00- Nylon frflile 399- Also for sale. Call TU. 4-2505- Court. CaJll Mr. Hansen HU. 1- We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture undress“. Lar e ru . Mirrors. etc. 884- O in Do ast r Ri hivaile, Own m t 11 f 175 nd 5 Years guarant‘e- Terms if (13' - AV. 15-1514 2745. g clw8 Lgneggtfgf, Giilfndveie’w Ecstates. 6137 0" HU- 9'2769 W- H- 305‘ smalfrmodltshvl;elnstgfmgnts. AV. Sire‘l- A‘ smith- UPhOISteryv Phone’ come In or write - ASk for Mr' Clemen' __â€"___â€"_tfcs_ SELLING OUT RABBITS 'Di‘su'mt manager Miss Ziegler, 5'4655- ClW7 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- New Zealand white and fawn Box 141' Guelph Clwg 3 UNFURNISHED rooms’ pri' KING CITY WELL DRILLINGâ€"“##â€" M c mm' Swat Keely and other flemish giant breeding stock ONE REAL ESTATE salesman “‘9 bathr00m» PTiVa‘te 811- .CO- LTD- ESTATE FUNDS ‘0 lg‘rflhffe O O O .pl-ing mam-asses repaired. re_ Rabbit w Hes _ cedars win; wanted experience helpful but trance, reasonable rent. 275 B Pump equipment installed and lst and 2nd mortgages. slid Mr. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" as 21 rm, extra rm. Two-day ser- " .' ’ t ' - clw8 DAY CARE for children. 884- - vice. Emerdowns recovered Om wooden cages, Douglas Flerhel- provided. Call Mr. Carllsle, AV. 4181. clw8 3-6321. tfcl3 MONEY available for good first CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 5-1176, evenings AV. 5-2742. TWO fully equipped 2 bedroom tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. lerv 1‘4 miles “0m 0f N°- 7 CALL US for Your sand. gravel. and second mortgages, reason- r i l i i ! l i i i i i i t i i i i i i i I i i t tfc44 Highway 0“ Jane S't- AV- 5' DAVID g1 CREAN LTD‘ (11:11:33,633? i2: Richmongo Tani D1“; CARE given’ any age' AV' ï¬ll top soil and black loam. able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Free Parking at 220 Vicmria Street - MEN'S golf clubs, ladies' goâ€"Lf 2412' czwg ea 0" c1w7 Miss Anaersï¬nfï¬fél‘ifgm mum/CL 5'27 4' clw8 Prompt delivery. Reasonable Le Claire. TU 4-4413. tfc2 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends clubs, large size picnic freezer, 6-9961. “C43 DAY CARE given, in clean, re- rates. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple. Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association electric floor washer, 33 mm EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY m ilableLhOme forElire'swgm cmld ALpine 18376 m7 N camera with electronic fl h If you are a man with initiative " 1n an‘ence- mwoo area. _ "" unit, Mel-mm. V3 motor ain then we would like to train you near yonge’ mOdem’ attaChed TU- 4‘3293~ CZW7 CONCRETE MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 garage. $100 per month. David Davies Realtor, AV. 5-1396. clw8 FURNISHED, one or two rooms, __,__,__.___ Do you have a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Box 16, “The Liberal†tfcw2 _.' as an agent for our life insur- ance company. No sales exper- ience necessary. Starting in- come up to $500 per month. Write giving age, marital sta- MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE ‘ Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker’s service and day work. adult home, good location, free Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. MEAT rabbits 9 does $3 each. 4 Bred does $5 each. AV.5-2379. clw8 4 YEAR OLD Dachshund free parts with automatic transmis- sion. All in excellent condition. TU. 4-5104. clw8 DRAPES, a large selection of read - - _ _ p .. tfc8 . ' uiaryslrznearfe gripgilénatmpr’iggs 8‘8455g119.h0me Pram “$1318 t° 3"" N°' 36 Eiti‘i‘“6g’,_,‘;,‘?“,,9333?,mi84piï¬â€˜3 “C32 PAINTER & DECORATOR WANTED “T’ SHIRTS glatvglelfz'scgmnrzait‘istgl. Forlbet- AMERICAN eskimo pups, pure mlends. clw8 For good prices seie our shtow- plain colored - . _â€".â€"â€" - â€"_’_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' 5821 Yonge Strietmgoedihangf' ‘svmte' Sman' inteluglentt'd [25° If you would enjoy working 3 3 ROOM a‘Partmem- “105‘! t0 GARDEN Vgï¬ï¬lgiiï¬ergbmmï¬jg: gt, 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house or ap- Steeles Ave. in the Newton- 5.81332†pups. "new a e um or 4 hours a day calling regu- S°h°°15‘ Chumhes and “NEW Riclgale AV '5-1591- “cé “mm by executive and fam' BO 8’ 9 c Jrook Plaza. A. 1.5621. Thurs‘ . larly each month on a group of Plaza. Ideal for teachers or bus- ' ' ily, Thornhill area, immediate y BOARD your dog or cat at Studio Gm cosmetic clients on iness couple. Heat. light, water SEPTIC TANKS possession until Jan_ 1963. wnte I 308's SODDING Girls’ 790 Honeypot Kennels, Dui’ferin St., PUMPED $20-$25 provided. Private phone avail- to Box No. 32 The Liberal. *2w7 - a route to be established in or 3% miles north of Vaughan . able if d ' - 50d supplied and laid- Rom- Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, TYPEWRITERS Road. AL 7_2301_ “C52 around Richmond Hill, and are es‘red' TU' 4 1728; ï¬ning Free estimata 384- modem sewice_ B 9 t ADDING MACHINES POODLES 11 m k . Willing to make light deliveries, 2677_ me C_ STUNDEN oys or Sales Service Rentals tered {gogmachamaï¬os‘ $535,; etc†write STUDIO GIRL COS" BED. Sltting'room' “when and LOAM Topso“, Tu. 4-1245 Richmond Hill Sleeve Authorized Dealer lines: Terms can bep agranged METICS' Dept CWA'BQ’ 840 :3 pieces pathmom' Stove and First class Peft Loam and Cow “C40 FOUND White Baby bOOt. Size “T†8]" ts All popular makes for sale in- $100.00 up. Phone Gormley Lafleur Ave" Montreal 32‘ mt†untable for a teacher‘ Manure. Now is the time to CUSTOM CARPENTRY c1178 . 1r Separate entrance. TU. 4-1455. c1w7 Route will pay up to $5.00 per c3w6‘ . TU. 4-3484. eluding new and rebuilt stand- 5339' 3 _ _ ,s... ,. ' ard portable and electric mod- ï¬czg POODLES, top quality minature asst’d. stripes Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- hour- 5922. tfc42 els. Special rental rates avail- able to students, black and white from Canada's ROOM TO RENT â€" suitable for BAYVIEW SODDING hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- FR ICHMOND IL HOMES‘ 3 S-M-L L. H. SIMS ï¬nest blood lines. Health guar- ï¬gyeéeni‘ï¬enâ€" mat“ hg’EPPFiV' First class sod. Kentucky. Mer- atlas; Morris Harrison TUt-fc :15- bm-T% 22(7):?“ 88 Baker Ave. anteed, stud service available. T n t t. g . cour su lVlSlOn. ion Blue, also ï¬eld sod. Laid 28 - _ - N ALT 6 each Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 Professional poodle grooming ra s____â€"p0r 3 Ion tirgaï¬iilvnaiiall‘éaii‘ T55 énd delivered Free estimétisé CHESTERFIELD suites.d am; 5331;. IgolgglziOs-t REvmogtï¬le ' . PA. 7-66 if 1 - - - e- a - all TU. 4-2538. c hrome chairs recovere an o v , . 2 c 32;]Lghgzinfll’frfgtï¬:pfgqggï¬ 4-5858 after 5:30 pm. c3w7 LANDSCAPING and garden ic-ebuilt, at a reasonable price. Member of Toronto Real Estate BOYS Green African 1 8 a.m. Phone AV. 5-5202. ciws. TOOLS To RENT maintenance, rock gardens. “,0 loggggaysmggmï¬gtfwesg’s‘ 8°“ , Bush Cloth Pants T TRANSPORTATION i t d Cement mm“, fl°°r sanders hedge trimming: Wilding, “99 3 es' 'tt 51â€" i from Richmond Hill P1:;::,_ and edgers, ramset guns, rota-removing and trimming. AL 7- 5'4767' LE. icâ€"‘WW 8 & yrs. ! vine to Bay and Adelaide dis_ tillers, rotovators. also 500 other 8831. c4w6 R .UPErgLrsggï¬ig of any. ' 3 1 ~ - . ’ . . ‘ overing 1‘ IT S ALWAYS BEST to Star-t your advertlsement mm I met armve 8‘45 a‘m' leave 4'30 S23}: soi‘dllliggdale StRenlgiiA1 is: IT’S NOT TOO LATE heifd of furniture. Experienced 0 pr. the name 0f the amide or serwce you have to Offer’ If p'm‘ TU' 4‘1930' am 17115. nge †. 2 To PLANT CEDARS on Scandinavian furniture. Free you have an apartmen? 01' room for rent or Property for ! â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"._ â€".__â€"_â€"' tfc4_‘4’ Hedging cedars 75c. Peatestimates Reasonable prices, & yrs. sale, start your advertisement with the location and city TRANSPORTATION avallable RICHMOND HILL RENTALS Loam, 2% yards delivered $8.03“ any-{1mg Tu 4.4313 resi.‘ in which it is located. leaVIng. Beverley Acres 7.30 a. 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from Rockeries and Stonework. Call‘dence' business, AV 5-5345. I 2. BE CLEAR. Readers respond more quickly and fav- gé-tgivmgҤ9nÂ¥ï¬c°g§§g9830 590 a month C. L- Knappet. TU- 4-3089- “C50; Lfc44 0 121'. “3913’ “he†51"“? °°mplete 0r de‘imte .deta‘ls- .B‘? we 1 mg ‘ °' ’ ° ‘2 ,7 A large selection available. ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD: READINGS ; . S k , to Mtge; 2335,13,53;,.li'hgfgigrï¬ggseble - it Is the ,TMSPORTAT 0,, C “d Can AV- 5-1951 co. LTD- emu. famous character Kept m 1300 Boys Brown Suede Oxfords, consum ' 1 3 ~ _ l I i wante Charles Marple Real Estate - - p t‘ ' ' - 1 _ - 3. MAKE IT EASY for the reader-prospect to reach you. I Buttonville or Don Mills and tfc37 Eggsmé'ai’gamigï¬twgfgg Rec: {Sign ï¬ggdfgjslsogagg aflrolgwg Portable Crane crepe S019, Slze t0 2 Insert telephone number and your name and address. If i No. 7 to Northtown Shopping PORTABLE TELEVISION ted ’Manury S eéial Mixed m ‘to 9 I; No appointment . you do not have regular hours give a preferred time to Plaza arrivinu 8.15 a.m. re- . e' p . a' ' p‘ ‘ . ,. . SerVICe have prospects contact you i tur “'1 430 ° Ph ' V ‘ Rent a portable TV Loam, Field Sod. Cultll’atednecessary. Half price \Vlih this . â€" . n g ‘ p‘m' one: e".en't‘Re.*asonable weekly or monthly Seeded Sod, Nursery SOOS- lclipping. 8890 Yonge St.. cor. 4. THE GREATEST READER ATTENTION can be se- I lugs, Mrs. Maw. Unionvllle, rates Av 51514 westwood Richvale 285_1563 . , cured for your advertisemendt by ilsing consecutive inser- i1295-J-3. clw8 Delivery and'pick_Up i ï¬cz ’ ' opt-6' Glrls BlaCk Leather Strap oes’ tions. You can stop your a in tie event 0 results, and . . A 7 . then you pay only for the days It is published at the rate 3 lggh‘i’fï¬gsm“ TV' 313°§§3f7§é P. HANSEN and Co. ,â€" ' FABRIC-“l PING Slzes 81/2 to 3 earned. i i ' ' tfc28 COMPLETE landscaping. sod' HERRIIJGE ELECTRIC 5. PLACE YOURSELF in the reader‘s position and ask 3 , ‘laid and delivered. sandy loam . I T" Appl‘anch T0 Custom 3 yourself what you would like to know (about your offer). i I RICHMOI‘D HILL land peat loam, crushed stone Wiring, Sales, Repairs, Parts,’ S t. 0 The answer you give will make a good classiï¬ed Want Ad. “ 2 and 3 bédmoms for driveways. Underground Rentals ; DEC]- ca lOIlS , 6. WANT ADS THAT FAIL to bring satisfaction do so, â€" : C010â€? “19 ham lavn sprinklers. chain link and General Electric dealer, Graetz, A ' not through any lack of readership, but because they are LAKE MUSKOKA. one year old 3310011195 .. wooden fencesypatlo. Sidewalks lOwe-Opta, Nordmende, Kortingi - i often carelessly worded and do not contain enough infor- I summer cottage. 4 bedrooms: garlige frtlee ptgrmg Installed, Spra-ymg of lawns and stereo radio units. ‘7 :1 l matlltOIEAcSTeRESUILITSaCUOEHONE LIBERAL WANT ADS ! df‘irkTSS‘ST haggl'ansg‘g‘ag Nee“ 39:33:?“ Zigggs'a‘faTnz’gg-hOlgagsudoaï¬â€˜ 40RTeli'endjlleHI'tlIJad 2 OtOHObee i 12 Y S S R h d H 11 F0 â€" t - A A - ‘ Low down payment. TL‘. 4-1070 Apply 192 Bayview Ave. Apt. leave your garden. We will “3 m0†‘ ' .â€" -, f 0n ic mon i l TU- 4-1105'3 AV-5'3316 or Mr. Foster. Days CH. 1-2651. 1 or call Mr. Franklyn RC. 1- look after itl AV 5-1286 and TU 4-3211 all hours 1 BA“ 1 3344 ge t‘ ' I W7 9582- “CB BA 5-5144- “c3 “0-2 W I a . l